International Maritime English Conference 21

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L. t. d.

International Maritime
Lecturers Association

Maritime University
of Szczecin




Szczecin, Poland
0610 October, 2009


Elbieta Pluciska
Barbara Dynowska
Marzena Kumiska
Dorota Curzydo
Dorota Maziec
Micha Maksymiec


Marta Baranowska
Elbieta Pluciska

Monika Jagielska

Elwira Goryczko

Copyright by Akademia Morska Szczecin 2009

ISBN 978-83-89901-37-8

70-506 Szczecin, ul. Starzyskiego 8

tel. 091 48 09 645, 48 09 616; e-mail: [email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland



(Peter Trenkner) . 5



NATIONAL FLAG? (Sawomir Jacek Baazy) ..... 11



(Maria Radwaska) 13



(Taner Albayrak, Reza Ziarati) ...................................................................................... 39


MANAGING CULTURAL DIVERSITY (Carmen Chirea-Ungureanu, Mircea

Georgescu) . 49



PROCESS (Boris Pritchard, Sandra Tominac) ..... 57



GENRES (Milena Deverdanovi) 73



TRANSLATION OF RSC (Luo Weihua, Zhangzhen) ... 85



(Hooshang Khoshsima, Ali Asghar Rostami Abusaidi) . 93



PROCESS (Tatyana Polskaya) .. 101



(Ioana Raluca Vian) .. 111






IN THE CLASSROOM (Casilda Garca de la Maza) .. 129



LANGUAGE LEARNERS? (Ghada Hozayen) 139






(Denis Drown, Robert Mercer, Gary Jeffrey, Stephen Cross) ... 165





(Maria oziska) 187



(Barbara Katarzyska) ................................................................................................... 189

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland



(Liudmila Anufrieva) .. 193



TEACHING AND LEARNING (Ioana Raluca Visan, Carmen Chirea-Ungureanu,
Corina Popescu) . 201






(Paula Manolache) . 223



ASPECTS OF ASSESSMENT AND TESTING (Sandra Tominac, Boris Pritchard) ... 233



STANDARDS (Serhan Sernikli, Aydin Sihmantepe) 239



Hannie Stok-Knol) . 241






(Elena Nikoulina) 261



TEACHING (Uta Buttler).. 263



COMMUNICATION PHRASES (Stephen Murrell). 265



AN ACCIDENT AT SEA (Jolanta Kiebratowska) .. 275





IN TEACHING MARITIME ENGLISH (Heba Saber El-Sayed, Ghada Hozayen) . 281



(Ewa lufarska-Miczyska, Zbigniew Tamilin) ... 283



Yoko Uchida) . 297



(Heba Saber El-Sayed) ...... 299



Joe) . 301



International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Peter Trenkner
Wismar University Dept. of Maritime Studies
Warnemnde, Germany


The wording of the requirements regarding Maritime English instruction and application laid down
in the revised STCW Convention of 1995 (hereafter STCW95) have to be regarded as progress compared to the original document of 1978. However, the former minimum standards with regard to the
Maritime English competence for deck and engineer officers are set out explicitly only in three tables
whereas more than one hundred rules, regulations, provisions, etc. tacitly require a sound command of
Maritime English. This situation has frequently been criticized, especially by Maritime English instructors at MET institutions who understandably wish to relate their teaching to a clear legal basis
which leaves no room for conflicting interpretations.
In this paper a suggestion is submitted on how to change the situation outlined above to improve
the ongoing revision of the present STCW Convention thus meeting the justifiable request of Maritime
English lecturers. The paper furthermore points out how this suggestion could be accommodated in the
STCW Convention as revised to ensure that essential progress is being made which would considerably
contribute to improving the quality of Maritime English instruction, and consequently to promoting
safety at sea and in ports.
Keywords: STCW revision, Maritime English requirements

The revision of the STCW 1978 Convention completed in 1995 (IMO 1995) has to be regarded as essential progress compared to the original document as special attention has been
given to realizing competency-oriented rather than purely knowledge-based Maritime Education, Training (MET) and assessment. The human element was given higher priority and thus
the emphasis was shifted to people, i.e. the development of skills, proficiency, knowledge,
understanding and competency among those who have to fulfil the tasks and duties assigned
to them on board. Requirements regarding Maritime English instruction for deck and engineer
officers were also referred to for the first time, although it soon became obvious that this important area of MET had not been the prime concern of IMO when drafting the 1995 revision
of the STCW.
In the past decade, however, new challenges facing the maritime industry have emerged.
The IMO, considering the current and predictable developments in the shipping world, felt
that a new review of the Convention had to be undertaken which should provide global standards of training for seafarers for a considerable length of time as the Chairman of IMO
Sub-Committee on Standards of Training and Watchkeeping (STW), Admiral Peter Brady recently postulated (Brady 2008).
Hence, accepting the advance launched by the STW Sub-Committee in 2006 (IMO
2006(1)), its superior Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) approved the areas of the Conven5

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

tion for a comprehensive review (IMO 2007(1)) and instructed the STW to undertake that review in a systematic and organized manner with the target completion date of 2010.
All IMO member parties and bodies affiliated in one way or the other with the Organization were invited to reasonably contribute to the STCW revision complying with the philosophy and the corresponding principles established by STW (IMO 2007(2)) which are dealt
with later in this paper. The International Maritime Lecturers' Association (IMLA), holding
consultative status at IMO, and especially its Maritime English Sub-Committee also felt challenged and saw that certain shortcomings in the STCW95 identified by the Maritime English
teaching community, were worthy of the Organizations consideration.

2. The Problems
Criticism may occasionally be heard and read with regard to the relevant provisions in the
STCW95 in respect of Maritime English instruction. Such criticisms may be summarised like
Lack of a detailed breakdown of competence to be expected from deck and engineer officers; the standards mentioned are said to be not sufficiently precise to be applied with
the optimum results.
The generalized standards and their assessment are said to be half-baked, ambiguous or
Guidance for assessing oral Maritime English competence is said to be insufficient; no
indication of assessment procedure to certify such competence, so Maritime English
lecturers and MET administrations are left without direction or control in this respect
(Short, 2005).
The ability of completing ships business and administrative correspondence is not required.
Maritime English lecturers find it hard to derive appropriate teaching contents/methods
and curricula from the STCW95.
It is not the concern of this contribution to analyse in detail whether the above statements are
fully justified, but they have to be duly taken into account when the Convention is under review.
To do IMO justice, generally it may be said that when drafting the STCW95 the corresponding requirements were deliberately worded in a generalized manner to give each national
administration the scope to adapt them according to the specific conditions prevailing in their
MET systems and to implement them creatively.
Furthermore, the current version was set at the lowest common denominator practically attainable during many years of in-depth considerations at IMO as the conditions and pretexts
in MET and pre-MET areas of IMO member states vary considerably and could hardly be
placed under one umbrella. Those who are versed with the lyrics of drafting IMO legal documents will know that sensitive diplomacy is required and more than once has politics tended
to dominate subject-matter decision making.
With regard to Maritime English, the STCW95 actually sets out minimum standards regarding the knowledge and competence for deck and engineer officers in the field of Maritime English expressis verbis only in Tables A-II/1 and A-III/1 (English Language), and in
Table A-IV/2 pertaining to GMDSS radio operators. This nonetheless is progress when compared to the STCW Convention of 1978, but a kind of ideological fallacy might occur with
those tables. Especially less experienced Maritime English teachers could be left with the

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

misleading conception that the issues listed reflect the entire contents of Maritime English instruction resulting in inappropriate conclusions being drawn, for instance, when creating
Maritime English teaching aids or syllabi; this might probably be one of the reasons why senior ship officers, chief engineers and personnel managers of shipping companies complain
that their junior officers, though having officially undergone training based on the STCW95,
often do not meet the communication requirements they should render according to their certificates of competence (Short, 2005). Reviewers of the Convention occasionally remark that
this document, having been effective for ten years now, fell essentially short of expectations
in quite a few regards.

3. The Option
What has to be pointed out to Maritime English lecturers and designers of teaching/testing
materials, methods and syllabi is that there are more than a hundred rules, regulations, provisions and other directive stipulations in STCW95, the enforcement of which tacitly and implicitly requires a sound command of Maritime English otherwise the corresponding requirements will not be met. Or, in other words, although it is not directly mentioned for some
competences, English language is to be considered whenever communication is required as
a competence (Cmert et al., 2002). From a long list of examples (Cole & Trenkner 2008)
two are selected here to illustrate the fact:
According to STCW Chapter II, Table AII/1 for the deck officer at operational level the
following competence has to be rendered as a response to a distress signal: Contingency
plans and instructions in standing orders are implemented and complied with.
Chapter III, Table AIII/1, requires of the engineer officer at operational level, when controlling the operation of the ship, the following competence: Prevent, control and fight fires
on board and the ability to organize fire drills. S/he has to be able of making reports and informing the personnel on board (IMO, 1995).
Recalling that mixed crews on board foreign-going vessels are the rule nowadays it is
practically impossible for them to fulfil the duties quoted from the STCW95 without exercising a sound command of Maritime English, which is not explicitly demanded by these regulations and others but tacitly taken for granted.
It is perhaps no exaggeration to hold that Maritime English is the comprehensively penetrating medium of the STCW Convention and will definitely remain so in the forthcoming revision (The SOLAS Convention 2004 ).
Maritime English instructors at MET institutions wish to understandably relate their teaching and research to a clear legal basis which leaves no room for conflicting interpretations.
This means that the problems outlined above have to be considered and ways found how to
change the situation outlined for the better in the course of the ongoing revision of the
STCW95, thus meeting the justifiable requests of Maritime English lecturers. Furthermore,
a proposal should be offered on how an appropriate suggestion could be accommodated in the
STCW Convention under revision, ensuring that essential progress is being made, which
would considerably contribute to improving the quality of Maritime English instruction and
research, and consequently to promoting safety at sea and in ports.
MSC 83 agreed upon nine basic principles (IMO 2007(1)), which have to be dealt with
during the review of STCW95. Two of these are highly relevant to the topic of this paper:
inconsistencies, interpretations, outdated provisions
requirements for effective communication.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Especially the latter may downright be regarded as an invitation to the Maritime English
teaching community to take part in the revision and to submit suggestions matching the basic
There are theoretically two options of how clearly to elucidate the vital impact Maritime
English proficiency has within the context of the STCW Convention to be revised.
Firstly, for each individual regulation in question advice could be attached that in corresponding communications Maritime English has to be used. Remembering that there are more
than one hundred regulations etc. in the STCW95 requiring Maritime English proficiency for
their realization, it is obvious that this idea is too circumstantial to be realized alone from the
editorial point of view and even not necessary considering the other option.
This option is by far more convincing and reflects the author's view. Taking into account
that almost 90% of the worlds merchant vessels presently sail with multilingual crews, and
considering the communication problems involved, the EU Member States and the European
Commission submitted the following suggestion to IMO relating to the forthcoming revision
of the STCW95 which reads:
Effective communication
Each administration shall hold companies responsible for ensuring that there are at all
times on board all ships adequate means in place for effective oral communication and
communication between the ship and the shore based authorities in accordance with Chapter V, Regulation 14, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the SOLAS Convention, relating to safety and
security, between all members of a ship's crew, especially with regard to the correct and
timely reception and understanding of messages and instructions (IMO 2006(2)).
This suggestion of the EU is a remarkable step in the direction that the Maritime English
teaching family fully supports if this advance should be agreed upon by IMO, it would give
validity to, and entail far reaching advantages for Maritime English as a subject of instruction
and research and its reputation as a comparatively newly established knowledge area.
However, considering the impact that Maritime English proficiency has on the best possible
realization of the future of the STCW Convention, it is meaningful when the following concrete extension is added to the suggestion above with the intention of providing a substantial
contribution to further promote the issue in question:
Whenever a provision in the Convention requires language communication for its realization within an international context, the preferred medium for the interchange of
corresponding intelligence among the personnel concerned should be Maritime English in
specified forms; for safety related verbal ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore and on board communications the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) should be applied in
preference to other wording of similar meaning.
This intent, preferably added to Chapter I, Regulation I/14a of the new Convention or introduced at another appropriate place therein, would dispose of any arguments regarding the
imprecisely drafted Maritime English requirements and the other criticism mentioned, and it
would make any further detailed reference to the use of Maritime English in the Convention
superfluous. This approach would ensure that essential progress will be made and would considerably contribute to improving the quality of Maritime English instruction at MET institutions, thus promoting safety at sea and in ports (Cole & Trenkner, 2008).

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

4. Conclusion
It is felt that the activity of the Maritime English teaching community outlined above is
fully in accordance with IMOs pronounced strategy for the years to come:
The challenge for IMO is to place increased emphasis on the contribution of the human
element to safer, more secure and environmentally friendly shipping and continuously to
improve measures aimed at enhancing human performance in the maritime industry (IMO
The International Maritime Lecturers Association in co-ordination with the International
Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), both holding consultative status at IMO, and
probably further governmental and non-governmental organisations, are particularly invited
to contribute to the revision of the document taking into account the justified requests of
Maritime English instructors. Worth noting is that the German delegation to the STW has announced its full support to this proposal once a corresponding advance is made at the STW.
IMEC 21, which represents high profile body of expertise, is an appropriate forum and an
excellent opportunity for views to be exchanged on the problems touched upon here. We all
have a vital interest in the development of a qualified STCW Convention forming a sound
foundation of teaching and research in the field of Maritime English.
The 41st meeting of the STW in February 2010 will be one of the last opportunities to submit our ideas to IMO. The IMEC 21 delegates will be asked to authorize the IMEC Steering
Committee to pass on a corresponding note to the IMLA Chair for submission to the STW 41
with the deadline of November 20, 2009.


Brady, P. (2008). The Timeliness of the STCW Convention/Code Revision, Keynote delivered at the 16th IMLA Conference, Izmir, Turkey, 14 Oct. 2008, p. 2.
2. Cmert, A., Deniz C., Yamamoto, H. (2002). Teaching English as a Maritime Language and
a Model of Maritime English Curricula for Non-native English Speaking Seafarers. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Maritime English, Istanbul, Turkey, ITUMF-JIOA, p.
3. Cole, C. & Trenkner, P. (2008). The Yardstick for Maritime English STCW Assessment
Puposes. Proceedings of the 16th IMLA Conference on MET, Izmir, Turkey, Dokuz Eylul
University, p. 170.
4. Cole, C. & Trenkner, P. (2008). Developing Training and Watchkeeping Standards the
Maritime English Yardstick in the Revised STCW Context Annex 1. Proceedings of the
20th International Maritime English Conference (IMEC 20), Shanghai, PR China, Shanghai Maritime University, pp I-14 I-15.
5. IMO (1995). International Convention on Standards of Training, Watchkeeping and Certification 1978 as amended 1995. London 1995.
6. IMO (2004). International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea. London 2004, Chapter V, Regulation 14/3.
7. IMO (2006(1)). Sub Committee on Standards of Training and Watchkeeping. STW 37/18, 2.
8. IMO (2006(2)). Sub Committee on Standards of Training and Watchkeeping STW 39/7/11.
9. IMO (2007(1)). Maritime Safety Committee. MSC 83/12, 2007.
10. IMO (2007(2)). Sub Committee on Standards of Training and Watchkeeping. STW
38/WP. 7.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

11. IMO (2007(3)). Strategic Plan for the Organization (for the six-year period 2008 2023).
12. A25-Res. 989.
13. Short, V. (2005). The IMO Convention Standards of Certification, Training and Watchkeeping.
14. STCW 95 Are Minimum Standards Sufficient? Proceedings of the 17th International
Maritime English Conference (IMEC 17), Marseille France, 04-07 Oct. 2005.
15. The SOLAS Convention 2004 goes, in one detail, a little bit further than the STCW Convention 1995 when it requires "English shall be used on the bridge as the working language for bridge-to-bridge and bridge-to-shore safety communication as well as for communications on board between the pilot and bridge watchkeeping personnel" and advises
the use of IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases in this context (IMO 2004).


Curriculum Vitae


Prof. Dr. Peter Trenkner

has been working for more than 45 years as a Maritime English/Maritime Communication lecturer;
since 1994 he has been a full professor of Maritime Communication at Wismar University, Germany, Faculty of Maritime Studies, retired in February 2006 but continues lecturing at university
and internationally;
during his career he served as a training officer onboard merchant marine vessels;
frequently he presented at conferences worldwide for which he was also scientifically responsible,
and published numerous articles and relevant textbooks;
the principal author of the IMO - Standard Marine Communication Phrases (IMO-SMCP);
holds or held different influential positions in international associations such as President of the International German Association for Maritime English (GAME), member of the IMLA Committee
and Chairman of the IMLA International Maritime English Conference (IMEC);
got involved in various international R/D projects and is registered as consultant to IMO in Maritime English;
in 2001 he headed an IMO Technical Assistance Team that visited the PR China;
was honoured with the highest maritime decoration of the Federal Republic of Germany for Extraordinary Merits regarding Navigation and the Sea. Since February 2006 he is an Honorary
Member of the International Maritime Lecturers Association and since 2007 also of the German
Association for Maritime English.
Wismar University Faculty of Maritime Studies
Warnemnde, Germany
Seenelkenweg 13, 18107 Elmenhorst
Phone: + 49 381 498 58 56
[email protected], [email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Sawomir Jacek Baazy

President of Board of Polsteam SA
Szczecin, Poland


1. Short historical note that presents the so called general statistics (number of owners, number of
vessels, capacity of them etc.) that show the slowdown of Polish maritime potential over the last
two and a half decades.
2. Main reasons that influenced the diminishing role of Polish maritime activity especially for
Polish shipowners.
3. Flags of Convenience not always cheap and substandard as a tool that helped to survive
some of the Polish shipping companies.
4. What we have done and what we still have to do so that Polish flag returns.


Curriculum Vitae


Sawomir Jacek Baazy, MSc

after graduating from the University, he joined Polish Steamship Co. in Szczecin in 1982. From the
beginning he was employed in vessels operation division of the company as a specialist and manager;
1989 1992 he rendered his service as a representative of Polish shipowners (i.e. Polish Steamship
Co., Szczecin, Polish Ocean Lines, Gdynia and Polish Baltic Shipping, Kolobrzeg) in Copenhagen, Denmark;
1992 1996 he was employed in Polish Steamship Co. as Manager of Shipping Policy Division
and as Vice-President of egluga Polska SA, the main and the biggest subsidiary of the Polish
Steamship Company;
1996 1999 he was appointed as a Managing Director of Polsteam Iberia SA in Madrid, a company that was the general shipping agency for the vessels of PSC Szczecin that called at Spanish
and Portuguese ports;
after coming back to Poland he was appointed (as) a Director of Economy Policy of the Polish
Steamship Company, Szczecin and in 2001 elected President of the Management Board of egluga
Polska SA.
Technical University of Szczecin, Faculty of Economics (at present University of Szczecin)
egluga Polska SA
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Maria Radwaska
Insurance and Reinsurance Company WARTA S.A.
Szczecin, Poland


The aim of this paper is to demonstrate different ways of using authentic materials to be encountered in the work of a seafarer. The materials in question comprise marine accidents reports
available online, VHF communications, sailing directions, legal documents used in shipping, safety
and/or security instructions.
At first sight it may seem difficult to find correlation between an issue of communication and marine insurance, but the longer I handle marine claims the more Im inclined to agree that the link is extremely crucial.
The present paper is based upon my 25 years of experience in handling marine claims and it aims at
giving the IMEC participants a better idea of what is happening in the world of marine insurance and
how the communication impacts my field of activity.
The paper consists of three parts. Part one underlines the fact that insurance was born at sea and
makes a comparison between marine and non-marine insurance. It is clear when we recognize the underlying cause of the financial losses born by insurers and reinsurers. The natural calamities are main
wrongdoers in non-marine sector, whereas the human error is the root cause of marine claims. Moreover, we note the escalation of claims due to technology revolution, pressure of rapidly growing economy and new political risks.
Part two analyses the lack of proper communication at sea invoking many types of marine claims
both in hull and machinery accidents and third party liability cases (P&I) as well as punitive damages.
Part three focuses attention on proper communication as a remedy of minimizing the aftermaths of
marine accidents. Exploration of the insurance hot-lines, appointment of lawyers, adjusters and surveyors in order to gather evidence and assess an extent of damages and finally taking advantage of the
International Conventions of Limitation of Liability facilitate the survival of the shipowners, even
those being to blame for marine disasters.
Last but not least, it is vital being pro-active, as prevention is better than cure, hence all starts and
ends with proper education andour (i.e. marine insurers) prosperity rests in your hands!
Keywords: marine insurance, marine claims, human error, lack of communication

It is a great pleasure to have an opportunity to say a few words about insurance during this
special meeting. There is a double pleasure for me as for more than 26 years marine insurance
is not only my favourite subject, but a true passion. At first glance it may seem difficult to
find correlation between an issue of communication and marine insurance, but the longer
I handle marine claims the more Im inclined to agree that the link is extremely crucial.
Albert Einstein said that Imagination is more important than knowledge and keeping the
above in mind I would like rather to enrich your imagination, to give you a better idea of what
is happening in the world of marine insurance and how the communication impacts my field
of activity, illustrating that with some practical hints and examples which should appeal to
you better than producing a lengthy report full of statistics and dry as dust rules and
conditions, which sometimes even for insurance practitioners could not be enough exciting.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Having received an invitation as a speaker at this conference I was really excited and, at
the same time, worried, how to give you insight into the complex aspects of marine insurance
within only 30 minutes and to prove that human error, being the root cause of marine claims,
makes them so different from the property and casualty insurances (non-marine ones). However, there is no escape from at least a short introduction to the general meaning of insurance,
in particular, for better understanding of the specific character of marine insurance industry.
The differences pertaining to the marine and non-marine sectors will be addressed in part one of
the presentations. In part two, an emphasis will be given to the lack of proper communication at
sea and inevitable consequence of it: the man-made losses, as marine claims are used to be
classified. The contrasting third part focuses attention on efficient communication as a remedy
of tackling the aftermaths of marine accidents with particular stress on close cooperation with
insurers, where one could paraphrase an old adage that: speaking is silver, silence is gold,
but efficient communication with your insurer is priceless. And on top of it is the importance
of prevention, as the symbolic light at the end of the tunnel, which in the best way would be
illustrated by the chosen scenes out of the dedicated prevention series of DVDs created by one
of the largest P&I Clubs the Steamship Mutual, celebrating this year its 100th anniversary.
Last but not least, the most crucial aspect of prevention is your vital role in education of
future officers and mariners to anticipate problems before they occur, and mitigate the losses
by efficient communication. No doubt, our (i.e. the marine insurers) prosperity rest in your

Marine and Non-marine Insurance

The best method, in which we could describe in a few words what insurance is for, would
be a comparison to happiness and love. Unbelievable! But true. There is an old saying that
love is multiplied when shared and the same you can say about insurance, when a loss
comes, it can be made good (i.e. compensation multiplied) when shared by many. The insurance is very often described as a price for peace of mind, in short, someone cannot sleep
(i.e. an insurer) to let others sleep well (the policy-holders) in exchange of a premium paid to
insurer for protection and payment of an indemnity when an insured peril affects you or your
property. Generally speaking, it is nothing else but a principle tool of risk management which
guarantees a continuity of business in case of misfortune. From the very earliest times of maritime trading it was appreciated by both trades and carries alike that maritime risks constitute
a greater hazard than those encountered on land. In order to minimise this risk, the merchants
assisted their cargo sailing as supercargo on board. Despite their personal involvement and
supervising both stowage, carriage and discharging operations, the losses had occurred; moreover, they could even lose their lives when disaster had happened [40]. Hence, a solution of
sharing the risk of maritime adventure in a form of insurance agreement had appeared, confirming the common opinion that insurance was born at sea. But, nowadays, where the most
common issue is the crisis, a vital question must appear: does the crisis affect insurers and can
we indeed sleep well?
In the light of the above, some doubts may arise as to how it is possible that the insurance
market is still able to compensate all of it. How is the insurance market organised?
Have a look at the Fig.1, in which the simplified division of insurance is depicted. Keeping the division in mind it will be much easier to imagine, where potential losses may go and
who is going to pay for them. In particular, if we consider that in marine insurance the sum

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

insured is reinstated after payment of each claim, and what is more important, even without
charging of additional premium for reinstatements.















Fig. 1.

As far as marine insurance is concerned, you do not need to be an owner of the ship (contrary
to the property and casualty insurance) to buy an insurance cover. All you need is to have an
insurable interest, in other words, to be able to prove that in the case of loss or damage to the insured ship you will be also affected financially by this damage or loss. Anti-fraud rules prevent
someone without an insurable interest buying an insurance policy [43] . Therefore a group of
potential clients of marine underwriters comprises shipowners, ship managers, charterers,
banks (as mortgagees), shipbuilders, ship repairs, port operators, pilots and many others.
The earlier quoted truth about sharing the risks can be easily found even within the insurance market itself. The scale of risk and enormous financial exposure determinates further
sharing of risks among the insurers themselves by ceding the risks to reinsurers. In short, reinsurance is insurance of insurance. Insurance, as a unique type of service is completely based
on trust and clients must feel confident that their carrier (insurers or reinsurers) will be able to
pay their claims in the long run [31]. How to be sure that we can trust the chosen one?
Thankfully, the financial market addressed the problem. The solution is the service of
credit rating agencies highly specialised institutions which enable commercial parties to
assess the risk of non-performance of financial institutions by assigning credit ratings for corporations. The great importance is attached to the risk of getting downgraded by widely recognised companies like: Standard and Poors, A.M. Best, Moodys, or Fitch Ratings.
In general, the more As are admitted to a company, the better. There is a kind of a short
code for risk managers, for example A+ rating means that there is an insurer with strong riskadjusted capitalisation and robust underwriting results, what translates that they have enough
money to pay all outstanding and future claims arising out of written risks.
There is one more example that the insurance market is in the ongoing process of adaptations to clients needs. And again, in order to comprehend how considerable amount of money
is at stake, we have to look at the figures below.
The insurance market is not only the world of insurers, re-insurers, P&I Clubs, brokers or
rating agencies, and although they are the main players, there is also an enormous complementary industry including lawyers, surveyors, experts and consultants, Lloyds agents, clas15

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

sification societies, associations like IUMI, ILU, IMO etc. that coexist with main carriers creating the complex machinery of insurance market, a hive of activity.

Fig. 2. Total global insurance premium volume in 2008

North America
Latin America and Caribbean

Value ( in $m)

To stay abreast of the insurance market it is worthy to recognise who plays the key role
for marine insurance and which places are of the greatest importance for shipping industry.
Even a short analysis will give an answer why communication in English is of vital importance not only in shipping but in marine insurance business alike.
Marine Premium Market Shares 2007
North America
Rest of World


Source: IUMI 2008.

Marine Premium 2007($ bn)
Cargo 11,9
Energy 2,8
Liability 1,4

22,1 ( 100%)

Marine Mutual Marine Sector 2007($ bn)

Total P&I Clubs:
Source: IUMI 2008.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Undoubtedly, Europe with London remains a key market for marine insurance. In particular,
if we take into account that it is not only because of a remarkable corporation of Lloyds
(since 1688), but also due to the fact that most of P&I Clubs the unique institutions covering
third party liability (TPL) of shipowners, ship operators and charterers, with ca. $2.5 billion of
the TPL premium are mainly collected in London.

Source: IUMI 2008.

The P&I insurance offered by the P&I Clubs associated in the International Group is arguably
the widest cover ever. Not only in the meaning of financial limits granted in billions dollars,
but also due to the scope of cover contained in the P&I Rules. As an example of very specific cover, one may mention: excess of collision liability (once the hull and machinery limit
has already run out), payment of unrecoverable cargo share in General Average due to the unseaworthiness of the vessel, towage and pilotage contracts where all the liability is assumed
by the towed vessel etc.
Gross of Lloyds capacity is deeply engaged into all types of the property and casualty insurances, where premiums are much higher alike the natural catastrophes losses.
P& I Club (in USD $)
American Club
North of England
Steamship Mutual
UK Club
West of England
Swedish Club

Annual Premium 2007/2008


Claims paid 2007/2008


Source: ; P&I Review 2008/09.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

The biggest losses




1991 Typhoon Mireille

1992 Hurricane Andrew

Struck Japan
Devastation across South
Florida and Bahamas
The Northridge earthquake Struck California
Hurricane Lothar
Western Europe
Ivan, Charley, Frances
Hurricanes in the US

Insured loss.
(economical loss) in $U.S
7.3 bn
30 bn
30 bn

2005 Katrina, Rita, Wilma

Hurricanes in the US


2008 Hurricane Ike,

Hurricane Gustav

In the Caribbean and the


15bn (30bn)
10bn (5bn)

Source: Swiss Re, Insurance Day.

The negative effect of disasters caused by natural calamities is obvious and clearly visible
when we analyse the data of registered losses paid by the non-marine insurers and reinsurers
(i.e. relating to the property and casualty insurance).
The costs of so-called weather related claims predominate. No wonder that rating agencies are more and more concerned with the effect of major natural disasters on insurance market [7]. In particular, in view of the latest threatening forecasts, anticipating that the pattern of
adverse effect of climate change will continue in areas not previously exposed to such a risk.
A detailed research of the Swiss Re depicted in the Fig. 3 below shows a perfect comparison
between catastrophic losses and man-made losses. This disastrous statistics says more than
thousand words. But in case they are not persuasive enough, please have a look at the Hurricane Andrews aftermaths in 1992.

Fig. 3. Property and business interruption losses

Source: Swiss.

Notably, the above graph depicts the insured losses only, but we should remember that they
are only the tip of the iceberg, as overall economical losses were much bigger.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Source: (Hurricane Andrews aftermaths 1992).

According to the Insurance Day: so far in this century more than 800,000 people have been
killed by natural disasters and more than two billion have been affected with costs from natural
disasters reaching more than $800bn. The majority of natural disasters impacts the developing
world where only thin percentage of losses is covered by insurers. For example, the last years
biggest overall loss was caused by the earthquake in Sichuan in China which killed 70,000 people and caused damages of $85bn, whereas only 0.5% of these losses were insured [29].
The hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30 and we will see whether this entire prognosis that the year 2009 is to be much milder than the previous years, will come true.
Definitely, the world needs a breath of fresh air.
Coming back to the core subject of this presentation marine insurance, it is worth to
point out that contrary to the property and casualty insurance, the marine insurance industry
suffers mostly due to the man-made losses, where the root cause is human error. One could
risk the comparison that there is a completely different pattern with marine casualties. There
is an area where a Latin saying humane errare est reaps a harvest. The comments quoted
below as well as marine and casualty statistics gathered by the key players in the marine market unanimously confirm that the marine industry is heavily affected by the human factor.
Moreover, claims are recorded both in well-managed fleets as well as in sub-standard vessels.
In 2006 and 2007 policy years, the multi-million dollars P&I Pools Claims characteristic
shows that there was no obvious indication of sub-standard shipping involved. If anything,
the notable characteristic was the number of casualties involving top quality operators ()
arising from navigational errors, resulting in groundings, contact damage and collisions [46].
It seems to indicate that no one is immune to human errors. The surge in large claims led to
the inevitable increase of the average cost of pool claims (around $500m each year) and had
a detrimental effect on the policy year 2007/2008, which registered the worst ever underwriting result for the P&I market. The total claims paid by all 13 P&I Clubs exceeded the amount
of $2.7bn and due to the long-tail characteristic may deteriorate further in the next years [46].
Human error was widely acknowledged as a major cause of marine accidents by many researchers, insurers, governmental bodies and international organizations like the IMO, which
initiated implementation of many legislation acts and issued many recommendations to address this issue.
In 1990 the first UK P&I Club Analysis of major claims found human error accounting
for 58% of all big claims (over $100,000) indicating that as many as 3 out of 5 major claims
were directly related to human factor. In 2003, the UK Club updated their estimation of human error impact on marine claims with 62% share. The Nautical Institute (sponsored by the
Lloyds Register), concurred with the above opinion, indicating even higher i.e. 80% human

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

share in all accidents at sea [2]. The later published opinions of a representative of science
also identifing a human element as a dominant factor in approximately 80-85% of marine accidents [37]. Even the scrutiny of the U.S. Coast Guard QAT (Quality Action Team) found
percentage of all accidents attributable to human error to be at 80% [47]. Fig. 4 illustrates
principal causes and frequency of marine claims in the UK P&I Club.

Fig. 4.
Source: UK P&I Club Analysis of major claims UK Club 1997, Table 3.7

Unfortunately, since that time this adverse tendency has not changed for better, but even got
worse. From the latest figures of the Norwegian Hull Club published in 2008, it became
transparent that the alarming rise in accidents was observed to such an extent that the ships
are twice as likely to be involved in a serious incident today compared to five years ago [48].
The surge in the number of marine claims refers mainly to human error ca. 90% or more of
all claims [38]. Figures revealed that 18 out of 22 huge claims amounting to more than $0.5m
were due to navigational errors. The IUMI graphs presented at the Conference in Vancouver
in 2008 confirmed the rising trend of serious losses.
Total losses (1980-2007)

Source: IUMI 2008 (Cedric Charpentier).

Serious and Total Losses by numbers (1994-2007)


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Even in oil platform disasters human error has been found as the main cause. The case of
Piper Alpha was the worst example of companies cutting corners [8].
The escalation of marine claims both in number and in size is now one of the major concerns not only for the shipowners but also for the insurance companies, who are paying bigger and bigger claims at the end of the day, and as a result, insurers are facing meaningful increases in claims ratios [42]. For better understanding, a claim ratio is a principle indicator of
performance of insurer and reinsurer reflecting the outcome of their technical performance i.e.
their core activity underwriting. It simply shows whether an insurer gains profit or makes
losses out of its primary activity (without taking into account any investment yields).

There is a comparison of paid and outstanding claims (those that have occurred but were unpaid at the time of computation) to the collected insurance premium upon deduction of cost of
activity (administrative costs plus brokerage). If it exceeds 100%, it means that the activity is
not profitable. In short, the lower the percentage, the better.
We live in an age of technology and automation and most of the subsystems on board of
a modern ship are now controlled by omnipresent computers, moreover, an excellent communication network enables contact with vessels at any time, one may ask why the marine claims are
growing then?
While answering this issue, we should not forget that the same enhanced technology has
revolutionised not only the way in which ships are designed and built, but, first of all,
changed the way of their exploitation. We are facing growing number of bigger ships, more
sophisticated and saturated with IT, faster, more expensive and also carrying more precious
cargo under command of multinational crew, flying very often flags of convenience
focusing on maximizing of shipowners profits/yields. It is associated with growing sensitivity
towards environment and escalating the costs of salvage and wreck removal. No wonder that
the cost of all sizes of claims becomes more expensive. According to the CEFOR [36] (the
Scandinavias marine insurance association), the average hull-claim cost raised by 86% to
$386,000 in 2007, compared with an average of $210,000 for the period of 1995 2003, with
the cost of grounding from 2000 increased up 148% and collisions by 128%. The two last

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

categories of marine accidents together with contacts with fix and floating objects (FFO)
accounted for 60% of the most costly incidents, which according to DNV (the Classification
Society) have also doubled in number in 2003-2007. Given the continued growth of the world
fleet and a shortage of experienced officers those days, the surging trend of marine claims was
inevitable in the shipping boom [35].

Source: IUMI 2008.

Growing global trade and demand for transport combined with an unprecedented increase in
shipping freight market, fuelled the increase of size of the world fleet, but the sudden outbreak of financial crisis has hampered further growth, leading again to the unprecedented
downturn in global shipping industry. Considering the possible impact of the recession on the
marine claims trend, many ask the question: Do the marine insurers have any prospects to improve their results?
It is not so obvious and even opinions among experienced observers are divided. Some of
them indicate that slowdown and scrapping of old tonnage will at least reduce problem with
insufficient crew, whereas others express concern over so called postponed repairs, where
hidden latent defects being frequently discovered only under dry docking surveys and repairs. In addition, the unknown repercussions of going into long-term lay-ups for electronically equipped vessels are the concern not only for the insurers but also for the Classification
Societies [39]. Moreover, in tough times the risk of fraud is generally growing along all the
lines of insurance and marine insurance is no exception.
It is noteworthy that not only the economical and technological reasons affect the increase
of marine claims, but there are also political risks like piracy and terrorism, which have been
a true concern for shipping and insurance industry.
The issue of piracy is one of the favourite topics of the mass media. In particular after the
spectacular seizure of the chemical tanker the Sirius Star (nota bene built in Szczecin Shipyard in November, 2008). Undoubtedly, the threat posed by piracy cannot be disregarded in
view of the latest statistics gathered by the Insurance Day. There have been more than 200
reported acts of marine piracy in the Gulf of Aden and off the coast of Somalia over the past
year [32] and 102 pirate attacks in Q1 in the same area. The upsurge is huge in comparison
with only 53 attacks registered last year at the same time. What is extremely alarming is the
impertinence of pirates. They are attacking up to 700 miles offshore, equipped with the hitech means of transport, communication and heavy weapon, demanding the growing amounts
of ransom. Since the piracy has become a hot issue, the debate was fuelled among underwriters and P&I Clubs as to the scope of cover. Some of the underwriters still keep the piracy in

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

the hull policy; others excluded it and passed to the war policy. It is crucial to elaborate on
this issue further, as the indemnity payments highly depend on the definition of the risk contained in the insurance policy. In accordance to the Oxfords Law Dictionary, the piracy is
any illegal act of violence, detention or robbery committed on a private ship for personal
gain or revenge, against another ship, people or property on the high seas. It also includes operating a pirate ship and inciting or assisting any other act of piracy. However, acts committed
for political purposes are not piracy, nor are any acts committed by a warship or government
ship. The motive behind the attacks is what counts.


As no one is happy to pay million dollars ransom, there is an ongoing hot discussion
whether it is piracy, terrorism or war risks, once again confirming the rule the devil is in details. For example, for the P&I Clubs, war exclusion inserted in P&I Rules may be sufficient
to reject any claims arising out of incidents, where weapons of war are used. The clarity of insurance cover is of utmost importance for the ship operator, who is the first to be jeopardized
to the piracy attacks, and in order to save his time, money and huge doze of stress, the new solution appeared in the London insurance market. There is one more example that necessity is
the mother of invention and that the insurance market is pro-active and constantly developing
to meet clients needs. The package Vessel Shield was designed and introduced by the SCR
the global market leader in kidnapping and ransom coverage, within the Faber & Dumas
group, which covers more than the pure necessity of paying ransom, but also includes
a comprehensive package of services geared towards risk prevention and management in
connection with acts of piracy [22].
Although some disputes may appear between an insurer and an insured as to the meaning
of definition, the final outcome may not always meet the clients expectations, mainly due to
the fact that the wording of insurance clauses usually contains some constraints and exclusions of cover, the role of the insurer is undisputable in solving a problem and mitigation of
losses where they appear. It is extremely rare or almost impossible to leave an insured without

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

assistance even in the case where at first glance it may seem that the cover should not granted
in this respect.

M/v Hual Europe


Most of the law systems do not compel a shipowner to insure his ship or his activity, with
exception of some requirements relating to International Conventions such as the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 (CLC) and the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 (Bunker Convention), which impose a compulsory insurance [23]. In general, it is up to the ship operator to
decide whether he is in need of insurance protection and assistance or rather prefers to stay
self-insured. However, a decision to expose the property and third party liability (TPL) to
risk without insurance may be a short-sighted policy. As far as a value of a ship is concerned, one may more or less assess her value, but with respect to TPL, even professionals are
at a loss to anticipate a possible loss. It seems that the best way to be safe is to follow our ancient ancestors, who as early as 2,000 years ago commenced a process of sharing risks pertaining to marine adventures by application of the General Average practice [50]. Up till now,
marine insurance is exceptional machinery that not only grants stability of international turnover but offers shipowners a uniquely wide scope of TPL Insurance through the P&I Clubs,
on a mutual basis, what in the face of growing environmental awareness and more common
strict liability regimes is a great benefit for shipping industry. The hull underwriters treat each
client individually, they do not apply any stiff tariffs and fixed conditions, what is usually met
in the property/casualty insurance, but prepare a tailor made cover, negotiating the best solution for the particular time and venue of vessels exploitation. Finally, the shipowners satisfaction is at the top of priority list what is common for all carriers in the insurance market.
It would be ideal, if this satisfaction could be also shared by the insurers, who, at the end of
the day, pay huge costs of marine claims, mainly as a consequence of human error, where lack
of communication is one of the primary causes.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Human error and marine claims

Costly consequences of lack of communication
Errare humanum est, and dealing with human error is as old as human beings existence, and in marine insurance for at least two millennia. Given the uncertain behaviour of
crews and masters from the very earliest time of shipping, special meaning was attached to
the cover of crew negligence, which was explicitly listed in standard wordings of hull and
machinery policies apart from perils of the seas, fire, seizures, restraints, jettison and barattery, and included into P&I Rules (covering any liability to a third party occurring during
a sea voyage) comforting both the shipowners and the crew members. Keeping in mind all the
marine casualty statistics identifying human error as the underlying cause of majority of marine claims, it is strange, why, in spite of the technological revolution, implementation of
a great number of safety standards recommended by IMO with its flagship example of the
ISM Code, the human error still leads to so many disasters?
In fact, modern technology has revolutionised the way in which a ship is operated, but
lack of the attention to the human-system interface, in terms of design, layout and integration
of systems and training in their use, is the root cause of many accidents today [2]. In other
words many factors have an adverse impact on the growing frequency of marine claims. In
the recent years, the booming economy accelerated entry of new buildings on unprecedented
scale which were difficult to operate, firstly due to lack of qualified and experienced officers
onboard of lean-manned vessels, secondly because of its highly sophisticated electronic systems, which instead of solving problems, made them more stressful and sensitive-to-failure
and create a phenomenon of over-reliance on electronic navigation. If we add to it a heavy
and condensed traffic and heavily crowded seaways in congested ports, plus enormous commercial pressure on financial performance, with the shipowners squeezing the crews due to
the surging freight markets, with less and less comfortable accommodation on board by limiting the crews private space and recreational areas, a picture of very unfriendly human environment emerges.
It is not easy to stay day and night with the same few fellows for long months in a small
crew cabin, susceptible to noise, vibration, badly ventilation and light, literally packed like
battery hens and last but not least, without free time for relax in ports [38]. For sure, all of
these may have a great influence on the seafarers mental and physical fatigue, increasing
number of medical illnesses and violation of internal and international regulations, lack of
proper communication and failure in respecting hierarchy on board [45].
It is undeniable that the lack of communication intensifies the risk area in the above exhausting and challenging environment, as there are multinational crews often with poor English language command, from different cultures and personal priorities. Undoubtedly, the language problems are critical in communication between vessels at sea and at ports facilities
while berthing or bunkering operations. The great number of accidents happens as a consequence of compulsory pilotage, where poor communication between masters and pilots reaps
a bitter harvest and because of cultural discrepancies as well as due to pride, which induces
crew to carry out tasks single-handedly, which should be executed with assistance [49].
Summing up, in order to better understand the contribution of human error in marine accidents, it is important to emphasize that while individual behaviour of a seaman is critical, the
better recognition should be given to a potential impact of group and organisational factors on

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

a crew member committing an unintentional error. In fact, there is a mixture of factors, which
all in all result in arising of marine claims associated with human error.
Fig. 5 illustrates the division into three main groups: individual, group and organisational


Fig. 5.
Source: Hand made on the basis of: Elise DeCola, Sierra Fletcher: An assessment of the Role
of Human Factors in Oil Spills from vessels

Whereas most of the above-mentioned factors may be easily identified, the risk compensation
is the one which is more specific and closely implicated by increasing automation and technological improvements. Simply, operators are more inclined to engage in unsafe practices due
to a false sense of safety created by enhanced technology [5]. Similarly, relying on so popular
GPS navigation while driving resulted in unexpected launching in nearby rivers or lakes.
The knowledge of complex human nature enables understanding of psychological aspects
such as: over-confidence, unrealistic optimism, and tendency to ignore information that is inconsistent with personal beliefs, which permanently contribute to too many marine accidents.
Amid the organisational factors, some of them, like new regulatory requirements, could
have an unintended impact on accident risk. The capsize of the car carrier Cougar Ace, while
conducting a ballast water exchange in open seas (i.e. 200 miles offshore of The Aleutian Islands as requested by the new regulations) was an illustration of same [5].
Considering the human-system interference, first of all, we should focus on a ship and her
environment, i.e. circumstances surrounding the ship and interactions between the vessel and
those offshore, on land and at sea, presented in the Fig. 6.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Fig. 6.

At every stage of these complex relationships, human error may occur resulting in serious
casualties. According to the Norwegian Hull Club, more than 70% of their major losses would
not have happened, if the human relation leadership and communication on the ship and shipto-shore had been better [37].
It is important to know how to handle immediate consequences of any accident with vessels involvement and to know who, with high probability, will bear the cost and whom to notify first. For easy references, H means Hull Underwriter; P&I means TPL insurer, O means
Casualties on board:
Machinery failure or damage to the hull (boiler bursting) (H).
Fire (or combustion of cargo) (H+ P&I).
Explosion (H).
Heavy weather damage (H).
Flooding (H).
Break-up (H).
Grounding (with salvage) (H+P&I).
Sinking (H+P&I).
Wreck removal (P&I).
Injury or death of passengers, pilots or other persons on board (P&I).
Crew accidents and illness (P&I).
Piracy (H+P&I+O).
Terrorism (H+P&I).
War damage (H+O).
Damage to cargo (P&I).
Casualties at sea and in port areas:
Collision with other vessels (H+P&I).
Collision with tugs during port towage (H+P&I).
Contact with fixed or floating objects (H+P&I).
Wash damage (P&I).
Oil pollution (P&I).
Injury or death of third parties on shore (P&I).

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

There is only exemplification of potential marine accidents and it is difficult to quote a complete
list of various marine claims, but even these occurrences give an idea about complexity of marine
claims and throw light on the issue of necessary communication between all parties involved.
The attention should be focused particularly on the most sensitive point where we have
a stranger on board, i.e. a pilot, who in reality in many cases takes command of the vessel
with easy permission of the Master. It is well recognised that in most ports the pilotage is
compulsory and the Master has little or no choice and must welcome (admit) a pilot on board.
Whereas in theory, the pilots role is nothing more than to assist the Master by providing
unique knowledge and ensuring a safe passage of a ship via local waters. In practice, it is a pilot who runs a ship. If he fails by damaging the ship or anything else, the responsibility rests
on the Master. In accordance with the STCW adopted in 1995, the presence on board of a pilot does not relieve the Master from his duties and obligations for the safety of the ship. Unfortunately for the marine underwriters, legislation in most countries limits the liability of
pilots to certain and very often rather symbolic amounts and in fact limits even this small recovery to the cases with the pilots wilful act and gross negligence only [34]. Not many on
board of sea-going vessels are aware of that fact, that at the end of the day it is a shipowner or
his insurers who have to pay, even for the TPL claims arising out of pilots error while on
board. Therefore, the utmost importance should be attached to the proper exchange of information between the Master and the pilot on navigational procedures, local conditions and the
most important, ships characteristics. The Masters role should be pro-active, not re-active, to
increase efficiency on the bridge, as both parties usually act in stressful situations, under high
time pressure. The only consolation for seafarers is that this specific liability assumed by
towed vessel, similarly to towage contract liability under customary port towage (i.e. towage
for the purpose of entering, leaving or manoeuvring within port) is fully covered by the standard P&I Rules [45]. Just to give you an idea how expensive it may be for the insurance industry, some sources rate that this cost of pilots error may generate even $500m per year.
It is unlikely that human error will ever be completely prevented but at least some lessons
should be learned from the real-life events.
The Titanic (1912) a capsize of a legend vessel was the most spectacular example of
human error. The vessel sank after collision with an iceberg in her maiden trip carrying 2,340 passengers and crew. Despite all of its innovative technology the ship sank
on a clear night () with the loss of more than 1,500 lives. There was a spate of human errors on board of the vessel. Starting from the look-out, who had not use the binoculars and spotted an iceberg too late (500 yards instead of 1,000), and further with
the wireless officer, disregarding warning messages and prioritising a dispatch of
a private correspondence for the top passengers, finally with the Master, keeping the
vessel at full speed instead of slowing down in view of ice field and the wrong last
minute manoeuvre, which exposed the vessel to much bigger damages. However, the
most critical one, resulting in so many casualties, was the inadequate number of lifeboats (16 instead of 32), as a result of managerial decision of the owner of the vessel,
for whom papering of first class passengers was more important than safety of all people on board. In essence, the lesson learned out of this tragedy we should always
expect the unexpected (following the casualty, regulations were changed so there was
a lifeboat seat for every passenger) [4].
The Torrey Canyon (1967) oil spill after grounding (the 1969 CLC and 1971 Fund
Conventions were adopted).
The Tojo Maru (1969) the negligence of a diver rendering services on behalf of salvers resulted in explosion (following the loss, the right for limitation for salvers was
granted in 1976, LLMC).

