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Flexor Tendon Injuries. Hand Clinics. 2005

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Preface xi
Daniel P. Mass and Craig S. Phillips

History of Flexor Tendon Repair 123

Paul R. Manske
The first issue of Hand Clinics published 20 years ago was devoted to flexor tendon in-
juries. This was most appropriate, because no subject in hand surgery has sparked more
interest or discussion. That inaugural issue included excellent presentations on the basic
science of tendon injuries (anatomy, biomechanics, nutrition, healing, adhesions) and the
clinical practice of tendon repair. Of interest, there was no presentation on the fascinating
history of flexor tendon surgery. It is most appropriate, therefore, that this current
update of the flexor tendon begins with a historical review of the evolution of flexor
tendon repair.

Biomechanics of the Flexor Tendons 129

Howard J. Goodman and Jack Choueka
This article examines basic tendon biomechanics, the anatomy and mechanics of digital
flexor tendons, and the digital flexor pulley system. It also explores the various models
that have tried to simulate the motion of the flexor tendons and several testing modal-
ities that have been used. Finally, clinical applications are considered, including the
biomechanics of flexor tendon repairs and tendon transfers. As we reach limits in the
care of flexor tendon injuries, research into molecular, biochemical, and micromechanical
methods of tendon repair will become the forefront of future investigation.

Flexor Tendons: Anatomy and Surgical Approaches 151

Christopher H. Allan
The extrinsic flexor tendons of the hand represent the terminal functional units of the
forearm motors to the digits, and are named based on the location of those forearm mus-
cles. The flexor digitorum profundus (FDP; profound ¼ deep) tendons arise from the
deeper layer of flexor muscles, while the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) tendons
are the continuation of the more superficial muscle layer. The flexor pollicis longus
(FPL) also arises from the deeper muscle layer, and is the only thumb flexor with a
tendon occupying a sheath. Flexor tendons are enclosed in synovial sheaths which
lubricate them and minimize friction as they pass beneath the transverse carpal ligament
and within the digits. These synovial sheaths demarcate different zones along the course
of the tendons.


Flexor Tendon Biology 159
Martin I. Boyer
Significant advances in the understanding of intrasynovial flexor tendon repair and
rehabilitation have been made since the early 1970s. The concept of adhesion-free,
or primary tendon healing – that tendons could heal intrinsically without the in-
growth of fibrous adhesions from the surrounding sheath has been validated both
experimentally and clinically in studies over the past 25 years. Recent attempts to under-
stand and improve the results of intrasynovial flexor tendon repair have focused upon
restoration of the gliding surface, augmentation of early post-operative repair site
biomechanical strength and on the elucidation of the molecular biology of early post-
operative tendon healing. The goals of the surgical treatment of patients with intrasyno-
vial flexor tendon lacerations remain unchanged: to achieve a primary tendon repair of
sufficient tensile strength to allow application of a post-operative mobilization rehabili-
tation protocol. This program should inhibit the formation of intrasynovial adhesions
and restore the gliding surface, while facilitating the healing of the repair site.

Zone I Flexor Tendon Injuries 167

Brian A. Murphy and Daniel P. Mass
Zone I flexor tendon injuries entail injuries to the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP)
tendon. These injuries occur distal to the superficialis insertion over the middle phalanx
or proximal distal phalanx, and as such are isolated injuries to the FDP. The mechanism
most commonly is closed avulsion from the distal phalanx or a laceration, but other
mechanisms such as open avulsion or crush injury can occur. On physical examination,
the cascade of the fingers will be disrupted, and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint flexion
must be isolated to determine if the FDP tendon is continuous, as other mechanisms are
present to enable finger flexion at the other joints.

Acute Flexor Tendon Repairs in Zone II 173

Robert W. Coats, II, Julio C. Echevarrı́a-Oré, and Daniel P. Mass
Flexor tendon repair in zone II is still a technically demanding procedure, but the out-
comes have become more predictable and satisfying. Of keystone importance for obtain-
ing the goals of strength and gliding are a surgically atraumatic technique, adequate
suture material, a competent of the pulley system, and the utilization of early motion
rehabilitation protocols. The overall goal of hand and finger function also implies timely
addressing of neurovascular injuries. New devices have shown adequate strength in the
lab, but are bulky and untested for work of flexion. Insufficient clinical data and high
cost may prevent widespread use.

Treatment of Acute Flexor Tendon Injury: Zones III–V 181

George S. Athwal and Scott W. Wolfe
Flexor tendon injuries in zones III–V rarely occur in isolation and may involve the wrist
flexors, radial and ulnar arteries, and median and ulnar nerves. The treating surgeon
must examine fully the injured extremity to determine the extent of injury. Primary
repair of injured tendons and neurovascular structures is recommended by way of a
systematic approach.

Complex Injuries Including Flexor Tendon Disruption 187

Jon D. Hernandez and Peter J. Stern
The treatment of tendon injury in combined complex injuries to the hand will be dictated
by the presence of concomitant injuries. Early range of motion is desirable. To achieve
this, fractures must be stabilized and the soft tissue envelope and vascular integrity
maintained or reconstituted. In those instances where these conditions cannot be met,

the surgeon and patient should be prepared for secondary surgeries including recon-
struction and/or tenolyis. Although nerve integrity is not necessary for early functional
success following tenorrhaphy, nerve injuries should be repaired or grafted primarily as
the injury permits. In cases where vascular compromise is encountered, the options of
revascularization versus primary amputation should be discussed with the patient. With
an understanding of the treatment principles the complications associated with complex
tendon injuries can be minimized. It is important to stress that optimal functional
outcome is multifactorial and includes a physician-therapist team-oriented approach.

Clinical Outcomes Associated with Flexor Tendon Repair 199

Jin Bo Tang
Review of the outcomes of clinical flexor tendon repairs reported over the 15 years
showed advances in the outcomes with excellent or good functional return in more
than three-fourth of primary tendon repairs following a variety of postoperative
passive/active mobilization treatment. Strickland and Glogovac criteria are the most
commonly adopted method to assess function. Repair ruptures, adhesion formations,
and stiffness of finger joints remain frustrating problems in flexor tendon repairs and
rehabilitation. Four approaches are suggested to improve outcomes of the repairs and
to solve these difficult problems, which include stronger surgical repairs, appropriate
pulleys or sheath management, optimization of rehabilitation regimens, and modern
biological approaches.

Flexor Tenolysis 211

Kodi K. Azari and Roy A. Meals
Flexor tenolysis is a challenging procedure with valuable clinical usefulness in the resti-
tution and enhancement of digital function in the appropriate patient. In the absence of
complications, improvement in digital flexion can be expected. The requisites for success
are a skilled surgeon, a motivated and well-informed patient, and a carefully executed
hand therapy program.

Delayed Treatment of Flexor Tendon Injuries Including Grafting 219

James W. Strickland
This article reviews the history, indications, and current techniques for the late treatment
of flexor tendon injuries. Conventional free tendon grafting, flexor tenolysis, and staged
flexor tendon reconstruction are discussed with ample illustrations and clinical photo-
graphs of surgical procedures. Controversial issues are presented and the article is
referenced extensively.

Flexor Tendon Pulley Reconstruction 245

Vishal Mehta and Craig S. Phillips
Reconstruction of the flexor tendon pulley system remains a challenging technical and
intellectual exercise. Many different techniques have been developed and modified to
increase the efficiency of the reconstructed pulley system. This article provides an over-
view of the anatomy and function of the pulley system and a concise review of popular
reconstructive options. Familiarity with the nuances of each of these techniques allows
the treating surgeon to choose the optimal procedure for each clinical situation.

Pediatric Flexor Tendon Injuries 253

Timothy G. Havenhill and Roderick Birnie
Flexor tendon injuries in children differ from adults in their diagnosis and postoperative
rehabilitation principles. The child may be uncooperative, so indirect methods of tendon
integrity must be used for diagnosis. Radiographs may be useful for associated fracture

or retained foreign bodies. A high index of suspicion necessitates surgical exploration.
While surgical approach and repair techniques are identical to those in adults, postoper-
ative immobilization for 3-4 weeks is utilized instead of an early motion protocol. De-
layed diagnosis is more common in the pediatric population, and recognition and
management of postoperative complications can be difficult since the child may be un-
able to cooperate or comply with the treatment.

Rehabilitation after Flexor Tendon Repair, Reconstruction, and Tenolysis 257

Kathy Vucekovich, Gloria Gallardo, and Kerry Fiala
Much attention and study of the reparation and rehabilitation of flexor tendon injuries
has been in place over the past several decades. This article is a literature review of
the advancement of flexor tendon repair rehabilitation, specifically the immobilization,
controlled motion, and early active motion programs. Rehabilitation programs after
staged reconstruction and tenolysis are reviewed. The purpose of this article is to better
enable the rehabilitation specialist to make clinically sound decisions in the progression
and treatment of each patient who has undergone flexor tendon surgery.

The Future of Flexor Tendon Surgery 267

Jeffrey Luo, Daniel P. Mass, Craig S. Phillips, and T.C. He
Clinical outcomes following flexor tendon repair have made significant improvements in
the last 50 years. In that time, standard treatment has evolved from secondary grafting to
primary repair with postoperative rehabilitation protocols. Unfortunately, excellent re-
sults are not yet universally attained following treatment. Improving understanding of
tendon healing at the cellular, molecular, and genetic levels likely will enable surgeons
to modulate the normal repair process. We now look toward biologic augmentation of
flexor tendon repairs to address the problems of increasing tensile strength while reduc-
ing adhesion formation following injury and operative repair.

Index 275


August 2005
Distal Radius Fractures
Andrew P. Gutow, MD, and
David Slutsky, MD, Guest Editors

November 2005
Wrist Arthritis
Brian Adams, MD, Guest Editor


February 2005
Brachial Plexus Injuries in Adults
Allen T. Bishop, MD, Robert J. Spinner, MD,
and Alexander Y. Shin, MD, Guest Editors

November 2004
Elbow Trauma
Graham J.W. King, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Guest Editor

August 2004
Tumor of the Hand and Upper Extremity:
Principles of Diagnosis and Management II
Peter M. Murray, MD,
Edward A. Athanasian, MD, and
Peter J.L. Jebson, MD, Guest Editors


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Hand Clin 21 (2005) xi–xii

Flexor Tendon Injuries

Daniel P. Mass, MD Craig S. Phillips, MD

Guest Editors

The Hand Clinics debuted 20 years ago with repair,’’ often overwhelming and confusing the
a review on flexor tendon injuries. There have treating surgeon. The goal of this issue of the
been no subsequent issues dealing with this Hand Clinics is to combine long-standing dogma
controversial complex topic, which has produced with recent advances associated with flexor ten-
more articles in the peer-reviewed hand literature don repair in all zones to increase understanding
than any other single topic. Since Sterling Bun- of these often complex problems. The diverse
nell’s articles advocating not operating on ten- content of this issue includes 15 articles encom-
dons in ‘‘no-man’s land,’’ there has been ongoing passing the history of flexor tendon repairs,
debate about when and how to repair flexor tendon/pulley biomechanics, the most recent su-
tendons. The question of whether tendons heal ture techniques, and the ability to alter the flexor
intrinsically or require peripheral adhesions to tendon milieu through molecular manipulation in
heal is still unanswered. an effort to enhance healing and functional out-
Due to the unforgiving nature of flexor tendon comes associated with flexor tendon repairs.
repairs, these injuries have become the sole The literature is filled with recommendations
domain of the hand surgeon. Human flexor for flexor tendon repair, yet evidence-based out-
tendons remain unique in their anatomy (micro- come studies are still lacking. Clinical studies have
and macroscopic), biomechanics, intimacy with been primarily case reports or small series with no
the fibro-osseous sheath, and proximity to the comparison groups. Intellectual understanding
neurovascular structures of the digit, as well as the and technical detail are paramount when optimiz-
response to trauma and their ability to heal ing function after restoring flexor tendon conti-
through both extrinsic and intrinsic healing. The nuity, yet they are useless when not combined
dichotomy of regaining tendon strength and with an appropriate, well-supervised postopera-
gliding while avoiding adhesions or rupture after tive rehabilitation course. For this reason we have
repair remains an intellectual and technical chal- included an article highlighting the different post-
lenge today, 76 years after Bunnell advocated operative protocols after flexor tendon repair.
removing the flexor tendon from the digit and The insight afforded by the individual authors
grafting the defect after zone II injury. Due to of this issue provides a concise yet thorough
average functional outcomes, considerable re- overview of all injuries to the flexor tendon system.
search has emerged over the last 15 years directed It is with pride that this anniversary issue be
toward identifying the ‘‘ideal zone II flexor tendon dedicated to those who have spent many hours

0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2005.01.002 hand.theclinics.com

attempting to solve the mysteries associated with Craig S. Phillips, MD

improving results after flexor tendon repair. Reconstructive Hand and Microvascular Surgery
The Illinois Bone and Joint Institute
Daniel P. Mass, MD Evanston Northwestern Healthcare
Section of Orthopaedic Surgery and Glenview, IL USA
Rehabilitation Medicine
E-mail address: handphillips@hotmail.com
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
University of Chicago Hospitals
5841 South Maryland Avenue, MC 3079
Chicago, IL 60637, USA
E-mail address: dmass@surgery.bsd.uchicago.edu
Hand Clin 21 (2005) 123–127

History of Flexor Tendon Repair

Paul R. Manske, MD
Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, One Barnes-Jewish Hospital Plaza,
Suite 11300, West Pavilion, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA

The first issue of Hand Clinics published 20 Galen’s error in advising not to suture tendons
years ago was devoted to flexor tendon injuries. was more subtle [4]. In his anatomic dissections of
This was most appropriate, because no subject in skeletal muscles, he observed that nerve and
hand surgery has sparked more interest or discus- ligament fibers became progressively smaller and
sion. That inaugural issue included excellent finer on entering the muscle tissue. He concluded
presentations on the basic science of tendon in- that in the course of fetal development, these fine
juries (anatomy, biomechanics, nutrition, healing, ligament and nerve fibers were woven together
adhesions) and the clinical practice of tendon within the muscle and fused to form the termi-
repair. Of interest, there was no presentation on nating tendon. The tendon thus was sensitive to
the fascinating history of flexor tendon surgery. It pricking because it was composed in part of
is most appropriate, therefore, that this current nerve fibers, and therefore the advice not to
update of the flexor tendon begins with a historical prick tendons with sutures. Not withstanding
review of the evolution of flexor tendon repair. this admonition, there is evidence from Galen’s
The treatment of injured tendons dates to other writings that suggest that he did, in fact,
antiquity. Hippocrates and other ancient physi- repair injured tendons in his role as physician to
cians did not recognize the tendon as a distinct the gladiators. According to Kuhn’s translation,
structure. They observed a white slender cord Galen wrote, ‘‘I found one of the gladiators called
entering the fleshy substance of skeletal muscle horseman with a transverse division of the tendon
that they knew to be nerve. The muscle was seen on the anterior surface of the thigh, the lower part
to terminate in a similar whitish cord-like struc- being separated from the upper, and without
ture that they did not distinguish from the nerve hesitation I brought them together with suture.’’
entering the muscle; they used the term ‘‘neuron’’ Galen was a prolific writer and had a profound
to identify this terminating structure, not recog- impact on shaping medical concepts and practices
nizing it as a tendon. Several investigators [1–3] for more than 1500 years. His extensive medical
mistakenly assigned this erroneous anatomic ob- treatises were translated first into Arabic and
servation to Galen and used it to explain Galen’s subsequently into Latin. Undoubtedly they
written admonition to physicians not to suture influenced Avicenna, the great Muslim physi-
tendons. Although Galen had written that prick- cian–philosopher of the eleventh century who
ing the tendon would lead to twitching and con- succeeded Hippocrates and Galen as an important
vulsions, the recent writings of Siegel [4] make medical writer. Although Avicenna is described
clear that Galen understood the anatomic differ- [1–3,5–7] as the first surgeon to advocate suturing
ences between nerve and tendon and the different of tendons, he undoubtedly was aware of Galen’s
functions of muscle and tendon. Muscle actively scientific dissections and his clinical practices as
contracts, whereas the tendon moves passively; physician to the gladiators. As reported in Gratz’s
the tendon’s attachment to the bone results in interesting treatise [5], Avicenna’s tendon repair
movement of the distal part. concepts were adopted subsequently by several
European surgeons in the fourteenth to sixteenth
E-mail address: manskep@wustl.edu centuries. Despite these reports of successful
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.03.004 hand.theclinics.com

tenorrhaphy, however, Galen’s precepts based on The historical derivation of the term No Man’s
his anatomic dissections predominated and ten- Land dates to its description in the fourteenth
don repair was not practiced universally. Gratz [5] century of a plot of land outside the city of
reported that Meekren performed the first exper- London used for executions. Bunnell encountered
imental study in 1682 that directly challenged the term in his World War I experience in France
Galen’s concept; he crushed tendon fibers (pre- when it was used to describe the strip of devas-
sumably the Achilles tendon of the dog) and did tated lands between the front line trenches of the
not observe pain, twitching, or convulsions in the two opposing armies where soldiers ventured with
animal. It was not until Von Haller performed extreme caution. Similarly, Bunnell advised sur-
similar experimental studies in 1752, however, geons to be cautious when repairing tendons
investigating the irritability and sensibility of within this region in the digital sheath. According
various body tissues, including tendon, that the to Boyes (JH Boyes, personal communication),
coup de grace was finally rendered to the dictum Bunnell used the term No Man’s Land to describe
against tendon suture. this region as early as 1934; the term was written
In 1767, John Hunter performed the first for the first time in the second edition (1948) of his
experimental study investigating the tendon heal- text Surgery of the Hand [15]. Bunnell outlined
ing process [7]. He noted that the canine Achilles rigid conditions that must be present to perform
tendon healed by formation of callus, similar to flexor tendon repair within the digital sheath [16];
that seen in healing bone. As reported by Mason these included the use of stainless steel suture, an
and Shearon [7], Hunter’s study was followed by admonition to repair only the profundus tendon,
numerous others that attempted to define the and postoperative immobilization of the wrist in
morphologic changes associated with tendon re- flexion to prevent the involved muscle from
pair, the contribution to tendon healing by contracting too forcefully and separating the
extrinsic fibroblasts and the intrinsic components ends of the sutured tendon. Of interest, Bunnell
of the tendon, and the effect of tension and also noted that the flexed wrist position still
motion at the repair site. These questions are allowed sufficient motion to ‘‘stimulate growth
remarkably similar to experimental questions and and lessen adhesions while physiological union is
studies of recent times. occurring’’; it is apparent that Bunnell was aware
For the most part, these early studies were of the importance of motion and tension on
performed primarily on the Achilles and other tendon healing.
paratenon covered tendons and did not specif- In 1940, Mason also advised similar specific
ically consider flexor tendons, which are in a dis- conditions for repairing acutely lacerated flexor
tinctly different anatomic environment within the tendons within the digital sheath. These included
synovial lined flexor digital sheath. The specific never repairing both tendons, wide excision of the
investigation of flexor tendon healing within the overlying sheath, and adequate elimination of all
digital sheath began early in the twentieth century. contaminates from the wound [17].
Around 1920, Bier [8] and Saloman [9,10] noted Despite the establishment of the concept and
poor tendon healing following suture of canine conditions for primary repair of lacerated flexor
flexor tendons. Saloman attributed this poor tendons within the digital sheath by these two well
response to an inhibitory hormone in the synovial respected hand surgeons, the predominant
fluid and to the paucity of cells capable of opinion during the first half of the twentieth
proliferation within the tendon. Saloman advo- century was that primary repair of flexor tendons
cated leaving a defect in the tendon sheath at the in No Man’s Land should be discouraged in
time of repair to permit contact between the preference to tendon grafting. In 1947, Boyes
repaired tendon and the subcutaneous tissue. noted that primary flexor tendon repair in the
Hueck [11], however, noted that healing was critical No Man’s Land area usually failed
poor whether the sheath was left open or sutured because of infection, excessive scarring, and
closed. flexion contracture caused by poorly placed
At this same time, Bunnell [12,13] and Garlock incisions [18]. Because of the generally unsatis-
[14] recognized the clinical occurrence of restric- factory results, his preferred treatment was ten-
tive adhesions at the flexor tendon laceration site don grafting [19]. Boyes’ opinion regarding the
within the digit. Bunnell used the term ‘‘No Man’s poor results following primary flexor tendon
Land’’ (NML) to describe this region where the repair also was held by numerous other inves-
flexor tendon passed through the digital sheath. tigators [20–22].

Because of the great interest in tendon grafting particularly important [55–57]. These in vivo
throughout the first half of the twentieth century, histologic studies in chickens described the flexor
few experimental studies investigated the mecha- tendon’s cellular response to injury. Initially the
nism of flexor tendon healing within the digital epitenon cells proliferate and migrate to the
sheath. The tendon was believed to be an avascu- laceration site, followed several days later by
lar structure [23–25] with low metabolic activity a similar proliferation and migration of endote-
[25–28] with minimal healing potential. Conse- non cells from within the substance of the tendon.
quently the reparative cells were believed to be The cells subsequently bridged the laceration site
derived not from the tendon itself, but rather from and in time formed mature collagen bundles.
the extrinsic fibroblasts that migrate from the Furthermore, this cellular response took place in
peripheral tissues and attach to the surface of the the presence or absence of the tendon sheath,
injured tendon, as noted in the extensive writings which Lindsay believed contributed minimally to
of Potenza [29–34] and Peacock [35–37]. These the repair response.
fibrous adhesions thus were considered to be an The ingenious ‘‘in situ tissue culture’’ studies of
integral and essential component of the healing Lundborg et al [58–61] demonstrated healing of
process. lacerated flexor tendon segments when placed
Despite the prevalent concept of Boyes and within the synovial environment of the knee joint.
others that repair of flexor tendons within the Lundborg together with Katsumi and Tajima [62]
digital sheath leads to poor results, a few surgeons also observed complete healing when the lacerated
with specialized interest in hand surgery began to tendon segment was isolated in a synthetic mem-
publish reports indicating that reasonable success brane pouch placed in a subcutaneous pocket of
could be obtained following flexor tendon suture. the back or abdomen of the rabbit. Although
In 1950, Siler [38] reported 62% excellent and these studies strongly supported the concept that
good results of tendon repair in No Man’s Land. flexor tendon healing was an intrinsic process, the
In 1956, Posch reported 87% satisfactory results results were challenged theoretically and experi-
[39]. These early reports were supported further mentally by Potenza and Herte [63] and by Chow
by subsequent publications in the early 1960s that [64], who demonstrated in a similar experimental
also reported good results [40–42]. It was the 1967 model that extrinsic synovial cells could ‘‘seed’’ on
presentation ‘‘Primary Repair of Flexor Tendons to nonviable tendon segments, therefore again
in No Man’s Land’’ by Kleinert, Kutz, et al at the suggesting that extrinsic cells were the source of
annual meeting of the American Society for healing. Subsequent in vitro organ culture studies
Surgery of the Hand [43], however, that proved by Manske, Lesker, Gelberman et al [6,65–69] in
to be the turning point in establishing the practice the mid 1980s demonstrated healing of lacerated
of primary repair of flexor tendons among hand flexor tendon segments of several different exper-
surgeons. Although their report of good and imental animals when placed in an extracorporeal
excellent results following primary flexor tendon tissue culture environment in the complete ab-
repair initially generated a great deal of contro- sence of extrinsic cells, thereby conclusively estab-
versy, discussion, and disbelief, in time primary lishing the tendon’s intrinsic capacity to heal.
repair supplanted tendon grafting as the treatment As a result of these studies that established that
of choice for acute flexor tendon lacerations. peripheral adhesions are not essential to the
The emerging popularity of this clinical prac- healing process, clinicians and investigators began
tice stimulated numerous experimental studies of to devise various methods and techniques to
the tendon’s potential role in the healing process. minimize adhesions and to enhance the tendon’s
Several investigators determined that diffusion of response to injury. These include mobilizing the
nutrients is an effective source of flexor tendon tendon at the repair site and applying tension to
nutrition within the digital sheath [44–50], thereby the healing cells, and enhancing the strength of the
obviating the specific need for tendon vasculari- repair with heavier suture material, multiple
zation. Matthews and Richards [51–54] observed suture strands, and various core and peripheral
‘‘rounding off’’ and healing of lacerated stumps of suture configurations. These are the subject of the
rabbit flexor tendons within the intact digital pages that follow in this issue of the Hand Clinics.
sheath in the absence of peripheral adhesions, Nevertheless, hand surgeons of today are indebted
and McDowell and Snyder [55] made similar to the many twentieth century clinicians and
observations in canine flexor tendons. The exper- investigators who were instrumental in establish-
imental studies of Lindsay and associates are ing the concept that because the flexor tendon has

the intrinsic capacity to participate in the repair [19] Boyes JH. Flexor tendon grafts in the fingers and
process in the absence of peripheral adhesions, thumb. J Bone Joint Surg 1950;32A:489–99.
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Hand Clin 21 (2005) 129–149

Biomechanics of the Flexor Tendons

Howard J. Goodman, MD*, Jack Choueka, MD
Maimonides Medical Center, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, 927 49th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219, USA

‘‘The finger knows more than the surgeon.’’ cellular component is predominantly made up of
—Paul W. Brand fibroblasts, spindle-shaped cells whose role is the
An understanding of the biomechanics of the production of collagen and reorganization of the
flexor tendon system is essential to proper evalu- extracellular matrix, which consists primarily of
ation and treatment of disorders of the upper water (60%–80% of the wet weight), collagen
extremity. The flexor tendons are essentially (86% of dry weight), proteoglycans (1%–5% of
cables that transmit forces developed by muscle dry weight), and elastin (2% of dry weight) [1,2].
contraction in the forearm to the fingers, moving The major component of the extracellular
and stabilizing the joints. The versatility of the matrix is collagen. Type I collagen, the most
human hand—its ability to perform precise ma- prominent type in tendon, is formed by three
nipulation and forceful grasping—stems from the polypeptide chains linked by covalent and hydro-
organization of the flexor tendons and their ability gen bonds. The collagen molecule is organized
to generate varying degrees of force at different with complementary acidic and basic amino acids,
locations. which impart strength to the structure of the
This discussion of the biomechanics of the tendon. Crosslinking varies along a tendon’s
digital flexor tendons begins with a review of their length, lending itself to different mechanical
molecular and cellular composition and structure, properties. At the musculotendinous junction
their organization within the hand in the complex and the tendon–bone junction there is less cross-
pulley system, and the way their relationship to linking and more cellularity than in the central
the joints and bones of the hand governs orga- portion of the tendon, with the highest strength in
nized movement. This article concludes with the middle portion of the tendon, followed by the
a discussion of physiologic and pathologic con- tendon–bone insertion, and the least strength at
ditions that affect flexor tendon function and of the muscle–tendon junction [3–5].
clinical biomechanics as it applies to tendon The micro-architecture of tendon is shown in
transfers and flexor tendon repair. Fig. 1. Five crosslinked collagen molecules form
a microfibril, groups of which join to make
subfibrils, which then combine to form larger
Tendon anatomy fibrils [6]. Fibrils are closely packed in parallel
bundles with proteoglycans and water to make up
The biomechanic properties of tendon arise
the nonorganic matrix. Proteoglycans and glyco-
from its molecular organization, morphology, and
saminoglycans, like collagen, are extremely hy-
cellular arrangement. As in nature’s axiom, ‘‘Form
drophilic, consisting of several long carbohydrates
begets function and function begets form,’’ the
linked to a central protein structure.
makeup of a tendon implies its purpose. Tendon
Tendon fascicles are bound together with the
consists of cellular and noncellular elements. The
endotenon, a loose connective tissue that provides
a route for vessels and nerves. The whole tendon is
* Corresponding author. encased in a synovial membrane, the epitenon,
E-mail address: hjg@alumni.upenn.edu which produces the synovial fluid that assists in
(H.J. Goodman). tendon gliding and provides nutrition to cells.
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.11.002 hand.theclinics.com

X ray X ray X ray EM SEM

X ray

Micro- Sub- Fibril
fibril fibril

35 Å staining
640 Å periodicity
Waveform or
crimp structure Fascicular
Fibroblasts membrane

15 Å 35 Å 100-200 Å 500-5000 Å 50-300 µ 100-500 µ

Size scale

Fig. 1. Microarchitecture of collagen. Collagen molecules are arranged in progressively larger strands, coalescing into
the structure of tendon. Used with permission from Woo S, An KN, Frank C, et al. Anatomy, biology, and biomechanics
of tendon and ligament. In: Buckwalter JA, Einhorn TA, Simon SR, editors. Orthopaedic basic science. 2nd edition. St.
Louis: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 2000 (Adapted from Kastelic J, Baer E. Deformation in tendon
collagen. In: Vincent JFV, Currey JD, editors. The mechanical properties of biologic materials. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press; 1980. p. 397–435; with permission).

Mechanical properties of tendon down). The total area under the stress–strain
curve is the total energy absorbed in the test.
As implied by its name—derived from the
The Young’s modulus of human tendon ranges
Latin tendere, ‘‘to stretch’’—the tendon serves to
from 1200–1800 Mpa, with ultimate strength
conduct tension. Collagen is primarily responsible
ranging from 50–150 MPa. Ultimate strain, the
for this property: its stress–strain curve is virtu-
deformation at which the material fails, has been
ally identical to that of tendon. Collagen’s struc-
calculated to range in human tendon as an in-
ture—parallel fibers with strong crosslinks—is
crease of 9%–35% of initial length [5].
ideal for tension bearing. The mechanical proper-
ties of tendon are revealed by analysis of its
stress–strain curve (Fig. 2). This curve has three
Time-dependent factors
regions: a toe region with the beginning ramp,
a linear region, and a failure region. The toe Simple linear analysis of tendon mechanics
region, the initial loading phase, is attributed on neglects its rate- and time-dependent properties,
the molecular level to the uncrimping of collagen most important, its viscoelasticity. The two major
and grossly to tendon tightening before stress sets parameters of viscoelasticity are creep and stress
in. The linear region shows a constant elongation relaxation. Creep is the time-dependent elonga-
(or strain) for a given load (or stress). This slope, tion of tissue under a constant load characterized
or ratio of stress to strain, represents a fundamen- by an initial large elongation followed by elonga-
tal property of tendon: its Young’s modulus of tion in smaller increments. Stress relaxation is the
elasticity. The final region includes areas of concomitant decrease in load exhibited as the
irreversible changes, including the yield point tissue is subjected to constant elongation. Mon-
(the point at which the material begins elongating leon et al analyzed the viscoelastic behavior of
with a decrease in load) and the failure point (the flexor tendons in the human hand and confirmed
point at which the material’s integrity breaks its viscoelastic relationship, with the stress–strain

Fig. 2. A stress–strain curve representative of a tendon’s response to mechanical testing. Note the ramping toe region at
the beginning of the curve. (Adapted from Woo S, An KN, Frank C, et al. Anatomy, biology, and biomechanics of
tendon and ligament. In: Buckwalter JA, Einhorn TA, Simon SR, editors. Orthopaedic Basic Science. 2nd edition. St.
Louis: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 2000; with permission).

relationship dependent on recent loading history limbs of the cycle is termed hysteresis and
[5,7]. represents the energy absorbed by the tissue
The viscoelastic properties of tendon may be within each cycle [5].
visualized by use of a schematic in which the Several other factors—behavioral, physiologic,
elastic property is represented as a spring, with and pathologic—may affect the mechanical prop-
displacement directly proportional to force, and erties of tendon. Exercise promotes collagen
the viscous property as a dashpot, which, depend- synthesis and influences the length of collagen
ing on the rate of applied force, increases re- fibrils, increasing the tendon’s strength [8,9].
sistance to motion (Fig. 3). Animal studies have demonstrated that exercise
The mechanical behavior of tendon changes results in increased collagen concentration, in-
over the course of repeated loads. During cycling, creased tendon weight, increased maximum stress,
there is a tendency for creep to continue elongat- and a decrease in maximum strain [10]. Although
ing the tissue and, during unloading, for friction the long-term effects of exercise on tendon seem to
to prevent the tissue from returning to its original be positive, individuals may experience periods of
length. As shown in Fig. 4, over time there is weakness in the course of training that require rest
progressively less difference between the succes- to allow the tendon to adapt morphologically [11].
sive amounts of elongation. Note also the dispar- By the same token, stress-shielding experiments
ity between the upswing (loading) and downswing have shown that periods of immobilization result
(unloading) of each cycle. This area between the in decreases in tendon modulus of elasticity and

Fig. 3. Kelvin’s model of viscoelastic properties. The spring represents the elastic component and the dashpot the
viscous component.

Fig. 4. Tendon response to cyclic loading showing change based on recent cycles and hysteresis. (Adapted from Woo S,
An KN, Frank C, et al. Anatomy, biology, and biomechanics of tendon and ligament. In: Buckwalter JA, Einhorn TA,
Simon SR, editors. Orthopaedic basic science. 2nd edition. St. Louis: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons;
2000; with permission.).

tensile strength; the longer the duration of immo- reported decreased strength and increased peri-
bilization, the greater the decrease [12,13]. tendinous adhesions [21].
Patient age also may contribute to tendon
quality. Tendon cross-sectional area increases
Dynamics of flexor tendons
until skeletal maturity; consequently, the elastic
modulus of tendon is highest at maturity and Flexor tendons transmit force from the muscle
declines in old age [14,15]. The crimp angle also belly to the finger to produce motion. Excursion,
decreases with age, reflected by a decrease in the the distance that the tendon slides along its path,
toe region of the stress–strain curve [16]. Aging is is limited by how much the muscle to which it
accompanied by decreased tendon collagen, pro- is attached can be shortened. Brand has coined
teoglycan, and water content, resulting in the three terms, variants of excursion, to clarify the
tendon becoming smaller, weaker, and more relationship of the muscle–tendon unit [22]: poten-
prone to injury. tial excursion is the resting fiber length of a muscle
Disease states such as diabetes affect tendon independent of connective tissue restraints, re-
health. One in vivo study demonstrated a glucose- quired excursion is the maximum excursion re-
induced increase in collagen crosslinking. When quired of a muscle in situ, and available excursion
compared with normal tendon, tendon that had is the maximum excursion of a muscle when freed
been treated with a glucose solution exhibited from its insertion [23]. Excursion of a tendon can
an increase in maximum load, elastic modulus, be affected adversely by extrinsic factors, such as
energy-to-yield, toughness, and significantly less contractures and adhesions, and enhanced by
deformation than the control subjects [17]. exercise or stretching. Wehbe and Hunter studied
The effect of external modalities used to 48 hands in vivo and found a mean excursion of
augment tendon healing has been evaluated in 32 mm (range, 15–43 mm) for the flexor digitorum
several animal models with varying results. Stud- profundus (FDP) and of 24 mm (range, 14–37
ies of healing rabbit tendons reported increased mm) for the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS).
strength using ultrasound and electrical stimula- Wrist motion increased the excursion to 50 mm
tion [18–20]; similar studies performed on chicken and 49 mm for the FDP and FDS, respectively
tendon using pulsed electromagnetic fields [24].

The distance the tendon lies from the joint 85°

moderates the force acting on it. This distance, the 110 65
moment arm, determines the leverage that the
tendon can exert on the joint. The total moment
of the tendon on the joint is the product of tension b
and moment arm (Fig. 5). As the moment arm ab,
increases—as the tendon is farther away from the bc, )
ac, ian
joint—less tension is required to move the joint. equal °(1R
Anatomic constraints place limitations on the 57

moment arm, however, which allows a balance

between force generation and movement, a con-
cept discussed later with regard to pulley bio-
mechanics. With the moment arm kept constant,
the independent variable is tension. Although a 5 mm 7.5 mm c 10 mm
tension may vary in response to muscle strength,
Fig. 6. The concept of radians as they relate to joint
the tension throughout the segments of the tendon
motion and excursion. (From Doyle JR. Palmar and
cannot be changed. Tension seen by one part of digital flexor tendon pulleys. Clin Orthop 2001;383:
the tendon is constant throughout the whole 84–96; with permission).
tendon. To change the force and torque seen by
each joint crossed by a single tendon, therefore,
the moment arm for the different joints must vary. by an arc equal to its radius, and is 57.29(. When
This indeed happens: the FDP has a different a joint moves through 1 radian of arc, the
moment arm at each joint it crosses: 1.25 cm at the excursion and moment arms are equal. This
wrist, 1.0 cm at the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) permits the precise calculation of excursion for
joint, and 0.75 cm and 0.5 cm, respectively, at the a known moment arm and joint motion. For
proximal and distal interphalangeal (PIP and instance, the MCP joint has a normal arc of 90(
DIP) joints. This allows different amounts of or 1.57 radians. To move the joint through its full
torque to be delivered by one tendon to each range of motion, the FDP (with a known moment
joint, increasing the moment seen at the more arm of 1 cm) must have an excursion of 1.57 cm
proximal, larger joints. (1.0 cm  1.57 radians). This also allows for
The relationship between excursion, joint mo- calculation of motion loss in pathologic condi-
tion, and moment arm is best understood using tions such as loss of pulleys. Pulley loss leads to
the geometric concept of the radian (Fig. 6). A increased moment arms; with excursion of the
radian is a unit of angular measure equal to the muscle fixed, it leads to a predictable loss of
angle formed along the circumference of a circle motion. An increase in moment arm from 1.0 to
1.5 cm results in a loss of joint motion of 30( [25].

Biomechanics of the flexor pulley system

Maintaining a short moment arm of the flexor
tendons allows conversion of the limited excursion
of the flexor tendons to the large joint motions
needed for functional hand and finger motion.
Tension This system allows a 3-cm flexor tendon excursion
to translate into an arc of motion of 260(. The
pulley mechanism sacrifices force for efficiency. By
Moment arm
keeping moment arms smaller, the pulleys de-
crease some of the available force for joint
Axis movement but make it easier for precise control
Fig. 5. Moment seen by a joint from a tendon, which is of the fingers. Absence of the pulleys would lead
based on the force in that tendon and its moment arm. to bowstringing of the tendons, and although this
(From Brand PW, Hollister AM. Clinical mechanics of would lead to greater moment arm and force
the hand. 3rd edition. St. Louis: Mosby; 1999; with transmission across a particular joint, the range of
permission.) motion of that joint would be markedly decreased

(Fig. 7). The ability to straighten the fingers would and Moore found increased requirements for
be limited, leading to joint contractures. excursion of the FDS and FDP on ligament
Lin hypothesized that normal pulleys play an transection by 20% and 25%, but only with the
important role in the initiation of PIP flexion [26]. wrist in flexion [41]. This was partially substanti-
By maintaining the flexor tendons along the bony ated by Netcher et al, who found that a significant
architecture, tension on the tendon produces difference in excursion was required at 60( of
a three-point pressure system with anteriorly flexion and 30( of extension [42,43]. Grip strength
directed pressure on the pulleys and posteriorly weakness immediately following carpal tunnel
directed pressure on the condyles, with the net release may be the result of loss of this pulley
effect of flexing the digit. mechanism; there have been reports of return to
The biomechanic effects of the pulleys on preoperative strength taking up to 3 months and
tendon and finger motion have been studied of ligament reconstruction increasing postopera-
from a variety of perspectives, including studying tive grip and pinch strength [44,45].
the effects of sequential pulley sectioning on
bowstringing, examining tendon excursion and Palmar aponeurosis pulley
tendon pulley angle, and measuring gliding re-
The PA pulley, described originally by Manske
sistance and work efficiency [27–39]. This varia-
and Lesker in 1983, is found proximal to the A1
tion in approach makes comparisons between
pulley (approximately 1.0 cm proximal to the
studies difficult. For example, whereas Peterson
MCP joint) [46]. Manske and Lesker described
et al found the A2 pulley to be the most important
a tunnel around the flexor tendons in this region
pulley for flexor tendon function [32], Rispler et al
formed by the transverse fascicular fibers and
found that absence of the A4 pulley produced the
paratendinous bands of the PA. Dolye in 1990
largest changes in efficiency [40]. They agreed,
argued that its function warrants inclusion as an
however, that retaining A2, A3, and A4 pulley
integral part of the flexor tendon pulley system
was necessary to preserve work and excursion
[47]. Phillips and Mass in 1996 confirmed the
biomechanic importance of this pulley by showing
that sectioning of the PA pulley in combination
with either or both proximal annular pulleys
Components of the flexor pulley system
decreases excursion efficiency [48]. Sectioning of
The flexor pulley system of the hand spans the the PA pulley alone did not affect any efficiency
transverse carpal ligament, the palmar aponeuro- parameters. This is consistent with Manske and
sis (PA) pulley, and finally the digital fibro- Lesker’s finding that finger range of motion can be
osseous canal, the last of which is the most maintained with preservation of the PA pulley
complex and sensitive and therefore has received and sectioning of either the A1 or A2 pulleys.
the most attention.
Digital fibro-osseous canal

Transverse carpal ligament Current nomenclature for the pulley system

was established in 1975 by Doyle and Blythe, who
It has been suggested that the transverse carpal described four annular and three cruciate pulleys
ligament, besides being a roof for the carpal [49]. A fifth annular pulley was later identified
tunnel, also serves as a flexor pulley [25]. Kline distal to the A4 pulley. The A1, A3, and A5
pulleys are located over the MP, PIP, and DIP
joints, respectively, with dorsal attachments to the
volar plates. The A2 and A4 pulleys are located
over the length of the proximal and middle
phalanges, respectively, and span a much larger
distance than other pulleys, with stouter bony
attachments to their respective bones (Fig. 8). The
A2 and A4 pulleys, which offer significantly
tighter constraint over a larger distance, are
most important in preventing bowstringing and
loss of joint motion [32,39,50]. Their preservation
Fig. 7. Loss of pulleys resulting in bowstringing. during tendon surgery is a well accepted concept,

Fig. 8. The digital pulley system. (From 1996 Regional Review Courses in Hand Surgery [review course syllabus].
American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Englewood, CO 1996; with permission).

although partial excision of up to 75% has been consistent adherence to the flexor tendons
shown to have small but significant effects on throughout the range of motion of the finger.
angular rotation, capable of maintaining strength The biomechanic implications of this phenome-
sufficient to withstand physiologic tendon loads non have yet to be investigated, but it suggests
[36,51]. a greater role for the cruciate pulleys during
The A3 pulley has recently been the subject of flexion and a possible role in maintaining the
several articles. Zhao et al proposed that the dynamic structure of the entire system.
major function of the A3 pulley is to reduce
tendon pulley gliding resistance through the A2
pulley by decreasing the angle of attack of the
flexor tendons during flexion [35]. Tang and Xie in
2001 found that excision of the A3 pulley alone
has little effect on bowstringing and tendon
excursion and that the surrounding sheath, in-
cluding the cruciate pulleys—and especially the
proximal section up to the A2 pulley—offers more
resistance to bowstringing [52]. It has been hy-
pothesized that the insignificant effect of the A3
pulley on PIP moment arm is a result of its
attachment to the volar plate, which moves
away from the joint axis of rotation on flexion
The three cruciate pulleys are located distal to
the A2, A3, and A4 pulleys. Little attention has
been given to their biomechanic role in finger
function. Lin et al evaluated them anatomically
and found that although they are in fact cruciate
(x-shaped) 60%–70% of the time, they otherwise
have only a single oblique component [26]. It has
been suggested that the cruciate pulleys modulate
force transmission during finger flexion. Tang et al
found that sectioning the area between the A3 and
A2 pulleys, including the C1 pulley, has a greater
impact on bowstringing than sectioning the A3
alone [52]. Clinical observation reveals that during
finger flexion the cruciate pulleys collapse to form
a single annular band similar in appearance to the
other annular pulleys (Fig. 9). This accordion-like
collapse of the cruciate pulleys seems to be the Fig. 9. (A) The C2 cruciate pulley in extension. (B) Its
mechanism by which the pulley system maintains collapse to an annular form on flexion.

