Autumn Matrix

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JJ Allen

Blooms Taxonomy




tell, list, define, label,

recite, memorize,
repeat, find, name,
record, fill in, recall,

locate, explain, summarize,

identify, describe, report,
discuss, review, paraphrase,
restate, retell, show, outline,

demonstrate, construct, record, compare, contrast, classify,

use, diagram, revise, reformat, critique, categorize, solve,
illustrate, interpret, dramatize, deduce, examine, differentiate,
practice, organize, translate,
appraise, distinguish, investigate,
manipulate, convert, adapt,
categorize, infer
research, calculate, operate,
model, order, display,
implement, sequence, integrate,

Students will define
poetry, debate, story-telling, season. Students must
essay, checklist, journal
list all seasons and
when those seasons
occur throughout the

Students will write about

which season is their
favorite and explain why
with at least 3 specific

Students will keep a journal

through the month of October.
Journal entries will be done at
least twice a week. Students
will write about what it looks
like outside and how it has
changed from what they have
seen in previous days. They
will need to include an
illustration per journal entry.

drawing, model, poster,
photograph, storyboard,
illustration, board game

Students will draw a

picture of a
Thanksgiving dinner.
They will label at least
7 different foods found
at their meal.

Students will summarize the

meaning of Thanksgiving
with things that they are
thankful for through
illustration. They will share
with the class what they
have drawn.

With assistance from the

Students will be given a number As a class, students will
teacher, students will practice a of leaf samples. They will have to create a poster with
Thanksgiving play. Once ready, classify which tree the leaf came estimations of when the
the play will be recorded and from using a tree identification first snowfall will occur.
videos can be sent home with book.
Students will have to
students to share with family
write 1-2 sentences why
and friends.
they chose the date that
they have.

diagram, outline, timeline,
chart, critique, graph

While on a field trip to Students will be given a

a pumpkin farm,
worksheet with hidden
students will be asked Halloween objects. They
to record every time
will have to locate (by
they see specific items coloring) the items and
(pumpkins, scarecrows, count to total how many of
etc.) They will chart
each they have found.
that information when
they return to school.

Students will be given a bar

Students will survey peers on
Students will graph the Students will formulate a
graph. They will answer simple their favorite Halloween
weather forecast patterns pie graph based on favorite
math problems by what they character (based on specific given for 2 weeks.
Halloween candies
can interpret from the graph. characters). They will chart the
surveyed by the class.
information collected from the
survey. They will compare and
contrast which group had the
most and least and other
differences or similarities.


On a nature walk,

Students will be asked to pick a Students will compare and

Gardners Multiple

Students will collect the




judge, predict, verify,

assess, justify, rate,
prioritize, determine,
select, decide, value,
choose, forecast,

compose, design,
hypothesize, formulate,
create, invent, develop,
refine, produce, transform

Students will compare and

Students will have to
Students will create a
contrast a leaf from a tree during draw a picture of what poem based on their
the summer season and a leaf
they think the weather favorite season.
from a tree during the fall season. will be like on their
Students will write what is
birthday using their
different between the leaves.
knowledge about
Students will have to be able to weather conditions
briefly explain why leaves
during the different
change color.
seasons. They will have
to write and explain why
their illustration.
Students will be given
playdoh and be asked to
create something from the
first Thanksgiving story (a
food, a person, a
decoration, etc.) Teacher
will assist students in
designing a diagram to put
their creations on display

Students will chose 1 fall Students will draw a

classification, collection,
students will be asked leaves they have found on
display, observation, forecast, to find 3 different types the nature walk and will
investigation, simulation,
of leaves.
have to describe their leaves
exhibit, identification
in 1-2 sentences.

fruit or vegetable that grows in contrast their fruit or vegetable

the fall. They will draw a
with a classmate by making
picture of this fruit or vegetable observations of the drawing.
and label the parts.

fruit or vegetable that

they believe is the best
and tell why it is the

Students will sing
song, rap, lyrics, composition, Leaves are falling
jingle, slogan, melody
song and list any
repeating words.

Students will sing Fall

Leaves and sequence what
color leaves and how many of
that color leaf correctly when

Students will use the song Fall

Leaves to compare and contrast
what color leaves were
mentioned and how many were
mentioned of each.

Students will select a fall Students will work

themed song or poem to together in groups and
share with the class.
with the assistance of the
Students will learn the teacher to come up with a
song or poem and
fall slogan.
sing/say it all together.

Students will sing and dance to Students will investigate the

the Turkey Pokey.
weight of different pumpkins by
first holding each to see which is
heavier and then weighing the

Students will estimate Students will create their

how many pieces of yarn own Halloween dance and
it will take to cover their perform in front of their
small pumpkin.

Students will log and Students will write one thing Students will write about the Students will classify foods into
journal, log, goal statement, list different things they they wish to do before
sequence in which the seasons categories based on what season
belief statement, selfsee on a nature walk. winter and explain how they change and why the seasons
they best grow.
assessment, editorial
will go about achieving this change.

Students will log their Students will write to

predictions of the
persuade others why their
weather for the following favorite season is the best.
day for a week.

discussion, roundtable,
service learning,
conversation, group activity,
position statement, interview

Students will listen to As a class we will design a

different weather
class project we could do
descriptions of different to summarize our
days. Students will be understanding of the
able to first discuss with autumn season.
peers what season they
think the day is occurring
and then we will discuss
as entire class.

role play, skit, pantomime,
dance, invention, lab,
improvisation, prototype

Students will have to recall

the steps to the changing
season after watching the
YouTube video Autumn
Leaves are Falling Down.

Students will match

Students will play fall
colored clothespins to themed simon says.
colored feathers on a

Students will listen to

the read aloud
Awesome Autumn
and we will have a
class discussion on
what new things they
have learned about fall.

Students will help rake

Students will be asked to bring
leaves around the school and in fall items. As a class we will
write 1-2 sentences about make a fall diorama with the
the experience.
items they have brought.

As a class, we will research fall

traditions and differentiate
similarities and differences
amongst the ones our class

picture of a tree on the

nature walk. When the
return to the classroom
they will create another
illustration predicting what
that tree will look like in
the winter, spring, and

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