Sony Corporation - PEST & SWOT Analysis
Sony Corporation - PEST & SWOT Analysis
Sony Corporation - PEST & SWOT Analysis
In this assessment there will be information containing PEST and SWOT analysis for
Sony Corporation. There will also be a PEST and SWOT analysis conducted for one
of Sony’s products which is the Sony Ericsson Satio mobile phone.
Currently the state of our economy is not in a good position. From all the historic
recessions, we are currently reported to be in the worst one. The economic
growth has shrunk which means that the growth of the economy is negative. The
recession and the credit crunch may be deducted over the next year.
Economically, due to this many changes can occur such as the interest and
exchanges rates. Due to the recession being deducted in the near future,
exchange rates may also decrease, however steadily. Sony must be aware of
any trading restrictions the Government has made. Since Sony is an international
company the exchange rates can be different to whichever country they trade
with. If the exchange rates in different countries have changed, Sony would need
Technological factors for Sony Corporation are very important to study. Sony
Corporation works around the use of technology every day. It depends on
technology so that it may provide efficient productivity of work internationally.
Sony would use upgraded and new technology to increase its productivity level
and to stay ahead of its competitors. Sony would need to use new technology to
conduct its research and development which would help the business create new
products using customer information and also by conducting market research.
Strengths Weaknesses
Sony able to create high quality Within the last few years Sony has
products for its customers. been making a loss with a few of
History of products shows that its products.
the business is very reputable. Sales of all products are
Engineers have learnt from the seemingly starting to slow down.
past failures and so they can The company has no sense of
produce and work better direction and is not being
The company is very competitive managed properly.
towards other companies. The functional departments within
Sony is able to expand its markets the organisation are not
and work to produce various communicating with one another
products. and so productivity has
Opportunities Threats
The engineering department has Sony Corporation has competitors
increased in size and so therefore which are more powerful, such as
are working harder. Microsoft.
Sony is known not to copy any of Recent reports show that most of
its competitors and so more their products are forged and sold
reputation is gained as fakes, which means that some
The marketing department has of Sony’s reputation is decreased.
increased advertising techniques Sony also lacks the direction of
in order to attract new customers strategy which means its
Sony is trying to sell their high competitors could be doing better.
quality products cheaper to attract Competitors achieving most of
customers Sony’s customers due to the fact
Sony Corporation may decide to that their products are achieving
expand more overseas. various market types.
Strengths Weaknesses
The Playstation 3 is considered The cost of the product is
to be a high quality product. extremely higher than its
As well as gaming it also allows competitors.
users to access the internet Most people were disappointed
and allow them to play video because of the late release of
and audio files. the product.
Many people are attracted to The product uses Blu-Ray
the product due to its format which means that the
predecessor’s reputation. games sold for the PS3 are
The product is well known due expensive.
to its HD (high definition) Sony has not made much profit
functionality. from selling the Playstation 3.
Opportunities Threats
The PS3 system is capable of The competition of the console
being updated if the user is being sold more such as the
wishes. Nintendo Wii and the Xbox 360.
The PS3 system is the latest The Xbox 360 is known to have
and newest console. better interface and upgrades
The console has a lot of are more available.
reputation due to its More people would prefer the
predecessors. Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii
The console has many varieties rather than the Playstation 3.
of storage options so people
can save or back up anything
on the console.
The console can be bought in
bundle packs, for example with
two controllers and two games
or without.
The PEST analysis for Sony’s product is the same as the business.
This assessment will contain vital and essential information consisting of PEST and
SWOT analysis and the differences between them. The organisation that I have
chosen to use as an example is Sony Corporation. I will then choose which type of
marketing technique is better for Sony Corporation.
Sony Corporation would use these factors to monitor the external factors of the
business. PEST can be useful towards Sony Corporation because it can be used to
identify any new legislation, trading restrictions, VAT, tax laws, social trends,
technological improvements etc.
PEST can also be used as a marketing technique towards Sony business Sony
marketers would want to know how well the business is running. By using PEST
Sony marketers can develop new strategies to help develop the business overall.
They could do this by advertising new products or advertising the company and its
Sony Corporation can use SWOT analysis to monitor its Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats. Strengths can be useful towards Sony because it would
help them identify attributes which help them in achieving their objectives.
Weaknesses can be helpful towards Sony because it would be providing them with
information concerning attributes which are harmful towards achieving objectives.
Opportunities are external factors which can help the business achieve its objectives.
Threats are external factors which could do damage towards the business.
Using SWOT analysis at Sony Corporation can be very helpful as they would be
notified of both their strengths and weaknesses; however the company may only
concentrate on their strengths and try to improve them. This is because businesses
tend to overlook weaknesses of the business. SWOT analysis can be used to
identify Sony’s current business standing and also how far or behind it is from its
competitors. This would give Sony the incentive to work further towards reaching
their aims and objectives.