Pulley biomechanics and rock climbing incidence of sheath injuries and bowstringing in
this population [57–62]. Biomechanic analysis of
Flexor tendon and pulley biomechanics has
the A2 taping technique often used by rock
particular significance in rock climbing injuries,
climbers to prevent pulley ruptures was found to
20% of which involve the flexor pulley system
be minimally effective in relieving force on the A2
[54]; as many as 26% of elite rock climbers
pulley and not at all effective in preventing pulley
demonstrate clinical bowstringing [55]. The high
rupture [63].
load seen by the flexor tendons are almost
exclusive to this sport, as the climber’s full body
weight may need to be supported by the distal Finger-moving tendons
phalanges alone. Of the two main grips used by
climbers, the crimp and slope grips, the crimp Flexor digitorum profundus
grip, characterized by up to 100( of PIP flexion
The workhorse of the extrinsic finger flexion
and DIP hyperextension, is favored by nearly
system is the FDP; accordingly, most of the
90% of climbers (Fig. 10). The advantage of the
literature on flexor tendons is devoted to its
crimp grip is that it brings the middle phalanx
physiology, especially to the treatment of the
away from the ledge, preventing injury to the skin.
injuries it sustains. The FDP is the only tendon
Schweizer found that the crimp grip produces
with the ability to flex all three joints of the finger;
a significant amount of FDP bowstringing at the
in doing so, it provides most of the finger’s
PIP, placing stress on the distal portion of the A2
strength [22].
pulley [56]. This approaches maximum sheath
The FDP muscle originates from the proximal
strengths [26], which helps to explain the high
medial and anterior surfaces of the ulna and the
ulnar half of the interosseous membrane, and
occasionally from the radius just distal to the
radial tuberosity. As the single muscle belly travels
distally in the forearm, it separates into an ulnar
and a radial bundle. At the musculotendinous
junction, the radial bundle forms the profundus
tendon of the index finger, and the ulnar bundle
forms the remaining three tendons. The muscles
of the ulnar bundle are difficult to separate, and
their interconnectedness continues into their ten-
dinous portion. Fibers of cross-connection that
occur at the level of the carpal tunnel make the
tendons even more interdependent. They run
through the carpal tunnel in a straight transverse
row deep to the superficialis tendons and provide
the insertion to the lumbricals as they course
along the metacarpals. At this point, further
interconnectedness of the third, fourth, and fifth
tendons occurs as the two ulnar lumbricals are
bipennate, each with origins from two FDP
tendons. The FDP tendons then enter into the
flexor sheath together with the FDS. As the
superficialis tendons separate just proximal to
the chiasm of Camper, the FDP flows through
it, running along the middle phalanx to its in-
sertion along the volar part of the distal phalanx.
By crossing the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints, the
FDP has a moment arm on each of them and can
exert torque, thereby flexing them.
The mechanism by which the FDP produces
Fig. 10. The crimp (A) and slope (B) grips used in rock flexion differs at each joint. At the DIP, flexion
climbing. occurs by direct insertion into the distal phalanx.

At the PIP joint, flexion is implemented by other The tendon of the FDP has been studied in
means. Because the FDP has a moment arm on detail, and its mechanical properties have been
the PIP, by shortening it exerts a flexing force. A found to vary along its length. Its vascular supply
secondary factor in flexion is the spiral oblique is from its dorsal surface; this part of the tendon
retinacular ligament, a fibrous link between the has been found to be stronger, characterized by
flexor sheath and the extensor tendon. As it passes less collagen crosslinking and a larger cross-
the PIP, the oblique retinacular ligament lies volar sectional area. This is significant when repairing
to the axis of rotation; thus, with DIP flexion, the tendon, and it might be more prudent to place
tension is created in the spiral oblique retinacular the core sutures in the more dorsal portion of the
ligament, flexing the PIP [22,53]. tendon. This has been substantiated experimen-
Although the ability of the FDP to flex the tally by Soejima with the mean failure load of the
MCP joint may seem obvious, its role in the dorsally placed sutures being 26.5% greater than
initiation of MCP flexion has been debated [64– those on the palmar side [71].
68]. Without a direct attachment of an extrinsic The FDP tendon has different shapes at
flexor to the proximal phalanx, an alternative different locations along its length [72]. At the
mechanism is needed—possibly translation of MCP joint it is more or less oval, becomes
forces from the annular and cruciform pulley triangular at the mid-proximal phalanx level
system attached to the phalanges [69] or propa- (apex volar), and then continues to divide (with
gation of moments created at the DIP and PIP a volar groove) into two bundles (Fig. 11). These
joints. Kamper et al, using a computer simulation, radial and ulnar bundles are separated but con-
found that with a passive joint torque the extrinsic nected by the endotenon. Understanding this
flexors are capable of flexing all three finger joints bundle anatomy can improve accuracy in partial
[70]. Without this passive joint torque, simulta- laceration size assessment. It was long the con-
neous shortening of the FDP and FDS caused the sensus that lacerations involving more than 50%
finger to collapse into PIP flexion and slight MCP of the tendon’s cross-sectional area warrant re-
and DIP extension [53]. pair. Hariharan et al challenged this 50% rule by

Fig. 11. Cross-sections of the FDP at different points along its course. (A) MCP joint (B) midpoint between MCP and
PIP joint. (C) PIP joint (D) midpoint between PIP and DIP joint. VG, volar groove; R, radial side of the tendon; U,
ulnar side of the tendon. (From Grewal R, Sotereanos DG, Rao U, Herndon JH, Woo SL. Bundle pattern of the flexor
digitorum profundus tendon in zone II of the hand: a quantitative assessment of the size of a laceration. J Hand Surg
[Am] 1996;21(6):978–83; with permission).

testing lacerations of 50% and 75%. They found the two tendons: the index FDS contributes
that the threshold for failure of even a 75% approximately 28% to total tension, whereas in
laceration was higher than physiologic load levels the middle finger 50% of the load is borne by its
for active unresisted motion, and thus questioned superficialis [22].
the need for primary repair of these injuries [73]. The FDS has four muscle bellies, making it
The force evident in the FDP has been hotly possible to flex each PIP independently. Because
disputed, because it serves as the basis for the the FDP has only one muscle belly, clinical testing
needed repair strength on tendon injury. Green- for FDS function in individual fingers is possible.
wald et al performed a dynamic analysis of the By holding three of the four digits in extension,
tendon using a specialized testing platform to test the function of the conjoined FDP is eliminated,
load, excursion, grip strength, pinch strength, and and any flexion of the PIP is the result of FDS
joint angle for loads up to 75 N [74]. They found contraction. The absence of the FDS can be tested
that excursion was greatest at full fist with flexion with the DIP extension test [75]. Normally, when
of all three joints and flexion of the wrist with performing precision pinch with PIP flexion, the
excursion of a medium-sized middle finger FDP DIP hyperextends. Without the FDS, the FDP
tendon being approximately 6.0 cm (half of which cannot simultaneously sustain PIP flexion and
was for wrist flexion); there was no plastic de- DIP hyperextension, leading to flexion of both
formation of the tendons at these loads. joints.
Because the FDP can flex all finger joints, the
superficialis tendon can be sacrificed as a donor
Flexor digitorum superficialis
for tendon transfers. Because of its length,
Although often relegated to a secondary role, strength, excursion, and ability to change direc-
the FDS is a vital part of the flexor system, a fact tion, the FDS is considered an ideal candidate for
that becomes most evident in its absence. In transfers in certain situations. Its loss, however, is
contrast to the FDP, which has one muscle belly, not without potential consequence. Without the
the FDS has four independent muscles. The insertion on the proximal part of the middle
tendons of the FDS enter into the carpal canal phalanx, the ‘‘superficialis minus finger’’ can de-
arranged as a square, with the index and little velop, with loss of balance at the PIP leading to
finger lying side-by-side, deep to the tendons of a hyperextension deformity. A compensatory DIP
the middle and ring fingers. Lying superficial to flexion deformity ensues as the FDS attempts to
the profundus tendons, the FDS tendons have maintain tension along its length, which can lead
a larger moment arm at the wrist and MCP joint. to a swan-neck deformity. To avoid this defor-
Each tendon then splits toward the base of the mity, the harvest can be done at the MCP joint,
proximal phalanx, allowing the profundus tendon proximal to the A2 pulley. Potential pitfalls with
between them, rejoining at Camper’s chiasm harvest from this area include tendon scarring of
before splitting again to insert on the sides of the proximal stump, which can lead to PIP flexion
the proximal part of the middle phalanx. contractures. This also has been shown to de-
Throughout this terminal course, they lie closer crease the efficiency of the FDP tendon compared
to the bone, giving it a smaller moment arm than with loss distal to the A2 pulley [27].
the profundus, at the PIP joint. Furthermore, as The contribution of the FDS to finger balance
the PIP joint flexes, the two terminal side branches and the inability of the FDP alone to control all
of the superficialis can bowstring, adding to their three joints were eloquently illustrated by Brand
moment arm and their effective flexing power. using simple mechanics and moment arm analysis
Although the FDP, having more tension at its [22]. Because of increasing moment arms with the
disposal, is the primary finger flexor, the FDS more proximal joints and because tension along
becomes more active as more force is needed. the tendon must remain constant, the force
Different fingers use different proportions of generated by the FDP to resist a load at the
FDP/FDS in flexion, related to the various fingertip is sufficient to prevent hyperextension at
strengths of the FDS muscles rather than to the the DIP joint but not at the more proximal joints.
strength of the FDPs. The middle finger FDS is Addition of the FDS provides the necessary
approximately 75% stronger than those of the tension at the PIP joint. Both tendons together
ring or index finger, and the little finger super- are still incapable of controlling the MCP joint;
ficialis has only half of the latter’s strength. This is this is where the flexion role of the intrinsics
evident in the relative ratio that each finger uses of enters.

Lumbricals the size of the lumbrical and found it to be most

efficient, with increasing size becoming redundant
The lumbricals have the unique distinction of
having a moving origin and insertion. The origin
The lumbrical plus finger nicely illustrates how
of the lumbricals is along the FDP tendon as it
loss of one part of the flexor system can lead to
courses along the metacarpal shaft. Each lumbr-
imbalance of function throughout the finger. In
ical remains volar and radial as it crosses the MCP
the case of lacerations to the FDP in an area distal
joint. It then combines with tendon fibers from the
to the origin of the lumbrical, a paradoxic exten-
interossei and inserts along the border of the
sion of the digit may occur with attempted flexion.
radial lateral band of the extensor mechanism
As the FDP loses its insertion it can act only
along the length of the proximal phalanx [65]. A
through the remaining lumbrical, which, through
recent study has shown that, although the origin
its attachment on the lateral band, causes exten-
of lumbricals is invariably on the FDP, they may
sion (Fig. 12).
be uni- or bipennate and that the insertion varies
from the extensor tendon to the volar plate or
even bone itself [76].
Models of flexor tendon function
One would expect the lumbrical, by maintain-
ing an axis of rotation volar to the MCP and Mathematical and computer modeling has
dorsal to the PIP, to flex the MCP and extend the vastly improved understanding of the mechanical
PIP joint. To flex the MCP, however, it must pull complexities of the human hand. Landsmeer’s
on the profundus with the same force that it pioneering mathematical models have been sub-
exerts, negating its own effect on the MCP. stantiated by numerous studies. More recently,
Additionally, as it contracts, it pulls the FDP computer-generated models have yielded more
closer to the joint axis, lessening its moment arm, insights into the mechanics of the hand. Although
pulling it distally, and decreasing its flexion. The limitations exist, including variations in the size of
FDP therefore may function more efficiently individuals’ hands, and disregard for sheath
without the lumbrical [77,78]. A cadaveric study mechanics, modeling has still advanced under-
demonstrated that without any FDP flexion, less standing [83]. Clinically, biomechanic modeling
than 5 N of lumbrical flexion brought the finger has been used to elucidate forces in the FDP
from rest to the intrinsic plus position. This tendon and has helped determine necessary
demonstrates that besides PIP extension, the strengths for flexor tendon repairs [84,85]. Lieber
lumbrical alone can flex the MCP joint [77–79]. et al have also demonstrated the ability of intra-
The role of the lumbrical at the IP joint is less operative modeling to evaluate the functional
controversial. Lumbrical contractions cause re- effects of tendon transfer surgery [83,86].
laxation of the FDP and extend the IP joint by Landsmeer developed three models for the
inserting on the radial lateral band of the extensor possible displacement of the tendon’s path around
tendon, which lies dorsal to the axis of rotation of the joint (Fig. 13) [87–89]. According to his first
the joint. This is true regardless of MCP position. model, elegant in its simplicity, the tendon is
It has been suggested that the lumbricals play securely maintained against the articular surfaces
a role in the closing sequence of the digits and in
monitoring the rate of hand closure during grip
[77,80]. Because of the moving origin and in- Paradoxical Extension
sertion of the lumbricals, biomechanic modeling
of their behavior has been difficult. Wells and
Ranney developed a method of loading the
lumbrical in a cadaver hand based on a bicycle
brake concept and demonstrated that without any
Profundus tendon cut
other restraints, the index finger lumbrical moves Contracted lumbrical m.
the finger from the claw position to neutral to the
intrinsic plus position [81]. Fig. 12. The ‘‘lumbrical plus’’ finger, with a lacerated
Leijnse used a kinematic model of the lumbr- FDP pulling only on the lumbrical, causing paradoxic
icals to demonstrate that they lie in an ideal extension. (From 1996 Regional Review Courses in
Hand Surgery [review course syllabus]. American
position to provide fast movement and may be
Society for Surgery of the Hand, Englewood, CO 1996;
important to the musician [80]. He later evaluated
with permission).

Fig. 13. Landsmeer’s three models of finger tendon function. (A) First model. (B) Second model. (C) Third model.
(Adapted from Armstrong TJ, Chaffin DB. An investigation of the relationship between displacements of the finger and
wrist joints and the extrinsic finger flexor tendons. J Biomech 1978;11(3):119–28; with permission).

of the joints and the moment arm remains un- a new variable is introduced: y, the distance along
changed at all angles. Displacement of the tendon the axis of the bone at which the tendon begins to
in this case is rendered as x ¼ r1 h1 , where r1 is the bowstring. This has been estimated at the proxi-
moment arm and the distance from the axis to the mal end of the A4 pulley. The displacement by the
joint surface and h1 is the arc of motion through tendon at any angle of rotation is then
which the joint travels.
x ¼ h3 d þ yð2  h3 tanfh3 =2gÞ;
Landsmeer’s second model takes into account
anatomic considerations: the tendon is kept at where d is the original distance of the tendon to
a specified constant distance from the joint and the axis of rotation (equal to the distance from the
phalanges. On joint motion, there is no bowstring- tendon to the center of the bone at point y). As the
ing; rather, the tendon is constrained at a fixed moment arm also changes with the angle, it is
geometric point P. The displacement of the described as
tendon is described as x ¼ 2r2 sinðh2 =2Þ; where r2  
1  cosðh3 =2Þ
again is the moment arm, being the distance from h¼y þ d:
the joint axis to the bending point P of the tendon. sinðh3 =2Þ
Landsmeer’s third model allows for physio- At angles of h3  40(
logic bowstringing. As h3 increases, so does the Landsmeer believed that his first model was
moment arm. As the tendon arcs and shortens, almost equivalent to his third model. Armstrong

measured the physiologic displacement of the discussed by Konrad Biesalski in 1910, Erich
tendons relative to the angles created (at individ- Lexer in 1912, and Leo Mayer in 1916 [96]. Mayer
ual joints) of 80( and found that the experi- also published a series of articles elaborating the
mental data correlated best with Landsmeer’s first role of the digital sheath, tendon nutrition, and
model and that r1 differed by hand size [83]. blood supply, and stressing the importance of
Although these early models accounted for tendon sheath motion [97,98]. In the early 1920s
force only in a straight path, advanced models Sterling Bunnell set forth the essential principles
have greater analytic flexibility. Thompson de- of hand surgery, including atraumatic technique,
veloped a multi-joint model based on the idea preservation of the pulley system, and avoidance
that as each point on a phalanx is moved, its new of infection, all aimed at limitation of scar
position can be calculated by a transformation formation [99,100]. Although Bunnell’s use of
matrix in three dimensions. The tendon’s course is the term ‘‘No Man’s Land’’ to describe zone II
described by a combination of multiple elements, lacerations was long taken to imply that these
including straight segments inside pulleys, curved injuries should be considered off-limits for surgery
segments between pulleys, and divergent segments [101], it was Bunnell himself who in 1940 estab-
such as the insertion of the FDS. By linking these lished the conditions needed for primary flexor
paths together (like sections of track in a model tendon repair and described how motion stimu-
train set), Thompson’s model linked the properties lates growth and minimizes adhesions [102]. The
of each path to a whole, allowing calculation of misunderstanding over the term caused a reluc-
tendon excursion for any given joint motion. tance for primary flexor tendon repair in zone II
Comparison of the results of this analysis with for many years, perhaps curtailing the advance-
data for excursion and joint position from previous ment of flexor tendon surgery [103].
studies revealed an error of less than 10% [90]. According to the timeline for tendon healing
Several other models have combined kinematic, established by Mason and Allen in 1941, tensile
computer, and radiographic modalities to simulate force reaches its lowest level on postoperative day
forces and stresses on other forearm muscles and 5 and only returns to its immediate postoperative
the flexors [80,91,92]. Fowler and Nicol created level by postoperative day 19 [104]. This observa-
a model using MRI to obtain moment arms and tion led many to believe that a 3-week waiting
tendon lines of action in three dimensions. Results period of immobilization is necessary to prevent
using their model agreed with other studies that rupture. Kleinert and Duran, however, later
measured tendon force in the hand [84,93–95]. demonstrated that passive or active unresisted
motion yields better results than immobilization
[105,106], and Gelberman in a series of articles
Clinical applications demonstrated the ability of tendons subjected to
early passive motion to heal with few adhesions
Biomechanics of flexor tendon repairs
and scar formation [107–112].
Most biomechanic studies on the digital flexor Tendon healing proceeds through three phases:
tendons focus on the repair and rehabilitation of inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. It
flexor tendon injuries, mostly in zone II. Long starts with the migration of peripheral cells and
labeled a surgical ‘‘No ManÕs Land,’’ zone II proliferation of external capillaries. The tendon
flexor tendon lacerations are now almost always edges then can unite with the help of these
considered for primary repair. Outcomes in func- surrounding tissues, with the final stage of remod-
tion and motion remain less than ideal, and so the eling occurring with motion. Beyond these basic
search for a better repair and rehabilitation pro- facts, two broad theories of tendon repair have
tocol continues. Such a repair should maximize long competed for legitimacy. The extrinsic theory,
intrinsic healing while limiting extrinsic healing first put forward by Potenza and Peacock, holds
and adhesion formation, be strong enough to that tendons in and of themselves are inert and
prevent rupture and gapping during an early require external factors for healing, that the
motion rehabilitation program, and yet be tech- synovial sheath is the sole requisite for healing,
nically feasible for routine use. and that the tendon itself plays no role in its own
The biomechanics of tendon healing and repair repair [113–117].
has been the source of considerable debate for According to the second, intrinsic theory, the
almost a century. The importance of early motion tendon has inherent healing capabilities. Lund-
and prevention of adhesion formation was berg showed that, even when isolated from its

synovium, the tendon exhibits end encapsulation isolation. It allows for testing large numbers of
[118–121]. Becker was the first to illustrate that tendons and allows direct visualization of the
tendon fibroblasts contribute to repair by pro- tendon during testing so that gap formation is
ducing collagen; he created a hole in chicken measured easily. It ignores the physiologic load-
tendon and added a plasma clot, which resulted ing and environment of the tendon, sheath
in tendon cell migration and proliferation and mechanics, and the effects of the post-repair
subsequent collagen synthesis [122]. Manske later milieu. Gripping of the tendon in the linear
argued that direct (perfusion) and indirect (diffu- testing machine has been problematic because of
sion) nutrient pathways are important to tendon slippage, which could produce erroneously in-
healing. He demonstrated that diffusion is not creased strain measurements. This has been used
only as effective as perfusion, but can even pro- in human and animal tendons. Testing can be
vide necessary support in the absence of a per- performed cyclically and single load to failure.
fusing vessel [123–126]. Mass substantiated this In vitro linear loading test’s major use has been in
finding by demonstrating the intrinsic healing direct comparison of various primarily to com-
capabilities of human tendons in vitro [127,128]. pare suture methods [135–139].
It is likely that tendon heals by way of intrinsic Curvilinear testing leaves the tendon within the
and extrinsic mechanisms. Current repair tech- intact hand [140–142]. During finger motion
niques and rehabilitation protocols must take a a variety of forces are applied to the tendon,
balanced approach by controlling rigid adhesions including tension on the dorsal surface, compres-
and providing enough strength to permit motion sion on the volar surface, and frictional forces
to stimulate diffusion. Although early motion is within the sheath. An example of a curvilinear
necessary, it is attended by the risk for rupture. testing apparatus is seen in Fig. 14. The disad-
Even given the decrease in tensile strength post- vantage of curvilinear testing is that it cannot be
operatively, current methods of surgical repair used to visually examine tendon during the
provide sufficient strength to start early active loading cycle, and thus gap measurements are
motion while paying attention to reducing adhe- difficult to assess.
sions and increasing synovial diffusion. As hand The greatest limitation of biomechanic test-
surgeons approach the limits of their ability to ing in the cadaveric human hand model is that
control gap formation, tendon excursion, and it can only provide information on the immedi-
force during rehabilitation, further progress in ate post-repair state; it cannot simulate the
tendon repair may require controlling the biologic healing environment. Because ruptures, gapping,
factors associated with healing on the cellular and adhesion formation usually occur days or
and molecular levels. Treatments of this type in- weeks after surgery, their effects on the repair
clude injection of progenitor cells and manipula- can only be assumed or extrapolated from ani-
tion of DNA with gene therapy [129–131]. Studies mal models.
have investigated the insertion of DNA coding
for wanted proteins into healing tendons. For
Tendon forces
example, PDGF-B has been shown to enhance
angiogenesis and matrix formation [132,133]. Un- Successful tendon surgery is predicated on the
wanted proteins have also been investigated, such repaired tendon’s ability to withstand the forces of
as pp125FAK, whose overexpression may induce early motion. Although there are many studies
adhesion formation [134]. about obtaining a strong repair, there are few
biomechanic studies of forces in the human flexor
profundus tendon, and those few are mutually
Testing methods
inconsistent in methodology. Mathematical and
Numerous methodologies have been used to spatial analyses [84,85], direct measures in vivo
test flexor tendon repairs, in humans and animals, [143,144], and in vitro cadaveric studies [136] have
including single load-to-failure tests and cyclic all been performed with great variability and
testing, and testing in linear and curvilinear little correlation among them. The studies most
modes. Unfortunately a lack of uniformity among often quoted in the hand literature are those of
these studies has resulted in wide ranging results Urbaniak [143] and Schuind [144], who found
that make comparisons difficult. flexor tendon forces ranging from 9–22 N. Al-
In vitro linear loading to failure is an extra- though performed on tendons in vivo, neither
anatomic testing method that tests the tendon in study accounted for changes in biomechanics after

Speed control
Force transducer Motor

Slide tray

A. Force

B. LVDT A/D Computer

input converter interface

C. Pinchmeter

Fig. 14. Curvilinear, cyclical testing apparatus used to replicate natural tendon motion. LVDT, linear variable
differential transformer. (From Choueka J, Heminger H, Mass DP. Cyclical testing of zone II flexor tendon repairs.
J Hand Surg [Am] 2000;25(6):1127–34; with permission).

repair, including decreased gliding ability, edema, only 3%–9% [152]. If 75 N or more strength were
and postoperative pain. Additional limitations needed, one would expect a 100% rupture rate
include calculated (as opposed to directly mea- with this weaker repair. Intrinsic tendon forces
sured) forces and lack of external controls, as thus may have been overestimated. Choueka et al
sedated and anesthetized patients were asked to tested this theory in an in vitro study using a
apply the forces. curvilinear model to evaluate the tendon forces
Several studies have based treatment regimens experienced during a simulated active rehabilita-
on Urbaniak and Schuind’s values. Savage pos- tion protocol. In vitro forces in tendons were
tulated that, based on the known decrease in found to range from 2.4–3.8 N, which is 3 to
repair strength postoperatively, initial repair nearly 10 times less than values previously re-
strengths to permit active motion should be in ported in vivo. To satisfy the forces from in vitro
the vicinity of 75 N [137]. Much recent research tests, two-strand repairs with initial strengths of
has been aimed at developing the strongest repair 25 N thus may be acceptable for initiating early
to allow active motion postoperatively. These motion protocols [167]. Based on the in vivo forces
studies include use of multistrand repairs, locking seen by Schuind [144] and Urbaniak [143] and the
sutures, changing location of repair, various known decreases in repair strength ranging from
suture calibers and sizes, tendon splints and 60%–80% [104,143], however, a multistrand re-
grafts, and even metallic implants [145–150]. Un- pair (such as was found with the four-strand
fortunately, because repairs and techniques be- locking cruciate repair) would satisfy all criteria.
come increasingly complex, the attendant
disadvantages multiply, such as increased opera-
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Hand Clin 21 (2005) 151–157

Flexor Tendons: Anatomy and Surgical Approaches

Christopher H. Allan, MD
Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington School of Medicine,
Department of Orthopaedics, Box 359798, 325 Ninth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104, USA

The extrinsic flexor tendons of the hand rep- (approximately the level of the metacarpal neck)
resent the terminal functional units of the forearm to the distal aspect of the transverse carpal liga-
motors to the digits and are named based on the ment. Occasionally the small finger flexor sheath is
location of those forearm muscles. The flexor continuous throughout the digit and palm and so
digitorum profundus (FDP; profound = deep) zone II is considered to begin with the A1 pulley
tendons arise from the deeper layer of flexor (discussed later). Zone IV comprises the carpal
muscles, whereas the flexor digitorum superficialis tunnel, and zone V is proximal to it (Fig. 3).
(FDS) tendons are the continuation of the more Zone II receives a great deal of attention
superficial muscle layer. The flexor pollicis longus because of its anatomic complexity and because
(FPL) tendon also arises from the deeper muscle of resulting difficulties in obtaining good clinical
layer and is the only thumb flexor with a tendon results after flexor tendon injury and repair in this
occupying a sheath. location. In zone II the synovial sheath is orga-
As these tendons enter the hand they traverse nized into thickenings or segments of transverse or
the carpal tunnel. The finger flexors are arranged oblique fibers comprising annular or cruciate
with the profundus tendons deepest in the carpal pulleys, respectively (Figs. 4 and 5). The entirety
tunnel. Above them are located the index and of the sheath, pulleys and all, serves to retain the
small finger superficialis tendons, and finally the flexor tendons close to the phalanges throughout
superficialis tendons of the middle and ring a complete range of motion. Bowstringing of ten-
fingers. At this level the median nerve, closely dons, which would be an obstacle to grasp, is
apposed to the undersurface of the superficialis thereby prevented. The cruciate pulleys are located
musculature in the forearm, has become the most at or near the interphalangeal joints, and their
palmar structure (Fig. 1). configuration allows them to collapse with flexion
In the hand, the flexor tendons are enclosed in of those joints, allowing for shortening of the
synovial sheaths that lubricate them and minimize flexor sheath without bunching of tissue.
friction as they pass beneath the transverse carpal In the case of the thumb, an abbreviated
ligament and within the digits (Fig. 2). sheath with one oblique and two annular pulleys
These synovial sheaths demarcate different is found (Fig. 6).
zones along the course of the tendons (Fig. 3). These anatomic facts form the basis for ap-
Zone I represents the region distal to the synovial proaches to injured flexor tendons; in the non-
sheath, occupied by the profundus tendon only. thumb digits the cruciate pulleys can be sacrificed
Zone II extends the length of the fibro-osseous readily to gain access without compromising the
sheath of the digit, where (in the nonthumb digits) sheath’s retaining function. Although all pulleys
FDP and FDS glide within the sheath’s narrow should be preserved as much as possible, even if
confines (Figs. 4 and 5). Zone III extends from the only those overlying the proximal and middle
proximal aspect of the digital synovial sheath phalanges (A2 and A4, respectively) are pre-
served, then full flexion sufficient to allow for
digit tip to distal palmar crease contact should still
E-mail address: callan@u.washington.edu be possible [1].
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.11.003 hand.theclinics.com

Fig. 1. Flexor tendon anatomy at the wrist.

The flexor tendons in zone II are nourished by planned to avoid the dorsal aspect of the flexors to
synovial fluid within the sheath and through direct preserve this blood supply [3].
vascular inflow by way of the vincula (from the
Latin vincire and vinctum, to bind) [2]. Each flexor
Surgical approaches
receives a vinculum longus and a vinculum brevis
(Fig. 7), conveying vessels that ramify along the Flexor tendon injuries occur most commonly
dorsal course of the tendons. Repairs often are in association with lacerations or other open

Fig. 2. Bursae and synovial sheaths. Fig. 3. Flexor tendon zones.


Fig. 4. Digital flexor sheath: annular (A1–A5) and cruciate (C1–C3) pulleys.

wounds of digits, and in such situations the along the course of or perpendicular to flexion
surgical approach therefore is dictated to some creases may be used. In any case, it is important to
extent by the nature of the wound. The chief avoid creating narrow skin flaps, because the tip
principles guiding the choice of incision are to of such a flap may not survive (Fig. 8).
avoid crossing flexion creases at right angles (to Flexor tendon injuries in the palm, wrist, or
prevent later flexion contracture caused by scar) forearm tend to be simpler to expose and repair,
and to protect the underlying neurovascular in part because of the absence of the constricting
bundles from harm. fibro-osseous sheath. In zone III the lumbrical
Oblique Bruner incisions or straight midlateral (which originates from the FDP at this level) may
incisions should allow for safe exposure of the be intact, preventing retraction of the cut ends of
flexor sheath in zones I or II, and these may be a profundus tendon. In zone IV an open release
combined as needed [4]. In the palm, incisions of the carpal tunnel generally exposes both ends of

Fig. 5. Relationship of flexor sheath and pulleys to intrinsic and extensor apparatus.

Fig. 6. Thumb flexor sheath and pulleys.

a lacerated tendon, although keeping some part of Another factor dictating the planning of an
the transverse carpal ligament intact to prevent incision should be the location of the laceration
bowstringing is preferred if at all possible. Zone V along the course of the tendon sheath. If the digit
injuries occur so close to the muscle belly that was held in flexion at the time of the injury, the
significant retraction does not occur, but injuries distal tendon end (or ends, if both FDS and FDP
at this level often involve multiple structures and have been cut) likely require a greater distal
so substantial extension of lacerations distally and exposure for retrieval and repair than is true for
proximally may be necessary to allow identifica- tendon injuries to an extended digit (Fig. 9). Often
tion and repair of multiple tendons, nerves, and this can be determined through direct inspection
vessels. In this situation extending one end of the of the wound in the operating room after irriga-
incision distally and the other proximally mini- tion and with tourniquet control. Passive flexion
mizes the risk for flap necrosis. of the digit may bring the distal cut ends readily

Fig. 7. The vincula.


be successful, though this seems to be true only

rarely. As a next step, a curved tendon passer,
hemostat, small hooked skin retractor, or other
device then may be inserted into the sheath and
directed proximally to attempt to grasp the
proximal cut ends. Care must be taken to avoid
harm to nerves and vessels, which are immediately
adjacent to the course of the flexor tendons at
most locations in the hand.
If this fails to retrieve the cut ends after more
than a few gentle attempts have been made, it is
probably safest and quickest to proceed with
exposure of the tendons in the palm. A transverse
incision is made at the level of the A1 pulley and
the tendons are exposed. The cut tendons occa-
sionally can be advanced gently distally, using
a nontoothed forceps, into the wound in the digit.
Fig. 8. Incisions for exposure and repair of flexor If this does not succeed, a small pediatric feeding
tendon lacerations. tube (5 French is commonly used) is inserted in
the proximal wound, into the sheath, and out the
distal wound [5]. A suture is used to tie the cut
into view, minimizing the extent of distal exposure tendons to the feeding tube, and the tube is gently
required. When this is not the case, a more pulled distally, usually bringing the tendons into
extensive distal incision—sometimes surprisingly the distal wound (Fig. 10). A 25-gauge needle can
so—must be used. With identification and pro- be placed transversely through the retrieved ten-
tection of the neurovascular bundles, the entire don ends, proximal and distal, to retain them at
volar surface of the flexor sheath can be exposed. the proposed site of repair.
After exposure of the distal cut ends, the A final issue in exposure of injured flexor
proximal ends must be retrieved. As stated, this tendons has to do with the overlying flexor sheath.
tends not to be difficult in the case of injuries The generally transverse orientation of the fibers
proximal to zone II. For injuries within the digit, making up the sheath leads to pullout of sutures
flexion of the wrist and fingers and kneading of parallel to these fibers, as would be used to repair
the volar forearm musculature from proximal to a longitudinal incision. It is often necessary,
distal to ‘‘milk’’ the cut ends into the wound may though, to open the sheath at some location other

Fig. 9. Effect of digit posture at time of injury on location of distal cut tendon ends in zone II injuries.

Fig. 10. Retrieval of proximal cut tendon ends.

than the original wound—or to extend the orig- distal part of the sheath to allow for repair
inal wound—to perform an adequate repair. One (Fig. 11).
compromise is to use L-shaped or funnel incisions
where needed, the transverse limbs of which may
be repaired reliably, and which give greater
exposure than straight longitudinal incisions [6]. The nature of the original injury is the chief
Such funnel-shaped flaps also can be helpful when determinant of outcome and is out of the control
passing the proximal tendon end into a more of the surgeon. Every step thereafter can be

Fig. 11. L-shaped incisions in flexor sheath for greater exposure and ease of repair.

influenced by him or her, though, and a thorough [3] Amadio PC, Hunter JM, Jaeger SH, Wehbe MA,
knowledge of anatomy and surgical approaches Schneider LH. The effect of vincular injury on the
allows for the best possible repair under any set of results of flexor tendon surgery in zone 2. J Hand
circumstances. Surg [Am] 1985;10(5):626–32.
[4] Strickland JW. Flexor tendon injuries: II. Opera-
References tive technique. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1995;3(1):
[1] Trumble T. Principles of hand surgery and therapy. [5] Sourmelis SG, McGrouther DA. Retrieval of the
Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co.; 2000. retracted flexor tendon. J Hand Surg [Br] 1987;
[2] Strickland JW. Flexor tendon injuries: I. Foundations 12(1):109–11.
of treatment. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1995;3(1): [6] Lister G. Indications and techniques for repair of
44–54. the flexor tendon sheath. Hand Clin 1985;1(1):85–95.
Hand Clin 21 (2005) 159–166

Flexor Tendon Biology

Martin I. Boyer, MD, MSc, FRCS(C)
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University at Barnes-Jewish Hospital,
One Barnes Hospital Plaza, Saint Louis, MO 63110, USA

Significant advances in the understanding of fascicles separated spatially into equal radial and
intrasynovial flexor tendon repair and rehabilita- ulnar halves and functionally into volar and
tion have been made since the early 1970s [1,2], dorsal sections. The dorsal part of the tendon
when reports first demonstrated that flexor tendon contains most of the direct vascular supply of the
lacerations within the fibro-osseous digital sheath tendon, which originates from the two vinculae
could be repaired primarily and rehabilitated supplied directly by ladder branches of the radial
successfully without early tendon excision and and ulnar digital arteries. By contrast, the volar
delayed intrasynovial grafting [3]. The concept of portion of the intrasynovial flexor tendon, which
adhesion-free, or primary tendon healing (that in absolute terms constitutes less than half of the
tendons could heal intrinsically without the in- thickness of the tendon itself, contains little or no
growth of fibrous adhesions from the surrounding direct blood supply [42]. Cells within this avascu-
sheath), has been validated experimentally and lar portion of the tendon obtain nutrient supply
clinically in studies over the past 25 years [4–13]. and eliminate waste products primarily by passive
Recent attempts to understand and improve the diffusion of the relevant solutes and gases [43].
results of intrasynovial flexor tendon repair have The dorsal and volar surfaces of the flexor
focused on restoration of the gliding surface [13– tendons are covered by a thin visceral gliding layer
22], augmentation of early postoperative repair of epitenon. The flexor tendons course through
site biomechanic strength [23–36], and on the a synovial lined fibro-osseous tunnel that provides
elucidation of the molecular biology of early a biomechanic advantage (on the basis of the
postoperative tendon healing [2,23,37,38–40]. pulley system) and the synovial source of nutrition
The goals of the surgical treatment of patients from the internal parietal layer of sheath [44].
with intrasynovial flexor tendon lacerations re- Although studies of intrasynovial flexor tendon
main unchanged: to achieve a primary tendon physiology have demonstrated the importance of
repair of sufficient tensile strength to allow appli- intrinsic and extrinsic sources of nutrition [45–52],
cation of a postoperative mobilization rehabilita- tendon nutrition by passive diffusion is likely of
tion protocol. This program should inhibit the greater importance overall.
formation of intrasynovial adhesions and restore A recent investigation of tendon ultrastructure
the gliding surface while facilitating the healing of by Ritty [53] has shed new light on the organiza-
the repair site [41]. tion of fibroblasts within the interior aspect of the
flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendon. It has
been shown that internal tendon fibroblasts are
Tendon structure and nutrition organized into longitudinally oriented linear ar-
The intrasynovial portion of the digital flexor rays surrounded by their own unique extracellular
tendon consists of longitudinally oriented collagen matrix. Identification of the components of this
matrix demonstrated substantial contributions of
fibrillin-2, type VI collagen, and versican. In
E-mail address: boyerm@msnotes.wustl.edu addition, a new fibrillin-2 containing macromo-
(M.I. Boyer). lecular assembly has been shown to run axially
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.11.009 hand.theclinics.com

along the tendon arrays. These assemblies contain strength up to and including 6 weeks postopera-
the internal tendon fibroblasts, have a constant tively [23,36,82]. A significant relationship be-
diameter, and often are greater than 1 mm long. tween tendon cross-sectional dimension and
Investigation of the interplay between the tendon suture hold on the tendon stump, however, has
fibroblasts within these microenvironments and not been proven [24]. The nature of the tendon–
externally applied forces or biologic factors during suture interaction from an ultrastructural point of
early rehabilitation following repair may increase view remains unevaluated.
the quantity or quality of endotenon fibroblast It is well accepted that core suture techniques
participation during early tendon repair. using a greater number of suture strands crossing
the repair site between proximal and distal tendon
demonstrate higher tensile strength stumps than
core suture techniques of similar pattern with less
sutures across the repair site [26,35,36,71]. This
Attempts to improve the time-zero early post- fact holds true in ex vivo time-zero studies and in
operative strength of the repair construct have in vivo studies for up to 6 weeks postoperatively.
focused on biomechanic and biologic attempts to The results of numerous studies using commonly
modify the early postoperative repair site. At- used core suture techniques have demonstrated
tempts to vary the configuration of the core suture the superiority of the four-strand core suture over
[14,30,31,54–61], to alter the number of suture the two-strand core suture and the greater
strands passing across the repair site [29,33– strengths achieved with six- and eight-strand
36,54–57,62–71], to investigate the use of core core suture techniques. The limiting factor to
sutures of different caliber and materials [72–74], more widespread use of modern multistrand su-
and to investigate variation in the pattern and ture techniques remains the surgeon’s ability to
depth of placement of the circumferential epite- perform the repair using atraumatic technique
non suture [65,75–77] have all been evaluated as such that trauma to the tendon stumps and the
to their beneficial effects on time-zero and in vivo circumferential visceral epitenon is minimized.
postoperative tendon healing. Although clinical Other variables relevant to core suture place-
application of repair site augmentations, such as ment shown to have a positive effect on time-zero
onlay tendon grafts, patches, or synthetic materi- core suture tensile strength include the dorsovolar
als, has been disappointing because of increased location of the core suture, the cross-sectional
repair site bulk and poor ability to restore the area of tendon grasped or locked by the redirect-
gliding surface, recent ex vivo results suggest that ing loop of suture, and the total number of times
these techniques may warrant further investiga- that the tendon has been grasped by the suture.
tion [78]. In addition, investigation of the feasi- Studies in an ex vivo in situ human model have
bility of the direct application, within carrier shown that greater time-zero strength is achieved
media, to the repair site of growth factors or with a more dorsal placement of the core suture
compounds beneficial to the healing of dense within the tendon stumps [29,34,87]. This has
regular connective tissue holds promise (R.H. a negative theoretic effect on intrasynovial flexor
Gelberman, personal communication, 2004). tendon vascularity, because the more dorsal
Ex vivo and in vivo investigations in linear, in suture placement interferes with internal tendon
situ, and other models have suggested that core vascularity to a greater extent, especially in the
suture configurations with the greatest tensile areas in which the long and short vincula enter the
strength are those in which there are multiple FDP tendon. Ex vivo studies have suggested that
sites of tendon suture interaction [23,59,79–84]. the redirecting loop of the core suture that is
Although the Kessler or modified Kessler tech- positioned to lock rather than grasp the tendon
niques still enjoy widespread acceptance [1], stumps show greater time-zero strength, and in
newer techniques such as Tajima [85,86], Strick- addition, increasing the number of locks or grasps
land [25,34,41,86], Cruciate [54,57], Becker increases the time-zero tensile strength of the
[25,30,34,79,80], and Savage [31,36,58,59,68,86] flexor tendon repair site [88–90]. The placement
configurations all offer greater suture hold on of the suture knot either within or away from the
the tendon that is independent of the suture knot. repair site has not been shown conclusively to
These modern methods of core suture technique have an effect on core suture tensile strength
have been shown not only to offer greater time- [72,91,92]. Greater quantity of suture within the
zero repair site tensile strength, but also improved repair site may increase repair site bulk and

decrease tendon glide, whereas knot placement canine study has refuted this assumption and has
away from the repair site may affect tendon demonstrated that the presence of a repair site
gliding detrimentally because of increased friction gap, even greater than 3 mm, is not correlated
between tendon and sheath proximal or distal to with the presence of intrasynovial adhesions or
the repair site. Techniques of intrasynovial core with decreased digital arc of motion [27]. Al-
suture placement that do not require the tying of though large gaps did not seem to affect tendon
sutures have not gained widespread acceptance function (ie, excursion), large repair site gaps that
[93]. occurred during the first 21 days postoperatively
An additional technique by which hand sur- were observed to have a significant negative effect
geons have attempted to augment repair site on tendon structure (ie, the accrual of tendon
strength is by alteration of the configuration of repair site tensile strength). In tendons without
circumferential epitendinous suture. Several stud- gaps or with gaps less than 3 mm in length,
ies have suggested that a clinically and statistically a significant increase in repair site tensile strength
significant component of time-zero repair site was seen between 3 and 6 weeks postoperatively,
strength is provided by a circumferential epiten- whereas in tendons with a repair site gap greater
dinous suture passed multiple times across the than 3mm, significant accrual of repair site
repair site [65,75]. Most investigations suggest strength did not occur. Although the biologic
that although the epitendinous suture does in- processes at work within the larger repair site gaps
crease time-zero and early postoperative strength remain open to further investigation, large repair
of the repair site, it cannot be relied on to provide site gaps seen early in the postoperative period
the most repair site tensile strength. It has been pose a greater risk for rupture as motion re-
shown, however, that the role of the epitendinous habilitation progresses after 3 weeks. Evaluation
suture, regardless of its configuration, is twofold: of imaging modalities such as ultrasound, MRI,
first, to decrease repair site bulk by smoothing out and plain radiographs to determine precisely the
the tendon stump surface, and second, to increase extent of repair site gap has yielded inconsistent
tensile strength of the repair site to decrease early results that are not yet applicable to the clinical
postoperative repair site gap formation. Based on situation.
recent studies of core suture biomechanics and in
vivo clinical and experimental studies of tendon
force in canines and humans, a four-strand core
suture technique supplemented by a running epi-
Repair site biochemistry
tendinous suture is recommended to achieve
sufficient repair site tensile strength to allow for Important strides have been made recently in
postoperative passive motion rehabilitation to the investigation of specific biologic processes
proceed without significant risk for gap formation active at the repair site during the early post-
at the repair site. Increased depth and frequency operative period. Increased levels of local cellular
of epitendinous suture passes do not seem to exert division as demonstrated histologically and mea-
negative effects on the epitenon cell layer’s con- sured by increased levels of histone H4 mRNA
tribution to the intrinsically healing tendon. and increased synthesis of type I collagen mRNA
and protein has been demonstrated within repair
site cells and cells within the adjacent epitenon
early in the postoperative period [38,97,98]. Gold-
The repair site gap
farb has shown, however, that neither the total
Although greater degrees of strength have been amount nor the maturity of the collagen at the
achieved with modern core and epitendinous repair site increased significantly during the first 6
suture techniques, the effect of small degrees of weeks postoperatively [99]. The accrual of repair
early repair site dehiscence or repair site gap site tensile strength demonstrated between 3 and 6
formation on tendon healing and accrual of repair weeks postoperatively in tendons with repair site
site strength has been appreciated only recently gap of less than 3 mm therefore must be caused
[27]. Previous investigators have hypothesized by mechanisms other than increased synthesis or
that the presence of repair site gaps was accom- more rapid maturation of collagen at the repair
panied uniformly by the presence of intrasynovial site. The precise biochemical processes deficient in
flexor tendon adhesions, decreased tendon glide, those tendons not accruing strength after 3 weeks
and digital stiffness [66,94–96]. A recent in vivo postoperatively are unknown at present.