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

The Amoco Cadiz (1978) oil spill, shortly after grounding broke in two (the special
compensation for the salvage operations with protection of the environment was implemented into the Salvage Convention, 1989 (SCOPIC)).
The Exxon Valdez (1989) improper navigation caused massive oil pollution. The
captain, who fell asleep drunk and left an untrained officer at the steering wheel (the
OPA90 was passed by the U.S.) [19].
The Scandinavian Star (1990) fire, the Filipino crew could speak neither Norwegian
nor English, was fresh on board and unfamiliar with the ship. They had never practiced
a fire drill, and did not know how to respond to the fire. Many lives were lost.
The Estonia (1994) the bow doors had been left open after departure and water
flooded the car decks (the new strict regulations for ferries was introduced).
The Royal Majesty (1995) grounding due to the over-reliance of the watch keeping
officers on the automated features of the integrated bridge system [2].
The Herald of Free Enterprise (1997) alike the Estonia water flooded the car decks due
to the bow doors left unclosed (the new regulations for ferries were introduced) [20].
The Erika (1999) oil spill, capsize. The case illustrates negligence (following the
disaster, the European Union passed the requirements of double-hulled tankers entering the waters of the EU by 2010).
The Prestige (2002) massive oil spill (the 2002 Fund was introduced) [27].
The Tricolour (2002) was struck by Kariba and sank as a result of the impact of the
striking. The costs of the ship were: $40m, plus 3,000 luxury cars $49m, and cost of
salvage/wreck removal $40m. The wreck has been twice hit before being completely
removed in 9 sections by salvers. The series of navigational errors! [10].
The American Cormorant (2004) damage to the vessel $1,64m, the pilots error,
who relied solely upon the buoy as a channel marker, neglecting other navigational
equipment aboard and fixed objects ashore. The Master of the vessel was also to
blame for failing to monitor pilots acts properly [11].
The MSC Napoli (2006) grounding with a partially broken back, due to a combination of human errors: an excessive speed in the heavy weather, lack of structural
analysis and exploitation of the vessel close to or above permissible seagoing bending
moment [12].
The Ocean Victory (2006) grounding broke in two, too late departing the berth for
seeking of a shelter outside the port due to atrocious weather [13].
The Hebei Spirit (2007) major oil spill in South Korea, the safely moored tanker
was struck by heavy crane barge Samsung-1. Cost of pollution exceeded $500m.
Tackling the aftermaths of the spill was too slow and on inadequate scale to have
reduced cost of spill [14].
The Cosco Busan (2007) struck the San Francisco Bay Bridge due to the pilot error,
who failed to proceed at safe speed in the dense fog, failed to check the navigation
equipment with the ships officers nor consulted the proposed course neither with the
Master of the vessel [15]. Cost of oil pollution exceeded $60 million [16].
Much to our regret, there is a never-ending list of big casualties, as sea perils combined with
human errors perennially bring us new marine accidents and casualties almost every day. Hopefully, coordinated efforts in rising awareness about the contribution of human factors and implementation of more strict safety regulation will be fruitful at least in preventing re-occurrence.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Mitigation of marine losses and preventing of recurrence

proper communication as a remedy
It is amazing: when the economy was booming, the alarm bells were ringing about escalation of claims; when we are facing the recession, they are similarly ringing, threatening acceleration of attrition and latent costs. One could note that notwithstanding the economic circumstances marine claims are to happen. While it is not possible to eliminate human error contribution once and for all, we should target to mitigate marine claims and learn from past mistakes focusing more intensively on prevention measures. Travestying the old saying speech
is silver, silence is gold but proper communication with your insurer is priceless. There are
at least several reasons why immediate notification of any accident to the insurer may be very
helpful in tackling the aftermaths of marine casualties, in particular if they are more complex
than the damage to the ship herself, comprising an alleged TPL loss such as: illness or loss of
life of passengers/crewmembers, damage to other vessel, loss of or damage to cargo, oil pollution and injury or death of any person onboard (pilots, stevedores, cargo representatives,
port authority officers etc).
For many, claims handling is a satisfactory and fulfilling job as each case is different and
should be carefully considered in the light of specific circumstances surrounding the occurrence and in view of agreed tailor made insurance conditions.
Firstly, there is usually an experienced staff within the Claims Department and established
network of co-operating surveyors, average agents or correspondents worldwide, who are
ready to assist the shipowner and the vessel in distress 24 hours a day. Taking advantage of
insurers hotline, an urgent advice may be received in the critical first few hours after the
casualty. If there is a necessity of salvage operation, the salvage master (a person dedicated to
support the Master and crew at distress) may join a vessel to coordinate any salvage action.
Secondly, bearing in mind the risk of claims of third parties involved in the casualty
(TPL) and in the light of the recent tendency to rise the liability regimes and impose a more
severe strict liability regime on the shipowner as well as increased environmental liabilities
under the 1992CLC and Fund Convention, bodily injury and property damage under the Athens Convention an appointment of a reliable and reputable law firm may be critical to the
outcome and potential cost of any court proceedings [17].
The legal assistance may be recommended in order to:
Collect evidence on the spot/at the casualty.
Obtain a legal advice of a choice of law governing the claims settlement.
Exchange of securities/guarantees.
Defend the crewmember facing criminal prosecution.
Exercise the Limitation of Liability.
Amicable (out of court) negotiation and settlement of claims.
Presence and support in court proceedings.
Finally, the general advice is to keep an ice in your stomach, both at the critical time of the
incident and shortly after it. It is not easy, as a great dose of stress, irritation and uncertainty is
imposed on all parties involved. Barely anyone is thinking of the long-perspective financial
consequences of the accident. However, an experienced claims handler, assisted by a clever
lawyer can cut future costs and time-consuming proceedings at stake. All we need to tackle
the problems is a full access to all the information available as soon as possible.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

First of all, stay assured that you are most probably fully insured and trust your marine insurer and share your doubts. There is of utmost importance neither to assume any responsibility
without prior thorough consultation with your insurer and /or his lawyer, nor to accept signing
any agreements whatsoever without approval of your insurance company. If there is a huge
pressure on it, any statements/claims letters may be signed with an obligatory remark for
receipt only or even better without prejudice to the liability. This issue should be highlighted to the shipowners (and all policyholders), as many insurance policies include strict
exclusions of Insurers/P&I Clubs liability in the case the insured assumed liability without
prior written consent of the insurer/the P&I Club. There is the most painful example of lack of
communication between an insurer and an insured. Hence, both parties should be deeply interested in staying in touch!
The next important thing is to ban entrance of the opposite sides representatives on board
of our vessel and deny any access to the crews evidence such as witness statements, vessels
logbook, photos, diagrams, footage etc. The same practice should be adapted to any other persons including media representatives. How expensive can tackling of the aftermath of incident
be, when it is placed in inconvenient jurisdiction, only insurers can tell you, as in most cases
they are the last payers.
According to the UK P&I Club, third party liability (TPL) claims cost the shipping industry ca. $2 billion annually. Personal injury claims represent the 2nd most expensive class of
claim and the crucial decision, whether any of these claims could be successfully defended
lies in the quality of evidence collected by the vessels interest at the time of incident. Undoubtedly, the vessels crew statements and other evidence are of utmost importance in proving/disproving a case. [21]. In particular, calling at the U.S. threatens with unanticipated
losses, if we stick with the U.S jurisdiction, where:
indemnities are huge (in million dollars),
costs of court proceedings are on non- recovery basis,
risk of punitive damages is imminent (in billion dollars vide Exxon Valdez),
limitation of liability is more severe than in the EU and the right to limitation is at the
discretion of the judge (OPA90).
For better understanding of an idea of giving punitive damages some more explanation is
needed. There are extra damages added to a jury verdict to punish especially egregious conduct by a civil defendant rather than to compensate the plaintiff for the harm done. They are
permitted under the national laws of many countries; however, they are extremely high in the
U.S. It seems that they are given to prove thattort does not pay [1]. Taking the above into
account, there is one more argument for careful consideration of a choice of the laws and jurisdiction governing our dispute with claimants. Whatever we may think about the lawyers, it
seems that in a serious case, there is no escape from their precious involvement.
It is not the U.S. jurisdiction only which may pose a risk of skyrocketing cost to be paid
and demands to be met. The recent introduction of the Environmental Liability Directive
(ELD) across the EU with its remediation element of the obligation of a wrongdoer to return
a damaged area to its baseline state, may be very costly and far beyond the financial capabilities of many businesses, including the shipowners [30]. The Directive imposes strict liability
on the operator (which includes shipowners) for costs of preventing and remedial actions for
environmental damage arising from among others, transportation by inland waterways or by
sea of dangerous or polluting goods. Although the ELD retained the right to limit shipowners
liability in accordance with the Global Limitation Convention (LLMC, 1976 amended by the
1996 Protocol), there is a high risk that in Italy, Portugal and Slovakia, who are not party to

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

the said Convention, the costs for the actions taken pursuant to the ELD, are potentially subject to unlimited liability [44].


One can fully recognise the importance of the jurisdiction when the issue of recovery of costs
is considered. It is not an isolated case when the costs of legal assistance and court proceedings are nearly as high as the claim itself or can even exceed in some complicated matters.
There is a necessity to duly acknowledge this aspect while assessing the prospect of recovery
or mitigation of losses.
In my long claims practice I have never met a lawyer, who had explicitly discouraged me
from further proceedings, as always from one side or another they had been able to find some
prospects of recovery (bright sides of life).
The current general rule that the loser pays the winners cost as well as his own is not followed in the U.S. In fact, even a completely innocent person can be faced with a huge bill for
his/her defence, whereas in most European countries the winner will recover most of its costs.
Germany, for example has a system of fixed recoverable costs for cases of all values, depending on the stage reached in the litigation and a number of other variables. Likewise in Canada
the successful party will expect to recover about 50% to 60% of the cost incurred. [34].
Finally, in some countries lack of tradition and recognition of marine claims and treating
marine matters in regular civil proceedings (no Maritime Courts or Admiralty Courts) may
pose a great uncertainty as to the final outcome in non-complex matters. Despite an excellent
lawyers service often rendered in these cases, the courts decisions confirm the saying that
you never know what befalls you. In one of the collision cases in France, the local court has
applied the division of liability 80/20, but refused to accept the cost of repairs of our insured
vessel (being blamed for the collision in majority) without giving any reasoning whatsoever.
That is majesty of law (in the name of the law). The latest verdict of the French Court in the
famous case of m/v Erika (1999) has again surprised all and arguably will be much more
painful for all the losers, than anticipated. The fact that France was a signatory to the two international conventions at the material time: the CLC92 and MARPOL, was ignored by the
French court and all four main defendants (including the RINA the classification society)
were found liable to pay 192 million (ca. $272) by way of civil compensation (considerably
in excess of the shipowners limit of liability under the CLC92 and of the IOPC Funds limit
under the Fund Convention92, the total of which (under both conventions) was at the time
SDR135 million (ca. $204m) [6].

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

There is one more reason why the traditional and reliable English Law and Jurisdiction is
so widely applied and agreed even between non-English parties. And again communication
with lawyers and the need to stay abreast of the changes in law requires fluency in English as
the source of information is being mostly collected in English.
The right to limit liability is a unique tool, which enables a shipowner to escape from his
liability to compensate the other side (third party) full extent of damages by seeking a decree
of limitation. There is no uniform liability system throughout the world and variety of differing legal national systems may be applied to our case.
In general, there are two main systems in use: the value-based system (based on the post
casualty value of the vessel [28] or on the sound value) and the tonnage system. The amount
of fund may further differentiate depending on one of the three applicable regimes and limits
of liability. Two of them were introduced to the International Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (London Conventions) 1957, 1976 and the third one as amended
by the 1996 Protocol to the 1976 LLMC Convention. Apart from three different limits of liability, there is also a shift in burden of proof, as under the 1957 Convention it is up to the
shipowner to prove that the loss or damage happened without their actual fault or privity,
whereas the 1976 Convention reversed the burden of proof, which lies with the claimant [24].
Bearing in mind that the ratification of the London Convention, 1976, even being the most
recognized liability convention adopted by 52 countries, is not yet widely performed, therefore, before the decision of a commencement of any legal proceedings is taken, a legal consultation with insurers lawyers seems to be indispensable, as the potential differences in liability
regimes may count in million of dollars. The knowledge is the power, hence being familiar
with the general concepts of liability regimes and attaching importance to international conventions seems to be in our best interest, saving the shipping industry millions of dollars. In
the Fig. 7 emphasis is put on an application of three different regimes related to a historical tragedy of the Titanic in 1912 assuming that the heavy casualties would have happened these days.
The post casualty value
of the vessel
(in 1912)

The Athens Convention,

1974 plus the LLMC, 1976
(limit for each carriage)

The Athens Convention,

1974 plus the 1996 Protocol** to the LLMC

SDR 46,666 x 1,224=

SDR 57,119,184=
$89.1m but according to the
LLMC the ultimate cap of
SDR25m = $39m*

SDR175,000 x 2,500 =
SDR 437,500,000 =

The 2002 Protocol

to the Athens Convention (not in entry

Fig. 7. Simulation of a Limitation Fund of the Titanic

Source:; (details of the vessel, only) [25].
* If the carriers payments under the Athens convention threaten to exceed the limits contained in the
1976 LLMC, the carrier may limit liability to the 1976 Limitation Convention limits, as it prevails in
accordance with paragraph.. [9].
** The article 4 shall be an amount of 175,000 units multiplied by the number of passengers which
the ship is authorized to carry according to the ships certificate.
*** On 31 July, 2009 only 4 countries adopted the 2002 Protocol (

The most reliable update about the process of ratification of particular conventions by state
parties is available on the IMO website; therefore no additional statistics are included in this

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

presentation [26]. The limitation of liability is an extremely interesting and unique solution in
the legal systems; however, the time limit does not permit further collaboration on that issue.
In essence, at this stage it is important to learn that such an institution still exists and guarantees many shipowners and their insurers to stay in business nearly unscathed despite causing
terrifying damages, which could be easily insured in the world insurance market. However,
general conviction that this right to limit liability granted solely to shipowners is an anachronism and unfair privilege for the exclusive group of people, supported by a principle rule that
the person to blame must make the damage good, resulted in strong criticism of that institution worldwide [50].
Summing up, there is an obligation to stay in a day-to-day contact with your insurer, if
you want to survive the detrimental effects of the casualty in much better conditions.
Finally, once a big casualty has occurred, there is one more party on the spot the mass
media. The proper communication with press and other information media is extremely crucial, as there is the reputation and good name of the company at risk, even the escalation of
potential claims may happen with poor media performance. The professionals in the public relations area suggest that serious preparations should be taken far before anything might happen, and a designated person should co-ordinate external and internal communications. Remembering that the most critical is to address the human aspect of casualty, the spokesperson
(ideally if it is the CEO of the company) should express his sympathy and true concern about
the people involved into the casualty, both own personnel as well as potential claimants. Adhering to the recommended Golden Rules of communication with Media, there is a chance to
avoid negative impact on the company.

GOLDEN RULES of communication with Media

Always respond as fast as you can
Never say no comment
Always tell the truth
Never lose your temper
Always return calls
Never try to be funny ( tell a fairytale)
Source: Caroline Wagstaff [3].

Frankly speaking, the above rules one might as well apply to any other form of communication, including even the marine, port and custom authorities, insurers, etc., but please do keep
in mind that the admission of liability without prior consultation and a written consent of insurer may bring about your ruin (leaving you without insurance cover), where it is literally
stipulated by the insurance contract.
Detailed investigation is necessary not only to mitigate losses but also to learn lessons and
prevent recurrence. There is also a saying that it is better prevent than cure and it does not
relate to your health only but to the casualty of marine accidents as well. Many insurers and
P&I Clubs fully acknowledged meaning of prevention and developed special prevention programs and projects with the intention to assist shipowners in identifying, minimising, and
controlling of risks they encounter in their routine operations. The most important is data collection about marine accidents including near miss situations and the cause which led them to happen. It is obvious that you cannot control something when you do not know and quantify it

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

properly. Having recognised the root causes, the next step is to let the shipowners know about it
and spread out this knowledge to all seafarers preventing them from recurring.
In summary, the implementation of the prevention measures should effectively target the
human factors alike on individual as well as on group and organisational levels. It cannot be
successfully performed without:
better data collection of marine accidents associated with human error and wide exchange of information (so far, even if they are collected, they are kept confidentially) in
order to have lessons learned from the past and to anticipate losses before they occur;
focusing on crew endurance management (reducing fatigue and advocating changes in
watch schedules, adjustment of unrealistic demands of performance);
adaptation of vessels to be more human-friendly both in the meaning of their accommodation and atmosphere on board (English communication, respect for different cultures and human and time constraints);
promotion and application of best industry practices and safety culture including highlighting the risk-adverse performance (constant education and training [33], testing,
monitoring) as well as application of award system for adhering to safety procedures;
implementation of new regulations supporting the above efforts on universal, global
level across the maritime industry [5].
The insurers and P&I Clubs, while implementing the prevention measures used to apply differentiated forms of approach starting with publications, circulars, seminars and even using
the newest technologies recording DVDs highlighting the hot issues in a form interesting
not only for mariners. Several of such DVDs were produced by The Steamship Mutual, the
P&I Club, with whom the Insurance and Reinsurance Company Warta SA has been cooperating for many years. All the prevention series of these films are dedicated to be widely
used onboard of the vessels insured by the Club. I believe that my compilation of different
scenes taken out from the complete films will be the best summary of all important issues
which, due to time limit and attention constraints, I could barely touch during this presentation.


I hope that at least few of my remarks will be remembered and will inspire you to search for
better details on your own, in order to pass them further to the seafarers-to-be. As I have already mentioned, the best prevention is the proper education and rising of awareness of risks
and potential consequences of human error resulting mainly due to lack of proper communication. Thanks to your hard continuous educating not only in excellence and fluency in English, but in all other aspects of effective communication on board, our future prosperity

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

(as you may remember with lower claim ratios) rests in your hands and in the name of all
marine insurers thank you in advance for all your efforts. Also, I would like to express my
appreciation to Chris Adams Director of the Steamship Mutual for his valuable support
making this presentation more vivid thanks to the DVDs and pictures of casualties, which
I had an opportunity to show you.

1. A Dictionary of Law. Third edition. Oxford University Press 1994, p.155.
2. Alert! No.1, October 2003 The Nautical Institute Improving the awareness of the human
element in the Marine Industry.
3. Caroline Wagstaff ;Gard News issue 181, February/April 2006, page 16-17.
4. Disaster prevention: lessons learned from the Titanic James B. Battles, PHD.,%20May%207th%2
5. Elise DeCola, Sierra Fletcher: An assessment of the Role of Human Factors in Oil Spills
from vessels
6. Gard news, Issue 190 May/July 2008.
7. Global Broker & Underwriter September 2007, p. 31.
8. Global Broker and Underwriter .September 2007 The interview with Deirde Littlefield
President of IUMI.
9. Handbook on P&I Insurance3rd edition by Jeremy Kingsley 1988.assuranceforeningen
GARD. page 270.
12. napoli
17. http:// topics
of liability Conventions
27. In May 2003, IMO adopted a Protocol establishing an International Oil Pollution Compensation Supplementary Fund. The aim of this Supplementary Fund is to supplement the compensation available under the 1992 Civil Liability and Fund Conventions with an additional,

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

third tier of compensation. The Protocol is optional and participation is open to all States
Parties to the 1992 Fund Convention. The total amount of compensation payable for any
one incident will be limited to a combined total of 750m SDR ($1,138m) including the
amount of compensation compensation paid under the existing CLC and Fund Conventions. spill)
28. In the Titanic, the personal injury and death claims reached an amount as high as
$22m.The vessel was a total loss with the residual value merely included some lifeboats
salved and pending freight in passage moneys, not exceeding a total of $91,805(Xia
ChenLimitation of liability for marine claims).
29. Insurance Day. January 14, 2009 (US hurricanes top 2008 catastrophe loss polls).
30. Insurance Day, May 22, 2009.
31. Insurance Day, June 5, 2009.
32. Insurance Day, June 20, 2009
33. Insurance Day, July 13, 2009 James Brewer
34. IUMI Conference Paris 1997 Vessels entering and leaving port areas by Captain Paul
35. Lloyds List, February 21, 2008 Accidents double on fleet boom, officer shortage by
Jerry Frank and David Osler.
36. Lloyds List., April 3, 2008 David Tran.
37. Lloyds List , April 14, 2008 Crew quality hits marine claims by David Tran and
38. Lloyds List October13,2008- Michael Grey :Considering the position of others.
39. Lloyds List, November 12, 2008 Steven Bush:The shipshape lay up. Blowing hot and
cold over maintenance.
40. Marine insurance at the turn of the Millennium. Editor: Mark Huybrecht, p. 38.
41. M. Celik & I. D.Er :Identifying the potential role of design-based failures on human errors
in shipboard operations;
42. Reinsurance, September 2005 page 29.
43. Robert C.B. Miller: Why insurance needs more speculation, not less Reinsurance. September 2005, p. 58.
44. The Steamship Mutual Circular, July 2009; L.104.pdf
45. The Steamship Mutual Rules and List of Correspondents 2009/2010,Rule 25ix, p. 58.
46.; P&I Review 2008/09
49. World Maritime Day 2003
50. Xia ChenLimitation of liability for marine claims. Kluwer Law International, Introduction


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Maria Radwaska
currently serves as a managing director of Marine Bureau of WARTA in Szczecin, a company,
which is an unquestionable leader of marine insurance in Poland with 85% market share and the
second biggest insurance company in general;
graduated Szczecin Technical University and Warsaw University in Insurance Law;
since 1983 has been heavily involved in marine and non-marine insurance, both in underwriting
and claims handling.
Director of Warta Branch Office in Szczecin since 1999
Marine Bureau in Szczecin WARTA Insurance and Reinsurance Company S.A.
ul. Dworcowa 1 A, 70-952 Szczecin
Phone: + 48 91 425 76 05
Mobile: + 48 500 118 757, + 48 608 841 218
Fax: + 48 91 425 76 06
[email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Taner Albayrak
Reza Ziarati
TUDEV/Piri Reis University
Tuzla, stanbul


Research has shown that the weakest link in Maritime Education and Training (MET) is the identification of the communication problems due to lack of standards for Maritime English. Communication failures have caused many accidents and incidents in the past. There have been many attempts to
reduce communication failures and improve both the content and delivery of Maritime English. A recent EU Leonardo Project MarEng was considered a great success in enhancing the current efforts in
improving content and delivery of English Courses by MET providers. However, there are no international or European standards yet for the evaluation, assessment and testing in Maritime English to
measure students competence and performance in this very important subject.
To address this deficiency, MarEdu (TUDEVCFF Partnership) with support from several EU
member states as well as Norway instigated a major Leonardo Project known as MarTEL (Maritime
Test of English Language) in 2007. The first phase of the project is near completion and final report to
EU is expected in October 2009. MarTEL is expected to be a unique solution to improve the Maritime
English competency of seafarers. MarTEL solution contains a series of study units supplemented by
a set of tests in Maritime English. Pilot studies on MarTEL have shown to motivate cadets to learn
English as MarTEL study units encourage learning English in the context of the maritime profession.
This new and standardized method of delivery and assessment of Maritime English competency is expected to reduce the extremely high percentage number of accidents and incidents at sea and at ports,
and save many lives.
Last year TUDEV became advisory partner of the new Leonardo Project MarEng Plus which aims
to improve the usability and to widen the user group of the web-based Maritime English Learning
Tool MarEng. This has provided a great opportunity for MarTEL and MarEgn Plus to establish close
coordination and cooperation. During the last partner meeting of MarEng Plus in May 2009, partners
agreed to consider closer cooperation between two projects for joint valorization and dissemination.
Considering the number of partners in both projects (32 in total), this will be a historical event if the
two project groups come together. This paper intends to inform participants about MarTEL and possible cooperation with MarEng Plus. IMEC will be an excellent platform to discuss outcomes and to invite other interested groups to join these exciting and worthwhile projects.
Keywords: Maritime English, testing, study units, EU Leonardo Programme

1. Introduction
Shipping is perhaps the most international of the entire worlds great industries and some
of the most dangerous. Safety of life at sea, the marine environment and over 80% of the
worlds trade depend on the professionalism and competence of seafarers. It has been reported
that over 80% of accidents and incidents are due to human error. One of main causes of accidents and incidents are due to poor standards of Maritime English. The language of the sea is

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Maritime English and many ships and, to a lesser extent, ports are manned by multinational
crews. Hence, good communication in Maritime English is essential for creation and maintenance of effective working environments and safety of the crew, and generally safety at sea
and at ports. There are many reports and papers (MCAMSC 82/15/02 and MSC 82/15/03,
Ziarati, 2006) identifying poor communication as one of the most significant factors in accidents at sea and at ports. There were several attempts to overcome this important issue; however EU wide standards to be employed by all MET institutions are still need to be developed.
The importance of skills in English Language competency was highlighted at the recent
IMO Maritime Safety Committee (IMO MSC 82, 2006). Papers presented by the Turkish and
UK delegates clearly stated that language competency is a problem. The papers led to discussions at the Human Element Working Group (HEWG), where it was reported that many seafarers have problems with expressing themselves in English and with using maritime terminologies. It was agreed that STCW Convention had to be revised in this respect and IMOs
Maritime English course models (based on SMCP) minimum requirements are no longer acceptable. The inadequacy of Maritime English standards has been a major contributory factor
in causes of accidents, some involving loss of life, large numbers of injuries and extensive financial loss (Deniz Ticareti, 2006; MAIB, 2006).
The MarTEL project is in line with Loginovsky (2002), which reports on the significance
of English as the working language of the international shipping industry and that the overall
performance and safety of the international fleet depends on the skill to apply it correctly. He
states that the ability of a non-native speaker to have a good command in Maritime English is
very much influenced by the ability to think in it in the framework of the maritime profession.
He concludes that to make the teaching and learning processes more effective, it is required to
power up the thought activity of a seafarer using English. This project has taken note of the
recent papers at the IMO MSC event (2006) and recommendations of several international
papers (Ziarati, 2006; Loginovsky, 2002) concerning lack of standards or an appropriate
underpinning knowledge and skill for Maritime English.
Considering the severe shortages of personnel with seagoing experience (Ziarati, 2003;
Pourzanjani et al., 2002, Schroder et al., 2004), which is expected to get worse shortly (IER,
2005 report sponsored by ISF and BIMCO), the need for the better qualified seafarers with
enhanced English language communication skills is expected in the near future to become the
most important human element issue for shipping companies, which are desperately seeking
seafarers to run their vessels safely and efficiently.

2. The birth of MarTEL

A transnational project team composed of some eight European countries, funded through
the EU Leonardo programme, was established to identify the need for such standards. The
work of the transnational team leads to the development of a proposal known as MarTEL
(Maritime Test of English Language). The project was submitted to the National Agency
responsible for coordinating the work of Leonardo programme in the UK. The project was
subsequently approved with a budget of 400 000 EUR to conclude the work of the MarTEL
project team.
MarTEL aims to address major problems relating to competency in Maritime English for
the well-being of seafarers and those working in the shipping and maritime industries including ports. The problem is addressed at its very roots, that is, helping to improve the language
competency of those wishing to embark on a career in the Merchant Navy as rating and offi40

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

cers in partner countries at three key stages: 17/18, 21/22 and 23+ years old, through an integrated and interrelated standardised assessment system catering for all classes of seafarers as
outlined in the project summary. The project is concerned with the establishment of standards
of Maritime English for all classes of seafarers and for those working at ports. The standards
are expected to be recognised by international professional bodies and the licensing authorities. To ensure these developments are implemented effectively, it has been suggested:
to develop supporting training programmes for the intended standards by formation of
pilot groups initially in one of the partner countries and then re-run them and/or
validate them in other partner countries;
to establish a network of transnational partners to support the development of the
project, to surpass excel the minimum of standard of Maritime English set by IMO;
to design a programme for the trainers and assessors development and their
certification, for application of the intended standards and subsequent tests, as well as
for the internal assessment and verification process, in line with European vocational
qualifications for Assessors and Verifiers;
to facilitate secondment of trainers and assessors to partners establishments on short
assignments in order to familiarise the trainers and assessors with the necessary skills
and good practice;
to form a committee to monitor the progress and make the necessary changes when
required, applying a quality manual instigated in the course of developing this project,
and to develop bridges for maritime personnel through these standards so that they can
take advantage of other programmes, some leading to higher vocational qualifications.
All tests for officer and senior officer levels will have weight on different skills. The officers
are expected to reach certain levels of proficiency and competency at given ranks/duties by
their companies or potential employers.

3. Transfer of innovation
The current practice in many non-English speaking European member countries as well as
countries outside Europe is that institutions involved with education of seafarers provide either short course programmes in English for industry or develop six months to one year English preparation programmes for cadet officers prior to commencement of the main education
programme. Every year thousands of cadet officers come to the UK through various schemes
and pathways, and they enrol on various merchant navy education and training programmes
for different classes of seafarers. For instance, in some colleges these cadets are sent on
6-months general English courses prior to the admission onto merchant navy programmes. In
Turkey, for example, generally all officer cadets undergo one year of English preparation.
Review of the arrangements for other European countries for training of English seafarers
clearly indicates that there are no standards of competence and the actual period of education
and training in English language is also different in various countries for given classes of seafarers. These programmes are often not related to the vocation of seafaring, irrespective of
type or level, particularly those concerning cadet officers, and are grammar-based (TOEFL,
IALTS, etc) MarTEL will establish given standards for all classes of seafarers. The partners in
this consortium would wish the contracting organisation to take a lead in realisation of the project aims. The UK partners and the silent partners (see would also benefit
immensely by standardising the English tests for each and every class of seafarers so that
thousands of overseas students coming to the UK (who, incidentally, in the majority of cases

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

will eventually work for European-based shipping companies) would achieve a common standard in English competency prior to commencing their main programme of study and training.
The establishment of standards is expected to help partners to set up test centres offering
a valuable and profitable operation at their own institution benefiting professionally and
financially from such an undertaking. One innovative aspect of the suggested project is that
two standards will be offered at elementary and intermediate levels which could be used for
industrial updating of present seafarers employed in ship operation companies at the
elementary and intermediate levels.
One other innovative feature is that the standards are intended to be skill-based, and each
standard will be provided with a sample unit of study. The unit of study is an attempt to
provide the necessary learning and training support for candidates aiming for a particular
merchant navy qualification, and hence, a given standard of Maritime English.

4. Benefactors
4.1. Target Group
MarTEL is a maritime language competency assessment programme for the language
certification of main target groups outlined in the project summary.
The language preparation programmes in EU member states for education and training of
seafarers is not standardised, neither in terms of level nor duration of study. For cadet officers,
the duration of the initial English preparation programme could range from one to three years,
and the examination standards are often set at a local level. Some institutions use standards
such as TOEFL and IALTS, which are not designed for students following a vocational
programme. There are many cases where IMO requirements are integrated within a degree
programme at a university. Again, in many cases, the examination is not based on European
or international standards, and if standards are applied, these are of the type mentioned earlier.
In all cases reviewed, the English programmes are the same for all classes of seafarers. Hence,
the existing arrangements do not differentiate between the language skills requirements of
different classes of seafarers. Furthermore, the level of competency varies significantly across
institutions in a given country, and this is even more inconsistent across the EU. In the
majority of cases, English preparation programmes are grammar-based in order to satisfy the
need of standards such as TOEFL and IALTS. A distinction has been made between the
English requirements, say for a deck officer of watch and the one for an engineering officer of
watch. The intended standards are also underpinned by a sample unit of study to encourage
vocational reference and ensure that the programmes supporting these standards focus on
skills as well as grammar. The unit of study for each class of seafarers would also set the
scene for maintenance of standards in the future and act as a guideline for development of
training/learning/testing material.
In non-English speaking countries, many seafarers, especially below officer levels, have
serious problems with English language. To this end, two of the foundation standards
(elementary and intermediate) can be used to target this particular group. The standards are
being designed so that industry could use them to assess the competence of their employees at
particular standards suggested.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

4.2. Potential users

Potential users will be lower and upper secondary school leavers, lycee/lise cadets,
young unemployed and all those employed in the water transportation industries (all ratings,
officers and above, deck as well as engineering) as well as all education and training centres
concerned with the formation of Merchant Navy personnel.
There is no standardised Maritime English testing system in Europe. The level of English
competence among merchant navy officers is inconsistent. The experience of running
merchant navy officer programmes by the partners has indicated major language deficiencies
and inconsistency. This has been acknowledged by many EU member state delegations to
IMO. Poor comprehension has been a major cause of accidents and incidents at sea and ports
as reported in several European accident analysis reports (Deniz Ticareti, 2005) and IMOs
accident analysis reports.
As mentioned earlier, one of the main reasons for the intended standards is that shipping
companies and organisations could use them to assess the competence of their employees at
a particular standard suggested. To this end, all personnel working in the maritime industry
could benefit from these standards as specific tests for specific vocational requirements for
different ranks of seafarers.
Every year thousands of cadets enrol on various education and training programmes to
follow a career in merchant navy. The largest user group are the cadet officers studying/training
becoming an officer of watch either as a Deck officer or An Engineer. The advanced foundation
tests could be used to standardise the level of competency for both engineering and deck cadet
officers before enrolling on their main programme. The tests are designed to ensure that, if
successful, the cadets have reached the required level of competency for progression onto the
main programme of study. Later in their career, they can take advantage of the tests designed
senior officer for progression to higher ranks, working at sea or at ports.
4.3. Pilot tests and teaching material
Up to now, teaching material and tests for all three levels have been completed. In the
preparation of teaching material BTEC standard format was used to comply with other
teaching units for the inclusion in the approved BTEC/EDEXCEL Programmes. Summary of
each phase is as follows:
Phase I: To create a test that assesses the English Language Proficiency level of a candidate
cadet who wishes to enter a Maritime Academy or a Training Center, which aims to educate
its cadets with well established English language skills and comprehensive Maritime English.
Bases for the phase I are: TOEFL Structure, Authentic Material, Maritime Vocabulary,
Scientific Terminology and Real World Requirements.
The Formation of Phase I Test (Upper Intermediate):
structure: 25 questions, all with multiple choice answers, 25 minutes duration, 20%
assessment weight ratio.
reading: 3 written paragraphs followed by 5 questions each, all with multiple choice
answers, 20 minutes duration, 20% assessment weight ratio.
listening: 2 voice-recorded conversations followed by 4 questions each, 2 voicerecorded passages followed by 5 questions each, all with multiple choice answers,
30 minutes duration, and 25% assessment weight ratio.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

speaking: 2 written questions followed by spoken answers, 2 written passages with

voice-recorded conversations and each followed by 1 or 2 spoken answers, 1 voicerecorded passage followed by a spoken answer, 20 minutes duration, 20% assessment
weight ratio.
writing: 2 written passages followed by 1 written question each, written down
answers, 40 minutes duration, and 15% weight ratio.
Phase II /III: SMCP Proficiency: Standard Communication Rules Test in one part,
15 questions, 20 minutes duration, 25% of the full score.
Reading Skill: Written reports/messages/passages in 2 parts, a total of 14 questions,
35 minutes duration, 15% of the full score.
Listening Skill: Recorded situations and questions, 15 questions, 25 minutes, 25% of the
total score.
Speaking Skill: Recorded questions/situations given and an oral response for each is
expected, 15 questions, 25 minutes, 25% of the total score.
Writing Skill: Written situations given in two parts and the test taker is expected to
construct a written report/letter/message on a given situation, 40 minutes duration, 10% of the
full score.
Study guidelines
Part I, The Introduction: Gives the rationale for the test and describes the approach of the test.
States basics for the Study Units.
Part II, The Language Skills: Examines the needs for each skill in the light of the test.
Describes LFA approach for preparing the Study Units.
Part III, The Curriculum: Lists topics and sub-topics of Maritime English curriculum applied
in TUDEV and their relation to the language skills.

5. E-Learning and assessment

The experience of various partners in maritime education and training, most of them in
English, has provided an added value to the existing efforts in partner countries. The fact that
the standards and the study units underpinning them can also be used as means of selflearning and self-assessment which would provide an added value to widen the demand for
the standard in the intended target groups .The partnership intends to seriously support the
development of e-learning and e-assessment, which have been assigned to two leading
partners involved in such developments. This is expected to increase the existing interest in
the project and its dissemination. The partnership is convinced that the intended plans to link
the e-platforms (or one single integrated one) to the website and Internet portals holding the
test materials and providing the connection to other databases would substantially enhance the
possibility of wider audience within the stated target groups. This project would not have
been possible without the support from the Leonardo programme. This programme has
motivated the partners to come together in a worthy cause and innovatively transfer the
existing knowledge and know-how, being developed simultaneously with recent and current
Leonardo projects (SOS, 2005-07 and E-GMDSS, 2006-08).

6. Co-operation with MarEng and MarEng Plus Projects

The web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng was finished in the spring 2007
as a result of a transnational Leonardo da Vinci project MarEng with the aim of promoting the

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Maritime English language competences of those working in the various maritime professions
in Europe.
MarEng brings together sixteen partners from six EU Member States: Belgium, Finland,
Latvia, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. The partner group consists of a wide variety
of maritime institutions, and involved in the project are education and maritime experts such
as English teachers, researchers, training managers, seafaring professionals and
representatives of the maritime industries.
Encouraged by the huge feedback and enormous interest generated by the MarEng
Learning Tool, the project partners were eager to improve and add new features to the tool
and thus decided to embark upon the MarEng Plus Project involving the creation of a new
elementary level in addition to the previous intermediate and advanced levels, the addition of
two new topics, the creation of a teachers manual and the transfer of the MarEng Glossary of
maritime terms into a mobile phone environment.
The existing MarEng Learning Tool consists of intermediate and advanced level learning
material on different maritime topics. The material is based on an idea of a virtual vessel that
during its journey encounters different language usage situations in port and on board.
The aim of creating new material into the MarEng Learning Tool is to widen the user base
of the Tool. As a result of the MarEng Plus project, two new topics, as well as elementary
level learning material and a Teachers manual, will be added to the Tool.
Based on the feedback received, the tool is missing some relevant content. All over the
world more attention is given to issues related to security and the environment, and the same
goes with maritime sector. Therefore, the new MarEng Plus project will work to create new
material under the themes of transport security and the environment.
The feedback has also revealed that the lower level English learners are in the need of
a (beginner) elementary level as the MarEng Learning Tool currently consists of only
intermediate and advanced levels. Teachers using the MarEng Tool see that their teaching
process could be made more efficient by creating a teachers manual. Therefore, creating an
elementary level and a teachers manual will be a part of the project.
As the maritime workers are very mobile, it is also appropriate to find solutions to transfer
the MarEng Learning Tool into the mobile learning environment. Therefore, the project will
transfer the MarEng maritime glossary into a form that can be utilised in a mobile phone even if
the phone is out of network connection. All the project activities will be performed by a partner
group that represents several European Union countries some of the partners being the same
as in the previous MarEng project. Partners wide background in shipping industry and
Maritime English teaching gives a strong basis for the project success.
In 2008, TUDEV became advisory partner of Leonardo Project MarEng Plus. This has provided a great opportunity for MarTEL and MarEng Plus to establish close coordination and cooperation. During the last partner meeting of MarEng Plus in May 2009, the partners agreed to
consider a closer co-operation between the two projects for joint valorization and dissemination.
Considering the number of partners in both projects (32 in total), this will be a historical event if
the two project groups come together.
Both projects foresee a strong and wide impact by disseminating the outcomes all over the
world to all different kinds of users. As a result of the projects, the material will be transferred
to new user groups and geographical areas. The new material will not only widen the overall
user group but also motivate lower level learners to learn Maritime English.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

In addition, the increasing co-operation between the EU and its surrounding areas will
create the need for the improved knowledge of English among the countries of different linguistic backgrounds.

7. Conclusions
The notion of having standards in English language is not new, however establishing standards for Maritime English should be considered innovative. Developing standards for each
class of seafarers and targeting skills/competencies needed for each class underpinned by a unit
of study, which could be used as a guideline and a benchmark for improving existing English
preparation programmes or developing new ones. All current partners have been involved in
the development of preparatory English programmes for cadet officers and some have been
involved in general English programmes for undergraduates as well as postgraduate students,
and three have been developing and running short Maritime English Programmes for industry.
Several silent partners either are an awarding body or they are associated with an awarding
body accrediting existing conventional English preparatory programme, ranging from 3 to 6
months of study. Some have been offering short English programmes for industrial updating
and for remedial purposes.
The rapid prototyping method for development of standards should also be considered innovative. The content of tests is relying on existing material as well as material on general
English language training for standards such as TOEFL and IALTS, although the theoretical
aspects of these tests will be replaced by vocational and skill-based content. IMO also has extensive range of material on Maritime English (SMCP), which is being incorporated in the
underpinning study unit for the intermediate standard. The standards and the associated study
units would not only be useful to partners, but also to the contracting organisation, which is
one of the leaders in the maritime education partnership MarEdu ( The
MarEdu partnership began as a result of the Leonardo project (SOS, 2005-07), involving three
of the partners in the existing consortium. The partnership is composed of the leading nautical
colleges in several European countries. The MarEdu membership is supportive of the proposed projects and intends to promote the MarTEL standards.
There is a definite need for these standards and there is a huge market for them. The establishment of test centres and the provision of testing services are expected to lead to saving
lives, reducing injuries and minimising financial losses.
An invitation
The intention of standardising and harmonising the process of testing for Maritime English language competency cannot happen without active support from representatives of maritime education and training providers and the wider maritime community.
Piri Reis University would wish to invite all academics and industrialists participating in
this conference to join the project team and help to respond to the identified and the compelling need to promote a high level of working Maritime English language skills throughout the
EUs shipping industry.

1. IMO, sub-committee minutes, 12th session, 2004 (and 13.01.2005,

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

2. IMO, Casualty Statistics and Investigations Very Serious and Serious Casualties for the
2001, February 2004.
3. IMO (2005),,
4. Loginovsky, V.A. Verbal Communication Failures and Safety at Sea, Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2002.
5. NTNU Report, Training in risk prevention and vessel safety for the coastal fishing sector, Community Vocational Training Action Programme (1995-1999) NORAY Contract No. E/99/1/061291/PI/I.1.1.b/FPI.
6. Ozhusrev, T. E., S. Uzun, and R. Ziarati, Generic Remote Communication Systems for
the Factories of the Future, Proceedings of ICCTA 2003, IEEE, Alexandria, Egypt.
7. Pourzanjani et al., Maritime Education and Training (MET) in the European Union: How
Can Maritime Administrations Support MET, Vol. 2, No. 2, IAMU Journal, December 2002.
8. Schrder et al., The Thematic Network on Maritime Education, Training Mobility of Seafarers (METNET): The Final Outcomes, Vol. 3, No. 1, June 2002.
9. Torkel, S. cited in Turkish Shipping World, ISSN 1301-5907 October 2004.
10. UK Department for Education and Employment Report, EUROTECNET, 37 - Factory of
the Future Development of Human Resources Vocational Training & Innovation in
Europe, EUROTECNET Project Case Studies, 1995.
11. Videotel, The Importance of on Board Training and Assessment under STCW 95,
Videotel Productions, 2001.
12. Zade et al., 2002, Maritime Education and Training (MET) in the European Union: How Can
Maritime Administrations Support MET, Vol. 2, No. 2, IAMU Journal, December 2002.
13. Ziarati, R., A report on IMO MSC 82 to IMarEST, for consideration to Technical
Affairs Committee, IMarEST news, 2007.
14. Ziarati, R., Safety At Sea Applying Pareto Analysis, Proceedings of World Maritime
Technology Conference (WMTC 06), Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre, 2006.
15. Ziarati, R. Maritime and Training A way forward, confidential report to Turkish
Maritime Education Foundation, July 2003.
16. Ziarati, R. Safety On Sea (SOS), Leonardo Project 2005-2007, No. TR/05/B/P/PP/178 001.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Prof. Dr. Reza Ziarati

BSc (Eng.), PhD (Eng.), CertEd FIEE FIMechE FIMarEST CEng;
the Principal of Institute of Maritime Studies, Turkey, Executive Director of Centre for Factories of
the Future, UK, and PhD Supervisor of Several Programmes, Oxford Brookes University, UK;
previously served as Director of Oxford Brookes University/Dogus Institute, Istanbul, Turkey,
Dean of Faculty of Sciences, Head of Department of Computer Engineering and Pro Vice
Chancellor (External Relations) of Dogus University, Executive Director of Centre for Factories of
the Future, External Examiner for higher degrees, degrees and BTEC/Edexcel programmes;
holds a number of directorships and industrial professorships;
chaired and participated in a number of international consortiums, conferences, business
programmes and industrial partnerships;
has over 80 major papers and/or articles and awarded a number of national and international prizes.

Captain Taner Albayrak

BA (Int. Relations), MA (Management), PhD (Maritime Management-ongoing), AIMarEST;
Dep. Head Navigation Engineering Department TUDEV, EU Projects Coordinator and Board
Member of Seafarers Examination Centre;
graduate of Naval Academy and Naval War College and qualified as a line officer (both deck and
served in Turkish Navy mostly in operations and education and training management duties at different ranks and seniority and served as captain of a frigate and Commodore of a naval division. He
also served in NATO Headquarters and several UN Peacekeeping Missions;
recent activities include project coordination and management, organization and chairmanship of
conferences, seminars and delivery of lectures and press conferences to national and international
media at various levels.
TUDEV/Piri Reis University
Tuzla stasyon Mah., Haciolu Sok. 34940 Tuzla, stanbul
Tel: 0216 447 00 79, 0216 581 00 30
Fax: 0216 446 70 05
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Carmen Chirea-Ungureanu
Mircea Georgescu
Constanta Maritime University
Constanta, Romania


Managing cultural diversity can no longer be thought of as an organizational issue alone, but also an
industrial responsibility. One issue under this is shipboard habitability standards, which have been found
to influence the crews sense of well-being.
There is a potential cultural diversity to improve some aspects of social habitability standards on
board. However, the rich cultural mix on board probably provides a more relaxing environment than a run
ashore. By encouraging social mixing, there is always something new to learn, something to keep ones
mind occupied. The maritime industry is now faced with a multicultural workforce, which requires organizations to provide an environment that enables the crew to operate comfortably within it. This requires providing diversity training for seafarers so that they can do away with the subtle assumptions that
differences equate to deficiencies, an assumption that has been the root cause of much of the racial tension on mixed manned ships.
At the same time, the increase in cross-border human traffic has meant that companies are no longer
dealing with a homogenous native community, from which they recruit their staff. Companies are now
facing cross-cultural challenges in how they recruit, manage and develop a multicultural staff.
New and different situations ask for new skills and competences from seafarers where culture is recognized as having impact on communication and safety on board. Intercultural competence, especially between European and non-European nationalities, intercultural awareness of differences, stereotyping,
prejudice, and behavior are the objectives in our presentation. We shall also present the importance of
cross-cultural communication skills.
Keywords: cultural diversity, cross-cultural communication skills, intercultural awareness, and intercultural competence, mixed manned ships.
the single greatest barrier to business success is the one erected by culture."
Edward T. Hall and Mildred Reed Hall

1. Introduction
A multi-ethnic crew is an interesting challenge. More than once, cooperation has been an
IMO annual theme and that applies also to managing mixed crews. It is also the topic of IMEC
21 Conference in Poland: Maritime English: Improving Communication and Cultural Awareness. In fact, recruitment practices, as carried out at some places today, could be a serious threat
to both the ISM Code and the Revised STCW 78 (STCW 95), where it is understood that crews
must be committed (loyal, devoted, dedicated) and able to communicate effectively free from
prejudice (discrimination, chauvinism, intolerance etc.). With increasing workforce mobility, this
issue has become a particular challenge for shipowners within the European Union.
Encounters between people of different cultural background have always existed, and people
were always thinking about phenomena that were unusual in other cultures. However, those encounters were relatively seldom in early times. Today, they are almost part of everyday life: the
facilitated communication and movement of people have made it possible. At the same time, the

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

facilitated interchange between cultures has jeopardized their very existence, and facilitated the
emergence of a cosmopolitan culture, a phenomenon often referred to as globalization.
Many owners worldwide use mixed crews. Again, a multifaced crew is in itself nothing new.
In old days, there were a lot of people onboard and we had time to check each other to ensure
there were no misunderstandings and mistakes sometimes a consequence of bad communication. There are not many comments on mixed crews from those days. An interesting exception is
the research of Dr. David Moreby (1990), for instance Communication problems inherent in
a cross-cultural manning environment.
A well-trained safety-communicating crew has become a prerequisite and a mandatory requirement in todays global shipping fleet. To assure this, several P&I Clubs conduct human factor training programs. The insurance companies take a proactive interest in preventing accidents;
owners should be equally proactive. We should all take an interest because Skills and motivation do not have anything to do with nationality (Hooper, 2004a, p. 37).
A wide range of activities is assisting when things go wrong. Shortcomings in procedures,
practices, equipment and erroneous acts are contributory causes for things that can go wrong
(Hooper, 2004b). Other causes are a lack of communication and stereotyping that could trigger
an accident or an incident before, sometimes long before, it actually happens. A serious problem
is stereotyping and judging people with the same measurement. When we judge others that we
do not know, we interpret the meaning of the reason for the behavior of someone from another
culture, usually with emotion. The problem appears when we do not know values, perspectives
and approaches used by the other culture.
Today, many accidents are explained by human factors (about 70%) often sub-headed by clarifications like fatigue and ergonomics. There might be an equally important reason for human factors and
these are multicultural misconceptions, power distance (a subalterns respect to superiors), stereotyping
and substandard communication. Specific conditions can be symbolic of larger problems.
Instruction and practice of Maritime English for communication and cooperation is an important element in maritime education. A multitude of new methodologies have been explored and
discussed in recent years in an attempt to approach the training and testing the proficiency of
Maritime English that meets the international standards laid out in STCW. Maritime English
education and technological development has been acknowledged to be an interaction relation,
and these are the two main factors upon which the trainee bases. We are teaching English or studying the teaching of English, but why do we want to teach English, as opposed to other foreign languages? It is useful for us to consider this basic question occasionally and to analyze this topic.

2. Communicating internationally
With more and more companies globalizing, employees in various international locations
now have day-to-day communications with each other. Given different cultural contexts, this
brings new communication challenges to the workplace.
Even when these employees speak the same language (for instance, correspondences between English speakers in the UK and English speakers in the US), there are some cultural differences that should be considered in an effort to optimize communications between the two parties. In such cases, effective communication strategy begins with the understanding that the
sender and the receiver of the message are from different cultures and backgrounds. Of course,
this introduces a certain amount of uncertainty, making communications even more complex.
Without getting into cultures and sub-cultures, it is perhaps most important to realize that
a basic understanding of cultural diversity is the key to effective cross-cultural communications.
Without intently studying individual cultures and languages, we must all learn how to better
communicate with individuals and groups, whose first language, or language of choice, does not
match our own.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

While many companies now offer training in different cultures where the company conducts
business, it is important that employees, being thrust into communicating across cultures, practice patience and work on their own to increase their knowledge and understanding of a different
culture. This requires the ability to see that a persons own behaviors and reactions are often culturally driven.
2.1. Communications skills the importance of removing barriers
Communication barriers can pop-up at every stage of the communication process (which
consists of sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback and context see the diagram below)
and have the potential to create misunderstanding and confusion.

