Wwii Propaganda Lesson Plan
Wwii Propaganda Lesson Plan
Wwii Propaganda Lesson Plan
3) (15 minutes) Teacher will hand back World War I anthologies and discuss them with the
a. Teacher will go over areas of weakness in the anthologies (analyses)
b. Teacher will provide tips for how to improve the analyses in the future.
4) (15 minutes) Teacher will analyze another propaganda poster accompanied with an
example analysis so that students have a guide for writing a proficient analysis for their
World War II anthologies
5) (10 minutes) Teacher will collect propaganda worksheet (this will serve as the formal
assessment for the lesson) and remind students that the 3rd quarter ends on April 4th.
Teacher reminds students that the World War II war anthology is due on April 2nd and that
the skills learned today should be utilized when working on the assignment.
a. Closure activity: Teacher will ask student to underline and identify the who, what
where, when how, and why in the example analysis handed out to them. Identifying
these sections reinforces what needs to be in an effective analysis paragraph.
1) Students with disabilities were given typed out information about the propaganda poster
before the class worked on their example analysis. This gave them the background
knowledge necessary to assist them without requiring them to look it up on their own.
2) Also, when students with disabilities work on their war anthologies I will provide the
sources for them instead of having them find the sources themselves. This way the
students are only responsible for analyzing the sources given to them.