Fibroblasts grown in culture have demon- associated with the local formation of scar tissue,
strated responsiveness to externally applied stress in these in vivo models.
on cellular and molecular levels [37]; however, the The identification of fibroblast responsiveness
exact relationship between synthesis of collagen in culture to insulin-like growth factor (IGF) [45]
and integrins and the accrual of tensile strength at and its expression by flexor tendon cells in vitro
tendon repair site remains unknown. Fibronectin, [108] has been demonstrated. The beneficial effects
an abundant extracellular matrix protein involved of increasing IGF levels locally to improve early
in cell–matrix communication, and a5b1, avb3 tendon structure following repair remains un-
integrins, cell-surface compounds involved in the tested, however. Similarly, local application of
binding of fibroblasts to extracellular matrix, are epidermal-derived growth factor (EDGF) has
likewise upregulated during the early postopera- been shown to have a positive effect on fibroblast
tive period in tendons undergoing early passive migration in vitro. Its beneficial effects in vivo in
motion mobilization following repair [100–104]. earlier population of the repair site with cells
The clinical relevance of the observed increase in involved in matrix production, however, are un-
local synthesis and accumulation of compounds tested also [109].
that enable communication between the extracel-
lular matrix and the interior of the fibroblast
during the early postoperative period is important The future of intrasynovial tendon repair and
insofar as locally applied rehabilitation stresses rehabilitation
might be mimicked by application of these factors Future attempts to improve the pace and the
administered exogenously or by genetic engineer- extent of flexor tendon repair site healing probably
ing of the repair site. Tendons immobilized lie within the biologic realm, because the benefits
following repair demonstrated significantly de- of modern multiple strand core suture techniques
creased fibronectin concentration when compared combined with early postoperative motion re-
with mobilized tendons [100]. habilitation likely have been maximized (J.W.
Upregulation in the synthesis of mRNA an- Strickland, personal communication, 2002). The
giogenic mediators such as basic fibroblast growth next phase of fruitful investigation will attempt
factor (bFGF) and vascular endothelial growth the optimization of dosage, delivery, tempo, and
factor (VEGF) has been demonstrated within the timing of the beneficial genes or compounds, alone
flexor tendon repair site and in surrounding or in combination, to the postoperative repair site
epitenon and has been shown to precede tempo- at the time of surgical treatment.
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Hand Clin 21 (2005) 167–171

Zone I Flexor Tendon Injuries

Brian A. Murphy, MD*, Daniel P. Mass, MD
University of Chicago, Section of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine,
Department of Surgery, 5841 South Maryland Avenue, MC 3079, Chicago, IL 60637-1470, USA

Zone I flexor tendon injuries include injuries to becomes the most prominent finger with the
the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendon. fingers in a partially flexed position [3]. The
These injuries occur distal to the superficialis factors influencing the prognosis include the level
insertion over the middle phalanx or proximal to which the tendon retracts, the delay between
distal phalanx, and as such are isolated injuries to injury and treatment, the presence and size of
the FDP. The mechanism most commonly is bony fragments, and the blood supply to the
closed avulsion from the distal phalanx or a lacer- tendon in this location [1,4].
ation, but other mechanisms such as open avul- Avulsion injuries are classified by Leddy and
sion or crush injury can occur. On physical Packer into three types [1]. Type I injuries
examination, the cascade of the fingers is disrup- represent avulsions in which the proximal tendon
ted, and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint flexion stump has retracted into the palm. These must
must be isolated to determine if the FDP tendon is be treated in an urgent fashion to avoid degen-
continuous, because other mechanisms are present eration of the tendon and myostatic contracture.
to enable finger flexion at the other joints. This occurs because of the severe damage to the
FDP avulsion injuries have been labeled ‘‘jer- vascularity of the tendon with this injury, as both
sey’’ fingers because of their mechanism of injury, vincula are ruptured when the tendon retracts to
which typically involves hyperextension of the the level of the palm. The resulting hematoma in
DIP joint against a maximally contracted flexion the flexor sheath also contributes to the risk for
force, occurring often in tackling sports [1]. The scar formation and contracture; hence the need
flexed finger is caught in the jersey of the player for urgent repair. The diagnosis often is delayed
being tackled, and a forceful extension moment because the finger still can flex at the metacarpal
occurs as the player attempts to escape the tackle. phalangeal (MCP) and proximal interphalangeal
These injuries occur as tendinous avulsions with (PIP) joints because of the action of the intact
or without a bony fragment involved from the intrinsic and flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS)
base of the distal phalanx. These injuries occur tendons, respectively. Treatment options after
most often in the ring finger [2], although avul- a delay in diagnosis include DIP fusion, recon-
sions in all of the fingers and the thumb have been struction of the FDP, no treatment (just leaving
reported. Various theories exist to explain the the finger alone), or excision of the profundus if it
prevalence of ring finger injuries. Manske re- becomes a painful nodule after retracting into the
ported an experimental study in which the in- palm. The FDP can be reconstructed in a one-
sertion of the profundus to the ring finger was stage procedure with the graft placed around
weaker than that of the long finger [2], and Bynum rather than through the FDS decussation [5].
and Gilbert have shown that the ring finger The loss of DIP flexion is not severely disabling;
however, the loss of strength from the deficient
FDP can be troublesome. Stiffness of the PIP joint
* Corresponding author. can occur, often with some degree of fixed flexion
E-mail address: bmurphy@surgery.bsd.uchicago.edu contracture [6]. Fortunately these injuries are rare
(B.A. Murphy). [7].
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.12.004 hand.theclinics.com

Type II injuries occur as the avulsed tendon

retracts to the level of the FDS decussation at the
PIP joint. These are the most common form of
avulsions [7]. A small piece of bone may be
attached to the tendon stump, aiding in the
radiographic diagnosis. The short vinculum is
ruptured, but the long vinculum remains intact,
and the tendon length is preserved. These injuries
therefore can be addressed up to 3 months after
the injury with good results [7], as long as the
tendon has not further retracted. Silva et al [8]
have shown in a canine model that the FDP
tendon hypertrophies after it is divided from its
insertion site, and at 21 days the tendon still is
able to hold a suture well. This reinforces the Fig. 1. Sketch of flexor digitorum profundus (FDP)
notion that delayed repair is still possible. If avulsion repaired over a button. (From Berger RA,
retraction occurs, the injury is converted to a Weiss AC. Hand surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott
type I injury, with the commensurate prognosis. Williams & Wilkins; 2004. p. 679–98; with permission.)
Type II injuries generally have a better prognosis
than type I.
Type III injuries involve a larger piece of bone A weaker unlocked repair must be done with
that gets caught at the level of the A4 pulley. Both this technique to allow for subsequent suture
vincula remain intact, and a small measure of DIP removal. Early motion could not be initiated
flexion can occur through the vincula. The bony because of the risk for re-rupture, and the risk
injuries can be treated by open reduction and for infection from the sutures lying outside the
internal fixation of the fracture fragment, which skin did exist. The nail bed also could be injured
indirectly repairs the tendon. Kang et al reported by improper placement of the sutures on the
on a series of five cases in which miniplates and dorsal aspect of the distal phalanx. The authors’
cortical screws were used for avulsed fragments of preferred technique involves suture anchors,
sufficient size [9], and the use of lag screws also has which are tolerated much better by patients than
been advocated [10]. If the fracture fragment is is a button (Fig. 2).
too small for fixation or if a pure tendon avulsion Two Mitek microsuture anchors with 4-0 Ethi-
has occurred, the tendon should be reattached bond anchored in the distal phalanx with modified
directly to the distal phalanx. The type III injuries
also can involve a fracture with subsequent
avulsion of the tendon from the bony fragment
and retraction of the tendon into the palm. This
has been classified as a type IIIA injury, and
fortunately is exceedingly rare.
Treatment varies according to the type of in-
jury. When the tendinous avulsion needs to be re-
paired, a periosteal flap can be raised, under
which the tendon can be inserted. For a type I in-
jury, the injury site is exposed using a Bruner inci-
sion and the flexor sheath distal to the A4 pulley
is opened. A separate incision can be made in the
palm to find the proximal stump. A pediatric
gastrostomy tube then can be threaded through
the flexor sheath to bring the proximal end into
the injury site. The proximal end of the tendon
traditionally has been secured with a Kessler or Fig. 2. Sketch of flexor digitorum profundus (FDP)
Bunnell repair, and then the suture ends tied over avulsion repair with micro Mitek. (From Berger RA,
a button on the dorsum of the distal phalanx Weiss AC. Hand surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott
(Fig. 1). Williams & Wilkins; 2004. p. 679–98; with permission.)

Becker repairs on the radial and ulnar sides of the possible flexion contractures [13]. Performing
tendon demonstrate a pull-out strength of 70 N, a formal repair in the proximal stump and
which is strong enough to begin early active bringing the suture through the distal stump
motion. Two micro anchors have been shown to without a formal repair maintains length. A
be stronger than the pull-out suture or one mini- 4-0 nylon Kessler repair is placed in the proximal
suture anchor by itself [11]. Type II injuries do not stump, and the sutures are attached to two Keith
require dissection into the palm to retrieve the needles. The Keith needles then are brought out
proximal end of the tendon, because the tendon is through the distal stump and out the tip of the
at the level of the PIP joint or proximal phalanx. finger, instead of the bone (Fig. 3).
The repair is the same as for the type I injuries. In The sutures then are tied over a button at the
bony type III injuries, Kirschner wires can be used proper tension to avoid shortening of the tendon.
in a dorsal to volar fashion. Alternatively if the An injury to the A4 pulley often occurs concom-
fragment is large enough, mini-fragment screws itantly. If more than 50% of the pulley has been
can be used to secure the fracture [10]. The damaged, it should be reconstructed with a strip
fragment needs to be 2.5 times the diameter of of dorsal wrist retinaculum (Fig. 4) or a synovial-
the screw to allow for proper fixation without lined donor tendon.
splitting the fragment. A mini-plate also has been Otherwise the damaged portion should be
advocated in a case series [9]. débrided. Postoperatively, if a formal repair of
The FDP tendon also can be injured in zone I the tendon can be accomplished, an early motion
through a laceration. The proximal end usually protocol can be used for postoperative treatment.
retracts to the level of the PIP joint or distal This typically involves short arc motion and place
proximal phalanx [12]. The flexor sheath is and hold exercises. If the repair used a button, it
exposed using Bruner incisions over the level to must be protected.
which the tendon has retracted. The length of the The results of this injury traditionally have not
distal stump depends on the position of the finger been as good as those of other flexor tendon
at the time of the laceration. If the finger was injuries. Full motion usually is not regained,
flexed, the distal stump may be short when the whereas good and excellent results were reported
finger is extended. Enough distal stump may or only in up to 67% in one series. The percentage
may not exist to perform a formal tendon repair. dropped to less than 50% with DIP flexion as the
If enough tendon is present, the authors prefer to determining factor [14]. Silva et al have shown in
perform a locked cruciate with 3-0 Ethibond and
an epitendinous volar 6-0 nylon repair under the
A4 pulley. This requires roughly 0.75 cm of distal
tendon for the locking sutures. To repair the
tendon under the A4 pulley, one must advance
the proximal end of the tendon enough to perform
the repair distal to the pulley, or the pulley can be
released partially to allow for the repair. The
flexor sheath can be opened in the spaces between
the pulleys to allow for retrieval and advancement
of the tendon. The proximal end can be retrieved
with a pediatric gastrostomy tube and be held in
place either with the tube or with a 25-gauge
needle placed horizontally through the tendon
and pulley. If the distal stump is too small for
a formal repair, the tendon can be advanced and
anchored to the distal phalanx as one would
repair an avulsion, or a repair maintaining the Fig. 3. Profundus pullout through fingertip. (A) Kessler
repair to proximal profundus end attached to two Keith
original length can be performed. It has been
needles that are pushed through the distal profundus
demonstrated that advancement of up to 1 cm was and out the distal tip of the finger. (B) Suture tied over
not detrimental to the function of the tendon, but a button at the tip. FDP, flexor digitorum profundus.
most surgeons prefer to maintain length of the (From Berger RA, Weiss AC. Hand surgery. Philadel-
tendon and avoid potential weakness of the other phia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004. p. 679–
profundus tendons from the quadriga effect and 98; with permission.)

Fig. 4. Dorsal retinacular reconstruction. Half of the dorsal retinaculum is harvested and sutured synovial layer down to
the edges of the proximal or middle phalanx, because there is usually a scar rim of the original pulley. (From Berger RA,
Weiss AC. Hand surgery. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004. p. 679–98; with permission.)

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healing mechanisms between midsubstance and ogy and viability following flexor digitorum
profundus tendon transection. J Orthop Res 2004;
insertional tendon injuries of the flexor tendons
has not been fully elucidated. The surgeon and [9] Kang N, Pratt A, Burr N. Miniplate fixation for
the patient should be prepared for the possi- avulsion injuries of the flexor digitorum profundus
bility of less than optimal outcomes with these insertion. J Hand Surg [Br] 2003;28:363–8.
injuries. [10] Shabat S, Sagiv P, Stern A, Nyska M. Avulsion
fracture of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon
(‘‘Jersey finger’’) type III. Arch Orthop Trauma
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[11] Brustein M, Pellegrini J, Choueka J, et al. Bone su-
[1] Leddy JP, Packer JW. Avulsion of the profundus ture anchors versus the pullout button for repair of
tendon insertion in athletes. J Hand Surg 1977;2A: distal profundus tendon injuries: a comparison of
66–9. strength in human cadaveric hands. J Hand Surg
[2] Manske PR, Lesker PA. Avulsion of the ring finger 2001;26A:489–96.
flexor digitorum profundus tendon: an experimental [12] Evans RB. A study of the zone I flexor tendon injury
study. Hand 1978;10:52–5. and its implications for treatment. J Hand Ther
[3] Bynum DK, Gilbert JA. Avulsion of the flexor dig- 1990;3:133–48.
itorum profundus: anatomic and biomechanical [13] Malerich MM, Baird RA, McMaster W, Erickson
considerations. J Hand Surg 1988;13A:222–7. JM. Permissible limits of flexor digitorum profundus

tendon advancement—an anatomic study. J Hand heals slowly following injury and suture repair.
Surg 1987;12A:30–3. J Orthop Res 2002;20:447–53.
[14] Moiemen NS, Elliot D. Primary flexor tendon repair [16] Leversedge FJ, Ditsios K, Goldfarb CA, Silva MJ,
in zone 1. J Hand Surg [Br] 2000;25:78–84. Gelberman RH, Boyer MI. Vascular anatomy of
[15] Silva MJ, Boyer MI, Ditsios K, et al. The insertion the human flexor digitorum profundus tendon inser-
site of the canine flexor digitorum profundus tendon tion. J Hand Surg 2002;27A:806–12.
Hand Clin 21 (2005) 173–179

Acute Flexor Tendon Repairs in Zone II

Robert W. Coats II, MDa, Julio C. Echevarrı́a-Oré, MDb,
Daniel P. Mass, MDa,*
Section of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine, Department of Surgery,
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago Hospital,
5841 South Maryland Avenue, MC 3079, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, Lima, Perú

Early repair of flexor tendon injuries has be- tendons is mainly dorsal, and (3) the superficialis
come the standard of care, even when the tendon and profundus tendons have unique spatial rela-
injury lies between the A1 pulley on the volar tionships (Fig. 3).
aspect of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint to The repair technique must provide enough ten-
the insertion of the flexor digitorum superficialis sile strength to start early active motion without
(FDS) tendon insertion on the middle phalanx or compromising the vascular supply through the
zone II, as described by Verdan. Bunnell, in 1918, vincula or significantly increasing the work of
admonished surgeons that ‘‘it is better to remove flexion. The goal of gliding implies providing a
the tendons entirely from the finger and graft in smooth tendon surface that decreases friction
new tendons throughout its length.’’ Although this within the pulley system, therefore preventing ex-
concept has been abandoned, Bunnell’s second trinsic scarring and rigid adhesions. This enhances
admonishment, strict adherence to meticulous tendon nutrition through diffusion, intrinsic heal-
atraumatic technique, cannot be overemphasized ing, and collagen remodeling.
[1,2]. Flexor tendon repairs in ‘‘no man’s land’’
have improved with advances in understanding
Clinical history and physical examination
of flexor tendon anatomy, biomechanics, nutri-
tion, and healing [3]. Improvements in repair Almost all zone II tendon injuries, whether
techniques have reduced clinically significant re- partial or complete, are caused by a laceration
pair gap formation, allowing rapid postoperative from a sharp object, such as a knife or broken
active and passive mobilization therapy protocols. glass. For presurgical planning it is helpful to know
Increased repair strength, decreased gap forma- if the fingers were in extension rather than flexion
tion, and rapid tendon mobilization encourages when the injury occurred. If both tendons are cut at
intrinsic tendon healing, while avoiding extrinsic the same level, it is easier to find the tendon ends
adhesion formation. We can now go from this through a smaller incision. Both repairs will be at
(Fig. 1) to this (Fig. 2) in 6 weeks. the same level, however, increasing the risk for
To obtain adequate strength and gliding in this extrinsic healing between the two tendons, possibly
region, the following anatomic factors must be creating one scar unit [4]. Tendon injuries can be
taken into consideration: (1) two tendons are tested by tenodesis rather than active flexion,
encased in a narrow fibro-osseous pulley system which does not hurt the patient (Fig. 4). A
compartment, (2) the vascular supply of flexor thorough neurovascular evaluation of the digits
must be performed, and if injured, the digital
nerves and arteries should be repaired during the
* Corresponding author. same operative setting. Fracture must be ruled out,
E-mail address: dmass@surgery.bsd.uchicago.edu and if present, rigid osteosynthesis is performed at
(D.P. Mass). the same time as tendon repair (Fig. 5).
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.11.001 hand.theclinics.com
174 COATS II et al

Fig. 1. (A) AP of little finger with sublimus and profundus laceration. (B) Lateral of little finger with sublimus and
profundus laceration.

Indications for surgery The patient’s ability to participate in a postoper-

ative rehabilitation protocol is an equally impor-
Because of the considerations mentioned pre-
tant consideration. Poor rehabilitation of a good
viously, the only way to achieve adequate function
zone II flexor tendon repair is potentially more
of the injured tendons is by surgical repair.
debilitating than an untreated injury.
Isolated injury to the superficialis or profundus
When dealing with partial tendon lacerations,
can be left unrepaired but only after explaining
it is important to consider that in a clinical setting
the potential compromised function of that digit.
most wounds create a volar laceration of the

Fig. 2. (A) Active extension at 6 weeks. (B) Active flexion at 6 weeks. (C) Active claw at 6 weeks.

Fig. 3. Camper’s chiasm.

Fig. 4. (A) Normal tenodesis cascade of the fingers. (B) Break of ring finger cascade—profundus avulsion. (C) Break of
long and ring finger cascade—long finger has superficialis laceration, ring has both tendons cut.
176 COATS II et al

Fig. 5. Sensory tests. (A) Testing for sweat. (B) Testing for 2 point discrimination.

tendon. In such cases, it is necessary to determine crucial to assess the status of the A2 and A4
if the laceration is total or partial, how much is pulley, because these are of paramount impor-
involved, and whether there is triggering or tance in the biomechanics of tendon excursion. If
trapping with active motion. Partial lacerations the laceration has not involved either of these
involving up to 90% of the tendon cross-section pulleys, it is possible to open one side of the
may be amenable to trimming if there is triggering tendon sheath for wider exposure without injuring
during active motion. Sheath closure then is these structures. When the laceration is within the
followed by protected motion [5,6]. midsubstance of an otherwise intact A2 or A4
The primary repair of flexor tendons is contra- pulley, unilateral opening of the pulley system
indicated when there have been severe multiple proximally or distally creates a triangular shaped
tissue injuries to the fingers, when the wounds are flap and allows exposure of the tendon ends
dirty or contaminated, or when there has been (Fig. 7). Partial pulley injuries require debride-
skin loss overlying the flexor system [3]. ment of the ends, preserving as much pulley as
possible. Because the A2 pulley is functionally
more important than the others, when its
Surgical technique
These injuries may be operable on an elective
basis within 2 or 3 days as long as one of the
digital arteries is intact. All flexor tendon repairs
must be performed in a formal operating room
with at least an axillary block and preferably
under loupe magnification. A tourniquet is placed
before the limb is prepared and draped. Incisions
are marked before limb exsanguination and tour-
niquet inflation.
Either Bruner zigzag or midaxial incisions are
used (Fig. 6), depending on the geometry of the
laceration and the anticipated neurovascular in-
volvement. Opening of a transverse incision with
extension through a midaxial incision is particu-
larly useful in the event of an FDS and FDP
injury with a nerve injury on one side. Bruner
incisions are preferred for isolated tendon injuries
or those with multiple structure involvement on
both sides of the digit. If tendon retraction into
the palm is anticipated, appropriate skin incisions
must be planned, allowing them to be connected
to the digital incisions if necessary.
Once the tendon sheath has been exposed, the
laceration site can be identified. At this point it is Fig. 6. Bruner zig-zag and midaxial incision.

Fig. 9. Cruciate repair.

MCP joints, it is necessary to explore the palm.

Once the proximal stumps are found, they must be
brought into the digital incision. This is accom-
plished by placing sutures to be grasped by a small
mosquito hemostat placed distally, or by advanc-
ing proximally a #5 pediatric feeding catheter
through the tendon sheath and then tying the
tendons to its side to pull them to the site of repair
(Fig. 8). The distal stumps usually are found by
Fig. 7. Opening of the pulley sheath for exposure. flexing the distal joints. If this proves unsuc-
cessful, distal sheath opening and subsequent re-
proximal or distal one half is injured, partial pair is necessary. Hypodermic (25-gauge) needles
pulley reconstruction may be considered [7]. If may be placed through both stumps and a
the entire A2 or A4 pulley is destroyed, pulley pulley to prevent retraction while the repair is
reconstruction is indicated (see article on pulleys performed.
by Mehta and Phillips elsewhere in this issue). In most zone II injuries, the FDS is divided
After adequate exposure of the tendon sheath, into two slips that fan out and twist around the
the proximal and distal tendon stumps must be profundus tendon until remerging to insert on the
delivered to the operating field [8]. In case the middle third of the middle phalanx. A modified
proximal stumps are not in the sheath nor are they cruciate repair (Fig. 9) or other 4-strand repair is
able to be ‘‘milked in’’ by flexing the wrist and performed on one slip, thus allowing adequate
strength and maintaining slip approximation to
prevent narrowing of the superficialis opening
(Camper’s chiasm) around the profundus [9,10].
The other slip is resected. If only one slip of the
FDS is lacerated, that side is excised to open the
chiasm. The profundus tendon is repaired with a
modified cruciate tendon suture using 3-0 or
4-0 (depending on the size of the tendon) Ethi-
bond (Excel Ethicon, Inc.; Somerville, New
Jersey) or Tycron that has adequate strength for

Fig. 8. Tying tendons to pediatric feeding tube. Fig. 10. Epitendinous repair.
178 COATS II et al

Fig. 11. Active motion protocol without resistance in a splint. (A) Resting position. (B) Flexion to proximal palm. (C)
Flexion to distal palm. (D) Return to extension.

an active motion protocol [9,10], favorable gliding Kleinert rubber band splint for home exercises.
characteristics, and minimal repair site gapping. During sleep hours, patients have their fingers
This is followed by a locking circumferential immobilized with the DIP and PIP joints in full
repair with 6-0 nylon [10], though it is preferable extension to prevent flexion contractures. If pos-
to perform the back wall epitendinous repair first sible, arrangements must be made for daily hand
to set the position of the core suture (Fig. 10). therapy for protected active range of motion
After verifying the tendon repair, the sheath (ROM) (Fig. 11). The authors start active flexion
opening must be addressed. Closure of the sheath and extension in the splint without resistance. We
with 6-0 dissolving suture is the goal, but the use Strickland’s place and hold technique [12],
sheath may be left open if tendon strangulation is with the wrist in 30( of extension, active in-
an issue. It is necessary to preserve as much of the terphalangeal joint flexion with the MCP joints in
A2 and A4 pulleys as possible, to have an effective 60( of flexion, if there are reliability problems
pulley system that allows full finger flexion. The with active motion.
other pulleys can be opened and even excised, The postoperative protocol is modified for
depending on their involvement. If the distal part children. Young children are placed in a clam
of the A2 and A3 pulley is missing, severe digger long arm cast to the finger tips and older
bowstringing across the proximal interphalangeal children in a clam digger short arm cast. The wrist
(PIP) joint causes a flexion contracture and loss of is left in 30( of extension, with the MCP joints in
full finger flexion unless the distal A2 pulley is 60( of flexion and the interphalangeal joints fully
reconstructed. If less than one half of the A2 and extended. In all cases a thick dressing is placed
A4 pulley remains, these are reconstructed using volarly under the fingers, from the MCP joint
the dorsal retinaculum [11] or the palmaris longus. distally. This dressing is removed once the cast has
hardened, providing space for the fingers to move
actively in a protective shell. The authors have
Postoperative rehabilitation had no ruptures with this technique (Fig. 12).
In the immediate postoperative period, the
patients are put in clam digger splints, but with
the wrist in 30( of extension, the MCP joints in
60( of flexion, and both interphalangeal joints in A common pitfall that occurs when repairing
full extension. After 2 or 3 days they are put in a the FDS slips at Camper’s chiasm is suturing the

function also implies timely addressing of neuro-

vascular injuries. New devices such as the Teno-
Fix (Ortheon Medical; Winter Park, Florida) have
shown adequate strength in the laboratory but are
bulky and untested for work of flexion. Insuffi-
cient clinical data and high cost may prevent
widespread use.

[1] Bunnell S. Repair of tendons in the fingers and de-
Fig. 12. Pediatric cast for tendon repair/active motion scription of two new instruments. Surg Gynecol
space. Obstet 1918;26:103–10.
[2] Bunnell S. Repair of tendons in the fingers. Surg
Gynecol Obstet 1922;35:88–97.
tendon in an incorrect rotational alignment. Once [3] Strickland J. Flexor tendon repair. Hand Clin 1985;
lacerated, the proximal stumps rotate 90( in an
[4] Mass D. Early repairs of flexor tendon injuries. In:
outward fashion, whereas the distal stumps rotate
Berger R, Weiss A, editors. Hand surgery. Philadel-
inward. In this situation, occasionally the stumps phia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins; 2004. p.
of each slip are sutured as found, decreasing the 679–98.
effective size of the opening of the FDP. Careful [5] Al-Qattan MM. Conservative management of zone
attention must be made to the orientation of the II partial flexor tendon lacerations greater than
FDS slips in this zone. half the width of the tendon. J Hand Surg 2000;
When performing zone II flexor tendon re- 25A:1118–21.
pairs, it is essential to have the tendon ends well [6] Erhard L, Zobitz ME, Zhao C, Amadio PC, An KA.
approximated. If the back wall of the epitendi- Treatment of partial lacerations in flexor tendons by
trimming—a biomechanical in vitro study. J Bone
nous repair is completed first, the tendon ends line
Joint Surg [Am] 2002;84(6):1006–12.
up well and can be abutted during placement of
[7] Hamman J, Ali A, Phillips C, Cunningham B, Mass
the core sutures. The epitendinous repair allows DP. A biomechanical study of the flexor digitorum
for easy manipulation of the tendon during repair, superficialis: effects of digital pulley excision and
adds strength to the repair, and helps tendon loss of the flexor digitorum profundus. J Hand
gliding by smoothing the repair site. Surg 1997;22A:328–35.
[8] Sourmelis SG, McGrouther DA. Retrieval of the
retracted flexor tendon. J Hand Surg 1997;12B:
[9] McLarney E, Hoffman H, Wolfe SW. Biomechani-
Flexor tendon repair in zone II is still a tech- cal analysis of the cruciate four-strand flexor tendon
nically demanding procedure, but the outcomes repair. J Hand Surg 1999;24A:295–301.
have become more predictable and satisfying. Of [10] Miller L, Mass DP. A comparison of four repair
techniques for Camper’s chiasm flexor digitorum
keystone importance for obtaining the goals of
superficialis lacerations: tested in an in vitro model.
normal strength and gliding of repaired flexor J Hand Surg 2000;25A:1122–6.
tendons are an atraumatic surgical technique, an [11] Lister G. Reconstruction of pulleys employing ex-
appropriate suture material, a competent pulley tensor retinaculum. J Hand Surg 1979;4:461–4.
system, and the use of early motion rehabilitation [12] Strickland JW. The Indiana method of flexor tendon
protocols. The overall goal of hand and finger repair. Atlas Hand Clin 1996;1:77–103.
Hand Clin 21 (2005) 181–186

Treatment of Acute Flexor Tendon Injury:

Zones III–V
George S. Athwal, MD, FRCSC, Scott W. Wolfe, MD*
Hospital for Special Surgery, 535 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021, USA

The mass of literature on flexor tendon injury tendons. Knowledge of these anatomic structures
centers on the treatment of zone II lacerations. and their interrelations is paramount in the
Recent advancements in tendon repair and re- treatment of flexor tendon injuries of the palm
habilitation have been directed toward improving and forearm.
results of zone II injury [1]. It is often stated that In the forearm, the flexor muscles are grouped
lessons learned from the treatment of these in three layers: the superficial layer, containing
injuries can be transferred to the other zones. the pronator teres, palmaris longus, flexor carpi
Although this may be true in general, several key radialis (FCR), and flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU);
differences exist between zones. Surgeons must be the middle layer, composed exclusively of the
familiar with these differences when evaluating, flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS); and the
treating, and rehabilitating patients with zone deep layer, comprised of the flexor digitorum
III–V tendon injuries. profundus (FDP), flexor pollicis longus (FPL),
The classification of the zone of injury is by and pronator quadratus. As the pronator teres
way of the following standard parameters: zone inserts along the midshaft of the radius, it is not
III is the area proximal to the origin of the flexor involved with flexor tendon injuries in zones III–V.
tendon sheath to the distal aspect of the transverse The pronator quadratus arises from the distal one
carpal ligament, zone IV is within the carpal quarter of the anteromedial ulna and projects
tunnel, and zone V is proximal to the carpal laterally to insert on the distal one quarter of the
tunnel to the musculotendinous junction [2]. Ten- anterior radius. It may be concomitantly injured
dons, nerves, and blood vessels are located in in flexor tendon injuries; however, it does not have
close proximity in the hand and forearm; there- a discrete tendon that can be repaired easily.
fore, combined injuries are the norm. Innocuous The palmaris longus arises from the common
skin wounds may mask the extent of deep flexor origin and inserts into the flexor retinacu-
structural injury (Fig. 1). As many as nine digital lum and palmar aponeurosis. It has a short muscle
flexors, three wrist flexors, two major nerves, and belly and a long tendon that is used commonly as
two major arteries may be involved. Extensive a donor for tendon grafting. It is unilaterally
volar lacerations in zone V have been termed absent in approximately 16% of the population
‘‘spaghetti wrist’’ or ‘‘full house’’ injuries [3–7]. and bilaterally absent in approximately 9% [8].
The FCR also originates from the common flexor
origin and inserts on the palmar bases of the
Anatomy second and third metacarpals. In zone V, the FCR
The anatomy of the palm and volar surface of tendon travels ulnar to the radial artery. The FCU
the forearm is complex. Important nerves and has a humeral and an ulnar head. The ulnar nerve
vessels are in close proximity to the flexor travels between these two heads in the proximal
forearm and exits to lie anterior to the muscle
belly until the distal forearm. As they cross the
* Corresponding author. wrist, the artery and nerve are deep to the FCU
E-mail address: wolfes@hss.edu (S.W. Wolfe). tendon, which inserts on the pisiform.
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.11.007 hand.theclinics.com

The median nerve enters the forearm between

the two heads of pronator teres and travels distally
between the FDS and FDP. At the level of the wrist,
the nerve is located between and just dorsal to the
tendons of the palmaris longus and FCR. The
nerve has also become superficial to the tendons of
FDS and FDP. The ulnar nerve approaches the
wrist deep to the FCU and medial to the ulnar
artery. It enters the palm through Guyon’s canal
and then divides into motor and sensory branches.
The radial artery travels beneath the brachior-
adialis in the mid-forearm; as it approaches the
wrist it wraps around the scaphotrapezial joint and
enters the deep palm through the dorsal first web
space. The artery ends in the deep palmar arch.
The ulnar artery passes under the fibrous arch of
the FDS with the median nerve and then travels
medial to the FDS and FDP and deep to the FCU.
The artery enters the palm through Guyon’s canal
and terminates in the superficial palmar arch.
Fig. 1. Posture of the ulnar three digits in a 50-year-old
woman who fell forward onto a 16-oz bottle of juice,
sustaining a deep glass wound to the hypothenar Etiology
eminence. Exploration revealed complete transection to
deep and superficial tendons of the ulnar three digits,
Injury to the flexor tendons in zones III–V is
transection of the superficial palmar arch, and the deep commonly caused by lacerations (Fig. 2). These
motor branch of the ulnar nerve. injuries occur predominantly in males and the
most common means is by broken glass [3,5–7,
12–14]. Mechanisms such as deliberately punching
The FDS arises from a long curved oblique line
a plate glass window and falling with glass or other
that begins at the medial epicondyle and extends to
sharp objects held within the hand are common.
the volar middle third of the radius. These two
Suicide attempts and self-mutilation, although
origins connect in the proximal forearm to create
frequent, seem to be a much less common cause
a fibrous aponeurotic band that overlies but can
of deep injury [3,6,14]. Crush injuries cause signif-
surround the median nerve and the ulnar artery [1].
icant damage to the soft tissues and bone; however,
The muscle divides into four muscle bellies, and at
tendons are remarkably resistant and only rarely
the wrist crease, the tendons are aligned into two
rupture [15]. Farmyard injuries and traumatic
rows. The FDS to the middle and ring digits are
amputations also cause flexor tendon injuries;
more superficial than those to the index and little
however, they are categorically different because
finger. In some individuals the FDS tendon slip to
of their high energy and polytraumatic nature.
the little finger may be absent or hypoplastic [9].
The FDP resides in the deep compartment and
arises from the anterior ulna and interosseous
membrane. The portion of the muscle to the index
finger separates from the main muscle belly more The diagnosis of isolated flexor tendon injuries
proximally, contributing to a variable degree of is usually straightforward; however, isolated in-
index independence [1,10]. The tendons of the juries rarely occur in zones III–V. It is important
FDP lie in a single row, deep to the FDS, as they to determine the mechanism of injury, degree of
cross the wrist. The FPL arises from the anterior possible contamination, and time delay to pre-
surface of the mid-radius and the interosseous sentation. The treating surgeon must examine
membrane and passes through the carpal canal to fully the injured extremity to determine the degree
insert on the distal phalanx of the thumb. An of injury. Innocuous skin lacerations may hide
accessory head of the FPL exists in approximately extensive injuries, because the size and mechanism
50% of people [11] and originates from the of the injury does not correlate with the number of
coronoid or medial epicondyle. anatomic structures injured [16].

Fig. 2. A 24-year-old executive sustained penetrating wound to his hypothenar region (A) while peeling a potato.
Exploration revealed complete disruption of the FDS and FDP tendons to the little finger (B). Each tendon was repaired
with a 3-0 braided polyester locked cruciate repair augmented with a back-wall first epitenon technique of 6-0 nylon (C).
Follow-up at 5 months showed full digital flexion (D) and extension (E).

Observation of the digital cascade may be a clue It is based on the passive excursion of the flexor
to the extent of injury (see Figs 1 and 2A). Active tendons with pressure applied to the muscle belly.
functional testing of the flexor tendons at the distal The tenodesis effect, which is observed with normal
interphalangeal and proximal interphalangeal wrist flexion and extension, may also aid in di-
joints more definitively assesses FDS and FDP agnosis. The diagnosis of partial tendon laceration
function. In the uncooperative adult or the fright- is particularly difficult because of intact motor
ened child a squeeze test, analogous to the Thomp- function that is usually weakened, and pain that
son test for Achilles tendon ruptures, may be useful. may be thought to arise from concomitant injuries.