Fig. 1. Standard Communication model

To be an effective communicator and to get your point across without misunderstanding and
confusion, your goal should be to lessen the frequency of these barriers at each stage of this
process with clear, concise, accurate, well-planned communications.
The advent of the global economy is changing the fundamental nature of our governments,
businesses, organizations and populations. In short, we are no longer constrained by state
boundaries but have all become part of an interdependent international network. One of the key
changes triggered by this is the need to communicate effectively with different people from different cultures in different languages. It is now recognized that linguistic and cultural knowledge
are two of the most vital areas of knowledge that organizations must come to acquire if they are
to integrate, progress and succeed in the marketplace. Cross-cultural communication is a must!
It is sometimes the simple mistakes we make, like showing the soles of our shoes or giving
thumbs up, when dealing with different cultures that can ruin a relationship or months of hard
work. Learning the simple cultural dos and don'ts can avoid this and help generate respect and

3. Communication and the English language

A symbolical-abstract language is the dominant sign of any culture. The language of any
group is directly connected to the world-view of the group. Humboldt wrote regarding language:
The difference in languages is not a difference in sounds and signs, but a difference in worldview. The best well known theory stemming from this is the Sapir-Whorf theory: The real world
is to a large extent unconsciously built on the language habits of the group. No two languages are
ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in
which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same world with different labels
attached (in Victor, David A., 1992).
The interchange of language and the frame of reference is also remarkable. Maletzke (1996)
distinguished that the German word Blatt can have different meanings in botany (a leaf), for

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

a piano player (the score), graphic designer (the sheet of paper) or players of card games (the set
of cards). Equally, subcultures can have their own distinctive words or meanings of words.
Since the 1960s, English has become the normal medium of instruction in higher education
for many countries and is increasingly used in several countries, where the language has no official status.
The English language teaching (ELT) business has become one of the major growth industries around the world in the past half-century. Taking into account the differences between
Standard English and Maritime English:
Maritime English is the entirety of all those means of the English language which, being used
as a device for communication within the international maritime community, contribute to
the safety of navigation and the facilitation of the seaborne trade (Trenkner, 2000).
To be able to do this, it is fundamental to ascertain what linguistic and methodological
knowledge and skills are required for the contemporary Maritime English instructor to successfully perform his/her job.
Our curiosity about authenticity in teaching began with an interest in transformative learning
theory. We reasoned that if knowledge about teaching is primarily communicative in nature and
therefore socially constructed by a community of practitioners and scholars, then we learn about
teaching through experience, reflection on experience, and dialogue with others. The value
placed on reflection about teaching is apparent in the literature (Brookfield, 1995; Schn, 1983).
Perspectives on teaching are an expression of personal beliefs and values related to teaching
that are often formed through careful reflection (Pratt, 1998). Critical reflection is the central
process in transformative learning (Mezirow, 2000), and it is likely that much of our important
learning about teaching is transformative in nature (Cranton, 1996). When we critically reflect on
social norms about teaching, and disengage ourselves from the norms we do not accept, we are
differentiating ourselves from the collective of teachers, and this is the development of authenticity knowing who you are as separate from (and the same as) the collective of humanity. In
Jungian terms, this is also known as individuation (Dirkx, 2000; Sharp, 1995).
3.1. Transformative learning
Transformative learning is a process by which previously uncritically assimilated assumptions, beliefs, values, and perspectives are questioned and thereby become more open, permeable, and better validated (Mezirow, 2000). People make meaning out of the world through experiences. What happens once, they expect to happen again. Through this process, people develop habits of mind or a frame of reference for understanding the world, much of which is uncritically assimilated.
When a person encounters something unexpected, he or she either rejects the new information or begins to question the previously held assumptions. Most new faculty receives no formal
teacher training; they uncritically absorb techniques, strategies, and styles from their own prior
experiences as students and from their colleagues and the norms of the academic community.
Through experience and reflection on that experience, they come to find their own way; they
transform their habits of mind about teaching. For this kind of learning about teaching to take
place, faculty must be critical of the academic community collective. They need to be able to
challenge the way things are done and have always been done. They need to differentiate their
own thoughts and values from those of the community within which they work, which is a part
of developing authenticity.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

3.2. Authenticity
This takes us to the concept of authenticity in teaching, especially for teaching Maritime
English. Authenticity is a multifaced concept that includes at least four parts: being genuine,
showing consistency between values and actions, relating to others in such a way as to encourage
their authenticity, and living a critical life. We discuss each briefly.
Cranton (2001) defined authenticity as the expression of the genuine self in the community
and presented a process by which teachers in higher education come to know themselves and
their preferences within the social context of their work. She described teaching as a specialized
form of communication that has learning as its goal and pointed out that meaningful communication rests on the premise that those involved are speaking genuinely and honestly rather than with
an intent to manipulate or deceive. To be able to express the genuine self, people need to know
who that self is. The development of self-awareness is a transformative process (Mezirow, 2000).
Generally, adult educators have suggested that being an authentic teacher includes making
sure our behaviors are congruent with our words (Brookfield, 1990; Ray & Anderson, 2000) and
admitting we do not have all the answers and can make mistakes. Palmer (2000) saw this as
knowing our limitations. Brookfield (1997) balanced credibility and authenticity; educators
should practice what they preach and be sure not to espouse one way of working and then behave
in a different way in their own teaching.
Jarvis (1992) suggested people are being authentic when they choose to act so as to foster
the growth and development of each others being (p. 113). Jarvis saw this as an experimental
and creative act where teachers consciously have the goal of helping another person to develop.
In other words, teachers and students learn together through dialogue, as Freire (1972)
advocated; the result of authentic teaching is that teachers learn and grow together with their
students (Jarvis, 1992, p. 114). As we know from Bubers (1961) work, it is only through relationships with others that authenticity can be fostered. For educators to be open to this way of seeing
their practice requires a questioning and perhaps rejection of some expectations and assumptions
about what teaching is a transformative process.
Communication is our most important human tool for understanding, cooperation and action.
Sadly, it is also the tool that can make us confused and frustrated. Interpreting a message for its
meaning is communication.
One of a managers prime activities is to mitigate communication so that people freely can
speak to each other. If the crew/staff is multicultural, it creates a lot of complexity if you admit
that crew is a value-added factor for output and profit. Lack of information contributes to crews
fear, uncertainty and the spread of rumors.
Partly, the ISM Code focuses on safety-communication that sometimes is the target for surveyors and wetting inspector. The limited required language knowledge is not enough to give an
individual a social life onboard; hence she/he becomes alienated and thus a safety risk, independent of the length of time mustered. In debates on ship safety this is normally not considered.

4. Why communication skills are so important?

The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others. This is a process that
involves both the sender of the message and the receiver. This process leaves room for error,
with messages often misinterpreted by one or more of the parties involved. This causes unnecessary confusion and counter-productivity. In fact, a message is successful only when both the
sender and the receiver perceive it in the same way.
By successfully getting your message across, you convey your thoughts and ideas effectively. When not successful, the thoughts and ideas that you convey do not necessarily reflect
your own, causing a communications breakdown and creating roadblocks that stand in the way
of your goals both personally and professionally.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

In spite of the increasing importance placed on communication skills, many individuals continue to struggle with this, unable to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively whether
in verbal or written format. This inability makes it nearly impossible for them to compete effectively in the workplace, and stands in the way of career progress.
Getting your message across is paramount to progressing. To do this, you must understand
what your message is, what audience you are sending it to, and how it will be perceived. You
must also weigh-in the circumstances surrounding your communications, such as situational and
cultural context.
The result of a cross-cultural faux pas (very culture-specific violation/s) happens when we
fail to recognize another persons culture. People from other cultures have goals, customs,
thought-patterns and values that may be different from our own. Interpersonal work with unknown (host) nationals may become bitter because of misreading verbal and nonverbal communication signals. This is not because of personality (Harris, 2004). Symbols manifest most communication. Such symbols differ in meaning dependent on time, culture/person and place. Interaction between humans is characterized by a continuous update of the meaning of symbols.
If we accept stereotyping, it will become a barrier to finding the authentic meaning of spoken sentences (as possible and to best ability). When we communicate, we project our own image (needs, expectations, ideals, perceptions etc.); mainly through appearance, tone of voice and
the selection of words.
Often, too often, messages sent are not the same as the message received.

5. Conclusion
Standardized testing, high-stakes testing, and traditional rationales for educational assessment have negatively influenced training programs that today are limited to a single-graduate
course or undergraduate methods course, which fail to provide the pre-service or in-service language educator with the means for learning how to best align assessment with curriculum and instruction. Instead, language educators, who use standardized testing as one of many assessment
tools, to measure student achievement, will be better equipped to not only rank language learners
with their classmates but also to measure their level of understanding, knowledge, skills, and
disposition in a more profound way. Planning assessment before instruction implies an assessment for learning as opposed to an assessment of learning. The ongoing information and feedback teachers provide language learners with, are a constant negotiation that takes into account
the classroom and all of its diversity as a learning community.
Maritime English course design and organization is critically important throughout the whole
training program. It ought to take into account the emphasis IMO guidelines on ship management which lays in the need for good communication. The major concepts and skills with this
aspect are: understanding culture differences, situational awareness, close loop communication,
briefing and debriefing, and communication procedures.
In todays globalised reality, organizations and companies need the creative and dynamic input from a culturally diverse staff. The only way to achieve this is to ensure that such a staff is
not being improperly discounted for positions due to cross-cultural misperceptions. Once this is
taken on board and acted upon, the play will again start to make sense to all involved.
The tower of Babel collapsed because people could no longer communicate; their speech became so different that no one could understand the other. You need to communicate to coordinate your own work and that of the others; without explicit effort your conversation will lack
communication and so your work too will collapse through misunderstanding and error. The key
is to treat a conversation as you would treat any other managed activity: by establishing an aim,
planning what to do, and checking afterwards that you have achieved that aim. Only in this way
can you work effectively with others in common effort.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Intercultural competence on board is more than competence in the English language. Communication, the sending and receiving of messages, is an integral part of any culture. Understanding the concept of culture prepares modern maritime students for intercultural communication and cross-cultural management on board. Incorporating intercultural competence in teaching
may make the difference.

1. Hetherington, C., Flin, R., Mearns, K. (2006) Safety in Shipping: The human element. Journal of Safety Research 37, pp. 401-411.
2. Harris, P. R., Moran, R. T. & Moran, S. V. (2004) Managing cultural differences: Global
leadership strategies for the twenty-first century (6th Ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
3. Hooper, D. (2004a) Fairplay, Coughing up for quality, 36-37, May 20.
4. Hooper, D. (2004b) Fairplay, The human factor, 38, May 20.
5. Moreby, D. H. (1990) Communication problems inherent in a cross-cultural manning environment, Maritime Policy & Management, 17(3), pp. 199-205.
6. Trenkner, P. (2000) Maritime English. An attempt at an imperfect definition. In: Proceedings of the Second IMLA Workshop on Maritime English in Asia, Dalian: Dalian Maritime
University, China, p. 7.
7. Cole, C.W., Pritchard, B, & Trenkner, P. (2005) The professional profile of Maritime English instructor (PROFS): an interim report in Maritime Security and MET, Proceedings of
the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) Sixth Annual General Assembly and Conference, 65-71. Southampton: WIT Press.
8. Brookfield, S. (1995) The skillful teacher, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
9. Brookfield, S. (1995) Becoming a critically reflective teacher. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
10. Brookfield, S. (1997) Through the lens of learning: How the visceral experience of learning
reframes teaching. In D. Boud, R. Cohen, & D. Walker (Eds.), Using experience for learning, Buckingham, UK: Society for Research into Higher Education, pp. 21-32.
11. Cranton, P. (1996) Professional development as transformative learning. San Francisco:
12. Cranton, P. (2001) Becoming an authentic teacher in higher education. Malabar, FL: Krieger.
13. Dirkx, J. (2000) After the burning bush: Transformative learning as imaginative engagement
with everyday experience. In: C. A. Weissner, S. R. Meyer, & D. A. Fuller (Eds.), Challenges of practice: Transformative learning in action (Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Transformative Learning). New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, pp. 247-252.
14. Jarvis, P. (1992) Paradoxes of learning: On becoming an individual in society. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
15. Mezirow, J. (2000) Learning to think like an adult: Core concepts of transformation theory.
In: J. Mezirow & Associates (Eds.), Learning as transformation: Critical perspectives on
a theory in progress, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 3-33.
16. Palmer, P. (2000) Let your life speak: Listening for the voice of vocation. San Francisco:
17. Pratt, D. (1998) Five perspectives on teaching in adult and higher education. San Francisco:
18. Ray, P., & Anderson, S. (2000) The cultural creatives. New York: Three Rivers Press.
19. Schn, D. A. (1993) The reflective practitioner. New York: Basic Books.
20. Sharp, D. (1995) Who am I really? Personality, soul and individuation. Toronto, Ontario,
Canada: Inner City Books.
21. Victor, David A. (1992) International Business Communication New York: HarperCollins.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Carmen Chirea-Ungureanu
holds a BA in English and Romanian, a MA in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature, and
a PhD in Philology;
Senior Lecturer in Maritime English at the Maritime University of Constanta;
her primary current interests are the developing methods for improving communication skills and cultural awareness, as well as teaching materials on maritime intercultural competence at management
member of ATINER (Athens Institute for Education and Research), Athens, Greece, and ECREA
(European Communication Research and Education Association) Brussels, Belgium;
her most recently published articles/studies are as follows:
<European Culture> Within the European Society of Knowledge, Communication Session with International Participation: XXI Strategies: Security and Defence in the European Union, The National University of Defense CAROL I, Bucharest, Romania, April 17-19, 2008;
Language and Ethnic Alterity: Depreciative References Within the Romanian Written Press, 6th International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, ATINER, Athens, Greece, May 21-24, 2008;
Influences of globalization and informatization in intercultural communication, Communication
Session with International Participation: Public, Intercultural and Influence Communication, The
National University of Defense CAROL I, Bucharest, Romania, April 9-10, 2009;
European cultural identity: the modern subject, 7th International Conference on Communication
and Mass Media, ATINER, Athens, Greece, May 18-22, 2009;
Communicating internationally; Cross-culture communicating made easy on board, Annals of
Constanta Maritime University, 2009;
Classroom assessment techniques-perspectives on authenticity in teaching maritime English, Annals of Constanta Maritime University, 2009.
Mircea Georgescu

works in Constanta, Romania;

holder of a BA in English and Romanian and a PhD in Philology;
Senior lecturer and head of the English Department at Constanta Maritime University;
has been teaching Maritime English to deck and ER students for more than 30 years;
her published articles/papers/books:
Training Nautical Students for Multicultural Environment) International Seminar on Maritime
English Istanbul, March 2002;
Tests and their pitfalls - International Seminar on Maritime English Sankt Petersburg, October 2003;
Improving the Education Process by Implementation of Simulators in the Maritime University of
Constanta - Business International Seminar Izmir, March 2004;
Methods for Students Evaluation at the Maritime University of Constanta IAMU News, October 2004;
Names of Places in Wallachia Attested in the XV and XVI Centuries (Morphological, Syntactical
and Semantical Approches), 250 pp., Nautica Publishing House, Constana, 2007, ISBN 978-9737872-45-6;
Sea Lingo onto the Rocks, Maritime University Annals, Year IX, Vol. 11, Constanta 2008.

Constanta Maritime University

Mircea cel Batran St. 104, 900663 Constanta
Phone: + 40 241 664 740
Fax: + 40 241 617 260
[email protected]
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Boris Pritchard
Sandra Tominac
University of Rijeka
Rijeka, Croatia


The Bologna process places special requirements on MET institutions and on teaching Maritime
English. The advantages and disadvantages of the Bologna Process are a matter of deep disputes
among teachers and educational authorities. These are reflected especially in the learning outcomes
which may sometimes be in conflict with STCW requirements.
In the first part of the workshop, the participants will be involved via specially designed
questionnaires in discussing the issues concerning course design with particular reference to
assessment of knowledge and skills as per STCW and CEF. To help overcome the drawbacks of the
Bologna process. The only way of overcoming the disadvantages is the automation of a part of student
assessment in the form of specially designed computer programmes for testing. The second part is
meant to engage participants in designing and discussing pros and cons of electronically-based
assessment, with particular reference to maritime VHF communications and application of SMCP. For
this purpose the Moodle e-learning application will be used.
Keywords: CBT, assessment, Maritime English, testing
There is a pressing need to harmonise the learning outcomes of Maritime English courses
along with the results of tests and other forms of assessment [3].

Maritime education and training (MET) institutions in Europe have embarked relatively
late on the long-term project of implementing the goals and requirements set out in the
document referred to as the Bologna Process. The ultimate goal of the Bologna Declaration is
to create a common European Higher Education Area by 2010 with a view to improving the
competitiveness and attraction of European higher education in relation to other continents 1.
The European Community promotes interuniversity cooperation as a means of improving the

The main objectives of the Bologna Declaration are:

Easily readable and comparable degrees. The tools for achieving this are ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
and the Diploma Supplement.
Uniform degree structures. The degree structure will be mainly based on a two-cycle model. The first cycle, lasting
a minimum of three years, ends in a bachelor-level degree, which should also be relevant to the European labour market
as an appropriate level of qualification. The second cycle consists of masters degrees, and postgraduate degrees are third
cycle degrees .

Increased mobility free movement of students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff.
Promotion of European co-operation in quality assurance with a view to developing comparable criteria and
methodologies (cf. The European Network of Quality Assurance in Higher Education).


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

quality of education for the benefit of students and higher education institutions, and student
mobility is a predominant element of that interuniversity cooperation.
The recognition of studies and diplomas is a prerequisite for the creation of an Open European
area of education and training where students and teachers can move without obstacles.
The system of ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System) and the Diploma Supplement
are the main tools to achieve the objectives of the Bologna process. ECTS provides an instrument to create transparency, to build bridges between institutions and to widen the choices available to students. The system makes it easier for institutions to recognise the learning achievements
of students through the use of commonly understood measurements credits and grades and it
also provides a means to interpret national systems of Higher Education.[10].
For the purpose of this paper and subsequent pilot research into the system of accreditation
of Maritime English courses within the programmes of study at MET institutions across
Europe and beyond the basic terms are defined as follows:
COMPETENCES: A dynamic combination of cognitive and metacognitive skills,
knowledge and understanding, interpersonal, intellectual and practical skills, ethical
values and attitudes. Fostering competences is the object of all educational programmes.
Competences are developed in all course units and assessed at different stages of a programme. Some competences are subject-area related (specific to a field of study), others
are generic (common to any degree course). It is normally the case that competence development proceeds in an integrated and cyclical manner throughout a programme.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do after successful completion of a process of learning.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME: A set of educational components, based on learning
outcomes that are recognised for the award of a specific qualification.
WORKLOAD: Indication of the time students typically need to complete all learning
activities (such as lectures, seminars, projects, practical work, self-study and examinations) required to achieve the expected learning outcomes.
ECSTS: Quantified means of expressing the volume of learning based on the workload
students need in order to achieve the expected outcomes of a learning process at a specified level.
ASSESSMENT: The total range of methods (written, oral and practical tests/ examinations, projects and portfolios) used to evaluate learners achievement of expected learning outcomes.
TESTING: A language test is an aid to learning [5] and just one of the possible assessment tools possible assessment tools. It is a procedure intended to establish the
quality, performance, or reliability of something, a short written or spoken examination
of a persons proficiency or knowledge [11]. According to [1] a test is a measurement
instrument designed to elicit a specific sample of an individuals behavior. a test
necessarily quantifies characteristics of individuals according to explicit procedures.
We shall regard LSP testing as a special case of communicative language ability [4],
which in essence is not fundamentally different from the good testing practice in other
types of language tests. However, it is important to note here that in terms of Maritime
English the purpose of language testing may be therefore regarded as referring to the
interaction between language knowledge and specific purpose content knowledge [4].
We can therefore define an ESP test (e.g. a test in Maritime English) as a performance
test assessing the skills needed to communicate in the language and in an extralinguistic
context of situation succesfully .

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

ECTS credits are numerical values allocated to course units to describe the student workload
required to complete them. They reflect the quantity of work (workload) that each course unit
requires in relation to the total quantity of work necessary to complete a full year of academic
study at the institution, i.e. lectures, practical work, seminars, tutorials, fieldwork, private
study in library or at home and examinations or other assessment activities. ECTS is thus
based on a full student workload and is not limited to contact hours only. In ECTS, 60 credits
represent the workload of an academic year of study (1 credit = 24 hours of work).
Recently, the Commission of the European Communities has made a recommendation to
the European Parliament and the Council on the Establishment of the European credit system
for vocational education and training (ECVET [12]). This credit system should be fully taken
into consideration, along with ECTS, when revising the learning outcomes, workload and systems of accreditation for Maritime English.
In most contries, the following systems of higher education are established under the
Bologna Process:
(university) higher education,
vocational education and training.
MET institutions are mainly classified under vocational education and training (VET) but
here seems to be little cooperation among the MET institutions with respect to allocating
ECTS/ ECVET to their programmes of studies. These institutions are also lagging far behind
other technical and vocational educational institutions in joining the ERASMUS programmes
involving mobility of students and instructors.
The main reason for this relative delay in joining overall educational developments in the
EU is the fact that, in terms of structural organisation, MET institutions still operate outside
universities, mainly acting as independent higher education institutions (under different
names such as academies, colleges, etc.) or making part of separate maritime universities or
colleges of applied science. On the other hand, most academies and colleges of the countries,
which have only recently joined the EU, are now either constituent units or departments of the
relative universities (e.g. Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, etc.), thus continuing the system
of university degree education for maritime professions. The second reason, sometimes nonconversant with the former, but having a high impact on the concept of maritime education
and training, is the fact that maritime education and training must comply with the requirements of international organisations such as IMO, ITU etc., which are highly competencebased and competence-oriented (cf. STCW certificates of competence).
Nevertheless, the national higher education legislations and the relative administrations in
Europe largely require MET institutions to adopt and implement, entirely or partly, the system
of education and training as set out in the Bologna Process.
This has forced all MET institutions to adopt a kind of a mixed concept of education and
training in their curricula and syllabi (including Maritime English instruction, which is subject
to the requirements of:
(a) national higher education systems based on the Bologna Process,
(b) VET,
(c) international competence-based system of education placing strict rules and demands
on training and certification rather than on education.
This threefold system practised at MET institutions across Europe is also well embodied in
the instruction of English for General Purposes (EGP) and even more so in the teaching of
Maritime English.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

The Bologna process calls for achieving a high degree of harmonised learning outcomes
(i.e. workload expressed in terms of ECTS credits). These could be reached by:
setting standards of knowledge and skills in foreign language teaching and learning (in
the form of CEFR 2001 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages),
mobility of programmes (syllabi), students and teachers across Europe.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) can be regarded as
a guideline used to describe the achievements of learners of foreign languages across Europe.
It is intended to provide a basis for the mutual recognition of language qualifications. The
CEFR was recommended (though not made compulsory) by the European Council as an instrument in setting up systems of validation of language competences. These standards and
qualifications could be used as a solid basis for setting standards of communicative competence in Maritime English [2]. Similar standards, to a certain extent also applicable to Maritime English, have been proposed by other international organisations, e.g. ICAO [3].
Mobility is a principle still unknown or poorly applied or practised among MET institutions, though initial attempts have been made recently. Undoubtedly, mobility offers enormous potential for improvements in MET as a whole and in the field of cooperation in the instruction of Maritime English
In spite of the principles set out in the Bologna documents (Bologna 1999 Bergen 2009)
and the experience gained so far, the main problem, as far as the Maritime English instruction
is concerned, still remains: lack of basic uniformity in terms of adopting and applying common descriptors of workload within the ECTS credits allocated to courses of Maritime English and the corresponding syllabuses for the Bachelor of Science degree studies across the
EU member states, not to speak of the same on the world level. This is reflected in the diversity of learning outcomes and division of workload in various countries and MET institutions
in Europe. One of the objectives of the proposed research is to study the existing learning outcomes and workload described in the ECTS credits for Maritime English across Europe (and,
possibly, beyond) with a view to producing acceptable common learning outcomes.
A major step, however, was made at IMEC 20, where a yardstick has been proposed for
measuring efficiency of Maritime English instruction in the paper Developing training and
watchkeeping standards the Maritime English competence yardstick in the revised stew context [3]. This forms a firm basis for further study and for achieving acceptable uniformity, or
unity in difference, at least as far as assessment and testing Maritime English competence is
concerned. This paper builds on the proposed yardstick and tries to find ways of common
ground in the assessment and CBT testing within the syllabus design for Maritime English
that might be of international use. It also builds on numerous contributions made by papers
and workshops delivered at previous IMECs on the topic of assessment and testing.

1. Maritime English and the Bologna Process

As mentioned above, while making general provisions for eduction and training, the EU
policy distinguishes between higher education (The Bologna Process) and vocational
education and training (The Copenhagen Declaration, as amended) and sets different
standards for the two systems. National MET systems in Europe differ mainly in that they
may make part of the former or the latter, and quite frequently the two systems are combined.
This has an effect on Maritime English and is further complicated by the requirements of the

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

IMO STCW Convention. On the other hand, IMO STCW requirements on English language
represent the minimum standards where the two systems meet.
The Bologna Declaration sets the following principles within the 1st, 2nd and 3rd
(a) Length of studies for the 1st degree (BSc): 3 or 4 years. In case of MET it is mostly
3 years but the BSc certificate (sometimes totally uninteligible when translated into
languages other than English) provides no recognizable title (formerly it had
corresponded to Diplom-Ingenieur). Therefore the MET student has to undergo the
studies for five years to reach the masters degree. This is totally in contrast with
desperate demands made by shipowners and crewing agencies today, who normally
prefer as short as possible vocational education for STCW-certificated marine officers,
i.e. lasting two years at the most.
(b) Modularity of programmes of study (curricula and syllabi) not much progress has
been achieved toward uniform, mutually substitutable blocks (cf. [6]). Incompatibility
of lack of uniformity has proved to be the major obstacle to MET student exchanges
within the Erasmus Mundus programme.
(c) Focus on practical skills in the 1st degree work-related studies. However, because of the
existing nomenclature for undergarduate professions, this tends to turn into its opposite,
i.e. extension of the duration from 3 to 5 years on the average before a graduated MET
student enters the world of work (cf. Point 1)
(d) Importance of lifelong learning (not yet as successful in many EU countries). This is an
area where MET has a lot to offer to the Bologna Process as the importance of lifelong
learning had been recognized in the maritime industry long before the Bologna Process
(e) The grading system system of credits (ECTS) supposed to allow for comparability of
degrees and mobility of programmes, students and teachers across Europe but not yet
working well in all countries. The implementation of the ECTS grading system, as a part
of overall assessment, arises out of the learning outcomes. This is the bone of content
among students and teachers of both technical subjects and Maritime English. Under
the othodox interpretation of the Bologna system of assessment and evaluation, all
knowledge, skills and comptence can be reduced and expressed in terms of numericals
and percentages as these are convenient for comparison and international recognition
interpreted in terms of the Diploma Supplement.
Following the initial study [8] and by means of gathering information during the IMEC 21,
the workshop on the assessment of knowledge, skills and competence as related to learning
outcomes sets out in course description for Maritime English, and after receiving subsequent
feedback from Maritime English teachers, this research aims to make a survey of the pros and
cons of CBT testing as a part of the system of evaluating students achievements.
The Bologna Declaration is frequently referred to by the enthusiasts as the European
Trademark, something standing out for others to buy, to follow. However, there are some
drawbacks and flaws, especially if adopted and applied indiscriminately, without considering
national and cultural differences and traditions in education and training. Furthermore, it
could have disastrous results if applied and practised to the letter. Often it is regarded as
a transitional process but sometimes there seems to be no end to the transition.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

2. Maritime English Syllabus: the learning outcomes and workload vs. system
of credits
Since the learning outcomes and the number of ECTS credits assigned to Maritime English
across Europe differ from country to country, even among MET institutions of the same
country, or among course holders, we will try to gather information on some basic ingredients
in the Maritime English learning outcomes playing a significant role in assigning credits to
the course: attendance, continuous assessement and activities during the classes, specific
activities (e.g. lectures, practical work, seminars, tutorials, discussions, writing and
presentation of seminar papers and projects, CBT testing, homework), and the final exam.
CBT activities, i.e. the testing activities targeted in this paper/research, could encompass
all the stages of acquiring knowledge of language systems (presentation, practising,
producing) and all activities in developing communicative skills, especially pre-, while, and
post- listening and reading skills.
The CBT exercises can be transformed into tests and can take the form of multiple-choice
tests (MCT), true-false, cloze, fill in, dropdown, dragon, drag and drop, complete the
sentence, alternative answers, short answers, jumbled words / sentences / texts, matching
exercises, proofreading, presentation, report, paper, projects, quiz, etc., depending on the
software. In addition, dictionary links, audio and video clips, audio and video (multimedia)
recordings can be attached to practically any CBT software.
All sorts of computer operations are possible and available both to the teacher and learner:
saving, previewing, marking, adding feedback and hints, adding multimedia, changing names
of the course, units and exercises, changing orders of units and exercises, moving exercises
from one unit to another, formatting exercises, adding a weblink, etc.
Most software applications (e.g. Clarity, Moodle/Merlin) offer viewing learners progress,
immediate final results in various systems of marking, licensing assigning usernames and
passwords, etc. CBT testing can be applied in continuous assessment, the results being
entered into the students portfolios, and for final exams. So far the authors have introduced
two periodical CBT tests in a term, the first one administered in the middle of the term and
the second by the end of the term. Final exams have been oral exclusively, involving the
presentation of a number of maritime-related topics, a paper or a project.
Unfortunately not many MET institutions or holders of Maritime English courses have
published their learning outcomes and their evaluation as to ECTS/ECVET credits on their
websites. This is why the present research and the related workshop are expected to shed
more light on this important information on the Maritime English courses held in Europe and
around the world. Here is an example from a professional (instructors) development course
held at WMU:
It is expected that by the end of the Programme the participants will:
have become aware of what is required of the contemporary Maritime English teacher
to fulfil the basic demands of IMOs legal instruments and its advisory Model Course;
have a comprehensive understanding of the current methods used to teach Maritime
English and how to apply them;
be prepared to embark upon a sustained process of self-directed skills development;
be in a position to share and develop these competencies with colleagues.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

and another one (named Objectives) laid down for the IMO Model Course 3.17, 2nd edition,
The objectives of the Core Section 1 of the IMO English model course are to:
develop trainees ability to use English to lower intermediate language level
(equivalent to the Council of Europe Common European Framework for Languages
level B1);
teach basic Maritime English, as recommended in the English language guidelines of
Part B-VI/1 of the STCW Code;
improve trainees competence in English to the level required to progress to Core
Section 2 of this model course;
prepare trainees for developing the full knowledge, understanding and proficiency in
English required by the STCW Code;
give students wide-ranging opportunities to practise communicating in English for both
maritime and general purposes at elementary to lower intermediate language level;
provide instructors with a suggested framework for introducing selected topics from
the Standard Marine Communication Phrases, as required by the STCW Code.
The learning outcomes shown below are indicative of some Maritime English courses held in
MET institutions:
1) Lithuanian Maritime Academy 7 semesters of Maritime English (4-year BSc course)
Study programme: Marine navigation
Study language: English
Type: obligatory
Course: Maritime English I
Semester: 1 (autumn)
Local credits: 2
ECTS credits: 3
Students must be able to:
communicate in English on general and vocational topics, to discuss, to summarize
and express their opinion;
lead business discourse and communicate with governing authorities, various
representatives of different companies, pilots on all topics related to vocational practice;
create formal letters, presentations and use vocational English terms properly.
Course: Maritime English 8: Communications, Ships correspondence
2) Antwerp Maritime Academy (Hogere Zeevaartsschool) 5 semesters of Maritime
English (3-year BSc course)
Competences (learning outcomes)
Specific job-related competences
The student develops:
the ability to use the English language fluently and professionally and to communicate effectively in English for both maritime and general purposes;

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

the required knowledge, understanding and proficiency in English as required by

and set out in the STCW 1995 Code (cf. also the English language guidelines of
Part B-VI/a of the STCW 95 Code);
the essential professional vocabulary (technical terminology) for maritime/nautical
The student is able:
to use selected topics from SMCP (Parts A) as required by STCW 1995 Code,
General job-related competences:
AB1.1: the student develops a sense for teamwork,
AB1.5: the student develops a sense of working to high quality standards,
AB2.2: the student is able to communicate to a good and professional standard
in a foreign language that is commonly used in nautical contexts.
General competences:
AC1.1: the student develops an ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists;
AC2.2: the student is able to communicate in a targeted, efficient way (oral or written: oral fluency, proper reporting);
AC2.5: the student is able to display appropriate social skills in human interaction
(including acting and behaving respectfully).
Semester + Modules: Semester 1, Module 1.2, semester 2, Module 2.1 & 2.2
Units of credits: 7 (i.e. 7 credits assigned to two semesters taken as a whole)
Hours of formal lecture: 36; Hours of practical exercises: 24
Tutoring: 12; Guided self-tuition: 10
Overall working load: 196
3) University of Karlstad
Course Approval
The syllabus was approved by the Board of the Faculty of Arts and Education on
29 May 2007, and is valid from the Autumn semester at Karlstad University.
Course Code: ENGAP1
English for Practical and Professional Purposes, 15 ECTS Credits
(English for Practical and Professional Purposes, 15 Swedish credit points)
Degree Level: Bachelor
Progression Level: A
Learning Outcomes (for all courses) :
The aim of the course is that students, in the short and long term, develop their formal
and informal communicative skills in English.
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
communicate in English, orally and in writing, for different situations and purposes;
demonstrate awareness of the important features of English-speaking communication;
choose the appropriate words and expressions for different situations;
use language tools and other relevant resources to develop proficiency in English.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

4) MarTEL Maritime Test of English Language*

The main tangible outcomes are:
i. The Foundation standards, which include tests at three levels of proficiency:
Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced. All levels will include active skills i.e.
Speaking, Comprehension and Writing. The content would be based on active
learning and on maritime terminology and usage with less emphasis on grammar.
The Foundation test at advanced level will benchmark the well-known English
qualification standards TOEFL 500 and IELTS 5.5 in terms of testing methods
rather than their contents.
ii. The Officer standards will be based on TOEFL 550 and IELTS 6.0 standards, but
content will be primarily based on Navigation English and Marine Engineering
English. These tests will focus on all the skills but with less emphasis on grammar.
iii. The senior officers standards will be equivalent to TOEFL 600 or IELTS 6.6. For
the senior officers in charge of vessels over 3000 GRT, the standard will include
a section on language requirements for these vessels and the term Unlimited will
be added to the end of the qualification designation. All standards for Officer and
Senior Officer Levels will have different weights on different skills and different
proficiency requirements at different ranks and duties. For example, a Chief
Engineer should be competent on comprehension (especially reading) and writing
but a more moderate level of speaking may be tolerated. The success would lead
to vocational qualifications in Maritime English and usage which is expected to
be recognised Europe-wide.
* Developed by: C4FF Centre of Factories for the Future (United Kingdom) , TUDEV Turkish Maritime
Institute (TURKEY), GCNS Glasgow College of Nautical Studies (SCOTLAND), University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow (SCOTLAND), Satakunta University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Technology and Maritime
Management (FINLAND), Akademia Morska w Szczecinie (POLAND), Tromso University-College
(NORWAY), Spinaker (SLOVENIA), Berke Marine (TURKEY) (

These learning objectives are more or less in compliance with the requirements of English
language knowledge and competence as set out in IMO STCW 1995; cf. also [3]. However,
internet resources do not reveal the outcomes for Maritime English nor the workload and
system of credits in terms of ECTS/ECVET.
The following learning outcomes are quoted as an example for discussion and starting point
for the Maritime English teachers, members of IMEC, to contribute their own input to the
reserach herein. The Maritime English course duration is 6 terms (three years), each
term/semester being allocated 4 ECTS credits. The course in question is held in Year Two (Dept.
of Nautical Studies), first semester, number of contact hours: 45 (lectures: 15, exercises: 30).
On completion of the course the student is expected to:
1. acquire basic and special English language knowledge, skills and competence required for
the STCW certificate of competency, officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of
500 GT or more (Tables A-II/1 and A-III/1(English Language), and Table A-IV/2
pertaining to GMDSS radio operators;
2. become aware of, understand, draw up and transmit a VHF message with reference to
safety of navigation (in cases of distress, urgency, safety, and SAR), in compliance with
IMO STCW Convention 1995 (OOW 500 GT or more); interpret, translate and draw up
a meteorological message;
3. use the speech acts necessary for communicating in the basic communication situations at
sea (safety, arrival, pilotage, VTS operations);

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

4. interpret, write down and communicate information related to maritime topics referred to in
technical subjects;
5. make an oral presentation of a maritime-related topic in English;
6. develop students linguistic and cognitive processes required for acquiring maritime-related
knowledge in other subjects (English as a language of knowledge acquisition).
The table below shows an example of the course learning outcomes, the workload and the
number of ECTS credits assigned to each segment of the course. Highlighted are the parts of
the Maritime English course/syllabus suitable, in authors view, to CBT testing. The proposed
pilot research is to verify whether this example can be used as a basis for arriving at an
acceptable paradigm of learning outcomes for Maritime English courses.
Table 1.
Maritime English course: Learning Outcomes, Workloads and ECTS units (an example) BSc Degree
(3-year Programme of Studies = 180 ECTS), 3rd Term







during the





Final exam



Specific student
Metods of
- lectures
- tutorials
e.g. listening to,
- students assessment
writing and
(e.g. evaluating
transmitting VHF
compliance with
messages, role-play
SMCP and RR)
(VHF exchanges using - teacher's assessment
SMCP), etc. (this could
(language systems
involve conventional
and skills; learner's
activities and CBT
two CBT tests:
- cloze
- terminology
- fill in
- language systems - complete the
- alternative
- (reading &
- short answers
- jumbled
sentences / texts
- quiz
- matching
- report
- paper
- study
- oral exam &/or
- test

in (%)




International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

5) Assessment, evaluation, and CBT testing in achieving the learning outcomes

While the issues such as the Maritime English syllabus, course design, contents and topics,
resources and materials, or communicative skills expected of a licensed officer or holder of
STCW 1995 CoC have been studied largely and published in IMEC proceedings, WMU and
IAMU journals, the key question still remaining is the problem of assessment and testing
MET students knowledge and skills in English language and Maritime English in particular.
It is therefore absolutely adamant that we finally find an agreement as to:
the evaluation of Maritime English courses in terms of ECTS, and especially ECVET
credits for the various higher education and vocational education cycles/degrees, at the
three STCW levels (management, operational, support);
the process of continuous assessment;
the content to be tested (English used as per STCW requirements);
the methods of assessment, and
the modes of testing (e.g. CBT testing).
In order to be able to assess and test in compliance with the requirements of the learning
outcomes and the ECTS/ECVET systems of credits, we need reliable standards against which
to measure student knowledge, skills and overal communicative perofomance. These have
been proposed in the seminal paper delivered at IMEC 20 in terms of a yardstick [3].
The implementation of the Bologna Process in the area of Maritime English has taken
different courses in Europe. Its basic aim transparency of learning outcomes by way of
transferable accreditation has not been achieved as expected basically because of the impact
of national educational legislations, different systems of accreditation (e.g. credits in UK,
Finland, Sweden; no credits in France, Spain, different credit frameworks in Scotland and
Wales) [13], and different maritime educational traditions.
The learning outcomes published by most MET institutions make reference to the
requirements on English language in the IMO STCW Convention 1995. The workload and the
share of ECTS credits for each workload is not generally displayed. The main area of
agreement is sharing some formal elements, such as a number of EU recommended verbs to
introduce each outcome. Therefore, it is almost impossible to make plausible comparison,
thus making the transfer of credits almost impossible. This fact largely affects the prospects of
student mobility among MET institutions in Europe within the Erasmus programme.
However, it must be stated that a number of European MET institutions are now preparing for
the more transparent implementation of ECTS accredited courses of study. IMEC conferences
might prove to be useful and helpful in contributing to a higher degree of uniformity in
displaying ECTS accreditations, including their Maritime English courses.
Assessment is the principal problem. This means that the courses of Maritime English at
European MET institutions must reach a higher degree of uniformity with respect to the
subject contents, language knowledge and communicative skills to be tested. To this end, the
proposed Yardstick [3] provides some useful guidelines.
The extremely formalistic almost mechanical approach to assessment and testing
suggested by the Bologna documents favours written testing, mainly consisting of multiplechoice tests, over other forms of assessment. This is in sharp contrast with the need in
Maritime English to test communicative skills and performance, which favours spoken and
related forms of testing (e.g. listening and reading comprehension, speaking skills in VHF
exchanges, etc.). The Diploma Supplement tends to interpret evaluation of the final product of
MET, i.e. holder of BSc degree in Nautical or Marine Engineering Studies, in terms of

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

statistics and numerical expressions such as percentage points. This is almost impossible to
implement when communicative skills are tested. The teacher/instructor is given a host of
statistical and administrative tasks throughout the course that significantly interfere with
her/his basic tasks constant contact with the student and monitoring the students progress.
Therefore, if statistical measures are to serve as a means of implementing the yardstick
mentioned above, then a part of the assessment process must be available to automatic testing.
This will rid the teacher or teaching assistant of the tedious and time-consuming job of
correcting paper-based tests and eliminate errors in correcting such test assignments. Most
commercial and freely available test programmes and e-learning tools today allow the student
to obtain immediate results as soon as the test is completed, i.e. sent to the computer or server.
If this method of assessment and automatic testing tools is accepted, the instructors will have
much more time to do higher quality work with the student in the form seminars, projects,
presentatons and tutoring. The tests, however, must be varied and allow for diversity and
modification, classifying students into groups etc.
One of the major problems that still remains, however, is to determine what proportion of
Maritime English is suitable for CBT. Another problem is the difficulty of assessing and testing
communicative competence. CEFR offers itself as a framework only. Therefore, a specific ESPrelated range of tests must be developed in Maritime English that are to be compatible with,
and complementary to, CEFR using the best of the experience gained with TSE (Test of
Spoken English), Marlins TOSE (Test of Spoken English), IELTS (International English
Language Testing System) and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). The initiative
made by MarTEL (to be presented at IMEC 21) is one in a range of such worthy attempts. In
this respect, there is another major problem, i.e. that of mapping the scores from a tailor-made
Maritime English test onto the CEF Scale [7]. The proposed yardstick is a firm starter to
measure knowledge and performance in Maritime English.
Following the claim made above to harmonise the learning outcomes for Maritime
English courses across (European) MET institutions, it now remains to initiate the creation of
a CBT-based system of tests compatible with IMO STCW 95 levels of competence, where
IMEC can serve as an advisory body to the IMO. Any institution, commercial company or
group of experts undertaking such an immense task (in addition to the ones that have already
started the job, cf. [14]) will be faced with two major problems and challenges:
How to determine the (system of) tests for the CEFR C1 level (effective operational
user) and C2 level (mastery) and map them on (i.e. make them compatible with) the
corresponding Yardstick levels (eg. 6. Competent User junior navigating / engineering
officers and 9 Expert User senior navigating / engineering officers Master and Chief
How can all the above be made compatible with STCW levels?
Other problems of a general nature are:
What is the relationship between CBT and other types of assessment in Maritime English?
When to apply CBT and at what stages of the maritime BSc curriculum (placement
tests, how many tests during the course, final tests)?
How to test language knowledge (vocabulary, terminology, grammar, pronunciation,
elements of maritime discourse/text, elements of pragmatics, e.g. speech acts in VHF
How to test language (especially oral) skills and overall communicative competence?


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

How to combine students language performance with testing Maritime English as

related to content-based learning?
The problem of descriptors of language use (reception, production, interaction), use of
paratextual features (charts, tables, graphs) in non-verbal communication?
How to balance the weight between continuous assessment versus the final exam? As
a rule, 30 percent of the total value of assessment credits is allocated to final exams (for
all subjects in the curriculum). The educational authorities recommend that final exams
be conducted as written tests so as to suit the statistical models of testing assessment.
How to measure daily activities of the student? The learning outcomes for most subjects
provide between 15 to 20 percentage points to activities during the classess. No
portfolios are created or introduced, and even if they were, it would be difficult to
monitor and measure the student activities and achievement on a daily basis with say
40-60 students in a course (one Maritime English teacher being in charge of even up to
five such courses a week).
While the above are only general issues, there are some more specific issues such as:
How is the test related to content, themes and topics related to particular sub-disciplines
in e.g. navigation and marine engineering?
As an ESP Maritime English test, it should contain tasks that mirror faithfully those of
the candidates target language use situation [9].
What skills will be tested (listening, reading comprehension)?
How can the test be made practical (user-friendly) and economical in terms of
How different should the CBT tasks be so as to make the tests attractive and
motivating? There has been a devastating tendency to administer MCT only, which
results in mechanical testing and knowledge.
What is the role of preparatory CBT excersises to perform CBT tests?
The value of tests (in terms of percentage or units of learning outcomes/ECTS) versus
other forms of assessment
The scoring problem, etc.

After four years since the introduction of the Bologna Process and the ECTS system of
accreditation, there is still a variety of systems of accreditation of the programmes of study
(curricula) in place in the MET institutions across Europe. There is a notable lack of
uniformity, i.e. no modular studies, which makes mobility almost impossible. This also refers
to accreditation of the courses (syllabi) of Maritime English. The results of the proposed
workshop on this same topic at IMEC 21 and subsequent research based on questionnaires
among Maritime English teachers will hopefully shed more light on the real situation and
result in harmonisation of Maritime English courses in terms of ECTS credits for various
degrees (BSc. in the first place) and what these credits stand for. The advantages of the
Bologna Process, as far as Maritime English is concerned, are:
growing awareness of the need to arrive at minimum harmonised criteria for
comparison and subsequent accreditation of Maritime English courses;
first steps towards the mobility of Maritime English syllabi and students (and possibly
teachers in the future) within the Erasmus programme;

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

awareness of the necessity for introducing common methods of assessment and testing
increased need for introducing CBT in Maritime English.
The drawbacks of the Bologna Process and its negative impact on Maritime English
instruction can be summed up as follows:
tendency towards mechanising the overall learning and teaching process, especially in
the area of assessment;
overuse of mechanical testing at the expense of student-student and student-teacher
overburdening the teacher with statistical tasks at the expense of her/his extensive
contact with the student;
students rely on mechanical tests only in order to gain credits and tend to meet
minimum requirements only, thus adoping the line of least resistance;
false views have been developed, especially among MET administrators and other
stakeholders that methodology and assessment can be the same for all the subjects
within any programme of studies;
false expectations that all problems in developing competence can be solved by
mechanical testing and CBT, etc.
The final result so far is the fact that the drawbacks of the implementation of the Bologna
process in the area of Maritime English far exceed the advantages. The process of learning
and assessment is becoming less and less interactive, the final linguistic and especially
communicative competence of students lower. The system of points and percentage points has
resulted in the reduction of the quality of the learning process. The instructor is overburdened
with para-educational tasks, having to deal, on a daily basis, with heaps of documents, tedious
administrative tasks, and, often unsuccessfully, with irrelevant statistical data of mechanical
nature at the expense of qualitative assessment. Administrative tasks and statistics have
become a real nightmare for the Maritime English teacher.
The proposed research (based on the workshop and the study of subsequent
questionnaires) is to provide a survey of systems of accreditation of Maritime English courses
held at MET institutions across Europe and beyond. It is expected to find solutions to
excessive workload of the teacher and to suggest methods of reducing statistical and
administrative work to the lowest possible level. Ways are to be sought to make the process of
assessment more interactive and suitable to content-based learning. Furthermore, this research
is to show the role and place of CBT testing in the overall assessment process in the education
and training of future BSc. undergraduates (Maritime Transport) or holders of STCW
certificates on the operational level.

1. Bachman, L. F. and Palmer, A.S. (1996). Language Testing In Practice, Oxford: OUP.
2. Cole, C., B., Pritchard, B. and Trenkner, P. (2007). Maritime English Instruction
ensuring instructors' competence. Iberica 14: 123-148.
3. Cole, C. and Trenkner, P. (2008). Developing training and watchkeeping standards the
Maritime English competence yardstick in the revised STCW context. In: Proceedings of
IMEC 20, p. 7, Shanghai.
4. Douglas, D. (2000). Assessing Languages for Specific Purposes Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland



Dudley-Evans, A. and St. John, M.J. (1998). Developments in ESP: A multidisciplinary

approach. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Lachlan, J. Makenzie (2007). Round Table on the Bologna Process. The European
Messenger 16.1, p. 8.
Pilkinton-Pihko (2005). Mapping the Scores from a Tailor-made ESP Test onto the CEF
Scale. Helsinki University of Technology Language Centre.
Pritchard, B. (2001). The Balance between General English and Maritime English in
Developing the Ship's Oficers. Communicative Competence. In: Proceedings of WOME
11, Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Varna: 1-14.
Tratnik, A. (2008). Key issues in Testing English for Specific Purposes. Scripta Manent, SDUTSJ, Ljubljana.;
Cf. Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment
of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training, (COM 2008).
e.g. MarTEL ( and many tests developed by
individual Maritime English teachers across the world.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Prof. Boris Pritchard

holds MSc, PhD in English language;
currently employed as full professor of English, Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka,
Head of Foreign Languages Department;
has taught Maritime English for more than 30 years;
holds courses in Translation Studies and Lexicology, University of Rijeka;
EU R/D project involvement: MARCOM, EASTMET, METHAR, METNET;
IAMU R/D project involvement: GLOMET, PROFS;
member of the IMEC Steering Group;
served as IMEC Papers Committee Chairman since 2004;
maintains the Maritime English Resources Information Databank on IMEC website;
as Consultant to IMO on Maritime English delivered the regional IMO MEITC in Bulgaria,
Vietnam, Poland, Malawi, Russia, Honduras, Chile;
produced the Survey on Maritime English Materials Current State of Art for IAMU WG III
(published by IAMU in 2004);
Dean of Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia (from 1999 -2004);
published numerous articles and three textbooks on Maritime English.
Sandra Tominac, MSc
earned a Bachelors degree in English and Croatian language and is currently working on her PhD
in linguistics;
has been working as a Maritime English teacher at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime
Studies since 2002;
in 2005, she participated in the Regional Maritime English Instructors Training Course in Szczecin,
Poland and presented a paper at the IMEC 17 in Marseille. She also presented a paper at the IMEC
19 in Rotterdam in 2007 and at the IMEC 20 in Shanghai.
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies
Studentska 2, 51000 Rijeka
Phone: +38 551 338 411
Fax: +38 551 336 755
[email protected]
[email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Milena Deverdanovi
Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor
Kotor, Montenegro

Emerging from discourse analysis and ESP, the genre-analysis approach has become widely applied in
studies of specialized discourses. More recently, the framework of language description, along with
the main concepts about discourse communities and the dynamic nature of genre established by
Swales, seems to be applied more and more by ME teachers. ME researchers with a background in
linguistics have applied the latest linguistic knowledge to the analysis of maritime genres (VHF communication, damage reports, service letters, check lists) in order to prepare their students to accumulate knowledge on discourse patterns in authentic maritime discourse communities. When applying
a genre-based approach, ME teachers need to learn and investigate a specific maritime community
themselves. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present some conclusions reached by the author herself after trying to blend two divergent fields: genre analysis on the one hand, and maritime knowledge
on the other. As for the pedagogical implications, it will be argued that maritime students find a genrebased approach very motivating as it contributes to their practical knowledge and like to be more involved in the production and presentation of authentic texts. In addition, bearing in mind the specific
nature of the maritime profession and the often underestimated role of English language compared to
specialist subjects, seafarers are fond of using taken-for-granted patterns of communication in writing,
when embarking on board a ship.
Keywords: genre-based approach, maritime written genres, discourse patterns, pedagogical implications

1. Introduction
The approach to language description used in the analysis of maritime genres was heavily
influenced by Swales who applied genre-based analysis to the investigation of research article
introductions and presented his findings in Aspects of Article Introductions, based on a fourmove model. Emerging from discourse analysis and ESP, a genre-analysis approach has become widely applied in the field of ESP. Considered to be the sixth phase in the development of
ESP (Hyland, 1992), genre-analysis research has entered the maritime discourse community
and has become of interest to ME practitioners. However, it seems that a genre-analysis approach to the maritime setting had been applied before discussion on it had been started at all.
As Basturkmen (2006: 9) notices, ESP practice has marched ahead of discussion of ideas.
In view of the above, a brief observation of application of genre-based tools to analysing
maritime genres was given in my paper on the discourse of maritime forms (Deverdanovi,
2008). An evident rise in the number of qualified English language teachers with academic
degrees in linguistic sciences has intensified genre-oriented analysis in other maritime genres,
with a focus on pragmatic and rhetorical aspects of these texts. Also, I noticed that more and
more authors delivering papers at the International Maritime English Conference realize the
necessity of identifying language patterns in maritime written genres and explaining these results in the light of the communicative goals of a specific discourse community.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Therefore, after presenting the basic postulates of genre and genre-based analysis in the
initial sections of this paper, I will attempt to illustrate findings from my own research and
teaching practice while applying Swales genre-based tools to teaching selected maritime written genres (Damage Reports, Sea Protest and Check Lists). The analysis serves a pedagogical
purpose and is mainly backed by students feedback provided during implementation of this
approach in the ME classroom.

