Ksa1 Lessonplan
Ksa1 Lessonplan
Ksa1 Lessonplan
Learning objectives:
1. Students will respond in writing to a pre-made opinionnaire on
2. Students will share and orally defend their reasoning together as
a class
Learning resources consulted:
50 Instructional Strategies to Develop Content Literacy by Douglas
Fisher et al.
List of Values (website): http://www.stevepavlina.com/articles/list-ofvalues.htm
Alberta Program of Studies
Materials and equipment:
Introduction (7 minutes)
Closure (3 minutes)
Consolidation of learning:
Name: _____________________________
Read each sentence below and mark whether you agree (A) or
disagree (D).
Make sure to include at least one reason for each of your opinions.
There are no right or wrong answers!
___ It is important to celebrate peoples unique backgrounds and
Your reason:
___ It is better to live in a wealthy city where there are more job
Your reason:
Your reason:
2. Stolen Values
Subject: ELA
Grade: 5
Date: October 22, 2014
Lesson length: 30 minutes
General Learning Outcome: (ELA 5.2) Students will listen, speak,
read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally
and critically to oral, print, and other media.
Specific Learning Outcomes: Students will experience oral, print, and other media texts
from a variety of cultural traditions and genres, such as historical
fiction, myths, biographies, poetry, news reports and guest speakers Students will express points of view about oral, print, and
other media texts.
5.S.1.3: (ICT) Students will re-evaluate personal opinions to broaden
understanding of a topic or an issue.
Learning objectives:
1. Students will listen to and view a work of historical fiction (Shi-shietko)
2. Students will discuss their thoughts and feelings in relation to the
3. Students will compose a short letter to a the Prime Minister
related to the values observed in the story of Shi-shi-etko
Learning resources consulted:
Introduction (5 minutes)
Attention grabber/assessment of prior knowledge: Ask students
whether anyone has heard of residential schools, or what are they
able to share about them?
Transition to body: In simple, gentle terms, explain the concept of the
residential school system to students. Key concepts to include would
Ask students whether they have questions about the residential school
system. Instruct them that we will now read a story about a girl named
Shi-shi-etko, who is preparing to leave to a residential school.
Body: (15 minutes)
Learning activity: Reading aloud/discussion
Read through the book Shi-shi-etko; display images from the text
When finished, initiate a class discussion based on the text and the
concept of yesterdays lesson on values
o Use stress-ball as a talking-tool to keep extra chatter down
Questions can include:
o How did this book make you feel?
o Do you think it was right that Shi-shi-etko had to go and
live at a residential school?
o (Devils advocate: but wasnt she going to get a good
will need to spend more time going over the concept of values before
the next learning activity.
Feedback to students: During this lesson, I will provide positive
feedback to students during the class discussion and guide students in
their thinking through constructive questioning. I will also float around
the classroom as they complete their Letters/Exit-Slips to see if there
are any areas requiring clarification.
Transition to next lesson: Tell students that next lesson they get to look
forward to creating their own memory [bags] posters!
Name: Miss Ewen
October 25, 2014
Name: __________________________
3. Shared Values
Subject: ELA
Grade: 5
Date: October 22, 2014
Lesson length: 20 minutes
General learning outcome: (ELA 5.2) Students will listen, speak, read,
write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and
critically to oral, print and other media texts.
Specific learning outcome:
Learning objectives:
1. Students will discuss the notion of homesickness
2. Students will create a Venn diagram to compare aspects of
homesickness for themselves and for the character Shi-shi-etko
Learning resources consulted:
Shi-shi-etko by Nicola Campbell
Alberta Program of Studies
Materials required:
Introduction: (2 minutes)
Hook/assessment of prior knowledge: Ask students (hands up) who has
ever gone on a vacation or trip. Ask students if any of them have gone
on a vacation/trip for longer than a week; what about a month? Ask
whether they have felt what it is like to experience homesickness.
Transition to body: Split the class into 5 groups (~4 students per group)
and divide the sheets of paper and markers between them.
Body: (15 minutes)
Learning activity: Brainstorming + Venn diagrams
Poster paper
Pencils, pens, markers
Magazines with pictures
(ELA 5.1) Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent
to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
(ELA 5.2) Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent
to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print,
and other media.
You are about to leave your home and family to go study abroad for
several months. While you are gone, it is important for you to be able
to remember the place you come from, and the things you value from
home. To help with this, your job is to identify 5 personal values, and
to construct your own Memory Poster to reflect the values you
You must relate 2 of your values to those of character Shi-shietko.
You must include (at least) the following images and information on
your Memory Poster:
5 small items (that could fit in a bag) you can draw, or cut out a
For 2 items, you must relate your values to the values of Shi-shietko
You must explain how you know that Shi-shi-etko shares this value
with you
To receive a full grade for this assignment, you must include evidence
of self and peer assessment. The Evaluation Checklist on the following
page is designed to give you an idea of whether you have
demonstrated enough evidence of learning as you complete the task.
I included 5 items
I related my items to values
I related 2 values to those of Shi-shi-etko
I explain why each value is important to me
I support my conclusions with evidence from
the book
For this project, I need to work on