Detailed examination of the peripheral nerves ends in zone III injuries may be retrieved by
and vessels around the zone of injury and distally a milking maneuver with the wrist in flexion [17].
in the hand is vital. Vascular injuries may be Injured and uninjured structures are identified
missed if the Allen test is not preformed, as pulses and tagged from deep to superficial. If the deep
distal to the lacerated radial or ulnar arteries may motor branch of the ulnar nerve has been lacer-
be palpable secondary to good backflow through ated in zone III, it is repaired first, with or without
the palmar arches [16]. Gibson et al [16], in a repair of the deep palmar arch as necessary. The
a prospective study to determine the accuracy of digital flexor tendons are repaired next, in a deep
preoperative examination in zone V injuries, to superficial sequence. A 3-0 or 4-0 nonabsorb-
found that approximately 50% of all examina- able suture is used in a locking fashion to provide
tions had three or more errors and approximately at least a four-strand repair. The authors prefer
20% had five or more errors. The most commonly the use of the locked cruciate repair [18] because
missed injury was laceration to the ulnar artery. of its favorable mechanical profile and gap re-
Injuries to the FCU and FDS to the index finger sistance [18–22]. Gap formation is further reduced
were the most commonly missed tendon injuries. by use of a nonabsorbable monofilament 6-0
Injuries to the median and ulnar nerves were the epitendinous suture (see Fig. 2C).
least commonly missed; however, they were still Partial and complete lacerations to the median
missed 15% and 14% of the time, respectively. Of or ulnar nerves are repaired with 8-0 or 9-0 nylon
interest, they found that examinations by more using an epineural technique under microscopic
experienced surgeons were only slightly more magnification. Magnification allows the identifi-
accurate than those preformed by second and cation of nerve orientation by way of hints from
third year residents. They postulated that other epineural vessels and fascicular anatomy.
factors contributed to the high error rate, such as Vascular repair in the viable hand is contro-
patient anxiety, pain, intoxication, or psychologic versial. Carroll [23] noted that in wrist lacerations,
issues. In many cases, accurate diagnosis cannot the radial and ulnar arteries may be ligated
be obtained with clinical examination, and explo- without consequence. Gelberman et al [24] found
ration is required. few signs of ischemia or symptoms of cold in-
tolerance in unrepaired single artery injuries and
also demonstrated increased flow in the remaining
intact artery. They did, however, report that
combined nerve and artery injuries had the most
A viable hand with few injured structures and disabling symptoms. Potenza [25], however, noted
small clean wounds may be cleansed in the cold insensitivity, intrinsic muscle atrophy, and
emergency department for planned definitive ex- trophic skin changes after ligation of a single
ploration and treatment in a delayed fashion. artery. Others have found cold intolerance to be
With higher severity wounds, traumatic wound common although not associated with any injury
protocols should be initiated with antibiotics, pattern [5]. The authors routinely repair single
tetanus status, irrigation, and debridement. The artery lacerations using microsurgical technique.
treating surgeon should have a low threshold for
surgical exploration with loupe magnification,
particularly in children, in whom the examination
Postoperative considerations
is fraught with missed injuries.
A systematic approach to injuries in zones After surgery, patients are placed in a dorsal
III–V simplifies the problem and decreases com- extension-blocking splint with the wrist in 20(–40(
plications. General or upper extremity regional of flexion, the metacarpophalangeal joints in
anesthesia and tourniquet control are preferred. 40(–60( of flexion, and the interphalangeal joints
Wounds are extended proximally and distally, in full extension [1,4]. Several rehabilitation pro-
avoiding perpendicular crossing of flexion creases, grams exist for flexor tendon repair and most
to allow adequate exposure of injured structures. involve some form of early motion and differential
Injuries sustained in zone IV require carpal tunnel tendon gliding maneuvers [1]. In the senior
release for exposure, and release of the transverse author’s experience, early motion flexion proto-
carpal ligament for injuries in zones III and distal cols may be used in zone III–V injuries, though
V may be prudent for exposure and prophylaxis adhesions are not as frequent outside of zone II,
from postoperative swelling. Proximal tendon and repairs in these zones generally result in

satisfactory outcomes regardless of rehabilitation of total active digital motion; the average total
technique. It should be noted that early active active motion per digit was thumb, 90%; index,
motion has not been demonstrated to improve the 88%; middle, 93%; ring, 91%; and small finger,
results of flexor tendon repair in any zone when 89%. When comparing the injured to the un-
compared with more conservative passive motion injured side, pinch strengths and grip strengths
and place/hold protocols. Unrestricted active recovered to 85% and 79%, respectively.
motion also may increase the risk for repair site Rogers et al [6] retrospectively reviewed 26
rupture [1]. cases of simultaneous lacerations of the median
and ulnar nerves with flexor tendons at the wrist.
Eight of 26 were available for final review and
most had gained a good range of motion in the
affected hand. Almost half of the digits examined
Despite their frequent occurrence, there is had full active range of motion; however, a num-
a paucity of literature on the outcomes of flexor ber had significant fixed deformities occurring
tendon injuries in zones III–V. Tendons, nerves, most commonly in patients who had not complied
and vessels are found in close proximity and are with postoperative rehabilitation.
located superficially in the palm, wrist, and fore- Puckett and Meyer [3] reported results of
arm. These factors account for the common extensive volar wrist lacerations in 37 patients
occurrence of combined injuries. Outcomes of also mobilized with the Kleinert protocol. The
tendon injuries therefore also depend on the average number of structures injured per patient
degree of nerve and vascular damage. was eight and the average number of tendons
Yii et al [14] analyzed flexor tendon repairs in lacerated was six. Thirty-three wrists had good or
zone V mobilized with an early active motion excellent range of motion, which represented
regimen. They found independent FDS action in 97% of the patients with complete follow-up.
66% of patients with one or both flexor tendons No patients required tenolysis and there were no
lacerated. In FDS only lacerations, independent tendon ruptures.
function was present in 96%, whereas in hands Results of nerve repairs are more difficult to
with combined FDS and FDP lacerations, in- assess. Most patients regain protective sensation
dependent FDS function was only present in 61%. and approximately half regain some degree of
This difference in independent FDS action was two-point discrimination [4–6]. In general, pa-
statistically significant, indicating that more ex- tients with better two-point discrimination have
tensive injuries resulted in a greater degree of more normal hand use and sensory function [3].
adhesions. Analysis of range of motion, using the Return of ulnar motor function is generally poor,
American Society for Surgery of the Hand crite- whereas median nerve function is generally more
ria, demonstrated 90% good and excellent results. satisfactory [5,7]. Most studies would agree that
Digits with FDS only injuries had 100% good and combined median and ulnar nerve injuries showed
excellent results, whereas combined FDS and the poorest outcome [4,7,26].
FDP injuries had 89% good and excellent results. Age is also an important determinant in nerve
Yii et al also examined, by multivariant analysis, injuries [4,5,13]. Inconomou et al [13] reviewed
the impact of spaghetti wrist injuries on hand major penetrating glass injuries to the upper
function. A statistically significant difference was extremities in seven children. In nerve injuries
observed in patients in independent FDS function below the elbow, they reported that five patients
between spaghetti and non-spaghetti injuries. A regained normal sensory function and two fair.
non-spaghetti injury was defined as division of Similarly, the motor recovery was full in five and
fewer than 10 longitudinal structures [14]. The good in two.
difference in digital range of motion between The significance of arterial injury in a viable
spaghetti and non-spaghetti injuries, however, hand is unknown. Complications caused by the
was not statistically significant. repair or ligation of arteries are difficult to grade
Stefanich et al [12] also examined outcomes and therefore are lacking in studies. Repair of
after zone V tendon lacerations in 23 patients single artery lacerations is controversial; how-
mobilized with the Kleinert protocol. Subjective ever, most investigators performed repairs when
hand function was normal in only 8 of 23 patients. feasible [3,4,7,13].
Independent FDS action was present in only 7 of Tendon related complications in zones III–V
23 patients (30%). Eight patients recovered 100% are not as common as in zone II. Tenolysis

infrequently is required and tendon ruptures are [8] Thompson NW, Mockford BJ, Cran GW. Absence
similarly rare [4,12,14]. Poor compliance and mo- of the palmaris longus muscle: a population study.
tivation, however, is common among the patient Ulster Med J 2001;70(1):22–4.
population that tends to sustain flexor tendon [9] Idler RS. Anatomy and biomechanics of the digital
flexor tendons. Hand Clin 1985;1:3–11.
injuries in zones III–V [4,5]. Several investigators
[10] Bogumill GP. Functional anatomy of the flexor ten-
have cited difficulty in locating and motivating don system of the hand. Hand Surg 2002;7(1):33–46.
patients to return for follow-up evaluation, lead- [11] Al-Qattan MM. Gantzer’s muscle. An anatomical
ing to the possibility of a significant bias in re- study of the accessory head of the flexor pollicis lon-
ported outcomes and complications [4–7]. gus muscle. J Hand Surg [Br] 1996;21(2):269–70.
[12] Stefanich RJ, Putnam MD, Peimer CA, Sherwin FS.
Flexor tendon lacerations in zone V. J Hand Surg
Summary [Am] 1992;17(2):284–91.
[13] Iconomou TG, Zuker RM, Michelow BJ. Manage-
Many of the principles of flexor tendon repair ment of major penetrating glass injuries to the upper
and rehabilitation can be applied to zones III–V. extremities in children and adolescents. Microsur-
Injuries in zones III–V are rarely isolated and gery 1993;14(2):91–6.
neurovascular involvement is common. Because [14] Yii NW, Urban M, Elliot D. A prospective study of
of the often extensive and unknown degree of flexor tendon repair in zone 5. J Hand Surg [Br]
injury, there should be a low threshold for surgical 1998;23(5):642–8.
[15] Buchler U, Hastings H Jr. Combined injuries. In:
wound exploration. Primary repair of injured
Green DP, Hotchkiss RN, Pederson WC, editors.
tendons and neurovascular structures is recom- Operative hand surgery. 4th edition. Philadelphia:
mended by way of a systematic approach. Good Churchill Livingstone; 1998. p. 1631–50.
to excellent outcomes in range of motion and [16] Gibson TW, Schnall SB, Ashley EM, Stevanovic M.
tendon function can be expected; however, func- Accuracy of the preoperative examination in zone 5
tional outcomes of associated nerve injuries are wrist lacerations. Clin Orthop 1999;365:104–10.
varied, with younger patients generally demon- [17] Pennington DG. Atraumatic retrieval of the proxi-
strating the best results (Fig. 2E). mal end of a severed digital flexor tendon. Plast
Reconstr Surg 1977;60(3):468–9.
[18] McLarney E, Hoffman H, Wolfe SW. Biomechani-
References cal analysis of the cruciate four-strand flexor tendon
repair. J Hand Surg [Am] 1999;24:295–301.
[1] Boyer MI, Strickland JW, Engles D, Sachar K, [19] Barrie KA, Wolfe SW. The relationship of suture
Leversedge FJ. Flexor tendon repair and rehabilita- design to biomechanical strength of flexor tendon
tion: state of the art in 2002. Instr Course Lect repairs. Hand Surg 2001;6(1):89–97.
2003;52:137–61. [20] Barrie KA, Tomak SL, Cholewicki J, Merrell GA,
[2] Kleinert HE, Verdan C. Report of the Committee Wolfe SW. Effect of suture locking and suture cali-
on Tendon Injuries (International Federation of ber on fatigue strength of flexor tendon repairs.
Societies for Surgery of the Hand). J Hand Surg J Hand Surg [Am] 2001;26(2):340–6.
[Am] 1983;8:794–8. [21] Barrie KA, Tomak SL, Cholewicki J, Wolfe SW.
[3] Puckett CL, Meyer VH. Results of treatment of ex- The role of multiple strands and locking sutures on
tensive volar wrist lacerations: the spaghetti wrist. gap formation of flexor tendon repairs during cycli-
Plast Reconstr Surg 1985;75(5):714–21. cal loading. J Hand Surg [Am] 2000;25(4):714–20.
[4] Chin G, Weinzweig N, Mead M, Gonzalez M. Spa- [22] Barrie KA, Wolfe SW, Shean C, Shenbagamurthi D,
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Surg 1998;102(1):96–102. parison of multistrand flexor tendon repairs using
[5] Hudson DA, de Jager LT. The spaghetti wrist. Si- an in situ testing model. J Hand Surg [Am] 2000;
multaneous laceration of the median and ulnar 25(3):499–506.
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[6] Rogers GD, Henshall AL, Sach RP, Wallis KA. 553–62.
Simultaneous laceration of the median and ulnar [24] Gelberman RH, Blasingame JP, Fronek A, Dimick
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Hand Clin 21 (2005) 187–197

Complex Injuries Including Flexor Tendon Disruption

Jon D. Hernandez, MD, PhDa, Peter J. Stern, MDb,*
Mary S. Stern Hand Surgery, Hand Surgery Specialists, 528 Oak Street, Suite 200, Cincinnati, OH 45206, USA
Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine,
528 Oak Street, Suite 200, Cincinnati, OH 45206, USA

Complex injuries to the hand account for 60% include high-energy trauma, crush injuries, and
of emergency and 20% of post-traumatic second- industrial accidents. Although these injuries have
ary reconstructive cases at university-based cen- been associated with a higher complication rate
ters performing hand surgery [1]. When compared than isolated injuries, a better understanding of
with isolated injuries, the number of procedures the treatment principles has resulted in a reduction
necessary to treat complex hand injuries is dou- in the rate of complications [1]. The ensuing
bled, work incapacity is increased almost fivefold, discussion relates to flexor tendon repair and
and permanent disability is more likely. healing in the presence of associated soft tissue
Complex injuries to the hand result in damage and bony injuries.
to a combination of its tissue components: bone,
joints, tendon, nerves, vessels, and skin. Although
these components are defined as distinct anatomic Types of complex flexor tendon injuries
structures, it is the combined integrated function
In general, complex injuries involving the
of these structures that allows the hand to serve as
flexor tendons include volar combined injuries
a primary mechanism by which one performs the
and dorsal and volar combined injuries [1]. Volar
multitude of tasks within our environment. Trauma
combined injuries include damage to the skin,
to the hand involving combined tissue injury can
neurovascular bundle, extrinsic flexor tendon,
result in severe functional deficits if left untreated
intrinsic apparatus (lumbricals, in the hand), and
or treated inappropriately.
skeletal structures. The dorsal skin, venous sys-
Flexor tendon injuries are a common part of
tem, extrinsic extensors, and intrinsic system (in
complex injuries to the hand and can present in
the digits) are spared. The most common cause
a wide spectrum of severity and location. When
of volar combined injuries is a laceration from
tendon injuries are being assessed, it is important
a sharp piece of glass or knife blade usually
to evaluate the neighboring soft tissue and bony
presenting with minimal crush or contamination.
structures. Treatment options depend on associ-
Dorsal and volar combined injuries include
ated injuries and may include primary repair
variable degrees of damage to the dorsal and
(including replantation), delayed primary or sec-
palmar aspects of the digit with complete ampu-
ondary repair, or amputation. Regardless of
tation representing the extreme. Crushing injuries
treatment, these injuries have long- and short-
typically seen in industrial accidents are the most
term consequences that are best managed by
common cause. Local segmental devasculariza-
a physician–therapist team approach.
tion is often present and can result in distal
This article deals with flexor tendon disruption
vascular compromise.
associated with combined injuries to the hand.
The mechanisms by which these injuries occur
Tendon healing

* Corresponding author. Tendons heal by intrinsic and extrinsic mech-

E-mail address: pjstern@hss.com (P.J. Stern). anisms. Extrinsic healing requires the proliferation
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.12.001 hand.theclinics.com

and migration of macrophages and fibroblasts restoration of hand function. Bony and soft tissue
from the surrounding soft tissue as shown by integrity plays an important part in tendon repair.
Potenza [2,3] and Peacock [4,5]. Intrinsic healing To function and heal best, tendons need to lie in
takes place when cells within the tendon partici- a well vascularized bed. Tendons that are exposed
pate in the healing process as has been observed by or that run through poorly vascularized soft tissue
several investigators [6–9]. become adherent, resulting in poor range of mo-
Flexor tendons rarely are injured in isolation tion. Bony integrity is paramount to the initiation
and thus rarely undergo healing in isolation. of early motion. Stable fixation of associated
Functional healing is the combined healing of fractures is necessary for early motion protocols,
multiply injured tissues. According to Buchler [1], whereas delayed motion caused by unstable frac-
‘‘The ultimate functional outcome in combined tures results in contractures and adhesions. The
injuries relates not only to the sum of the various tendon sheath and pulleys play an important role in
lesional components but more significantly to the allowing fine motor movements. When disrupted,
multiple interactions among the involved struc- bowstringing and contractures can result, hinder-
tures as they undergo healing.’’ Following tenor- ing final function and limiting range of motion.
rhaphy, intrinsic healing predominates over Every attempt should be made to preserve the A2
extrinsic healing when early motion is begun and A4 pulleys when repairing flexor tendons in
postoperatively [10–12] and allows for less adhe- zone II (Fig. 1). When these pulleys are injured, they
sion formation and better strength. When repairs can be repaired primarily with a graft [16] or
are performed within zone II of the flexor tendon reconstructed in a staged manner over a silicone
fibro-osseous sheath, allowing early motion is rod to allow healing before tendon motion through
critical [13–15] and results in improved final

General concepts
Most complex injuries are open, and thus,
treatment always begins with a thorough irrigation
and debridement. Foreign material and debris
must be removed from the wound and can be
accomplished with saline irrigation and sharp de-
bridement. Occasionally detergents can be added
to the solution for removal of oil-based materials.
Necrotic tissue likewise should be débrided, be-
cause this can serve as a medium for bacterial
growth. Cultures need not be taken at the time of
initial debridement.
In sharp lacerations, all injured structures are
repaired primarily by direct suture. Untidy lacer-
ations with limited defects require a thorough
assessment of the associated injuries, particularly
with respect to the neurovascular elements, be-
cause structural damage may be concealed and
extend beyond the site of injury.

Information on tendon repair and biomechanics Fig. 1. The A-2 and A-4 pulleys are reconstructed with
is discussed in detail elsewhere in this issue. The a free palmaris longus graft over a silicone rod. (From
focus of this section is on the concepts of tendon Hunter JM, Mackin EJ, Callahan AD. Rehabilitation of
healing in the presence of associated injuries. the hand and upper extremity. 5th edition. St. Louis: CV
Tendon healing in complex injuries is vital to Mosby; 2002; with permission.)

the pulley [17]. Wehbe et al [18] recommended two- particularly in phalangeal fractures. In volar
stage flexor tendon reconstruction for severely combined injuries in which the extensor system
injured digits in which major reconstruction was remains intact, excessive skeletal shortening leads
necessary at the initial operative setting. to relative extensor lengthening and results in
proximal interphalangeal (PIP) extension deficits
and possibly subsequent contracture. Vahey et al
Bone and joint
demonstrated that for every millimeter of bone–
In a study by Duncan et al [19] evaluating severe tendon discrepancy there was a 12( extension lag
open fractures of the hand, metacarpal fractures at the PIP joint [21]. When there is extensive soft
had significantly better outcomes than phalangeal tissue injury and bone loss, delayed reconstruction
fractures. Fractures involving the proximal pha- is preferred. Length and alignment are maintained
lanx or the proximal interphalangeal joint had the with the use of an external fixator (Fig. 2).
poorest prognosis, especially when they were Placement of a spacer (silicone or polymethylme-
associated with tendon injury. thacrylate with or without antibiotic impregna-
When there are concomitant fractures in a com- tion) helps maintain stability and length and also
bined injury, stable internal fixation is desirable to maintains a soft tissue cavity for later graft
provide a biomechanic environment that allows placement. Ultimately a corticocancellous graft
early tendon mobilization, fewer adhesions, and is used to reconstitute osseous integrity. Length
thus better motion and function. This can be should be determined by radiographs of the
accomplished by a variety of methods. Plate and contralateral digit.
screw fixation are ideal for fractures, because In combined volar and dorsal injuries in which
length can be restored and stable fixation achieved the extensor and flexor mechanisms are divided,
to allow for dynamic rehabilitation protocols. limited skeletal shortening is permissible to gain
Although biomechanic stability is best achieved adequate soft tissue length for extensor and flexor
by plating dorsally, the authors prefer lateral plate tendon repair. This concept is used in replantation
placement to avoid bulk beneath the dorsal appa- of amputated digits. The method of fixation
ratus. Plate placement can be through a midaxial depends on the level of postoperative rehabilita-
incision such that tendon repair and osseous tion. Stable osteosynthesis is required if tendon
fixation can be accomplished through the same repair is achieved that would allow for active or
incision. With complex injuries, lacerations are passive range of motion. If early motion is not
usually present. In these cases the incision should anticipated, then less rigid methods of fixation
be planned around the laceration in a manner that may be used. When early motion is not possible,
prevents further damage to the soft tissue envelope. however, and thus immobilization is necessary,
Many fractures in complex injuries are not a tenolysis should be anticipated.
suited for plate fixation, because periosteal strip- When an associated joint injury is present, the
ping during the injury itself and that required for surgeon should decide during the initial presenta-
plate fixation could further jeopardize soft tissue tion whether reconstruction is attainable. Simple
integrity and bone healing and possibly result in intra-articular fractures often require screw or
avascular necrosis. In these events, intraosseous Kirschner pin fixation only. More complex frac-
wires or Kirschner pins may be useful, because tures, however, in which articular fragments are
both limit the amount of further dissection and completely separated from the shaft (eg, bicondy-
permit easier soft tissue closure. When there has lar fracture), may require more stable fixation,
been extensive soft tissue loss or comminution, an such as a blade plate (Fig. 3). When articular
external fixator may be ideal to allow access to the reconstruction is not feasible because of intra-
injury and avoid the need for implant coverage. articular comminution or bone loss, treatment
Intramedullary fixation is also a reasonable alter- options include skeletal traction [22], arthrodesis
native, particularly for short oblique and trans- [23,24], or silicone replacement [25]. Arthrodesis
verse fractures [20]. may result in excessive shortening and may be
Segmental bone loss is common in high-energy complicated by delayed consolidation.
injuries. Failure to preserve length may disrupt
the delicate balance between flexor and extensor
forces. At least 5 mm of bone loss generally can be
tolerated by the flexor system; however, shorten- Combined hand injuries often involve the
ing is poorly tolerated by the extensor system, arterial system as a result of its superficial

Fig. 2. (A) Gunshot wound to thumb with significant soft tissue injury and shortening. (B,C) Radiographs demonstrate
a metacarpal defect in which only the proximal base and distal articular fragment remain. (D,E) Thumb length is
restored and maintained with an external fixator. (F,G) The radiographic results are shown. (H,I) Later, reconstruction
was achieved with a corticocancellous autogenous graft stabilized with plates and screws.

Isolated arterial injuries are unlikely to cause

ischemia because of the rich collateral network.
Combined complex injuries, however, are more
likely to result in tissue ischemia and necrosis,
because multiple vascular insults often are en-
countered. Several factors related to the severity
of the injury can influence the extent of ischemia,
including the level of sympathetic tone, systemic
factors such as pre-existing vascular disease,
smoking, the hemodynamic state of the patient,
and the postinjury management. Increased sym-
pathetic tone (vascular spasm) or systemic hypo-
tension (shock) can result in a larger area of
necrosis unless the arterial flow is reestablished.
Once an arterial insufficiency is identified,
arterial reconstruction is indicated if salvage of
the digit is appropriate. In those injuries with
associated fractures, the bone must be stabilized
before vascular repair. If the anastomosis can be
accomplished without tension, then direct end-to-
end repair is appropriate. If tension is present
direct repair is likely to result in thrombosis, and,
therefore, other methods are used. The stump ends
can be mobilized or the bone can be shortened
to provide a tension-free direct end-to-end repair.
If these methods fail or cannot be performed,
however, then reconstruction with a reversed inter-
positional vein graft is appropriate.
Soft tissue injury can result in venous conges-
tion, particularly with dorsal and volar–dorsal
combined injuries (including complete amputa-
tion). Venous distension, increased turgor, and
bluish color suggest venous congestion, and, when
present, venous repair should be considered. Vein
repair should follow the reestablishment of arte-
rial flow.
Fig. 3. (A,B) A crushing injury to the thumb results in
a complex intra-articular fracture of the thumb inter-
phalangeal joint. (C,D) Fixation and stabilization was
achieved using screw fixation for the distal phalanx, Nerve injury is often a component of severe
whereas a mini-condylar blade plate was used for the volar combined or crushing injuries. When nerve
bicondylar proximal phalangeal fracture. injury is present function is compromised, because
there is a loss of sensibility in the involved digits.
location. Injury may be caused by direct lacera- Sensibility also may be compromised with tendon
tion, avulsion, or endothelial damage without loss injury alone, because object recognition in the
of vessel continuity. In volar combined injury, absence of vision requires finger movement. The
associated arterial lesions not only endanger combination of nerve and tendon injuries thus can
survival of its tributary parts, but also are markedly affect hand function [27].
commonly associated with nerve injury. Because Nerve damage can occur in the form of avul-
of the association between adequacy of perfusion sion, laceration, or crush, resulting in disruption or
and the quality of nerve regeneration, it is internal damage to the nerve. In the event that
important to restore blood flow. This can be a nerve has undergone sharp laceration in a well
accomplished by direct suture or by interposi- vascularized clean wound with adequate soft tissue
tional vein grafting [26]. coverage and skeletal stability, the nerve ends

should undergo immediate primary repair. In coverage include restoring sensibility, achieving
combined injuries the conditions mentioned pre- cosmesis, and sometimes filling defects. Buchler
viously often are not met. Although most nerve [36] described three adjacent zones of injury. The
injuries in the forearm and arm are amenable to central zone is characterized by loss or destruction
secondary repair, lesions of the proper digital of tissue with a variable degree of contamination.
nerves, the common digital nerves of the palm, Extensive devascularization is present at the adja-
and the motor nerves of the ulnar, median and cent zone, and the peripheral zone demonstrates
radial nerves should not be left for secondary normal-appearing tissue. Soft tissue coverage can
reconstruction. This would later require a difficult be performed immediately [37] or in a delayed
dissection into a scarred area with only minimal fashion after an initial irrigation and debridement
improvement in the chances for nerve regeneration. and fracture stabilization allowing time to plan
Every effort thus should be made to achieve definitive procedures. When flexor tendons are
primary repair. exposed, desiccation is of concern and definitive
Neurorrhaphy (primary or secondary) per- coverage should be secured as early as possible.
formed under tension results in fibrosis. Nerve The simplest soft tissue coverage that meets the
gaps often occur in combined injuries, caused by reconstructive requirements (Box 1) is recommen-
the initial trauma or from excision of damaged ded and is usually the safest procedure. Options
tissue during debridement. The temptation to pull include skin grafts, local or rotational flaps,
small defects together by direct suture repair pedicle flaps, and free flaps. The nature of the
should be resisted. Mobilization of the nerve injury and the experience of the surgeon dictate
ends provides some excursion of the nerve to which is used.
allow a tension-free repair; however, the amount The preferred coverage of defects with a well
of possible nerve mobilization is controversial, vascularized bed are skin grafts that are of two
because it has been shown that over-mobilization main types: split-thickness skin grafts (STSGs)
can be detrimental to nerve recovery [28]. and full-thickness skin grafts (FTSGs). Although
Nerve grafting allows for unlimited excision of STSGs are associated with a high degree of take
damaged nerve for adequate debridement, de- (success), contraction and durable durability are
creased scar formation, and repair with mainte- of concern particularly on the volar surface. For
nance of coaptation throughout full range of this reason, the authors prefer FTSGs, particu-
motion to allow early rehabilitation. Nerve auto- larly on the flexor (contact) surface of a finger.
grafts and allografts can be used for nerve defects FTSGs, however, have a slightly lower rate of
[29]. Autogenous donor nerves include the sural, take. Factors contributing to decreased take in-
lateral antebrachial cutaneous, medial antebrachial clude failure to ensure that the graft is in good
cutaneous, and distal posterior interosseous nerves. contact with the recipient tissue (eg, hematoma),
Although studies have shown that nerves can a poorly vascularized bed, and motion beneath
regenerate across short nerve gaps through various the graft.
conduits, such as veins [30,31], pseudosheaths [32],
and bioabsorbable tubes [33], their functional
results remain unclear. Risitano et al [34] reported
Box 1. Soft tissue reconstructive ladder
very good to good clinical results when using
a simple vein graft to bridge sensory nerve gaps in High complexity Distant pedicle flap
acute hand injuries in cases in which primary repair Free flap
was not feasible. For large nerve gaps, end-to-side Regional flap
nerve repair has been suggested [35], but whether Local flap
this is reliable in hand injuries has yet to be Skin graft
demonstrated. Delayed primary closure
Low complexity Primary closure
Complex injuries to the hand, from simple From Hunter JM, Mackin EJ, Callahan AD.
lacerations to major defects, involve the skin and Rehabilitation of the hand and upper extremity.
subcutaneous tissue to varying degrees. Protecting 5th edition. St. Louis: CV Mosby; 2002; with
flexor tendon repair with soft tissue coverage is vital permission.
in restoring function. Additional goals of soft tissue

Areas of poorly vascularized beds such as used to cover exposed flexor tendons of the thumb
exposed nerves, cartilage, metal implants, tendon and fingers (Fig. 4). Other examples include the
without paratenon, cortical bone denuded of first dorsal metacarpal artery flap that often is used
periosteum, or a failed reconstruction require to cover small dorsal or volar thumb defects, and
vascularized soft tissue support, ie, flaps. Types the radial forearm flap, an axial pattern flap based
of flaps used in the hand include local, regional, on the radial artery, which is used commonly for
and distant (pedicle or free) that may be random, larger coverage, such as over the dorsal or palmar
in which there is no named blood supply, or axial, surface of the carpus and metacarpals. Disadvan-
in which a named vessel is contained within the tages of the radial forearm flap include sacrifice of
flap. the radial artery and an unsightly donor defect,
Local random flaps are limited by the size of which usually (if greater than 4 cm in width) must
the defect and have little applicability to the be covered with a skin graft. The reverse radial
coverage of flexor tendons. They are designed forearm fascial flap relies on distally-based perfo-
such that one border of the flap is adjacent to the rating vessels [39], thus avoiding the pitfalls
defect to be covered and include transposition, mentioned previously, because it maintains radial
rotation, and advancement flaps (eg, V-Y and artery integrity and does not involve the transfer
Moberg advancement flaps) and are well de- of skin and subcutaneous tissue. The flap must
scribed by Lister [38]. be covered by an STSG, however.
Regional flaps are soft tissue flaps taken from The groin flap is the most common distant
the same extremity. The cross-finger flap can be axial-pattern flap used for coverage in the upper

Fig. 4. Cross-finger flap. (A) A necrotic island of skin is the result of a knife laceration. Removal of the necrotic tissue
exposes the lacerated (B) FDP and FDS tendons, which underwent (C) four-stranded tendon repairs. (D) A cross-finger
flap was raised from the dorsum of the adjacent digit and the resulting defect was covered with a full thickness skin graft.
(E) The raised flap then was used to cover the exposed tendon repair. Several weeks postoperatively the (F) donor and
(G) recipient sites are well healed. The final functional results of (G) extension and (H) flexion are shown.

extremity. It has become the standard of wound Transferred muscle flaps must be covered by an
coverage in the hand, especially for large areas of STSG if not transferred as a myocutaneous flap.
injured tissue and exposed vital structures [40]. Because free flaps are transferred in a single
The groin flap can cover dorsal, volar, or com- setting, aggressive rehabilitation can be initiated
bined hand defects. Advantages include its size sooner. An additional advantage includes the use
(up to 30 cm2) [41], durable coverage, constant of the transferred muscle as a functioning free
anatomy (supplied by the superficial circumflex muscle transplantation [42].
iliac artery), inconspicuous donor site, and ease of
application (Fig. 5). Disadvantages include two to
Replantation, revascularization, and amputation
three stages for application and take-down and
maintenance of the hand in a dependent position Although microsurgical techniques have made
for 3–4 weeks, which may produce edema and possible the salvage of devascularized upper
interfere with rehabilitation. extremity parts, the surgeon must determine
Free flaps are of virtually unlimited size, may whether replantation, revascularization, or ampu-
be closely matched to the missing tissue, and may tation should be considered. Trauma can result in
incorporate vascularized elements of all or most complete amputation or devascularization of any
of the essential structural elements for segmental portion of the upper extremity. Revascularization
reconstruction [36]. Free flaps therefore offer refers to restoration of arterial inflow or venous
advantages in the treatment of severe hand outflow or both, whereas replantation refers to the
injuries. Commonly used free flaps in upper reattachment of a completely amputated part
extremity coverage include fasciocutaneous (lat- using bony fixation, tendon repair, and revascu-
eral arm and periscapular) and muscle flaps larization techniques previously described. Suc-
(latissimus, rectus abdominis, and gracilis). cessful replantation or revascularization may

Fig. 5. Groin flap. (A) A crushing injury to the right hand results in multiple injuries, including a soft tissue defect
exposing the FPL tendon. (B) A thumb carpometacarpal dislocation is present on radiographs. In addition to
reconstructive procedures of the thumb motor intrinsics, the patient also underwent a groin flap to cover the soft tissue
defect and exposed FPL. The groin flap is outlined (C) and once mobilized it provides coverage of the defect (D). The
final outcome reveals that the patient is able to oppose the thumb (E), make a fist (F) and open the hand (G).

Fig. 6. Multiple digit replant. (A) A skill saw injury results in complete amputation of the thumb and index finger and
near complete amputation of the long finger. (B) Immediate clinical result following replantation and revascularization is
shown. (C,D) Failure of the FDP tendon repair to the index finger is treated with a two-stage reconstruction. (C) In the
first stage a silicone rod is placed through the tendon sheath. (D) In the second stage the silicone rod is removed and
a palmaris longus autograft then is used to reconstruct the FDP. (E–G) The final functional results are shown.

necessitate additional surgery (Fig. 6) or lead to presence of concomitant injuries. Early range of
stiffness, insensibility, or pain resulting in a more motion is desirable. To achieve this, fractures
dysfunctional hand than might immediate revision must be stabilized and the soft tissue envelope and
amputation. The decision to replant or revascu- vascular integrity maintained or reconstituted. In
larize an injured part versus revision amputation those instances in which these conditions cannot
therefore should be made with respect to optimiz- be met, the surgeon and patient should be pre-
ing overall hand function in regard to the in- pared for secondary surgeries, including recon-
dividual patient needs. struction or tenolysis. Although nerve integrity is
Ideal candidates have sustained sharp, guillotine- not necessary for early functional success follow-
type injuries of the thumb, multiple digits, hand, ing tenorrhaphy, nerve injuries should be repaired
wrist, or forearm with wounds that are only mini- or grafted primarily as the injury permits. In cases
mally contaminated. Those patients not meeting in which vascular compromise is encountered, the
these criteria should be considered for amputation. options of revascularization versus primary am-
putation should be discussed with the patient.
With an understanding of the treatment princi-
ples, the complications associated with complex
The treatment of tendon injury in combined tendon injuries can be minimized. It is important
complex injuries to the hand is dictated by the to stress that optimal functional outcome is

multifactorial and includes a physician–therapist of immobilization and controlled passive motion

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Hand Clin 21 (2005) 199–210

Clinical Outcomes Associated with

Flexor Tendon Repair
Jin Bo Tang, MD*
Department of Hand Surgery, Hand Surgery Research Center, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University,
20 West Temple Road, Nantong 226001, Jiangsu, China
Boston University School of Medicine, 715 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118, USA
Surgical Research and Gene Therapy, Roger Williams Medical Center, 133 North Campus,
825 Chalkstone Avenue, Providence, RI 02908, USA

Flexor tendon injuries in the hand are a fre- Outcomes of flexor tendon repair: an overview of
quent clinical problem. Restoration of function experience over the past 15 years
after flexor tendon injuries has long been a chal-
The past 15 years have seen more than 20
lenge and a frustration to hand and orthopedic
major reports in English language journals on
surgeons. In recent decades, laboratory and clin-
outcomes of primary flexor tendon repair from
ical investigations focused on flexor tendon bio-
hand surgery centers worldwide [9–33].
mechanics, refinement of repair methods, and
A series of reports by Small et al [9], Cullen
optimization of rehabilitation regimens have re-
et al [10], and Savage and Risitano [11] were
markably improved functional outcomes [1–8].
published 15 years ago, documenting clinical
Repair ruptures and adhesion formation are still
outcomes of controlled active finger flexion exer-
unpredictable in some cases [8–15], however, and
cise after flexor tendon repairs. These promising
are believed to be attributed to inherent weakness
preliminary reports summoned the expenditure in
in the healing capacity of tendons, particularly
the years following to more aggressive exercise
those in intrasynovial areas.
incorporating active finger flexion to the motion
Worldwide, repair rupture occurs in 4%–10%
regimen. Small et al [9] presented 114 patients
of repaired fingers. Another 10% are estimated to
with 138 zone II flexor tendon injuries treated
develop restrictive adhesion requiring secondary
over a 3-year period. Early active mobilization of
tenolysis or a tendon graft. Stiffness of the inter-
the fingers was commenced within 48 hours after
phalangeal joints occurs to some extent in more
surgery. Ninety-eight patients with injuries of 117
than half of patients. Repair rupture, adhesions,
fingers were followed and graded using the total
and joint stiffness after primary tendon surgery
active range of motion (TAM) method. The active
require secondary operations, and functional
range of motion was graded excellent or good in
disability remains (which may persist even after
77% of the digits, fair in 14%, and poor in 9%.
secondary surgery), affecting patients’ ability to
Repair rupture occurred in 11 digits (9.4%). The
work and their daily lives. Optimal treatment of
ruptures were re-repaired immediately and a sim-
tendon injuries and achieving a satisfactory out-
ilar early motion program was applied. Cullen
come after surgery and postoperative care remain
et al [10] treated 34 adult patients with 70 zone II
topics of debate and challenge to hand surgeons.
tendon lacerations in 38 fingers. Seventy-eight
percent of fingers were rated excellent or good
* Correspondence. Department of Hand Surgery, by Strickland criteria after a mean follow-up of 10
Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, 20 West months. Two tendons ruptured during controlled
Temple Road, Nantong 226001, Jiangsu, China. active finger flexion exercise. Savage and Risitano
E-mail address: jinbotang@yahoo.com. [11] used a six-strand method of repairs to treat 36
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.11.005 hand.theclinics.com
200 TANG

fingers with flexor tendon lacerations followed by criteria, with two repair ruptures (4%) during the
protective active mobilization. Sixty-three percent postoperative motion program. Taras et al [21]
of lacerations were zone II and 27% were zone I; applied double-grasping and cross-stitch periph-
69% and 100%, respectively, achieved an excel- eral sutures in 21 flexor tendon repairs of 14
lent or good result using Buck-Gramcko’s assess- digits. These included three FPL, four FDP zone
ment method. Tang and Shi [14] reported the I, and 14 FDS or FDP zone II repairs. The
results of treatment of 72 flexor tendon injuries in postoperative therapy regimen included active
zone II primarily or at the delayed primary stage. motion initiated on the first postoperative day,
In 80.4% of the fingers, excellent or good results including place-hold exercise three times weekly
were achieved, as evaluated using Strickland and under supervision. Between therapy sessions,
Glogovac criteria. Silfverskiöld and May [15] a standard elastic-thread traction passive flexion
reported outcomes of use of cross-stitch epitendi- and active extension program was maintained.
nous sutures combined with a modified Kessler Overall recovery of digital motion was graded as
core suture in treatment of flexor tendon injuries excellent in 12 and good in 2. The seven fingers
in zone II in 46 consecutive patients with 55 with FDP and FDS repairs in zone II averaged
injured digits. For the first 4 weeks after opera- 83% recovery of motion. Sandow and McMahon
tion, fingers were mobilized with a combination of [22] reported 37 consecutive FDP tendons in
active extension and passive and active flexion. zones I to V using a modified single-cross six-
Two tendons were reported as having ruptures. In strand repair based on the original Savage method.
the remaining fingers, the mean active distal Of 23 zone II tendon injuries in 18 patients, 78%
interphalangeal (DIP) and proximal interphalan- were rated as good or excellent using Strickland
geal (PIP) range of motion was 63( and 94( 6 and Glogovac criteria. There were no ruptures or
months after surgery, respectively. Elliot et al [19] secondary surgery in any patient in their series.
reported a series of 233 patients with complete Lim and Tsai [23] used six-strand tendon repairs
divisions of the flexor tendons in zones I and II. with looped suture to repair the tendon injuries in
These included 203 patients with 317 divided zone II with good functional outcomes.
tendons in 224 finger injuries and 20 patients There were two reports on the outcomes of the
with 30 complete divisions of the flexor pollicis largest series of flexor tendon injuries in this
longus (FPL) tendon of the thumb. The patients period, both of which came from England. Kitsis
underwent a controlled active motion regimen et al [25] treated 339 divided flexor tendons
postoperatively. Thirteen (5.8%) fingers and five affecting 208 fingers. The tendons were repaired
(16.6%) thumbs suffered tendon rupture during with a modified Kessler core and a Halsted
the mobilization. Follow-up of the patients trea- peripheral stitch. Overall results by Strickland
ted during the last year of the study showed that and Glogovac criteria were 92% excellent or
10 of 16 (62.5%) fingers with zone I repairs, 50 of good, 7% fair, and 1% poor. There were 43
the 63 (79.4%) fingers with zone II repairs, on complications in 31 patients, including five zone II
assessment by Strickland and Glogovac criteria. ruptures (5.7%) and one rupture in zone V. Harris
Emphasis on the needs and application of four- et al [27] reviewed results of 440 patients with 728
or six-strand core repairs in clinical tendon repairs primary zone I and zone II flexor tendon repairs
appeared first in Savage and Risitano’s report [11] in 526 fingers. Overall, 23 patients ruptured 28
in the late 1980s, followed by the report of Tang tendon repairs. A total of 129 fingers with zone I
et al [20] in 1994, and then a series of reports in injuries had a rupture rate of 5% (6 fingers). A
Atlas of Hand Clinics by Taras [21], Sandow and total of 397 fingers with zone II injuries had
McMahon [22], and Lim and Tsai [23] in 1996. a rupture rate of 4% (17 fingers) (Table 1).
Tang et al [20] reported using double- or multiple- Sirotakova and Elliot [31] analyzed the results
looped sutures for primary tendon repairs with of primary repairs of the FPL tendon followed by
combined early active and passive mobilization early active motion with only the thumb splinted.
for 3 weeks. In 51 fingers from 46 patients with The first 30 patients were repaired with a Kessler
zone II flexor tendon lacerations, doubled threads suture and simple epitendinous suture. The last 49
of the looped suture were placed to repair injured patients underwent repair with a Kessler suture
flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) or superficialis and a reinforced epitendinous suture, but in
(FDS) tendons, or three threads of the looped a splint with the thumb position altered and the
suture to repair the FDP tendons. The results fingers also splinted. More recently, they reported
were good or excellent in 76.5% using White’s 0% rupture rate in 48 patients with strengthened

Table 1
Summary of the reports of primary finger flexor tendon repairs in the past 15 years
Year Authors Number of digits Zones Excellent and gooda Rupture rate
1989 Small et al 117 II 77% (TAM) 9.4%
1989 Cullen et al 38 II 78% 6.4%
1989 Savage and Risitano 36 I,II,III,IV 81% (Buck-Gramcko) 2.8%
1989 Pribaz et al 43 II 70% (White) 7.0%
1992 Tang and Shi 54 II 80% —
1994 O’Connell et al 95 (children) I,II 69%b 0%
1994 Silfverskiold and May 55 II 90%b 3.7%
1994 Grobbelaar and Hudson 38 (children) All zones 82% (Lister) 7.9%
1995 Berndtsson and Ejeskar 46 (children) II 77%b —
1994 Elliot et al 244 I,II 79% 5.8%
1994 Tang et al 51 II 77% (White) 4.0%
1996 Baktir et al 88 II 81% 4.5%
1996 Sandow and McMahon 23 II 78% 0%
1998 Kitsis et al 208 All zones 92% 2.9%
(87 II 88% 5.7%)
1998 Yii et al 161 V 90% (TAM) 0%
1999 Harris et al 526 I,II — 4.0%
(129 I — 5.0%)
(397 II — 4.0%)
The criteria of evaluation was Strickland and Glogovac criteria unless otherwise specified.
The percent return active motion range judged by the Strickland and Glogovac criteria.

core and peripheral sutures [7]. Other reports finest hand surgery centers in the world and these
include those from Percival and Sykes [28], teams were supervised by at least one expert hand
Noonan and Blair [29], Nunley et al [30], Fitoussi surgeon with experience in treating flexor tendon
et al [32], and Kasashima et al [33]. Reported injuries. One may reasonably assume that the
results of FPL repairs are detailed in Table 2. outcomes in a general hospital setting might have
Review of the outcomes of clinical flexor tendon actually reflected a lower level of success. In other
repairs reported over the 15 years showed excellent words, flexor tendon repairs might have been
or good functional return in more than three- unsatisfactory in a larger proportion of patients.
fourths of primary tendon repairs followed by
a variety of postoperative passive/active mobiliza- Factors affecting outcome of flexor tendon repair
tion treatment. Repair ruptures nevertheless were
Adhesion formation
documented in most of the reports and rupture
rates ranged from 4%–10% in the finger flexors (see Adhesion formation, like scar formation in
Table 1) and from 3%–17% in FPL of thumbs cutaneous wounds, was believed to be inevi-
(Table 2). Most of these reports came from the table after tendon surgery and postoperative