2. Genre and Discourse Patterns

According to Swales (1990) genre is, as a set of communicative means, aimed at reaching
a certain communicative goal. Members of a discourse community employ genre to realize their
communicative goals. Frow (2006) claims that genre represents a set of conventional and highly
organized constraints of meanings and genre is seen as a typified action. Thus, a genre is seen
as an intermediary between a social situation and the text that realizes certain features of that
Discovering taken-for-granted forms of communication of different genres in specific
workplace settings has become one of the major challenges in recent ESP development.
Some linguists dealing with the concept of genre and specialized discourses (Duff 2000; Basturkmen 2006; Gotti 2008) point to the multidimensional nature of genre and imply a close
link between a specialized text and its structure, i.e. correlations existing between rhetorical
and linguistic features of a given text. In order to adopt models of communication of certain
work of a professional group, ESP students have to learn the rules of the game pertaining to
a specific genre. Therefore, teachers have to help their students raise their awareness about the
analyzed text structure and provide guidance on how to schematize its structure. However, it
must be borne in mind that this approach imposes the need for constant twinning. Twinning means sharing knowledge between English lecturers on the one hand and technical lecturers or subject teachers on the other. I must mention that I realized the significance of this
concept as one of the participants of the valuable course held at the World Maritime University in Sweden. Our teachers (Cole, et al., 2008) emphasized the peculiarity of blending in
ME teaching.

3. Pragmatic reasons for applying patterns to the teaching of maritime written

According to my modest experience accumulated during my five years of teaching Maritime English to nautical and marine engineering students and experienced seafarers and research done in the course of writing my masters thesis, I came to the conclusion that seafarers like having completed models of communication before embarking on board ship.
Bearing in mind the specific nature of the seafaring profession and seafarers tendency to embark on board ship and learn the trade even before they have earned a university degree, English language courses have to be as short and concise as possible.
On the other hand, ME teachers are well aware of the fact that seafarers are not very fond
of writing. The fact that the majority of administrative work on board ship nowadays is done
in electronic format, most of which is in the form of tick-off type check lists and standardized uniform forms, makes writing more unpopular among maritime students. In addition,
according to interesting findings (Xiao Yishan Lecturer, 2008) concerned with the importance
of linguistic competence on board ships, translation and writing rank bottom. When applied,
writing skills mainly relate to drafting sea protests, contracts, reports, logbook data etc.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Despite the above indicating the unpopular position of writing among seafarers, ME
teachers, as well as future seafarers, are very well aware of the importance of writing in the
marine industry. The author herself became aware of this in the course of analyzing a large
corpus of damage reports collected from ship masters and first officers. Apart from a bad
knowledge of grammar, there is poor awareness of textual cohesion and organization.
In light of the above, I started introducing genre-based knowledge to teaching maritime
genres in my own classroom. What made my efforts easier is the fact that, while interpreting
patterns in different texts, I shared my linguistic knowledge with students knowledge of the
subject matter and their experience gained on board ship (post-experienced students).

4. Genre analysis in the ME classroom

In this section I would like to describe how I applied a genre-based approach in teaching
some maritime written genres to nautical students with the aim of making the writing process
more interesting and at the same time developing their awareness of the metadiscourse level
of the texts.

5. Implementation of a genre-based approach to Damage Reports

In my analysis of genre features of damage reports (Deverdanovi, 2009), and relying on
the move-based model set forward by Swales (1990), I provided a 7-move model indicating
the structural pattern of this specific genre.
Table 1.
Moves And Steps Found In Damage Reports
Move 1
Move 2
Step 1
Step 2


Move 3


Move 4


Move 5


Move 6


Move 7


Before I started implementing genre-analysis tools in teaching this specific genre, I checked
that the students (second-year nautical students) had become acquainted with the notion of the
target genre from one of their specialized subjects. I found out that students have solid background knowledge of this genre as it occurs in many specialized syllabus subjects (Maritime
Law, Marine Insurance).
After that, I asked them to bring their own samples of genres using the Internet, visiting
port authorities and getting them from experienced seafarers who keep copies in their personal
Once the students were introduced to the genre to be analyzed and after the samples from
their personal collections were distributed throughout the class, I asked them to think about
the setting in which this genre occurs. It proved that students are very well aware of the fact

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

that damage reports represent one of the most important court documents used in the process
of arbitration and claims after maritime accidents have occurred. Another observation made
by students is that the author of these reports, a marine surveyor, has to be as elaborate as possible when explaining the circumstances of the accident. However, as I was able to predict,
students lacked knowledge on textual organization and the linguistic structures appearing in it.
In the following stage, students were given one report and asked to identify its structure,
to name its individual segments and put them into their proper order. As it turned out that seafaring students prefer to discuss what has been written rather than how it has been written, in
the following stage they were given the same text, where individual segments were marked
with different colours. This turned out to be a very motivating step as it encouraged students
to gradually become aware of the framework of this genre. What followed was a discussion
on the ways of naming different parts. After comparing their solutions, it was found that,
thanks to their knowledge of the subject matter, students provided various solutions for the
same move. Thus, in addition to offering the name Surveyors Summary, they also offered titles such as Surveyors Opinion, Surveyors Conclusion, Surveyors Notes, etc. It was also
found that students easily identify those moves providing factual information, such as Description of Ship, Ships Particulars, whereas naming narrative segments such as Brief Narrative or Survey was a slightly more demanding task. Finally, students were given a completed
model and asked to compare their findings with the target model.
After the structure of the genre was identified, the students were asked to find language
patterns and vocabulary pertaining to individual moves and explain their communicative function. I witnessed during this stage that seafaring students are very skillful at recognizing collocations and fossilized structures, particularly those coming from legal discourse. It seems to
me that they memorize these structures without any problem and like using them later
(I found this out when I analyzed damage reports and statements written by experienced seafarers, i.e. Masters and Deck officers).
Bearing in mind all the above, it was possible to construct a discourse pattern (Table 1)
and reveal language structures relating to particular segments:
Table 2.
Some Language Structures Found In Damage Reports
Language Structures
Promise, Solemn 1. This is to certify that the undersigned surveyor did arcourt tone
range survey on the m/v Blue Star to establish cause,
nature and extent of damage
2. (Survey was made) without prejudice
3. (Survey was made) to my/our best knowledge
4. Ship reportedly sustained damage in consequence of
an alleged collision with
5. It seems that / It appears that
6. It may be that / It could have happened that
7. We are of the opinion / We anticipate that / We are
8. One could be more precise / One could assume that
9. It would have been prudent of 'GALAXY' to have
made an early alteration of course to starboard

Segment of
Damage Report

Brief Narrative


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

To sum up, students feedback in explaining what was written in the way it was written is an
invaluable contribution to genre-based analysis applied in the ME classroom.
To illustrate this, students are well aware that the use of the first person plural (we) instead
of the first person singular (I) tends to be a sign of transferring responsibility from a surveyor
to the institution he represents. The same rhetorical effect is accomplished by the use of the
lexeme undersigned instead of putting the surveyors name. Also, being familiar with the
complex nature of maritime accidents and their legal aspect, students also grasp the use of legal discourse structures used in the initial and ending segments of the report. More elaborate
genre-based analysis of Damage Reports (Deverdanovi, 2008) point to other syntacticlexical features pertaining to other segments of this genre.

6. Task assignment
There are numerous ways in which the above findings may be used in assigning writing
tasks to ME students. In the initial phases of introducing a genre-based approach, the teacher
may decide to work on one particular segment of genre (introduction, survey) and then introduce tasks involving a larger discourse (the whole report). For example, if asked to write an
introduction to the damage report, students are given essential data (the ships name, date of
survey) and are asked to make use of legal discourse internalized in the previous stages.
Furthermore, writing longer narrative segments such as the Survey imposes slightly different
tasks. For example, students may be asked to put paragraphs into their proper order, as precise
time sequencing is one of the most important features of this segment (Appendix A).

7. Implementation of a genre-based approach to Note of Protest

The aim of this section is to demonstrate one of the ways of applying a genre-based approach to teaching Note of Protest (or Sea Protest). In comparison to Damage Report, this
genre has a simpler framework and a more uniform layout. Linguistic components of this
genre are easily discerned whereas linguistic phrases used in moves are again taken from legal
discourse and, therefore, easily learnt by heart. Bearing in mind the fact that the genre-based
approach to a great extent depends on the genre to be analyzed, the teacher should decide on
which aspect of language to teach. As regards Note of Protest as a genre, the focus should be
on internalizing vocabulary used in production of this brief and standardized discourse. Bearing in mind its background, this genre should be taught to third-year nautical students and be
an integral part of courses for Chief Officers and Masters. Sea Protests are one of the oldest
types of documents in the seafaring industry written by captains with the aim of laying the
blame on bad weather or other unexpected incidents (sea perils) that may have caused damage
to the ship or cargo. According to my personal insight into this genre, its form has not
changed much over the last few decades, or even centuries for that matter.
Table 3.
Moves And Steps Found In Sea Protest
Move 1
Move 2



Move 3



International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

As regards language pertaining to Sea Protest as a genre, archaic lexemes belonging to the legal and trade register (hereby, thereby, whereof) prevail in the initial and ending segments of
this genre. However, as the objective of this text is to point to the seaworthiness of the ship
before the damage had occurred, dominant phrases and vocabulary are well-known fossilized
expressions (engine and machinery in good order; reserving right to extend this protest when
and where need may require). There are slight variations, but the use of binomials (secured
and stowed; fully and solely responsible) and trinomials (tight, strong and sufficiently
manned; losses, expenses and consequences) is an already known feature of this genre. In addition, another communicative objective that the Master wishes to achieve is to prove his
commitment and caution during navigation, as expected by seafaring practice (in good
seamanship manner ). What follows are examples taken from the two standardized segments of the Sea Protest (Move 1 and Move 3):
Table 4.
Some Language Structures Found In Sea Protest
Language Structures
1. I, Master of the Singapore registered vessel (name of the vessel).solemnly
declare that on (date), my vessel was tight, strong and sufficiently manned
., her engine and machinery in good order, her cargo properly secured and
2. I Capt. (name of the captain)state that I navigated all the time in good seamanship manner
3. I protest against mentioned vessel, her Captain, crew and Owners holding
them responsible for all losses, expenses and consequences arising thereby
reserving right to extend this protest when and where need may require.

of Sea Protest
The formal


4. I hereby hold the Owners, Master and operators of (name of the vessel) fully
and solely responsible and reserve my and our owners full legal right to
extend this at the time and place convenient.
5. Whereof, I protest against any charges against me for poor seamanship.
I cannot accept responsibility for any consequential damages and losses and
thereby I enter this protest, reserving right to extend the same when and
where need may require.

8. Task assignment
As mentioned above, it is the teacher who decides which aspect of level to teach. In addition to establishing the rhetorical structure of the genre (as illustrated in 4.1.), the analysis
may focus on linguistic features of the given structure (grammar, syntax, semantics). In light
of this, as regards Sea Protest, one of the possible tasks would be to internalize binomials and
trinomials used in Sea Protest. Also, students may be asked to produce variations of hedging sentences, i.e. in which Master enters Note of Protest with the aim of resisting possible
claim for damage. Some of the options are illustrated in Appendix B.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

9. Implementation of a genre-based approach to Check Lists

Although students hesitantly realize that check lists belong to a specific kind of genre, it
represents one of the most important forms used on board ships. I tried to point out some of
its peculiarities in my earlier work (Deverdanovi, 2008). Although its layout is nowadays
standardized due to the international nature of shipping and regulations set by each company,
a check list has a specific framework and specialized vocabulary. It is inevitable to say that the
most important characteristic of a check list is its brevity and precision. On one hand, it must be
short for the sake of saving paperwork or computer memory on board ship, and on the other, it
has to save the seafarers time and facilitate its filling in. Besides, knowing that almost all officers on board ship must fill in some kind of check list and knowing that the level of their English varies language structures differ respectively. Bearing this in mind, I found that check lists
which are to be filled in by engine officers (third and second marine engineering officers) require the understanding of lexical words (words that carry meaning) and abbreviations. Therefore, in order to teach this genre to marine engineering students, the teacher must choose that
aspect of language which is crucial, i.e., in this case, a specialized vocabulary.

10. Task assignment

As mentioned above, brevity and precision are the most prominent features of check lists.
Therefore, tasks given to students should focus on teaching condensed and shortened language forms with a semantic value. Knowing that marine engineering students use abbreviations wherever possible, one of the options would be to give them a piece of specialized discourse to decipher and write full sentences from the provided abbreviations. A list of abbreviations found in some forms is given in Appendix C. The following examples are taken from
check lists titled Engine department inspection:
Suction v/v F.W. gen.
O.B. Disch v/v from s.w. p/p.
Disch v/v pump # 2.
Disch v/v from s.w. p/p to F.W. gen.
Booster pump O/hauled & cleaned.
Main air compressor No. 1 O/H suction & delivery v/ves inspected crankcase.
Disch v/v from emrgcy fire p/p.

11. Recommendations
1. A genre-based approach embedded within linguistic science presents one of the latest
ways to teach different sorts of texts to ESP students. As regards teaching maritime genres, a genre-based approach has recently entered the world of the maritime discourse
community and its applications are yet to come. It implies permanent twinning or sharing knowledge between maritime students with knowledge of a specialized subject on one
hand, and language teachers with knowledge of linguistics on the other. Thus, a teacher
has a guiding or mediating role in constructing the genre under focus.
2. The idea of students being asked to bring their own texts enhances collaboration among
students themselves and implies firmer collaboration in the teacher-student interaction
plan. In addition to this, the syllabus is refreshed by material coming from the students
target professional communities. Bearing in mind the fact that the majority of students

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

have seafaring experience and bring their personal collections of materials, the material
analyzed is current and fresh.
3. There is no universal model to be adopted when the structure of a certain genre is established. Teachers must be aware of the fact that it primarily depends on the genre in focus.
For that reason, apart from revealing the structure of the genre and its segments, the
teacher may decide to identify vocabulary and grammar indicating a certain genre or its
4. Changes in maritime discourse communities imply changes in communication. Whereas
some genres hardly change (Sea Protest), others are subject to more radical changes (Log
Book, Check Lists) which is the result of the introduction of computer-based storage of
data on board ship.

Application of a genre-based approach to teaching maritime written genres offers ME
teachers a way to help their students see the way the texts are structured. I am of the opinion
that internalizing patterns of communication in the classroom and establishing the linguistic
features of maritime genres is very motivating for ME students. Written genres used in the
ME discourse community cover a wide range of topics including maritime accidents, statements, damage reports, charter parties, check lists, bills of lading, salvage agreements, etc.
Therefore there is a lot of space for ME researchers to investigate new genres themselves and
find the most suitable way to convey it to their students and enhance their writing skills.




Basturkmen, Helen (2006). Ideas and Options in English for Specific Purposes. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Cole, C. (2008). Maritime English - An Overview. Professional Development Course
for Maritime English Upgrading Teaching Competencies. Malmo: World Maritime
Deverdanovi, M. (2008). Discourse of Maritime Forms (Check Lists), WMU
Journal of Maritime Affairs, Vol. 7, No. 2, World Maritime University, pp. 449-465.
Deverdanovi, M. (2009). Genre features of damage reports, Journal of Maritime
Studies, Vol 23, No. 1, Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka, pp. 299-315.
Duff, D. (2000). Modern Genre Theory. London: Longman.
Frow, J. (2008). Genre. London and New York: The New Critical Idiom.
Gotti, M. (2008). Investigating Specialized Discourse. Bern: Peter Lang Publishers.
Swales, J. (1990). Genre Analysis English in Academic and Research Setting.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Yishan X. (2008). Needs Analysis for the Teaching of Nautical English, Proceedings
of the Twentieth IMEC Conference, Shanghai, P. R. China, 27 - 30 October 2008.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Appendix A
Jumbled-text type exercise
What follows is an extract from the segment Survey of Damage Report. Put the sentences into a proper
a. Loading commenced on 8 December 2000 at 10:35 hours and concluded on 15 December 2000 at
07:45 hours (vessel working round the clock 24 hours a day). The weather conditions during shipment
were reported as being 32C, night-time temperature being 28C.
b. We interviewed the Master and Chief Officer at this time, whereupon we ascertained details concerning the consignment and subsequent carriage conditions.
c. Pursuant to receiving instructions on 10 February 2001 at 15:40 hours, we made arrangements and
attended on board m.v. Ocean Swan the same day at 16:40 hours. We noted at this time, that Stevedores concerned, World Shipping Services Limited, had completed discharging the vessel for the day.
d. Prior to the vessel departing from Thailand, the Master informed us that he was entirely satisfied
with the stowage/securing of the cargo. The Supercargo, who had attended on board at Osaka had apparently discussed the stowage/securing details with the Master and Chief Officer, and all parties
agreed the methods adopted at the load port.
e. The Shipping Orders were duly endorsed by the Master/Chief Office as per attending P&I Surveyors findings.
f. It is also worth noting that no physical damage was noted to the consignment before or during shipment by the ships officer and the vessels P&I Surveyor.
g. 1. Quantity and weight unknown
2. All cargo H beams rust stained in various degrees.
3. All cargo H beams stowed in open and before shipment.
h. Although the Shipping Orders indicate that the cargo was stored in open air prior to shipment, the
Master informed us that all the cargo had originated from under cover storage facilities. As the steel
sections on discharge at Immingham were to remain in the open air, then we did not pursue this matter
any further.
(Correct order is: c, b, a, d, e, g, h, f )

Appendix B
Variations in noting protest and refuting Masters responsibility for possible damage

I cannot accept responsibility for any consequential damages and losses and thereby I enter
this protest
In view of the above, I hereby protest against all consequences that occurred to my vessel
holding you responsible for
In view of the above, I hereby declare this sea protest in the event of any damages to the vessel or the cargo
Whereof, I protest against any charges against me for poor seamanship
In view of the above, I hereby serve this letter of protest on your said allegation
Whereof, I protest against heavy weather, perils of the sea and of navigation and all damages
and losses arising thereby
I, Marko Markovic, Master of M V Massira, on behalf of all interests concerned in M V Massira, note protest and hold responsible the Master and Owner of M V Silver Wave for all loss


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Appendix C
Some Abbreviations Used In Check Lists



Full term
Auxiliary engine


Fresh water













E.R., E/R

Engine room






Main engine


Not available












Revolutions per minute






Starboard side









Second Engineer

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Milena Deverdanovi, MSc

a Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor, Montenegro;
has been teaching Maritime English at the Nautical and Marine Engineering Department since
earned her masters degree at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade when she defended her thesis
titled Discourse Structure of Maritime Reports;
currently, she is doing her PhD thesis on Types of Discourses and Genre Features in Maritime
her research interest includes English for Specific Purposes, Discourse Analysis and Genre Analysis;
in September 2008, she completed a Professional Development Course in Maritime English
Upgrading Teaching Competencies offered by the World Maritime University, Malmo, Sweden.
At this time, she became an official member of the International Maritime English Conference. She
is in charge of selecting texts and examination questions for English language examinations at the
Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor at the courses held by the Facultys Training Center (English
for Skippers, GMDSS course and English for Masters). In addition to her work at the Faculty, she
is on the Examination Board for English Language for Marine Engineers at the Harbour Masters
Office in Kotor;
papers published in international journals:
Milena Deverdanovi (2008) Discourse of Maritime Forms (Check Lists), WMU Journal of
Maritime Affairs, Vol. 7, No. 2. 449-465;
Milena Deverdanovi (2009) Genre Features of Damage Reports, Pomorstvo, god.23, br.1, str.
papers published in Conference Proceedings:
Milena Deverdanovi (2008) Pisanje pomorskih izvjetaja o teti Jezik struke, Zbornik
radova Jezik struke: Teorija i praksa, Univerzitet u Beogradu , 395-403;
papers presented at international conferences:
Milena Deverdanovi (2009) Language in Discourse of Tourist Brochures about Montenegro,
International Conference Trends in Tourism Development and Hotel Management, Kotor:
Faculty of Tourism.
Faculty of Maritime Studies, Kotor
Dobrota bb, 85 330 Kotor
Phone: 0038232332034
[email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Luo Weihua
Dalian Maritime University
Dalian, China


This paper is intended to conduct a corpus-assisted stylistic investigation of the English translation
of Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Seafarers in comparison with Maritime Labour
Convention, 2006. Quantitative and qualitative description and analysis of the two texts at lexical,
syntactic and textual level respectively are made to achieve some evaluation of the translation of RSC.
Keywords: RSC, MLC, Style, Stylometrics

1. Introduction
With the flourishing of international trade and shipping business, seafarers, as the main
maritime force, play a more and more important role in maritime activities. Maritime Labour
Convention (hereinafter referred to as MLC, 2006) is adopted to achieve worldwide protection
for all seafarers and to give them the ability to have their concerns addressed where conditions
fail to meet the requirements of the Convention. When the Convention has just passed, China
has implemented the core of the Conventions through domestic legislation and formulates
Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China of Seafarers (hereinafter referred to as RSC),
which manifests Chinas maritime administrations performance capability has been walking in
the forefront of the world. Both of them concern seafarers rights, duties and management.
However, translating RSC from Chinese to English is important for China to set global image.

2. Research Method
The current study employed a multi-trait research design including both qualitative and
quantitative methods. The Wordsmith program was employed to calculate the word length and
standardized TTR. A lemmatization was made by a FoxPro before listing out the top 50 words
in the descending order of RSC and MLC respectively. To study the word class in RSC and
MLC, a tagging device was used to tag the same marker to the same word class so as to calculate the number of respective word class. The sentence length and passive voice were found out
by running a FoxPro program. The coordinators and subordinators as well as the modal verbs
were obtained by using AntConc and Chi-square test needed to prove if there is any significant
difference. Additionally, the important part was the qualitative analyses and discussions.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

3. Data Analysis and Discussion

3.1. The Lexical Level
3.1.1. Word Length
Word length is a key element to determine the style of a text. Generally, the longer and
more complex the words are, the more difficult and complicated the text will be, and more formal writing tends to use longer words to demonstrate high level of seriousness and formality.
By running a Wordsmith program, it is seen that the average word length of MLC and
RSC is 5.19 and 5.30 respectively. The average word length of RSC is higher than that of
MLC. A possible explanation is that RSC uses more terminologies containing long words. In
addition, the words containing more than six letters are usually regarded as long words (Wang,
1987). These long words may be words of Latin, French, Greek origin or retain Old and Middle English words and meaning, which have long history of general usage, thus they are usually considered as formal words. In addition, they may also be compoundings or derivational
words with own correspondingly complex structure. The expressions with more than six
words including six words cover 40.23% in MLC and 42.82% in RSC. Therefore, the words
used in both MLC and RSC are of frozen style, while the words used in RSC are comparatively formal. However, the two-word length distribution curves have similar patterns.
3.1.2. Type-token Ratio
By running a Wordsmith program, it is shown that the tokens used in RSC are 6230,
which is lower than that of 39620 in MLC. There is a significant difference between RSC and
MLC in the number of tokens, thus standardized type-token ratio figures are much more reliable.
Table 1.
Statistics Of MLC And RSC On TTR
Tokens used: 6230
Types: 845
TTR: 13.56
Standardized TTR: 29.25

Tokens used: 39620
Types: 2826
TTR: 7.13
Standardized TTR: 31.71

Standardized TTR of RSC and MLC are 29.25 and 31.71 respectively. More importantly,
there is such a different number of words in MLC and RSC that their use in language can be
identified to be distinctive. MLC shows the variation in vocabulary and succinctness, while
RSC is more precise and made more linguistically explicit. The result is not quite surprising,
as the fact that RSC is less varied in vocabulary, while MLC is notable with a diversity of expressions.
3.1.3. Statistic study of the Top 50 words
The frequency of occurrence and overall distribution of the word manifest some
common-core features for a style. After calculation, there are total 20 words shared, including
16 function words and four lexical words, covering 40% of all the 50 top frequency words.
The four shared lexical words are seafarer, regulation, board and have. Both RSC and MLC

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

are concerned about the regulations of seafarers on board. Among the aspect of noun, it is
found that there are synonyms and similar items appearing in RSC and MLC, for example,
vessel and ship, employer and member, agency and shipowner, article and guideline, provision
and convention, document and agreement, requirement and standard, administration and organization. In other words, the nouns in RSC and MLC are fundamentally the same. Furthermore, the frequently used words result from the fact that more attention is paid to training
seafarers, their qualifications, and occupational security, however, MLC attaches importance
to health protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection.
3.1.4. Word Class
By running a FoxPro, first the text is tagged, and then the words are removed leaving only
the tags for convenience of calculating the frequency and percentage of each word class. The
results are as follow. Firstly, nouns and noun phrases are most frequently used in the two texts.
Secondly, there are more pronouns and prepositions, and fewer adjectives and adverbs in them.
Pronouns serve as the replacements for nouns or noun phrases in English. It plays a considerably active part in making the passage concise and cohesive. However, when it comes to
Legal English, the rare use of pronouns is preferred. Therefore, both RSC and MLC use excessive pronouns which reduce their indisputability and explicitness. And due to the fact that
Legal English favors the objective description and interpretation, few adjectives are seen with
subjective in legal English documents. Legal English working staff likewise tries to avoid using adverbs of degree in the legal realm.
3.2. The Syntactic Level
3.2.1. Sentence Length
There are both long and short sentences that have their own respective functions and effects
to compose a text. Short sentences can easily present and convey casual, colloquial style,
whereas long sentences can express complex ideas, facts and considerable capacity. Functionally
speaking, the longer a sentence is, the more difficult it is to understand it, and the more formal
the language is. A text in which sentence structure predominates may give the impression of
stylistic formality and sophistication.
Table 2.
Mean Sentence Length In RSC And MLC
Mean sentence length



According to Leech and Short (2001), the average sentence length of all varieties is 17.8
words per sentence. By running a FoxPro, the mean sentence length of RSC is 26.07 and
MLCs is 24.13. It indicates that mean sentence length both in RSC and MLC far exceed the
average 17.8 words per sentence, and the mean sentence length of RSC is greater than that of
MLC. It means the sentences in RSC are fairly difficult to read. Thus, RSC seems more formal and superb than MLC in terms of sentence length.
3.2.2. Use of long and complicated sentences
In order to avoid misunderstandings and disputes, legal drafts sometimes have to arrange a lot
of relevant information in different respects into the same sentence, thereby producing a prevalent

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

phenomenon of long complicated sentences in legal texts. Coordination and subordination are
two main devices for joining clauses.
Coordination is a construction consisting of two or more clauses which are equivalent in
grammatical function and they bind together at the same level of structural hierarchy by
means of a linking device. With the help of AntConc, the percentage of coordinators in RSC is
5.97% and in MLC is 5.72%. Subordination is used to express unequal ideas. The superordinate clause and the subordinate clause(s) are in hierarchical hypotactic relationship. It is argued that the use of subordination, rather than coordination, will immensely help in making
ones writing more mature, sophisticated, effective and formal. With the help of computer, the
percentage of subordinators in RSC is 2.95% and 3.21% in MLC.
Chi-square test is made to check whether there is significant difference between the texts
in the distribution of coordinators and subordinators. The result shows that RSC uses coordinators and subordinators similarly with MLC.
3.2.3. Passive Voice
The passive voice is so different in focus and emphasis which affects perspective of the action from the active voice that it influences the readers feel of the text. In some registers, the
impersonal sentence patterns are preferred as a marker of formal writing. Additionally, the passive voice may create a deliberate vagueness, or it may obscure the cause, but not the effect.
Table 3.
Proportions Of Passive Patterns

Passive patterns
Sample No.



To examine the use of passive voice in the two texts, 200 sentences have been picked out
randomly from MLC, and every unit in the MLC has an equal chance of being represented in
the sample, in such a way that the new sub-text can be formed. Then a comparative analysis is
made between the sub-text and RSC, which is in about 200 sentences. Therefore, the number
of passive patterns in each text is obtained by calculating its proportion manually. After running the FoxPro, percentage of passive patterns in RSC is 26% and 49.5% in MLC. Since
MLC is drafted by English speakers, and RSC is drafted in Chinese and then translated into
English, this result corresponds with the nature of these two languages. English is subject-prominent language, while Chinese is topic-prominent language (Lian, 1993). In a word,
passive voice is more commonly used in MLC to keep objectiveness, neutrality and impersonality. Therefore, it can be concluded that the language of RSC in terms of passive voice is
more subjective and discriminating than that of MLC.
3.2.4. Use of Modal Verbs
Modal verbs are frequently used in Legal English to indicate rights and obligations, such
as shall, should, may, will, would and must, which carry the meaning of permission, ordering and prohibition. After examining the percentage of modal verbs with the
aid of AntConc, the frequency of shall in RSC is much higher than in MLC, but the frequency

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

of may in RSC is lower than in MLC. The overall frequency of modal verbs in RSC is lower
than in MLC because of no use of should, will, and would.
Table 4.
Percentages Of Modals In RSC And MLC
total words





The frequent use of modal verbs is one of the striking characteristics of legal English which serves
as a preservation of the influence of the Old English. Thus, someone used to say that a drafter
cannot even write without using modal verbs. Although this is a little bit exaggerated, it reflects
the significant role the words play during the process of legal document writing.
A panoramic review of mainstream English-speaking countries recent statutes shows that
the confusion of the use of modal words is considerably checked in many current laws so
that the drafters have achieved a highly rational use of legal modality (Huang 2004, p. 174).
At the same time, many provisions are modal-free, just declaring states of affairs simply by
the verbs of the present tense. This shows that draftsmen exercise considerable temperance in
using modal expressions. This helps to make a simple and straightforward style of legal language. In terms of this point, RSC does much better than MLC.
3.3. The Textual Level
3.3.1. Rhetoric Devices
Generally speaking, rhetoric such as simile, metaphor and personification is seldom used in
legal English. Because of its formal format, the language employed in this field should be strict,
exact and standard. Rhetoric is often found in general English or literary text which need more
methods to attract readers. Due to the fact that legal English has to focus on imperative and narrative statement, disclosing legislative solemnity through declarative sentences and numbers.
A careful observation both in RSC and MLC helps to draw a conclusion that the two texts
seldom use the rhetoric devices as they may waste time and cause ambiguity. Accuracy and
conciseness have been the first consideration.
3.3.2. Cohesive Devices
Cohesion is a dimension of linguistic description which is important in the study of literary
texts. Cohesion, which makes text as a whole, expresses the continuity that exists between
one part of the text and another. Cohesion is necessary though it is not sufficient for the creation of a text.
Devices to achieve cohesiveness are various, and the specific items used in RSC and MLC
have been demonstrated before. Another striking textual feature in RSC and MLC is the use
of complex prepositional phrases. Some of the typical examples from these two include in
accordance with, be subject to, prior to, etc. The use of complex prepositions rather than the

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

simple ones is preferred in legislative texts simply because of the specialist community claims,
with some justification, that the simple ones tend to promote ambiguity and lack of clarity.
3.3.3. Paragraph Division
Discourse is a linguistic unit composed of several sentences, in other words, conversations,
arguments or speeches. As a synonym of text, it is defined by Halliday & Hasan (1976, p.
87) as follows: a text is a passage, spoken or written, of whatever length, that forms a unified
whole, which is best regarded as a semantic unit.
The discourse organization of legal language is unusual in that the organization of information does not follow familiar, expected patterns. The structures of RSC and MLC are quite
different from each other: the structure of the former is rather wordy and lengthy, while the
latter is various in its form. As a matter of fact, the structure of MLC is organized in this way,
relatively short, concise and detailed enough, on the whole. There are a great many varieties
in the act and, in this case, the drafting becomes much more fluctuant and friendly for readers
to comprehend. To reduce dense text, paragraphs should be as short as possible and use different sentence patterns to vary the legal English.

4. Conclusion
On the lexical level, the average word length of RSC is longer than that of MLC. The vocabulary of MLC is more various than that of RSC. The study of the top 50 frequently used
words shows that both RSC and MLC convey the similar information to readers. In addition,
both RSC and MLC use excessive pronouns, but they rarely adopt adjectives and adverbs.
On the syntactic level, the mean sentence length in RSC is longer than in MLC, and the
sentence length of more than 20 in RSC covers much more than in MLC. Of course, both of
these two texts are inclined to use long and complicated sentences, but the former one is more
likely of preciseness and formality. Secondly, passive voice is much more frequently used in
MLC, which displays that the impersonal effect in RSC is not embodied as effectively as in
MLC. Thirdly, comparatively speaking, modal verb shall is widely used in RSC. This shows
the compelling force and mandatory facts in RSC. Lastly, the application of coordination and
subordination in RSC and MLC is of no dissimilarity, which leads to parallel sentence structure and pattern.
On the textual level, there are three points needing more attention. Firstly, legal English
seldom uses rhetoric devices because its contents should be formal and exact. Secondly, in
legal English, there are a great number of cohesive words, because it needs logical relationship between sentences to show importance of logic and rigor of legislative document. Thirdly,
from the perspective of paragraph division, MLC is so concrete and detailed that the branch
articles are trivial, such as Article I, Article II, Article IIITitle 1, Regulation 1.1, 1, 2, 3
Standard A 1.1, 1, 2, 3(a), (b), (c) (i), (ii), (iii)... Title 2, Regulation 2.1, 1, 2, 3.While there
are only chapter I, Article 1, Article 2, (1), (2)Chapter IIbecause of it is characterized recapitulation in content.

1. Halliday, M.A.K. & Hasan, R. (1976). Cohension in English. London: Longman.
2. Huang Yongpin (2004). Stylistic Studies in Legal English. Shenyang: Liaoning Ethnic
Minorities Publishing House.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

3. Leech.G..N & Short, M.H. (2001). Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introoduction to English
Fictional Prose. Beijing: Foreign Language Education and Research Press.
4. Lian Shuneng (1993). Comparative Study of English and Chinese. Beijing: Higher Education Press.
5. Peter M. Tiersma, (1999). Legal Language. The University of Chicago Press.
6. Wang Zuoliang & Ding Wangdao (1987). English Language Introduction. Beijing: Foreign Language Education and Research Press.

Luo Weihua
Dalian Maritime University
1 Linghai Road, Dalian
China 116026
[email protected]
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Hooshang Khoshsima
Ali Asghar Rostami Abusaidi
Chabahar Maritime University
Chabahar, Iran


Translation evaluation has repeatedly been criticised for having a subjective nature. In fact, objectivity and marking in translation evaluation have always been considered as challenging issues. The
present study tries to present practical models for translation quality evaluation. Firstly, some general
approaches and purposes for making such an evaluation will be briefly mentioned. Secondly, some
theoretical concepts and factors, useful especially for educational settings and related to carrying out
a translation evaluation will be discussed. Thirdly, based on the text typology, the researchers will introduce three practical models or point-scoring methods for translation evaluation. Then a survey
study will be done in order to explore the ideas of some translation teachers about the suggested models. Thus, this study contributes to carrying out a more objective and systematic method for translation evaluation of the text types presented here.
Our models were two-dimensional; meaning and form were chosen as the main criteria in them.
The marks given to these criteria and their factors were based on their importance in the text of the
models. In order to explore the ideas of translation teachers about the models, we did a survey study
and it became clear that 60 percent of the teachers agreed with them. Therefore it was confirmed that
the models are useful for translation evaluation and a majority of translation teachers have a strong
favour to use them.
Keywords: translation evaluation, meaning, form, practical models, metrics, text typology

1. Introduction
The present study deals with one of the most controversial issues in translation studies,
i.e. translation quality evaluation. It is debatable because both ideas of quality and evaluation
models themselves are not objective. Quality in translation, as Newmark (1988) claims, is
relative. On the other hand, any model(s) used for translation evaluation is/are based on
different theories and factors which are various in other models so the outcome of translation
evaluation will vary based on the model used for such a purpose and the evaluation results
will not be fixed.
There is no doubt in the role of evaluation and assessment in any field of science and it
can be said that there could be no science without measurement. Therefore, apart from the
debate over the case whether translation is art or science, it can be claimed that evaluation is
also important in translation whether we call it art or science.
Dudley-Evans and St John (1998) states that evaluation involves making judgments which
means that we must have criteria if there is no clear objective for a particular activity or material, how can its success be measured? Regarding the mentioned quotation, we should have
objective and clear criteria in order to measure or evaluate the quality of any translation.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Thus, the study here aims at proposing practical models to evaluate the quality of any
translation. First some general points related to translation quality evaluation will be discussed. Then some theoretical concepts and factors related to this case will be mentioned. Finally, three practical models which are based on text typology will be presented. These models will show us how to mark different translated texts.

2. Translation Quality
According to Cary and Jumpelt (1963) defining the quality of translation was first discussed in the third conference of the International Federation of Translators on Quality in 1959.
So far, within the field of translation studies, translation evaluation has received much attention
and there have always been some efforts to investigate the issue both in theory and in practice.
As House (2001) puts it forward:
Translation quality is a problematical concept if it is taken to involve individual and externally
motivated value judgment alone. Obviously, passing any final judgment on the quality of
a translation that fulfils the demands of scientific objectivity is very difficult indeed (p. 255).

The bottom line here is the existing difficulties in determining scientific factors and objective
criteria for translation evaluation on one hand and the inevitable subjective part of any translation evaluation by human on the other hand, as House (2001) himself mentions, should not
make the assumption that inquiry in the field of translation evaluation is worthless.
Bearing this in mind, it can be interesting to point out that a considerable number of
scholars have worked in this field. Lauscher (2000, as cited in Manafi Anari, 2004) puts forward that translation scholars have tried to improve practical translation quality assessment
by developing models which allow for reproducible, intersubjective judgment (e.g. Reiss
1972, Wilss 1977, Amman 1993, Gerzymisch-Abrogast 1977). Lauscher (2000, ibid) claims
that they [the translation scholars] hoped to achieve this goal [improving a practical translation quality assessment] by building their models on scientific theories of translation, which
can provide a yardstick, and by introducing a systematic procedure for evaluation. Apart
from this, House (2001) presents a similar viewpoint where he claims that translation quality
assessment requires a theory of translation.
Similarly, in the context of translation teaching some scholars have also introduced some
suggestions for translation evaluation (e.g. Delisle 1993; Hurtado 1995; Nord 1988 and 1996;
Kussmaul 1995; Pym 1996; Gouadec 1981 and 1989; Presas 1996).

3. Approaches In Translation Quality Evaluation

House (1998: as cited in Baker, 2000) introduces three translation quality approaches:
anecdotal and subjective approaches, response-oriented approaches and text-based approaches. House (ibid) maintains that:
Text-based approaches may be informed by linguistics, comparative literature or functional models.
In linguistically-based approaches, pairs of source and target texts are compared with a view to discovering syntactic, semantic and pragmatic regularities of transfer.

Therefore this approach is based on comparison between the source and the target texts. On the
other hand, according to Reiss (1971), in text-based approaches the source text is of prime importance and the text type determines the kind of translation strategy. Reiss (1971) herself introduced a systematic approach to translation quality assessment which was text-based too.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Related to this text-based approach for translation quality evaluation, four different approaches can be introduced: a source-language-oriented approach, a target-language-oriented
approach, a translation-effect-oriented approach, and a top-down or a bottom-up approach.
These four approaches will be briefly explained below.
3.1. A source-language-oriented approach
Here, the emphasis is both on the source text and on the concept of equivalence. In this
approach, evaluation will be made based on the type of the source text which itself determines the translation strategy and the equivalence.
3.2. A target-language-oriented approach
Here, the emphasis is on the naturalness of the translated text in comparison with the
similar texts existing in the target language.
3.3. A translation-effect-oriented approach
Here, the emphasis is on the effect of the translated text on a teacher, on a critic, on a client,
or generally on a reader of the translation. This approach is similar to Nidas dynamic equivalence.
3.4. A top-down or a bottom-up approach
In a top-down approach, translation evaluation is based on holistic and general factors
and in a bottom-up approach, the evaluation is based on details.
The first three approaches mentioned above are also illustrated in chapter 5 in Chesterman (1997).

4. Some Theoretical Factors Related To Translation Evaluation

Before introducing any factors related to translation evaluation, we should determine why
we want to evaluate a translation or what our purpose for evaluating a translation is. According
to Tajvidi (2003: as cited in Farahzad, 2004), the purposes for the evaluation of translation fall
into the following categories: evaluation for educational goals, evaluation for employing
a translator (something like a job interview), and evaluation for the purpose of criticizing.
Actually, it can be helpful to determine the purpose(s) of our translation evaluation and
then try to judge the quality of that translation.
In the present study, the purpose is to suggest practical models useful for educational
purposes and goals so the theoretical factors mentioned here are basically related to educational setting and environment. The factors are listed below:
1. Our translation evaluation approach.
2. Text typology and some other textual features such as the level of text difficulty and etc.
3. The purpose of translation.
4. The competence of translators (especially in educational setting and among translation students).
5. The efficiency of educational system.
6. The readers of the translation.
7. The expectations of translation students. This factor is related to the analysis of the
students needs.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

The application of all of these theoretical factors in designing any practical model for translation evaluation might be difficult. However, in the proposed models, we have tried to include
as many factors as possible.

5. Practical Models For Translation Evaluation

Throughout the history, there has always been a debate between the importance of meaning and form in any kind of translation. According to Newmark (1988) the real intention of
translation is to transfer the meaning of the source language (SL) to the target language (TL).
However, this meaning is constant because after getting the meaning of the SL, the translator
should convey it into the form of the TL so the form certainly differs. Considering these two
factors (meaning and form), we can say that there are two kinds of translation. Larson (1984)
calls these kinds meaning-based translation and form-based translation.
Farahzad (2004) claims that translation is traditionally understood as the transferring of
meaning. Therefore, in the process of translation, it can be said that meaning is the key factor; it is constant. It is the form that differs and it is at the service of meaning.
The proposed models are two-dimensional and are based on text typology. In these models,
meaning and form are the main criteria for translation evaluation and the point-scoring
method is out of 20.
Meaning itself includes four subcategories: (1) meaning transferring, (2) source theme/
concept, (3) cohesion/coherence, and (4) terminological consistency. Meaning transferring of
the following three elements is important here: (1) keywords, (2) secondary words, and (3)
cultural load. Form includes four subcategories too: (1) style, (2) register, (3) addition/ deletion/punctuation, and (4) audience/time/place.
As mentioned before, the proposed models are based on text typology. Three kinds of
texts have been covered here, which are: (1) general texts, (2) literary texts, and (3) technical
texts. Based on the importance of all the criteria and factors in any kind of these texts, the criteria and factors will receive a special mark.

Fig. 1. Translation Evaluation Criteria

Fig. 1 illustrates the general criteria for translation evaluation.
In the following tables, three different models will be presented, which show these criteria in detail. Note: in all of these figures m stands for marks.
As it is shown in table 1, in our translation evaluation of general texts, the mark given to
meaning factors is 12 and the mark given to form factors is 8. Among the meaning factors,
meaning transferring has the highest mark, which is 5. Among the form factors, the highest
mark is given to style, which is 2.5.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Table 1.
Evaluation Criteria for Translation of General Texts
Criteria for Evaluation of General Texts
Meaning Factors (12 m)
Form Factors (8 m)
Meaning Transferring
CoheTerminoDele- AudiKeySecCul- Source/
Style Reg- tion/
words ondary tural Theme/
Consisister Punc- Time/
Words Load Concept Coherence
tuation Place

Table 2 shows the general criteria for translation evaluation of literary texts. As it is shown,
the general criteria and factors are the same as in table 1. However, the marks given to them
differ; for example, the mark given to meaning is 9.5 and the one given to form is 10.5. Here,
among the meaning factors, again the highest mark, which is 5, is given to meaning transferring. Among the form factors, both the style and register have the highest mark, which is 3.
Table 2.
Evaluation Criteria for Translation of Literary Texts
Criteria for Evaluation of Literary Texts
Meaning Factors (9.5 m)
Form Factors (10.5 m)
Meaning Transferring
TerminoDeleAudiKey- Secon- Cul- Source/ Cohesion/
Style Reg- tion/
words dary
tural Theme/
Consisister PuncTime/
Words Load Concept Coherence
tuation place

Table 3.
Evaluation Criteria for Translation of Technical Texts
Criteria for Evaluation of Technical Texts
Meaning Factors (14 m)
Form Factors (6 m)
Meaning Transferring
TerminoDeleAudiKey- Secon- Cul- Source/ Cohesion/
Style Regis- tion/
words dary
tural Theme/
Words Load Concept Coherence
tuation place

Table 3 shows the general criteria for translation evaluation of technical texts. Again here,
the general criteria and factors are the same as what was covered in the previous tables.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

However, the marks, which are given to meaning and form factors, are again different. Here,
the marks given to meaning and form factors are 14 and 6, respectively. Among the meaning
factors, the highest mark, 7, is given to meaning transferring. Among the form factors, the
highest mark, 2, is given to register.

6. A Survey Study
Bowker (2000) states that in a translation classroom, efforts must be made to develop an
approach to translation evaluation that enables evaluators to provide objective and constructive feedback to their students. As mentioned earlier, the purpose of this article is to suggest
practical models useful for educational settings. Therefore, in order to explore the ideas of
some translation teachers about the proposed models discussed in this article, we did a survey
study. The survey study was an attempt to answer the following questions: to what extent
were these models acceptable for translation teachers? And if they didnt agree with them,
what was the main reason for their disagreement? The subjects of this study were 40 translation teachers, who were randomly selected and asked to fill in a questionnaire, which was designed by the researchers to identify their ideas about the models.
6.1. The 1st Question Answer
Out of these 40 participants, 24 subjects agreed with the models which equals to 60 percent; 14 subjects didnt agree with it which equals to 35 percent and finally 2 teachers didnt
have any idea about it which equals to 5 percent.
Fig. 2 represents the data.

Fig. 2. Translation Teachers Views

6.2. The 2nd Question Answer
To find an answer to the second question, the researchers included three reasons in the
questionnaire. These reasons were:
1. Disagreement with the general criteria
2. Disagreement with the factors
3. Disagreement with the point-scoring method.
As mentioned earlier, 14 subjects disagreed with the models. Among them, 6 subjects
chose the first reason, 3 subjects chose the second reason and 5 subjects chose the third one.
The result is presented in Fig. 3.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Fig. 3. The Reasons of Disagreement

6.3. Discussion of the Survey Study
The data gathered in this survey study shows that 60 percent of translation teachers agree
with the models suggested here so the models can be used for evaluating translated texts.
However, some teachers disagreed with the models and the data showed that the main reason
for their disagreement was the general criteria chosen in the models.

7. Conclusion
The present study was an attempt to suggest practical models for translation evaluation.
Based on text typology, we introduced three different models. Our models were twodimensional and meaning and form were chosen as the main criteria in them. The marks given
to these criteria and their factors were based on their importance in the text of the models. In
order to explore the ideas of translation teachers about the models, we did a survey study and
it became clear that 60 percent of the teachers agreed with them so it was supported that the
models are useful for translation evaluation and majority of translation teachers have a strong
favour to use them. Finally, as Colina (2008) claims, the existing approaches to translation
quality evaluation have some deficiencies so the models presented in this article are no
exceptions and they may have some weaknesses too.

1. Baker, Mona (ed.) (1998a) Routledge Encyclopaedia of Translation Studies, London:
2. Bowker, Lynne (2000) A Corpus-Based Approach to Evaluating Student Translations,
The Translator, 6(2): 183-210.
3. Carry, E. and R. W. Jumpelt (eds) (1963) Quality in Translation, Proceedings of the 3rd
Congress of the International Federation of Translators (Bad Godesberg, 1959), New
York: Macmillan/Pergamon Press.
4. Chesterman, Andrew (1997) Memes of Translation: The Spread of Ideas in Translation
Theory. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
5. Colina, Sonia (2008) Translation Quality Evaluation: Empirical Evidence for a Functionalist Approach, The Translator, 14(1): 97-134.
6. Dudley-Evans Tony and Maggie Jo St John (eds) (2005) Developments in English for
Specific Purposes; A multi-disciplinary approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, p. 128.
7. Farahzad, Farzaneh (2004) Meaning in Translation. Translation Studies Quarterly 2
(7 & 8): 81.
8. House, Juliane (1998) Quality of Translation, in Mona Baker (ed.). Routledge encyclopedia of Translation Studies, London and New York: Routledge, 197-200.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

9. ------ (2001) Translation Quality Assessment: Linguistic Description versus Social

Evaluation. Meta, 46(2): 243-257.
10. Lauscher, Susanne (2000) Translation Quality Assessment: Where Can Theory and
Practice Meet?. The Translator, 6(2), Special Issue, pp. 149-168.
11. Newmark, Peter (1988) A Textbook of Translation, New York & London: Prentice-Hall.
12. Reiss, Katharina (19971/1978 translated by Errol F. Rhodes) Translation Criticism The
potentials and Limitations: Categories and Criteria for Translation Quality Assessment,
2000, Manchester: St. Jerome.
13. Tajvidi, Gholam Reza (2005) Translation Quality Assessment. Translation Studies
Quarterly, 3(10): 27-40.
14. ------ (2003). Fields of Research in Translation Studies, In: Farzaneh Farahzad (ed.)
Proceedings of Translation Studies Conferences. Tehran: Setarhe Sabz.

