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Reflection and Self Evaluation

Reflection and Self Evaluation

DM1- Diversity
I used culturally responsive curricula in my teacher work sample lessons and instruction
by using different forms of modifications and accommodations. During my students teaching I
have had the opportunity to get to know my students interests, abilities, and personalities. I
incorporated ways to help support these students in each lesson.
My students come from diverse backgrounds with different cultures and ways of
thinking. For example, many of my students come from homes that only speak Spanish. On some
occasions these students lack the necessary vocabulary to be successful. To help these students I
was very explicit in vocabulary instruction. I had the students talk about the word, read the word,
hear the word, and even act the word out.
There are a couple of students in the class that have behavior issues. Some of these issues
include having a hard time focusing, always getting up, and even violent acts. To help these
students be successful I used some techniques during my lessons. I made sure to always
explicitly state my expectations before each transition or activity. Activities that allowed the
students to get up and move around also helped the students that have a lot of energy to release
that energy in a way that was benefitting them and the rest of the class.
I have learned that a lot of the boys in the class love sports. I incorporated a Bill Nye
video into a lesson on the moon phases. In this video Bill Nye relates running the bases on a
baseball field to the phases of the moon. The boys loved this video. They were able to connect to
the new concept to something they already know and love.

DM2- Effective Pedagogy

Reflection and Self Evaluation

I used technology in many ways to support instruction and extend student learning. I used
the Smart Board in many ways to increase student learning. I used the Smart Board to display
many visuals. I created slide shows with visuals that helped the lesson flow. The students were
able to view videos about the subject matter on the Smart Board.
I also had the students use technology during the unit. The students love getting to use the
iPads and Chrome Books. I have learned that if I want my students to be really engaged and
focused on something, let them use technology. The students used apps on the iPads to explore
similarities and differences in the physical characteristics of the Earth and moon. The students
applied their background knowledge and through self discovery and exploration they were able
to add to their knowledge. The students used Chrome Books for the review activity at the end of
the unit. I created a quiz on This is a website that was designed to create quizzes and
surveys. The students get on to the website and log into the game and get to answer the
questions on their computers. The class all works at the same time on the same question. At the
end of each round it shows who is in the lead. This is also very motivation because it appeals to
the students competitive sides.
DM3- Subject Matter
Before writing and teaching this unit I had a basic knowledge in most of the areas I
would be teaching about. I was not very confident in teaching because I did not have an in depth
knowledge of the concepts I would be teaching. After conducting research on concepts such as
phases of the moon, Earths movement, and the impact other astronomical phenomenon have on
our lives.
As the unit continued my students asked me questions more in depth about the topics
were were discussing and discovering. The students would ask why certain things happened or

Reflection and Self Evaluation

wanted to know the exact size of the Earth and moon. Most of the questions I could answer and
explain using my background knowledge from my research but some I could not. I either told the
students that I would look it up and let them know what I found the next day, ask the student to
find the answer to their question to share with the class, or take the time to discover the answer
right then.
DM4- Environment
I created a physically and emotionally safe classroom environment first by showing my
students that I cared for them. I showed my students that I cared more about them than how well
they were preforming or what their behavior was like. I have made it a point to create
relationships with the students but still holding onto my position as someone with authority.
I also created a physically and emotionally safe classroom by explicitly stating
expectations multiple times and have conversations with the students about what it means to be
responsible and respectful means. A lot of the students in the class struggle with controlling their
behavior. They tend to act impulsively, sometimes hurting other with their words or physically.
When situations like this happened I had conversations with everyone involved. I would talk to
the students about how they might have changed their behavior so that everyone involved would
win. If a student hurts a classmate they have to apologize by looking their classmate in the eyes
and being specific of what they are sorry about.
I have learned a lot about classroom management and different strategies in the past
couple of months. My mentor uses a lot of positive classroom management strategies. I have
used a lot of the same ones as her. I have learned through things that I have read and my own
personal observation that by spending your time praising positive behavior instead of trying to
correct negative behavior will creating a more caring classroom environment. If I notice that a

Reflection and Self Evaluation

student is not on task I will move closer to that student and give praise to a student that is on task
that is close to that student. This helps build a positive relationship with the student that is on
task and it cues the off task student to get to work in a way that is not embarrassing to him or her.
Other classroom management strategies I have used are table or group points. This really
gets the students motivated because they are very competitive. I have found that having the
students compete against me is incredibly motivating. They would get their books out so fast and
so quietly if I told them that I was going to get a point if they did not have it done in a certain
about of time. I have also used a blurt chart. It is a chart with each students name on it with three
tabs. Each time a student shouts out I would pull a tab. I did this subtly but the student could see
that his or her tab was being pulled and this cued them to get back on task without me having to
say anything. Another thing that I have just started is Classdojo. This is a website that we put
each one of the students in. I also have the app on my phone so I can use it anywhere in the
room. If a student is on task they will get a dojo point and a ding sound will be make. If a student
is off task he or she will lose a dojo point and a dong sound will be made. This is an effective
tool because it is a quick reminder to all students to be on task when they hear either sound. It is
also effective because the students do not know who is getting points. I have noticed that when I
take away a point from one students the other off task students also get back on task. Although, I
have a lot to learn about classroom management and creating a safe environment for all students,
I have a solid foundation and understanding of these two things.
DM5- Reflection
The data I have collected has helped me evaluate the outcomes of my teaching and of
student learning throughout the unit. Through data and analysis of student learning I have been
able to evaluate and understand what the students learned and what they still need to learn.

Reflection and Self Evaluation

Through this process I have also learn which areas I was most effective as a teacher and what
parts of the tests were not effective.
As I analyzed the class as a whole, subgroups, and focus students I found that the
majority of the students did learn. They made improvements on almost each question from the
test. I found some of the question unreliable. Only two students got question number ten on the
assessment correct. After reviewing the content that this question was asking almost everyday
and from formative assessments I am confident that more that two of the students in the class
understand the concepts. This allows me to see that number ten was a question that was
confusing to many of the students.
DM6- Teaching Disposition
I have had a lot of personal growth and learning as I taught this unit. I learned and
implemented new instructional strategies and focused on classroom management. My mentor
teacher and I noticed that my lessons were a little choppy and did not flow very well from one
activity to the other. To correct this I started to make power points for my lesson. This not only
help me be a more effective teacher but it also helped the students because the visuals were right
there. If I was asking the students to talk in a group about a question, the question would be on
the screen. This was also nice because it reduced the amount of times I was asked to repeat the
I also learned how important it is to give extremely clear directions and expectations
before doing an activity to the student. For example, during the phases of the moon lesson I did
not clearly explain what the outcome of the activity would be. I just told the students that they
needed to draw what they saw the best they could and stay in their spot. I did not explain to the
students why these were important to the end result. I also learned to anticipate student behavior.

Reflection and Self Evaluation

As I learned this I became more and more aware of the times in my lesson that I would need to
stop and state expectation on how to use a tool properly. I would also need to prepare things
ahead of time to avoid conflict. If the students were working in groups I would organize groups
before the lesson started.
The caring and professional relationships I have developed with my students have
defiantly had an impact of student learning. I have noticed that throughout this unit and my
student teaching that the more I get to know the students the more compliant and excited they are
to my directions. I know from personal experience that I do know learn as well from teachers
that I do not like or respect. Our students are the same why. The more a students respects you the
more they are willing to work hard and behave for you.

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