Table 2
Summary of the major reports of flexor pollicis longus tendon repairs
Year Authors Number of digits Zones Excellent and good Rupture rate
1989 Percival and Sykes 51 I–III 53% (White) 8%
1991 Noonan and Blair 30 All zones IP 71%, MP 82% normal —
1992 Nunley et al 38 I,II Average IP 35( 3%
1996 Thomazeau et al 20 All zones 85% (Tubiana) 5%
1999 Sirotakova and Elliot 30 (1st period) I,II 70% (White) 17%
73% (Buck-Gramcko)
39 (2nd period) I,II 67% (White) 15%
72% (Buck-Gramcko)
49 (3rd period) I,II 76% (White) 8%
80% (Buck-Gramcko)
2002 Kasashima et al 29 I–III 63% (Japanese for surgery of the hand) 0%
202 TANG

immobilization [34,35]. The early motion regimen hand surgeons, because they require secondary
advocated in the past decades substantially de- operations. If ruptures occur soon after primary
creased adhesions around repaired tendons and repair, direct resuture of the ruptured tendons
restored smoother gliding surface to the tendon. may be attempted; if ruptures occur at the late
Tendon healing, though not ideally strong, satisfied period, a secondary tendon graft is indicated
the tendon motion program. In many instances, it is [36]. Rupture of the primary repairs occurred in
unrealistic to expect a tendon to heal without any 4%–10% of the fingers in the reports referenced
adhesions, because some loose adhesions may de- earlier. Limited healing ability and consequent
velop after surgery even with exercise. Three weakness in the post-healing strength underlay the
distinct concepts are pertinent to healing and failure of achieving solid union of intrasynovial
function, intrinsic healing, participation of extrin- flexor tendons. The following factors may trigger
sic cells in healing, and formation of restrictive the ruptures: (1) Overload of the repaired tendons:
adhesions. Tendon healing exclusively through active flexion or extension of the fingers may
intrinsic cellular-activity occurs only in in vitro subject the repaired tendons to a load exceeding
experimental situations. Clinically, it is not extrin- the limit of the tensile resistance of the repairs. (2)
sic interference (through cell seeding or formation Tendon edema or bulky tendons: edema of the
of filmy adhesions) but the formation of restrictive tendons is inevitable after surgery, though severity
adhesions that affects the outcomes of tendon varies among patients. Severely traumatized
repairs. The goals of a postoperative motion pro- wounds, extensive soft tissue injuries, long dura-
gram are to disrupt or prevent adhesions that tion of surgery, and poor surgical repair maneu-
restrict tendon motion and to prevent joint stiff- vers all contribute to postsurgical edema. Edema
ness, both vital to recovery of active range of finger makes the tendon bulky. In addition, excessive
motion. suture materials also contribute to bulkiness. A
Adhesions influence tendon movement depend- bulky tendon increases the pressure of the tendon
ing on their density, which is determined by the on the surrounding tissues and its friction against
tissues from which the adhesions arise. Adhesions the sheath or pulleys during tendon mobilization
are generally categorized as either loose or dense after surgery. A greater force must be applied to
adhesion. As the preservation of the sheath be- the finger to move the bulky tendons within the
comes a consideration in tendon repairs, adhesions sheath, increasing the likelihood of ruptures. (3)
arising from the sheath structures are of a density Triggering in pulleys or edges of opened sheath:
between loose and dense. Three types of adhesions annular pulleys, particularly those of the distal
therefore can be seen in tenolysis: (1) loose adhe- and middle portions of the A2 and A4, are narrow
sions arise from the subcutaneous tissue and are and compress the tendon gliding beneath. Edem-
largely movable; repaired tendons glide fairly easily atous or bulky tendons are easily entrapped by
within such adhesions; (2) adhesions of moderate these pulleys. Incising the sheath leads to a certain
density arise from the synovial sheath or pulleys measure of tendon bowstringing. At the edge of
and are remarkably restrictive of tendon motion; sheath openings, the tendons assume a greater
and (3) dense adhesions arise from the bony floor or degree of angulation during motion. Edematous
volar plates, and penetrate to the dorsal aspect of and bulky tendons can be triggered at the edge of
the tendons. Dense adhesions allow minimal ten- the sheath openings, halting the finger flexion or
don motion and severely jeopardize the healing of extension and causing patients to feel a sudden
the tendon and the intratendinous structures. With increase in resistance to finger motion. A forceful
an appropriate rehabilitation program, loose adhe- pull to overcome the resistance frequently leads to
sions can be disrupted or modified so as to avoid rupture of the repairs. (4) Unexpected finger
reducing the amplitude of motion. Moderate or motion: during the period of wearing protective
dense adhesions, however, should be prevented splints or casts, patients may have some un-
through careful surgical manipulation or postop- expected finger actions, such as falling down on
erative treatments, because it is difficult to alter outstretched hands and sudden gripping. These
once they have developed. actions impose a sudden increase in the force
transmitted through the repaired tendons and
may subject tendons to a higher risk for ruptures.
Repair rupture
(5) Misuse of the fingers: analysis of the causes of
Among all the consequences of flexor tendon ruptures in previous reports indicates that in
surgery, repair ruptures are of prime concern to approximately half of patients with ruptures, the

rupture followed an ill-advised action [19,27]. Extent of injuries

Misuse of the repaired fingers, such as using the
The relative severity of injuries to peritendi-
hand to lift a heavy object, may exceed the repair
nous soft tissues affects the outcome of tendon
strength of the tendon and cause rupture. (6)
repair. Extensive soft tissue destruction and epi-
Unprotected active motion: it is not an appropri-
tendinous abrasion are associated with poorer
ate and accepted way of postoperative care after
functional outcome. A primary surgical repair is
primary tendon repairs. Only some surgeons
clearly indicated in clean-cut tendon injury. It is
indicate the possibility of using this sort of
difficult to judge whether primary tendon repairs
exercise regimen. There are not sufficient data to
are justified for wounds that do not involve clean
justify the use of this type of regimen and its effect
cuts, but in which direct approximation of the
on strength of tendon healing. Active motion of
severed stumps is still possible. These wounds,
the repaired fingers can cause ruptures if not
which are typified by loss of soft tissues (some-
properly applied or if used without protection.
times with a short segment of flexor tendons and
Surgical repairs and tendon healing are not suffi-
a portion of pulleys) over a limited area of the
ciently strong to accommodate unprotected active
fingers or palm and defects of soft tissues, should
motion at present.
be repaired with a local or distant flap, and have as
borderline indication primary flexor tendon re-
Joint stiffness pairs. Are primary repairs of the tendons indicated
in these wounds? Some surgeons (including this
Stiffness of the DIP and PIP joints frequently is
author) may prefer to repair the tendons followed
observed during the rehabilitation after primary
by secondary tenolysis rather than wait for sec-
flexor tendon repair. Stiffness of small joints after
ondary free tendon grafts. In case reconstruction
trauma to the joints is a troublesome disorder for
of multiple pulleys in these wounds is called for,
hand surgeons. Clean-cut flexor tendon injuries
however, primary tendon repairs are not justified.
themselves, however, usually do no trauma to
Digital nerve injuries are a frequent complication
finger joint structures. It is the postoperative
of tendon injuries in zone II. In the author’s clinic,
protective finger position that causes joint con-
digital nerves are directly repaired when there are
tracture. It is obvious that modifications in the
no defects or reconstructed with a vein conduit
postoperative motion regimen, in particular the
when there is a small (<3.0 cm) gap.
position of protective splints or casts and the ma-
neuvers to move the joints, might lessen the
Surgical skills
chance of developing joint stiffness. Return of
function to the tendons depends on sufficient Adequate surgical skills are a factor that
gliding amplitude of the tendons and normal cannot be overemphasized. The flexor tendon
passive range of motion of the joints. To improve system is made of anatomic structures in an
the outcome of tendon repair, greater emphasis intricate biomechanic relationship. Simply recon-
should be placed on moving the joint. More necting severed tendons is a simple procedure, but
specific physical therapeutic procedures to prevent satisfactory repairs of the tendons and associated
or correct joint stiffness need to be incorporated in structures, particularly those in the intrasynovial
future motion protocols. regions, remain a challenge even to an experienced
Original Kleinert traction frequently leads to surgeon. In practice, these difficult injuries are
loss of PIP joint extension. The fingers of patients treated not infrequently by residents or general
were protected by rubber bands, and the PIP joint orthopedic (or plastic) surgeons without sufficient
was flexed for long periods. With modified rubber expertise in flexor tendon surgery. With currently
band traction or with modification of dorsal splint available knowledge and technical advances, fa-
with no protective palmar bars, larger degrees of vorable outcomes may be achieved by an experi-
PIP joint extension were achieved, but achieving enced surgeon, but an individual who lacks
full extension of the PIP joint and elimination of expertise may effect repairs no better than those
contracture of the volar plate remain an unsolved seen decades ago. Surgery based on poor mastery
problem in rehabilitation after primary flexor of anatomic knowledge and repair techniques can
tendon repairs in zone II. At present, eliminating destroy the tissue structures and make delayed
joint stiffness is still an essential goal of physical primary tendon repairs by an expert surgeon
therapy after removal of protective fixation 3–4 impossible. When no surgeons experienced in
weeks after surgery. tendon surgery are available, patients should be
204 TANG

Postoperative factors (rehabilitation)

Surgical factors

Trauma factors Hand position in splint

Strength of repair methods Motion range of finger joints
Healing strength of tendon Synergistic joint motion
Trauma to tendons Surgical skills Friction of tendon on sheath Incorporation of specific
Peritendinous injuries Treatment options Gap formation, edema protocols to prevent stiffness

Adhesion formations Repair rupture Joint stiffness

Outcome of Tendon Repairs

Fig. 1. Relation between factors affecting clinical outcome of flexor tendon repairs.

referred to hand centers with more experience in (in fact, a modified TAM method) more practical
dealing with flexor tendon injuries. Alternatively, than the TAM method. In the original TAM
after primary closure of the skin wounds, tendon method, only the fingers whose total range of
injuries may be repaired at a delayed primary active motion is the same as that of the contralat-
stage by an experienced surgeon. eral hand can be rated as excellent. The author has
Adhesion formation, repair rupture, and joint found that varying degrees of joint stiffness are
stiffness ultimately determine the measure of out- invariably present after tendon repair and pro-
come of the repair, whereas the latter two, extent tective motion exercise; patients who entirely
of injuries and surgical skills, relate to the wound satisfy the criteria as excellent are extremely rare.
and surgical factors. Relation between these The Strickland and Glogovac criteria give a more
factors and outcomes is illustrated in Fig. 1. practical assessment of finger function than the
original TAM method. Excellent functional status
Evaluation of outcome and possible modifications requires a sufficiently ample total range of active
motion, but not necessarily a range of active
Three methods of evaluating outcome after
motion equal to that of the contralateral side.
flexor tendon repair are used popularly: Strickland
TAM of the joints over 80% of the normal motion
and Glogovac criteria [37] (Table 3), the TAM
range usually gives excellent function to the
method, proposed by the American Society for
fingers. Exclusion of the motion range of the
Surgery of the Hand [38], and the Buck-Gramcko
metacarpophalangeal (MP) joint also gives more
method [38], used largely by German-speaking
accuracy of documentation of motion ranges of
hand societies. Most investigators have adopted
the PIP and DIP joints in the Strickland and
the Strickland and Glogovac criteria in their
Glogovac criteria than the original TAM method.
documentation of outcome of flexor tendon repair
Among the less popular methods currently used
in zones I and II. The author found these criteria
are White’s criteria, the Tubiana method, and tip-
to-palm distance method. White’s criteria and tip-
Table 3 to-palm distance were popular 15–20 years ago,
Strickland and Glogovac criteria of evaluation and the Tubiana method is used mostly in France.
Total active The length of follow-up affects the recorded
range of outcome of the flexor tendon repair. Flexor
motiona Functional tendon healing and collagen remodeling usually
Grade (degrees) return (%) take longer than 2–3 months, and correction of
Excellent >150 85–100 interphalangeal joint contracture may require
Good 125–149 70–84 even longer. Outcome of flexor tendon repair
Fair 90–124 50–60 should be determined appropriately not earlier
Poor <90 0–49 than 3 months after surgery, when postoperative
Sum of the active range of motion of the DIP and therapy is complete and before most patients
PIP joints. would return to work.

Several questions remain in identifying an flexor tendon injury. (4) Are current evaluation
evaluation system that best reflects the perfor- items sufficient? The existing assessment systems
mance of hands following repair of the flexor include items regarding tip-to-palm distance and
tendon or in developing a universally acceptable active range of joint motion, which relate to
methodology for comparison of surgical repair angulation of finger joints only. The function of
results: (1) Which of the existing methods is the the flexor tendon includes grip and pinch strength,
evaluation system best reflecting outcome of however. Clinically, the repair of both of the FDS
tendon repair? Currently, no specific studies on and FDP tendons in fingers would produce
this point are seen in the literature. It thus would greater grip strength. In addition, digital flexor
be meaningful to carry out studies to evaluate or tendons contribute to deviation of the fingers.
compare assessment systems. (2) Would it be Existing criteria reflect none of the functions
more informative to record the result of flexor of the tendon except range of finger flexion-
tendon repair within the sheath area by subdivi- extension. A question therefore is whether these
sions of the tendons in the fingers? Moiemen and functions should be considered in evaluating
Elliot [39] subdivided zone I into three subdivi- repair results. (5) Should coordinated finger mo-
sions and recorded the results of the FDP tendon tion or wrist motion be considered? In flexor
repair in these areas. Tang et al [40,41] subdivided tendon injuries involving multiple fingers or
zone II into four subdivisions and reported the multiple sites, injuries in zones III, IV, and V, or
results of repairs of the FDS and FDP tendons in secondary tendon transfer, coordinated motion of
these regions. Both systems use pulleys and FDS multiple fingers or of fingers with the wrist often
insertion as landmarks (Fig. 2). Recording results are disturbed. Coordination of the motion of
of the flexor tendon repair in subdivisions of the multiple fingers and joints is important to the
finger flexor tendons may facilitate more precise function of the entire hand; however, disturbance
evaluation of the results and thereby provide on this aspect is not reflected in the existing
valuable information about the outcome in spe- evaluation systems. For a more precise evalua-
cific regions and for specific components of the tion, such functional loss might be included as an
flexor tendon system. (3) Would it be more integral part of the evaluation system in selected
reasonable to evaluate separately the motion of patient groups to reflect postoperative functional
all finger joints (TAM) and function of a single performance.
joint most pertinent to a tendon cut? Moiemen
and Elliot [39] proposed evaluating the results of
zone I tendon injuries with the original Strickland Approaches to improve outcome
criteria and with a method to record only the
Stronger surgical repairs
range of motion of the DIP joint separately. They
suggested the addition of an evaluation of func- Pursuit of a stronger yet less strangulating
tion in the motion of the joint most relevant to the tendon suture configuration has been a focus of

Fig. 2. Subdivisions of flexor tendon systems in digital sheath area by Tang, Moiemen, and Elliot using major pulleys
and FDS insertion as landmarks. The area covered by the A2 pulley is zone IIC, the area of FDS insertion zone IIA,
from the A4 pulley to the DIP joint zone IB.
206 TANG

biomechanic studies over the past decade [3–6, flexor tendon and in fact does not use conven-
42–48]. The conventional two-strand repair meth- tional two-strand repair technique in zones I and
ods withstand a tension of 20–30 N, with the force II flexor tendon repair. Eight-strand repairs seem
to produce remarkable gaps (>2 mm) less than unnecessary, because four- or six-strand repairs
20 N. It is true that most tendons repaired with already provide sufficiently high tensile strength to
the conventional two-strand repairs survived early the tendon and eight-strand repairs are technically
postoperative exercise. Though the studies identi- more difficult within the digital sheath area. The
fied earlier seem to reflect a recent declining trend variety of multistrand repair techniques the au-
in rupture rates of repaired tendons after use of thor used over the past 15 years are illustrated in
multiple strand repairs, however, there is no direct Fig. 3. In the last 2 years, a modified six-strand
evidence of such a correlation, and no randomized looped (M-Tang) method and a modified four-
prospective clinical trails have been performed on strand looped repair have become the methods of
this particular issue. Early reports of active choice in the author’s clinic. Over the past 2 years,
motion of the tendons repaired with conventional we repaired FDP tendons in 36 fingers with zone
two-strand repair documented rupture rate of II flexor tendon lacerations with the M-Tang
nearly 10% [9,10,12]. Such high rupture rates method. We achieved 90% excellent or good
were not seen in more recent reports. The merits recovery rate by Strickland and Glogovac criteria
of multiple-strand tendon repair include increas- with combined protective active and passive
ing the safety margin to withstand the tension of motion for 3 weeks after surgery, with no repair
postoperative motion exercise. This does not rupture.
mean that most tendons repaired with two-strand
techniques necessarily fail during motion or that
Sheath/pulley management
multistrand repairs completely prevent repair
ruptures. Rather, increasing repair strength There is no longer controversy among hand
through multistrand repairs decreases the likeli- surgeons regarding whether the synovial sheath
hood of rupture in cases that may rupture when should be closed after tendon repairs. Closure of
repaired conventionally with two-strand tech- the synovial sheath is not vitally required to
niques. In addition, an increase in baseline surgi- tendon healing and gliding function [49–51].
cal repair strength might allow one to apply Closure of the synovial sheath may be attempted
a more aggressive exercise regimen and disrupt in clean-cut injury without presence of sheath
more adhesions, thus resulting in a better return defects or abrasion. It is now agreed that the
of tendon motion and mobile joint range to the integrity of major pulleys is critical to tendon
injured fingers. function, and avoiding compression of the edem-
In the author’s experience, four-strand repairs atous tendons by the sheath after surgery is
seem to be the most appropriate choice for the important to tendon healing [51–53]. With major
tendon from zones I to IV. In addition, the author annular pulleys and a major part of the synovial
has performed six-strand repairs in zone II of the sheath intact, opening a part of synovial sheath

Fig. 3. Four tendon suture methods used in the authorÕs clinic. Two original designs of 4-strand and 6-strand repairs
using independent looped sutures (left) and two more recent modifications using fewer looped sutures and knots (right).

has no significant effects on tendon function and tendon are repaired in the area overlapping the A2
healing. On the other hand, when other pulleys or pulley.
synovial sheaths are intact, incision of one single
annular pulley or a critical part of the major
Optimization of rehabilitation regimen
annular pulley (A2 or A4 pulleys) does not sig-
nificantly affect tendon gliding, but may release Optimization of the rehabilitation regimen has
the compression of an edematous tendon by these been a focus of clinical investigations. There
constrictions, thus fostering the tendon healing seems to be a long way to go, however, before
process [53–58]. general agreement is reached. More likely, as
Clinically, the A4 or A2 pulley occasionally understanding of the intricate relationship be-
constitutes an obstacle for the repaired tendon to tween tension on the flexor tendons during finger
glide through, which is likely a cause of repair motion increases, the hand posture that affords
rupture during postoperative motion exercise. the best postoperative protection with the least
Releasing the A4 pulley entirely and releasing possible tension on the tendon will be identified,
part of the A2 became accepted clinical practice in ultimately revolutionizing rehabilitation. Unpro-
recent years. In the author’s clinic, when the tected active motion of the fingers does not seem
repaired FDP tendons are found tightly entrapped likely to be generally accepted in the near future,
by the A4 pulley after testing during surgery, we because even protected motion can cause certain
completely release the A4 pulley (Fig. 4). Part of repair ruptures. Science cannot yet bring about
the A2 pulley, either proximal or distal (approx- the healing necessary to support unprotected
imately one half to two thirds of the entire length active motion. Protected combined active/passive
of theA2 pulley), is cut when the FDS and FDP motion is the option that most surgeons currently

Fig. 4. A case of delayed primary repair of FDP tendon injury of the ring finger. (A) The FDP tendon stump was
repaired with 3 groups (6-strand) of looped sutures. (B) The tendon was lead to pass beneath the narrow A4 pulley. (C)
This pulley was vented and the repair was completed. Note the sheath proximal to the A4 pulley was maintained to avoid
lengthy loss of sheath integrity.
208 TANG

adopt. The use of rubber bands is no longer genes to healing tendons? How do we augment
a requirement and is known to cause contracture tenocytes’ capacity to produce collagen to the
and extension lag of the joints. The trend is healing process while limiting the occurrence of
toward a rehabilitation regimen combining an adhesions? Answering these questions is likely to
ideal protective position of the hand, with in- be among the critical steps in future in vivo
termittent active–passive finger flexion–extension, investigation. In addition, transplantation of
using no rubber bands. stem cells to the healing tendons would provide
Another area in which there is not yet agree- sources of progenitor cells to promote the healing
ment is the timing of rehabilitation and frequency process of the tendon. Gene therapy and stem cell
of finger motion, either in a particular day or transplantation are two emerging fields of modern
during each exercise episode. Theoretically, ten- biology that offer new approaches to difficult
don adhesion develops starting from 2–3 weeks problems in flexor tendon repairs. Future efforts
after surgery. Rehabilitation can begin anytime to combine stem cell therapy and gene therapy
within 1 week following repair. Most studies would provide the tendons not only with a fresh
report the initiation of rehabilitation as immediate source of progenitor cells (which may differentiate
or starting the first day after surgery. No studies into tenocytes to aid in healing) but also with the
have yet proven the need of starting the exercise growth factors required to promote the healing
on the first day after surgery. It seems equally process.
reasonable to commence the exercise later, though
within 1 week after surgery. Commencement of
rehabilitation at the third or fourth day causes less Summary
pain and likely does not affect results compared
Review of the outcomes of clinical flexor
with starting on the first day. We have not yet
tendon repairs reported over the past 15 years
identified optimal frequency of motion in each
showed advances in the outcomes with excellent
exercise episode or whether more frequent exercise
or good functional return in more than three
leads to better results. Similarly, we also do not
fourths of primary tendon repairs following
know what sequences of active and passive
a variety of postoperative passive/active mobili-
motion are best for the tendons and whether the
zation treatments. Strickland and Glogovac crite-
range of each motion cycle affects the outcome.
ria are the most commonly adopted methods to
Answering these questions is essential for optimi-
assess function. Repair ruptures (4%–10% for
zation of rehabilitation programs for repaired
zone II finger flexors and 3%–17% for the FPL
tendon), adhesion formations, and stiffness of
finger joints remain frustrating problems in flexor
Biologic approaches tendon repairs and rehabilitation. Four ap-
proaches are suggested to improve outcomes of
Flexor tendons, particularly those in the intra-
the repairs and to solve these difficult problems,
synovial area, lack sufficient cellularity and gener-
which include stronger surgical repairs, appropri-
ally have low growth factor levels. These are the
ate pulleys or sheath management, optimization
basic reasons that adhesions or ruptures occur
of rehabilitation regimens, and modern biologic
after surgery and that outcomes are less than
perfect. Delivery of growth factors to proliferating
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Hand Clin 21 (2005) 211–217

Flexor Tenolysis
Kodi K. Azari, MDa,*, Roy A. Meals, MDb
Division of Plastic Surgery, 3550 Terrace Street, 6B Scaife Hall, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA
Orthopaedic Surgery, University of California–Los Angeles, 100 UCLA Med. Plaza, #305,
Los Angeles, CA 90024-6970, USA

To function properly, flexor tendons must tested prerequisites include (1) well healed frac-
glide through tight pulleys and move smoothly tures that are in anatomic alignment, (2) coverage
under the skin and over the bones and joints of of all wounds with stable soft scar and supple
the hand. Any damage to the bony [1] and soft skin, (3) intact tendon systems, (4) good muscle
tissue structures or to the tendon surface itself, be strength, (5) mobilization of joint contractures to
it laceration, crush, or infection, can result in near full passive ROM, and (6) a compliant,
tendon scarring with resultant adhesion formation motivated patient who has access to an experi-
[2]. When adhesions limit digital function and an enced hand therapist [7,8].
ample course of hand therapy has reached max- The exact timing of tenolysis has been histor-
imal usefulness, surgical intervention should be ically open to controversy. From experiments in
considered. The concept of surgical tendon liber- chicken tendons, Wray et al [10] attempted to
ation from post-traumatic cicatrix has been in define the optimal time for tenolysis by evaluating
existence for more than 60 years [3]. Although the the blood supply, rupture rate, and the tensile
efficacy of tenolysis originally was questioned [4], strength of tenolysed and control tendons. They
it is now considered a procedure with valuable conclude that tenolysis at 12 weeks after tendon
clinical usefulness in the restitution and enhance- repair did not weaken the tendon and resulted in
ment of digital function [4–8]. an increased blood supply. Other investigators
This purpose of this article is to offer preoper- have advocated waiting 3 months after primary
ative, operative, and postoperative considerations flexor tendon operations and 6 months following
for flexor tenolysis with particular emphasis on flexor tendon grafting before tenolysis [9]. Con-
the authors’ personal preferences. temporary wisdom holds that 3 months wait is
adequate for embarking on the tenolysis pathway
[6,7], however, provided that the previously men-
Preoperative consideration
tioned preoperative tenolysis criteria are satisfied.
Indication and timing The patient must have been active in a vigorous
hand therapy regimen incorporating passive and
Tenolysis is indicated when the passive range
active ROM exercises for approximately 3 months
of motion (ROM) is significantly greater than the
[6] and have reached a plateau in which there has
active ROM at the same joint following fracture,
been no quantifiable progress in the preceding 4–8
flexor tendon repair, grafting, or tendon sheath
weeks [4,11]. This time frame in a therapy pro-
infection [7]. Before embarking on conceivably the
gram allows for elongation of the tendon adhe-
most challenging flexor tendon operation [4],
sions that have formed [10] and adequate time for
however, several criteria must be strictly satisfied
wound healing and scar maturation. Proceeding
to provide the best prognosis [7,9]. These time-
with tenolysis earlier than 3 months is believed to
jeopardize the nutritional supply and increase the
* Corresponding author. rupture risk, whereas delay is believed to decrease
E-mail address: Kodiazari@yahoo.com (K.K. Azari). this incidence [12].
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.11.008 hand.theclinics.com

If the desired ROM is not achieved after comfort, and at the conclusion, reduce it to a level
3 months of therapy, it is reasonable to consider that allows for awakening so that the patient can
tenolysis. In this consideration, the importance of actively move the fingers. Performing this pro-
patient selection and cooperation cannot be over- cedure (which may last more than an hour) under
emphasized. It is as much a key to success as is the local anesthetic can have the liability of ischemic
operative procedure itself, because it is unlikely tourniquet discomfort and muscular paralysis [7].
that tenolysis in an unmotivated or uncooperative To address these issues, circumferential subcuta-
patient will result in a successful outcome. There neous infiltration of the local anesthetic can be
are no absolute indications for tenolysis and the ad- administered about the distal forearm to anesthe-
visability of surgery should consider subjectively tize the superficial sensory nerves [12]. To reduce
the patient’s age, occupation requirements, and muscle paralysis and increase the time that the
global functionality. In the surgeon’s considera- tourniquet is tolerated, Strickland [4,7] advocates
tions, a rational and pragmatic goal must be the application of a sterile pediatric tourniquet to
depicted for the patient. Each patient needs to the mid-forearm, which can be inflated before the
be approached individually with unique require- proximal arm tourniquet is released. This allows
ments, limitations, and goals. For example, pa- for preservation of a bloodless field and restora-
tients who are elderly or who have low functional tion of extrinsic flexor muscle activity within
demands may accept diminutive ROMs, whereas 5 minutes [4]. Feldscher and Schneider [6] perform
global functional improvement will not be at- the procedure under 1% or 2% lidocaine local
tained in a cold and insensate replanted digit anesthetic and intravenous sedation. When tour-
despite recovery of full ROM after tenolysis [6]. niquet paralysis ensues, the tourniquet is released,
Flexor tenolysis is considered a technically hemostasis is achieved with pressure and cautery,
difficult operation [12] and is considered by Strick- and the adequacy of their tenolysis is evaluated.
land [7] as the most demanding of all flexor tendon The tourniquet then is reinflated and the remain-
procedures. Consequently the operation must be der of the operation is performed until tenolysis is
approached as a major surgical effort [7]. Pre- complete.
operatively and as a matter of routine, the authors’ Alternatively, general anesthesia or axillary
patients are informed that intraoperative find- block should be used if the surgeon preoperatively
ings may be incompatible with proceeding with expects an extensive operation (such as multiple
tenolysis efforts. For example, the authors may digits) or a restless patient, to a degree that local
find a devascularized tendon or a ruptured pulley anesthetic with intravenous sedation will not be
or flexor tendon. In this scenario, the authors tolerated [4]. Following tenolysis under these anes-
proceed with the first step of staged tendon thetic modalities, a proximal wrist or palmar inci-
reconstruction and abort the tenolysis procedure. sion should be made, and, as described by Whitaker
et al [15], the involved tendons passively pulled on.
This ‘‘traction flexor check’’ maneuver allows for
Surgical technique evaluation of the potential digital ROM and allows
for further division of adhesions that were ne-
glected [12]. One potential disadvantage of this
Since the mid 1970s Hunter and Schneider [13] technique is that the patient is unable to partici-
have popularized surgical lysis of tendon adhe- pate actively in the procedure; hence, the function
sions under local anesthesia with intravenous of the tendon’s motor unit cannot be ascertained.
analgesic and sedative supplementation [14]. This Another potential disadvantage of performing
anesthetic approach allows for active involvement tenolysis under general anesthesia or axillary block
of the patient at the conclusion of tenolysis to en- is that the patient does not directly observe the
sure that the tendon is adequately liberated from improved digital ROM gained during the operation
scar and that the motor unit powering the tendon and therefore does not have the added inspiration
is of sufficient strength to generate full digital necessary to preserve that gained ROM during the
flexion [4,6,7,12]. Local anesthetic (without epi- demanding postoperative therapy program [7].
nephrine) is infiltrated in the local subcutaneous
tissues or alternatively used as a regional block
[13], such as a digital block or wrist block. During
the operation, the anesthesia personnel titrate the The operation is begun by wide exposure of the
analgesic medication as necessary for patient entire length of the flexor tendon. The exposure

options are either through zigzag incision [16] imperative to retain at a minimum the essential
as advocated by Schneider [2,6,8] or midlateral A-2 and A-4 pulleys. If necessary part or all of the
incisions as championed by Strickland [4]. The A-3 pulley may be sacrificed to get the appropriate
Bruner zigzag incision has the advantage of pro- exposure [8].
viding the best surgical exposure of the flexor The dissection of scarred tendons from pulley
tendon anatomy and digital pulley system (Fig. 1). systems can be a test of one’s dexterity (Fig. 2). To
On the other hand, the midlateral incision ap- aid in this potentially daunting task, hand sur-
proach leaves the neurovascular structures dorsal geons have used a variety of instruments. McDo-
and is believed to diminish skin scarring directly nough and Stern [17] modified a 69 Beaver blade
over the flexor tendon [4]. by applying a 45( angle to the flat surface. They
Dissection proceeds from the unaffected area report that this modification allows fewer inci-
to the affected area [5] and the borders of the sions in the flexor sheath and comfortable angle
flexor tendons are defined [12]. Both flexors are for circumferential tendon dissection. Similarly,
raised en block [5], and in a precise and methodic Schreiber [18] found that knee arthroscopic blades
fashion tendon adhesions are lysed. Next, when were small enough to fit within the confines of
possible, the flexor digitorum profundus and flexor sheaths and of adequate length to avoid
flexor digitorum superficialis tendons should be incising the intervening sheaths. Following tenol-
separated from one another [4]. The tendon can be ysis, Strickland [4] slightly widens the annular
trimmed slightly and previous suture and foreign pulleys with small pediatric urethral dilators to
material debrided [5]. Because of severe adhesions allow for smoother gliding of tendons. A simple
and dense scar it may be necessary to sacrifice the method to separate the flexor digitorum profun-
flexor digitorum superficialis [8] to allow for dus tendon from the volar surface of the proximal
unrestricted tendon gliding through pulley sys- phalanx uses a strand of dental wire or a braided
tems. Great diligence and care must be used to suture as a snare/saw (D.C. Ireland, MD, personal
preserve as much of the tendon sheaths and pulley communication in American Society for Surgery
systems as possible. This can be accomplished of the Hand Correspondence Newsletter, 1988).
by prudently creating transverse windows in the The wire or braided suture is passed between the
flexor retinaculum at multiple levels [4]. It is tendons and the bone. With steady traction and
back and forth motion the dorsal surface of the
tendon is liberated from adhesions. The same
technique can be repeated to separate the flexor
digitorum profundus and flexor digitorum super-
ficialis tendons if intertendinous adhesions persist.
A set of instruments specifically designed for
tenolysis is available and many find it facilitates
the procedure (Fig. 3). The necks of these

Fig. 2. Artist’s rendition of tenolysis. Dense adhesions

Fig. 1. Cross-sectional anatomy of a digit at the (A) formed between the flexor tendon (F), tendon
proximal phalanx. Notice the tight association between sheath, and phalanx (P) are lysed with specifically
the flexor tendons (F), A2 pulley (A2), and phalanx (P). designed tenolysis knives. The knife’s concave leading
A/N, digital artery and nerve. edge captures and cuts, rather than slips off adhesions.

Adjunctive modalities
In an effort to prevent the redevelopment of
adhesions following tenolysis, many adjunctive
measures have been used. Some investigators have
advocated the use of steroid preparations [15,
21–24] at the conclusion of the operation to bathe
the tendon bed. Although there is anecdotal
evidence that steroid preparations may be useful
in preventing recurrent adhesions [15], other
investigators [9,25] doubt their efficacy in improv-
Fig. 3. Specifically designed tenolysis knives. ing the final result. Because corticosteroids poten-
tially carry inherent adverse wound healing and
tendon healing liabilities, the authors do not use
tenolysis knives follow the natural curvature of
them in conjunction with tenolysis.
the finger. The knives have semisharp blades that
conform on their cross-sections to the circumfer-
ence of the tendon in all four quadrants within the Interpositional devices
sheath. The first knife has a convex leading edge Interpositional materials have been used ex-
to seek the original plane between the tendons and tensively to prevent recurrent adhesion formation.
their surrounds. The other knives have a concave These materials have been used as mechanical
leading surface to capture and cut, rather than slip barriers to separate the tendon from adjacent tis-
off, dense adhesions (see Fig. 2). sues. These barriers consist of biologic or artificial
Although no clinical trials have been per- membranes, such as cellophane [26], polyethylene
formed, Constantinescu et al [19] evaluated the film, silicone sheeting, paratenon [27], amniotic
efficacy of holmium:YAG laser to scalpel and CO2 membrane [28], and gelatin sponge [29], among
laser tenolysis in a rabbit model. Their study many others. The use of these materials has been
concluded that holmium:YAG laser tenolysis met with mixed results [4,30] and are believed by
resulted in easier tendon gliding as compared some investigators to function as foreign objects
with scalpel or CO2 laser tenolysis at up to the that hinder the revascularization process [30].
2-week time point and did not affect adversely A potentially promising modality is the use of
intrinsic tendon strength. hyaluronic acid derivatives (Seprafilm Bioresorb-
Tenolysis is continued through the length of able Membrane, Genzyme Corporation, Cam-
the digit and palm until the tendon is adequately bridge, Massachusetts), widely used to prevent
freed of its restrictions. At this point, the ade- adhesion formation in gastrointestinal surgery
quacy of the procedure is assessed by pulling on [31–33]. Karakurum et al [34] used Seprafilm Bio-
the tendon through a separate proximal incision resorbable Membrane in a chicken flexor tendon
(traction flexor check) or by having the patient model and demonstrated benefit in decreasing
actively flex the digit. At this juncture, the quality tendon adhesions after tenolysis. Clinical corrob-
and health of the tendon and the integrity of the orating to this study is yet to be performed. The
essential pulley systems should be evaluated authors do not use interpositional substances.
critically. If the tendon continuity is maintained
only by a scar-filled gap [6] or if greater than 30% Indwelling catheter
[4] of the tendon width is lost, tenolysis is unlikely To minimize postoperative pain, several inves-
to succeed. In this case, tenolysis should be tigators [5,12,35] use transcutaneously placed local
aborted and staged tendon reconstruction with anesthetic catheters (polyethylene or silicone) in
silicone rubber implant should be performed. the area of tenolysis. For several days, patients can
Similarly, if the critical pulleys are attenuated or self-administer bupivacaine [4] on a periodic basis
destroyed, tenolysis has a poor prognosis [8]. Here to relieve pain and allow active engagement in the
it is appropriate to proceed with immediate pulley postoperative therapy regimen. It should be em-
reconstruction [4,5,20]. In the authors’ experience phasized that this adjunct should be reserved for
this works best using a single strip of tendon the select patients who have low pain thresholds or
wrapped around the phalanx and sutured securely extensive operations [4]. The authors have found
to itself. that oral analgesics sufficiently alleviate pain in the

postoperative period and that the risk for in- The active exercises should begin gently with
fectious wound complications does not warrant the place and hold maneuvers [4,7,11,36] and
the use of this procedure. advance to tendon gliding exercises [37,38] and
blocking exercises [6]. Foucher et al [5] splint the
hand and interphalangeal joints in flexion for the
Postoperative management
first 3 weeks with hourly removal to perform
The postoperative hand therapy program is exercises. Passive ROM exercises are used if joint
universally recognized as a crucial component of stiffness and inflexibility are present [6] and can be
flexor tenolysis surgery to retain the ROM gained increased gradually [5] as required.
from operation. The timing of therapy initiation Postoperative edema is an expected conse-
is, however, a source of contention. Some inves- quence of tenolysis and measures must be taken
tigators advocate waiting for several days [5] or to address it. Reduction of edema provides the
until the soft tissue inflammation and associated patient with improved tendon excursion and
pain begin to subside. Others begin digital motion ROM. The authors instruct the patient to main-
immediately in an effort to thwart the formation tain the hand elevated above the level of the heart
of new adhesions [4,6,7]. until a time that he or she can comfortably leave it
To a significant degree, postoperative treat- in a dependent position without pain. In addition,
ment is dictated by intraoperative findings and several times per hour the hand is raised overhead
these findings should be discussed directly with and 10 full fist pumps are performed. A particu-
the therapist to tailor a closely supervised therapy larly effective means of edema control is compres-
program. Helpful referral information includes sion with the stipulation that there is satisfactory
the procedures performed, tendon quality, digit vascularity, intact sensation, and no wound com-
vascularity, and intraoperative passive and active promise. For digits and the palm, elastic tape can
(if the patient was awake) ROM [6]. Furthermore, be applied distally proceeding proximally without
the surgeon’s prognosis for motion may be of tension. For gentle compression of the hand,
benefit to the therapist [6]. elasticized bandages or gloves may be used [11].
If the freed tendon is of poor quality with Continuous passive motion has been shown
significant scarring and decreased caliber, the experimentally to increase the risk for tendon
probability of rupture is considerable [6,7]. Pro- rupture, to increase the force required to flex the
tective splinting is required and a closely super- joints passively, and to result in less passive
vised therapy program should be designed to motion [39].
reduce the tensile loads of the tendon while
maintaining the excursion achieved from surgery
[7]. The ‘‘frayed tendon program’’ [4,7,11,36] is
suggested in these instances and in other circum- Strickland [7] reports that in 64% of tenolysed
stances, such as postoperative synovitis [6] or digits there was a 50% improvement in active
palpable crepitus [6,7], in which the likelihood of motion through the available passive arc at the
rupture is increased. In this method, the tenolysed proximal interphalangeal (PIP) and distal inter-
digit is manipulated passively into full flexion. phalangeal (DIP) joints. Fifteen percent of pa-
Next, the patient is asked to hold the flexed tients gained fair function; however, 20% did not
position with their own muscle power and the benefit from the operation and 8% of fingers
manipulating digit is removed. This place and experienced tendon rupture.
hold maneuver allows the tendon to pass through Foucher et al [5] report the results of 78
maximal excursion while minimizing tensile de- tenolysed fingers with the introduction of two
mands and decreasing the likelihood for rupture. technical modifications. If required, robust pulley
In a closely supervised fashion, gentle active reconstruction with tendon graft was performed
ROM exercises may be added gradually as the and the digit immobilized in a flexed position to
tendon heals with time. maintain the tendon in a proximally migrated
If intraoperatively the tendon is deemed to be position. On postoperative day 2, the digits were
of good quality, then the patient may proceed extended passively to break adhesions. For
immediately with more vigorous therapy. The 3 weeks thereafter, the digits were splinted con-
treatment aims are to increase active and passive tinuously in some flexion with intermittent re-
ROM, enhance muscle activity, and decrease moval for extension exercises. Passive extension
edema and pain. was gradually increased; however, no activity was

allowed that required force for 5 weeks. The the most frequent complication is the failure of
results of this study showed that active movement the operation to improve ROM [8] and potentially
improved from 135( to 205( in 84% of the to worsen it. Other complications include skin
fingers. There was no improvement in four digits necrosis, dehiscence, and wound infection. Ten-
and nine digits were worse following tenolysis. don rupture is an infrequent complication that
There were two instances of tendon rupture. carries potentially disastrous consequences [7]. If
Goloborod’Ko [40] studied 20 fingers that were rupture occurs, the decision must be made as to
followed 6 months to 1 year postoperatively. His whether to proceed with immediate repair or to
protocol included tenolysis followed by immediate allow time for wound healing with subsequent
active flexion of the digit resulting in proximal staged tendon grafting. Otherwise, consideration
excursion of the tendon. The digits were main- can be given to arthrodesis or amputation.
tained in the flexed position until the first post-
operative day when the digit was passively fully
extended. The digits were again held in a flexed
position and extended the following day for 5–6
days. The patients then began a regimen of tendon Flexor tenolysis is a challenging procedure
gliding exercises with flexion bandaging at night with valuable clinical usefulness in the restitution
only for 10–12 days. He reports excellent results and enhancement of digital function in the ap-
in 18 digits, fair in 1, and poor in 1 digit. Three propriate patient. In the absence of complications,
patients sustained tendon ruptures. improvement in digital flexion can be expected.
Jupiter et al [41] reviewed their series of 37 The requisites for success are a skilled surgeon,
replanted digits and four thumbs that had flexor a motivated and well informed patient, and a
tenolysis after replantation. The total active mo- closely monitored hand therapy program.
tion increased significantly from 72( to 130(. The
results were rated as 13 excellent, 11 good, 6 fair,
and 11 poor. The thumbs had two fair results and
two poor results. They conclude that poor results
were associated with crush or avulsion amputa- The authors wish to thank Ms. Delbar Riahi
tions, hands with more than two digits ampu- for her illustration and photographs.
tated, and those requiring PIP capsulotomy.
There was no association with the number of
arteries or tendons repaired and complications
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Hand Clin 21 (2005) 219–243

Delayed Treatment of Flexor Tendon Injuries

Including Grafting
James W. Strickland, MD*
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Reconstructive Hand Surgeons of Indiana, 13421 Old Meridian Street, Suite 200, Carmel, IN 46032, USA

Tendon grafting to restore digital flexion is the possibilities when few other options exist. An
treatment of choice in those cases in which the historical review of the development of staged
flexor tendons, divided in zone I or zone II, methods of tendon reconstruction is discussed,
cannot be repaired directly or the interval follow- together with the indications and surgical tech-
ing tendon division exceeds the time when delayed niques for current methods for salvaging function
repair is possible. The indications and techniques in these difficult situations.
for conventional free tendon grafting are de-
scribed with consideration for the appropriate
techniques to use in cases with interruption of Free tendon grafts
the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) and the
In instances in which flexor tendons divided in
flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and those
zone I or zone II have not been or cannot be
with an intact FDS are described.
repaired directly, tendon grafting must be per-
Tenolysis should always be considered as the
formed to restore digital flexion. Whether one
potential final salvage procedure following tendon
selects conventional free tendon grafting or staged
repair, conventional grafting, or staged recon-
reconstruction depends on several factors unique
struction, for flexible fingers without active mo-
to the involved digit, including the extent and
tion. The procedure must be approached as
magnitude of scar formation within the digital
a major surgical effort with great consideration
canal and the condition of the pulley system.
for patient selection, operative technique, and
postoperative management. It is perhaps the
Division of the flexor digitorum profundus and
most demanding of all flexor tendon operations
with respect to attention to detail and patient–
doctor cooperation. The surgical techniques for The first series in which free flexor tendon
lysing adherent tendons are described with con- grafts were used in the hand was reported by
sideration for the important post-lysis rehabilita- Lexer in 1912 [1,2]. He used grafts to repair flexor
tion program. tendons after rupture, old lacerations, infections,
When digits are badly scarred as a result of and ‘‘hopeless cases’’ of ischemic contracture [1].
injury or multiple failed efforts to restore conti- In 1916, Leo Mayer published three articles that
nuity and excursion to badly damaged flexor have served as the basis for the present day
tendons, staged reconstruction using the initial concepts of flexor tendon surgery [3–5]. He em-
placement of a silicone implant in the tendon bed phasized the need for exacting operative tech-
followed later by the replacement of that implant nique, with direct juncture of the tendon to bone,
with a tendon graft can offer realistic salvage the use of an adequate muscle as a motor, and the
necessity of peritenon around a flexor graft.
In January 1918, Sterling Bunnell published
* Corresponding author. a classic article on tendon grafting in which he
E-mail address: jim@docstrickland.com stressed atraumatic technique, a bloodless field,
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.12.003 hand.theclinics.com

perfect asepsis, and the preservation of pulleys [6]. a staged reconstruction may be more appropriate.
He preferred the palmaris longus tendon as the Tubiana [21] has detailed the principles for flexor
donor graft and described a modified cork borer tendon grafting, which include that only one graft
that could be used as a tendon stripper [6]. Mason should be placed in any one finger, that an intact
and Allen performed experiments in 1941 that superficialis tendon is never sacrificed, that the
indicated that tendon grafts should not be moved graft should be of small caliber, and that its ends
for 21–25 days [7]. In the first edition of his classic should be fixed away from the tendon sheath.
textbook on surgery of the hand in 1944, Bunnell Tubiana also recommended the careful calcula-
[8] described the pullout wire suture technique, the tion of the tension of the graft and the sparing of
success of which was confirmed by Moberg [9] in at least one pulley to prevent bowstringing.
1951. Although primary or delayed primary repair
The surgical methods and results of free flexor has now become the standard mode of treatment
tendon grafting subsequently have been modified following acute severance of flexor tendons, free
and reviewed by various leaders in the field of hand tendon grafting is applicable in those patients who
surgery, including Pulvertaft [10–12] in England; for one reason or another have not had a timely
Graham [13], Littler [14], Boyes [15], Boyes and repair. In such patients, severed tendon stumps
Stark [16], and White [17,18] in the United States; are removed from the digital flexor sheath and
and Rank and Wakefield [19] in Australia. Impor- replaced with a palm-to-distal phalanx graft.
tant contributions also have been made by Verdan Almost all tendon surgeons agree that the pro-
[20] in Switzerland and Tubiana [21] in France. cedure is applicable in patients older than 5 years
Although few advances in tendon grafting have of age following clean, sharp severance of the
occurred in recent years, Boyes and Stark [16] and flexor tendons. The wounds should be well healed
McClinton et al [22] have reported notable reviews with a minimum of inflammatory reaction and the
of large clinical series and that good results have digits should be supple and free from swelling. A
been obtained by grafting through an intact FDS full range of passive motion should be achieved
for isolated profundus loss. before the procedure and at least one and prefer-
ably both digital nerves should be functional. The
Indications patient should be well motivated and informed as
to the rather rigorous postoperative therapy that
The indications for conventional free tendon is necessary.
grafting have been well established. Pulvertaft [12] Free tendon grafting usually is not appropriate
stated that successful results from the standard for digits with fixed joint contractures or follow-
grafting method are obtained only when certain ing severe phalangeal fractures. Crushing injuries
rules are followed: or wounds with significant skin loss usually result
 The hand is in good overall condition. There is in considerable scarring in or around the flexor
no extensive scarring. Passive movements are tendon sheath, and a marked compromise of the
full or nearly full. The circulation is satisfac- performance of this technique can be expected.
tory. At least one digital nerve in the affected The procedure is contraindicated in insensate or
digit is intact. poorly vascularized digits, in children younger
 A precise and gentle surgical technique is used. than 3 years of age, and in elderly patients [25]. In
some instances it is difficult for the surgeon to
 The patient is cooperative. A child under three
assess the amount of fibrosis within the digit or
years of age is unlikely to assist in the after care
the condition of the pulley system before the
and it is wise to postpone the operation until
actual operative procedure. Should the findings
the child is older.
at surgery mitigate against free tendon grafting,
Schneider and Hunter [24] have emphasized the patient should be prepared for the possibility
that the surgeon must decide whether a conven- of staged flexor tendon reconstruction.
tional free tendon graft or a staged reconstruction Although many surgeons including Bunnell
is most appropriate in a particular situation. Some [26,27] recommended excision of most of the
patients have experienced failed primary surgery flexor tendon sheath with retention of only small
or previous efforts at flexor tendon reconstruc- sections of the annular pulleys, it is now believed
tion, and the degree of scarring within the digit that one should strive to preserve as much of the
may preclude the realistic possibility of achieving sheath system as possible. Eiken [28] has even
a good result from free grafting. In these instances suggested transplanting synovial tissue from the

toes or wrists as a sheath autograft to close open through small incisions with limited exposure
sections of the fibro-osseous canal. We have almost always necessitates blind dissection, which
already seen that the wholesale ablation of sec- may endanger neurovascular structures and in-
tions of the flexor tendon sheath may have crease postoperative adhesion formation.
a detrimental effect on the efficiency of flexor
tendons, and it is important to preserve most of
Surgical technique
the A2 and A4 annular pulleys. The reconstruction
of pulleys at the time of free tendon grafting is Free tendon grafting is one of the most
rarely advisable, and in most instances the finding technically elegant of all hand surgery procedures
of a deficient pulley system should serve as an (Fig. 1). Some surgeons prefer the use of a mid-
indication to proceed with staged reconstruction. axial approach to the digit, using the method of
Rank and Wakefield [19,40,41], in which the
neurovascular bundle is left in its dorsal position
Donor tendons
and the flap is elevated across the flexor tendon
Although there is some disagreement as to sheath. This incision, however, cannot be used if
which donor tendons should be chosen for free a zigzag approach has been used previously. The
flexor tendon grafting, the palmaris longus, when neurovascular bundles must be carefully identified
available, probably has the most advocates. The and protected, and dissection is carried from areas
tendon is present in approximately 85% of all of normal anatomy toward the area of injury to
people [29], is of sufficient length and size, and is provide the best identification of the tendon
procured easily from the ipsilateral forearm by sheath with a minimum of additional injury. The
small incisions and gentle traction or the use of annular portions of the sheath should be pre-
a tendon stripper. The plantaris tendon also may served carefully, but if they have collapsed, often
serve as a satisfactory tendon graft, particularly they may be expanded by the use of pediatric
when the graft length is important. It is said to be urethral dilators (Fig. 2).
present in approximately 93% of all individuals Small windows are fashioned in the cruciate–
[30], although the author’s personal experience synovial areas of the sheath to identify the
indicates that its absence occurs somewhat more proximal and distal tendon stumps, and the distal
frequently. The plantaris tendon is usually 12–18 stump of the profundus is mobilized. One centi-
cm in length and may be garnered by an incision meter of the profundus stump is preserved and
medial to the Achilles tendon and the use of reflected to its insertion in the distal phalanx. The
a Brand tubular tendon stripper. Other tendons profundus and superficialis stumps are withdrawn
that may be used as grafts include the extensor proximally if they still reside in the flexor sheath
digitorum longus tendons to the second, third, or if they are identified in the midpalm, where
and fourth toes, the extensor indicis proprius, the their ends will have enlarged. Distal traction then
extensor digiti quinti proprius, and the FDS may be placed on the profundus tendon for
tendon to the fifth finger [18]. The use of intra- several minutes to improve its excursion [42].
synovial grafts has been advocated by Ark et al The bulbous profundus stump is trimmed back
[31,32] and Noguchi et al, and the science behind to good tendon and the lumbrical muscle is
their recommendations is compelling. Clinical excised if it is scarred or adherent. The super-
evidence of the superiority of these grafts is ficialis tendon is pulled forward and cut so that
awaited before they achieve common usage for it retracts well away from the proximal graft
these procedures. juncture.
Incisions for flexor tendon grafting may be the Whatever scarring exits at the site of the
zigzag palmar incision advocated by Bruner [33] original injury then is excised meticulously, and
or the midaxial approach, which is favored by if the scar proves to be excessive or if a great deal
many surgeons [16,19,24,34–41]. The latter ap- of the pulley system has been lost, it may be better
proach has the advantages of placing the scar to proceed with a staged reconstruction by im-
away from the area of grafting and of providing planting a silicone rod and reconstructing annular
a healthy bed of subcutaneous tissue over the pulleys. It also is recommended that the distal
sheath and graft. Continuous digital–palmar in- portion of the superficial flexor be preserved to
cisions as recommended by Tubiana [21] provide prevent recurvatum at the proximal interphalan-
wide exposure of the flexor tendon system from geal joint, particularly when it has not been badly
the midpalm to the digital tip. Attempting to work scarred by the initial injury.