______________________Curriculum Vitae _______________________

Dr. Hooshang Khoshsima

assistant professor at English department and the vice chancellor for research of Chabahar Maritime University in Iran;
got his PhD in TEFL in 2002 from Isfahan University, Iran;
has published a number of textbooks, two of them for students of nautical studies, and has presented more than 14 papers at international conferences;
his areas of research are teaching and testing English.
Chabahar Maritime University
Chabahar, 99714 183
Phone:+ 98 912 109 7812
Fax: + 98 545 222 3577
[email protected], [email protected]
Dr. Ali Asghar Rostami Abusaidi
associate professor at English department and the principle advisor of the Ministry of Higher Education in Iran;
got his PhD in 1990 in UK;
has attended a number of international conferences and has published some textbooks for university students;
his areas of research are applied linguistics and English literature.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Tatyana Polskaya
V-Ships Training Center, Glasgow
Krasnodar Region, Russian Federation


Present methodology has legalized an extremely abstract approach in learning objects. Not only
what is cognized matters, but also what is implied. The first priority in training we give to a social
creativity and every participant of communication as a part of global activity. Discourse modelling is
an essential tool, which overlaps with knowledge management. We attempt to amplify the synergy of
speech production and speech perception by a variety of imaging methods watching the circuitry of
time relation and investigating brain areas which affect comprehension and semantic relations.
The focus is made on the mechanism of attention as a global feature, self-attention as part of mental
capacity, and their role in training process. The crucial importance of inner speech in achieving linguistic awareness is emphasized. Knowledge management is accepted as an ability of balancing between chaos and order in the synergy of discourse.
Keywords: communication, social creativity, implications, synergy, comprehension, linguistic awareness

1. Introduction
The work is a small look on mind operation and speech production from the point of intelligence nature based on cognitive science observations. Language acquisition is traced within
the frames of knowledge management.
Definition of knowledge explains handling the information on the level of data and on that
of experience. Speech training is suggested to be viewed as a part of knowledge management
taking into consideration essential intellectual faculty as argumentation and attention. Linguistic awareness is the main component of discursive competence. Global concretization approach is suggested as a means of intensification of training process.
The article is structured as follows: knowledge management, mental aspect of communication, and mental capacity and training.

2. Knowledge management
2.1. The basis of research
The work has been based on the credit of cognitive science which has made its presence
firmly known in the philosophy of language and epistemology a modern revival of rationalism as well as constituting a substantial field in modern linguistics.
Within philosophy, familiar names include Daniele Dennett, who writes from a computational system prospective, John Searle known for his controversial Chinese room, Jerry Fodor, who advocates functionalism, and Douglas Hofstadter, questioning the nature of words
and thought. In the realm of linguistics Noam Chomsky and George Lakoff have been influential.


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In artificial intelligence Marvin Minsky and Kevin Warwick, and popular names in the
field of psychology include James McClelland and Steven Pinker.
2.2. Learning and developing
Learning and developing are processes, by which we acquire knowledge and information
over time. Research of learning and developing aims to explain the mechanisms, by which
these processes might take place.
A major question in the study of cognitive development is the extent to which certain
abilities are innate or learned. The nativist view emphasizes that certain features are innate to
an organism and are determined by its genetic endowment. The empiricist view, on the other
hand, emphasizes that certain abilities are learned from environment. In the area of language
acquisition, for example, some have argued that specific information containing universal
grammar rules must be contained in genes, whereas others find these claims biologically unrealistic. They argue that genes determine the architecture of a learning system, but that specific facts about how grammar works can only be learnt as a result of experience.
2.3. Knowledge and cognition
Language is represented as constructive element of global knowledge being not only a means
of thought transmission, but an instrument of thought formation as well.
Definition of knowledge has passed through 3 stages:
1) Selection of facts.
2) Information exchange.
3) The sequence > Information > Knowledge > Wisdom as a part of experience.
To avoid an attempt of equalizing knowledge and information we suggest the definition of
knowledge which proves the following difference:
Knowledge is the result of cognition empirically confirmed and logically certified. Product of the
process of cognizing the reality is an adequate reflection of this reality in human mind by means of abstract notions, ideas or theories. (Philosophical Dictionary, 1983).

Knowledge is systematic, not contradictive, objective, and independent of human will. In

other words, it is the reality ready for cognition and comprehension at the given moment.
Information is just the opposite: subjective, doubtful to be true to life. This is a circulation of
various data transmitted by different means. Although data is a discrete entity, the progression
to information/knowledge, and finally to wisdom, does not occur in discrete stages of development.
One progresses along the continuum as ones understanding develops (Bellinger, 2003).
The peak of knowledge is wisdom, which is identified with comprehension. Understanding immediately correlates with integrity. When one is able to amass sufficient data and information to form a complete pattern I understood I would have knowledge. An important
part of knowledge should be taken into consideration. This is mental lexicon/knowledge about
the words of the language, their phonological, semantic and syntactic properties. This knowledge is stored in a component of long-term memory and accessed automatically by a native
speaker. Foreign language learner acquires mental lexicon through logical analyses and
mostly keeps the received knowledge in a short-term memory until it reaches the level of
skill. Being focused on the mental lexicon the learner misses knowledge as a part of continuum. Viewing the language as a natural object of reality we take into consideration three levels: elements, relations, and the whole entity. Due to its synergy the language as a modeling

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

system is able to find its optimal state in any external changes and spontaneously turn into any
static formation. Certain text being a final product of text activity is nothing but a combination and recombination of different data until it occurs as a decision made by means of inner
modeling. The more awareness inner modeling has the better realization of a decision (Alder,
So information (experience) is the entity of knowledge, cognition and cognizer that is
individual cognitive system (ICS).
2.4. Managing knowledge
Knowledge management has to do with operating discursive processing. Management of
discourse is performed by such inner qualities as imagination, will, logic and emotional characteristics, coordination of which belongs to inner speech. Blending of speech production
and speech perception is achieved when linguistic awareness occurs.
Linguistic awareness is concentration of mind on a certain domain taken from the initial
chaotic information flow and organized in a certain text. Knowledge management would be
the capture, retention and reuse for foundation for imparting and understanding how all these
pieces fit together and how to convey them meaningfully to some other person. Discursive activity communication on textual level is a simultaneous process of speech production and
speech perception.

3. Mental aspect of communication

3.1. Understanding key question of communication
Communicative aspect of discourse is realized in setting up a dialogue, real or implied,
between a sender and a receiver of the information. In the present world of informational exchange humanity faces the choice between correct contacts and distorted facts.
Communication is defined as follows: transferring signals from one person to another with
the intention of bringing about understanding, a certain opinion or certain response from the
other. Understanding indicates points of speech production and perception blending inside the
field of central cognitive process, which causes statements, arguments, emotional tinge and attracting attention and other emotional and intellectual signs leading to acquiring a new knowledge. The process of blending runs unconsciously, but it is easily stimulated by jokes illustrations and poetry. Blending is specified by wholeness of mind (Sukhikh, 1998).
3.2. Argumentation
Understanding bears slight similarity with argumentation, which also aims at reaching utterance through certain cognitive activities. But argumentation runs consciously. Argumentation and presentation of knowledge enter the synergetic process of speech production and perception and change discursive structure.
Text construction is exercised in two ways:
Artificially/professionally expecting the planned structure
Creatively/from chaos to order as per Universe structure
Argumentation bears artificial tinge due to expectancy and deliberate activities. Understanding is creativity of thought, while proceeding the way to the source of its admission and reconstructing this admission until it is shaped. And the shape is the relation of various intellects.


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3.3. Successful utterance as a result of proper communicative strategy

Availability of ideas and utterances and their realization in understanding should be provided as the state (Mamardashvili 1997) and the text of communicators. Only then it is possible to get linguistic awareness and find the way to linguistic competence, which in turn develops the skill of knowledge management.
Ability to create a successful utterance within the frame of a given context and developing
new contexts can be called discursive competence. Discursive competence is attained in the
dynamic communicative process including logical, intellectual, emotional and psychological
Strategy of communication is an essential tool for the speaker to realize his intentions in
discourse. From psychological point of view strategy is a global means for achieving the purpose. Typical good strategy is achieving successful utterance (Van Daik, 1989). The structure
of discursive strategy is influenced by personal system of values, contentions, opinions and
social patterns.
3.4. Cognitive dissonance a communicative drive of individual cognitive system
Human being is a gem with four points:
Body, soul /imagination, activity, contact
Discursive activity is a process of intellectual activity aiming at realization of Self. Psychiatrists call intellectual activity of a person activity of a soul intended to perceive and realize
ones I (self) (Kursk, 1999). Purpose of self-realization is to avail and overcome understanding barrier. According to the theory of cognitive dissonance (Festinger, 1999) the system
of knowledge is compiled of separate elements, which are in contradicting relations to each
Speech production is a process driven by cognitive dissonance itself to liquidate these contradictions and create so natural for human beings intellectual coordination of phenomena assumptions, opinions. So, appearance of dissonance is followed by an intensive communication.
Passive opinion of a separate ICS when entering discourse is spontaneously modified to a conceptual structure of an informational flow getting into here and now process of intellectual
integration. Certain text implies certain affect on communication and reflection.
3.5. Discourse modeling
From psychological point of view, reflection is the act where the flow of information sent
gets analyzed. Processed by mind, information is made linguistically aware. Sender intends to
deliver the information to the awareness of a sendee. The sendee is affected in this interaction
both emotionally and esthetically. The power of influence depends on style of a sender and
the scope of linguistic awareness of a sendee. Proper strategy of discourse structure paves way
to a receiver-friendly utterance.
Modeling Means:
Fortification, Changing communication spars, Coordination of cogniotype modifications, Argumentation, Confirmation
Presentation modeling may be fortified by discursive markers. For example:
Non Marked:
All the vessels transiting high risk areas are being escorted by military patrol and tracked
by the office.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

All the vessels transiting high risk areas are being escorted by military patrol. What is
more, they are tracked by the office.
3.6. Awareness of thinking process
Every text within the frames of textual activities as an integrity of production, processing
and understanding should be modeled from topdown procedure, not excluding bottomup
procedure as well. In the process of communication, intersection of discourses is observed.
The intersection may be sparred by different subtexts originating from the global text. Intersection of discourses indicates awareness of informational flow by enlarging textual format. Awareness of thinking processes is verbalized by means of such cognitive functions as
planning, assumption, and conclusion. Process of inner verbalization is also taken into consideration. Sentence image is not always expressed in words (may be pictorial explication)
in this case, intellect starts operating on a casual level: accusation, approval, fantasy, idle
thinking. A minor message, remark or reminder may be enough for verbal realization of
causal function of ICS (Baranov, A. 1993).
3.7. Verbalization and implication in cogniotype structuring
A functional unit in verbalizing process is cogniotype, which correlates with a text or a group
of texts of a certain domain. For example, the domain Sea Disaster is formed by various discourses: fiction, educational, institutional, professional one etc. Professional discourse of the
domain Sea Disasters is considered within specific frames: collisions, the list of the vessels,
grounding, fire, explosion, hull damage, troubles in the engine room, injuries, and fatalities.
Within the logical entity of the domain Sea Disasters, which is organized in time and
space, there appear implications. They become logically accessible under certain orchestration
of discourse. The most frequent of them are:
Fear dangerous /not dangerous, major/minor event.
Significance of event for:

Role of witness <
> role of participant
Desires to rescue/to survive, to satisfy commercial interest, to accuse/to reject accusation.
The notion disaster is specified with terms accident an event which involves personal injuries or fatalities or incident an event connected with damage to cargo or equipment. The
term near miss is widely used and it denotes incident or accident, which could have happened.
In general communicative context of marine professional discourse of the domain Sea
Disasters, two valuable concepts are behind the text format:
safety of crew, cargo and equipment;
search for usefulness of the event, which could have occurred (near miss gives a learning opportunity).
Analyses of interpretations confirm the hypothesis that the text is a dynamic system, which is
discovered in the process of transposing different plentitudes of elements. Transposing is followed by multiplying meanings and may be called derivation, which is apt to self-organization.
Orchestration of language clusters in speech produced by the intention of a sender may lead the
receiver of the information to rather interesting interpretations.


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4. Mental capacity and training

4.1. Stimulating mental capacity
For any training process to be effective, an ability to embrace and process the scope of information called mental capacity of a learner should be evaluated.
Total mental capacity (100%) is subdivided into:
Free mental capacity 90%


Situational demand 10%

When it goes for mind, the subdivision is as follows:

Conscious mind, which has to do with sensing, understanding, will power and learning. Conscious mind is very logical and analytical. It makes decisions. Only 10% of
total mind is active.
Subconscious mind amounts 90% of total and runs autonomously being connected
with nervous system, affecting breathing and tissues. One is not able to control it consciously.
Critical factor is a little guard between conscious and subconscious mind. It functions
to protect one from the influence of other ideas.
On one hand critical factor protects, but on the other, it may deviate from the main line of the
informational flow and affect processing the information.
Human ability to process may fall and rise. Vulnerability of learners thinking process
while training their mental abilities should be managed by the following means: planning,
motivating (pretence of interest is a good motivation), encouraging, creating communication
as the main background of classroom activities, building up communication basic pillars: respect, recognition, realization, good climate, close look.
4.2. Orchestration of training
Ability to create a successful utterance within the frame of a given context and developing
new contexts can be called discursive competence achieving, which should be a paramount
task of speech training. Option number one in training should be discursive functions: attracting and distracting attention, cohesion, contradictions confirmation, using appropriate strategies for making decisions in organizing discursive spaces.
Having acquired communicative strategies the learners easily make way in natural dialogue as if automatically selecting speech producing means, because discourse is apt to selforganization, self- modification and self management.
For the learner to enter discursive space it is important to revert to the Self of one recognizing ones all possible credits. Realization of Self runs in tandem with constructing cogniotype. After partial realization, ones Self proceeds and enters the field of others Self striving
to understand the perceived.
Main principle of class activities is implemented in sharing emotions, formulating causal
understanding, reproducing memory. All these actions assist to flexibly merge into social
creativity. The recommended tools for social creativity are:
Planning and delegating good tools to prevent stress.
Priority setting What you can do just now and what can be postponed for the time being.
Speaking up Each participant must have his share in communication.
Attention is a very important part of communication.
Social creativity is connected with redistributing of activities in trainertrainee relationship.
Trainer is modeled not as an active part of interaction, but as a conscious initiator of commu106

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nicative process observing the class activities and monitoring the intersection of discourses
(Khristeva, 2001).
Training is orchestrated as integrity of global context:
(Group + authentic material and a concrete ICS+ text)
It is a synergetic process of declarative knowledge representation and procedural knowledge
functioning, which leads to linguistic awareness.
4.3. Global concretization approach
The method of global concretization is a mechanism of involving the audience into textual
interpretation activity, organizing and managing the dynamic conversational stream, and leading it to self-organization. Training is orchestrated by filling mental spaces with data, which
are converted into information in the process of didactic discourse. Rotated information
merges into construction of cogniotype, which enters natural speech within the frames of
given contexts. Further processing of discourse builds up new contexts. From chaotic processing originates synergy of text order.
In order to smoothly transform didactic motivation of trainees to answer the lessons material into natural pragmatic motivation to persuade and influence others, insight into the
learners thinking ability and emotional state is required. Assumption that (un)conscious mental process is just a causal sequence of (un)conscious mind (Fodor 2001) proves that causal
function of intellect (fantasy, remembrance) mostly runs idle. It prompts an opportunity to
engage causal function by involving the imaginary faculty of mind in discourse modeling
while training. Imagination excites memory of soul which keeps the past and presents some
kind of creativity.
Construction of cogniotypes is exercised by mechanical memory, which can be long-term
and short-term memory. Activating of both types of memory in the variety of memory stimulating exercises is a complex issue of classroom activities. It is impossible to draw a clear line
between bringing a thought into being and encoding the thought putting it into words, but it
is also possible to watch and to catch foreign languages learners perceptive for speech producing state a kind of synesthesia of cognition and communication. Catching states has to
do with managing ones attention. Human beings are so oddly constructed, that they allow
their attention to have managed instead of being aware of their specific tasks at the moment. It
can be explained by faster operation of right (imaginary) hemisphere of our brain if compared
with the left (logical) one. In mental operation, global structure is perceived in the first place
(at a very high speed), and then attention is drawn to specific details.
4.4. Attention managing the most important part of training process
Attention is a kind of a separate body-unit. Revelation for a scientific world may be the
fact that attention is a tool by means of which thinking process is performed. But attention is
installed separately from reasoning, not in parallel with mind operation. Being energy of
matter intellect merges into perceiving I/self, and functions as a result of search according to
the following scheme:
Education + Upbringing + Search = I /Mind /chip
The scheme reveals two polar zones of attention: I/chip/ and environment. In order to be activated, any scheme requires power. Power is accumulated within the triangle of rhythm, tension and enlightened state of mind. Proper usage of the triangle sides reflects the following
key performance indicators /KPI/ in speech training: Speak up, use clear language, confirm


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21

messages, talk and listen, create and diminish cognitive dissonance, build up linguistic
awareness (if you are aware that you constantly anticipate what may follow), develop attitude
to speaking as to that of performance but not a theory. Doing is completely different from
knowing about it. So while training, equal attention should be paid both to lexicon and discursive strategies.
Consequently the trainer should:
Invite to speak up
Ask for input and feedback
State your intentions and goals
Make the group participate
Be rather a witness than a participant
Give clear orders
Set clear assignments
Setting ambiguous assignments may mislead the trainees. As an example may serve the following task: How many squares are there? If not indicated, the color and the number will vary
Picture 1. KPI will provide a reliable tool of balancing between two main pillars I/self and
environment. When balance is attained, the way to enlighten the mind is paved by accelerating discursive activities. Thinking process is accelerated with the help of developing writing,
imagination and inner speech. Writing is closely connected to argumentation and keeps the
writer concentrated. Imagination is stimulated by a variety of exercises assisting perception.
An example may serve how people process optical illusions.

Picture 1.
Picture 2 shows bistable percept. Is the triangle looking towards you or away from you?
The triangle can be interpreted in two different directions.

Picture 2.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Picture 3 presents cognitive task allowing to link behavior and brain function.
This is, without a doubt, one of the coolest PC-Illusions I have seen so far.
Follow the instructions:
1. Relax and concentrate on the 4 small dots in the middle of the picture for
about 30-40 seconds.
2. Then take a look at a wall near you (any smooth, single-coloured surface).
3. You will see a circle of light developing.
4. Start blinking your eyes a couple of times and you will see a figure emerging

5. What do you see? Moreover, who do you see?

Picture 3.
Picture 4 agitates projective function of a brain.

Picture 4.
Plentitude of memory stimulating exercises of inner speech: remembering ones childhood, the first air flight, the last day at school etc. provide neural activity in the part of a brain
responsible for discursive activity and enlarge KPI of training. Inner speech plays a crucial
role in discursive process. The advantage of inner speech stimulating lies in its higher velocity
if compared with pronounced utterances. Implementing the principle of Palmers drills (repetition of the same thing) will affect performance of discourse. Besides, when accustomed to
watching the flow of ideas, trainees acquire the most important skill c o n c e n t r a t i o n.
Whatever tools may be suggested and how precious they may be, one issue should be
given a priority: Discursive action is based on spontaneous reaction and mental dexterity of
both trainer and trainee. The optimal speech trainer is the one who stores information for
later retrieval and managing it, taking into account the nature of the intelligence.

5. Conclusions

When processed information steps up from data level to knowledge/experience level.

Experience is a manifestation of competence.
Linguistic competence is achieved by developing skills of knowledge management.
Ability to manage knowledge has to do with situational and linguistic awareness that is
based on a skill of balancing between chaos and order.
5. Attention is a part of mental capacity.
6. Training of speech should proceed from a thorough investigation of personality/behavior,
reaction and neural activity of the brain to a successful utterance in the synergy of discourse.
7. Inner speech is an essential element of discourse.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21

ICS Individual Cognitive System
KPI Key Performance Indicators


Alder, G (2001) Technique of Intellectual Development, Saint Petersburg.

Baranov, A (1993) Functional and Pragmatic Concept of the Tex, Rostov.
Bellinger, G (2003) Knowledge Management, USA.
Festinger, L (1999) The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, Saint Petersburg.
Fodor, J ( 2001) Mind Does Not Operate This Way, Cambridge.
Khristevva J (2001)M Bahtin, Pro et Contra: Bahtin,Word Dialogue, Novel S.P.
Kursk, N(1996)Deficit of Psychiatric Activity, Moscow.
Mamardashvilly, M (1996) The Arrow of Cognition, Moscow.
Sukhikh, S(1998)Pragmatic and Linguistic Measurement of Communication, Krasnodar.


Curriculum Vitae


Tatyana Polskaya
English Language Trainer of V-Ships Training Centre, Glasgow, UK;
BGI Novorossiysk, Russian Federation Professor, President of FL Chair Moscow Humanitarian
and Economical Institute, Novorossiysk Branch;
graduated from Cuban State University, Krasnodar USSR;
degree in Linguistics, specialization: English Language and Literature;
completed post graduate course at University of Leningrad for intensive teaching, post graduate
training in linguistics /Degree in Psycholinguistics, and Academy of Finance and Business, Tower
Hills College, London;
professional involvement: use of translation skills, intensive training of speech for seafarers, lecturing on Knowledge Management, research in Psycholinguistics. Dialogue Modeling;
cooperation in Maritime Sphere: Performance in Novo Ship, Chevron, BP, Castrol, Shell, Interpaint, Sigma Framo.
English Language Trainer
V-Ships Training Center, Glasgow
Baltic Group International, Ltd
11B Khvorostyanskogo, 353925 Novorossiys, Krasnodar Region,
Russian Federation
Phone: +78617 303015
Fax: +78617 710087
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Ioana Raluca Vian

Constana Maritime University
Constana, Romania


Nobody should attempt to grasp new words without understanding their meaning and the way they
are used together with other words in contexts. This paper is an attempt to lay stress on the role played
by translation in Maritime English teaching. Apart from acquiring the reading, speaking, listening and
writing skills of a language, students should also develop translational skills, especially when dealing
with texts consisting of rich polysemantic words or words that present collocational restrictions. Even
if translation as a teaching technique has been regarded as subsidiary or has been objected to on the
ground that it does not encourage the learner to look for meanings in the sentences and the situations
in which they are presented, it is of utmost importance to admit that it is a useful and quick way of introducing new words. Since language differs considerably from one situation of use to another, we
will make a distinction between maritime English and standard English by highlighting the features of
the specific situations in which English is used.
Keywords: translation, teaching, translating cultures, communicative competence, maritime English
vs. standard English

1. Introduction
With the development of science, technology and commerce, English has become the
accepted international language and the ever growing demand for it to suit particular needs
and interests has brought about the growth of English for specific purposes. The learners
motivation and the effectiveness of their learning became the focal point. Therefore, the
courses were tailored so as to meet relevance to the learners needs and interests, in other
words, to point towards an increased specialization in language learning.
Maritime English has been adopted by IMO as the language of the sea and the STCW 95
Convention requires that seafarers must have proficiency in understanding and using Maritime English. The ISM Code was adopted in order to reduce and eliminate communication
failures, whereas SMCP were developed to ensure safety. Maritime English teachers have
been more and more aware of the importance of choosing the best teaching techniques that
aim to develop main language skills. Proper teaching techniques will ensure the quality of our
non-native English speaking students in the global maritime community. Therefore, the emphasis is laid on training students to use language for effective communication. This paper is
an attempt to demonstrate that translation is part of effective communication process and it is
also a very useful technique in Maritime English language teaching. But no translation can be
analyzed without bringing into awareness the cultural element. In the field of translation,
cross-cultural communication poses both practical and theoretical challenges. Firstly, there
are a number of concerns related to practical issues due to culturally divergent ways of communications. Secondly, cross-cultural communication represents a theoretical challenge since
clarifications have to be sought in the framework of the theory of language, which will account for socio-cultural determinants of meaning and use.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

2. Translation and the cultural element

The concept of translation can be traced back to Quintilians Institito Oratoria in which he
stresses the usefulness of paraphrasing a given text as a means of assisting the student both to
analyse the structures of a text and to experiment in turn with forms of embellishment and
abridgement (Bassnet, S., 1991). Some scholars defined translation as an art, others as a science,
while another regarded it as a craft.
R. Jakobson (1959) distinguishes three types of translation:
intralingual translation, or re-wording (an interpretation of signs by means of other
language signs in the same language)
interlingual translation, or translation proper (an interpretation of verbal signs by
means of other signs, in the same language)
intersemiotic translation or transmutation (an interpretation of the verbal signs by means
of signs of nonverbal signs system). He considers that there is no complete equivalence
through translation, and even apparent synonymy does not yield equivalence, because
each unit contains within itself a set of non-transferable associations and connotations.
Translation implies the transfer of the source language text (ST) into the target language text
(TL). Thus, in the process of translation there are two languages involved, two different cultures. Cultural elements appear in the text on all levels, from the concept and form of words to
the sentence and text structure. Texts are regarded as means of oral and written communication,
so they are carriers of messages. And any message within a specialized discourse field entails
both subject-relevant information as well as some implicit references to the cultural background of the person speaking. In the field of translation cultural issues are related to the
problem of understanding the texts to be translated, because in many cases the translator may
not be a member of the same culture. Cultural elements are regarded as being a background of
knowledge, which is generally relevant for adequate communication within a society:
Culture, being what people have to learn as distinct from their biological heritage, must
consist of the end product of learning: knowledge, in a most general, if relative, sense of
the term. By this definition, we should note that culture is not a material phenomenon; it
does not consist of things, people, behavior, or emotions. It is rather an organization of
these things. It is the forms of things that people have in mind, their models for
perceiving, relating, and otherwise interpreting them (Goodenough, 1964).
Thus, translation is both interlingual and intercultural communication. Following Nida and
Taber (1969) we would point out that the cultural context includes both the total culture within
which communication takes place and the specific non-linguistic circumstances or factors of the
communication. Proper handling of the cultural context by the translator relies to a great extent
on his cultural knowledge, information and documentation. The concept of translation across
cultures implies all this.

3. Maritime English teaching

The mixture of seafarers different cultures makes Maritime English a compulsory linguistic medium regarding the safety of life at sea, ship property, pollution preventions, etc.
People commonly believe that knowledge and skills of Maritime English can ensure the effectiveness of communication between English speaking and non-English speaking seafarers.
Proper command of Maritime English is not only a must for the seafarers safety but also for
the appropriate operation of ships.
Communication has been the buzzword of language teaching in the past thirty years, thus
leading to special interest in teaching practical uses of language. According to Bachman L.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

(quoted by Croitoru, 1996), most current frameworks of language use are based on the concept of language as communication, and recognize the importance of the context, both discourse and sociolinguistic, in which language is used. The development of communicative
teaching will be based on a theoretical model of communicative language ability.
Although IMO has officially adopted Maritime English as the language of maritime
industry, there is a clear necessity for ensuring seafarers to gain Maritime English
communication skills in the current globalization of the world shipping market. In order to
train high-quality seafarers, Maritime English instructors should aim at teaching the particular
terminology and communication skills that comprise listening, speaking, reading and writing
as required by IMO conventions.
Maritime English instructors have so far tried to duplicate the skills of the native English
speaker in the non-native English speaker. Therefore, students are taught the functions of
language or the rules of grammar known by the native speakers. Nevertheless, the model for
language teaching should be the fluent L2 user, not the native speaker, what may be called
intercultural communicative competence (Croitoru, 1996). This enables language teaching to
have relevant and fruitful goals for students. The communicative approach to Maritime English
teaching focuses on communicative activities on language as a means of communication.
3.1. Translation in the context of Maritime English teaching
One of the main roles (among others) of Maritime English instruction is also the way in
which it pays attention to the meaning of words, the lexical combinations, especially
collocations, and terminology specific to a certain field of interest (i.e. marine engineering,
maritime law, etc.). Students learning tasks have to go together with more formal language
work, that is, translation-oriented texts. Thus, controlled language work by translation should
be included here since most language teaching is designed to teach students to communicate.
We regard translation as a useful technique in Maritime English teaching, because
students cannot acquire an adequate vocabulary without understanding the exact meaning of
words used in contexts. This can only be fulfilled by means of translation.
There have been many objections to the use of translation as a foreign language teaching
technique. One of these objections refers to the fact that it does not stimulate the learner to
seek for meanings in relation between the sentences and the situations in which they are
presented. But according to Croitoru (1996) this is not valid as long as the learner is able to
establish deep structures representing common propositions expressed differently in the
source language (SL) and target language (TL).
Another objection is due to the fact that it is not always possible to translate exactly and
this is because not all languages have words for exactly the same concepts, and it is often the
case that in a given language there is not really a word which means the same as a word in
another language (Harmer, 1991). Nevertheless, we shall admit that translation is a quick
and easy way of presenting the meanings of new words, especially those presenting polysemy
or collocational restrictions. We agree with Croitoru (1996) who states that the deep
structures representations enable the learner to relate two sentences, both within one
language and across languages, by reference to the basic proposition that is common to both
of them. The kinds of messages which people communicate by means of sentences are of
utmost importance, because this is the essence of communicative competence.
An important aspect that should be taken into consideration when referring to translation
as part of Maritime English teaching and learning process is the vocabulary. According to
Pritchard B. (2008) the term 'maritime vocabulary' should be distinguished from 'technical
terminology' in that the latter refers to a standardized set of vocabulary used by a body of
peers or an institution. Technical terminology and vocabulary are possible to be regarded as

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

narrow and wide in scope, that is why he finds it necessary to create a minimum maritime
vocabulary which stands for the vocabulary enabling communication, understanding and
cognition of maritime discourse used by specific speakers of English to meet the knowledge,
skills and competence requirements for the three levels set out in IMO STCW Convention
1995: operational level OOW of ships of 500 GT or more, management level master of
ships of 3000 GT or more, and support level ratings making part of a navigational/ engineering watch. Thus, he subdivides Maritime English into subsets, according to the subjectmatter or extra-linguistic contents to which it refers:
Nautical English (also referred to as seafaring English or the language of the sea);
Technical English (marine engineering English, but also electrical engineering, marine
technology, technology of transport, etc.);
Maritime English for communications, electronics, automation, information science,
computer science;
Legal English (used in shipping, maritime administration; maritime law and law of the
sea also IMO conventions, codes, etc.);
Business English (shipping, logistics and management of maritime transport, etc.).
Most methodologists rightly believe that experiments on the vocabulary seem to suggest that
students remember best when they have actually done something with the word they have
learned or are learning. Tasks such as translating from the foreign language into the mother
tongue and vice versa, or changing words to mean their opposite, or making a noun an adjective, making up collocations, help to fix the words in the students mind (Croitoru, 1996). We
consider translation technique the optimal way of helping students become properly acquainted with words. In other words, vocabulary acquisition needs the deep experience of
translating. This is also a way of providing opportunities for students to discover for themselves what a word means and how and why it is being used.
3.1.1. Students active and passive vocabulary
The active vocabulary refers to the vocabulary students have acquired and which they are
expected to be able to use. The passive vocabulary consists of the words which students can
only recognize when coming across them, but which they cannot use.
As far as Maritime English is concerned, most of the active vocabulary comprises words
students somehow liked. We can assert that the active vocabulary may consist of words
they have often looked up and used. Apart from the general vocabulary, it may also consist of
general technical and specialized terms they already know and use frequently. It is believed
that the highly specialized vocabulary belongs to the passive vocabulary, because students use
it during translation only. A word, which students have in their passive store, may suddenly
become active if the situation or the context needs it (Croitoru, 1996). The words which students have learned seem to move between an active and a passive status, which means that the
status of the vocabulary items does not seem to have a permanent state of affairs. Thus, involvement with words during translation is likely to help students learn them properly.
3.1.2. Language input and language output classroom activities
J. Harmer (1991) considers that teaching and learning activities should be planned on the
basis of achieving a balance between the different categories of input and output where
roughly tuned input and communicative activities will tend to predominate over (but not by
any means exclude) controlled language presentation and practice output. By providing
students with a variety of activities, we can enhance their interest and involvement in the lan114

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

guage programme. Classroom activities can be divided into: classes that give students language input and classes which encourage them to develop language output. The language students receive the input, which is of two types: roughly tuned input and finely tuned input. The
former represents the language which students can more or less understand even though it is
above their own productive level, whereas the latter is the language selected to suit the students level. It is the language selected for learning and teaching and also the level of translation. Within the roughly-tuned input we include the highly specialized texts or texts of a higher
degree of difficulty. For example, students may find it difficult to understand the vocabulary
items in the text below:
With a heaving line the hawser is pulled from the vessel onto the embankment by linehandlers. The spring is fastened to the bollard, and while the engine is on half astern,
the warping drum picks up the slack. To prevent the line from being fouled, the hawser
or spring is led through a fairlead (Kluijven, 2005).
Language output can be divided into practice and communicative output. Practice refers to
the idea that students use new items of language in different contexts and in designing activities which promote the use of specific language. The aim is to give students the opportunity of
practicing language structures and functions so that they may deal with items which they wish
to internalise more completely than before. At the same time, they are involved in motivating
activities, such as translating, which is a very good practice in this respect. Communicative output comprises activities in which students use language as a means for communication because
their main focus is to complete a sort of communicative task. Translation can be included
here, because, we believe that it becomes an instrument of communication. In most communicative activities, students will use whole language they know, so here we can also include
If there is to be meaningful communication in the classroom, it is essential that there is
a common fund of knowledge and interest between teacher and learner (Hutchinson,
T. & Waters, A., 1994).

4. Why is translation into the mother tongue more successful than into a second
The assumption that translators have a more profound linguistic and cultural background
of their mother tongue than of a second language is a common belief.
Thus, it is considered that translators (students) are better at translating into their native
language than into the foreign language. Translation into the source language (first language)
enables translators/students to render cultural elements such as idioms, metaphors, collocations,
etc. into proper equivalents in their mother tongue because such translators are born and bred
in the culture into which they translate these culture-bound aspects. Translators/Students
first language is naturally acquired, whereas their second language is learned, which means
that the linguistic and cultural knowledge of it is always in progress and never complete.
James Dickins (2005) rightly argues that: Translator training normally focuses on translation into the mother tongue, because higher quality is achieved in that direction than in
translating into a foreign language.
Translation into the mother tongue provides the translator/student with some positive aspects regarding the instinctive knowledge of morphological, semantic, syntactic and lexical
features of his or her mother tongue. This is because the translator/student acquires these elements naturally in the course of time. As the second language is learned outside its natural
context, rather than naturally acquired, translation in this case will be carried out by means of
dictionaries or other references, which means that this type of translation provides the student

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

with some kind of bookish knowledge. Whenever the translator/student is hesitant with respect to the morphological, semantic or lexical rules of the second language into which he/she
translates, he/she will have to resort to references and dictionaries. In this respect, Katherine
Reiss (2000) points out: Due to the fact that differences between the grammatical systems of
languages are frequently quite great, it is the morphology and syntax of the target language
that clearly deserve priority unless there is some overriding factor either in the nature of the
text or some special circumstance.
4.1. Why difficulties in translating?
Some scholars consider that translation is a main technique of the cross-lingual strategy.
According to some views, it is a useful language learning activity because it invites speculation and discussion, develops accuracy, clarity, and flexibility, and can be used to work
through particular second language problems that learners are struggling with (Duff, A.,
1987). Translation difficulties involve the difficulties of learning to use a language both receptively and productively. This is put down to the distinction between encoding (productive)
and decoding (receptive) linguistic performance and competence (Croitoru, 1996). One of the
main problems in translating is that a student learning a second language in our case Maritime English tends to transfer rules, habits and meanings from his/her mother tongue. Stern
H. (1992) considers that this has positive results wherever L1 and L2 coincide but it acts as
a negative transfer or interference where there are differences. In this case Romanian students who study Maritime English must make an effort to deliberately learn new rules or develop new habits specific to L2.
Maritime English texts display various lexical features and students may find it difficult to
translate them. Therefore, they need their teachers support. Students may know the common
meaning of a lexical item, but they may be confused when coming across it in a certain context. Under this circumstance, the context will be the support for students accurate interpretation of the word. Words have concrete meanings in Maritime English, while in Standard English they may be used both in denotation and connotation. For example, the lexical item
adrift (adverb) means floating freely, not anchored, in Maritime English, whereas in Standard English it means without purpose; aimless. Similarly, bow (noun) means a lowering or
inclination of the head or body as a mark of respect, greeting in Standard English, whereas
Maritime English (Nautical English) renders it as the forward part of a vessel. Collocations
may also be puzzling for students, because each of the items has its meaning as an individual
semantic unit. A few examples may be: deck and log in deck log; hands in all hands on
deck; cat and stopper in cat stopper, etc.

5. Conclusion
With more and more multilingual and multicultural crews joining the transnational seafarers maritime community, their competence in Maritime English becomes a public concern.
Removing language barriers has become more and more significant in assisting communication
in global community. Communicative competence has become a must for seafarers when at
Consequently, Maritime English teachers have had to come up with the state-of-the-art
teaching techniques in order to train competent seafarers. Approaches to teaching have focused
on communication as a means of developing students four skills: reading, writing, listening and
speaking. The communicative approach to teaching focuses on language as a means of communication. In this category we have also included translation as a useful teaching technique. Thus,
we have dealt with the concept of translation in Maritime English language teaching.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Not only do words have different meanings and associations in different cultures, but they
also express different personal and/or social attitudes. Accordingly, students must recognize
and acknowledge the cultural component when dealing with the translation of texts. Students
must gain translation competence in order to be able to localize collocations or other fixed
expressions. Translation difficulties involve the challenge of learning to use a language both
receptively and productively. Students must perceive the meaning of words and utterances
with accuracy in order to render them into the target culture.
To sum up the discussion about the way of interacting with words as well as about active
and passive vocabulary, we should stress that translation as a Maritime English language
teaching/learning technique is a very good way of engaging the learner.

1. Bassnet, S. (1991) Translation Studies, ed. Routledge, printed in England by Clays Ltd.,
St Ives plc, p. 51.
2. Croitoru, E. (1996) Translation and Interpretation, Ed. Porto-Franco, Galati, p. 143-161,
3. Dickins J. et al. (2002) Thinking Arabic Translation: A course in translation method. Arabic to English, Oxon: Routledge, p. 2.
4. Duff, A. (1989) Translation, Oxford Univ. Press, Resource Books For Teachers, A Maley
(ed), 1989.
5. Goodenough, Ward (1964) Cultural anthropology and linguistics, D. Haymes (ed.) Language in Culture and Society: A Reader in Linguistics and Anthropology. New York:
Harper & Row, p. 36.
6. Harmer, J. (1991) The Practice of English Language Teaching, ed. By Donn Byrne,
Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers, Longman London and New York, p. 71-82.
7. Hutchinson, T. & Waters, A. (1987) English for Specific Purposes, Cambridge University
8. Jakobson, R. (1959) On Translation, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Univ. Press.
9. van Kluijven, P.C. (2005) The International Maritime Language Programme, Copyright
(2003), Alk&Heijnen Publishers, Alkmaar, The Netherlands, p. 191.
10. Nida, E., and Taber C.R. (1969) Towards a Science of Translating, Leiden: EJ. Brill, p.
11. Pritchard, B. (2008) Creating Minimum Maritime Vocabulary, A practical exercise, International Maritime English Conference IMEC 20 Proceedings.
12. Reiss, K. (2000) Translation Criticism The Potentials and Limitations, (R, Erroll, ed.),
Jerome Publishing: Manchester, p. 6.
13. Stern, H.H. (1992) Issues and Options in Language Teaching, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Ioana Raluca Visan, PhD

holds a BA in Philology, and MAs in Multimodal and Maritime Transport Management;

PhD student in Philology;
Assistant Lecturer at Constanta Maritime University;
has been teaching Maritime English for three years;
her published articles/papers/studies focus on the differences between Standard English and Maritime English, and the way translation is the bridge between various cultures:
Syntactic and semantic features of the genitive attribute and its usage in commercial correspondence, Annals of Constanta Maritime University, Vol. VIII, 2007.
Sea ice related terminology, Annals of Constanta Maritime University, Vol. IX, 2008.
The integrated marine observing system and the structure of meteorological messages received
onboard ships, Annals of Constanta Maritime University, Vol. IX, 2008.
Employed and unemployed interrogatives in the area of maritime communication, Annals of
Constanta Maritime University, Vol. X, 2009.
Approaches to the concept of safety culture, Annals of Constanta Maritime University, Vol. X,

Constana Maritime University

Mircea cel Btrn Street, No. 104,
Constana, 900663 Romania
Mobile: + 04 0722 34.90.40;
Phone: + 04 0241 664 740;
Fax: +40 241 617 260
[email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Houde Han
Guoliang Mei
Merchant Marine College, Shanghai Maritime University
Shanghai, China


Due to the rapid development of world marine refrigeration transportation, such as refrigerated
cargo vessels, refrigerated containers and central air conditioning system, a particular course named
Marine refrigeration management and fault diagnosis has been offered at Shanghai Maritime University in order to enhance the refrigeration transportation safety and raise the technical level of engineering operation on board ship for the potential seafarers.
As it is known, most of the marine refrigerating system accidents during sea transportation in the
world are caused by the human elements. The key points for preventing or reducing marine refrigeration faults are the enhancement of the safety consciousness of the seamen and ensurance of the suitable knowledge and technology. Meanwhile, the safety management and fault diagnosis for the marine
refrigeration plants is also very important fact. It is a hard and urgent work for us to take every effort
for reducing marine refrigeration fault by the English education for Marine refrigeration management
and fault diagnosis.
Keywords: marine refrigeration transportation, refrigeration management, fault diagnosis, engineering
accidents, human element

1. Introduction
Shanghai Maritime University (SMU) is a multi-discipline university with features in Navigation Technology, Management and Economics. It is the only university with Energy & Power
Engineering and Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering Master and Doctoral Program in the
Ministry of Communications System.
Merchant Marine College (MMC) consists of the Navigation Department, the Marine Engineering Department and the Nautical Science Research Institute. It trains senior navigational
professionals, and is thus renowned as a Cradle of Seafarers. Our Marine Engineering Department offers a program in Vehicle Application and Engineering as well as three Master programs, such as Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering. In recent years, our department assumed more than ten of the provincial and ministerial level topics about reefer container thermal
testing and remote monitoring technology, and has maintained good relations with the reefer
container manufacturers and scientific research units.

2. Constructive significance of RCL

Shipping Refrigeration Equipment & Transport Engineering and Marine Power Plant are two
major research directions of our department. The reefer container laboratory is the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Communications that can simulate the different working conditions at sea
dynamically and support a full range of reefer containers thermal performance testing and energy119

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

saving technology research. We developed a set of multidisciplinary integrated reefer containers

Testing and Control System, covering refrigeration, air-conditioning engineering, automatic control, computer science and so on, including hardware platform and high-precision, real-time monitoring software. With an environment room comprised of a frequency inverter and two sets of
parallel operation refrigeration units and a simulation room, which can monitor and control the
system at any time, this system can achieve centralized management and unified control.

Fig. 1. The refrigerated containers monitoring and testing system of SMU

1. compressor, 2. expansion valve, 3. evaporator, 4. humidifying valve, 5. fan, 6. differential, 7. high and low
pressure controller, 8.cooling water controller, 9. cooling water valve, 10. temperature controller

The terminal device of air-conditioning system uses a vertical air-way supply from the top orifice. In the direct control region, this system can produce air with uniform velocity, temperature and humidity field. The air passes by the cooler, heater, centrifugal fan and sent HIP
room, respectively. After stagnation and deposition in the room, the air flows through the orifice away from the reefer container and return to air-conditioned boxes from the tuyere. In
this case, before the air flows into the environment room, it has completely mixed in the wind
pipe, turning and air shaft HIP room. Unity of temperature and humidity, consistent with the
wind, effectively ensure uniformity of the space temperature field in the environment room
and the actual test temperature gradient is generally no more than two. Air distribution form
of the environment room is shown in the Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Air organization inside the environment room


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Our laboratory has been identified by the Ministry of National Education and is up to the
leading domestic and international advanced level.
Our discipline has been committed to the industrialization of research results. Last year
we developed a test and control system for the Shanghai Reefer Container Co. Ltd. Due to its
reliability, good performance, and easy operation and meeting the requirements of the ATP
testing, it has brought us a lot of social and economic benefits by far.
The thermal monitoring and control system can not only precisely test and monitor in realtime the temperature, humidity, velocity, and other important performance parameters of the
refrigerated containers, but also provide reliable basis for performance analysis of them. Furthermore, it helps to improve the thermal performance parameters and the economic indicators of the refrigerated containers, and improve the products competitiveness in the international market.

3. Comprehensive Control System Characteristics of RCL

System frame is divided into two parts: chamber and testing table, shown as follows.

Fig. 3. Configuration of system

This system can accomplish leakage test, heat loss test and performance test, which is ruled
by ISO and ATP according to users request. Also, it can implement conditions settings, data
collecting, analysis and report printing. Fault diagnosis and expertise analysis can be realized
as well. It also involves database system, report managing system, diagnose and expertise system and periphery equipment as well.
3.1. Signal collecting and control system
Inside the container, there are a set of adjusting power organs, electric heater (stimulating
heat load inside the container), and 14 PT100 resistance sensors. The temperature points are

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

laid somewhere 100mm apart from the wall, among which there are two platinum resistances
laid at the air delivery port and air-return port respectively, and other installments are shown
as follows.

Fig. 4. Points installment of temperature inside the container

Sketch map of temperature control loop inside the container is as follows.

Fig. 5. Sketch map of temperature control loop inside the container

Fig. 6. Temperature control loop schematic diagram of environmental chamber

3.2. The test points pressure of environmental chamber and refrigerating unit
The test points pressure of environmental chamber and refrigerating unit mostly consists
of a differential pressure switch and a differential pressure sensor combined with the upper
computer display.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

3.3. The supply and return air humidity of internal environmental chamber
The supply and return air humidity of internal environmental chamber mostly consists of
an electro-thermal humidifier, a humidifying electronic valve and 3 humidity sensors. They
are separately arranged on the outlet of the humidifier, the air supply and given outlet of internal environmental chamber. Humidity control loop schematic diagram of environmental
chamber is as follows:

Fig. 7. Humidity control loop schematic diagram of environmental chamber

3.4. The electric heaters power of the internal and external container
The electric heaters power of the internal and external container mostly consists of a thyristor
pulse width power-regulator, an electric heater and a power transducer. By PID regulator controlling the trigger angle of the thyristor pulse width power-regulator is realized the stepless
adjustment of the electric heater.

Fig. 8. Power curve of the measurement and control system

3.5. The air tightness control system of internal container
The air tightness control system of internal container mostly consists of an air compressor
and a gas flow meter combined with the upper computer display.

4. Features of monitoring and control software system

The system uses industry control computer to field measure and control temperature,
humidity, pressure, wind speed, flow rate and other parameters, and employs intelligent sensor and digital regulator to achieve centralized data and interactive data. Software used is

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Windows2000 as a platform, using visualization software to open up a display window; the

computer screen interface configuration can be carried out by intuitive operation entirely
through graphical objects, and friendly interface. It contains the display of field test points
parameter Instrument Digital, refrigerated containers tested inside and outside temperature,
humidity of environmental chamber, power of electric heater inside container, wind speed of
the inverter fan inside the air conditioning container such as other important parameters are
used PID closed-loop control, control high accuracy. Its specific function is as follows.
4.1. Friendly visual interface
The integrated monitoring system using configuration software special for monitoring to
develop, running on Windows operating platform, the use of the entire Chinese interface, the
interface completely through the graphics object for visual operation, on-site measuring point
parameters of digital instrument display, in close to connection with staff operating habits, the
man-machine can easily make the two-way exchanges, and greatly enhance their efficiency.

Fig. 9. ATP refrigerated performance test

4.2. Safe and reliable system
There is a unified and comprehensive security mechanism preventing virus attacks, the
invasion of non-authorized users and non-users authorized operation. In addition to operating
system providing security mechanism for the users, monitoring system will supply (supplies)
own user management mechanism. Only the legitimate users of the system can enter the
monitoring system and the different levels of users own different operating authorities, through
network security control to prevent unauthorized access. This will ensure that the equipment
does not affect the normal run, data security of equipment or any commercial secrets.
4.3. Powerful hardware support
The industry control computer using high computing processing power, memory and
hard disk capacity, with a scalable and easy integration of a variety of features, such as the
use of PC technology, communications and control technology with a powerful distributed
control system and the external control circuit with high precision and standard modular,
can flexibly and conveniently change the setting on the sampling data, sampling point,
sampling time, measuring point location, range, operating conditions and so on. Communication performance and the system are reliable.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

4.4. Unified interface management

Using the drop-down menu management, all operating interfaces can be realized for the
unified management to facilitate the mutual interface switching.
4.5. Dynamic constant monitoring
This comprehensive monitoring and control system could carry out the real-time signal
acquisition for the system, display the real-time parameters of the entire refrigerated containers monitoring system, instruct the true significance of the various icons throughout refrigerated container monitoring system, unify managing data, and show "real-time curve" and
"Trend Curve" of the important parameters, to facilitate customer viewing on focus and monitoring the data.
4.6. Centralized experimental management
Through the comprehensive monitoring and control system that can in automated order
manage "hermetic experiment", "heat leakage experiment," "cooling performance experiment"
the three performance experiments conveniently.
4.7. History Data Report
The comprehensive monitoring and control system can show "real-time statements" and
the "historical statements", could randomly view, enlarge and reduce the recorded data, and
preserve it into CSV format (the format can open, post-process and print the data with Excel),
and by supporting multiple computer networks at the same time, accessing to historical statements.
Table 1.
Heat leakage test report


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

4.8. Flexible configuration capability of the system

The system uses a hardware platform of open system with standard Acquisition Module.
The module, of flexible use, easy replacement, and convenient procurement, makes system
maintenance simple and convenient.
4.9. Good flexibility
Hardware system uses standard modules organizational structure to ensure that the performance of the system, processor and storage capacity expansion. Core equipments can carry
out the expansion of processing capacity, disk capacity and memory. Monitoring software can
be upgraded, and the entire integrated measurement and control system facilitates the customers upgrading and expanding.

5. Conclusions
This paper, based on the study on the maritime refrigerated containers operation and fault
diagnosis system of the remote monitoring system, analyses the way to judge the location and
the cause of the faults in the refrigerated containers through the monitor database and by using the object-oriented program language, and database technique sets up maritime refrigerated container fault database to provide efficient maritime refrigerated container management
for the secure operation of the maritime refrigerated container.

1. Chen Wenyong, Zhu Ruiqi, Wu Yezheng. Study on the frequency conversion airconditioning. Fluid machinery?, 1999(5): 47-49.
2. Feldmann, K. Multimedia System for Remote Diagnosis of Complex Placement Machines. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1999(15): 722-772.
3. Hao Wenquan, Shi Wenxing, Li Xianting, Yan Qishen. Study on the VRV air-conditioning.
refrigeration and air conditioning. 2001(6): 12-16.
4. Han, Houde. Shriveled Phenomenon Of Reefer Container Side Wall And Precautionary
Measures During Ocean Transportation, IIR, 2007.
5. Han, Houde. Study on Monitor of Environment Room of Refrigerated Container. 2006
Xian International Conference of Architecture and Technology, 2006.
6. Han, Houde, Jun JI. Energy-Saving Studies of Variable-Frequency Air Conditioning Fans
for Marine Air Conditioning. 3rd Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
7. (ACRA 2006).
8. Han, Houde. Research on Environment Rooms Monitor- and Control Software of Ships
Refrigerated Container. 4th APTE, 2005.
9. Han, Houde. Dynamic Simulation Investigation of the Central Cooling System, IIR/IIF,
Washington, USA, 2003.
10. Han, Houde. Marine Auxiliary Machine. Transportation Publishing Company, 2008.
11. Ong S. K., N. An and A. Y. C. Nee. Web-Based Fault Diagnostic and Learning System.
Int. J Adv Manuf Technol, 2001(18): 502-511.
12. Qingrong, Zheng. Energy-saving technology research of Marine Central Air Conditioning
System. The Master's Degree Paper of Shanghai Maritime University, 1997: 55-63.
13. ASHRAE Handbook of Fundaments, American Society for Heating, Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers, 1981, ch. 21-23.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

14. The Copeland Company. Digital scroll technology?. Heat and refrigeration?. 2004(5): 76-77.
15. Jiatai, Shi et al. Automatic Control of the Refrigerating and Air Conditioning. Shanghai
Jiaotong University, 1980: 151-165.
16. Wang Yiren, Arup Majumdar. Copeland Compressor Application Engineering Digital
Scroll Technology, Refrigeration Technology. 2003(1): 35-38.


