The document discusses how play facilitates learning across different developmental domains for young children. Through play with art materials, children learn colors, shapes, creativity and expression. Play with toys like blocks and cars supports learning of concepts in math like shapes, patterns, and problem solving. Dramatic play, such as dress-up, helps children develop social skills like cooperation, flexibility, and abstract thinking. Group activities aid language development and social-emotional skills. Overall, the document emphasizes that play is essential for well-rounded learning in young kids.
The document discusses how play facilitates learning across different developmental domains for young children. Through play with art materials, children learn colors, shapes, creativity and expression. Play with toys like blocks and cars supports learning of concepts in math like shapes, patterns, and problem solving. Dramatic play, such as dress-up, helps children develop social skills like cooperation, flexibility, and abstract thinking. Group activities aid language development and social-emotional skills. Overall, the document emphasizes that play is essential for well-rounded learning in young kids.
The document discusses how play facilitates learning across different developmental domains for young children. Through play with art materials, children learn colors, shapes, creativity and expression. Play with toys like blocks and cars supports learning of concepts in math like shapes, patterns, and problem solving. Dramatic play, such as dress-up, helps children develop social skills like cooperation, flexibility, and abstract thinking. Group activities aid language development and social-emotional skills. Overall, the document emphasizes that play is essential for well-rounded learning in young kids.
The document discusses how play facilitates learning across different developmental domains for young children. Through play with art materials, children learn colors, shapes, creativity and expression. Play with toys like blocks and cars supports learning of concepts in math like shapes, patterns, and problem solving. Dramatic play, such as dress-up, helps children develop social skills like cooperation, flexibility, and abstract thinking. Group activities aid language development and social-emotional skills. Overall, the document emphasizes that play is essential for well-rounded learning in young kids.
To develop my imagination and creativity. Hand eye coordination, helpful for leaning to write. The names of colours and how to make new colours. To distinguish shapes, and purposely create shapes. To notice patterns from background, necessary for learning to read. To express my feelings and ideas. That my ideas have value. Relationships of space, size, necessary for mathematics. Concepts of symmetry, balance and design. When I play with playdough, I am learning To see the shape against the background of the table, a reading skill. Concepts of shapes, relative sizes, big, small, length, height, etc. To see negative space when cookie cutter shape are taken away. To express feelings, squeezing and ponding. To express my imagination and creativity. That the amount of substance remains the same, even when the shape changes. When I play with water, I am learning That some things sink and some things float. To observe changes as water take different form in different containers. About different temperatures. About wet, dry, and evaporation. What happens when you add soap. Eye hand coordination as I learn to pour. Concepts of empty and full, volume and weight, relevant to mathematics. When I sort things, I am learning To notice details and similarities and differences in objects. To form categories, essential concepts for reading and mathematics. Concepts of colour, size and shape. Numerical concepts or more and less. Logical reasoning.
When I play on the climbing equipment, I am learning
Self-confidence as I develop new skills. Physical strength, coordination and balance. To use my imagination. To cooperate with others when involved in some dramatic play. To solve problems. When I play with blocks, cars and trucks, I am learning Concepts of shape, size, length and location, all relative to learning to reason and so mathematics. To create and repeat patterns, a math skill. To exercise my imagination. To express my ideas. To cooperate with others. To solve problems. About the properties of wood. To see myself from a different perspective, that of a giant. When I play in the dress up corner, I am learning To be flexible in my thinking. To express myself in sentences. To try on different adult roles. To solve problems, especially socially, through negotiation with friends. To sort and organise play things. To make decisions. To improvise and use things in a symbolic way to represent something else. A form of abstract thinking. To carry out my ideas, with the cooperation of others. To exercise my imagination and creativity. When I participate in group time activities, I am leaning To listen, sit still and understand the spoken language. To add my ideas to the discussion. My ideas have value. To wait when others are talking. To remember the words of songs and poems. The names of others in the group. To cooperate and be considerate of the needs of others.