Fig. 1. Technique of free tendon grafting. (A) Surgical approach to the index finger using a radial midaxial incision
turned across the distal palm to parallel the thenar crease. Following preparation of the digital canal by excision of scar
tissue and careful retention of annular pulleys, a free tendon graft is attached to a suture and passed from the base of the
distal phalanx into the palm. (B) The appearance of the tendon in the digital bed following completion of the distal
tendon bone juncture. The profundus stump then is sutured to the graft to secure the juncture. (C) Following closure of
the distal digital wound, a weave technique is used to join the proximal profundus stump to the graft. The juncture in the
palm is under sufficient tension to place the index finger at slightly more than its normal resting posture.

Following preparation of the nail bed, a heavy withdrawn easily after it has been divided distally
suture is placed beneath the intact portions of the and freed of its attachments.
sheath by using a small blunt probe, and an A 4-0 monofilament suture, armed at each end
oblique drill hole is fashioned in the base of the with straight needles, is twice passed through the
distal phalanx, directing the point of the drill from distal end of the suspended graft, and an addi-
proximal–palmar to distal–dorsal. The surgeon tional 4-0 suture is placed in the tendon before its
should make an effort to minimize the dorsal release. The proximal graft suture is tied to the
cortical penetration by placing a finger over the distal end of the suture in the digital bed and the
proximal nail bed during the drilling process. tendon then can be drawn easily from distal to
When the digital bed has been prepared, the proximal beneath the intact portions of the
donor tendon is procured. The palmaris longus, tendon sheath. The straight needles then are
when present, is preferred. It is garnered by passed through the distal phalangeal drill hole
a transverse incision just proximal to the wrist, and usually exit over the proximal portion of the
through which the distal tendon can be identified nail. The needles are taken through a gauze pad or
easily. A small hemostat is placed beneath the a Kitner sponge and through the holes of a button.
tendon to increase its tension and to allow the Distal traction on the suture pulls the tendon graft
tendon to be palpated in the midforearm. A short into the osseous defect in the distal phalanx and
transverse incision then is made directly over the the suture may be tied over the button to anchor
tendon, and dissection is carried down to the the graft. Additional sutures are used to secure the
proximal portion of the palmaris, which is profundus stump to the graft and proximal

Fig. 2. Clinical photographs of free tendon grafting 3 months following interruption of the profundus and superficialis
tendons in zone II of the right index finger. (A) Appearance of the hand with the loss of normal resting posture of the
index digit resulting from interruption of both tendons. (B) The appearance of the flexor tendon bed following the
resection of mid-digital scar with reflection of the proximal and distal profundus stumps. (C) The use of a urethral dilator
to expand the A2 pulley, followed by passing a drill point just proximal to the insertion of the profundus tendon in the
base of the distal phalanx. (D) The palmaris longus tendon has been withdrawn in the midforearm by the use of two
transverse incisions. A double-armed suture on straight needles will be passed through the suspended distal tendon
stump in preparation for the distal tendon bone juncture. (E) The tendon being drawn through the digital canal from
distal to proximal using a suture previously placed beneath the pulleys. The double-armed straight needles are passed
through the drill hole in the distal phalanx. (F) The appearance of the digital bed following completion of the distal
tendon–bone insertion and suturing of the distal profundus stump to the graft. The weave juncture is completed in the
palm following closure of the digital wound. (G) Appearance of the grafted index finger following completion of the
proximal tendon weave and wound closure.

Fig. 2 (continued)

traction on the graft should demonstrate its flexed than it would be under normal circum-
excursion and produce full digital flexion. stances. This is best achieved by placing the wrist
In recent years, suture-anchors have been de- in neutral and observing the posture of adjacent
veloped that can offer an excellent alternative digits. In general, the posture of the grafted digit
method for strongly attaching a free tendon graft should be approximately the same as the adjacent
to the distal phalanx. There are several absorbable ulnar digit, and in the fifth finger, a position of
and nonabsorbable mini-anchors combined with flexion somewhat greater than that of the fifth
varying suture sizes now available, and the use of finger on the opposite hand would be appropriate.
one or even two anchors can produce a strong At the conclusion of the proximal tendon junc-
bone–tendon juncture with less damage to the ture, the digit is checked to be sure that it can be
distal phalangeal bone and fingernail bed than extended passively with the wrist in neutral.
with the phalangeal drilling method. Again, Obviously certain variations in this technique
a short flap of the remaining profundus insertion may result from circumstances unique to the
can be sutured over the graft to augment the particular patient. The use of a drill hole at the
juncture. base of the distal phalanx is not appropriate in
All wounds are closed and the proximal children with open epiphyses; in such cases, direct
juncture of the graft to the profundus motor tendon suture to the stump of the profundus is
tendon is completed in the palm. A Pulvertaft preferable. When a palmaris longus tendon is not
[10–12] tendon weave is excellent for the proximal present, one may select the plantaris, the super-
juncture and allows careful adjustment of the ficialis tendon of the fifth finger, or one of the
tension of the graft. In instances in which the proprius tendons, with toe extensors reserved for
caliber of the tendons is the same, one may prefer those rare situations in which no other donors are
an end-to-end suture rather than the weave available. In some instances, it is preferable to use
technique. Most surgeons agree that the tension the superficialis muscle as a motor for the tendon
placed on a tendon graft should result in a resting graft, particularly when it is less scarred than the
posture of the grafted digit that is slightly more profundus.

Postoperative care procedure to be appropriate in the ring and little

fingers only when the patient requires the action
Most surgeons are much more reluctant to use
because of a special interest or occupation, as in
early motion programs following grafts than they
the case of a musician or a skilled technician.
are following flexor tendon repair. Although some
Pulvertaft [58] later changed his thinking and
surgeons are comfortable initiating a controlled
agreed that free tendon grafting is often appropri-
early motion program after tendon grafting, most
ate in the small finger, particularly when the
prefer to immobilize grafted digits for at least 3
superficialis tendon is found to be weak, because
weeks to avoid tension on the juncture sites and to
in such patients the improvement of grip provided
allow for some graft revascularization [22]. Im-
by the restoration of profundus function makes
mobilization should be in a position midway
the procedure worthwhile. He favored the use of
between neutral and full wrist flexion with the
the plantaris tendon in such circumstances because
metacarpophalangeal joints flexed to 60(–70( and
it is ‘‘thin and thus the most rapidly revascularized
the interphalangeal joints held in near full exten-
and is of sufficient length to provide grafts for two
sion. This position relieves tension on the repair
digits.’’ Stark and associates [55] believed that the
sites and provides the best safeguard against the
prerequisites for grafting with an intact super-
development of interphalangeal joint flexion con-
ficialis tendon include a superficialis tendon that is
tractures. At 3–4 weeks, a gentle protective
normal, full passive motion, minimal soft tissue
motion program that includes passive and active
scarring, and patient age of 10–21 years.
digital flexion and active extension is initiated.
The procedure probably should be reserved for
Full passive extension of the digit is not permitted
those few patients who have functional needs or
for several additional weeks.
a strong desire for the restoration of profundus
function. Although a young age is not an absolute
Intact flexor digitorum superficialis
requirement, most of the author’s patients have
The late treatment of FDP division or rupture been younger than 25 years. Finally, the procedure
with an intact superficialis tendon is controversial. should be performed only after a thorough and
If the patient has full, strong function of the honest discussion with the patient about the details
superficialis, the functional impairment to the of the procedure and its possible complications.
involved digit may not be great. Because a tendon
graft brings with it the risk for compromising
Surgical technique
existing function, many surgeons have devised
a conservative approach in this situation, with no The technique for free flexor tendon grafting
treatment, tenodesis, or arthrodesis being pre- with an intact superficialis is similar to that used
ferred to free grafting [15,43–48]. Other surgeons following the loss of both the profundus and the
have demonstrated satisfactory results with ten- superficialis. Obviously one should take great care
don grafts through an intact superficialis with to avoid any damage to the normal superficialis or
varying indications in carefully selected patients its decussation. The palmaris and plantaris tendons
[49–56]. The use of a tendon implant as a first serve as the best donor tendons for this type of
stage, followed by grafting for isolated profundus grafting because of their small size, although other
loss, has been advocated by Versaci and Wilson small tendons, such as the extensor digitorum
[25,56,57]. Although generally in favor of free communis of the index finger, may prove effective
grafting for profundus division in selected cases, for the small finger (Fig. 3). The graft should be
Pulvertaft expressed his concern when he stated gently passed through the decussation of the super-
that, ‘‘It should not be advised unless the patient ficialis in an effort to restore its normal anatomic
is determined to seek perfection and the surgeon is position. In such cases, when the chiasm has been
confident of his ability to offer a reasonable closed and it is not possible to pass the graft between
expectation of success without the risk of doing the superficialis slips, it may be passed around them.
harm’’ [53]. He further noted that the decision as Distal and proximal graft junctures are the same as
to whether to carry out a graft in such circum- those already described for a combined tendon loss.
stances depends on several factors, including the Although some investigators have suggested that
age of the patient, the condition of the finger and motion may be commenced earlier following graft-
hand, and the occupation and wishes of the ing through an intact superficialis [59], the author’s
patient. At that time, he advised tendon grafting practice is to immobilize the involved hand for
for the index and long fingers, but believed the 3.5 weeks before permitting motion.

Fig. 3. (A) Appearance of a left small finger during a free tendon graft following severance and non-repair of flexor
digitorum profundus tendon 6 months previously. A free tendon graft placed through an intact but weak flexor
digitorum superficialis in an effort to improve grasp strength. The tendon bed has been prepared and a silk suture passed
beneath the pulleys and through Camper’s chiasma between the two superficialis slips to exit proximal to the A1 pulley.
(B) In the absence of the palmaris longus, it was elected to use the extensor digitorum communis of the index finger as the
donor graft for the small finger. (C) The graft has been withdrawn through the digit using the preplaced silk suture,
attached distally through a distal phalangeal drill hole over a button over the digital nail. The digital wound has been
closed, and the flexion of the digit produced by proximal traction on the graft is demonstrated. (D) The proximal weave
of the tendon graft is initiated. (E) The appearance of the digit following wound closure is seen. Note the tension on the
graft has been set so that the resting posture of the digit is slightly greater than normal. (F) The appearance of the digit
following wound closure is shown.

Flexor tendon grafting summary developed by the early masters of hand surgery
remain largely unchanged today. When done with
Free tendon grafting for flexor tendon sever-
the correct indications and great attention to
ance that could not be repaired primarily is one of
surgical detail and postoperative management,
the most eloquent and technically demanding
the procedure can yield surprisingly good results.
procedures in hand surgery. The techniques

Flexor tenolysis necessary to proceed with the implantation of

a silicone rod as the first step of a staged flexor
Despite the best efforts at flexor tendon repair,
tendon reconstruction sequence.
free tendon grafting, or staged reconstruction,
adhesion formation with its obligatory restriction Timing
of tendon excursion occurs all too frequently.
When satisfactory function cannot be restored, it The proper timing for tenolysis following
may be necessary to proceed with tenolysis in an tendon repair or graft is somewhat controversial.
effort to surgically improve tendon movement. Wray et al [75] concluded from an experiment on
The biologic basis and clinical efficacy of this chicken tendons that waiting 12 weeks seemed to
procedure has been questioned by some investi- be optimum, because it did not weaken the tendon
gators [60–63], whereas others have indicated that, and resulted in an increased blood supply. Fetrow
when performed properly, it is a worthwhile effort [64] and Pulvertaft [76] have recommended wait-
at restoring digital function [64–74]. Tenolysis ing 3 months following a primary tendon repair
must always be approached as a major surgical and 6 months following a flexor tendon graft
effort with careful patient selection and great before performing tenolysis. Rank et al [63]
attention to the details of the operative procedure advocated waiting 6–9 months following tendon
and the postoperative mobilization program. grafting for those patients in whom serial exami-
Tenolysis is probably the most demanding of all nations revealed no significant improvement. It is
flexor tendon procedures, and to be successful now generally accepted that one may consider
there must be close cooperation between the tenolysis 3 months or more after repair or graft,
patient, the physician, and the therapist. providing the other criteria for the procedure have
been satisfied and there has been no measurable
Indications improvement in active motion during the pre-
ceding 4–8 weeks.
Tenolysis may be indicated following flexor
tendon repair or grafting when the passive range Operative considerations
of digital flexion significantly exceeds active flex-
ion. The decision to carry out the procedure Lysing an adherent flexor tendon from a bed of
should be based on serial joint measurements scar tissue is perhaps the single most challenging
that indicate there has been no appreciable in the spectrum of restorative procedures that
improvement for several months despite a vigor- follow injury to the complex interrelationship
ous therapy program and the conscientious efforts between the tendons and their enveloping sheath.
of the patient. The prerequisites for tenolysis as It requires a thorough appreciation of the digito-
set forth by Fetrow [64], Hunter et al [65], palmar anatomy, extreme patience, and a willing-
Schneider and Hunter [68], and Schneider and ness to persevere until it can be demonstrated that
Mackin [69,70] should be adhered to closely. All the tendon or tendons have been freed sufficiently
fractures should be healed and wounds must have to return flexion that is at least comparable to the
reached equilibrium with soft, pliable skin and presurgery passive range of motion.
subcutaneous tissues and minimal reaction
Anesthesia and tourniquet
around scars. Joint contractures must have been
mobilized and a normal or near normal passive Schneider et al have popularized the use of
range of digital motion achieved. Satisfactory local anesthetic supplemented by intravenous
sensation and muscle strength should be regained analgesia and tranquilizing drugs for tenolysis
and the patient must be informed carefully as to [65,67–70,77,78]. They contend that the method
the objectives, surgical techniques, postoperative best allows the patient to demonstrate the com-
course, and pitfalls of the procedure. Many pleteness of the lysis by actively flexing the
patients are content with less than normal active involved digit during surgery. They also believe
digital motion, whereas others who have returned it is important to allow the patient to observe the
a fairly good range may want near normal improved digital motion during surgery to pro-
function, and in most circumstances should be vide motivation for the maintenance of that
offered the operation. When a patient elects to motion during the rigorous postoperative therapy
undergo tenolysis, he or she must understand that program. Most surgeons now agree that the
if the findings at surgery preclude the possibility advantages of local anesthesia and active patient
of returning satisfactory function, it may be participation are enormous and recommend the

use of this technique whenever possible [73]. Although Schneider and Mackin [69,70] and
Local-supplement anesthesias may not be appro- Hunter et al [65] have stated a preference for the
priate for patients who are young, are uncooper- supplementary use of the agents Fentanyl-droper-
ative, have a low pain threshold, or in whom idol (Innovar) for tenolysis analgesia and seda-
extensive surgery is anticipated. It then becomes tion, other agents such as diazepam (Valium) may
the responsibility of the surgeon to demonstrate be substituted effectively when the anesthesiolo-
that a thorough release of all restraining adhe- gist is unfamiliar with or reluctant to use this drug
sions has been achieved by the tenolysis combination [65,73]. Whether the procedure is
procedure. performed with the patient under local, regional,
It must be remembered that although the use or general anesthesia, it is important that the
of local anesthesia does permit immediate evalu- condition and comfort level of the patient
ation of the effectiveness of tenolysis, tourniquet be monitored carefully by an anesthesiologist
ischemia results in muscle paralysis in approxi- throughout the entire procedure.
mately 30 minutes, and although the active
function returns after the tourniquet release, this
Surgical technique
delay is a surgical inconvenience [74]. In addition,
the tourniquet may not be well tolerated after Flexor tenolysis requires wide surgical expo-
20–40 minutes, depending on the effectiveness of sure. As with other digital procedures, the in-
supplementary analgesia. The use of a sterile cision options are the midlateral or Bruner [79]
pediatric tourniquet applied to the midforearm zigzag exposures (Fig. 4). Schneider et al prefer
has proved to be an effective method of dealing the zigzag approach, believing that it provides
with the problems of muscle paralysis and tour- the best exposure of the tendon anatomy and
niquet pain. During the procedure it may be allows lysis of the adherent structures under
secondarily inflated, allowing for deflation of the direct visualization [65,67–70]. They also believe
upper arm tourniquet [73]. Hemostasis is pre- that this approach best preserves the vascular
served, tourniquet pain is minimized, and the nutrition of the digits that have been injured or
function of the extrinsic forearm flexors usually had previous surgical procedures. Other surgeons
can be restored following their revascularization. prefer a midlateral excision as described by Rank
At the time of dressing application, the proximal et al [63], in which the neurovascular bundles are
tourniquet may be reinflated and the pediatric left dorsalward [73]. The advantages of this
tourniquet removed. approach are that it usually delivers a good
The local anesthetic agent selected is at the bed of soft tissue back across the flexor tendons
discretion of the surgeon, and 1% or 2% lidocaine and sheath and that there is less wound tension
has been advocated by Hunter et al [65,67–70]. produced by the early postoperative digital
Bupivacaine (Marcaine) 0.5% is also a useful motion.
agent for tenolysis because of its longer duration Despite the earlier recommendations by Ver-
(10–14 hours), which serves to minimize the dan [80] that sheaths be widely excised at the time
immediate postoperative pain. Anesthesia admin- of tenolysis, most surgeons now prefer to preserve
istered by infiltration into the skin and subcuta- as much of the pulley system as possible [65,73]. If
neous tissues at the base of the finger usually is portions of the pulley system have been damaged
combined with a transmetacarpal digital block. by injury or previous surgery, the forces acting on
The extent of the palmar dissection is anticipated the smaller remaining pulleys during active flexion
at the time of injection, and when more than one are much greater, with an increase in the potential
finger is to undergo tenolysis or when extensive for pulley rupture [65]. It is therefore imperative
wrist-palm-digit exploration is likely, one may to make every effort to maintain most of each of
elect to use a wrist block. It should be remem- the annular pulleys.
bered that this type of regional anesthetic results Tenolysis is often a laborious procedure re-
in paralysis of the intrinsic muscles and, to some quiring the meticulous division of all limiting
extent, compromises the patient’s ability to dem- adhesions with great care taken to define the
onstrate normal digital kinetics following tenol- borders of the flexor tendons. When possible the
ysis [69,70]. Nonetheless, wrist block anesthesia profundus and superficialis tendons are separated
permits full function of the extrinsic flexor system to retain a two-tendon system (Fig. 5). In some
and is an excellent alternative to direct palmar instances, however, this cannot be done, and
injection in certain circumstances. a single combined tendon is created and mobilized

Fig. 4. Digital tenolysis of adherent flexor tendons is illustrated. (A) A long midlateral incision is depicted on the radial
aspect of the index finger. The incision continues across the palm at the level of the distal palmar crease and can be turned
proximally to gain the required palmar exposure of the flexor system. (B) The scarred digital sheath-flexor system at the
time of surgery. Annular pulley remnants are visible and must be preserved. Meticulous surgical extrication of the flexor
tendons is performed, preserving as much of the annular pulley restraints as possible. (C) Excision and release of
peritendinous scar and separation of cross-adhesions between the profundus and the superficialis is shown. (D) Careful
release of adhesions beneath the pulleys is facilitated by the use of small knife blades and elevators. (E) The appearance of
the flexor tendons following tenolysis with the maintenance of three annular pulleys. (F) The procedure is concluded by
demonstration that a complete release of all restraining adhesions has been achieved, either by a proximal traction check
through a separate wrist incision (top), or preferably by the active participation of the patient under local anesthetic
(bottom). (From Strickland JW. Flexor tenolysis. Hand Clin 1985;1:121–32 (GW Schnitz, artist); with permission.)

to its insertion. The judicious use of small knife urethral dilators may be used to gently expand
blades, special tenolysis knives, and small eleva- annular pulleys.
tors may help the surgeon to extricate the tendons When the procedure is performed under local
from their scarred beds on the floor of the fibro- anesthesia, it should be possible to periodically
osseous canal and to divide connections to the ask the patient to actively flex the involved fin-
annular pulleys. On occasion, small pediatric ger to determine the adequacy of the lysis.

Fig. 5. The surgical technique of tenolysis is demonstrated clinically. (A) This patient lacked interdigital flexion of the
index finger 5 months following division and repair of the profundus and superficialis tendons in zone II. (B) Use of
sterile forearm tourniquet to relieve discomfort of upper arm tourniquet and return flexor muscle function during
tenolysis under local anesthesia. This technique permits the patient to actively demonstrate the completeness of the lysis.
(C) Wrist block anesthesia is administered to allow patient’s active participation in digital flexion after the tendons have
been extricated and are gliding well. (D) Midaxial approach to the badly scarred digital flexor bed. The appearance of the
scarred flexor tendon bed with totally adherent flexor tendons at the time of tenolysis. (E) A small McIndoe elevator was
used to release restraining adhesions with careful preservation of the annular pulleys. (F) A freer elevator is passed
beneath the tendons and used to separate the tendons from the annular pulleys. (G) Appearance of the lysed profundus
and superficialis tendons with preservation of the A1, proximal A2, and most of the A3, C2, and A4 pulley system. The
pediatric urethral dilator shown can be used to gently dilate the annular pulleys if necessary. (H) Appearance of the digit
following lysis and release of the tourniquet in preparation for active flexion by the patient. (I) If appropriate, the patient
is allowed to observe the restoration of flexion that has been achieved by tenolysis. (J) The appearance of the digit
following wound closure. The digit is held in flexion in the post-tenolysis dressing to facilitate the preservation of flexion
during the early motion program that follows. (K) The continued satisfactory extension, and (L) flexion of finger is
shown 3 months following tenolysis. (From Strickland JW. Flexor tenolysis. Hand Clin 1985;1:121–32 (G.W. Schnitz,
artist); with permission.)

Fig. 5 (continued)

Occasionally this motion ruptures a few remain- muscle function is restored and proximal tourni-
ing adhesions and permits full excursion of the quet discomfort is relieved.
lysed tendon. At approximately 30 minutes, tour- Dissection is continued until the adequacy of
niquet paralysis precludes the ability of the patient the release is demonstrated by active patient
to actively flex. At this point, the sterile pediatric flexion or by a gentle proximal traction check in
tourniquet applied at midforearm may be inflated the palm. If the patient can fully flex the digit and
and the upper arm tourniquet released. Voluntary if an adequate pulley system has been preserved,

Fig. 5 (continued)

the wound is closed and the dressing applied. If involves the resection of scar tissue or tightened
annular pulleys are absent, attenuated, or inade- check-rein extensions of the palmar plate at the
quate, they must be rebuilt. The use of tendons level of the proximal interphalangeal joint. It
passed circumferentially around the phalanges as should be emphasized, however, that every effort
described by Bunnell [61] is probably the most should be made to achieve full passive digital joint
reliable method of pulley restoration during motion before surgery, because the concomitant
tenolysis. Pulleys may be protected by circumfer- lysis of tendons and joint release is prejudicial to
ential digital taping and their restoration should the final result.
not alter substantially the postoperative tenolysis Various mechanical barriers have been used to
regimen [73]. Hunter et al [65] have emphasized limit the reformation of peritendinous adhesions
the importance of assessing critically the quality following tenolysis. There is a conflicting opinion
of the flexor tendons at the time of surgery [78]. as to the usefulness of these materials. Boyes [81]
They state that if 30% of the tendon width has advocated silicone inlays in certain instances, and
been lost or if the continuity of the tendon is Bunnell [61], Fetrow [64], and Verdan [80] have
through a small segment of scar tissue, it is recommended peritenon and fascial inlays with
questionable whether or not tenolysis should be satisfactory results reported. Bora et al [82]
performed. They suggest that when the quality of reviewed the results of fascia, vein, and cellophane
the tendon is seriously in doubt, it may be better around tenorrhaphy sites and stated that these
to proceed with a staged reconstruction using an materials failed to prevent the reformation of
active or passive Hunter tendon implant. The final adhesions, and in fact acted as foreign bodies,
decision as to whether one should proceed with promoting additional scarring and obstructing the
lysis when there is marginal tendon quality revascularization process. The most common
ultimately is left to the discretion of the individual indications for silicone interposition at present
surgeon. Fortunately there are methods of mini- are cases of repeat tenolysis in which the refor-
mizing the tensile loading of the lysed tendons mation of adhering scar tissue over a long distance
while preserving their excursion during the early would seem to be most inevitable [73]. The use of
postoperative therapy period, as described in the steroid preparations in an effort to modify the
postoperative considerations section of this arti- quality and quantity of tendon adhesions follow-
cle. In certain circumstances, it may even be ing tenolysis has provoked considerable debate.
possible to combine the procedures by placing Wrenn et al [83], Rank et al [63], Carstam [84],
a Hunter tendon implant beneath the lysed tendon James [85], and Whitaker et al [74] have indicated
from the base of the distal phalanx to either the that locally instilled cortisone drugs may be of
palm or distal forearm as suggested by Strickland some value. Conversely, Fetrow [64], Brooks [60],
[88]. The silicone rod then may serve as an and Verdan et al [80,86] believe that they do not
underlay for the tendon and as a potential first improve the results of the tenolysis. The adhesion-
stage reconstruction if tendon rupture should limiting property of triamcinolone as demon-
occur. When necessary, capsulectomy may be strated by Ketchum [87] makes this drug seem
combined with flexor tenolysis and usually to be a logical adjunct to the preservation of

tendon gliding. It is probably best to reserve the status, the condition of the tendon, and the status
use of this medication for patients who have of the pulley system. An appreciation of the
shown a propensity for the rapid and aggressive patient’s motivation and tolerance for pain also
reformation of scar tissue or for those who are add immeasurably. An effort also should be made
undergoing repeat lysis. In those instances, several to identify patients who have a tendency to
milliliters of triamcinolone may be administered develop excessive edema, those who have dimin-
locally at the time of wound closure. One should ished vascularity resulting from previous injury or
be wary of the possibility of delayed wound surgery, and those who have previously been
healing or infection when using steroids in con- infected. This information is useful in establishing
junction with this procedure. realistic goals and in implementing an effective
Hunter et al [65] and Schneider and Mackin treatment program.
[69,70] have reported on the use of an indwelling If the lysed tendon is of poor quality or if
polyethylene catheter to allow the administration pulleys have been reconstructed, special postop-
of bupivacaine to the patient on a periodic basis in erative methods are necessary in an effort to
an effort to provide postoperative pain relief minimize the stress placed on the tendons, pulleys,
during the first few days of post-tenolysis therapy. or both. A strong, near normal-appearing tendon
Although this procedure is sometimes beneficial in a minimally scarred bed with an adequate
for patients with a low pain threshold or following pulley system is a candidate for an aggressive
extensive surgical procedures, it is rarely necessary mobilization program. Some aspects of the ther-
for more routine procedures in which pain is not apy are dictated by the appearance of the involved
a major problem. Oral analgesics and the use of digit and hand at the time of the removal of the
a transcutaneous nerve stimulator are usually surgical dressing. Excessive swelling, bleeding,
effective in controlling discomfort and obviate infection, wound breakdown, or inordinate pain
the need for indwelling catheters with their all may have a prejudicial effect on the initial
attendant risks for inoculating the wound with efforts to regain motion. When possible, it is
infectious organisms. helpful if the surgeon is in attendance during the
At the conclusion of surgery a large compres- first therapy session to monitor carefully the
sive dressing is used, and one may elect to splint initial attempts to mobilize the involved digit
the digit in a position of flexion [73,88], because and to allay the apprehensions of the patient.
patients usually have much less difficulty bringing An experienced therapist can, however, effectively
the finger from a flexed to an extended position. commence the program if he or she is familiar
This motion also produces an obligatory gliding with all aspects of the particular patient’s injury
of the lysed tendon, which is more effective than and previous surgery and the findings at the time
that produced by passively flexing the digit. of tenolysis.
After the goals and methods of therapy have
been discussed with the patient, the bulky com-
Postoperative considerations
pressive dressing is removed and a lighter dressing
Although some investigators have advocated is applied that is compatible with the control of
immediate motion following flexor tenolysis edema. When necessary, areas of pulley recon-
[62,63,65–70,73,74,86–89], others have recommen- struction are identified and protected by circum-
ded starting therapy in several days or ‘‘as soon as ferential taping or the use of a thermoplastic ring
soft tissue healing permits’’ [62]. The rapid for- [89]. This protection is continued for 10–12 weeks
mation of new adhesions probably can be dis- and should reduce the possibility of pulley rup-
couraged by methods that produce early tendon ture. Finger socks or Coban wraps may be applied
movement. Immediate motion compatible with to control digital edema. These small dressings are
wound healing is desirable. It is probably best to esthetically acceptable to the patient and tend to
initiate digital motion within the first 12 hours minimize the pain and bleeding that can some-
following flexor tenolysis whenever possible [89]. times hamper the early mobilization of the digit
Before initiating a postoperative therapy pro- that has just undergone extensive surgery.
gram, one must consider carefully many factors The initial exercise program consists of active
pertaining to the specific clinical situation pre- and passive exercises designed to take the in-
sented by the patient. The surgeon and therapist volved digit through the full range of motion
should have direct communication regarding the that was passively present preoperatively. This
patient’s history, previous surgery, preoperative session usually is not terminated until the patient

can actively achieve the same flexion that was

demonstrated at surgery. The patient is in-
structed to exercise with the wrist in various
positions and to place equal emphasis on both
extension and flexion. At the conclusion of the
first effort at postoperative mobilization, the
patient is instructed to continue the exercise
program for 10–15 minutes each waking hour.
The ability to carry out self-therapy is monitored
Postoperative splinting varies depending on
the tendency toward joint stiffening in a given
digit and the difficulty that the patient may have
Fig. 6. Frayed tendon program: technique of post-
initiating motion from either a flexed or an operative movement of a digit following tenolysis. Full
extended position. Most post-tenolysis digits are passive motion of all three digital joints is performed
managed by extension splinting between exercise (top), followed by an active attempt by the patient to
sessions to place the digits at rest and diminish the actively maintain that flexion with the wrist in extension
tendency for proximal interphalangeal joint flex- (bottom). Tendon excursion is the same as that produced
ion contracture. When passive and active flexion by composite active digital flexion with less tensile
are difficult to initiate and when full extension is loading and less likelihood of tendon rupture. (From
achieved easily, it may be better to splint the digit Strickland JW. Hand Clin 1985;1(1):121 (Gary Schnitz,
artist); with permission.)
in a flexed attitude.
If the tenolysed tendon has diminished caliber,
is badly scarred, or has been judged to be of poor swelling of the involved digit, it is important
quality at the time of surgery, the risk for tendon that the therapeutic effort continue until the
rupture may be considerable. Impending rupture patient has achieved active motion that is equal
also may be suspected in some patients who to passive motion. Terminating the therapy ses-
develop palpable crepitation in the digit during sion before that goal is accomplished can result in
the early mobilization program. In both instances, a gradual deterioration of active motion and a less
therapy should be designed to diminish the tensile than optimal final functional result. The use of
strength demand on the involved tendon while a transcutaneous nerve stimulator (TENS) has
preserving the excursion achieved at surgery. In been shown to be valuable in postoperative pain
those instances, a frayed tendon program has been reduction, and the occasional use of an indwelling
suggested [73,89] and, it is hoped, will result in catheter for periodic instillation of a long-acting
a reduced rate of rupture. anesthetic also may be of benefit in the patient
The frayed tendon program involves passively with a low pain threshold or a particularly com-
manipulating the digit into the fully flexed posi- plex situation [90]. Electrical stimulation may be
tion and then asking the patient to actively beneficial when the flexor muscle of the tenolysed
maintain that flexion (Fig. 6). If the digit retains tendon is weakened and requires augmentation to
its flexed position following the removal of the produce full tendon excursion. For patients who
manipulating finger, muscle contracture and ten- protectively contract their antagonistic extensor
don movement has been confirmed. In this man- muscle groups, the use of biofeedback may be of
ner, the tendon moves through its maximal considerable value in overcoming this motion-
excursion but with much less likelihood of rup- defeating activity. Other adjunctive equipment,
ture. In some instances, additional protection can such as the use of continuous passive motion
be achieved by maintaining some element of wrist devices, is now proving to be helpful in maintain-
flexion or metacarpophalangeal joint flexion, ing joint motion and tendon motion, and their
although the full excursion of the tendon is not development and perfection may assist further in
achieved in those positions. This program usually the sometimes difficult postoperative period.
is continued for approximately 4–6 weeks follow-
ing tenolysis.
Flexor tenolysis summary
Although the maintenance of the same active
joint motion that was achieved at surgery often is The results of thorough tenolysis of the flexor
compromised somewhat by the postoperative tendons in the palm and digits in selected patients

can be gratifying. Preoperative requirements in- acute or salvage conditions, although it has not
clude a well motivated patient with a supple digit been used widely in the United States.
and a wide discrepancy between active and passive In an effort to improve the biologic bed in
ranges of digital motion. The surgical procedure which tendon grafts later may be placed, materials
consists of meticulous division of all restraining such as celloidin [101], glass [102], or metal [103]
adhesions from one or both of the flexor tendons have been used, but these materials apparently led
and a careful preservation or reconstruction of to joint stiffness because their rigidity did not allow
annular pulleys. One must demonstrate the ade- for passive digital motion while a pseudosheath
quacy of the lysis at the time of surgery by active was being formed around the implant [104].
flexion by the patient under local anesthesia or by Bassett and Carroll [105] began using flexible
a proximal flexor check in the patient under silicone rubber rods to build pseudosheaths in
general anesthesia. Postoperatively every effort badly scarred fingers in the 1950s and the method
must be made to achieve active digital motion was later refined into a two-stage reconstruction of
compatible with the passive motion as quickly as the digital flexor tendons by Hunter et al [106,107].
possible. The maintenance of the tendon excur- The implant and method that currently enjoys the
sion and joint motion achieved at surgery is most popularity has resulted largely from the work
difficult and challenging. A well designed treat- of Hunter et al [108,109], and LaSalle and Strick-
ment program usually can be implemented fol- land [110] also have reported their results of the use
lowing careful consultation between surgeon and of this method, and Wilson et al [57] have reported
therapist, and special efforts may be necessary to on the use of delayed two-stage reconstruction for
modify pain, control edema, preserve passive isolated flexor profundus injuries. Hunter et al
motion, eliminate antagonistic muscle activity, [111–113] also has pursued the development and
protect pulleys, and, above all, maintain tendon clinical use of an active tendon implant, and in
excursion. some instances the results of the use of these
prostheses has been encouraging. Asencio et al
[114] have demonstrated reasonable results from
Flexor tendon reconstruction
the use of human composite flexor tendon allog-
Restoration of flexor tendon performance in rafts for these difficult salvage situations.
badly scarred digits historically has been difficult.
Several investigators have reported the use of Staged flexor tendon reconstruction with
single-stage tendon grafts in these situations implantation of a silicone implant
[91,92] with only modest functional recovery.
Staged flexor tendon reconstruction involves
Tendon homografts and allografts have been
the implantation of a silicone or silicone–Dacron-
used with varying degrees of clinical success
reinforced gliding implant into a scarred tendon
[93–95], although a small number of composite
bed, resulting in the formation of a mesothelium-
sheath–tendon allografts were shown to provide
lined pseudosheath around the implant. Follow-
a surprisingly good recovery [96,97]. Unfortu-
ing maturation of the pseudosheath, a tendon
nately, technical and logistic difficulties with the
graft is inserted to replace the implant, with the
securing, preserving, and implanting of these
hope that there is a minimum of adhesions formed
grafts have been obstacles to their widespread use.
around the graft. Schneider emphasizes that
An ingenious staged flexor tendon repair was
patients with severe neurovascular impairment
described by Paneva-Holevich [98]. In this tech-
are poor candidates for staged flexor tendon
nique, the severed flexor proximal ends of the
reconstruction. Some surgeons prefer to carry
profundus and superficialis tendons are sutured to
out staged tendon reconstruction by inserting
each other in the palm. At the second stage, the
the implant from the fingertip to the forearm,
flexor superficialis is divided at the musculotendi-
whereas others believe that when the palm has not
nous junction, delivered distally through the
been significantly involved in the original trauma
flexor sheath, and sutured to the distal phalanx
or subsequent surgery, the procedure need only go
as a pedicle graft. Several surgeons have combined
from fingertip to the palm (Fig. 7).
this technique with the use of a silicone prosthesis
implanted in the digital sheath during the first
stage to prepare a bed for the subsequent distal
pedicle transfer [99,100]. The procedure appar- Staged tendon reconstruction is a long pro-
ently can provide satisfactory results in either cess in which many factors must be carefully

Fig. 7. The technique of staged flexor tendon grafting is illustrated. (A) Incisions used to expose scarred flexor tendon
sheath and palm and prepare bed for passage of silicone rod from the fingertip to the distal forearm. (B) Appearance of
the scarred flexor system. (C) The appearance of a silicone or silicone-Dacron implant placed in a scarred the digit, palm,
and forearm. Preserved and reconstructed annular pulleys are shown over the implant. (D) Alternative method of distal
insertion of the implant. (E) Emphasis on tendon gliding during interval between stages one and two. (F) At stage two,
a tendon graft (usually plantaris) is attached to the distal end of the implant and pulled proximally with the implant
through the digit, palm, and wrist into a distal forearm incision site. (G) After attaching the tendon graft to bone and
tendon distally, the distal wound is closed and the proximal tendon weave is performed.

considered by physician and patient, and the status attached to its insertion in the distal phalanx.
of the digital tissues including the skin, nerves, When possible, long portions of the excised
vessels, and joints weighs heavily in determining tendons should be preserved for use in pulley
the appropriateness of proceeding with such reconstruction. Joint flexion contractures are re-
a complex and multistaged restorative effort. leased by division of the check-rein extensions of
the palmar plate and the accessory collateral
ligaments. The profundus tendon then is trans-
Surgery technique: stage one
ected in the midpalm, and through a curvilinear
The flexor system is exposed by palmar in- incision from the midforearm to the wrist, the
cisions that may be midaxial or zigzag, depending superficialis tendon is withdrawn proximally and
on the preference of the surgeon. Previous in- divided at its musculotendinous junction.
cisions must be recognized and respected to ensure The selection of the appropriate size tendon
satisfactory vascularity of the skin flaps. During implant is governed largely by the tightness of the
dissection, care must be taken to preserve as much digital pulleys and the expected size of the tendon
of the annular portions of the flexor sheath as graft to be used at stage two. A 4-mm implant is
possible. All tendon remnants are excised with a frequently satisfactory and it should be passed
1 cm stump of the flexor profundus carefully left carefully through all remaining pulleys. It is

Fig. 7 (continued)

important to demonstrate that the implant glides or reconstructed pulleys and to note the potential
freely in the tendon bed by pulling it back and range of digital motion. The adequacy of the
forth and observing its movement. Distal inser- pulley system also may be observed at this time
tion of the definitive implant then is performed, and additional pulleys should be reconstructed
depending on the type of implant selected. One over the implant if necessary. The proximal end
design (Holter-Houser) has a metal end piece that of the implant then is tunneled proximally to lie
may be fixed to the distal phalangeal bone beneath free over the profundus muscle in the midfor-
the profundus stump with a small Woodruff self- earm, and it may be helpful to loosely tag the
tapping screw. The insertion preferred by most future profundus motor tendon to the implant. If
surgeons involves trimming the distal portion of the tendon to be used for graft attachment is
the implant and suturing it strongly to the un- independent and not held at length by its
dersurface of the profundus stump with synthetic companion tendons (such as the common pro-
sutures. This implant–tendon juncture allows fundi to the middle, ring, and small fingers), it is
one to avoid the difficulties of passing the metal probably a good idea to suture it down to the
plate beneath the digital pulleys and the periosteum overlying the distal radius so that it
problems of accurate screw placement in the distal does not undergo myostatic contracture during
phalanx. the interval between implant placement and free
The implant then may be passed from the grafting. The wound is repaired and a compres-
proximal palm to the distal forearm in the plane sive dressing applied, maintaining the wrist in
between the profundus and superficialis tendons slight flexion. Passive wrist and digital motion are
by using a tendon passer (Fig. 8). Traction is commenced at 7–10 days, and small immobiliza-
placed on the proximal end of the implant to be tion splints may be used to prevent digital joint
sure that it glides smoothly beneath the preserved stiffness.