Curriculum Vitae


Prof. Han Houde

Director and Professor of Marine Engineering Department in Shanghai Maritime University;

Director of Power and Energy Department;
Vice Director of Shanghai Institute of Auxiliary Engineering;
Committee member of Science and Technology Committee of SMU;
Senior marine engineer;
publications: 156 teaching books and works including Marine English, Marine Auxiliary Engineering, An English-Chinese Maritime Dictionary, English for Refrigeration Air Conditioning
Cryogenics Engineering and Refrigeration principle and equipment; 85 papers about marine engineering;
more than 20 awards from State, Shanghai and others.

Shanghai Maritime University

1550 Pudong Dadao,
200135 Shanghai
Phone: 86 21 58855200
Fax: 86 21 58853909
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Casilda Garca de la Maza

School of Maritime and Nautical Studies, University of the Basque Country
Portugalete, Spain


This paper presents an experience in using a web-based maritime English programme (MarEng)
with two groups of undergraduates of the second and third year who either had never been exposed to
maritime English before or who had received some training of the more traditional style. The overall
experience was positive: MarEng provides a wealth of materials of great pedagogical value and fits in
nicely with the new methodological guidelines of the new European Higher Education Area. However,
a number of variables are identified as affecting the profitability with which MarEng is used in the
classroom. These have to do mainly with students varying degrees of motivation, their general English level, and their familiarity with multimedia language-learning programmes. Examples are given
from real classroom situations and a comparison is drawn between the two groups. Based on these experiences, the validity of MarEng as an exclusively self-learning tool is questioned, at least in the contexts at hand, and a number of recommendations are given to enhance students learning experiences.
It is suggested that adequate induction and step-by-step guidance by the teacher in carrying out online
tasks, as well as an emphasis on complementary general English instruction can help students make
the most of these programmes.
Keywords: Maritime English, multimedia learning tools, teachers role


Multimedia maritime English learning tools: an experience in the classroom

1. Introduction
This paper presents an experience in using a web-based maritime English programme (MarEng) in
the classroom. The outline of the talk will be as follows: I will first introduce both lecturers and
students background, and their previous experiences with Maritime English. I will then move on to
present the course structure and way in which MarEng was used in the classroom in combination
with other resources. The pedagogical value of the programme will be highlighted in this section.
The third part of the paper deals with some of the less successful aspects I encountered in using
MarEng with the group of students under investigation. I will present examples of the problems I
came across and propose some measures that can be taken to address them. These are intended to
help make the most of MarEng and enhance both the teachers and learners experience.

2. The background
This paper is based on a one-year teaching experience (2008/2009) at the School of Maritime
Studies of the University of the Basque Country. Provision of English teaching has a strong tradition
within the School. English is a compulsory course in four out of the five years that make up the
degrees in either Maritime Engineering (with an emphasis on courses on mechanical engineering
and maintenance) or Nautical Engineering (focused on communications and seafaring). It is also
offered as an optional course that students can take in their fifth year. From 2010/2011, new degrees
will be offered that comply with the requirements imposed by European Higher Education Area.
Within this new framework the number of compulsory courses in English has been somehow
reduced. This reduction has been compensated by an increased offer in non-compulsory or optional
Whereas English has a strong presence in the curriculum and is a well-regarded and
respected course within the School, it is still considered to be one of the easy or less important
subjects by students. Many of them cannot see the relevance of having compulsory English tuition
as part of their Engineering degrees, and complaints of the sort I dont see why I have to have
English classes as part of my engineering degree, I am no good at English or Whats the point
of these exercises? are quite common, particularly when students are confronted with grammar

Provision of English teaching at the School is carried out by the Department of English and
German Philology, Translation and Interpreting, which is based at the Universitys Faculty of Arts.
The bulk of the courses offered by the Department have to do with English Language, Linguistics
and Literature (for example History of the English Language, English Phonetics and Phonology,
Morphology, English Literature). However, the Department also covers the teaching of English for
Specific Purposes across the University, and hence teaches English for Business, Medical
English, English for Architecture, as well as Maritime English. These ESP courses are
regarded as secondary or of lesser importance by the Department. Also, they are not taught at the
Faculty of Arts, but at the School of Medicine, Architecture or Maritime Studies, respectively. What
this means, among other things, is that Maritime English lecturers at the University of the Basque
Country are essentially linguists, whose training and research are focused on some aspect of English
Language or Literature, but not necessarily on Maritime English. I am a good example of this. My
research and my teaching had always focused on the syntax of English and on issues of current
change in the English language. After having taught various linguistics-related courses in my
Department, I was offered the job at the School of Maritime Studies a year ago, and have since been
grappling with this new discipline. This situation is replicated in many Maritime English Schools
across Spain: Lecturers with a background in philological studies take up ESP positions and have to
start from scratch preparing lectures, compiling teaching materials, familiarising themselves with the
field and training for their new roles. With time, they may become experts in their new disciplines
and often develop new research interest in the ESP field.
Students belonged to two distinct courses. One of the groups consisted of 35 2nd year
undergraduates reading Maritime Engineering. Their level of English was a pre-intermediate one,
although there were very disparate levels within the same year group. Most of them had received no
English tuition since they left school two years before. They were reluctant to communicate in
English with the lecturer (which was one of the requisites for the course) and many of them had
great difficulty even putting a few sentences together orally. The other group was made up of 22
third-year Nautical Engineering undergraduates. These had an upper-intermediate level of English
and more language-awareness than the previous group. Many of them had attended or were
attending extra-curricular English lessons, and some of them had some experience studying or living
abroad for short periods of time. They were also generally more mature and focused on their studies.

3. The maritime English course

The course was organised around two big components: The general English part, aimed at helping
students gain a better competency in understanding, producing, reading and writing general English,

and the Maritime English part, aimed at acquitting the students with the technical vocabulary and
discourse structures used in Maritime English contexts. The course objectives for the Nautical
English course, for example, were presented to students as follows:

Recognise and use correctly the grammatical structures and vocabulary of the English
language to a B2.1 (upper-intermediate) level

Recognise and use correctly Maritime English vocabulary and discourse structures to an
upper-intermediate level

Use reading comprehension strategies efficiently in order to understand original English

texts of an upper-intermediate level

Use listening strategies effectively in order to understand original oral texts and
conversations in English of an upper-intermediate level of difficulty

Write short guided compositions in English in a coherent and well-structured manner

The general English part and the technical part were covered on alternate weeks during the term. For
the general English part a general English course book was used (Headway Pre-Intermediate, OUP
with the lower level group and Clockwise Intermediate, OUP with the higher level group). For the
technical part, the multimedia Maritime English Learning tool MarEng was used at the Intermediate
level. A multimedia computer room was therefore used on alternate weeks. The first week of term
was used for an induction on the use of the multimedia facilities and the various online resources.
This included a step-by-step induction on how to use MarEng, as well as a demonstration on how to
make the most of dictionaries and online language learning materials. Each week I assigned them a
specific number of tasks from MarEng. Not every exercise in each unit was always covered, and
sometimes tasks from different units were selected for a given week. I went round the class making
sure that students were doing the appropriate tasks and had understood the instructions. (Sometimes
they seemed to ignore instructions and carry out different exercises from the ones that had been
assigned). I also gave them specific instructions to let me know when they were finished with them.
MarEng proved to be a very useful tool, both from a teachers point of view and from a
learners point of view. As a novel lecturer I found it was a very useful and quick way of becoming
familiar with the basics of Maritime English. In that sense, it was a good teacher training tool. From
a pedagogical perspective, too, it proved to be very valuable. In the context of the new European
Guidelines for Higher Education, the programme puts the student at the centre of the learning
experience and promotes independent learning. It should be pointed out that, in this context, the
teacher is not intended to teach, but rather to help the student to learn. More generally, students
found it entertaining and intriguing. Being used to sitting through traditional lectures for about 6
hours a day taking lecture notes, MarEng was a welcome change form the daily routine. MarEng

also provides a good set of listening materials of a maritime nature, which would otherwise have
been difficult to find and compile. Furthermore, students liked the idea that they could go through
the units independently outside class. This was an advantage for some of the more mature students
who combined university with work and therefore missed many of the lectures (though it also
represented a disadvantage, an issue to which I will return later). The experience, overall, was
therefore a positive one. However, I also detected a number of problems which somehow limited the
profitability with which MarEng was used in the classroom. They are discussed in the following

4. MarEng in the classroom

This section discusses a number of issues that were found to limit the profitability with which
MarEng could be used in the classroom. The most prominent one was perhaps the fact that students
seemed to rush though the various texts and exercises without really giving much thought to what
they were doing or taking any notes. I put this down to the urge with which young people use the
Internet, flicking to the next screen as quickly as their Internet connection will allow them. Another
factor may have to do with the students maturity or reflexivity. In this sense, 3rd year students took
a more calmed approach to the tasks than the more immature 2nd year undergrads. This was
despite the fact that, as noted above, the whole first week of term had been used as an induction
weeks and specific instructions were given on how to make notes of words and expressions and how
it was paramount not to rush and to listen to the recordings as many times as necessary.
A second limitation had to do with the students very basic level of English. This caused a
number of problems: Sometimes, students did not manage to understand what the task was that they
had to do. This happened mainly which exercises whose format deviated slightly from the typical
pattern of the most recurrent exercises. In unit 3, exercise 8 of the intermediate level, for example,
we find the following exercise in the section on loading and unloading:

In this exercise students have to fill in the blanks using a word that means the same as the definitions
given on the right-hand column, but not with the definitions themselves. Whereas, in this case, this
is not immediately obvious from the instructions, students can infer the actual task by looking at the
example given, in which the word capacity has to be used following the clue given by the word
capability. Students had problems understanding this task and carrying it out. Most of the
exercises students had been confronted with before required them to match words with their
definitions or to drag labels to fit a picture or expression. But this is actually a word-formation
exercise. Students were confused and tried to fill in the gaps with the exact words provided by the
clues. The problem here is not only one of misinterpretation of the instructions. Confusions like
these can be put down to the lack of command of English and lack of familiarity with linguistic
exercises. More linguistically aware students would have been able to recognise the grammatical

category of the words that were required by the sentences and the grammatical category of the words
given as clues, and would have seen that some modification had to be made. This was a particularly
worrying problem with lower level students, who, furthermore, very rarely raised their hands and
asked for help whenever a problem arose (they preferred to engage in as little conversation in
English as possible), let alone take the trouble to check for themselves the meaning of the problem
item in any of the various online dictionaries which had been made available to them.
A further limitation had to do the very disparate levels within the same group. As noted
above, students were not left to their own devices when it came to proceeding through the various
units. Rather, they were assigned a particular number of exercises to carry out on a weekly basis.
Yet it was difficult to find the right pace that would suit all levels. While some of the more advanced
students completed the task in a single session, others needed three whole sessions to finish them.
Finally, a minor problem had to do with some students lack of familiarity with multimedia
technology. Some of them had problems even carrying out simple actions like copying and pasting,
for example, although these were a minority.
Content-wise, apart from the new technical lexical items and expressions, students had most
trouble with the exercises that involved listening skills (which points to the need to work on general
English competencies). Spelling also caused some confusion, especially when students did not get
an answer right and thought the problem was elsewhere.

5. How to make the most of MarEng

Whereas MarEng can be a very useful independent learning tool for advanced learners of English,
for example, for teachers training purposes, I would call into question its usefulness as an
independent learning tool for students with a low level of general English competence. In order for
lower level students to make the most of the programme, I propose that two measures should be
Firstly, I suggest that it should be used as a classroom activity, and that the teacher should
guide the students through each exercise, rather than leaving them to their own devices for the whole
session. It is also advisable to carry out reviewing exercises at the end of each group of exercises.
This can be done by writing important vocabulary on the board, devising additional exercises to be
carried out in pairs or carrying out quick tests at the end to each section. The purpose of these
activities is not only to review vocabulary and structures, but also to raise students awareness,
clarify potential problems and give them the chance to go through the same materials again and ask
any queries they might have. The importance of the initial induction at the beginning of the course

should also be emphasised. Students should be given clear instructions as to how to go about the
tasks, and the teacher should make sure that these instructions have been properly understood.
Most important of all, in my opinion, is to work on students general English competence.
Whereas it is relatively easy for a competent speaker of English to come to terms with the intricacies
of Maritime English, things do not work the other way round. Whereas it is true that some of the
most technical vocabulary simply needs to be learned, there are also many lexical items or
expressions that can be guessed or deduced from general English knowledge. For example, let
us have a look at some of the vocabulary highlighted in the Beaufort Scale section (Unit 7):

I would like to classify this vocabulary according to whether they are words one would expect to
come up in a general English course, whether their meaning can be deduced from general English
knowledge or whether they correspond to specific to technical maritime English.

General English expressions (25): Devise, breeze, calm, light, ripple, gentle, moderate, fresh,
hurricane, appearance, violent, visibility, impair, affect, foam, bad, streak, poor, depth, generally,
time lag, exceptionally, enclosed waters, approximately, quote

Maritime English-proper expressions (6): crest, white horse, downwind, upwind, spindrift, fetch

Expressions that can be deduced from general English knowledge (4): wavelet (from wave + suffix let, which can also be found in other English words such as booklet or piglet), spray (as in aerosols),
steep (as in a steep hill or slope), swell (the verb to swell is commonly used in health contexts).

Most words can be classed as being likely to come up in a general English course, or as being easy
to be deduced for someone with a certain command of the English language. A reasonably good
level of English is therefore paramount if the most is to be made of MarEng, and indeed to approach
Maritime English in general. For this reason, I suggest that MarEng be used in combination with
general English tuition. Furthermore, I would propose that general English tuition should be
provided for at least one whole academic year prior to taking up Maritime English. This is
particularly suitable for degrees in which English is available for all or much or the degree.

6. Conclusion
MarEng, in sum, constitutes a very valuable tool for the purpose of learning Maritime English, both
for teacher training purposes and as a methodological tool in the classroom. For the latter purpose,
however, particularly with students with a limited command of English, it is proposed that it should
be used as an in-class activity, and that the role of the teacher in guiding the students through the
various tasks and units is paramount. In addition, the crucial role of a solid general English
background has been highlighted. It has been suggested that maritime English tuition must
necessarily be accompanied by a thorough general English course, which would place learners in a
much better position to approach maritime English vocabulary and discourse structures.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Casilda Garca de la Maza

obtained her PhD in English linguistics from the University of Cambridge (UK) in 2005;
since 2005, she has been a lecturer at the University of the Basque Country (Spain). She has taught
English Phonetics, English Language and Translation;
since January 2008, she has taught Maritime English at the School of Maritime and Nautical
School of Maritime and Nautical Studies, University of the Basque Country
c/ M. Daz de Haro 68, 48920 Portugalete
[email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Ghada Hozayen
Arab Academy for Science
Miami, Alexandria, Egypt


Due to the constant increase in the number of students joining the Maritime Transport College at
the Arab Academy and the difficulty of ensuring successful learning and interaction through the faceto-face teaching mode in classroom settings, there arises a need to unify e-learning and/or distance
learning in the English language teaching/learning context in the hope that learners could benefit more
from integrating different modes of learning. Some of them do not require a conventional classroom
setting and could be implemented outside the classroom walls. In this way, learners could easily access their English language courses and teaching/learning resources at their time convenience and as
many times as they want wherever they are. However, these different modes assume some kind of responsibility and control from learners in order to attain successful and effective language learning. In
other words, students are expected to display certain abilities and skills of the autonomous learners and
responsibly make use of the available resources to become successful.
The concept of language learning autonomy may be relatively new to many Egyptian and other
Arab learners, since the Egyptian as well as other Arab educational and cultural contexts are usually
teacher-centred in nature. Moving from a teacher-centred to a learner-centred approach through language learning autonomy may promote learning among those students. However, to ensure their benefit from the different learning modes and resources used to promote autonomy, it is necessary to investigate whether the Arab maritime students enrolled in the Academy are ready to become autonomous.
Therefore, this paper examines their readiness for language learning autonomy. The degree of readiness is examined through a questionnaire administered on the Freshmen students enrolled in the Maritime College in the Arab Academy. The results reveal the status of readiness of the learners for language learning autonomy..
Keywords: autonomous learners, degree of readiness, learner-centred approach, modes of learning

1. Introduction
Over the past ten years the Arab Academy has emphasised the integration of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in the teaching/learning process and curriculum design.
Similarly, the Institute has advocated the use of ICT, on the basis that computer-based learning
transcends time and space barriers. The rationale behind the development of a mixed-mode
course, such as an English course textbook with electronic and/or computer-based components
is to offer students more practice opportunities and increase the time they spend on a particular
task at their own pace. In contrast to the teacher-student face-to-face study mode, some other
modes do not require a conventional classroom setting and could be implemented outside the
classroom walls. In this way, learners could easily access their English language courses and
teaching/learning resources at their time convenience as many times as they want and wherever
they are. In addition, integrating computer-mediated communication and electronic resources in

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conventional courses and for self-study may render the teaching materials more interesting, engaging and inspiring. Besides, the use of technology and the internet might encourage students
to get more actively engaged and interested in the learning process, and therefore, is expected to
promote students autonomy and support individualized learning. However, such different
modes may require some kind of responsibility and control from the learners themselves in order to attain successful and effective language learning. In short, students are expected to display certain abilities and skills which characterise the autonomous learners to responsibly make
use of the available resources and become successful. However, to ensure the utmost benefit
from the different learning settings, it is necessary to investigate whether students are ready to
become autonomous. In order to measure their degree of readiness for autonomy, the present
exploratory study attempts to answer this research question: What beliefs do Maritime students
in the Arab Academy hold about their language learning process? It is assumed that students
beliefs, reflected by the metacognitive strategies, which they implement in the learning process,
might, in turn, reveal their readiness for language learning autonomy.
Before explaining the details of the present study, I will firstly define the two important
constructs in this paper: autonomy and beliefs. I will then go on to discuss in detail the study
itself with reference to the variables investigated in order to find out what learners believe
about their own language learning process. Finally, I will end up my paper by giving some
conclusions and recommendations.

2. Definition of autonomy
Autonomy could be regarded as either an approach to learning (Boud, 1988 as cited in
Gardner & Miller, 1999) or a capacity for being independent and in charge of ones own
learning and for being able to choose what is suitable for his/her learning needs from a variety
of learning facilities and resources (Benson, 2001; Dickinson, 1995; Holec, 1981; Little,
1995, 1996; Littlewood, 1999; Thanasoulas, 2000; White, 1995 & 1999). In addition, autonomy entails the ability for decision-making as well as the implementation of ones own decisions (Dickinson, 1987; Gardner & Miller, 1999). Dickinson (1995) clarifies that capacity
entails the learners ability to internalize a system that may accompany them not only
throughout their traditional teacher-centred classroom setting, but also in non-conventional
classroom learning contexts such as self-access learning centres. Moreover, Littlewood (1996)
claims that autonomy has two major components: ability and willingness. Ability includes both knowledge about the various choices offered to the learner and the skills for
implementing such choices, while motivation and the confidence to take responsibility for
ones decisions underlie willingness (Littlewood, 1996). In this sense, developing learners
autonomy means developing learners ability and willingness together with knowledge,
skills, motivation and confidence (Benson, 2001; Youssef, 2006).
The concept of autonomy in language learning may be relatively new to the Arab learners in
the Academy. Generally speaking, the Egyptian educational context may be unmistakably criticised for being teacher-centred in nature. The educational system in Egypt as well as in most
Arab countries has long been fostering rote-learning of facts instead of encouraging students to
create, innovate and construct knowledge as well as take responsibility for and control over
their own learning; qualities which are indispensable fundamentals for having self-directed independent learners. Moving away from a teacher-centred educational environment to a learnercentred one may hopefully promote autonomous learning among those Arab students.
Over the last forty years, there has been a shift from the traditional English language classroom setting to a more communicative approach to language teaching (Nunan & Lamb, 1996).

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

This move redefines the roles of the teacher and the learners. Instead of regarding the teacher as
a knowledge transmitter and the sole figure of authority in the classroom (Gahin & Myhill,
2001), the teacher should only be considered a facilitator, guide, counselor and advisor in the
learning process. Interaction among the learner and teacher in a particular social setting comes
as the core of the communicative approach. Little (1995) draws ones attention to the fact that
autonomy should not be mistaken for total independence of the teacher. Autonomy exists in
degrees and learners should be trained to develop their capabilities to reach the status of full
autonomy in learning (Nunan, 1996, 1997). In this way, the concept of autonomy does not undermine the role of the teacher in learning, but it modifies it, to help learners depend more on
their own internal capabilities than on external agents (Ryan, 1991 as cited in Littlewood,
1999). In summary, learners are supposed to navigate their way through their learning resources
and share responsibility for their own successful learning. By taking such responsibility, learners would then be able to show the characteristics of autonomous learners.
2.1. Definitions of beliefs
In the language learning context, beliefs are defined as general assumptions that students
hold about themselves as learners, about factors affecting learning, and about the nature of
learning and teaching (Victori & Lockheart, 1995). Wenden (1998) stated that learners
beliefs refer to the metacognitive knowledge which entails information about how to learn and
is acquired through their learning experience. In addition, metacognitive knowledge, which
entails information on the metacognitive strategies, could develop, change and improve over
time. Among those strategies are planning, monitoring and evaluating ones own learning and
progress (Wenden, 1998).
2.2. The relationship between autonomy and beliefs
Beliefs are regarded as key determinants of the individuals behaviour during the learning
process (Sakui & Gaies, 1999; Siegel, 1985). Understanding learners beliefs, therefore, has
become important as it may reveal whether learners have positive and insightful beliefs that
could lead them to successful learning, or uninformed beliefs and misconceptions that could
hinder their language learning (Horwitz, 1988). Less effective strategies could also result in
the learners negative attitude towards learning and autonomy (Bernat & Lloyd, 2007). In
summary, exploring the learners beliefs could help in explaining particular learners success
or failure in language learning as well as their degree of readiness to become self-directed, inquisitive, independent and autonomous learners.

3. Methodology of research
3.1. Participants
A questionnaire was administered on the freshmen students enrolled in the Maritime College in the Academy on their first day of the academic year of 2008/2009, prior to any college
teaching. Their responses to the questions should reflect their previous learning experience at
school (or outside school if applicable). Those learners were exposed to a traditional educational system which is examination-oriented and teacher-centred emphasising the authoritative role of the teacher, the didactic mode of instruction and advocating rote-learning and
memorisation of information. One important need for conducting this research is to find out

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

how those learners previous language experience could affect their perceptions and views on
the role of the teacher, the role of the learner and his/her own opinion of him/herself as a language learner, and the role of his/her feedback before integrating new modes of study into
their conventional classroom setting. The results should reveal their status of readiness for becoming autonomous learners.
3.2. The instrument
A 99-item questionnaire was divided into two main parts: (i) questions related to learners
demographic, educational and socio-economic information; and (ii) questions related to their
beliefs about the language learning process with regard to the following variables: the role of
the teacher, role of the learner and his/her sense of self-efficacy and the role of feedback (Cotterall, 1999). The first part consists of open-ended questions and questions with a number of
distracters for subjects to choose from, whereas the second part requires subjects to rank
statements on a Likert scale of five, ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree with an
undecided option. The second part of the questionnaire is adopted from Youssefs recent
study on the Arab Academys Business students beliefs about language learning in a webbased setting (Youssef, 2006). That part of Youssefs questionnaire was an adaptation of Cotteralls questionnaire (1999) on learners beliefs about key factors in successful language learning that might reflect learners autonomy. Having to change parts of the questionnaire again
based on a pilot study, some of the questions were removed or modified, and some others were
added. A full version of the questionnaire and the tables of results are available if requested.
4. Results and discussion
4.1. Data analysis
All data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version
18.0). Frequencies were used to analyse single items. The total number of students whose
questionnaire responses proved valid was 272 students, 15% of them majored in Marine Engineering and 85% majored in Nautical Studies. The questionnaire was administered to
freshmen students whose age ranged from 16 to 20 (a couple of students were above 20 years
old); Most students, 73.5%, aged from 16 to 18. The remaining 26.5% aged 19 and above.
Most of the sample was made up of Egyptian students, 95%, and the rest, 5%, were Arab students (other than Egyptian). The mother tongue of the whole sample was Arabic and the majority (99%) of students obtained their high school certificate from Egypt. All students were
male as females are not allowed to enroll in the Maritime College according to the Egyptian
laws and regulations.
4.1.1. Part one of the questionnaire
Students answers showed that their parents jobs fall under four to five categories: slightly
more than half the fathers had professional jobs, such as physicians, engineers, officers and
company employees. More than 25% were businessmen and the minority had careers that
were academic, e.g. teachers, professors, or occupational, e.g. farmers, mechanics, butchers.
With regard to the students mothers, the majority fell under the fifth category of being
housewives. In second place were mothers with academic and professional careers, and the
minority were businesswomen or had occupational careers. This might explain why most stu142

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

dents would not speak English at home with their parents, as it is assumed that the majority of
their housewife mothers were most probably moderately educated. Another explanation could
be that some of those housewives had learned English during school but had no longer practiced or used it; it was forgotten.
The questionnaire revealed that the majority of the student sample attended governmental
schools in junior, middle and high school stages. During the junior school stage, 61% of the
sample attended governmental schools, 24% attended private language schools, 11% private
(non-language) schools, 3% experimental schools, and 2% attended Azhar (Islamic) schools.
The percentage slightly changed in the middle and high school stages as it increased in governmental schools to 66% and 68%, respectively; decreased in private language schools to
20% and 17% respectively; and decreased in private (non-language) schools to 9% in both
stages. Percentage of students in experimental and Azhar schools remained constant in both
stages whereas 10% of the students moved to Industrial schools in the high school stage
(Note: this type of school is not available but in high school stage).
Regarding foreign languages, i.e. languages other than Arabic, learned in schools, it should
be noted that 1.5% of the sample did not study any foreign language at all and less than 1%
studied only French, whereas the majority of the sample studied English, either on its own or
combined with other foreign languages. It should be noted that the minority of student sample, 23.5%, studied English outside school in language centers and the like, whereas the majority, 76.5%, did not. Moreover, the majority, 94%, did not experience living in an Englishspeaking country.
Most of the students used Arabic when speaking with their parents (97%), and friends
(84%), outside of school. The minority used English as well as Arabic when speaking with
parents (3%) and friends (13%). The majority of the sample, 71%, did not have the chance to
communicate with others in English as they did not belong to international youth clubs, associations or organizations (e.g. Rotar Act and Alpha Leo clubs and AISEC). Having a membership indicates a high socio-economic status, which in turn implies a degree of knowledge of
a foreign language, usually English or French.
Answers also showed that the majority of the sample agreed to study English during college, 87%, whereas 13% did not. However, the percentage differed in the preferred duration
of study with less than half the sample in favor of studying English during all their years of
study at college. This means that most students are not motivated enough to learn English for
a longer period.
When students were asked about which skills they believe English language courses at college should enable them to develop: 42% of the students indicated that these should be main
language skills, such as reading, writing, listening and speaking; 6% indicated that these
should be communication skills, such as public speech, presentations, interviews and correspondences; 2% indicated these should be research skills, such as dictionary checking, net
surfing, data collection and library work; and 30% indicated that all the above should be
taught at college.
It could be interpreted from these results that the students still think English courses at college are similar to English courses at school where the focus is mainly on grammar, reading
and writing (Gahin and Myhill, 2001) rather than on communicative language skills. It could
also be assumed that most students would depend more on the teacher rather than on themselves since two thirds do not think that there is a need to learn research skills in the English
language class and often link such skills to other subjects at college.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

When participants were asked about the mode of study they preferred when learning English, 66% of them preferred face-to-face learning, i.e. where the teacher is present in class as
the sole mode of instruction and source of knowledge. This resonates with Gahin and Myhills
(2001) study results that learners view the teacher as the knowledge transmitter. However, 11%
preferred the face-to-face learning mode combined with books, CDs and DVDs, or combined
with on-line learning, or with books and online courses collectively, adding up to a total of 77%
of the sample. In the second place came book-style study packages with CDs and DVDs with
10% of the sample preferring it on its own and 12% preferring such a mode combined with
others making a total of 22%. In the third place came distance learning and online courses
with 10% of the sample preferring it on its own, and 6% preferring it combined with other
modes to reach a total of 16%.
Such preferences could also be highlighted by students responses to the issue of teacher
guidance, where almost half the sample (52%) replied with no to whether they learned English with limited teacher guidance and two-thirds of the sample (63%) replied with no to
whether they learned the language without any teacher guidance, whereas the remaining third
(37%) claimed they did this by themselves.
It could be inferred from those preferences that freshmen students of this sample are not
yet ready to be fully autonomous. They are probably dependent on their teachers or feel more
secure when surrounded by them. These students might resort to book packages with CDs and
DVDs, but would rarely choose online courses, both of which require them to be able to study
on their own and independently of the teacher. Moreover, the students preferences could be
a reflection of their learning experience at schools where they were more accustomed to or
familiar with one particular study mode than to another, and therefore are not able at this stage
to evaluate the effectiveness of other modes in their learning process.
4.1.2. Part two of the questionnaire the Likert Scale
For ease of reference and viewing, the rating responses for the Likert scale part have been
reduced from five to three categories: disagree, undecided and agree.
The results showed that the majority of students agreed that learning English at college is
useful (95%) and necessary (91%). They reiterated their positive responses to statements that
describe English as helpful in the short run, making them understand other subject courses
taught in English easily (92%), as well as in the long run, since mastering English will offer
them better job opportunities (93%). This indicates that these students might have an extrinsic
source of motivation to study English at college. Showing no intrinsic motivation, students
rarely use English to communicate with parents (3%), friends (13%), or others (6%) outside
of school. Extrinsic motivation explains why the majority of students agreed to exert great efforts to learn English during college (91%) in contrast to the efforts they exerted at school
(62%). Motivation in general might be a key factor to the students readiness to learn. Spratt et
al. ( 2002) have clearly stated that motivation is a key factor that influences the extent to which
learners are ready to learn autonomously, and that teachers might therefore endeavor to ensure
motivation before they train students to become autonomous (Spratt et al., 2002).
When asking the learners about the amount of time which they spent studying English, as
the results revealed, 75% of the sample agreed that they study English on a regular basis and
almost half the sample disagreed to studying English just for examination purposes, contradicting study results of Gahin and Myhills (2001), who found that examinations put lots of
pressure on students as well as teachers and force students to study. Although 56% agreed it

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

was comfortable to spend long continuous hours studying, 54% expressed that it was uncomfortable to attend a class longer than an hour. This could be explained by students preference
to stay away from the conventional classroom setting, and seek a more comfortable zone with
friendly atmosphere to study. It is important that learners should not be hurdled by a certain
type of learning setting, which might not encourage and inspire them enough to work or
study. This is obviously supported by the following results. Most of the students (71%) indicated that they would study anywhere if necessary, and 81% use their laptops or PCs to finish
their assignments quickly, and 59% expressed they would like to spend many hours surfing
the net for their research projects.
Two thirds of the sample disagreed or were undecided about studying English well by
themselves. This supports the earlier results regarding students preference of face-to-face
learning to self-study books or distance learning. It is quite logical then that 75% of the sample agreed on successfully interacting with their teacher in class. Along the same lines, most
students agreed that they feel comfortable surrounded by their peers, 62% preferred studying
with their friends and 83% expressed that they interact easily with their colleagues in class.
Results also showed that a substantial number of students (85%) confirmed that they have
both the confidence and ability to learn a language successfully. If learners are ready for
autonomy they should be able to plan their language learning. Only a minority of the sample
stated that they had no confidence (5%), no ability (7%), and no willingness (10%) to plan
their language learning. On the contrary, the majority confirmed that they had the confidence
(82%), ability (84%), and willingness (83%) to set their own language learning goals. However, when it came to mastering language skills, 83% of the students stated they had the ability to write accurately in English, but only half the sample had the confidence to do so. This
might indicate that confidence could be a key determinant for being an autonomous learner.
The second aspect of becoming autonomous is finding ways of practicing English. Of the
whole sample, 84% were confident about deciding for themselves what, how, and when they
want to learn. The percentage decreased to 63% when it came to their confidence about finding their own ways of practicing English and to 64% when it came to their ability to do so.
However, when asked about their willingness to find ways of practicing language, 75% of the
sample agreed. Moreover, 74% were confident about finding the best ways to learn about
reading and writing study skills by themselves.
It can be inferred from the above results that those students are autonomous to a certain extent. Although these results seem to contradict the earlier results regarding students preference
of face-to-face learning rather than self-study books and online learning, those students might
have not gone through the experience of studying language using book style packages or online
learning. They could be unaware of different study modes or might fear to depart from what
they got used to during school for the sake of experimenting with new modes. Nonetheless, it is
promising that they have the confidence, ability and willingness to be autonomous.
The underlying metacognitive strategies that were examined when questioning learners
readiness for autonomy included revision, evaluation, and feedback on their learning progress.
Three quarters of the sample (75%) were confident about revising their work by themselves,
and 83% agreed that they had the ability and willingness to do so. When revising their work,
around 75% of the students expressed their ability and willingness to identify their strengths
and weaknesses as language learners. Furthermore, 65% of the students claimed they had the
ability to evaluate their work, and that their own feedback on their language learning helps
them the most (78%). This was also supported by around 75% of the sample who expressed
their ability, willingness and confidence to measure their own language learning progress.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Nonetheless, the results show that the majority of the sample (74%) agreed that having their
work evaluated by others was helpful, especially when comparing their benefit of the teachers
feedback on their reading and writing skills (84%) to the benefit of their classmates or peers
feedback (62%). However, it should be noted that 50% of the sample feared the teachers
evaluation in comparison to 38% of the sample that feared the classmates evaluation.
The interpretation for this might be that those students probably value the teachers feedback, since they mistakenly believe that the teacher is the sole source of knowledge, yet they
fear such feedback when it becomes evaluative. In contrast, it might be rational to assume that
they do not fear their classmates evaluation or feedback as they regard them of equal status
and knowledge. This could also explain why their peers feedback is less valued than the
teachers feedback. Furthermore, it may be possible that the high frequencies, shown in the
results, reflect the students dependence on the teacher for feedback more than on their classmates or on their own feedback. In general, over 80% of the sample stated their confidence,
ability, and willingness to ask for help when needed.
Regarding students view of the role of the teacher in a language class, answers showed
that the majority of students agreed on the significance of the teachers role. Students believe
that teachers should help them learn effectively (89%); identify their weaknesses (86%); offer
them help (86%); create opportunities for them to practice language (85%); give them regular
tests (80%); know how well they are learning (80%); tell them what progress they are making
(75%); decide how long they spend on language activities (70); explain why they are doing an
activity (69); set their learning goals (66%); and tell them what to do (61%).
In summary, the above percentages support the students choice of face-to-face learning as
their preferred mode of learning. This could be easily explained by the fact that the students
were accustomed to such a learning environment at school, and therefore, feel safer to continue opting for the same mode. They still believe that the teacher should be at the center of
their learning and that the teacher is capable enough to plan their learning goals, road maps or
the magical pathways that would lead them to their successful learning. The slightly lower
percentage of students who assumed different roles for the teacher and selected other modes
of study might have resulted from the students recognition that they are no longer school students and that they should have control over the time they spend on activities, have the capacity to set their own goals and take responsibility for doing what they want to do, not what the
teacher wants them to do. Such a minority group of students could then be considered ready
for learner autonomy.

5. Conclusions
Based on the present findings, and in support of Youssefs (2006) findings, one may conclude that the key elements underlying the learners autonomy are ability, which entails
knowledge and skills, and willingness, which embraces confidence and motivation. Such elements empower learners and encourage them to take full responsibility and control over their
own learning. Learners are directed toward being more critical, independent and active during
the learning process.
An important recommendation is to raise the learners awareness of the cognitive and
metacognitive strategies pertinent to the language learning process. This could be done by
getting learners to reflect on how they learn. Reflection makes learners more active and critical in the sense that they learn to analyze their learning strategies and thus start to make decisions, e.g. whether to improve them and in which way. Reflection could also be defined as an

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

intellectual and critical activity exploring ones personal experiences and beliefs over a period of time with the aim of gaining insights to develop oneself in a certain area (Boud, Keough & Walker, 1985 cited in Benson, 2001). Generally, learners are not expected to reflect
on their own learning processes, analyzing and evaluating their language learning experience,
however, retrospective tasks, such as structured or semi-structured questionnaires, self reports, diaries and evaluation sheets encourage learners to do so. In the present study asking
students to respond to a questionnaire has been one way of helping learners reflect on their
own learning and in particular the language learning process.
In this paper, I have stressed that autonomy or independent learning may be fostered and
maximized when learners have complete freedom of choice, access and control over what,
when and how they learn. When their major goal is to reach a higher proficiency level of English, it should become their own choice to take total responsibility for their learning and progress. In addition, exerting much or little effort to reach such a goal remains the learners
choice to improve and reach their aims. Since most of the learning nowadays is boundless to
the classroom settings, I have contended that effective and successful learning would mainly
be dependent on giving the learners a chance to display the characteristics of autonomous
learners, provided that all necessary learning facilities and resources are available. Nunan
(2000, p. 10) has clearly stated that autonomous learners are able to self-determine the overall direction of their learning, become actively involved in the management of the learning
process, (and) exercise freedom of choice in relation to learning resources and activities.
One could also safely contend that promoting autonomy in language learning among our
students in the Maritime College has become inevitable in order to resolve some of the students major problems. A persisting problem is created by the lack or unavailability of well
qualified Maritime English teachers, who could successfully cater for the rising number of
students intake in the college. Students should be able to make use of the teaching/learning
resources available online and for self-study, moving away from their teacher dependence.
Another recurring problem is the time and space constraints caused by their tight timetables,
which most of the time force students to practice more of their language work outside the
classroom. Therefore, our teaching materials and resources should be also developed and adjusted to foster such an autonomous approach to language learning (Nunan, 1997). A step further, we should always encourage our students to transfer their autonomous language learning
strategies to their learning in general (e.g. in learning their other subjects of specialization), and
in turn empowering them to become life-long knowledgeable, creative and inquisitive learners.
A last note of caution. This study is far from being comprehensive and therefore could not
yield generalizations about all Arab learners. Participants in this research represent only a sample of the Arab students, mainly Egyptians, who are enrolled in the Maritime College at the
Arab Academy, further research is needed on learners from different disciplines with different
socio-economic and educational backgrounds as well as different cultural contexts.


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about language learning. Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 7, 79-91. Retrieved July 2, 2008 from

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autonomy in a web-based setting: A case study. Unpublished MA thesis, American University in Cairo, Egypt.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Ghada Hozayen, PhD.

Dean of the Institute for Language Studies in the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Egypt;
has interests in Discourse and Genre Analysis, Course Design and Materials Development, and
Teacher Training in the field of English for Specific Purposes;
recently, she has developed a research interest in Learner Autonomy.
Institute for Language Studies
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
Gamal Abdel-Nasser Avenue, Miami, P.O. Box 1029, Alexandria
Phone: +203 5567727
Mobile: + 20 105 650 025
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Ulf Schriever
Australian Maritime College


1. Introduction
In this gathering of professionals educators, representatives of commercial language
training bodies as well as seafarers you have looked at the development of Maritime English
for many years. The group met for the first time in my home town of Hamburg 28 years ago,
at the time when I was still happily at sea and blissfully unaware that an effort was being
made to unify international seafarers by promoting a common language which was essentially
meant to make the seas safer and trading more effective. Much of what you have done in this
group has in fact brought us nearer to that goal.
Having spent 25 years at sea and then having had the pleasure of teaching seafarers from
many different nationalities at the AMC, there were some queries which kept recurring to me
in an initially amorphous way again and again when it came to communications. I have tried
to put these questions into an articulate form and then attempted to find some valid answers.
The survey was ethnographic in nature and a quantitative technique a questionnaire was
used along with the qualitative tools of interviews and case studies. The areas of inquiry, as
I formulated them, were as follows:
investigating the perception among seafarers for the need of a common language and
how they see the viability of the English language to fulfil that role,
revealing any possible opposition for cultural, political or religious reasons shown by
individuals to having the English language imposed on them,
determining the efficacy and the limitations of a codified language as in the SMCP and investigating the frequency of incidents in the maritime sector where communication was ineffective and led to mishaps or contributed in an adverse way to the outcome of accidents,
examining the status of English language proficiency among seafarers today and seek
the seafarers opinion on what level of Maritime English competence should exist for
different ranks on board international trading vessels.
There is simply not enough time in this forum to go through the findings of all three strategies
and I will refine myself to the technique of the questionnaire only. This should keep the real
researchers among us happy. I have to say, though, that the most enjoyable exercise of the
survey was that of the interview. These lasted from 40 minutes to an hour, were held in
a semi-formal style and you could almost feel the wind in your hair and the ship roll as the
conversation flowed.
However, as mentioned, I would like to look only at the results of the questionnaire in my
presentation today. I have, for the purpose of this talk, selected the questions in a sequence
which fits the array of the research as I presented it earlier.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

In this presentation I will portray the view of seafarers in todays industry in regard to:
a common language at sea,
the capacity of English to fulfil that role,
reservations about English,
the usage of the SMCP,
miscommunication through deficient language skills,
the Maritime English competency of seafarers today.
The summary contains conclusions and some thoughts which we in the industry and in maritime education will have to deliberate on in the future.

2. English as the common language

All in all, 132 questionnaires were received from seafarers of 17 different nationalities and
32 questions were asked of them. Lets jump in medias res and have a look at the first question:
Investigate the perception among seafarers for the need of a common language and how
they see the viability of the English language to fulfil that role.
There is a presumption I have found among native English-speaking seafarers I am almost
inclined to say among native English speakers that English is the only feasible common
language in the industry. I wanted some tangible proof rather than assume that the answer to
the first query should be seen as a foregone conclusion.
Question 18 of the questionnaire (Given the multinational and multiethnic nature of the
international shipping industry it is imperative that a common language exists at sea) went
directly to the core of this first issue of the investigation.
There was an overwhelming support for the existence of a common language. 97.7%
agreed or strongly agreed that this was an important matter. Only 2.3% of the participants
were not sure or felt that there was no need for a lingua franca (see Fig. 1).
strongly agree
not sure



Fig. 1. A common language at sea is important

The question was then asked if students could suggest another language which might supplant
English. (Q 16 Is there a language other than English which in your view could realistically
be used as the common language at sea? (see Fig. 2). With one abstention, 93.2% declared
that they felt English was the best choice.
It was of interest at this point to investigate if there was a difference in view between native English speakers and those who had to learn English as a second language on this issue.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland



there is none
not sure


Fig. 2. Alternatives to English as a lingua franca at sea

Table 1.
A cross-tabulation of native and non-native English speakers and their stance on English
as the common language at sea
Mother tongue
Indian, Pakistani, middle eastern language

% of Total
% of Total
% of Total
% of Total
% of Total

% of Total

Alternative lingua franca

There is none









The percentage of non-native English speakers showed 88.1 % with the view that English was
the only choice. It was balanced against 91.5%, who felt the same among the native English
speakers (see Table 1). This appears an insignificant disparity and the results show that, as far
as this survey population is concerned, Maritime English has been firmly accepted as the
common lingo. Incidentally, the only other noteworthy contenders were French and Spanish.
There is also no clearly discernable trend among the different language speakers in as much as
one particular group was seen as being biased against English.
At this stage the question arose as to whether the view on English as the lingua franca had
any link to the degree of experience the various seafarers had in the maritime industry. Consequently the length of sea service of the participating mariners was weighed against their
opinion of whether or not another language was considered feasible (Table 2).
The result showed that just over 6% of seafarers who had worked on ships for less than
10 years felt that there was another choice, while none of the more experienced ones shared
that opinion. This trend, while really to be too small to be conclusive, could nonetheless have
two possible interpretations. One could argue that with increasing familiarity and knowledge


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

of the industry the acceptance of English is greater, or one could form the opinion that in the
future, when the junior officers rise to higher ranks, there may be more deck officers who
would opt for an alternative to English.
Table 2.
A cross-tabulation of sea experience and the stance on English as lingua franca
Length of sea service
under 4 years
5-10 years
11-15 years
over 15 years

Alternative lingua franca

There is none



No tendency, however, could be detected when comparing the seafarers going for senior
grade certificates with the junior ones. There was only a small number of participants, fairly
evenly spread from the seekers of the lowest to the most senior certificate who would suggest
an alternative to English.
The most unambiguous statement on this issue was given to Question 19. Less than 4 %
disagreed with the statement that English was the most suitable language at sea (see Fig. 3).
Seen in connection with the other questions asked on this topic, the result of the first theme of
the investigation was quite plain.


strongly agree



not sure
strongly disagree

Fig. 3. English is the most suitable lingua franca for the maritime industry
2.1. Resistance to English
The next issue regarded potential reluctance to communicate in English. The aim was to.
Reveal any possible opposition for cultural, political or religious reasons shown by individuals to having the English language imposed on them.
It has long been recognised that language and culture are inexorably interwoven with each
other and one cannot learn a language without learning something of the culture in which the
language is set. Due to an overload of media information, the last decades have made us
aware of the great chasms that exist between different cultures, religions, ideologies and
forms of government. One of the aims of the study was to investigate whether the English

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

language was regarded as disagreeable or the imposition of the language on international

mariners as offensive and objectionable by seafarers from backgrounds that were significantly
dissimilar from the Anglo-Saxon one.
The questionnaire circulating among this survey population showed, in fact, some tangible
evidence of such sentiments. A hint that the English language was not fully accepted as the lingua franca in maritime circles throughout and there was the suggestion of an unwillingness of
some seafarers and shore staff which had been encountered by almost a quarter of the students.
Question 31 (Have you ever experienced an unwillingness among other seafarers to use
English as a common language?) tried to shed light on a possible disinclination by seafarers
to use the English language as common ground, and Question 32 tried to do the same in regard
to shore staff who may have felt a similar way. The result of Q 31 is shown below (see Fig. 4).





Fig. 4. Frequencies of encountering unwillingness by other seafarers to speak English

The result shows that over 21.2 percent had experienced unwillingness on the part of fellow seafarers to use English to converse always or often, 31.1% had experienced some opposition to using the language at some time and 47.8% had rarely or never found that other seafarers were reluctant to speak English. In view of previous findings regarding the use of English, this appears to
be a surprisingly high proportion of participants who had encountered a dislike of the language.





Fig. 5. Frequencies of encountering an unwillingness to speak English by shore staff

The same sentiment, that is a reluctance to use English, occurred in the experience of the participants with almost identical frequency in their dealings with shore staff: 18.9% of those asked


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

had met disinclination by the ones who are engaging with the vessel from ashore always or often, 32.6% had come across such an attitude at some time whereas 48.4% had rarely or never
experienced this reaction. Q 32 (Have you ever experienced unwillingness among shore staff
to use English as a common language?) yielded the following result shown in Fig. 5.
2.2. Usage of the SMCP
The third purpose of the investigation regarded the role of the SMCP and was meant to determine if and how often incidents occurred in the experience of the participating seafarers
where communication was ineffective.
Determine the efficacy and the limitations of a codified language as in the SMCP and learn
about the frequency of incidents in the maritime sector where communication was ineffective
and led to mishaps or contributed in an adverse way to the outcome of accidents.
Question 33 came directly to the point of the former issue: How often was the IMO publication Standard Maritime Communication Phrases or SMCP used at sea? (see Fig. 6).




Fig. 6. The frequency with which the SMCP was used on board
The SMCP was previously described as the most prolific publication currently used in the
attempt to establish common linguistic ground at sea. However, almost two thirds (64.2%)
claimed that they never or rarely made use of the publication. This seems a remarkably high
figure and I feel that the reason for this lies partly with the teaching and training institutions
which are given the task of educating future officers.
However, it was apt at this juncture once more to break up the answer to this question
along the lines of native and non-native English speakers. The finding is shown in Table 3.
The split shows that 73.3% of native English speakers never or rarely used the SMCP, while
only 45% of non-native English speakers said they made use of it never or rarely. Or, to put
a positive slant on it and disregarding the participants who answered the question with sometimes (19% overall), there were only 10% of native English speakers who always or often
used the coded language as opposed to 31% of non-native speakers.
The explanation for the above result may at first glance be surprising. Native English
speakers should after all be in their element: The SMCP is compiled in the English language
and by speaking that lingo as a mother tongue would, on the face of it, make it comparatively
easy for a native speaker of English to use the terms and phrases from the publication.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Table 3.
A cross-tabulation of native and non-native English speakers on the usage of the SMCP
Mother tongue

Use of the SMCP

always often sometimes
Indian, Pakistani, middle eastern 2







It is the authors view that in fact the very competence of native speakers of English is the
reason for a reluctance to condescend to a much simplified form of verbal expression in their
own language. In other words there is no need for me to use some stunted and simplified
code of a language which I can speak perfectly well.
2.3. Miscommunication
Included in the third thesis was also the question of whether an incapacity to communicate in
Maritime English ever caused problems on board ship (Q 28 How often did an inability to communicate competently in Maritime English competently create misunderstandings among crew
members on board?). The outcome can be seen in Fig. 7. 30.3% had experienced misunderstanding with other crew members because of inadequate English skills always or often, 25.8% said
misunderstandings occurred rarely or never and 43.9% stated that the problem arose sometimes.
Given that the crew consists of ratings and officers and there has been little attempt on a global scale
to formalize English language teaching among non-officers, this result is not really surprising.




Fig. 7. Frequencies of misunderstandings on board due to an incompetence to speak English

There is, of course, on board always the opportunity to explain, show or clarify in some
other, non-verbal way to get an order or an idea across to another person if words fail as by
demonstration or gesturing. If a message can be successfully conveyed in that way, there may
be some who will feel that communication has been adequate.
The next question delved into miscommunication between ships and shore stations, which
is almost entirely effected by radio communication. This is carried out exclusively by officers.
The result of question 29 (How often did an inability to speak Maritime English competently
create misunderstandings between your vessel and another vessel or shore station?) was this.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland







Fig. 8. Frequencies of misunderstandings between ships due

to an incompetence to speak English
Again, almost one third of the students (31%) had faced misunderstandings when communicating with other vessels. The outcome is very similar to the previous question in percentage
terms. One aspect worth pointing out here is the afore-mentioned notion that face-to-face
communication may be more comprehensible because conversational partners are able to observe the body language and facial expressions of each other and that therefore understanding
between speakers of different languages is assisted by this paralanguage. For supporters of
this view it would mean that the linguistic capacity in English of crew members on a multiethnic ship is actually poorer than the statistics suggest and it is in many cases paralanguage
that bridges the gap.
One question pertained to difficulties during pilotage operations, arguably one of the most
tense times of a passage question 30 (How often did an inability to speak Maritime English
competently create misunderstandings on board during pilotage operations?). The answers
yielded the following outcome (see Fig. 9).







Fig. 9. Frequencies of misunderstandings during pilotage due to lack

of competence to speak English
Here, the frequency of miscommunication was a lot lower with 12.1%. The reason for
this is to be found in the composition of the bridge team at such times and the character of the
situation. Present in the wheelhouse during pilotage are normally the captain, the watch keeping deck officer, the helmsman, the pilot and often an additional lookout. The helmsman is
generally handpicked for his experience and ability to steer a given course and for his ability

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

to understand and correctly execute helm orders. This part of the passage has been planned
with particular care and during these times the procedures on a ships bridge become quite
formal, follow a well known pattern and the need for constant alertness while the ship is in
confined waters is greater than normal. In other words: everybody is at their best and the dialogue between helmsman and pilot follows a prescribed routine, an often performed pattern.
2.4. The standard of Maritime English at sea
Lastly the status of English language proficiency in the maritime industry was to be examined.
Examine the status of English language proficiency among seafarers today and seek the
seafarers opinion on what level of Maritime English competence should exist for different
ranks on board international trading vessels.
Seafarers were asked how they saw the competency of English among their colleagues in the
international arena (Q 26 International seafarers are by and large competent enough in the
use of Maritime English, see Fig. 10).




strongly agree
not sure
strongly disagree

Fig. 10. International seafarers are sufficiently competent in English

The outcome showed that a slightly higher number of participants felt that seafarers were
by and large competent enough in their communication skills using Maritime English than
those who believed they were not (39.4% agreed or strongly agreed that the communicating
ability was sufficient, 31.8% disagreed or strongly disagreed that this was the case).
Here again a breakdown of the different language groups seemed indicated. Comparing
these, the results showed the following (see Table 4).
Only 30% of native English speakers believed that the communication ability of international seafarers in English was sufficiently good, whereas twice that percentage (59.5%) of
speakers of other languages felt that that was so.
It could be complex to interpret this result. One possible explanation is that the use of the
coded language of the SMCP, less practiced by native English speakers as we have seen, is
used by non-native English speakers to a larger extent and creates in its coded format problems for those whose mother tongue is English. However, this seems a less likely explanation
than the following construct: The vast majority of native English speakers in the maritime industry comes from the USA, Canada, Britain, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
While there are distinct dialects which set the clusters apart, speakers from these countries
have arguably maintained a close relationship to the Queens English the American English being probably more idiosyncratic than that of the other nations mentioned. Speakers
have adapted English literally to their speech mode, have developed an enunciation, pronun


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

ciation and in some cases syntax and terminology which fits their linguistic and cultural background. We have coined terms for this: Jinglish for Japanese English speakers, Chinglish
for Chinese, even Afringlish and Spinglish have been heard. These idioms are not always
easy to understand for native English speakers.
Table 4.
Crosstabs showing the view of perceived English language skills of seafarers by nationalities
International Seafarers are sufficiently
Mother tongue
competent in English
agree not sure
Indian, Pakistani, middle 2
eastern language



2.5. Levels of Maritime English proficiency

Ratings and cadets are not normally called upon to communicate with other vessels. They
may, however, have to interact with shore labour during cargo operations. The question as to
whether a more elevated position in the hierarchy on board warranted better Maritime English
communication skills was addressed first by question 22 (A competence in Maritime English
is important to carry out the job of a rating/cadet on an international merchant vessel). The
answers were distributed as shown in Fig. 11.





strongly agree
not sure
strongly disagree

Fig. 11. A competence in English is important for a cadet or rating

Most ratings have in the past not been required to learn English unless a particular company
insisted that they acquire some knowledge in it. Cadets, however, who are signed on as apprentice officers, are generally taught English. Most bona fide companies send one or two cadets on board their vessels where these young people are trained in the various aspects of
seamanship, including Maritime English skills.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

The next question was selected to find out if seafarers felt that the English communication
skills were seen as more important among deck officers than among ratings and cadets. The
result was this (Fig. 12).




strongly agree

Fig. 12. A competence in Maritime English is important for a Deck Officer

The outcome showing that it was seen as more important for deck officers to be competent in
English than it was for lower ranks were, of course, not unexpected. There was in fact a strong
perception and thereby an approval of the STCW 95 directive that an ability to speak
Maritime English at an acceptable level should be a prerequisite for a certificate of competency for a deck officer (Q 24 The ability to speak Maritime English at an acceptable level
should be a prerequisite for a deck watch keeping certificate, see Fig. 13).
strongly agree
not sure





Fig. 13. Maritime English at an acceptable level should be a pre-requisite

for a deck watch keeping certificate
91.7% of participating seafarers backed the suggestion, 6% were not sure and only 2.3%
opposed the idea. This outcome shows a very solid endorsement for the English language by
the survey population. The operative term here, however, is Maritime English at an acceptable level.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

3. Summary
The questionnaire showed a strong support for the need of a common language at sea and
for this language to be English. This is, without a doubt, partly due to the historical fact that
the British merchant fleet has for centuries played the most prominent role on the worlds
scene. British colonization and the establishment of trading posts on an unprecedented global
scale ensured that the language was spread far and wide. While other countries had similar
ambitions they could not match the influence and sway of the British merchants and expansionists which brought trade, perceived progress and business and some less desirable outcomes to the indigenous people at the four corners of the earth.
Another explanation for the still continuing increase of the English speaking sphere is the
ever growing influence of the computer world. While there is no real monopoly on Information Technology today, it had its roots in the English speaking world and much of the terminology remained and is now accepted and used globally.
A further reason for the acceptance of English is the fact that it is the most taught second
language in the world. Educational institutions in Europe, South America, Africa and Asia
have simply accepted as a fait accompli that the language has cut a wide swathe in international communication and are for very practical reasons promoting it.
When looking at the taxonomy of language groups and language families it is evident that
some languages have very close relationships and others differ markedly from each other. In
our world we have the opportunity to take note and listen to the speakers of languages foreign
to us, be it through the media, the entertainment industry or the actual contact with persons
from other lands. Most of us, having heard unfamiliar tongues, will try to make some sense of
what reaches our ears and if the language is not too far removed from our own we might
be able to discern a meaning or recognize a word or two. In other cases, an understanding
seems impossible because the language structure and articulation is just too alien and strange.
In simple terms: the more removed linguistically a language is from our own, the less comprehensible it is and the harder it is to learn for us. The Teutonic branch of the Indo-European
family of languages bears little resemblance to the Uralic, Dravidian and Altaic families and
even less to the Sino-Tibetan, Malayo-Polynesian, Bantu, Semitic, or Uto-Aztecan ones.
The nationalities singled out in the questionnaire as being problematic to communicate
with in English were mostly from the Asian region or Eastern Europe, while no Teutonic language did rate a mention. As a native English speaker has greater difficulties with the learning
of Chinese than e.g. German or Danish, the situation is understandably reciprocated when
a Mandarin speaker is trying to become proficient in English.
The publication of the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary and its updated and extended successor the Standard Maritime Communication Phrases has been the latest and
most comprehensive international attempt by the IMO to facilitate communication at sea. It is
unfortunate but obvious that the little booklet has not penetrated all walks of life in the international maritime arena as it was intended to do.
Miscommunication at sea has in the past often been an overlooked factor where incidents
occurred. Blame was frequently apportioned to improper responses or mechanical breakdowns without delving deeper into the chain of events leading up to the event. It has really
been only through unfortunate episodes in the late 20th century that the IMO has seriously
looked at accidents from the perspective of verbal misunderstandings. That such misunderstandings still happen became unmistakably clear in the survey. Intra-ship as well as intership and ship-shore communication went wrong in the view of a surprisingly high number
of seafarers. Even during pilotage, a crucial time in the professional life of a navigator, almost
a fifth of the participants had experienced miscommunication due to language.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

On board, language problems have the capacity to lead to misinterpretation and confusion
which in turn, can escalate into disagreement and argument and the deterioration of the working environment. The meaning of a happy or an unhappy ship, terms every seafarer is familiar with, often hinges on such matters.
Then, on a more prominent note, there are consequences which reach further: groundings, collisions and pollution of the environment the world over, accidents, often relegated to a newspapers back page where no illustrious holiday beach or densely populated area is threatened, do
occur with monotonous regularity. The more spectacular ones, as we all know, often occupy
the media for weeks.
The answers to the last topic, i.e. how international mariners see the linguistic ability in
Maritime English among their colleagues, coincided very closely with the results of the responses given to incidents of miscommunication. About 30% of participants had experienced
language difficulties using English and about the same number disagreed or strongly disagreed that international seafarers were by and large proficient in Maritime English. There is,
statistically speaking, a satisfying correlation here which should send a clear signal to shipping companies and training institutions alike.
The strong support for the view that ratings and cadets should be competent in Maritime
English shows with clarity that the English language is regarded as an important and necessary professional skill and the even stronger, almost unanimous, opinion that deck officers
should have that ability attests to what mariners expect from their officers.
And as a last point: it is perhaps inevitable that we will have to attach a uniform, measurable standard to Maritime English competency as a skill to be attained by international seafarers. This would probably require the determination of specific benchmarks in Maritime English competency for different ranks. How in detail this may be orchestrated is likely to be one
of the most sensitive tasks this group has had to deal with.


Brewer, J., & Hunter, A. (1989). Multimethod research: A synthesis of style. Newbury
Park, CA: Sage Publications.
2. Brislin, R.W., Walter, J.L., & Thorndike, R.M. (1973). Cross-cultural research methods.
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
3. Crystal, D. (1997). English as a global language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
4. Dudley-Evans, T. (1998). Developments in English for specific purposes: A multidisciplinary approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
5. Herriman, M., & Burnaby, B. (1996). Language policy in English-dominant countries.
Clevedon/ Philadelphia/Adelaide: Multilingual Matters Ltd.
6. Hock, H. H. (1986). Principles of historic linguistics. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
7. Kalantzis, M., Cope, B., & Slade, D. (1989). Minority languages and dominant culture.
London: The Falmer Press.
8. Kramsch, C. (1993). Context and culture in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
9. Medrano, J. D. (1996). Some thematic and strategic priorities for developing research on
multi-ethnic and multi-cultural societies, MOST Discussion Paper Series, No. 13. Paris:
10. Poyatos, F. (1993). Paralanguage: A linguistic and interdisciplinary approach to interactive speech and sounds. University of New Brunswick.
11. Ruhlen, M. (1994). On the origin of languages. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

12. Smith, P. & Tayeb, M. (1988). Organisational structure and process. In: M. H. Bond
(Ed.), The Cross-cultural challenge to social psychology (pp.153-165). Beverly Hills:
Sage Publications Inc.
13. Troike, R. C. (1977). The future of English [Editorial]. The Linguistic Reporter, 19(8), 2.
14. Wardhaugh, R. (1992). An introduction to sociolinguistics. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.
15. Wright, S. (1997). Language as a contributing factor in conflicts between states and
within states. Current Issues in Language and Society, 4(3), 213-237.


Curriculum Vitae


Ulf Georg Schriever

Master Foreign Going (Master Class I), licensed compass adjuster, PhD Ed.;
graduated in Hamburg in 1970; decided to go to sea and after finishing school joined a North Sea
trawler for a few weeks as a galley boy. After this he sailed as a rating working in the engine room
and on deck on cargo ships on the Europe, Africa and Asia run and then emigrated to Australia in
1971. There he was initially employed in the northern fishing industry;
received his first certificate as master (fishing) in 1974 and sailed for a few years as skipper on
trawlers and then on mother-ships;
in 1984 he acquired his certificate (trading) as master on the Queensland coast and sailed as master
of a couple of small coastal freighters in the north of Australia. He then decided to study at the
Australian Maritime College to gain his foreign going qualifications;
he was issued with an international watch-keeping certificate in 1988 and sailed on a Ro-Ro vessel
in the Bass Straight for 18 months as 3rd and 2nd officer. He then joined P&O and sailed on the Australia-Japan-Korea run for 18 months again as 3rd and 2nd officer in the container trade;
in 1992 he acquired his Master Class I certificate and worked as relieving master on a mother ship
in North Queensland before joining Tidewater Marine in 1993 as chief officer. He stayed with that
company for 3 years, 18 months as chief officer and 18 months as master;
in 1996, after 25 years at sea, he decided to take a position as lecturer at the Australian Maritime
College. This work included lecturing as well as acting as relieving master on the training ship
Wyuna until she was sold. He has been employed at the college now for 13 years;
in 2001 he acquired a masters degree in education at the University of Tasmania and has recently
obtained his PhD in education;
during the last 20 months he has spent seven months at sea during his leave periods from the college as relieving 3rd officer, 2nd officer and chief officer to maintain his professional skills.
Australian Maritime College
Phone: 0061-3-63354823
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Denis Drown
Robert Mercer
Gary Jeffrey
Stephen Cross
Newfoundland and Labrador


Mariners are required to hold certificates as qualification of competence to perform their duties.
Certificates are issued following a testing and examination process that includes multiple choice questions (MCQ). The examination process is to ensure whether certificate holders can complete onboard
tasks safely and with the least environmental impact.
Drown, Mercer and Jeffery conducted preliminary qualitative and quantitative research into international examination methods for mariners, including the use of MCQ items, and presented the results
at IMLA 14 and IMEC 19. In 2008 Stephen Cross joined as an author. There are no similar studies on
MCQ testing specific to maritime education and examination in the literature.
The paper describes a study comparing the MCQ performance of student mariners relative to students with no maritime technology knowledge (novices). The supposition is that novice test scores reflect factors other than subject knowledge, and that there is a relationship between scores and the student characteristics of gender, age, English as a first or second language, level of English comprehension (including word and concept association), and previous experience with MCQ assessment. The
studys objective is to provide insights into the relative significance of these factors so that they may
be considered when constructing MCQ items.
The study uses English language marine technology MCQ items contributed by nautical colleges
and maritime administrations, and currently in use around the world. With the cooperation of nautical
college participants, student mariner and novice test subjects at a given location in different countries
each write the same test. The study data contains no identifiable information about participants or
study subjects.
The paper provides the studys background; acknowledges the study methods strength and limitations; presents the studys results; offers observations; attempts conclusions, and suggests a way to
engage researchers in further analysis of the study data.
Keywords: multiple choice questions, maritime competence, maritime examination.

1. Introduction
1.1 . Situation
Mariners are required to hold certificates as qualification of competence to perform their
duties safely and with the least environmental impact. Certificates are issued by a maritime
administration pursuant to international convention (STCW 95), following an examination
process that includes multiple choice questions (MCQ). Opinions as to the effectiveness of

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

MCQ assessment differ considerably amongst maritime education and training schools
(METS) and maritime administrations, reflecting the broader debate in the literature.
1.2. Concerns
A general concern is that MCQ restrict independent thought and creativity, measuring
recognition rather than understanding. Experienced test takers can identify patterns and apply
testwiseness such as deciphering the language of MCQ, thus discriminating between logical
or problem-solving students, and students with skills in writing or argumentation.
There are concerns in maritime education about variations in MCQ use from one country
to another, and doubts about effectiveness as an examination method. This lack of confidence
is reflected by students attitudes to multiple-guess questions. Concerns about difference,
consistency and confidence result in a questionable assessment method, a situation unfitting
for professional examination. Concerns are reflected in the technical press, as evidenced by
articles in Seaways (2007), and mirrored in the general literature, for example Paxtons
(2000) criticism of poor design and construction and the over-emphasis on MCQ testing.
1.3. The Study Process and Purpose
The study is based on the rationale, methodology and demonstrated feasibility of the researchers preliminary investigations. The study addresses concerns regarding MCQ assessment effectiveness by comparing the performance of student mariners relative to students
with no maritime technology knowledge (novices). The purpose is to draw attention to and
provide insights into factors influencing MCQ testing.

2. Background
2.1. IMLA 14 Survey and IMEC 19 Exploratory Study
Survey results were presented at IMLA 14 (Drown et al. 2006). The survey gathered information and shared experiences about the use of MCQ, including concerns about the use
within examination regimes, concerns about the way MCQ are prepared, and varying attitudes
of maritime educators to MCQ assessment, including ambivalence, that is, welcoming the
convenience but with reservations regarding effectiveness. Exploratory study results were
presented at IMEC 19 (Drown et al. 2007), identifying factors influencing test scores by giving marine technology MCQ tests to persons with no marine knowledge (novices). The novices scored significantly above chance, indicating influences other than subject knowledge,
such as language and question structure, and suggesting that ability to answer MCQ may be
related to age, familiarity, testwiseness educational level and language skills. That MCQ testing may reflect influences other than subject knowledge is a concern in any learning situation,
more so in maritime education, where MCQ testing and examination lead to professional
qualification attesting to competence.
2.2. Literature
The authors find no studies on MCQ testing specific to maritime education. However,
there are many studies relating to professions such as aviation and medicine, where the
knowledge gained may be applied to maritime students, who have similarities in educational
and cultural background. The authors are guided by Burton (2005), who observed that opi166

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

nions, arguments and evidence in the field need to be considered critically and carefully,
a pertinent observation considering that MCQ are used in assessment of STCW competence.

3. Competence and MCQ

The debate about MCQ assessment started in the 1930s, and continues to occupy educators thoughts. Much of the debate is relevant to maritime education, for example in the
United Kingdom there is now a possibility for secondary students to score up to 75% by MCQ
in science examinations. Proponents say this gives students more chances to succeed allowing them to be tested at any time. Opponents say this is an over-simplistic way of assessing
a complex learning process, resulting in drilling students to master MCQ (Mansell 2006).
In maritime education the debate surrounds the use of MCQ in the evaluation of competencies described in STCW 95. There are different philosophies and definitions of competence, including combinations of skill, attitude and knowledge, or ability to perform a particular activity to a prescribed standard (Fletcher 1995), and, according to the Dutch Higher
Education Council, a potential to handle new, unexpected, untrained situations.
While properly constructed, validated and reliable MCQ have a place in quickly checking
factual knowledge, they may not be an appropriate part of the evaluation of seafarers competence, which requires a combination of experience, knowledge, skills, communication and
other attributes, such as leadership. Certification attests to mariner competence to perform onboard tasks safely, and STCW signalled a need to move from knowledge-based towards competence-based learning and evaluation. For examinations leading to professional certification,
MCQ variants may improve reliability and effectiveness, provided they form part of a multidimensional examination regime. Variants include confidence rating and alternative scoring
procedures (Hutchinson 1993), and Parsons (1992) thought-provoking items. Cappel
(2007) suggests multi-faceted exams comprising of communicative short answers, applicative
essay and multiple choice questions.

4. The study
4.1. Participants and Test Subjects
Participants are volunteers from METS faculty accessing the test subjects and administering the tests. They seek groups of mariner subjects in at least the second year of a maritime
program leading to a STCW certificate for Deck and Marine Engineer Officers. The mariners
are students within participants METS and act as a control group. Participants seek a second
group of test subjects without maritime technology knowledge (novices) and enrolled in a nonmaritime program. Mariners and novices are characterized as multicultural male and female
secondary education graduates, 17 to 25 years, and with English as a first or second language.
Particular mariner and novice groups are in the same country, giving an expectation of a common English standard. Novice groups are diverse, and include Nursing, English Literature and
Secretarial students.
4.2. Sample
Invitations to participate were sent to 104 METS faculty and maritime administrators in
37 countries. There are 18 participants from 12 countries, of which 10 are countries with English as a second language. There are 44 individual study tests with 930 mariner and novice
study test subjects from North America, Europe, Asia and the Indian Subcontinent.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

4.3. Study Tests

The study uses 1500 unedited examples of knowledge-based MCQ items presently in use,
contributed by a faculty and officials from METS and maritime administrations. The questions are from the standard single-best answer family (McCoubrie 2004). Contributors are
not identified; provenance in terms of item construction, validation or reliability is not requested.
4.4. Process
Eighty 20-question knowledge-based English language marine technology tests are drawn
randomly from the 1500-question pool. Each participant is provided with two tests, one for
Deck Officers and one for Marine Engineer Officers, with a Response Form and a questionnaire. Mariners and novices do the same test. Participants are given administration instructions that include discouraging the subjects from guessing.
4.5. Data Tabulation
Appendix A is an example of data tabulation, showing Test 9D generated randomly from
the database of questions generally within the experience of Deck and Engine students in their
second or above year, with the 20 items arranged so that the first 10 are on basic topics, with
the remainder including more advanced questions.
4.6. Strength and Limitations
The main strength of the study lies in the originality of an approach that has not been attempted in maritime education yet, providing freshness to a subject frequently occupying the
thoughts of maritime educators. The main limitations are respecting participants understandably restricted time to interact with private researchers, so requests are not made for opportunities to follow-up on test responses and for more detailed information about the mariners technical knowledge level and the novices education level.

5. Study variables
5.1. Gender
Gender differences in MCQ testing are important considering increased female mariner
recruitment. Studies find females do worse on MCQ tests than on essay tests (Hellekant
1994). Walstead and Robson (1997) attribute lower MCQ test scores for females to social and
cultural differences. Ramos and Lambating (1996) conclude that MCQ tests promote values
of objectivity, factual knowledge, and rapid performance (male socialization), and devalue
subjectivity, reflection, introspection and feelings (female socialization).
5.2. Age
Age is a matter to consider, where there is a significant age difference between persons
taking junior and senior certificate MCQ examinations, since older persons may be able to
compensate for their lack of subject knowledge through deductive reasoning (Charness 1985)
and through skills proportional to the absorption of culture (Belsky 1990).


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

5.3. English as a First or Second Language

The IMLA survey indicated the lack of English language comprehension as a significant
factor in MCQ assessment. Stupans (2006) found that international students have problematic
language proficiency, learning styles and attitudes at odds with persons of an Englishspeaking background, and an incompatibility with knowledge application and knowledge recall. Murrell (2009) comments on the IMOs estimation of fatal accidents, injuries and damage caused by problems with the English language.
5.4. English Comprehension
Language and phrasing of the question stem is an important factor in MCQ testing, and
item constructors need to use an appropriate level of language and technical terms. When the
phrasing is unclear, students may read more into the MCQ than the item-writer intended, particularly if the writer is inexperienced or untrained, with the possibility of a word in the question stem stimulating an association with a word in one of the responses.
5.5. Previous MCQ Experience
Anecdotally, long exposure and experience with MCQ may enable a correct response to be
selected by intuition, defined as a capacity to utilize the characteristics and formats of a test, independent of subject matter knowledge to receive a high score (Sarnacki 1979).

6. Study results
6.1. Study Statistics
Fig. 1 summarises the sample.
Engine Questions

Deck Questions

Number of Study Subjects


Age Group
19 and under
20 -25
Over 25
First Language
Second Language
Very Good
Not Very Good
First MC Experience
First Experience













Fig. 1. Summary of the Sample (Appendix B)

Fig. 2 is an example of the analysis, with novices (deck) showing a pattern common to novices (engine) as well as for mariners (deck and engine). Females score about the same on the
basic questions (110) and a little lower otherwise, noting that female numbers were only significant for novices. The 25-year and above group scores best, as do those with English first
language and very good English comprehension. In the First MCQ group, those, whose experience started in primary education, do best. The PSec (Post-Secondary) groups are not
represented because of the small sample.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


e 40.00%
t 35.00%
S 30.00%
o 25.00%
e 20.00%

1 10
11 20



















First MC

Fig. 2. Statistical Analysis Example

6.2. Language and Language Understanding
Appendix C includes matrices showing correct responses to individual study questions.
Study subjects are asked to read the questions and possible responses carefully, rather than
simply choosing at random. The matrices show the frequency of individual questions answered mostly correctly, indicating the possibility of language clues and word or concept association.
6.3. Trends and Means
Fig. 3 is an extract from Appendix D giving graphical representations of the test results,
showing the trend for novices to mirror the mariners.
Mariners & Novices - Deck Questions

Mariners & Novices - Engine Questions


Mean of 20 Questions

Mean of 20 Questions








Table 1D: Tests 1 - 13: Questions 1 - 20

Table 1E: Tests 1 - 9: Questions 1 - 20

Fig. 3. Extract from Appendix D

Fig. 4 gives novices (shown as ) scoring above means of 5.0 (25%) through to 9.0 (45%).
Novices score above 25% in 20 out of 22 tests; above 30% in 13/22 tests; above 35% in 12/22
test; above 40% in 8/22 tests, and above 45% in 4/22 tests.

Test # - Novices - Deck Questions

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Question #

Mean 5.0 (25%)

Mean 6.0 (30%)

Test # - Novices - Engine Questions


Mean 7.0 (35%)

Mean 8.0 (40%)

Mean 9.0 (45%)

Fig. 4. Novice Mean Scores


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

6.4. Observations
The data requires more analysis to gain further information and insights. However, the
features immediately apparent are the pattern commonalities in all databases (Fig. 2): the frequency with which novices correctly respond to certain questions (Appendix C); the frequency with which novice scores mirror and in some cases equal or exceed those of mariners,
particularly for Advanced Deck and Basic and Advanced Engine (Appendix D Novice
Trends and Fig. 3), and the capability of scoring above 45% with no subject knowledge (Fig. 4).
Novices and mariners for a particular test have similar educational and linguistic profiles,
so there is a reasonable expectation that the tools or mechanisms used by novices may also be
used by mariners as well as, or instead of, subject knowledge in combinations that are not
evident in the test score. For example, in Fig. 3, Table 1D, Test #10, the mariner and novice
means are 10.0 (50%) and 8.0 (40%) respectively, so the mariners may have achieved 50%
knowing only 10% of the subject matter.

7. Conclusion
Standard knowledge-based MCQ are not effective in an examination process leading to
a professional certificate attesting to competence, because MCQ cannot reliably assess subject
knowledge, and are not designed to evaluate competence.
Properly constructed and validated MCQ tests are valuable in-course tools where there is
classroom dialogue between instructor and student. However, if MCQ are used in STCW
competency examinations, they should be variants and a minor element in a multidimensional process that includes competency based assessment. They should be constructed
clearly and explicitly with attention to the principles of Maritime English. Use of novices may
be helpful in identifying questions that can readily be deduced from item language.
Variants require added resources for construction, marking and preserving objectivity.
Considering the possible consequences of incompetence, these additional resources are a good
investment in a safe maritime transportation industry.

8. Further research
The authors invite collaboration from Maritime Technology and English educationalists.
Specifically: to investigate the relationship between the study test questions, Maritime
English, the Standard Marine Communication Phrases, and word/concept associations.
Generally: to understand why use of MCQ in STCW examination varies, and if differing
examination methods for the common (STCW) standard are of consequence.
Finally: considering the implications of wide MCQ use in STCW examinations, there is
a need for this study to be replicated by others.

1. Belsky, J.K. (1990) The psychology of aging theory: Research and interventions. Pacific
Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., p. 125.
2. Burton, R.F. (2005) Multiple-choice and true/false tests: myths and misapprehensions.
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education Vol. 30, No. 1, February.
3. Cappel, J. (2007) And the answers is ... Education Canada. Toronto: Spring, Vol. 47, Issue 2.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

4. Charness, N. (1985) Adult Development & Ageing, 5th ed., Hoyer W. J. and Roodin P. A.
on 'Limits of Expertise'.
5. Drown, D.F., R. Mercer & G. Jeffrey (2006) One, All or None of the Above - Multiplechoice question techniques and usage in education and examination for marine certification. Proceedings of the IMLA 14 Conference.
6. Drown, D.F., R. Mercer & G. Jeffrey (2007) The Influence of Language and Question
Structure on Multiple-Choice Test Scores: An Exploratory Study. Proceedings of the
IMEC 19 Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
7. Fletcher, S., & Page, K. (1995) Designing Competenced Based Training. ISBN 07494
8. Hellekant, J. (1994) Are Multiple-choice Tests Unfair to Girls?. System, Vol. 22, No. 3,
pp. 349-352.
9. Hutchinson, T.P. (1993) Ability, Partial Information, Guessing: Statistical Modeling Applied to Multiple-choice Tests. Psychometrica, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 513.
10. Mansell W. (2006) Multiple-choice exams rubbished by scientists. Times Educational
Supplement (TES)(Cymru), 9 June, and Mystery of tick box testing, TES (London),
8 December.
11. McCoubrie P. (2004) Improving the fairness of multiple-choice questions: a literature review. Medical Teacher, Vol. 26, No. 8, 2004.
12. Murrell S. (2009) Dangers of English language difficulties Online at (accessed 18 June
13. Parsons, J. (1992) Creating Thought-Provoking Multiple-Choice Questions for Social
Studies Exams. Perspectives: The Journal of the Saskatchewan Council of Social Sciences, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 17.
14. Paxton, M. (2000) A Linguistic Perspective on Multiple Choice Questioning. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Vol. 25, No. 2.
15. Ramos, I & J. Lambating (1996) Risk Taking: Gender Differences and Educational Opportunity. School Science and Mathematics, Vol. 96, No. 2, February.
16. Sarnacki, R.E. (1979) An Examination of Testwiseness in the Cognitive Test Domain.
Review of Educational Reseach, Vol. 49, No. 2, p. 25.
17. Seaways (2007) Drown D. Disparate exam methods: Does it matter? (January), Holder
L. Getting it right (May), and Smith P. Multiple Choice Questions (July). Nautical Institute, London.
18. STCW (1995). Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers.
19. Stupans, I. (2006) Multiple choice questions: Can they examine application of knowledge? Pharmacy Education, March, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 59-63.
20. Walstad, W.B., & Robson, D. (1997) Differential Item Functioning and Male-Female
Differences on Multiple -Choice Tests in Economics. Journal of Economic Education,
Spring 1997, p. 155 and 168.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Study results data tabulation example

Correct #s 1-20

Correct #s 11-20

Correct #s 1-10

First MC

English Understanding


Age Group


Test Type & Number

Study Subject #


Test Question Number








Correct out of
Correct as %

Basic Questions














13 12 13
62 100 92 100








Advanced Questions
13 14 15 16 17 18




























Ques 1-10 :




Ques 11-20:





Ques 1-20:




6 - 16


Test Question Number







Correct out of
Correct as %


Basic Questions

























Advanced Questions
13 14 15 16 17 18
























Ques 1-10 :





Ques 11-20:





Age Group
19 and under
Over 25

Ques 1-20:





English Language
English First Language
English Second Language

Understanding English Language

Very Good
Not Very Good


First MCQ Test

During Primary School
During Secondary School
During Post-Secondary School
Today First Experience

Control Groups and Mean Scores

The test databases are generally within the experience of Deck and Engine students in their second or above year. However, some specific test items may not be within the knowledge expected from
a particular student mariner group, hence they are control groups providing a measure of comparison
with novices. In order to obtain a better appreciation of student mariners knowledge levels, 20 items
randomly selected from the databases are arranged so that the first 10 are on topics more likely to be
familiar to the mariners, for example basic ship knowledge, safety and survival, with the remainder including the more advanced questions.
Correct out of ....
The procedure is similar to ensuring validity and reliability, particularly through checking high
and low scores. However, for this study the procedure attempts to identify questions answered mainly
correctly/incorrectly through word and concept association, for example, why did 85% of novices answer the (Advanced) Question # 20 correctly? What was the reason mariners score 0% on Question #2
and 100% on Question #10?

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland



Basic & Advanced
20 Questions - 334 Subjects
Mean = 9.0
< Mean
Number % Number
# Study Subjects
Age Group
19 and under
20 -25
Over 25
First Language
Second Language
Very Good
Not Very Good
First MC Experience Primary
First Experience





Basic & Advanced
20 Questions - 256 Subjects
Mean = 9.4
< Mean
# Study Subjects
Age Group
19 and under
20 -25
Over 25
First Language
Second Language
Very Good
Not Very Good
First MC Experience Primary
First Experience

Table 1D

# Study Subjects
Age Group
19 and under
20 -25
Over 25
First Language
Second Language
Very Good
Not Very Good
First MC Experience Primary
First Experience




Table 1E




Table 2D
Basic & Advanced
20 Questions
334 Mariners & 217 Novices
Number % Number
# Study Subjects 9.0 194
Age Group
19 and under
20 -25
Over 25
First Language
Second Language
Very Good
Not Very Good
First MC Experience Primary
First Experience
Table 3D


Basic & Advanced
20 Questions - 123 Subjects
Mean = 7.8
< Mean

Basic & Advanced
20 Questions - 217 Subjects
Mean = 6.5
< Mean
Number % Number



# Study Subjects
Age Group
19 and under
20 -25
Over 25
First Language
Second Language
Very Good
Not Very Good
First MC Experience Primary
First Experience





Table 2E
Basic & Advanced
20 Questions
256 Mariners & 123 Novices
# Study Subjects 9.4 124
Age Group
19 and under
20 -25
Over 25
First Language
Second Language
Very Good
Not Very Good
First MC Experience Primary
First Experience
Table 3E

The Results
Tables 1 and 2 (Deck & Engine) compare the variables for study subjects scoring above and below the mean for the particular group of tests. For example, in Table 1D 334 mariners had an overall
mean of 9.0 for the 20-question tests, with 194 subjects 9.0 and 140 subjects <9.0. Tables 3 (Deck &
Engine) compare the variables for novices with the same mean as the mariners. For example, in Table
3D, of the 334 mariners and 217 novices 194 and 44 respectively had a mean of 9.0.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Frequency of correct responses
DECK QUESTIONS - Frequency of Correct Responses 50%
Study Test Question #





Advanced Questions



Percentage 50% Correct in Each Test











100 100























No Score 50%
No Score 50%
92 100 54




















































Totals of All 260 Test Questions %




Basic Questions










ENGINE QUESTIONS - Frequency of Correct Responses 50%

Study Test Question #





Advanced Questions



Percentage 50% Correct in Each Test





100 100























































Totals of All 180 Test Questions %




Basic Questions









The Matrices
The matrices attempt to identify questions, where language and word/concept association are factors in Novice responses. The Deck and Engine matrices record the percentages Novices and Mariners answered each test question correctly 50% of the time. For example, in Test 9D, Question #19,
69% of Novices and 85% of Mariners answered Question #19 correctly. In this Test (9D) there were
13 Novice and 13 Mariner test subjects, of whom 9 Novices (69%) and 11 Mariners (85%) answered
Question #19 correctly. Compare with the Test 9D Data Record example (Appendix A). The TOTALS
are the times each test question was scored correctly by 50% of Novices and 50% of Mariners. For
example, out of the 260 Deck Questions in all 13 Tests, 65 (25%) questions were answered correctly
50% of the time by Novices, and 99 (38%) were answered correctly 50% of the time by Mariners.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Graphical representations


Mariner & Novices - Deck Questions

Mariners & Novices - Engine Questions

Mean of 20 Questions




Mean of 20 Questions












Table 1D: Test 1 - 13: Questions 1 - 20 (Basic & Advanced)

Mariners & Novices - Engine Questions








Mean of 10 Questions

Mean of 10 Questions

Mariners & Novices - Deck Questions










Table 2D: Test s 1 - 13: Questions 1 - 10 (Basic)

Table 2E: Tests 1 - 9: Questions 1 - 10 (Basic)

Mariners & Novices - Deck Questions

Mariners & Novices - Engine Questions






Mean of 10 Questions

Mean of 10 Questions

Table 1E: Tests 1 - 9: Questions 1 - 20 (Basic & Advanced)











Table 3E: Test 1 - 9: Questions 11 - 20 (Advanced)

Table 3D: Tests 1 - 13: Questions 11 - 20 (Advanced)



10 11 12





Q ues . Ty pe

B as ic & A dvanc ed

B as ic

A dvanc ed

Trending with the M ariner M ean S c ores

E x c eeding/E qualing the M ariner M ean S c ores
Trending & E x c eeding/E qualing the M ariner M ean S c ores

Means and Trends

All the test results are accumulated in four databases, one for Deck (mariner and novice) and one
for Engine (mariner and novice). In each of the four databases the mean scores are calculated for correct responses to the first 10, the last 10 and the complete 20 questions. For example, in Table 1D,
Test 1, the mean scores for 20 questions were 7.6 for mariners and 5.8 for novices. Trending with the
Mariner Mean Scores is where the Novices mirror the Mariners, that is, the greater the Mariner mean
the greater the Novice mean.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Denis Drown, EXC, FNI

retired from the Marine Institute of Memorial University;
a Master Mariner and Fellow of the Nautical Institute, holding an Extra Master Certificate of Competency and a Teaching Certificate from London University, with over 45 years experience in the
marine transportation industry as mariner, educator, and as consultant for training and oil pollution
prevention projects, nationally and internationally;
started his nautical education experience as an instructor at the Plymouth School of Navigation, and
then, following a period in Kuwait as training advisor, to the Marine Institute, Newfoundland as instructor, becoming Department Head; later on, he became Project Manager and then Director for
the new Centres for Marine Simulation and Offshore Safety;
1993-2003 he worked for Canship Ugland Ltd. of St. Johns (managers of shuttle tankers and escort tugs), and Marine Atlantic Inc. (ferries);
developed training programs for ship safety and pollution prevention, and International Safety Management and ISO quality systems, including the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System;
has provided business services for marine related projects, and published papers and articles on
safety, education, simulation, human factors, and environmental law.
3 Bideford Place, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
Canada A1B 2W5
Phone: 001 709 753 9173
[email protected]
Robert Mercer, MM, MEd
an instructor in the School of Maritime Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland where he
has developed and delivered a variety of customized training programs for marine industry clients
and the Diploma of Nautical Science program;
teaches courses in Post-Secondary Education in the Faculty of Education relating to Curriculum
and Instructional Development;
has over 35 years experience in the marine industry in various positions including ship operator,
maritime educator and consultant;
holds a Master Mariner certificate of competency and a Masters Degree in Education.
Gary Jeffery, PhD
a professor in the Faculty of Education, Memorial University of Newfoundland until his retirement
in Jan 2009;
a licensed psychologist with extensive experience in both standardized psychometric and classroom
holds a PhD in Educational Psychology and has been involved in university teaching and research
for 33 years;
maintained a private psychology practise, principally as assessor and expert court witness (large in
matters related to parenting skills and child maltreatment) for over 20 years;
as an educator, he has taught a range of courses including those at the graduate level in the assessment of cognitive and other abilities. He is a member of the Newfoundland Board of Examiners in
Psychology and his past experiences have included serving as Associate Dean in Education and as
a member of a team engaged in the assessment and the establishment of a profile of the learning
needs in the Innu in Labrador.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Stephen Cross, MSc, FNI

Director of Projects, Maritime Institute Willem Barentsz (MIWB);
a Master Mariner, a MSc, a Fellow of the Nautical Institute, and an Associate Fellow of the Royal
Institute of Navigation, London;
served in the Dutch Merchant and offshore fleet on general cargo ships, tankers and crane/ pipelaying vessels for 10 years;
has 11 years of teaching experience as simulation instructor and department manager including curriculum development with national educational working groups and the Dutch Ministry of Transport and Public Works state examinations;
taught at the World Maritime University in Malm, Sweden, for four years and has conducted
simulator instructor training courses for KMSS for 7 years in France, Holland, United Kingdom,
Canada, USA, Japan, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Australia and France;
was Director at MIWB for 9 years, responsible for budgeting, academic content, student services,
operations at the full mission simulation center and on the training vessel;
has consulted in Philippines, Taiwan, Singapore and Kazakhstan, with participation in European
Union R&D projects on ship safety, communications, crisis management and maritime education;
his present activities include implementation of quality assurance systems, international contacts
and projects and business development and acquisition at MIWB.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Maciej Denc
Gdynia Maritime University
Gdynia, Poland


Our aim in teaching is to develop students ability to communicate freely and spontaneously in
English. Fighting language anxiety can have considerable consequences on the whole language learning process. Undoubtedly, when students realize they understand and are understood, speaking activities will become their favourites. However, to achieve this we need to apply a variety of strategies.
The purpose of the paper is to provide some ideas, tips and strategies to involve our students into
speaking in order to maximize the usage of classroom time allowed for speaking and minimize our
students anxiety while speaking.
Keywords: speaking practice, teaching ideas, oral communication

1. Introduction
The aim of this paper is to explore ways to maximize student interaction and participation
in class, with a focus on role-plays which involve the learners in authentic communication.
Language teaching, to be successful, must provide the learner with a variety of opportunities to listen and talk related items, structures, and vocabulary so often that finally he is able
to produce them automatically when required. However, speaking as a productive skill seems
to the learners to be more difficult than listening, for instance. It requires more active participation. It is said that nobody can learn to play the instrument only by listening to it being
played by another person: one must try to play the instrument oneself. If our students are to
keep a conversation going on, they not only must have required language command and be
motivated but know what to say, as well. And here is the rub! Let us be honest, many of us
are not inborn orators, neither are our students. To posses the skill one needs years, not hours
or even months. Certainly, we do not have time for this. Many of us are shy, anxious to speak,
with fallible memory, losing tongues and getting stressed when asked. Some hints what to say
may be a helping hand in such cases. Therefore, I recommend using guided role-plays as
means to maximize student interaction in class and minimizing anxiety while speaking.

2. Close analysis of the role-play

There exists a variety of definitions of role-plays. A role play is a communicative activity
during which the learners are given a task to complete. In order to ensure a lively and unpredictable course of the activity, the learners are told who they are, what their opinions are and
what they know that is unknown to the others (Goebiowska A., 1998).
From what A. Gobiowska rightly observes it follows that maintaining the information
gap is crucial if this type of activity is to be challenging, interesting and successful. In practical terms it means that under no circumstances should students look at their partners rolecards. Thus, making students aware of the importance of the rule is strongly advised.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

We, the teachers, have to try to ensure that the role-plays practised during our lessons and
responses given by our students are reasonable, used in real life and will be useful in their
seagoing career, for instance.
It is the teacher who plans everything beforehand, adapts authentic materials, involves required language, decides on the whole procedure, its duration and content. Needless to say,
the role-plays ought to be based firmly on the structures and vocabulary taught to the class at
each step and there always should be a connection between the language of the English class
and that used in other lessons. Such attitude provides much better chance of useful interaction.
Having role plays prepared this way, learners know exactly what the teacher wants them to
say and probably the teacher obtains responses he simply wanted, aimed at the language introduced previously in the class. Thus, the teacher does not have to deal with situations where
students have nothing to say or just pretend not to know what to say or start to complicate the
task for themselves by attempting to present too complex ideas when their command of language is not sufficient, or they simply give unforeseen responses. Moreover, the teacher is
able to control the time allowed for speaking more effectively. Through such guided dialogues the acceptable and common patterns of language are practised. It is usually found that
learners will work hard and co-operatively at language tasks where goals have been clearly
specified. All students with a poorer command of English will probably be able to handle the
conversation because very often the most relevant vocabulary has been used for giving instructions what to say in the task.
The activities can be utilized to involve students in a kind of painless speaking practice. All
the given suggestions put students on the right road and leave on the firm ground until all
goals have been accomplished. The point is that such exercises are usually easy and learners
are able to provide correct responses even without thinking much about them. The teacher can
be almost sure that if everybody knows what to do, how to do it and what to do it for, then
real, purposeful communication will take place even if the learners may make mistakes. The
more opportunities to speak our students have, the better they speak. The better they speak,
the more confident they are and more eager to participate in any oral exercise you suggest.

3. Practical tips for successful communicative activities

Classroom communicative activities to be successful not only require a friendly, relaxed
learning environment, but a variety of other conditions as well. The list below presents some
ideas providing better chance of useful interaction happening:
Encourage interaction between students rather than only between student and teacher.
Get students in pairs and small groups to maximize opportunities for students to speak.
When you get students in pairs, from time to time try to mix students, so they do not
talk to the same partner every time. It makes the conversations more unpredictable,
more realistic and thus more interesting. Be persistent in doing so from the start as later
your students may not only start complaining about changing pairs, but be reluctant to
such an extent that they may play for time to do so, as well.
Allow thinking time to let students think over given task and ask questions.
Allow thinking time to let students or get them to finish their sentences.
Replace unnecessary teacher talk to explain everything over and over again to make
sure they have understood. Ask questions rather than give explanations.
Encourage co-operation rather than competition. It seems to me useful and positive, even if
less able or less eager to participate students copy ideas or rely too much on others help.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

More or less they learn from others. Sometimes correction made by a classmate brings better results than authoritative correction made by us, the teachers. Although much of our
educational experience may suggest that this kind of co-operation is to be discouraged.
Allow students to become more responsible. Put them in situations where they need to
make decisions for themselves.
When you want students to discuss something, ask open questions, (e.g. what, where,
why, how, etc.) rather than closed ones that require nothing more than yes or no. For
instance, instead of Is piracy a threat to navigation? (answer = yes or no) you could as
What do you think of piracy?
Often we need to do something with what we hear e.g. make notes, note down an address,
spelt names, times of flights, etc. Bring that to students attention before the task so that they
have what they need at hand. It is vital when students change their seating arrangement.
If a student is speaking too quietly for you or the other students to hear, encourage him
or her to speak louder so that everybody can hear. Always keep quite a distance from
the quiet speakers, rather than be closer to them. This may sound illogical, but that naturally makes people speak louder.
Make sure your students are able to listen to what you and the other students say. No
matter how difficult it may seem to achieve, for me it is the foremost, indispensable
condition for proper communication.
Make sure your students have optimum exposure to each other. The easiest reorganization can be done very simply by getting some learners to turn to face those behind them,
or if possible, rearrange desks in the classroom. If you follow the links below, you will
find strategic seating arrangement of students for various purposes.

4. Conclusion
The above given role-play advice and tips for successful communicative activities are recommended to be used by teachers, who feel that their students need to spend more time on
practicing spoken English. All of them are based on the assumption that the learners have already some knowledge of English and they need to put their knowledge in practice with an
emphasis in oral training. By offering advice and sample set of role-plays I would like to encourage both teachers and their students to make up similar oral activities, extend the ones
you have to enlarge this collection and share them with others.


Abbot, G. (1981). Encouraging Communication in English, ELT Journal 35/3.

Gobiowska, A. (1991). Lets talk a book for teachers. Warszawa: WSiP.
Livingstone, C. (1983). Role-Play in Language Learning. Longman.
Widdowson, H.G. (1996). Teaching Language as Communication. OUP.
Willis, J. (1983). Chaos or control in the communicative classroom?, Practical English
Teaching 4/1.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Sample role-plays
Role-play 1


You are at a London Airport.

Student B works at customer services.
You have lost your luggage.

From Warsaw
Answer questions 10 Broad Street, Trent
Ask for money ( to buy basic things )
Ask to talk to manager

You speak first.

Begin: Excuse me, I cannot find my luggage.


You are at a London Airport.

You work for customer services.
Student A has lost his/her luggage.
Ask about:
Flight and passenger details
Details of bags
If found will send back where?
No refund now must fill in form
Student A begins by saying: Excuse me, I cannot find my luggage.

QUESTIONS (optional for discussion)



What means of transport do you usually choose? Why?

Describe the accident you saw/ heard about.
What are the advantages or disadvantages of public transport?
What do think the minimum driving age should be?

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Role-play 2


You are a customer. Student B is a shop assistant.

You want to complain about a laptop.
Talk about:

reason battery
you want money back
buy last week
receipt yes
Begin by saying: Excuse me, can you help me?


You are a shop assistant.

Student A wants to complain about a laptop you sold him.
Ask about:
reason for complaint
when bought
special offer products no refunds!
exchange for another possible
short of this model- have a similar one
The candidate begins by saying: Excuse me, can you help me?

QUESTIONS (optional for discussion)


Who does the shopping in your family?

When did you last have a problem with a product? Did you complain?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing shopping online?
What do you think about big shopping centers?


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Role-play 3


You are attending a course for seamen to get higher professional qualifications. Student B is the
course organiser.
You are not happy with the course.
Give reasons why you are unhappy with the course and ask for changes.

Hours: not enough

Rooms: too cold
Students: too many
Instructors: talk too fast
Content: very good
Begin by saying: Sorry to say, but I am not really satisfied with the course?


You are an organizer of a course for seamen.

Student A comes to complain about the course.
Talk about:
reason for complaint
temporary problems with heating, already reported to boiler house
number of students and hours meet IMO requirements
promise to talk to your instructors about reported problem
thank for appreciating the content
Student A begins by saying: Excuse me, can you help me?

QUESTIONS (optional for discussion)

1. What courses are required for officers working at sea?
2. Have you ever complained about a course? Why?
3. What aspects would be important to you if you attended an English course?


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Role-play 4


You are at the travel agency in London. You have to be back home on Monday at noon. You have an
economy class ticket for direct flight to Warsaw. Try to exchange your ticket.
Ask about:
How long journey
Possible flights
You speak first.


You are a travel agent. Student A is trying to exchange his/her ticket.

Direct flight

Transfer flight


2 hours

3 hours


$ 200

$ 170


Only business class left

Economy class still available


Monday afternoon leaves at 12

Monday morning leaves at 7.45

There is a small fee for changing tickets.

QUESTIONS (optional for discussion)


How often do you travel? Where? / Why?

What places have you visited lately? Why?
Do you often use public transport? Why / Why not?
What are advantages and disadvantages of having a car?


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae

Maciej Denc

lecturer in Gdynia Maritime University,

2006 Gdynia Maritime University,
2000 2006 Naval University of Gdynia,
1996 Gdynia Maritime Training Centre,
Qualifications: MA in English Studies.