Fig. 7 (continued)

At approximately 3 months or after sufficient proximal end of the implant is located through
time for wound healing, scar maturation, and the the forearm–wrist incision and any excess pseu-
formation of a pseudosheath around the implant, dosheath is resected to assure free gliding of the
the second stage grafting procedure is considered. proximal graft juncture. The appropriate motor
During the period between procedures, vigorous tendon is now selected, and most frequently the
therapy programs are used in an effort to regain combined profundus mass is chosen for grafts to
and maintain full passive digital motion. the middle, ring, and small fingers. The indepen-
dent profundus to the index finger usually serves
as the most appropriate motor for that digit. In
Surgery technique: stage two
certain circumstances, the superficialis muscle–
The replacement of the silicone implant by tendons also can be used. Care is taken to
a free tendon graft may be performed by using the mobilize fully the motor tendon unit, and the
terminal portions of previous stage one digital and proximal end of the implant is tagged.
distal forearm incisions. Great care is taken not to Unfortunately the palmaris longus usually is
open the pseudosheath proximal to the distal not of sufficient length to serve as a tendon graft
interphalangeal joint or to injure any of the for the forearm to digital tip technique of staged
middle phalangeal pulleys. The implant is identi- flexor tendon reconstruction. When present, the
fied and uncovered at its attachment to the stump plantaris tendon makes a better graft for this
of the flexor profundus tendon over the base of procedure because of its small size and long
the distal phalanx and the connecting sutures are length. An incision along the medial border of
divided. The implant is tagged temporarily with the Achilles tendon is used, and the graft is
a hemostat and the stump of the profundus is harvested from the posterior leg by the use of
mobilized and retained at its insertion for suturing a long Brand stripper [23]. Other potential donor
to the replacement free tendon graft. The sources include the long toe extensors of the

nature of the procedure, whereas others now

favor an early protected motion program initiated
at approximately 3 days following the second
stage grafting procedure. In either event, therapy
proceeds carefully through passive and light active
motion stages until at least 6 weeks when the
tensile strength of the tendon and its junctures are
sufficiently strong to tolerate a more aggressive
application of motion stress.
Complications of staged tendon reconstruction
include synovitis around the implant, infection or
wound breakdown, and disruption of the distal
implant juncture after stage one. Stage two
complications include rupture of the graft, a graft
that is too loose or too tight, the development of
an intrinsic plus phenomenon, and flexion de-
formities of the proximal or distal interphalangeal
joints. Finally, adhesions of the graft may prevent
a successful recovery of digital motion and may
require tenolysis [110]. The complications of either
stage of this complex reconstructive process may
compromise severely the end result and must be
dealt with promptly and appropriately.

Staged flexor tendon reconstruction: summary

When digits are badly scarred as a result of
injury or multiple failed efforts to restore conti-
Fig. 7 (continued) nuity and excursion to badly damaged flexor ten-
dons, staged reconstruction using the initial
placement of a silicone implant in the tendon
middle three toes, which are of sufficient length
bed followed later by the replacement of that
for use in this procedure but which are larger and
implant with a tendon graft can offer realistic
more difficult to pass through the pseudosheath.
salvage possibilities when few other options exist.
The tendon graft is attached to the distal end of
The procedure must be considered carefully by
the implant and pulled proximally through the
physician and patient, and the status of the digital
pseudosheath into the forearm incision. The
tissues, including the skin, nerves, vessels, and
implant then is removed and discarded, and the
joints, weighs heavily in determining the appro-
distal tendon juncture is secured in a manner
priateness of proceeding with such a complex and
identical to that described for free tendon graft-
multistaged restorative effort. Nonetheless, this
ing. The distal finger wound then is closed and the
procedure has stood the test of time as a viable
proximal motor tendon–graft juncture is per-
salvage option for the most difficult flexor tendon
formed in the forearm using a weave technique.
Tension on the graft should be set so that the digit
assumes a flexion posture slightly greater than its
normal resting position with the wrist in neutral
and all muscles relaxed. The proximal wound then This article synthesizes an enormous amount
is closed and the hand is immobilized in a bulky of peer reviewed articles, book chapters, and
dressing with a posterior splint that maintains the anecdotal clinical information regarding the late
wrist in mid-position between neutral and full management of flexor tendon injuries by free-
flexion and maintains the metacarpophalangeal tendon grafting, tenolysis, and staged reconstruc-
joints in 70( of flexion, with the fingers in near full tion. Some of the most pertinent historical
extension. contributions to these subjects have been reviewed
Some surgeons believe the hand should be in concert with an update regarding the
immobilized for 3–4 weeks given the salvage most widely used current clinical methods for

Fig. 8. (A) Appearance of a silicone tendon implant in a left index finger during stage two of flexor tendon
reconstruction. Exposure of the silicone implant over the distal phalanx and in the distal forearm in preparation for graft
passage. (B) Garnering of the plantaris tendon from the medial side of the Achilles tendon using a Brand tendon stripper.
(C) Attachment of plantaris graft to the distal tip of the rod, followed by proximal traction on the implant to deliver it
into the forearm. (D) Proximal traction of the graft after distal attachment through a drill hole in the distal phalanx and
digital wound closure. The full composite flexion of the digit is demonstrated in preparation for the proximal weave into
the selected motor tendon.

performing these procedures. This article points results of these methods through biologic manipu-
out areas of controversy and references the lation of tendon healing and adhesion formation.
dissenting opinions from those presented here.
The delayed treatment of flexor tendon injuries
has advanced considerably in the last half century. References
Although much of the sage advice of the historic
[1] Adamson JE, Wilson JN. The history of flexor ten-
masters of flexor tendon surgery remains clinically
don grafting. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1961;43A:
applicable today, newer techniques and much 709–16.
improved therapy protocols have improved ap- [2] Lexer E. Did Verwehtung der freien Schnenstrans-
preciably the results of the procedures described in plantation. Arch Klinic Chir 1912;98:818–25.
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Hand Clin 21 (2005) 245–251

Flexor Tendon Pulley Reconstruction

Vishal Mehta, MDa,*, Craig S. Phillips, MDb
Department of Surgery, Section of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Chicago Hospital,
5841 S. Maryland Avenue, MC 3079, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
Reconstructive Hand and Upper-Extremity Surgery, Microvascular Surgery,
The Illinois Bone and Joint Surgery, 2401 Ravine Way, Glenview, IL 60025, USA

Few parts of the human anatomy are more of their location at the joint they take origin from
elegant than the flexor tendon pulley system. As the volar plate and from the bone itself. The A2
striking as the elegance of this system is the and A4 pulleys are located over the proximal and
efficiency by which it is able to convert tendon middle phalanges, respectively. These two pulleys
excursion into angular motion at the metacarpo- take their origin exclusively from bone. Located
phalangeal (MCP) and interphalangeal joints. between the second and fifth annular pulleys are
When severely injured, the pulley system often re- three cruciate pulleys. As their names imply, the
quires reconstruction to avoid ensuing disability. pulleys differ in shape, with the annular pulleys
Reconstructing such an intricate system rarely being ring shaped and the cruciate pulleys having
yields results equivalent to the untouched, intact a cross-like configuration. The C1 pulley overlies
pulley system. Nevertheless, the results are better the distal portion of the proximal phalanx be-
than performing no reconstruction at all. Many tween the A2 and A3 pulleys. The C2 pulley is
techniques have been developed and modified to located at the base of the middle phalanx between
reconstruct the pulley system, though the optimal A3 and A4, and the C3 pulley is located at the
technique remains controversial. This article pro- distal part of the middle phalanx just beyond the
vides a review of the anatomy and function of the A4 pulley [5–8]. The annular pulleys are much
pulley system and a discussion of several contem- more robust structures than the cruciate pulleys
porary reconstructive options. with the A1 and A4 pulleys being the strongest
and the A2 pulley the weakest [9]. The average
Anatomy of the pulley system lengths of the A1, A2, A3, and A4 pulleys are
11 mm, 17 mm, 5 mm, and 8 mm, respectively.
In 1975, Doyle and Blythe first described the The location, strength, and lengths of the pulleys
anatomy of the flexor tendon pulley system as contribute directly to their function and are
consisting of four annular and three cruciate important considerations in pulley reconstruction,
pulleys [1]. A fifth annular pulley later was iden- as is discussed later in this article [10].
tified and today five annular and three cruciate
pulleys are recognized (Fig. 1) [2]. Manske and
Lesker proposed the existence of the palmar Function of the pulleys
aponeurosis pulley proximal to the metacarpo- The primary function of the pulley system is to
phalangeal joint, which was described further by convert the available excursion of the flexor
the more recent work of Phillips and Mass [3,4]. tendons into angular motion across the interpha-
The A1, A3, and A5 pulleys are located over the langeal joints, thereby allowing flexion of the PIP
MCP, proximal interphalangeal (PIP), and distal and DIP joints. Additionally, the pulley system
interphalangeal (DIP) joints, respectively. Because functions to transform the finite tendon excursion
into power grip at the fingertips. The pulley
* Corresponding author. system performs this function in an efficient
E-mail address: vishal@mehtas.com (V. Mehta). manner, making prudent use of the power of the
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.12.002 hand.theclinics.com

pulley loss on work of the flexor tendon system in

cadavers. They found the A2 and A4 pulleys to be
the most important and noted that these two
pulleys had to be intact for near normal function
to occur [12]. Doyle et al confirmed the impor-
tance of these two pulleys [5,6]. Other investiga-
tors also have confirmed the importance of the A2
and A4 pulleys but found the three-pulley system
of A2, A3, and A4 to be more efficient [15,16].
Rispler et al reported that an intact three-pulley
system of A2, A3, and A4 provided near normal
efficiency and was statistically better than an
intact two-pulley system of A2 and A4 [15].
Many investigators have reported the A2 pulley
to be the single most important pulley. Even this
is controversial, however, as others have demon-
strated more detrimental effects from loss of the
A4 pulley than loss of the A2 pulley. In fact, in
a cadaver model, loss of the A2 pulley resulted
only in decreased efficiency of excursion with no
effect on work, whereas loss of the A4 pulley
resulted in decreased efficiency of excursion and
increased work [15]. Isolated loss of the A1 or A5
pulley results in no change in work or excursion
efficiency [11,15]. Although areas of controversy
exist, it is generally accepted that the A2 and A4
pulleys are the most important members of the
pulley system and must be preserved or recon-
structed when associated with extensive pulley
loss. The A3 pulley is likely of some lesser
Fig. 1. An illustration of the volar aspect of the pulley importance, whereas A1 and A5 cause no detri-
system. Note the location of the pulleys and the differing mental effects to the system when removed in
shape of the annular and cruciate pulleys. isolation. The cruciate pulleys have not been well
studied and generally are not considered to be
forearm musculature. The pulleys achieve these critical members of the pulley system. The cruciate
objectives by ensuring the flexor tendons remain pulleys assume a more important role with in-
close to the axis of rotation at the digital joints creased flexion of the digits. At high flexion angles
throughout the arc of motion, thus minimizing the the annular pulleys ‘‘concertina,’’ assuming a tri-
amount of tendon excursion required to make angular configuration, whereas the cruciate pul-
a fist. The tendon is held in a position close to the leys tend to unravel, allowing the crossed fibers to
bone, where it must pull out of plane with the become parallel and taught. The reason for this
desired direction of movement; as the joint angle phenomenon is as yet unknown but believed to
increases, the force imparted by the flexor tendons play an important role in resisting tendon bow-
becomes volarly directed, resisted exclusively by stringing while allowing smooth gliding during
the pulley system, thereby allowing for improved digital flexion. The concepts of pulley reconstruc-
flexion of the joint. In this manner, the pulley tion flow directly from these observations. Most
system decreases the amount of required tendon investigators recognize the importance of the A2
excursion, but does so at the expense of force and A4 pulleys and attempt to reconstruct at least
generated at the fingertip and increases the these two pulleys.
friction required [11–13].
The function of the individual pulleys has been
Reconstructive options
studied extensively. It is generally accepted that
the A2 and A4 pulleys are the most important When reconstructing the annular pulley sys-
[5,6,11,14]. Peterson et al studied the effects of tem, the literature is replete regarding the number

[1], size [17], height [9], strength [18,19], material reconstructed pulley to maintain sufficient tension
[20–23], location [9,14,24], and technique options to prevent bowstringing yet also permit free tendon
[9,17–28]. There is, however, a paucity of in- gliding. Brand and Crannor advocated a simple
formation regarding the pressure at which the method of assessing the efficiency of the newly
reconstructed pulley should be tensioned [26–28]. constructed pulley by ensuring the tendon excur-
sion from full extension to 30( flexion was the same
as that from 60(–90( of flexion [27]. The best
Basic principles
available technique of pulley reconstruction would
Although many different philosophies and tech- reproduce the anatomic length and location of the
niques exist regarding the reconstruction of the pulley and also allow the surgeon to sequentially
pulley system, certain basic principles should be tension multiple loops or strands of the recon-
followed. One should retain as much of the un- structed pulley. It is for this reason that the authors
injured pulley system and sheath as possible. tend to use either the three-loop technique de-
Attempts to repair damaged pulleys should be scribed by Okutsu or the so called ‘‘shoelace
made and constricted pulleys should be dilated to interweave’’ described by Weilby and modified by
accept the flexor tendon or implant. The sheath Kleinert. When a loop technique is used to re-
itself also should be preserved, because flexor construct the A2 or A3 pulleys, the loops must be
tendons have been shown to have improved in- passed volar to the extensor mechanism (between
trinsic healing if the tendon sheath is left intact [29– the extensor tendon/lateral bands and the proximal
33]. When exposure of the flexor tendons is re- phalanx), whereas when used to reconstruct the
quired, entering the sheaths through the cruciate more distal A4 pulley, the loop must be passed
pulleys is prudent as their role in digital mechanics dorsal to the extensor mechanism (conjoint lateral
seems to be less important. During reconstruction bands, oblique retinacular bands and triangular
of the annular pulleys, every attempt should be ligament). Although every case of pulley recon-
made to replicate the intact pulley with special struction is unique, adherence to these principles
reference to length and location of the recon- improves outcomes and provides some basic guide-
structed pulley. Pulleys should be reconstructed lines for the treating surgeon.
with synovial-lined grafts whenever possible. This
is preferable to the use of extrasynovial grafts,
because an intrasynovial-lined graft decreases the Techniques
amount of resistance and work in the tendon/pulley Kleinert/Weilby technique
system and heals faster with less scar [20,21,34].
When completely deficient, the A2 and A4 pulleys Kleinert and Weilby advocated a technique
should be reconstructed at the very minimum with involving weaving a tendon through the ‘‘always-
consideration given to reconstructing a third pulley present fibrous rim’’ of the pulley being re-
as dictated by the clinical situation. When the flexor constructed (Fig. 2A) [35]. Variations of this
tendon is severely injured in combination with technique have been reported with minor modifi-
a deficient pulley, reconstruction should be per- cation and with the use of different tendon grafts.
formed over a synthetic rod to allow for pulley Usually the tail of the superficialis tendon is used,
healing and the formation of a pseudosynovial but if not available, a tendon graft may be used
sheath before flexor tendon grafting. Unique to instead. As mentioned previously, one of the
pulley reconstruction, the surgeon must decide as advantages of this technique is that it affords
to what pressure the reconstructed pulley should be the surgeon good control over setting tension in
tensioned. Ideally the pulley should be tight enough the reconstructed pulley. A disadvantage is that it
to prevent any tendon bowstringing and loose lacks immediate strength compared with the other
enough to allow unimpeded tendon gliding. Some reconstructive techniques [18]. Its effects on re-
investigators have performed this procedure under sistance and efficiency of the tendon system are
sensory digital anesthesia to allow the patients to unclear, as different studies have shown both
actively flex the digits to accurately assess the pulley increased and unchanged resistance and average
function [26]. Others have proposed placing and good efficiency of excursion [21,25].
a Kirschner wire alongside the flexor tendon during
Triple loop technique
pulley reconstruction to ensure adequate space
available for tendon gliding. Lister proposed Okutsu described this modification of the
placing hemostats on all four corners of the original Bunnell technique in which three tendon

Fig. 2. (A) The Kleinert/Weilby technique weaves a tendon through the ‘‘always-present fibrous rim’’ of the pulley being
constructed. (B) The triple loop forms a wide pulley reconstruction by individually passing three tendon grafts around
the phalanx. (C) The Karev technique involves making two transverse incisions in the volar plate and sliding the tendon
through the so called ‘‘belt-loop’’ that is formed. (D) Lister’s technique wraps a segment of extensor retinaculum around
the phalanx. (E) The loop and a half technique passes a tendon graft around the phalanx and then through the substance
of one limb of the tendon graft.

grafts are individually passed around the phalanx, belt loop, this technique can be used only in the
tensioned, and sutured to themselves (Fig. 2B) presence of an adjunctive flexor tendon repair or
[26]. Okutsu believed the single loop technique tendon graft/implant and not for simple pulley
described by Bunnell to be too narrow. He reconstruction around an intact tendon. This
theorized that the narrow reconstruction would technique has been shown to require the least
allow perpendicular movement that would lead to amount of tendon excursion because of its advan-
a reduction in postoperative function. The mod- tageous position at the joint and significant
ified, wider reconstruction would eliminate this tension exerted on the underlying flexor tendon
fault and provide increased strength for early [25]. It has average strength and is stronger than
postoperative motion. Indeed, this technique has the Kleinert/Weilby and Lister techniques but
been shown to be the strongest of the pulley weaker than the loop and a half and triple loop
reconstruction techniques and can stand as much techniques [18]. The major disadvantage is that
load to failure as a normal pulley [19]. Nishida the stiffness of the volar plate causes an increase in
et al demonstrated the excursion resistance of this total friction and work as the increased tension on
technique to be superior to that of the Kleinert/ the flexor tendon inhibits gliding. Additionally,
Weilby technique but inferior to Lister’s or the long-term effects of this technique on the
Karev’s technique [21]. metacarpophalangeal joint remain unknown.
In a cadaver study, the authors compared the
Lister, Karev, Kleinert/Weilby, loop, and a half
Lister’s technique
and the triple loop technique to determine which
had the best efficiency of digital flexion as de- Lister’s technique involves harvesting a seg-
termined by effects on excursion, load, and work. ment of the extensor retinaculum, which is re-
The authors found the triple loop and Kleinert/ versed and then passed around the phalanx
Weilby techniques to be superior to the other (Fig. 2D) [37]. The major disadvantage of this
techniques (presented at the American Society for technique is that a normal portion of the extrem-
Surgery of the Hand, 54th Annual Meeting, ity must be violated to harvest the retinaculum.
Boston, Massachusetts). The main advantage is that the retinaculum pro-
vides a smooth gliding surface producing the
lowest amount of resistance among the recon-
Karev—belt-loop technique
structive techniques [21]. This technique also has
The Karev technique involves making two been shown, however, to have the lowest mechan-
transverse incisions in the volar plate and sliding ical efficiency because of difficulties associated
the flexor tendon through the so called ‘‘belt loop’’ with obtaining and maintaining tension on the
formed between the two incisions (Fig. 2C) [36]. pulley [25]. This technique also has been shown to
Because the tendon must be passed through the have a low load to failure [18].

Loop and a half technique surgeons are best served by relying on the
established methods of pulley reconstruction as
This technique is performed by passing a tendon
outlined previously.
graft around the phalanx and then through the
substance of one limb of the tendon graft (Fig. 2E). Clinical studies
The two free ends then are sutured to their
respective sides of the loop and then rotated Clinical outcome data on pulley reconstruction
away from the flexor tendon. The loop and techniques are extremely limited. In fact, a review
a half technique was described initially by Wid- of the literature reveals only a single study [26].
strom in his article comparing the ‘‘mechanical This study reports the outcome of six pulley
effectiveness’’ of six different pulley reconstruction reconstructions using the triple loop technique at
techniques [25]. He found it to have equivalent an average follow-up of 21 months. Total active
‘‘mechanical effectiveness’’ to most of the other motion was improved by an average of 30( and
techniques but to be inferior to Karev’s technique. all patients achieved satisfactory grip function.
In a follow-up article he compared the strengths of This study is limited by its retrospective design,
these six techniques and found the loop and a half small size, and early follow-up period. The pau-
to be the strongest [18]. The triple loop technique city of clinical studies is a testament to the
was not included in either of these studies, difficulties in studying such a diverse and rare
however. In a cadaver study, the authors found clinical problem. Unfortunately this forces the
the loop and a half technique to be ineffective at clinician to rely on cadaver studies and anecdotal
preventing bowstringing because of the limited accounts when attempting to determine the best
length of this technique. This bowstringing sub- reconstructive procedure. A cadaver hand is by
sequently led to an increase in excursion required no means an accurate representation of the intri-
for digital flexion. cate anatomy of the living, functioning human
hand. Large prospective randomized clinical stud-
Synthetic materials ies with long follow-up periods are needed to
help determine the optimal pulley reconstructive
Numerous attempts have been made to use
technique and the clinical outcome that can be
synthetic materials to reconstruct the flexor ten-
don pulley system. Dacron, silicone, nylon, and
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) have all been
studied as potential pulley grafts [17,22,23,38–
41]. The most promising of these materials is Reconstruction of the flexor tendon and its
PTFE for several reasons. PTFE has been shown pulley system is fraught with potential complica-
not to interfere with the normal tendon healing tions. The most common complications after
process in an in vivo chicken model [22]. The two-stage tendon reconstruction are flexion con-
breaking strength of PTFE also has been studied tracture (41%), synovitis (8%), and infection
and is strong enough to allow immediate mobili- (4%) [42]. Synovitis following two-stage tendon
zation of the digits without fear of pulley rupture reconstruction using a silicone prosthesis may or
[38]. Furthermore, PTFE is incorporated by host may not be a result of pulley reconstruction. The
tissues, elicits no foreign body reaction, and cause of synovitis is not clear, though excessively
causes no adhesions [39]. Fortunately the need tight pulleys are believed to play a role. During
for synthetic material during pulley reconstruction pulley reconstruction, passive range of motion
is a rare event. When the need does arise, it seems should be checked intraoperatively to ensure
that PTFE is the most promising synthetic mate- adequate gliding of the tendon through the
rial available for use as a pulley graft. reconstructed pulleys. Infection is of constant
Attempts have been made to reconstruct pul- concern but can be minimized with careful atten-
leys using free vascularized pulley grafts. Al- tion to sterile technique and meticulous soft tissue
though this is an innovative and promising management. Once infection has set in, any
approach to the complex problem of pulley re- implant must be removed and the infection
construction, its place in clinical practice is yet to eradicated with antibiotics and debridement. Fail-
be established. At the current time, results remain ure of the pulley itself may occur, although
anecdotal, with few surgeons experienced in this compliance and oversight by a hand therapist
technique. Considering the amount of resources minimizes this complication. Use of a strong
and time required and the paucity of data, most pulley reconstruction, such as the triple loop,

helps decrease the incidence of this complication. [9] Manske PR, Lesker PA. Strength of human pulleys.
Bone resorption with subsequent fracture also has Hand 1977;9(2):147–52.
been reported secondary to pulley reconstruction [10] Hume EL, Hutchinson DT, Jaeger SA, Hunter JM.
[43]. Although the complication rate is high, Biomechanics of pulley reconstruction. J Hand Surg
[Am] 1991;16(4):722–30.
reconstruction of the pulley system almost always
[11] Lin GT, Amadio PC, An KN, Cooney WP. Func-
improves function and as a general rule is worth tional anatomy of the human digital flexor pulley
the risk for the aforementioned complications. system. J Hand Surg [Am] 1989;14(6):949–56.
[12] Peterson WW, Manske PR, Bollinger BA, Lesker
Summary PA, McCarthy JA. Effect of pulley excision on flexor
tendon biomechanics. J Orthop Res 1986;4(1):
Pulley reconstruction remains a challenging 96–101.
intellectual and technical exercise. When per- [13] Strickland JW. Flexor tendon injuries. Part 4. Staged
formed correctly, however, it can be a gratifying flexor tendon reconstruction and restoration of the
procedure that provides much improved function flexor pulley. Orthop Rev 1987;16(2):78–90.
of the digit. As described in this article, there are [14] Barton NJ. Experimental study of optimal location
of flexor tendon pulleys. Plast Reconstr Surg 1969;
many different techniques by which the pulley can
be reconstructed. Each of these techniques has [15] Rispler D, Greenwald D, Shumway S, Allan C, Mass
distinct advantages and disadvantages. The hand D. Efficiency of the flexor tendon pulley system
surgeon should be familiar with each of these in human cadaver hands. J Hand Surg [Am] 1996;
techniques and the general principles of pulley 21(3):444–50.
reconstruction as laid out in this article. With this [16] Goldstein SA, Greene TL, Ward WS, Matthews LS.
knowledge base, the treating surgeon is able to A biomechanical evaluation of the function of the
tailor the procedure performed to the exact digital pulleys. Orthop Trans 1985;8:342.
anatomy and clinical situation of each patient. [17] Wray RC Jr, Weeks PM. Reconstruction of digital
Although great strides have been made over the pulleys. Plast Reconstr Surg 1974;53(5):534–6.
[18] Widstrom CJ, Doyle JR, Johnson G, Manske PR,
past half century, more clinical research is needed
McGee R. A mechanical study of six digital pulley
to determine the best technique, not just in the reconstruction techniques: Part II. Strength of indi-
cadaver model, but also in the complex model of vidual reconstructions. J Hand Surg [Am] 1989;
the living human hand. 14(5):826–9.
[19] Lin GT, Amadio PC, An KN, Cooney WP, Chao
References EY. Biomechanical analysis of finger flexor pulley
reconstruction. J Hand Surg [Br] 1989;14(3):
[1] Doyle JR, Blythe W. The finger flexor tendon sheath 278–82.
and pulleys: anatomy and reconstruction. AAOS [20] Nishida J, Seiler JG, Amadio PC, An KN. Flexor
Symposium on Tendon Surgery in the Hand. St. tendon-pulley interaction after annular pulley recon-
Louis: CV Mosby; 1975. p. 81–7. struction: a biomechanical study in a dog model in
[2] Hunter JM, Cook JF, Ochiai N, Konikoff JJ, vivo. J Hand Surg [Am] 1998;23(2):279–84.
Merklin RJ, Mackin GA. The pulley system. Orthop [21] Nishida J, Amadio PC, Bettinger PC, An KN. Flex-
Trans 1980;4:4. or tendon-pulley interaction after pulley reconstruc-
[3] Manske PR, Lesker PA. Palmar aponeurosis pulley. tion: a biomechanical study in a human model in
J Hand Surg [Am] 1983;8(3):259–63. vitro. J Hand Surg [Am] 1998;23(4):665–72.
[4] Phillips C, Mass D. Mechanical analysis of the pal- [22] Semer NB, Bartle BK, Telepun GM, Goldberg NH.
mar aponeurosis pulley in human cadavers. J Hand Digital pulley reconstruction with expanded polyte-
Surg [Am] 1996;21(2):240–4. trafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane at the time
[5] Doyle JR. Anatomy of the finger flexor tendon of tenorrhaphy in an experimental animal model.
sheath and pulley system. J Hand Surg [Am] 1988; J Hand Surg [Am] 1992;17(3):547–50.
13(4):473–84. [23] Bader KF, Sethi G, Curtin JW. Silicone pulleys and
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[27] Brand PW, Cranor KC, Ellis JC. Tendon and pul- of the pulley system in normal digits compared with
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Hand Clin 21 (2005) 253–256

Pediatric Flexor Tendon Injuries

Timothy G. Havenhill, MDa,
Roderick Birnie, MD, MB BCh, MMedb,*
Hand and Upper Extremity, Surgery Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine,
Suite 1130, 1 Barnes Hospital Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA
Section of Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine, The University of Chicago Hospitals,
5841 South Maryland Avenue, MC 3079, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

In the pediatric hand, flexor tendon injuries are extension and not resting in the usual cascade
transected most commonly by glass or knives [1– likely has a flexor tendon injury (Fig. 1). If the
3]. A physician may not recognize or appreciate child permits, gentle wrist flexion and extension
the severity of the injury, and therefore a high uses the tenodesis effect to generate flexor excur-
index of suspicion should be maintained. In young sion. Alternatively, compression of forearm struc-
children, parents and physicians may miss the tures generates passive flexor excursion (Fig. 2).
tendon injury because of trapping with flexion, in Compression over the flexor carpi radialis (FCR)
which the child flexes the injured finger with the tendon generates thumb flexion (Fig. 3), and com-
neighboring finger. pression ulnar to the FCR generates flexion of the
Pediatric flexor tendon injuries heal rapidly and other digits.
contractures are rare, as long as the joint has not Radiographs of the extremity may be useful to
been injured. Flexor tendons in children are smaller show a retained foreign body or an associated
and more delicate than those in adults, but there fracture. Ultrasound has limited diagnostic accu-
are no anatomic differences between them. The racy, and MRI is expensive and requires a general
surgical approach and techniques of repair are the anesthetic for young children. Both are unlikely to
same as in the adult, but for obvious reasons aid in the diagnosis, because they require a co-
the diagnosis and rehabilitation pose unique chal- operative patient.
lenges. Unlike children, adults are able to recognize The possibility of an associated injury to the
the injury, comply with the examination, and neurovascular structures should always be sus-
participate in a rehabilitation protocol. These pected. Arterial bleeding from a volar laceration
differences also affect the identification of compli- of a digit presupposes a digital nerve injury
cations and their management. Although no spe- because of the anatomic relationship of the nerve
cific age delineates when an injured patient can be being more volar than the artery. Covering the
treated as an adult, a general guideline of 10 years hand and asking which finger is being touched is
of age has been recommended [4]. Still, the decision always equivocal in a young child. Loss of re-
should be made on a case-by-case basis. sistance to glide using a plastic pen can help in
diagnosing loss of sweating in a nerve injury. The
Diagnosis immersion test is useful for the very young child
but may not be a practical option [5]. (The injured
The examination begins with observation of hand is immersed in room temperature water until
the resting posture of the hand. A digit in skin wrinkling occurs. Because only innervated
skin wrinkles, an area of unwrinkled skin indi-
* Corresponding author. cates a likely nerve injury.)
E-mail address: rbirnie@surgery.bsd.uchicago.edu The diagnosis of a tendon (or nerve) injury in
(R. Birnie). a young frightened child is always difficult and the
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.11.004 hand.theclinics.com

Fig. 1. Loss of normal finger cascade.

recommendation is a surgical exploration under

general anesthesia and a bloodless field at the
slightest suspicion.

The technique of suture repair in children is the
same as in adults, with several exceptions. A zone
I rupture with a distal profundus stump may be
sutured using a tendon-to-tendon technique. If no
stump exists, the profundus tendon may be
sutured directly to bone using a nonabsorbable
suture or over a button [5]. Small-core suture sizes
are needed in small fingers, even as small as a Fig. 3. (A) Before FPL repair. (B) After FPL repair.
6-0 in a 2-year-old child. Additionally, absorbable
sutures are recommended for wound closure to
with treatment [6–9]. Protected immobilization
avoid another anesthetic exposure for suture therefore is recommended for the pediatric patient
unable to participate in an early motion protocol.
Rehabilitation Cast immobilization of repairs at all levels for 3–4
weeks [5] allows for immediate unsupervised use
In adults, protected early motion is the princi- of the extremity without concern for tendon rup-
ple of flexor tendon rehabilitation. Such a protocol ture. The use of removable day or night splints is
requires a child who can comprehend and comply unpredictable. Constant immobilization prevents
use of the hand and protects the repair against
spontaneous or voluntary muscle contractions.
In a cooperative older child, immobilization
may consist of a short-arm cast or posterior splint.
An uncooperative child necessitates a long-arm
cast with the elbow at 90(, the wrist in 30–40( of
flexion, and the metacarpophalangeal joints flexed
60–70( (Fig. 4). The interphalangeal joints are left
in a resting position. The exception to this rule is
the zone IV repair with release of the transverse
carpal ligament. The wrist is kept in neutral with
more digital flexion to protect the repair and to
prevent bowstringing of the tendons in the carpal
The extremity is immobilized for 3–4 weeks
Fig. 2. Long finger FDP laceration. post-repair. In a child younger than 3 years of age,

the same as in adults. The extremity is immobi-

lized for 4 weeks, the same as for a primary repair.
The postoperative rehabilitation is the same as for
a primary repair.
Postoperative tendon rupture
A postoperative tendon rupture is difficult to
appreciate because of limited digital motion from
the postoperative immobilization. If the rupture is
recognized early and the digit has retained passive
motion, then the site is re-explored and a primary
repair is performed. If the age of the rupture is
unclear, the tissues are inflamed, or the child or
family are uncooperative with the postoperative
Fig. 4. Immobilization after FPL repair. management, planning a reconstruction at a later
age may be prudent. In this situation, regaining
no further immobilization is necessary unless and maintaining supple passive motion to prevent
a concomitant neurovascular injury exists. For contracture is critical.
this, a dorsal blocking splint is used for 2 addi-
Tendon adhesions
tional weeks. In a child older than 3 years of age, a
daytime dorsal blocking splint is used for 2–3 In patients with nonfunctional active motion
weeks to prevent accidental forced passive finger and passive motion restricted because of flexor ad-
extension. After immobilization, play therapy is hesions and not joint contractures, tenolysis is
used to encourage flexion and extension. Passive recommended. Again, management requires a ma-
extension and resistive flexion exercises (putty) ture patient able to follow a postoperative re-
may begin 5–6 weeks post-repair. If the digit is habilitation protocol. Results of tenolysis are
unable to achieve full extension by 6 weeks, a unpredictable [1,16]; however, when done in a
nighttime extension resting splint is recommended. manner identical to an adult—under a local anes-
thetic with early aggressive therapy—the results
are far superior to a tenolysis performed with
the child requiring a general anesthetic who is
Delayed diagnosis unable to participate in an immediate therapy
program [4].
One quarter of all pediatric flexor tendon
injuries may be unrecognized on the initial eval-
Repair results
uation [10–11]. The consequences of this include
irreversible myostatic contracture of the muscu- Although the assessment of outcomes of flexor
loskeletal unit, loss of flexor sheath patency, and tendon repair optimally is done by objective
impairment of digital growth [12]. It has been means, the same obstacles to diagnosing the injury
recommended that all flexor tendon injuries, re- exist with attempting to measure the results of
gardless of age, be surgically explored [13]. De- surgery. The simplest method is the technique of
layed primary repairs up to 76 days postinjury Boyes using the distance between the pulp of the
have been reported [14]. Good results with pri- distal phalanx and the distal palmar crease [19].
mary repair have been seen in children up to 2 This still requires a cooperative patient, however,
months postinjury [15]. Primary repair has been who can sustain maximal flexion. Additionally,
shown to be superior to free tendon grafting and transposing adult values on the pediatric hand is
staged reconstruction in children [1,13,16–18]. difficult. Furthermore, the results may change
Free tendon grafting requires (1) a remaining, over time with growth.
suitable flexor tendon sheath, (2) intact A2 and Another system that has been applied to chil-
A4 pulleys, and (3) a proximal musculoskeletal dren is total active motion (TAM). Again, this
unit with at least 3 cm of excursion. Potential system requires a cooperative patient able to
donors include the superficialis tendon of the maintain maximal digital flexion for measurement
involved digit, palmaris longus, plantaris, and of angles at each joint. A study by O’Connell et al
the toe extensor tendons. Tension is typically set [14] evaluated zone I and II repairs in children using

TAM. Zone I repairs were shown to have better don repair in ‘‘no man’s land.’’ Plast Reconstr Surg
motion than zone II repairs, but within zones no 1987;79:447.
significant differences were noted between early [7] Chow JA, Thomes LJ, Dovelle S, et al. Controlled
motion and 3–4 weeks of immobilization. motion rehabilitation after flexor tendon repair
and grafting: a multi-center study. J Bone Joint
Surg 1988;70B:591.
Summary [8] Duran RJ, Houser RG, Coleman CR, et al. A pre-
liminary report in the use of controlled passive mo-
Flexor tendon injuries in children differ from tion following flexor tendon repair in zones II and
adults in their diagnosis and postoperative re- III. J Hand Surg 1976;1:79.
habilitation principles. The child may be uncoop- [9] Strickland JW, Glogovac SV. Digital function fol-
lowing flexor tendon repair in zone II: a comparison
erative, so indirect methods of tendon integrity
of immobilization and controlled passive motion
must be used for diagnosis. Radiographs may be
techniques. J Hand Surg 1980;5:537.
useful for associated fracture or retained foreign [10] Osterman AL, Bozentka DJ. Flexor tendon injuries
bodies. A high index of suspicion necessitates in children. Oper Tech Orthop 1993;3:283.
surgical exploration. Although surgical approach [11] Gilbert A, Masquelet A. Primary repair of flexor
and repair techniques are identical to those in tendons in children. In: Tubiana R, editor. The
adults, postoperative immobilization for 3–4 hand. Vol. III. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1998.
weeks is used instead of an early motion protocol. p. 354–8.
Delayed diagnosis is more common in the pediat- [12] Hage J, Dupuis CC. The intriguing fate of tendon
ric population, and recognition and management grafts in small children’s hands and their results.
Br J Plast Surg 1965;18:341.
of postoperative complications can be difficult,
[13] Glicenstein J, LeClerq C. Late treatment of injuries
because the child may be unable to cooperate or
of the flexor tendons in children. In: Tubiana R, ed-
comply with the treatment. itor. The hand. Vol. III. Philadelphia: Saunders;
1988. p. 359–63.
References [14] O’Connell SJ, Moore MM, Strickland JW, et al.
Results of zone I and zone II flexor tendon repairs
[1] Vahvanen V, Gripenberg L, Nuutinen P, et al. Flexor in children. J Hand Surg 1994;19A:48.
tendon injury of the hand in children. Scand J [15] Leddy JP. Primary and delayed primary repair of
Reconstr Surg 1981;15:43. flexor tendon lacerations in zone II in children.
[2] Bell JL, Mason ML, Koch SL, et al. Injuries to flexor J Hand Surg 1982;7:410.
tendons of the hands in children. J Bone Joint Surg [16] Amadio PC, Wood MB, Cooney WP, et al. Staged
1958;40A:1220. flexor tendon reconstruction in the fingers and
[3] Joseph KN, Kalus AM, Sutherland AB, et al. Glass hand. J Hand Surg 1988;13A:559.
injuries of the hand in children. Hand 1981;13:113. [17] Boyes JH, Stark HH. Flexor tendon grafts in the fin-
[4] Birnie RH, Idler RS. Flexor tenolysis in children. gers and thumb. J Bone Joint Surg 1971;53A:
J Hand Surg 1995;20A:254. 1332.
[5] Idler RS. Pediatric tendon injuries. In: Peimer CA, [18] Ejeskar A. Flexor tendon repair in no man’s land.
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New York: McGraw-Hill; 1996. p. 2165–77. [19] McClinton MA, Curtis RM, Wilgis EFS. One hun-
[6] Chow JA, Thomes LJ, Dovelle S, et al. A combined dred tendon grafts for isolated flexor digitorum pro-
regimen of controlled motion following flexor ten- fundus injuries. J Hand Surg 1982;7:224.
Hand Clin 21 (2005) 257–265

Rehabilitation after Flexor Tendon Repair,

Reconstruction, and Tenolysis
Kathy Vucekovich, OTR/L, CHT*, Gloria Gallardo, OTR/L,
Kerry Fiala, OTR/L
Hand Therapy Clinic, Occupational Therapy Department, DCAM4-A, The University of Chicago Hospitals,
5758 South Maryland, MC 9039, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

‘‘A man’s best friends are his ten fingers’’ [1]. rehabilitation after a flexor tendon repair, and
Complete function and expressive use of one’s this method still holds a place in hand rehabilita-
‘‘best friends’’ requires an intact flexor tendon tion. ‘‘No matter how sophisticated our therapeu-
system. Much attention and study therefore has tic and surgical care becomes, there probably will
been placed over the past several decades in always be a need for immobilization of flexor
reparation and rehabilitation after a flexor tendon tendon repairs in some circumstances’’ [3]. An
injury. As flexor tendon surgery has advanced immobilization program may be indicated after
through scientific research and clinical investiga- a flexor tendon repair for the following reasons:
tion, rehabilitation of flexor tendon injuries has children and adults who are unable to compre-
progressed right alongside. Immobilization proto- hend and follow through with a complex mobili-
cols first advocated by Dr. Bunnell [2] evolved into zation protocol, associated injuries to the adjacent
early passive motion protocols, which have evolved structures, such as fracture, and disorders and
most recently into early active motion protocols. health conditions that affect tissue healing, such as
The latter, however, has not replaced the for- rheumatoid arthritis. Collins and Schwarze de-
mer. All three programs still hold their place in veloped an early progressive resistance program
hand rehabilitation clinics today. Critical clinical for the immobilized repaired tendon [4]. The
decision-making skills based on knowledge of ten- immobilization cast or dorsal blocking splint
don anatomy, evidenced-based healing concepts, positions the wrist and metacarpophalangeal
and good communication with the surgeon are (MCP) joints in flexion and the interphalangeal
required for the hand therapist to guide the person (IP) joints in full extension. In general, the cast is
with a repaired flexor tendon system to maximum removed after 3–4 weeks and is replaced by
hand and finger function. The following article a dorsal blocking splint. The patient begins
reviews the advancement of rehabilitation of flexor passive flexion with the wrist held in 10( of
tendon repair, reconstruction, and tenolysis. extension and gentle differential tendon gliding
exercises (Fig. 1).
During this phase, the difference between the
Flexor tendon primary repair rehabilitation digital total active motion and total passive
Immobilization program motion is evaluated. A 50( difference indicates
dense adhesion formation, which would lead the
Using complete immobilization postopera- therapist to initiate early progressive resistance
tively is the most conservative approach to beginning with blocking exercises (Fig. 2).
If at 4.5 weeks extensive adhesions remain,
* Corresponding author. light putty squeezing and putty extension looping
E-mail address: kathrynjune@rcn.com is commenced. At 4–6 weeks the dorsal protective
(K. Vucekovich). splint is discontinued during the day, but the
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2004.11.006 hand.theclinics.com
258 VUCEKOVICH et al

Fig. 1. Differential gliding exercises.

patient is advised to wear the splint when out- for zones I, III, IV, and V. Zone II is the area
doors and during sleep for protection. Gentle from the metacarpal head to mid-middle phalanx.
active wrist and digital extension begins, together The flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) and flexor
with blocking and fisting exercises. At this phase, digitorum superficialis (FDS) are housed in zone
if extrinsic flexor tightness is noted, a forearm- II within a flexor tendon sheath. Repairs in this
based splint holding the wrist and digits in zone have the highest probability of adhesion
comfortable maximum extension is worn at night. development because of its unique anatomy, in-
Typically, significant resistive exercise begins at cluding Camper’s chiasm, vincular anatomy, and
6–8 weeks. Timing and load intensity of the re- the presence of the A2 and A4 pulleys. For the
sistive exercise depends on the severity of adhe- hand therapist, edema, scar formation, and pa-
sion formation (Table 1). tient compliance also contribute to the challenge
of rehabilitation after a zone II flexor tendon
Controlled motion programs There are two basic passive motion programs
that stand as the basis for other passive motion
Because of improvements in strong, gap- protocols: the Kleinert method and the Duran
resistant suture techniques [5], a trend has method. Both approaches have been adapted,
developed in tendon rehabilitation from immobi- built on, and even combined by hand specialists,
lization to early controlled motion protocols. including the Washington regimen [10].
Studies have shown that early controlled forces
applied to the healing tissues improve recovery of
tensile strength [6], decrease adhesions [7], im-
Kleinert program
prove tendon excursion [8], and promote intrinsic
healing [9]. Controlled motion rehabilitation pro- In the 1960s, Kleinert and others introduced an
tocols were developed mainly for zone II flexor early controlled passive motion protocol using
tendon repairs but also are used with adaptation a dorsal protective splint (wrist, 30( flexion and

Fig. 2. FDP and FDS blocking exercises.


Table 1
Immobilization program
0 to 3–4 weeks 3–4 weeks 4–6 weeks 6–8 weeks
 Cast or dorsal  Dorsal protective  Dorsal blocking  Gentle resistive
protective splint in splint replaces cast splint discontinued exercise begins and
wrist and MCP  Splint modified to  Gentle blocking progresses gradually
joint flexion and bring wrist to neutral exercises initiated 10
IP joint full extension  Hourly: 10 repetitions repetitions, 4–6 times
of passive digital flexion daily added to
and extension with wrist passive flexion and
at 10( extension tendon gliding
 Hourly: 10 repetitions
of active tendon
gliding exercises

MCP, 30(–40( flexion) with elastic traction from their measurement that 3–5 mm of tendon glide
the fingernail to the volar forearm (Fig. 3). would prevent restrictive adhesion in zone II.
The elastic flexion pull acts as the repaired Passive DIP extension with PIP and MCP joint
flexor tendon unit without flexor muscle contrac- flexion was found to glide the FDP away from the
tion. Active extension of the digit is performed to FDS suture sites. Passive PIP joint extension with
the limits of the dorsal blocking splint. Because of MCP and DIP flexed glides both tendons away
flexion contractures at the proximal interphalan- from the injury site. Table 3 outlines the basic
geal (PIP) joint and loss of active distal interpha- Duran protocol.
langeal (DIP) motion, two modifications became
standard: a palmar pulley was added to improve
DIP flexion, and at night the elastic traction is Early active motion
detached and the fingers strapped into extension
Since the late 1980s and early 1990s early
within the splint to prevent PIP joint flexion
active motion protocols developed in response to
contractures. Table 2 outlines the basic Kleinert
experimental and clinical studies that demonstrate
beneficial effects of early (as early as 24 hours
postoperative) active motion [12,13]. Early active
Duran program
motion protocols depend on strong repair tech-
In the 1970s Duran and Houser [11] introduced niques [14]. The force application during rehabil-
a controlled passive motion protocol using a sim- itation must be less than the tensile strength of the
ilar dorsal protective splint without elastic trac- repair to prevent gapping or rupture. Combined
tion. The program was designed in response to metacarpophalangeal (MP) flexion and wrist ex-
tension has been found to produce the least
tension on the repaired site and to allow the
most differential excursion between FDS and
FDP on a repaired tendon [15,16] Cadaver studies
using tenodesis motion showed the following ten-
don excursions: FDS, 15.2 mm; FDP, 19.8 mm;
and FDS-P, 4.6 mm.
Strickland introduced an early active motion
protocol (Indiana Hand Center) for a four-strand
repair with an epitendinous suture (Table 4) [17].
The Indiana protocol incorporates the tenodesis
motion within a hinged splint that allows for 30(
of wrist extension. Good patient motivation and
comprehension and controlled edema and mini-
mal wound complications are required [18].
There are protocols that incorporate early
Fig. 3. Kleinert splint with palmar pulley. active motion exercises while using a Kleinert
260 VUCEKOVICH et al

Table 2
Kleinert program
0–3 days 0–4 weeks 4–6 weeks 6–8 weeks
 Dorsal protective splint  Hourly active extension to  Dorsal protective splint  Progressive resistive
applied with wrist and MCP limits of splint, followed by discontinued, sometimes exercises begin
joints in flexion and IP joints flexion with elastic replaced with wrist cuff and
in full extension; elastic traction only elastic traction
traction from fingernail,  Wound and scar  Night protective splint to
through palmar pulley, to management and prevent flexion contracture
volar forearm education  Active wrist and gentle
 Velcro strap to allow night active fisting initiated
release of elastic traction, unless signs of minimal
splinting IPs in full extension adhesions
 At 6 weeks blocking
exercises begin

type dorsal blocking splint. Evans developed distal palmar crease are performed 10 times
a program for the repair with a conventional hourly. During passive flexion, light active muscle
modified Kessler and epitendinous suture with contraction is allowed for 2–3 seconds. Active
a two-strand core [19]. The program includes motion is performed only under therapy or
a dorsal blocking splint with wrist in 30( flexion, surgeon supervision for the first 4 weeks. At
MCP joints in 45( flexion, and IP joints in full 4 weeks the splint is removed and unassisted
extension. The splint includes four-finger elastic active flexion and extension are initiated. Gentle
traction with palmar pulley during the day and resistive flexion begins at 6 weeks, and at 8 weeks
full IP extension at night. The active motion progressive resistive exercises begin.
component of the program is performed only Even with the advances of early motion re-
with therapist participation, until 3 weeks, when habilitation programs after a primary flexor
the patient is permitted to perform them without tendon repair, getting good to excellent results in
supervision. For zone I repairs, Evans includes a active functional PIP and DIP joint motion
second dorsal digital splint extending the length of remains a clinical challenge for hand therapy
P2 and P3 maintaining the DIP joint in 40(–45( clinicians. Each patient with a repaired flexor
of flexion with no dynamic traction [20]. tendon presents a unique set of challenges re-
Silfverskiöld and May designed a program for quiring an individualized approach to rehabilita-
a modified Kessler repair and epitendinous cir- tion. Karen Pettengill promotes that institution
cumferential cross-stitch [21]. The dorsal blocking of and progression to an active mobilization
splint holds the wrist in neutral, MCP joints at program depends on the extent of injury, repair
50(–70( flexion, and the IP joints in full exten- technique, patient compliance, patient general
sion. All fingertips have elastic traction through health, and tendon response. In general, if good
a palmar pulley. Active extension/passive flexion tendon excursion is achieved quickly, ‘‘keep
with elastic traction and passive flexion to the the brakes on’’; if poor tendon excursion,

Table 3
Duran program
0–3 days 0–4.5 weeks 4.5–5.5 weeks 5.5 weeks 7.5 weeks
 Dorsal Protective  Hourly exercises  Splint replaced by  Wrist cuff  Light resistive
splint applied with within the splint: wrist cuff with elastic discontinued exercises with
wrist in 20( flexion,  10 repetitions passive flexion traction from  Blocking putty
MCP joints in 50( DIP extension with PIP fingernail to cuff and fisting  Splinting to
flexion, IP joints full and MCP flexion  Continue active exercises correct any joint
extension  10 repetitions passive extension/passive initiated or extrinsic
PIP extension with MCP flexion flexor tightness
and DIP joint flexion
Table 4
Early active motion program (Strickland/Indiana Hand Center)
0–3 days 0–4 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks 14 weeks


Dorsal blocking splint Duran passive motion Dorsal blocking splint Active IP flexion with Blocking exercises begin Progressive resistive Unrestricted
with wrist in 20( performed 15 times removed during exercise MCP extension if active tip to distal exercises initiated use of hand
flexion, MCP joints every 2 hours but continued for followed by full palmar crease is more
in 50( flexion Tenodesis exercises protection digital extension than 3 cm
Tenodesis splint allowing within hinged splint Tenodesis exercises Passive extension can
30( wrist extension 15 times every 2 hours continue begin at 7 weeks
and full wrist flexion, Instruction to avoid
maintaining MCP joints simultaneous wrist and
in 50( flexion (a single finger extension
hinge splint with
a detachable extension
block can also be used)

262 VUCEKOVICH et al

‘‘accelerate!’’ (Karen M. Pettengill, MS, OTR/L, on progressing each patient individually with the
CHT, personal communication, May 2004). available evidence-based information and on ob-
Instead of advocating a ‘‘sweeping postopera- servation of the individual’s healing response.
tive regimen or protocol without allowances for More experimental research and clinical outcome
individual physiologic tissue or biological re- studies are critical to the continued advancement
sponses,’’ Groth [22] proposes a methodic re- of rehabilitation after a primary flexor tendon
habilitation model that progresses the patient repair. Through experimental cadaver studies,
based on force application and individual tissue Mass has concluded that using a locked cruciate
response through her thorough literature review. four-strand repair is as strong as the modified
Groth’s ‘‘pyramid of progressive force applica- Becker repair (>60 N), has a lower work of
tion’’ places the exercise with the lowest level of flexion, and is easier to perform [23]. Clinical
force on the bottom, with a total of eight studies to determine functional outcomes after
progressions to the top of the pyramid where the such repairs are underway to support his findings.
load is the highest. The bottom five levels are with Appropriate patients begin immediate early active
wrist protection, the top three without. The pro- gentle fisting with therapist supervision with the
gression from lowest to highest is as follows: wrist positioned in neutral to ÿ30( extension and
passive protected digital extension, place and MP joint extension limited to 60( flexion (Fig. 4).
hold finger flexion, active composite fist, hook
and straight fist, isolated joint motion, resistive
composite fist, resistive hook and straight fist, Rehabilitation after flexor tendon reconstruction
resistive isolated joint motion. Groth details in- When a primary repair of the flexor tendons
ternal tendon loads, tendon excursion amounts, is not an option, staged tendon reconstruction
and clinical application information for each of becomes the treatment of choice. The follow-
the progressive levels. A flexion lag grade becomes ing outlines rehabilitation after flexor tendon re-
the basis for systematic and tailored application of construction using passive and active tendon
motion stress to the repaired tendon. Adhesions implants.
are absent if less than or equal to a 5( discrepancy
exist between active and passive flexion. Adhe-
sions are responsive if there is greater than or Passive tendon implant
equal to a 10% resolution of lag between therapy Stage I
sessions. And adhesions are considered unrespon-
sive if there is less than or equal to 10% resolution Therapy goals during stage I are maximum
of active lag between therapy sessions. If the passive motion, correction of flexion contractures,
flexion lag is determined to be unresponsive, the and a viable gliding bed. A dorsal protective splint
load application increases one level up the pyra- is worn for 3 weeks with wrist positioned in 30(
mid. For example, active composite fist exercises flexion, MCP joints flexed to 60(, and splint
might begin as early as week 2 if the active lag is extending 2 cm beyond the fingertips. Gentle
determined to be unresponsive. If a lag never passive flexion/active extension and light finger
occurs, this exercise is delayed until 8 weeks post-
surgery. Groth’s model can be used with any
existing protocol and is not limited to zone, type
of suture repair, or time sequence. Groth cites two
case studies based on her model; both of the
patients were discharged with excellent results
based on Strickland’s formula and classification
Clinical problem solving is of utmost impor-
tance for the hand therapy clinician in progressing
a patient with a primary flexor tendon repair [18].
The future of good to excellent functional out-
comes through rehabilitation after a primary re-
pair to the flexor tendon system is based on
science and art. Functional outcomes do not Fig. 4. Immediate gentle active fisting and active
depend on following a prescribed protocol, but extension to limits of splint.

trapping, 10 repetitions each, 4 times a day are passive flexion is performed 10 times, several times
initiated the first week. PIP joint flexion contrac- a day. Therapy is similar to after stage I; however,
tures must be addressed immediately with a dorsal because early pain-free gliding usually occurs, the
digital extension splint within the dorsal pro- progression of the program may have to be slowed
tective splint. Synovitis must be avoided carefully to protect the tendon junctures [24].
through instructing the patient not to be overly
aggressive. At 3 weeks the dorsal blocking splint is
discontinued and buddy taping begins. Rehabilitation after tenolysis

Stage II Tenolysis, the surgical release of adherent

tendons, is indicated for patients whose post-
A dorsal blocking splint with identical posi- repair progress has plateaued with a significant
tioning as the stage I splint is applied. Full IP joint difference between passive and active range of
extension must be allowed within the splint. motion measurements. Tenolysis is considered
Gentle passive flexion of each IP joint is per- only if a patient is highly motivated and presents
formed hourly. At 4 weeks the dorsal protective with soft and supple tissues, good passive range of
splint is replaced by a wrist cuff with elastic motion, and good strength [25]. Thorough
traction. The traction should allow full IP joint
extension with the wrist in neutral. At rest the
repaired finger is maintained in flexion. The wrist Box 1. Tenolysis program
cuff is removed at 6 weeks and light activity is
allowed. Blocking and tendon-gliding exercises Edema control: within 24 hours, bulky
are initiated. Contracture control continues. At 8 dressing removed and light
weeks, progressive resistive exercises begin. compressive dressing applied.
Early protected active motion can be consid- Active and passive extrinsic stretching:
ered if the tendon graft is fixed with strong active wrist and digital flexion
techniques, the gliding bed is in good post-surgical followed by active wrist and digital
condition, and the patient is known to be moti- extension for maximum FDS and FDP
vated and compliant. excursion, every waking hour.
Active and passive tendon gliding:
composite fist, hook fist, full digital
Active tendon implant extension for maximum differential
Stage I tendon glide between FDS and FDP
(Fig. 5) every waking hour.
Therapy begins the day after surgery with Blocking exercises: independent
a dorsal blocking splint and passive flexion blocking at the PIP joint and DIP joint
exercises. At 2 weeks elastic traction is added. If for maximum mechanical advantage
pulleys were reconstructed, they must be protected of tendon pull-through, every waking
using a pulley ring made from thermoplastic hour.
material or Velcro, and during flexion exercises Isolated PIP joint blocking: for
the patient must apply pressure to support the independent contraction of FDS
pulley. IP flexion contracture control begins the without motor help from FDP, every
first postoperative week. Soft foam squeezing waking hour (Fig. 6).
begins at week 3 and light putty squeezing after Splinting: static extension splinting
4 weeks. At week 6 the dorsal protective splint is between exercises and at night
replaced with the wrist cuff with elastic traction. recommended.
By 8 weeks progressive strengthening begins. Progressive resistance exercises: begins
Stage II at approximately 6 weeks
After removal of the tendon implant and Wound and scar management
insertion of the tendon graft, the same dorsal throughout rehabilitation process.
blocking splint is applied. Early motion with Adjunct therapy: modalities including
elastic traction begins on day 1. Ten repetitions neuromuscular electrical stimulation
every waking hour of passive flexion/active digital (NMES), ultrasound, and so on.
extension are performed by the patient. Gentle
264 VUCEKOVICH et al

Fig. 5. Extrinsic stretching for maximum FDS and FDP glide.

information must be obtained from the surgeon at cookbook approach. This article outlines the
the time of referral, including the active and history of flexor tendon programs and their
passive range of motion achieved during surgery, evidenced-based development so that the clinician
vascularity, any additional procedures that might can approach each patient individually and prog-
have been done, and prognosis. Rehabilitation ress them with a personalized, tailored approach
depends on poor or good tendon integrity based in close communication with the surgeon. Success-
on the referral information obtained. Tendons of ful flexor tendon rehabilitation’s end-result is
poor integrity have an increased likelihood of functional hand motion and strength. As experi-
rupture and require protective splinting and mental studies on improved surgical techniques
a controlled range of motion program. Cannon continue to develop, more clinical research to
and Strickland advocate a frayed exercise pro- support rehabilitation techniques that lead to
gram that includes place and hold exercises that good hand function results are necessary.
place less tensile loading on the lysed tendon than
active range of motion [26]. Tendons of good in-
tegrity begin therapy immediately, summarized as
follows (Box 1) [27]. References
[1] Robert Collyer. 1823–1912. English-born American
Summary [2] Bunnell S. Repair of nerves and tendons of the hand.
J Bone Joint Surg 1928;10:1.
Flexor tendon rehabilitation after injury and [3] Stewart KM, van Strien G. Postoperative man-
surgical intervention has progressed over the last agement of flexor tendon injuries. In: Hunter JM,
several decades. This evolution has left a vast Mackin EJ, Callahan AD, editors. Rehabilitation
amount of information for the hand therapy of the hand. 4th edition. St. Louis: CV Mosby;
clinician. The hand therapist treating a primary 2002. p. 439.
flexor tendon repair can easily feel daunted, [4] Collins DC, Schwarze L. Early progressive resis-
tance following immobilization of flexor tendon
confused, and apprehensive because of the sheer
repairs. J Hand Ther 1991;4:111–6.
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[6] Freehan LM, Beauchene JG. Early tensile properties
of healing flexor tendons: early controlled pas-
sive motion versus postoperative immobilization.
J Hand Surg 1990;15A:63–8.
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repairs analyzed in an in vitro model. J Hand Surg surgery. Philadelphia: Lippincott and Williams;
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[10] Dovelle A, Heeter P. The Washington regimen: re- [20] Evans R. A study of the zone I flexor tendon injury
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Surg 1998;102(6):2064–71. [23] Angeles JG, Heminger H, Mass DP. Comparative
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[14] Strickland JW. Flexor tendon injuries: II. Operative [24] Hunter JM, Taras JS, Mackin EJ, Maser SA, Culp
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Hand Clin 21 (2005) 267–273

The Future of Flexor Tendon Surgery

Jeffrey Luo, MDa,c,*, Daniel P. Mass, MDa, Craig S. Phillips, MDb,
T.C. He, MD, PhDc
Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine, Department of Surgery, University of Chicago Hospitals,
5841 South Maryland Avenue, MC 3079, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
Reconstructive Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, Microvascular Surgery, The Illinois Bone and Joint Surgery,
2401 Ravine Way, Glenview, IL 60025, USA
Molecular Oncology Laboratory, Department of Surgery, The University of Chicago Medical Center,
5841 South Maryland Avenue, MC 3079, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

Restoration of hand function following flexor other tissues, tendons heal by deposition of scar
tendon laceration has been one of the most difficult tissue into the site of the laceration. Although this
problems in hand surgery. As recently as the 1960s, initial scar tissue is vital to restoring the continuity
tendons lacerated in ‘‘no man’s land’’ routinely of the tendon unit, however, proliferation of this
were entirely removed and later grafted to allow for same scar can in fact be harmful to the gliding
a smooth tendinous unit [1]. Although this re- mechanism that is the function of the tendon. This
mained the standard of care for many decades, problem is compounded by the fibro-osseous tun-
reports began emerging that challenged the domi- nel found in zone II of the flexor tendon system,
nance of secondary repair [2–4]. These investigators where scarring leads to adhesions between the
suggested that immediate suture fixation of the tendon and the surrounding tunnel and prevents
lacerated tendon yielded better results than sec- proper tendon excursion. Primary tendon repairs
ondary free tendon grafting. Coupled with the therefore can fail from inadequate healing at the
development of primary tendon repair were various site of injury. Unlike other injuries, repairs also can
rehabilitation protocols that allowed for early fail when there is too much healing that leads to loss
motion of the post-repair tendon [5,6]. Gradually of motion, contracture formation, and ultimately
the philosophy of primary tendon repair became loss of function.
accepted and practiced. In the last 30 years, significant strides have
The difficulties in regaining normal hand func- been made such that recovery of good to excellent
tion after injury stem from considerations unique to function can be expected in approximately 80% of
the flexor tendon system. First of all, injuries that good tendon repairs with an early motion pro-
lacerate the tendon also tend to compromise the tocol. These advances have been made possible by
nutritional systems, either by allowing leakage of the enormous amount of basic research that has
the synovial fluid or by direct trauma to the vincula. improved understanding of flexor anatomy, kine-
Next, the trauma caused by the surgery itself must siology, biologic response to injury and repair,
not be discounted, because adhesions form in mechanical characteristics of the various suture
proportion to tendon manipulation and trauma at repair techniques, and effects of early motion on
the time of surgery [7]. Finally, not only does the tendon healing and strength. As a result of these
continuity of tendon fibers need to be restored, but investigations, general principles have been estab-
also the gliding mechanism between the lacerated lished for the repair of flexor tendons. These
tendon and the surrounding structures. Like most principles include the use of nonabsorbable braided
core sutures, epitendinous suture repair, equal
tension across all strands, and motion at the
* Corresponding author repair site to promote stronger (but not faster)
E-mail address: jeffrey.luo@uchospitals.edu (J. Luo). repair. In addition, complementary research has
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2005.01.001 hand.theclinics.com
268 LUO et al

advanced the development of postoperative re- Further research has uncovered a dual mecha-
habilitation protocols that prevent adhesion for- nism of repair that is unique to the intrasynovial
mation and protect the integrity of the tendon environment of flexor tendons. The first is the
while improving the tensile strength of the repair extrinsic mechanism, in which fibroblasts and in-
tissue. flammatory cells from the periphery and synovium
The vast majority of the research to date has promote repair of the tendon. In contrast, the
focused on the mechanical aspects of tendon repair intrinsic mechanism involves the fibroblast popu-
and healing, including surgical techniques and re- lation that is within the tendon and epitenon. This
habilitation protocols. This groundwork is largely difference leads to two distinct responses to injury
responsible for the significant improvement in pa- [13–15]. The extrinsic mechanism seems to be
tient function and satisfaction. Unfortunately post- activated earlier than the intrinsic mechanism
operative scarring and adhesion formation are still [14]. This may explain why the synovial sheath is
frequent and disappointing outcomes; this may be more reactive than the tendon in the early stages
because of shortcomings in the current approach after injury [13]. Furthermore, the fibroblasts from
to flexor tendon repair. The focus of research and the synovial sheath are more active than those from
the clinical principles that have stemmed from the the tendon, with a greater capacity to degrade the
research are based on increasing strength of extracellular matrix [14]. Finally, increased extrin-
the repair to allow for decreased protection at the sic activity leads to increased collagen deposition
operative site. This then permits more aggressive and a decreased level of collagen organization
postoperative motion that in theory minimizes [15,16]. These studies suggest that extrinsic healing
adhesions. Even the best technical repairs coupled promotes adhesion and scar formation between
with optimal rehabilitation, however, still do not the tendon and the surrounding fibro-osseous
lead to universally good to excellent results. Re- structures.
cently only incremental improvements have been It follows, therefore, that efforts should be
made in outcomes, because each of the different directed at suppressing the extrinsic pathway,
variables of tendon repair is in turn optimized. thereby curtailing adhesion formation. Simulta-
These limited clinical results suggest that more neously, enhancing the intrinsic pathway pro-
needs to be done to improve patient outcomes. It motes tendon healing. The difficulty is that the
is conceivable and probable, therefore, that new healing response observed clinically is a combina-
biologic strategies may be a useful adjunct to tion of these two concurrent mechanisms. Fur-
further improve current clinical outcomes. thermore, such fine manipulation is neither fully
understood nor possible at this time. The concepts
do provide a valuable framework with which to
Biology of flexor tendon repairs
understand new biologic approaches to augment-
Research on the healing of tendons after injury ing tendon healing.
has provided insight into the biology of tendon
regeneration [8]. Like many other connective tis-
sues, tendon healing has been characterized by
Biologic advances
three sequential phases: inflammation, fibroblastic
or reparative, and remodeling [9–12]. The injury The cellular processes underlying tendon heal-
and the surgical treatment damage blood vessels, ing have been well described and have become
which leads to the formation of a fibrin clot. well understood. The next frontier is comprehen-
Platelets trapped within the clot release various sion of the healing process at the molecular and
cytokines, such as platelet-derived growth factor genetic levels. Each of these three levels, the cellu-
(PDGF) and transforming growth factor beta lar, the molecular, and the genetic, offers unique
(TGF-b). This cytokine rich environment then approaches to improving clinical outcomes.
attracts inflammatory cells from surrounding tis-
sue, which in turn phagocytize necrotic tissue and
clot [9]. In the next stage, fibroblastic cells pro-
Cell-based strategies
liferate and lay down the components of the new
extracellular matrix. Finally, in the remodeling Cell-based strategies incorporate one or both of
phase the newly produced collagen fibers become two compatible techniques: mesenchymal stem
organized in parallel and linear bundles running cells (MSCs) and tissue engineering. MSCs are
along the axis of the tendon. progenitor cells that have the ability to differentiate

into various types of specialized cells, including were isolated and cultured from skin pieces and
myocytes, chondrocytes, lipocytes, and of course, then implanted onto a polyglycolic acid scaffold
tenocytes or tendon fibroblasts [17]. They reside in and placed in a 3-cm flexor tendon defect in a pig
bone marrow, fat, muscle, and skin, and can be model. They noted near normal histology and 50%
harvested from each of these tissue types. Although of normal tensile strength. Taken together these
the fibroblastic cells that appear during tendon studies suggest one future approach to reconstruct-
healing are from mesenchymal stem cells, the ing flexor tendon injuries. These techniques are
source of these stem cells has not been elucidated especially appealing for use in cases in which
yet [18]. Mesenchymal stem cells offer a viable a tendon defect needs to be spanned. Furthermore,
alternative because of their pluripotential abilities: they sidestep the current debate over the use of
besides the ability to differentiate into tendon intrasynovial versus extrasynovial tendons for use
fibroblasts, the MSCs also produce extracellular in grafting [21,22]. They do have one weakness that
matrix and secrete growth factors that are vital to may delay clinical adoption. Cell-based strategies
beginning the cascade of cellular events needed for require cells to be isolated and cultured before
tendon healing. implantation. This necessitates a staged procedure
Tissue engineering refers to the ability to con- for repair of an injury, rather than harvesting
struct new tissues, in this case flexor tendons, in an autograft at the initial procedure.
ex vivo environment. Efforts are centered about the Despite possible shortcomings with cell-based
use of a tissue scaffold onto which cells (ie, MSCs) strategies, tissue engineering likely will play a role in
are placed. These scaffolds, typically biodegradable future reconstructive techniques. As understanding
polymers, provide a matrix that allows cell adhe- of molecular medicine increases, various cytokines,
sion and growth in a three-dimensional conforma- growth factors, and extracellular matrix molecules
tion, allowing for high density cell suspensions have been found to play a critical role in tendon
simulating normal cell architecture. This confor- healing. The goal of molecular approaches is to
mation allows for better cell spacing with the reduce scarring and improve healing by modulating
subsequent formation of extracellular matrix and the timing and delivery of these factors. The
release of growth factors. usefulness of a cell scaffold is an exciting advance-
Although this technique has been applied to ment and plays an integral role in delivery of
many tissue types, including bone and cartilage, its molecular and gene therapy products to the zone
use in reconstructing flexor tendons has not yet of injury.
been studied extensively. Cao used these tissue
engineering techniques to bridge flexor tendon
defects in a hen model [19]. Tenocytes harvested
Molecular medicine
from adult Leghorn hens were expanded in vitro
and then mixed with unwoven polyglycolic acid Molecular approaches to augmenting tendon
fibers to form a cell-scaffold construct in the shape healing focus on the complex interplay of cytokines
of a tendon. The constructs were wrapped with or growth factors and extracellular matrix mole-
intestinal submucosa for mechanical strength and cules. Cytokines, a diverse group of soluble pro-
then cultured for 1 week before in vivo implanta- teins and peptides, modulate the functional
tion into a 3–4-cm defect created in the second activities of individual cells and tissues. These
flexor digitorum profundus tendon. By 14 weeks proteins also mediate interactions between cells
the investigators noted that the collagen bundles directly and regulate processes taking place in the
had become longitudinally aligned, with good extracellular environment. They are an ideal way to
interface healing to normal tendon. Also, biome- modulate the effects of the extrinsic healing path-
chanical analysis showed that the engineered ten- way by targeting adhesion formation.
don gained 83% of the normal tendon tensile Before the current era of molecular medicine,
strength. Furthermore, the polymer scaffold and researchers investigated different means of reduc-
the submucosa construct did not elicit a significant ing the effects of extrinsic healing. Initially,
immune response and contributed only minimally various mechanical barriers were placed between
to the final tensile strength achieved by the engi- the healing tendon and sheath, including silicone
neered tendon. [23], hydroxyapatite and alumina [24], and poly-
To avoid harvesting autologous flexor tendon ethylene [25]. Other researchers attempted chem-
cells, Chen et al used autologous dermal fibroblasts ical modulation of the inflammatory reaction
in a similar cell-scaffold construct [20]. Fibroblasts to reduce adhesion formation. Agents included
270 LUO et al

corticosteroids [26], ibuprofen [27,28], 5-fluoro- would require knowledge of specific reaction
uracil [29], and hyaluronic acid [30,31], among conditions, such as ideal concentration, timing of
many others. These investigations have yielded application, and effect on downstream targets.
varying degrees of adhesion reduction, but none These limitations will be overcome by further
have led to any changes in clinical practice. research into cytokine biology.
Current knowledge of the biology of tendon
healing has led to promising advances in molecular
Gene therapy
modulation of adhesion formation. Initial work
has focused on identifying cytokines or growth Gene therapy at its most basic level refers to the
factors that play a role in the healing tendon [32], treatment of a disorder by introducing specific
including TGF-b [33–35], PDGF [36,37], basic engineered genes into a patient’s cells. In many
fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF) [36,38,39], and ways it is not distinct from the previous discussions
insulin-like growth factor (IGF) [40,41]. Many of of cell-based and molecular medicine, because the
these cytokines have specific effects during tissue therapeutic genes selected are often the same ones
repair. For example, the principle effects of b-FGF as those identified by molecular techniques. Gene
include fibroblast chemotaxis and initiation of therapy is based on the same understanding of
angiogenesis. Similarly, IGF has been shown to flexor tendon biology, but diverges from previous
stimulate matrix components, such as proteogly- techniques by interacting with target cells at the
can and collagen, while also increasing DNA genetic level.
synthesis and cell proliferation [40]. Although first conceived as a systemic treat-
TGF-b is a cytokine that is secreted by all ment for hereditary single-gene defects [44], local-
major cell types involved in the healing process, ized gene therapy is well suited for flexor tendon
including macrophages, lymphocytes, degranulat- repair because of the ability to deliver genes to
ing platelets, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts. a discrete site. Also, transient expression is a desir-
TGF-b increases fibroblast and macrophage re- able benefit and is readily available with existing
cruitment and proliferation, promotes angiogene- gene transfer techniques. In addition, it has the
sis, and regulates the transcription of multiple ability to deliver multiple genes and to regulate
matrix proteins, including collagen, fibronectin, their expression temporally and quantitatively.
matrix-degrading proteases and their inhibitors, Gene therapy in flexor tendon regeneration thus
and glycosaminoglycans [33]. As such, it has been has the unique ability to deliver multiple gene
implicated in scar formation following injury or products to precise anatomic locations at elevated
surgery [34,42] and even the pathogenesis of levels for an appropriate duration.
excessive scar formation [43]. Attempts at peri- Gene delivery can be accomplished by using
operative modulation of TGF-b levels with neu- viral vectors or nonviral means. Nonviral ap-
tralizing antibodies [35] have yielded promising proaches include delivery of naked DNA/plasmids
initial results in reduction of adhesions and in- by direct injection, liposome-mediated transfec-
creased flexion range of motion [43]. tion, particle-mediated delivery (eg, gene gun), and
Further research into the roles of the various microseeding [45–48]. These techniques often are
cytokines will allow the identification and ulti- less costly and are able to sustain gene expression,
mately the manipulation of cytokines at the site of as compared with direct delivery of recombinant
repair. Although the specific roles of each cytokine proteins. The use of nonviral vectors, however, is
are being discovered only now, there is already restricted by their low efficiency of gene transfer
promising evidence that strategies that attempt to compared with viral vectors, although some stud-
modulate cytokine expression can indeed reduce ies are attempting to overcome this limitation.
adhesion formation. Specific cytokines could be Gene transfer mediated by viral vectors repre-
added to the site of injury to inhibit excessive scar sents the most common approach in gene therapy
formation directly or to suppress the activity of studies. There are five major types of viral vectors,
a different cytokine, such as TGF-b, that might including adenovirus, herpes virus, retrovirus,
otherwise cause adhesions. As appealing as this adeno-associated virus, and lentivirus [44]. Of
concept is, there are still numerous obstacles to be note, adenoviral vectors mediate the highest level
overcome. Cytokines are involved in a complex of transgene production [49]. As a result, most
interaction with multiple other receptors, pro- previous work in flexor tendon regeneration
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Hand Clin 21 (2005) 275–278

Note: Page numbers of article titles are in boldface type.

Anesthesia, for flexor tenolysis, 212, 227–228 Exercise(s), blocking, following flexor tendon
repair, 257, 258
Aponeurosis pulley, palmar, 134
differential tendon gliding, following flexor
tendon repair, 257, 258
B extrinsic stretching, for maximum flexor
Blood vessels, repair of, in treatment of complex tendon glide, 263, 264
flexor tendon injuries, 189–191 proximal interphalangeal joint bloocking,
following tenolysis, 263, 264
Bone, and joint, repair of, in treatment of complex
flexor tendon injuries, 189, 190, 191
Bone morphogenetic proteins, in tendon healing,
271 Finger(s), ‘‘lumbrical plus,’’ 139
normal tenodesis cascade of, 175
Boyes, J.H., tendon repair and, 124, 125
Finger-moving tendons, 136–139
Bunnell, S., tendon repair and, 124
Flexor digitorum profundus tendon, 136–138,
167, 182
C avulsion of, repair with micro Mitek, 168
Camper’s chiasm, 175 repaired over button, 168
Carpal ligament, transverse, 134 injury in zone I laceration, dorsal retinacular
reconstruction of, 169–170
Catheter, indwelling, for flexor tenolysis, 214–215 Keith needle repair of, 169
Collagen, microarchitecture of, 129, 130 Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon, 138, 181,
Creep, viscoelasticity and, 130 182

Cruciate pulley C2, 135 Flexor sheath, and pulleys, relation to intrinsic
and extensor apparatus, 151, 153
Cytokines, and growth factors, for tendon digital, 151, 153
healing, 269, 270 L-shaped incisions in, for exposure, 156
of thumb, and pulleys, 151, 154
D Flexor tendon(s), anatomy of, and surgical
Dermal fibroblasts, autologous, for tendon approaches to, 151–157
healing, 269 at wrist, 151, 152
Digital fibro-osseous canal, 134–135 in hand, 151, 152
avulsion injuries of, type I, 167
Digital flexor sheath, 151, 153 type II, 168
Digital pulley system, 135 type III, 168
biology of, 159–166
Digit(s), multiple replantation of, in complete
biomechanics of, 129–149, 160–161
amputations, 194–195
complex injuries of, replantation,
Duran program, following flexor tendon repair, revacularization, and amputation in,
259, 260 194–195
0749-0712/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/S0749-0712(05)00053-3 hand.theclinics.com

Flexor tendon(s), (continued) rehabilitation in, 254–255

treatment of, bone and joint repair in, 189, repair results in, 255–256
190, 191 technique of, 254
general concepts of, 187 tendon adhesions in, 255
nerve damage repair in, 191–192 proximal cut ends of, retrieval of, 155, 156
soft tissue reconstruction in, 192–194 pulley system of, anatomy of, 245
tendon repair in, 188–189 biomechanics of, 133–134
vascular repair in, 189–191 components of, 134–136
types of, 187 function of, 245–246
disruption of, in complex injuries to hand, in rock climbing, 136
187–197 reconstruction of, 245–251
dynamics of, 132–133 clinical studies of, 249
function of, models of, 139–141 complications of, 249–250
glide of, extrinsic stretching exercises for, 263, Karev-belt-loop technique for, 248
264 Kleinert/Weilby technique for, 247
injuries in zone I, 167–171 Lister’s technique for, 248
injuries in zone II, clinical history and physical loop and a half technique for, 249
examination in, 173, 175, 176 options for, 246–247
postoperative rehabilitation in, 178 principles of, 247
repair of, 173–186 synthetic materials for, 249
improvements in, 173, 174 techniques for, 247–249
pitfalls of, 178–179 triple loop technique for, 247–248
surgery in, cruciate repair in, 177 reconstruction of, 235–239
epitendinous repair in, 177–178 rehabilitation after, 262–263
incisions in, 176 staged, indications for, 235–236
indications for, 174–176 stage one, 236–238
opening of pulley system in, 176–177 stage two, 238–239, 240
technique of, 176–178 surgical technique for, 236–239
tying tendons to feeding tube for, 177 with implantation of silicone implant,
injuries in zone III and V, deep structural, 181, 235, 236–238
182, 183 using active tendon implant, rehabilitation
diagnosis of, 182–184 following, 263
etiology of, 182 using passive tendon implant, rehabilitation
postoperative considerations following, following, 262–263
184–185 repair of, adhesion formation following,
treatment of, 181–186 201–202
in emergency department, 184 biologic approaches to, 206–207
outcomes of, 185–186 biology of, 268
surgical technique for, 184 biomechanics of, 141–143
injuries of, delayed treatment of, including blocking exercises following, 257, 258
grafting, 219–243 causes of failure of, 267
free tendon grafts in. See Free tendon grafts. clinical outcomes associated with, 199–210
intrasynovial, repair and rehabilitation of, approaches to improve, 205–207
advances in, 159 evaluation of, 204–205
structure and nutrition of, 159–160 experience over past 15 years, 199–201
lacerations of, effect of digit posture on, 154, extent of injuries influencing, 203
155 factors affecting, 201–203
incisions for repair of, 154, 155 surgical skills influencing, 203
pediatric, injuries of, 253–256 controlled motion program following, 258
complications of, 255 core suture placement for, 160–161
delayed diagnosis of, 255 differential tendon gliding exercises
diagnosis of, 253–254 following, 257, 258
postoperative rupture in, 255 Duran program following, 259, 260

early active motion following, 259–262 I

epitendinous suture configuration for, 161 Immobilization program, following flexor tendon
history of, 123–127 repair, 257–258, 259
joint stiffness following, 203
Kleinert program following, 258–259, 260 Interpositional devices, for flexor tenolysis, 214
primary, immobilization program
following, 257–258, 259
rehabilitation following, 257–262 J
principles of, 267 Jersey finger, 167
reconstruction of, and tenolysis of,
Joint, and bone, repair of, in treatment of
rehabilitation after, 257–265
complex flexor tendon injuries, 189, 190, 191
rehabilitation following, optimization of,
repair site gap biochemistry and, 161–162
repair site gap formation following, 161 K
rupture repair following, 202–203 Kleinert program, following flexor tendon repair,
sheath/pulley management for, 205–206 258–259, 260
stronger surgical repairs for, 205 Kleinert splint, with palmar pulley, 258
suture techniques for, 160
tendon forces and, 142–143 Knives, for flexor tenolysis, 213–214
testing of, methods for, 142, 143
surgery of, future of, 267–273
zones of, 151, 152 L
Flexor tenolysis. See Tenolysis, flexor. Lubricals, 139

Forearm, volar surface of, and palm, anatomy of,

Frayed tendon program, following tenolysis, 234, Mesenchymal stem cells, for tendon healing,
264 268–269
Free tendon grafts, donor tendons for, 221 Motion program, controlled, following flexor
in division of flexor digitorum profundus and tendon repair, 258
superficialis, 219–220 early active, following flexor tendon repair,
indications for, 220–221 259–262
postoperative care following, 225
surgical technique for, 221–224, 225, 226
with intact flexor digitorum superficialis, 225 N
Nerve damage, repair of, in treatment of complex
G flexor tendon injuries, 191–192
Galen, tendon repair and, 123–124
Gene therapy, for tendon healing, 270–271
Gene transfer, viral vectors for, in tendon healing, Palm, and volar surface of forearm, anatomy of,
270–271 181–182
Groin flaps, in complex injuries of flexor tendons, Palmaris longus tendon, 181
Proximal interphalangeal joint, blocking exercise,
following tenolysis, 263, 264
Hand, anatomy of flexor tendon in, 151, 152
function of, restoration following flexor R
tendon injury, 267
Rock climbing, flexor tendon pulley system and,
Hunter, John, tendon repair and, 124 136

S Tenolysis, as salvage procedure, 219

Skin flaps, cross-finger, in complex injuries of flexor, 211–217
flexor tendons, 193 adjunctive modalities for, 214–215
groin, in complex injuries of flexor tendons, anesthesia for, 212, 227–228
193–194 as technically difficult, 212
complications of, 216
Skin grafts, in complex injuries of flexor tendons, frayed tendon program and, 234, 264
192–193 indication(s) for, 211, 227, 263
Soft tissues, reconstruction of, in complex flexor indwelling catheter with, 214–215
tendon injuries, 192–194 interpositional devices with, 214
knives for, 213–214
Splint, Kleinert, with palmar pulley, 258
operative considerations for, 227
Steroids, with flexor tenolysis, 214 patient selection for, 263
postoperative considerations following,
Stress relaxation, viscoelasticity and, 130
Strickland/Indiana Hand Center early active postoperative management following, 215
motion protocol, for flexor tendon results of, 215–216
rehabilitation, 259, 261 steroids with, 214
surgical technique for, 212–216, 228–233
T timing of, 211–212, 227
tourniquet for, 228
Tendon(s), anatomy of, 129
proximal interphalangeal joint blocking
finger-moving, 136–139
exercise following, 263, 264
flexor. See Flexor tendons.
rehabilitation program following, 263, 264
healing of, 187–188
cell-based strategies for, 268–269 TGF-b cytokine, for tendon healing, 270
gene therapy for, 270–271
Thumb, flexor sheath and pulleys of, 151, 154
molecular medicine for, 269–270
phases of, 268 Tissue engineering, for tendon healing, 269
injured, treatment of, history of, 123–124 Tourniquet, for flexor tenolysis, 228
mechanical properties of, 130
microarchitecture of, 129, 130
quality of, patient age and, 132
response to cyclic loading, hysteresis and, 131,
132 Vincula, 152, 154
time-dependent factors and, 130–132 Viral vectors, for gene transfer in tendon healing,
viscoelastic properties of, 130–131 270–271
Tendon implant, active, for flexor tendon Viscoelastic properties, of tendon, 130–131
reconstruction, rehabilitation following, 263
passive, for flexor tendon reconstruction,
rehabilitation following, 262–263 W
Tenodesis cascade, normal, of fingers, 175 Wrist, anatomy of flexor tendon at, 151, 152

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