Gdynia Maritime University

Morska St.87, 81-225 Gdynia
Mailing address: Norwida St. 1, 84-230 Rumia
Phone: +48 58 690 11 59
Mobile: +48 601061654
[email protected]



International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Maria oziska
Gdynia Maritime University
Gdynia, Poland


There are a lot of resources for authentic and up-to-date materials for teachers of English.
Nautical publications, such as Pilots, Notices to Mariners, Charts, and maritime magazines
can provide basis for exercises devoted to practicing different skills. It is the teacher who
decides which skills have to be developed and practiced. Internet is one of very useful sources
of such material both for a teacher and for a student.
Teacher resource for planning lessons
can make exercises using authentic texts
can use topical, authentic material with
their students
can complement a topic from the course book
can create exercises that are easily
reusable (saving time in the long run)

Student resource for authentic material

interactive exercises
can check results at once
can work at their own pace, whenever they
motivating and fun

Example exercises:
I. Subject The Panama Canal
1. Listening KWL Chart (What do you know?, What do you want to know?, What have you
2. Reading Pilot-book.
3. Writing Ss make notes while watching video; home assignment Write a short note on
the Suez Canal.
4. Speaking Ss present orally what theyve learned.
II. Subject Oil Pollution
1. Reading read the full text and then do the gap filling exercise.
2. Writing write a report using the MAIB Report Form.
3. Speaking Find sea disaster connected with oil pollution and tell your friend about it (the
other student has to note down some info, e.g. the location, time, vesselsparticulars, the
cause of the incident, how it was tackled, etc. and then retell the story).
III. Subject Presentations
1. Listening Guy Kawasaki on Presentations Questions What is 10, 20 and 30.
3. Writing Bad presentations Question why bad? Ss make notes.
4. Speaking Ss compare their remarks.
IV. Subject Job
1. Listening.
2. Reading Letter of application.
3. Writing Write e-mails to each other, e.g. letter of application and then answers to other
Ss letters.
4. Speaking Find Top Ten Interview Questions Ss compare their Q, then role play.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Some useful links Maritime Dictionary
Medical English online exercises and games. Course suitable for doctors, nurses and
public speaking video - Google Search
Talk Like a Guru (Top 3 Video Clips) Marketing Nirvana Presentation - "Guy Kawasaki - The Art of Innovation"
marabout (Meaning/definition) Idea Thinktank
YouTube - Good and bad oral presentations
How to Change the World: The Art of the Start Video
Snma legal definition of Snma. Snma synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
Word Surfing - Dictations
Telephone Expressions Dictation
Martindale's 'The Reference Desk' - International Art, Business, Science & Technology
Digital Ship guide to websites at sea - category
Panama Information and the Panama Canal with video
Marine Accident Investigation Branch: Search results
Digital Ship guide to websites at sea - category
ESL Games: Crosswords (


Curriculum Vitae


Maria oziska, senior lecturer at Gdynia Maritime University in Poland for more than 30 years.
Graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna, English Philology, Post graduate studies at
Warsaw University, Methodology of teaching languages. Participated in a number of workshops and
seminars devoted to teaching both general and maritime English.
Gdynia Maritime University
Morska St. 87, 81-225 Gdynia
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Barbara Katarzyska
Gdynia Maritime University
Gdynia, Poland


The MarEng Plus project aims at widening the user group of the existing web-based Maritime
English Learning Tool MarEng. The MarEng Plus project is about creating a new elementary level in
addition to the existing intermediate and advanced levels, adding two new themes, that is Maritime
Security and Marine Environment at all three levels and creating a Teachers Manual covering all the
new and old learning materials.
There will also be an Answer Key to all the exercises in PDF-format and the MarEng glossary of
maritime terms will be transferred into a mobile phone environment.
Keywords: Maritime English, multimedia format, inter-active exercises

The existing MarEng programme covers only intermediate and advanced level materials
so there has been a clear need to create elementary level materials to enlarge the user group
and to improve the usability and flexibility of the materials.
Encouraged by the generous feedback and a huge interest that the MarEng learning tool
has met during the first years of its existence, the project partners were eager to further
improve the project materials by adding new features to the tool.
After using the MarEng project materials in practice, many teachers, particularly in Italy,
France and Greece have expressed the need for the basic elementary level to be prepared in an
interactive format.
The new MarEng Plus project will take these requests into account and will also reflect
the requirements of the modern world by including new topics such as Marine Environment at
all three levels and security in ports. The MarEng Plus elementary level materials will
Cargo Operations
The Engine Room
The Navigation Bridge
Radio Communication
First Aid
Severe Weather Conditions
The Marine Environment (a new topic)
Maritime Security (a new topic)
Two new topics, The Marine Environment and Maritime Security, will also be dealt with at
an intermediate level and advanced level to reflect the current international trends and
demands. The Teachers Manual will cover not only all of the new MarEng Plus elementary
materials, but also the so far existing MarEng materials in the learning tool. As a new feature,
the MarEng glossary of maritime terms will be transferred into a mobile phone environment.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

All the MarEng Plus material is in English and is based on language used in actual situations
on board ships and in ports. The materials will be extensively evaluated and tested by the
advisory project partners and external evaluators.
The MarEng Plus Learning Tool is addressed both at Maritime English teachers and
students as well as people working in various maritime-related professions. The MarEng Plus
materials can be used in a classroom, in distance learning and for self-study purposes. The
MarEng Plus Learning Tool will be available on the Internet free of charge in the autumn of
2010. It will also be available on a CD.
MarEng Plus partners include:
Institute of Transport and Maritime Management, University of Antwerp in Belgium.
Department of International Business Communication, Faculty of Applied Economics,
University of Antwerp, Belgium.
Antwerp Maritime Academy, Belgium.
University of La Laguna in Tenerife, Spain.
Cork Institute of Technology, National Maritime College of Ireland.
Gdynia Maritime University, Poland.
Latvian Maritime Academy in Riga, Latvia.
Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences in Finland.
Aland University of Applied Sciences in Mariehamn, Finland.
Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
STC Group in the Netherlands.
Lingonet, Oy in Finland is responsible for putting all the materials into interactive
multimedia format and for recording all the exercises.
Centre for Maritime Studies, University of Turku in Finland, is the coordinator of the whole
project, which is partly financed by the EU Leonardo da Vinci programme.
Advisory partners include:
Finnish Maritime Administration.
Finnish Port Association, Finland.
Emergency Services College, Finland.
Finnish Port Operators Association, Finland.
Estonian Maritime Academy.
Latvian Maritime Administration.
Lithuanian Maritime Academy.
Baltic Ports Organisation, Poland.
Ceronav Maritime Training Centre, Romania.
Maritime and Fishing Polytechnic School, Spain.
IFAPA Centre at Huelva, Spain.
IPEP Maritimo Pesquero de Canarias, Spain.
Dokuz Eylul University, School of Maritime Business and Management, Turkey.
Turkish Maritime Education Foundation, Institute for Maritime Studies, Turkey.
Both the material making partners and the advisory partners will evaluate and test the MarEng
Plus materials at their centers before their publication on the Internet in the autumn of 2010.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Barbara Katarzyska
has been teaching English at Gdynia Maritime University, Poland;
has prepared and published teaching materials and books such as Notes on Ships, Ports and
Cargo, Mates Correspondence and Ships Correspondence;
has actively participated in both IMLA and IMEC conferences;
has also taught English during the Intensive English Language Course at World Maritime
University, Malmoe, Sweden and during courses for the Italian Coast Guard at IMO-IMA in
Trieste, Italy;
has been involved in the Socrates/Erasmus Teacher Mobility programme in the Lithuanian
Maritime College in Klaipeda, Universidad de la Laguna in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Universidad de
Ciencias Nauticas in Cadiz, and Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain;
since 2004 Barbara Katarzyska has actively participated in the Leonardo da Vinci programme as
part of the team working on the MarEng project and now on the MarEng Plus project. The MarEng
project is freely available on the Internet so will be its continuation, the MarEng Plus project.
Gdynia Maritime University
Morska St. 87, 81-225 Gdynia
Phone: + 48 58 690 12 92
[email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Liudmila Anufrieva
Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy
Vladivostok, Russia

Having three hours of English classes a week for engineering cadets proves to be not quite enough
to use communicative approach in teaching a foreign language. Teachers centred approach usually
predominates over the learners centred one. In such an environment the cadets usually aim at answering the given tasks and getting credit marks in final term. So, one of the ways to increase motivation in
learning English is to pay a great deal of attention to different out-of-class activities. Among them are
traditional youth scientific engineering conferences, English Olympiads and different course projects.
Every year we choose a new problem to be discussed at the project. This year it has been How is man
threatening the marine environment? A wide range of different tasks alongside with video presentation on the problem under discussion and various contests give the cadets a chance to demonstrate
their utmost abilities, to feel self-confident when speaking English and to show off. Apart from educational effect, the project work raises the cadets awareness of the importance of the problem being discussed and makes them more ecologically-minded. To sum it up, all kinds of out-of-class activities
proved to be a helpful tool to:
increase motivation and interest in mastering English,
develop cadets autonomy and self-skills study,
activate various types of perception and memory,
encourage cadets creativity and inventiveness,
develop a team spirit and interaction.
Keywords: out-of-class activities, motivation, involvement, thorough planning, positive attitude, creativity, self-development

1. Introduction
We cannot underestimate the importance of the ability to communicate in English for
those working on board a ship. According to Capt. Jan Horck (2005) communication is our
most important tool for understanding, cooperation and action (). Maritime education and
training institutions need to deepen education in English (). Being fully aware of the necessity to give the highest priority to using communicative approach when teaching our trainees
Maritime English, we, at the Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy,
are often deprived of such a possibility due to a number of reasons.

2. Pre-history
First of all, it is not our tradition to have a gap year. So, right after finishing high school
and passing their written Unified State Exams, which has become obligatory all over our
country since this very year, boys try to enter any higher educational institution. Some of
them because of having a good idea of what they want to become by their profession and
what tertiary education they want to get. But still there are those who have not got the slightest idea of what their profession is like and what personal qualities and capabilities they are to
have in order to meet the demands and challenges of a seafaring career, for example. Such

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

advantages as free education along with the free meals, uniform and dormitory to live in, and
what is more, company officers to supervise them, are an attraction for many of the entrants.
Some of the applicants come from single-parent families, originating from small towns and settlements, where the level of teaching English at school doesnt always correspond to the highest
quality standards of contemporary demand. Entering a maritime university for them is a good
opportunity to get not only free higher education, but also a well-paid job in future. Then, they
can have a good excuse not to join the army as common soldiers, and to take a course of naval
training at the Naval Institute of the University instead, successful completion of which will
give them a promotion to officers of the reserve position. On one hand, we can consider them
to be highly motivated to study at our University, while on the other hand we should keep in
mind that their general average level of proficiency in basic school subjects, English in particular, leaves much to be desired. Of course, there are applicants with very strong motivation
to become seafarers because of long-life family traditions, but these, in fact, do not constitute
a majority of our trainees.

3. Why Fail Using Communicative Approach

To start with, it is necessary to enumerate some of the problems we face when teaching ESL.
During the first year of study we make every effort to bridge the gap between the trainees
existing knowledge of English and course content as it is indicated in the IMO Model Course
3.17 (2000). But realizing that a classroom is not always designed for natural communication,
as it is considered more to be a place where the information is given and received, with the
students often sitting back to back and with teacher being in the centre of the classroom, we
are trying to make use of the following patterns of classroom English that generally come
along the lines of those recommended in IMO Model courses:
teacher-to-student communication: greeting students, small talk, checking those
present / filling in the register, checking the homework, giving basic instructions, asking questions, giving simple explanations of some grammar phenomena;
student-to-teacher communication: greeting, delivering the report, asking for help
and explanation, answering questions, and the like;
student-to-student communication: everyday conversation, exchanging some information, role-playing simple situations, pair and group work activities, etc.
For sure, English can be used quite frequently during the lessons, but not always and not
by everyone attending your class. When having only three hours of English a week for engineering cadets and only four hours for first-year navigating cadets, as in our case, and thus, as
Glenn Decker (2004) points out, having very little exposure to English outside the classroom, we are to find out the ways to motivate students to become more autonomous in their
learning (Diane Malcolm and William Reindfleisch, 2003). Here comes the keyword to success motivation, which is usually associated with high educational achievement and enjoyment by students: much depends on motivation: if the instructor shows that he or she is actively interested in trainees as individuals, trainees will respond well, contributing to a good
rapport and productive learning atmosphere. We believe students to be motivated if they attribute their educational results to internal factors that they can control, if they think they are
effective agents in reaching desired goals, and if they are interested in mastering a topic. This
applies to both in-class activities and out-of-class ones.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

4. Specifically designed out-of-class activities

Thus, taking into consideration our little exposure to English outside the classroom, teachers of Maritime English Department (MED) found their own solution to the problem of increasing motivation through a variety of out-of-class activities aimed at involving trainees in
the process of continuous self-development, giving them a chance to participate in such specifically designed out-of-class activities as Youth Scientific Conferences, English Language
Olympiads, and Group Project work.

5. Implementation
For any of the above-mentioned activities to run smoothly and to become a remarkable
event for trainees, a thorough preliminary planning is of vital importance. Both planning and
implementing will depend, firstly, on the kind of activity to be carried out, and secondly, on
the kind of skills to be emphasized on the part of the trainees, taking part in this or that specific activity. These are annual events, generally spaced throughout the academic year like this:
October is the usual time for holding youth scientific engineering conferences, December presents lots of possibilities for implementing different both in-class and out-of-class activities in
the framework of so-called English Language Week (ELW). April and May are the periods
for realizing project work for senior cadets of engineering and navigation departments.

6. Conferences
These have been traditionally held at our university, having quite a long history. This year
we will host the participants of the 57th Youth Conference. Junior MED teachers and cadets
are encouraged to participate in the sitting of the English section of the conference. Over time,
more and more trainees become interested in such an event. On the average, more than 20 cadets (ranging from the second-year to the fifth-year ones) deliver their reports to the audience
consisting mostly of their peers. The topics of the reports cover a wide range of pressing issues from marine environment protection to these of maritime safety and security. Much attention is generally paid to the role of human factor for safe, secure and environment-friendly
navigation. Present-day cadets are more prepared to be autonomous when surfing the Internet
or browsing through authentic periodicals. Quite often their reports are accompanied with
video presentations to make these even more interesting and cognitive. As far as MED
achievements are concerned, I would like to note that in spring 2007 one of our cadets won
the right to take part in the international conference held in Moscow (under the sponsorship of
MUNA and MSU administration), and in autumn 2008 another one was delegated to IAMUS
Conference held at California Maritime Academy, USA. It was a thrilling experience not only
for the participants themselves, but for many of us back at MSU involved in facilitating and
rendering assistance in preparation. An English section of the Youth Scientific Conference is
usually conducted by the leader of the conference selected from among senior cadets with
a good command of English. He is to introduce the speakers and to keep the presentation and
discussion of reports going according to time limits allocated for each speaker. It is him/her
who is in charge of directing the discussion as required so that trainees speaking time predominates, while instructors/teachers are only welcomed to ask questions, if any.

7. English Language Weeks. Olympiads

Lots of different events and activities are held in the framework of the so-called English
Language Week, which became a special event at the university. Conducted by MED teach195

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

ers every December, it was initiated by then the Head of the Department Assoc. Prof. Valentina Mazur, supported by the next Head Assoc. Prof. Olga Kazinskaya, and it is for sure, to be
continued by the current Head Assoc. Prof. Alexei Strelkov, who himself has been in charge
of planning and implementing ELW activities on more than one occasion. These tasks are
quite varied in their presentation, because almost all the groups, studying ESL/ESP are involved in different activities: not only team contests, including different vocabulary and listening tasks, but also humorous assignments. Senior navigating cadets often meet MSU
alumni now taking positions of Masters, Chief Mates and pilots. Such meetings with former
MSU navigating cadets, who are now experienced navigators, are held in a warm, friendly
atmosphere and always in English, thus underlying the importance of the language learning.
But the core of any ELW is an Olympiad. The teachers in charge of the activity develop the
scenario, which requires a great deal of creativity and inventiveness both on the part of the
teacher and his/her assistants (usually senior cadets). It should be once again emphasized that
the preparatory stage is of great importance.
The main topics of any Olympiad (and these are usually designed for the second-year engineering and navigating cadets) are predetermined at the beginning of a study year and are
chosen either in view of some outstanding event in the history of Russia, important world
shipping event or the topic related to the study programme, which can be given more priority
and extension. Among the latest there were Olympiads for the second-year engineering cadets
devoted to the 125th Anniversary of FESCO (a local national shipping company headquartered at Vladivostok), Piracy on High Seas and Types of Ships. An Olympiad is not an
ordinary contest. It is a kind of a festivity. The cadets embark upon the programme of preparation about a month before, because they are given some home tasks, which, depending on
the topic under discussion, may include the following:
choosing the best suitable name for the team and making its emblem,
preparing a poster and/or wall-newspaper,
singing a song (the text of which is to be translated from Russian into English beforehand),
thinking over a list of questions to competing teams.
When planning the scheduled event, this should be done thoroughly and the following is
to be taken into consideration:
the room for hosting the event, its layout and decoration,
announcement to be made,
invitations for guests to be sent,
handouts with tasks and exercises for the teams,
evaluation forms for the members of the jury,
posters display,
necessary equipment and aids for carrying out different tasks,
jury composition.
During the Olympiad the cadets are expected to demonstrate their creativity, team spirit, witness and interaction, and their command of English of course. What is of special value in this
type of the out-of-class activity is that every trainee, whether with talent for the language or
not, can do their part and their contribution is much appreciated. In such a group work one
can be a generator of ideas, some others having more artistic talent can perform as good
guitar players, or good painters. As a result, everybody will benefit from the shared responsibility: those who are more confident language users and those who are shier and less confident with their language skills. What is more, the cadets are inspired by the fact that usually

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

the Dean or a Deputy Dean attends these events and even participates in them as a member of
the jury alongside with senior cadets. The address in English delivered by the Navigation or
Marine Engineering Faculty senior staff, when summarizing the results of the contests and
handing in the prizes, has a striking psychological effect upon the team members and spectators. Though it is a contest at which we do not consider the results in the terms of winners/losers, as everybody is exposed to English environment, everybody acquires an excellent
learning experience, and besides, after being involved into such activities, our trainees volunteer for taking part in conferences and project work, which are the domain of senior navigating and marine engineering cadets.

8. Group project work

Group project work is usually carried out by the fourth-year engineering and senior navigating cadets. Some of the projects are done as homework, and may indicate any of the following:
to draw a poster and/or a wallpaper
to prepare a report and/or video presentation
As to the topics generally selected for discussion, they tend to be more related to international
shipping matters. For example, the 2009 Group Project for marine engineering cadets was titled Why Is the Man Threatening the Marine Environment? the navigating cadets highlighted the problem of Piracy. The previous years topics were Leading the Way to Greater
Safety, and Human Element in Shipping Industry, correspondingly. The procedure of developing a project plan includes some conventional steps:
defining the topic to be discussed
assigning the responsibilities for some stages of the project among the teachers of the
choosing the group project leaders among the cadets (usually two of them are approved on a competitive base at the sitting of the department after a certain kind of
contest among those recommended by the teacher)
developing the type of home tasks
choosing the proper date and time for carrying out the project and making necessary
writing announcements attracting attention to the forthcoming event
inviting persons-in-charge to attend the project
The project event is traditionally started with a presentation of a short video film (approx. 10 min)
or video clips for the participants to plunge into authentic English language environment and
to raise the awareness in subject under discussion. Next, the Project leaders invite their fellow
cadets to present reports (usually about 20 cadets get a chance to speak in front of their peers
and teachers). First of all, it is a good opportunity for them to demonstrate their speakers
skills and, secondly, everyone should be ready to answer on-the-spot questions, asked either
by their peers or teachers. The reports, in their turn, can be accompanied by video clips, diagrams, or tables/figures, when necessary. The next stage of the Project work usually involves
different quizzes, training students to be cooperative within a team, meanwhile developing
competitiveness among teams representing different groups. The first task, for instance, was
to deliver a speech lasting 30 seconds in which they were to summarize all the important aspects previously discussed.
Eventually, the teams were offered different tasks, among them two listening tasks and
vocabulary development tasks: one was to match a word with its definition, and the others

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

were to build a word-net on marine pollution and to unscramble some words. All tasks were
to be done in one minute, so the teams had to be very organized and cooperative. Finally, the
teams were to write slogans. They put forward the following ideas:
SOS Save Our Seas!
If you want to be OK, save the ocean every day!
East or West, clean oceans are best!
If the oceans are clean, you can enjoy healthy life and tasty dish of fish!
Save the sea for the next generation!
When composing the slogans and discussing the problems of marine environment, the cadets
became more fully aware of the importance of safe marine habitat, grew more ecologically
minded, and, of course, had a nice English learning experience. After-project discussions in
classroom proved that we had chosen the right way when trying to increase motivation
through close cooperation of students and teachers, giving them an impetus to embark upon
a life-long self-development process.
As to the chronicle of all out-of-class activities, they are accounted for in our local intranet
and our universitys newspaper Meridian. Corresponding reports are kept in special folders
of our department, which provide for prompt looking up and giving guidelines for the junior
teachers to keep this tradition going on.

9. Conclusion
There is a Chinese proverb, saying: The teacher opens the door, you enter by yourself.
Thus, the providers of Maritime English seeking the ways for achieving their trainees good
progress in learning ESL/ESP should open the door by introducing cadets to the wonderful
world of maritime English, by increasing their motivation to master the language. Out-ofclass activities designed by MED teachers have proved to facilitate more rapid positive attitude progress in our trainees second language learning; making cadets take more responsibilities for their learning experiences has had excellent results. Moreover, these out-of-class
activities have become of real help to teachers during ordinary classes, as cadets are able to
assume some teachers roles when acting out different situations, working with the vocabulary. From the point of view of psychology, out-of-class activity participants have become
proud of them and have acquired more confidence through the experience of being in the centre of attention in the classroom. So the more we get involved in different out-of-class activities ourselves, the more students are engaged in these, the more positive is their attitude to
autonomous learning. Apart from good educational effect, extracurricular work helps create
a good psychological atmosphere in the classroom, and a good motivation for continuous selfdevelopment process. Therefore, we succeed in what Maynard Hutchins has worded as the
object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.

1. Decker, G. (2004) The Communicative Approach: Addressing Frequent Failure, English
Teaching Forum, January 2004, Vol. 42 No.1, pp. 12-17.
2. Horck, J. (2205) Communication Skills are Vital to Safe Operation, Alert (The International Maritime Human Element Bulletin), October 2005, Issue 9, p. 3.
3. IMO Model Course 3.17 (2000). London: IMO, 2000, p. 142.
4. Malcolm, D, and Rindfleisch, W. Individualizing Learning through Self-Directed Projects, English Teaching Forum, July 2003, Vol. 41 No. 3, pp. 10-14.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Associate Professor Liudmila Anufrieva

has been teaching ESL / ESP at the Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy,
Vladivostok, Russia for over 15 years;
has authored and co-authored some textbooks and methodological teaching aids used in teaching
engineering cadets, incl. English for Engine-Room Matters (2004), English for Marine Engineers
(2008), Practice Book on Ships Safety (2005). Papers covering methodology of teaching ESL /
ESP amount to more than 10;
attended Maritime English Training Program by Ms. Valerie A. Short (AMETIAP Training),
PDC Course delivered by Ass. Prof. Clive Cole (WMU).
Maritime English Dept
Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy
Vladivostok 690059, Verkhneportovaya St. 50 a,
Phone: +74 232 412 136
[email protected], [email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Ioana Raluca Visan

Carmen Chirea-Ungureanu
Corina Popescu
Constanta Maritime University
Constanta, Romania


Language is regarded as a social and cultural phenomenon. It is commonly believed that studying
a foreign language involves not only being knowledgeable of the grammar and vocabulary, but also
submitting to the foreign culture. Communicating in a foreign language involves communicating
interculturally and this may lead to certain features concerning cultural differences. Communication
problems may arise among those who do not use the language adequately as a result of their inability
to share the features or norms of the target culture. As IMO officially adopted English as the language
of the sea, the responsibility of those who teach Maritime English to non-native English speaking students has increased. The upsurge of interest in the content of language syllabi, classroom materials and
appropriate teaching techniques as well as the concern with the development of students communicative competence reflect the teachers endeavour to seek for methods that facilitate learners to adequately master Maritime English. Our presentation focuses attention on a communicative approach to
Maritime English teaching and learning by means of which we shall try to develop students cultural
awareness. The adoption of this communicative approach to Maritime English teaching and learning
attempts to meet the learners necessary communicative needs when they are on board.
Keywords: language, culture, cultural awareness, communication, Maritime English teaching and

1. Introduction
In a post-modern society, the groups that make a society are no longer clearly defined, the
borders are open. The national and local cultures have come in a suction of global forces, and
have to adapt. The individual is seen as an open system: she/he interacts actively with her/his
environment, mostly through the means of communications. That is the encoding and decoding of messages exchanged with her/his environment.
At the beginning of any intercultural transformation process, the individual is seen as being
in equilibrium: their world view and actions are in line with their meaning structure. If through
communication or other encounters the meaning structure is disturbed, in the terminology of
Kim, experiences stress, the individual will aim to actively adapt to regain equilibrium.
If the individual is exposed to other cultural values, a reflection process starts. To various
extends, the human mind starts to review, anticipate, generalize, analyze and plan, and starts
an active transformation process. The individual grows. This adaptation process is dynamic,
cyclic and continual, as the individual is in continuous interchange with its environment. As
the environment changes, the equilibrium of the internal meaning structure is continuously
disturbed. This requires a continuous adaptation or growth process.
In a direct intercultural encounter, the individual inevitably experiences difficulties in
communicating: due to other cultural premises and assumptions of the other party. Whether or

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

not the communication takes the active form of direct conversation (with its immediate feedback and propelled cybernetic adaptation process) or the form of a limited feedback conversation or exposure, the otherness projected by the other party will inevitably evoke some reflection about the persons own cultural premises and assumptions. The degree of the heterogeneity of the other, and the context and feedback of the communication, is of course a determining factor in the need for such a reflective process: if the heterogeneity is high, and the
context low, the impact of such an encounter will only call for a very limited amount of reflection. If the context is high, and diversity equally high, then the reflection process has to be
more in-depth, it is challenged more significantly.

2. Communicative Maritime English Competence

In trying to tailor a model for specifying the communicative competence of a Maritime
English participant, it would seem inappropriate to work within one particular linguistic theory. Central to the formation of our framework is the concept of Maritime English users
competence and its relation to knowledge and communication, to which we now turn.
Chomskys view of what it means to know a language is shown in his distinction between
linguistic competence and linguistic performance. This distinction has a psychological implication and it is not the same as the Saussures (2002) langue and parole: Linguistic theory is
concerned primarily with an ideal speaker-listener in a completely homogeneous speech
community, who knows its language perfectly and is unaffected by such grammatically relevant conditions as memory limitations, distractions, shifts of attention and interest, and errors
(random and characteristic) in applying his knowledge of the language in actual performance. (Chomsky, 1965).
The perfect knowledge we refer here to, is the mastery of the abstract system of rules, by
which a person is able to make out and produce any and all of the well-formed sentences of
his language. The actual use of language affected by what he means grammatically irrelevant
conditions and identified with classification of acceptability, not grammaticality, is the domain of linguistic performance (Munby, J., 1994).
Communicative competence involves the ability to use linguistic forms to perform communicative acts and to understand the communicative functions of sentences and their relationship to other sentences. Maritime English language teaching focuses on the idea that the
purpose of language acquisition is communicative competence, which is the ability to use
Maritime English correctly and appropriately in order to fulfil communication goals. The desired outcome of Maritime English language learning process is the ability to communicate
competently, not the ability to use the language exactly as a native speaker does.
In the early stages of Maritime English language learning, instructors and students may
want to keep in mind the goal of communicative efficiency: that learners should be able to
make themselves understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest. They should try to
avoid confusion in the message (due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary); to
avoid offending communication partners (due to socially inappropriate style); and to use
strategies for recognizing and managing communication breakdowns.
2.1. Models of Maritime English language teaching and learning
Maritime English Language instructors are often in one of three situations:
They are language instructors with experience teaching.
They are professionals in other fields but are not trained as teachers.
They are new trainee in this domain.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

These instructors often must begin their work in the classroom with little or no guidance to
help them appreciate which methods work, how, and why. In response, they may fall back on
an outdated model for understanding language teaching and language learning. The older
model has the following description: Language Learning is a product of transmission. Teacher
transmits knowledge. Learner is recipient.
This teacher-centred model views the teacher as active and the student as fundamentally
passive. The teacher is responsible for transmitting all of the information to the students. The
teacher talks; the students listen and absorb (or take a nap) (Nunan, D., 1988; Bennet, J., 1996).
The teacher-centred model may be attractive to new language instructors for several reasons:
It is the method by which they were taught.
It makes sense: the teacher should be the focus of the classroom, since the teacher
knows the language and the students do not.
It requires relatively little preparation: all the teacher needs to do is present the material outlined in the appropriate chapter of the book.
It requires relatively little thought about student or student activities: all students listen
to the same (teacher) presentation, then do related exercises.
However, experienced language instructors who reflect on their teaching practice have observed that the teacher-centred model has two major drawbacks:
It involves only a minority of students in actual language learning.
It gives students knowledge about the language, but does not necessarily enable them
to use it for purposes that interest them.
To overcome these drawbacks, language teaching professionals in our University and elsewhere have adopted a different model of teaching and learning. This newer model is described
in the following way: language learning is a process of discovery. Learner develops ability to
use the language for specific communication purposes. Teacher models language use and facilitates students' development of language skills (Ellis, R., 1994; Byalystok, E., 1999).
In this learner-centred model, both student and teacher are active participants, who share
responsibility for the student's learning. Instructor and students work together to identify how
students expect to use the language. The instructor models correct and appropriate language
use, and students then use the language themselves in practice activities that simulate real
communication situations. The active, joint engagement of students and teacher leads to a dynamic classroom environment, in which teaching and learning become rewarding and enjoyable (Bennet, 1996).
Maritime English Language instructors who have never experienced learner-centred instruction can find it daunting in several ways.
It requires more preparation time: instructors must take into consideration students'
language learning goals, identify classroom activities that will connect those with the
material presented in the textbook, and find appropriate real-world materials to accompany them.
It feels like it is not going to work: when students first are invited to participate actively,
they may be slow to get started as they assess the tasks and figure out classroom dynamics.
It sounds like a bad idea: the phrase learner centred makes it sound as though the instructor is not in control of the classroom.
This final point is an important one. In fact, in an effective learner-centred classroom, the instructor has planned the content of all activities, has set time limits on them, and has set them
in the context of instructor-modelled language use. The instructor is not always the center of
attention, but is still in control of students' learning activities.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

3. Understanding Language Acquisition

To become engaged learners, students need to understand that learning a language is not
the same as learning about a language. When students think of the language as a school subject like any other, they may learn a great deal about its vocabulary, grammar, and sentence
and discourse structure, but the language will not become a true medium of communication
for them and wont engage them very deeply. Students need to understand that learning a language means becoming able to use it to comprehend, communicate, and think as they do in
their first language.
Students also need to recognize that language learning takes place in stages. Interpretive
skills (listening, reading) develop much more quickly than expressive skills (speaking, writing), and the ability that students covet most the ability to speak the second language fluently requires the longest period of growth.
All language learners have to work through a sequence of approximate versions, each of
which represents a level of understanding of the target language (Ellis, R., 1994).
Students learning a language have two kinds of knowledge working for them:
their knowledge of their first language;
their awareness of learning strategies, the mechanisms they use, consciously or unconsciously, to manage the absorption of new material.
Students differ as language learners, in part because of differences in ability, motivation, or
effort, but a major difference lies in their knowledge about and skill in using how to learn
techniques, i.e. learning strategies. Classroom research demonstrates the role of learning
strategies in effective language learning (Littlewood, 1981):
good learners are able to identify the best strategy for a specific task; poor learners
have difficulty choosing the best strategy for a specific task;
good learners are flexible in their approach and adopt a different strategy if the first
one does not work; poor learners have a limited variety of strategies in their repertoires and stay with the first strategy they have chosen, even when it does not work;
good learners have confidence in their learning ability; poor learners lack confidence
in their learning ability;
good learners expect to succeed, fulfil their expectation, and become more motivated;
poor learners expect to do poorly, fulfil their expectation, and lose motivation.
Maritime English Learning strategies instruction shows students that their success or lack of it
in the language classroom is due to the way they go about learning rather than to forces beyond
their control. Most students can learn how to use strategies more effectively; when they do so,
they become more self-reliant and better able to learn independently. They begin to take more
responsibility for their own learning, and their motivation increases because they have increased
confidence in their learning ability and specific techniques for successful language learning.
To teach language learning strategies effectively, instructors should do several things:
build on strategies students already use by finding out their current strategies and making students aware of the range of strategies used by their classmates;
integrate strategy instruction with regular lessons, rather than teaching the strategies
separately from language learning activities;
be explicit: name the strategy, tell students why and how it will help them, and demonstrate its use;
provide choice by letting students decide which strategies work best for them;

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

guide students in transferring a familiar strategy to new problems;

plan continuous instruction in language learning strategies throughout the course;
use the target language as much as possible for strategies instruction.
According to Hutchinson and Waters (1986) language learning is conditioned by the way in
which the mind observes, organizes and stores information. In other words, the key to successful language learning and teaching is not in the analysis of the nature of language, but in
understanding the structure and processes of the mind.

4. Why cultural awareness training?

Understanding and appreciating intercultural differences ultimately promotes clearer
communication, breaks down barriers, builds trust, strengthens relationships, opens horizons
and yields tangible results in terms of business success.
An essential skill in the provision of culturally appropriate services, cultural awareness
entails an understanding of how a persons culture may inform their values, behaviour, beliefs
and basic assumptions.
Cultural awareness recognizes that we are all shaped by our cultural background, which
influences how we interpret the world around us, perceive ourselves and relate to other people. You do not need to be an expert in every culture or have all the answers in order to be
culturally aware; rather, cultural awareness helps us to explore cultural issues with our care
recipients more sensitively.

5. Cultural awareness on board ships

International crews require intercultural awareness and effective cultural communication
skills. Culture in an intercultural crew is now regarded as having impact on safety, management, leadership and team-building. Most seafarers carry out their management tasks through
or with multicultural crews. Managers on board have to demonstrate qualities such as reliability,
open-mindedness, positivism, assertiveness, etc. when dealing with people from different cultural backgrounds. Nevertheless, these qualities are differently exhibited and put across cultures.
The fact must be mentioned that captains, officers, engineers have to lead, manage, motivate, direct, inspire and generate a sense of trust in their multicultural crews. This means we
need to provide our students with cultural awareness in order to operate more effectively as
intercultural managers. The quality of communication is a main team-building factor and
a certain factor of cohesion. Familiarity between team members may breed safety and effectiveness. In order to develop cultural awareness students should acquire:
common knowledge and awareness of the concept of culture, cultural differences, religions, values, perceptions and behaviours of other cultures;
knowledge and awareness of the concept of stereotyping and main characteristics of
other cultures;
knowledge of the concepts of prejudice and discrimination;
awareness of history between nations/cultures and its possible influence on safety;
awareness of direct and indirect way of communication globally.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

6. Conclusion
In this paper we have attempted to focus on the dimension of cultural awareness in teaching and learning Maritime English. We have provided some models of teaching and learning
Maritime English from a communicative perspective. We have also dealt with the key elements one needs in order to understand language acquisition. From the above-mentioned
statements we shall sum up the following:
Students should understand the importance of appropriate communication;
Students should be aware of their own cultural influences and should not judge other
peoples behaviour according to the standards of their own culture;
Students should be aware of making assumptions about cultural influences and applying generalisations to individuals;
Students should understand that the behaviour and beliefs of people within each culture can vary considerably;
Students should understand that the extent to which people adopt practices of their new
country and retain those from their cultural background can vary within communities;
Students should understand that not all people identify with their cultural or religious
Students should understand that culture itself is a fluid entity, undergoing transformations as a result of globalisation and migration.

1. Bennett, J. (1996). Learner-centred instruction for adult learners. A workshop for curriculum designers involved in the revision of the NAFSA curriculum, Washington D.C.:
NAFSA: Association of International Educators.
2. Bialystok, E. (1990). Communication strategies: A psychological analysis of second language use. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
3. Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of Theory of Syntax, MIT Press.
4. Ellis, R. (1994). The study of second language acquisition, Oxford: Oxford University
Press. Flynn, S., & O'Neill, W. (Eds.) (1988). Linguistic theory in second language acquisition, Dordrecht: Kluwer.
5. Freed, B.F., (1991). Foreign language acquisition research and the classroom, Lexington,
MA: D. C. Heath.
6. Hutchinson, T. & Waters, A., (1987). English for Specific Purposes, Cambridge University Press.
7. Littlewood, W. (1981). Communicative language teaching: An introduction, Cambridge
University Press.
8. Munby, J. (1994). Communicative Syllabus Design, Cambridge University Press.
9. Nunan, D. (1988). The learner-centred curriculum: A study in second language teaching,
New York, Cambridge University Press.
10. Saussure, F (2002). crits de linguistique gnrale (edition prepared by Simon Bouquet
and Rudolf Engler (2006). Gallimard. English translation: Writings in General Linguistics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Paris.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Ioana Raluca Visan see page no. 118.

Carmen Chirea-Ungureanu see page no. 56.
Corina Popescu, PhD student, Assistant Lecturer

holds a BA in Philology and MBs in Multimodal and Maritime Transport Management,

a PhD student,
holds the position of Assistant Lecturer at Constanta Maritime University and she has been teaching Maritime English for four years.
Constanta Maritime University
Mircea cel Batran St. 104, 900663 Constanta
[email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Chen Zhenyan
Navigation Institute of Jimei University, Fujian
Fujian, China


For the past two years I have been repeatedly picked out to judge maritime English (ME) essays,
some of which are intended to be published in the journals overseas and the others to be presented at
the International Convention Implementation Contest, which will be held in the latter part of this year
by the Ministry of Communications of China. As most writers have not been trained required of
English majors, it is a matter of course to find their writings glutted with grammatical slips and spelling errors. But the question is: how much tolerance shall we give these ME essays written by nonEnglish majors or what should we do to improve English writing for a scholastic purpose. The present
paper is based upon 40 maritime essays written in English by officers serving in Fujian Maritime
Safety Administration as well as two on-service senior officers reading for master degrees in the World
Maritime University. The paper consists of three parts. Part one is a detailed overview, in which an
analysis has been conducted of the pros and cons of these essays from the perspective of linguistic
considerations and maritime English (ME) purpose. In the second part a comparative study of these
problem-cluttered essays and of the model ME writings by IMEC contributors has been made. Part
three includes a question about what should be required of formal ME writing and how to improve it.
Keywords: writing, officer, maritime, linguistic, scholastic

1. Introduction
1.1. Yes or No
The 17th greatest English scholar Francis Bacon wrote: Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. And therefore, if a man writes little, he had need
have a great memory. From the three adjectives Mr. Bacon used, i.e. full, ready and exact,
one can sense the significant role that the writing plays in the scholastic pursuits of a persons
career development and the higher demands affixed to writing. To write is to be an exact man.
In other words, only exact men can pursue writing required of exactitude. Therefore, it is no
easy job to do writings of any description. However, it should be pointed out that Bacon in his
Studies refers to writing in his own native language instead of a foreign language. So it is less
easy to attempt writing in a language that one is not born with. And it can be further deduced
that Bacon means writing about the field he is versed in. Hence it is the least easy to try to write
about something in a foreign language that some persons are not trained to be conversant with.
The scholastic writings discussed in this paper are not students classroom compositions; their
authors are not undergraduates, but those who are highly professionally competent in their shipping companies. They have attempted something beyond what their average colleagues cannot
do. Still a closer scrutiny of their writings reveals some linguistic problems that an English major can perhaps avoid. That makes me think.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Does it mean that Maritime English writing is something what should be a forbidden fruit to
those non-English people? It seems to be yes and no. By yes is meant the fact that Maritime
English writing has not been so popularly touched on or treated with passion as communicative
competence, cross-culture communication or even reading comprehension in the previous proceedings of WOME 2 A and IMEC 20, the only two whole sets of papers that I can lay my
hands on. The singular importance of writing ability seems to have been eclipsed by the other
three language skills, i.e. speaking, listening and reading. No is the answer of such a multitude
of Maritime English contributors, whose origin maybe is of no English blood, but who can
write so impeccable English. Then why do I choose to write on such a thankless subject? The
answer is that I have perused and judged 40 papers related to maritime studies written in English by on-service officers, captains, engineers, chief engineers and senior PSC officers, not undergraduates I should make it clear. It is a mixture of feelings reading these writings of many
pages. On one hand, I do admire their professional accomplishments that have reflected good
ideas and contents in their papers; on the other hand, I feel a bit uneasy for their English that is
also imperfectly reflected in their long papers. The present paper, based upon the 40 papers,
categorizes their English problems and analyzes the root causes for the errors and finally offers
some countermeasures to write grammatically correctly and clearly.
1.2. An overview of the 40 papers
It is a rewarding experience for me to peruse and judge these pure technical ME papers as
they help enrich my scanty knowledge of navigation. Whats more, a few of these young writers, mostly in their late 20s and early 30s, are quite at home with the use of ME, and it should
be stressed that they are graduates of maritime science instead of English majors like me.
They are all the backbone of their shipping companies. Heres one abstract written by a senior
maritime pollution accident surveyor, who studied two years in WMU and whose paper received my highest score:
With the quick development of Chinese marine economy, the activity density of marine vessels increases rapidly; vessels for transporting harmful polluting goods become more and more specialized
and large-scale, and thus the risk of incurring contamination accidents by vessels rises, which results
in mounting pressure on compensation for pollution damage caused by vessels. The paper brings forward some opinions and suggestions on establishing and perfecting the pollution damage compensation
mechanism of China through analyzing the role of implementation of the International Convention on
Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001.

At first glance, to be honest, I cannot find any grammatical problems with the above abstract except just to give it a polish-up or some improvement from exacting linguistic and
rhetoric perspectives. The following is my revised version:
The rapid development of Chinas marine economy has brought about the significant frequency of
vessels engaged in transporting harmfully pollutant goods that put increasingly high risks of
contamination accidents on the vessels which are more and more specialized and enormous in tonnage. Hence arises the mounting pressure on pollution damage compensation caused by vessels. The
present paper brings forward some opinions and suggestions on establishing and perfecting the
pollution damage compensation mechanism of China by analyzing the role played by the implementation of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001.

However, quite a few papers, whose authors have not the experience of studying abroad, contain spelling mistakes, misuse of part of speeches, capitalizations and punctuations. Grammatical
errors are numerous especially in those papers, which I scored below 15 of the 20 points. Lets
look closely at another abstract, the paper of which I scored 12 points, the lowest one.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

From the second half of 2008. A severe financial turmoil sweeping the globe. Then affects the global
economy. A large number of small and medium-sized enterprises with export-led shut-down. The
national economic situation and shipping economy faces all sorts of difficulties and challenges. The
maritime safety supervision department of marine service work with the new requirements. The paper
analyzes the economic crisis of shipping economy as well as the influence of maritime safety administration. And puts forward the relative countermeasures of maritime safety administration. Seeking support
shipping out of trouble.

In the above abstract, every part, not a unit of a sentence, has some kind of errors which
range from the misuse of punctuations and capitalizations, to the absence of subjects and wrong
use of predicates related to basic grammar and to ambiguity. Now I try to correct it, just the defective parts:
Since the second half of 2008, a severe financial turmoil has swept the globe which affects global
economy. A large number of small and medium-size enterprises with export-oriented businesses have
closed down. Our national economic situations and shipping economy face difficulties and challenges of
every description. The maritime safety supervision departments are confronted with the new requirements.
The paper analyzes the economic crisis of shipping economy as well as the influence of maritime safety
administration and puts forward the countermeasures of maritime safety administration so as to pull shipping businesses out of predicament.

1.3. A few remarks about the titles

According to Visual Thesaurus, a title refers to an identifying name given to a book, play,
film, musical composition, or other work. Here, it can be learned that the title has a distinguishing function telling the reader what the entitled book or chapter or paper is about. The reader
then can instantly decide whether to do it or not. In my opinion, a title shall be brief and
meaningful which allows for no error or ambiguity. If the title is defective, perhaps the reader
may question the credibility and authenticity of the contents. However, from the 40 papers
I have judged, almost all their titles are somewhat defective, leaving much to be desired. Owing to the space, I will just list the top ten or the least defective titles. The defects range from
the misuse of part of speeches, articles and capitalizations, something related to grammar, to
the choice of words, i.e. diction, ambiguity, something connected with rhetoric. Table 1 is the
original titles; Table 2 is mine. The underlined bold types refer to the corrections or improvements I have made.
Table 1.
On the Role of Implementation of International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker
Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 in Establishment and Improvement of the Pollution Damage
Compensation Mechanism of China
Study on Chinese Wreck Removal Costs
Wake Wash Analysis of HSC and Recommendation on Controlling the Wash Risks when
Developing Fast Ferry Transportation across The Taiwan Strait
Exploration of the Application of Secondary Registry in Chinas Ship Registry System
Legal issues related to combating oversea piracy
On Amendment 2004 to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and Its Implementation in China
The thought of whether to join Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime
Claims, 1976
The influence upon Chinas accession to The International Convention For The Safe And
Environmentally Sound Recycling Of Ships and a few suggestions
Discharge of the international obligations under Search and Rescue Convention and guard
the last line of defense of the Safety of Life at Sea
A study of normalization of MSA tackling typhoon disaster

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Table 2.
On the Role of the Implementation of International Conventions on Civil Liability for
Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 in Establishment and Improvement of the Pollution
Damage Compensation Mechanism of China
A study of Chinas Wreck Removal Costs
Analysis of Wake Wash Characteristics of HSC and Recommendations on Controlling
the Wash Risks when Developing Fast Ferry Transportation across the Taiwan Strait
An Exploration into the Application of Secondary Registry in Chinas Ship Registry
Legal issues related to combating overseas piracy
On the 2004 Amendments to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and their Implementation in
My Views about the necessity of Chinas accession into the Convention on Limitation
of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976
The pros and cons of Chinas accession to the international convention for the safe and
environmentally sound recycling of ships and countermeasures
On the discharge of the international obligations concerning search and rescue conventions as its last defense line of the SOLAS
10. A tentative study of MSAs normalized precautions against typhoon disasters

1.4. Error Causes

1.4.1. Capitalizations
According to Wikipedia, capitalization rules are often quite complex, the first word of
every sentence is capitalized as are all proper nouns.
From the errors or imperfections of these ten titles, it can be understood that the authors
are somewhat confused about the capitalizations of the titles. Generally speaking, there are
three rules for capitalizing a title: No. 1. All capitalized just as the requirements for IMEC 17
PAPER TEMPLATE (TITLE: font size 16, all capitals centred, bold); this is the most convenient and easy way to entitle a book or a paper; No. 2. The sentence rule, i.e. the first letter
of the title is capitalized, all the other parts except the proper nouns are uncapitalized; this is
also an easy way to avoid slips; No. 3. Function word and content word rule that is the first
letter and all the content or lexical words are capitalized and the function or grammatical
words are uncapitalized. According to Wikipedia, the following is a list of the kind of words
considered to be function words:
articles the and a. In highly inflected languages, the articles may take on the case of
the declension of the following noun;
pronouns inflected in English, as he him, she her etc.;
adpositions uninflected in English;
conjunctions uninflected in English;
auxiliary verbs forming part of the conjugation (pattern of the tenses of main verbs),
always inflected;
interjections sometimes called filled pauses, uninflected;
particles convey the attitude of the speaker and are uninflected, as if, then, well,
however, thus, etc.;
expletives take the place of sentences, among other functions;
pro-sentences yes, okay, etc.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

This function and content words rule are most tricky, so it is recommended to avoid entitling
your books or papers this way, if you are not self-confident enough, especially for nonEnglish majors.
1.4.2. Number of the noun
According to Wikipedia, number is a grammatical category of nouns, pronouns, and verb
agreement that expresses count distinctions (such as one or more than one). The count
distinctions typically, but not always, correspond to the actual count of the referents of the
marked noun or pronoun.
The misuse of the singulars and plurals of the noun, including the agreement of pronouns
abounds in Chinese English writings. One reason is that, unlike English, Chinese is an uninflected language; in Chinese there is no marked distinction of endings between singular and
plural forms and between the tense and voice of the predicate, in other words, there are usually no special endings to denote a plural form, past tense or passive voice, etc. For instance,
a vessel and two vessels here the spelling of vessel is different), but if put into Chinese, the
word vessel (written in the Chinese character ) is the same. So it is difficult for the Chinese
English learner to slip out of this tricky situation. And to avoid the misuse of noun forms, it is
essential to have a correct understanding of the countable and uncountable nouns. How to correctly use the noun forms, I have developed an easy golden rule. Simply put, a countable noun
shall appear in one of the five forms, take the word vessel again as an example: it can appear
in a sentence or a title taking the form of a vessel, the vessel, vessels, the vessels or another
vessel preceded by a determiner. Not otherwise! Judging by this rule, it is a piece of cake to
spot where the mistakes are and how to correct them. Examples:
1. Vessel appeared on the horizon.
2. There appeared vessel on the horizon.
In the above two sentences, vessel is a countable noun and is misused. Based on my rule,
it can be corrected as follows: the vessel, a vessel, vessels, the vessels, one vessel, his vessel,
that vessel, this vessel, another vessel, etc.
According to Wikipedia, determiners, in English, form a closed class of words that number (exclusive of cardinal numerals) about 50 and include:
Alternative-additive Determiners: another, other, somebody else
Articles: a, an, the
Cardinal Numbers: one, two, fifty, etc.
Degree Determiners: many, much, few, little...
Demonstratives: this, that, these, those, which
Disjunctive Determiners: either, neither
Distributive Determiners: each, every
Elective Determiners: any, either, whichever
Equative Determiners: the same
Evaluative Determiners: such
Existential Determiners: some, any
Interrogative and Relative Determiners: which, what, whichever, whatever
Negative Determiners: no, neither
Personal Determiners: we teachers, you guys
Positive-mutual Determiners: a lot of, many, several
Positive-paucal Determiners: a few, a little, some
Possessive Determiners: my, your, our, etc.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Qualitative Determiners: that

Quantifiers: all, few, many, several, some, every, each, any, no, etc.
Sufficiency Determiners: enough, sufficient
Uniquitive Determiners: the only
Universal Determiners: all, both

This is a golden rule or a rule of the thumb to correctly use the countable nouns.
1.4.3. Ambiguity
According to Visual Thesaurus, ambiguity is an expression whose meaning cannot be determined from its context. Although brevity shall be taken into consideration in making a title, it
is ill-advisable to sacrifice the brevity of the title to its ambiguity.
Title 8. The influence upon Chinas accession to The International Convention For The
Safe And Environmentally Sound Recycling Of Ships and a few suggestions.
The title is ambiguous in that the paper does not just deal with one definite influence exerted by Chinas accession to (preferably use into instead of to) The International Convention
For The Safe And Environmentally Sound Recycling Of Ships.
After reading the whole paper, I conclude the paper is concerned with the pros and cons of
Chinas accession into that international convention.
Title 9. Discharge of the international obligations under Search and Rescue Convention
and guard the last line of defense of the Safety of Life at Sea.
Discharge is a verbal noun, while guard serves as a verb in Title 9. This undermines the rule
of balance; whats more, it sounds a bit imperative, that is not the tone of the original paper.
1.4.5. Collocations
According to Wikipedia, collocation comprises the restrictions on how words can be used
together, for example which prepositions are used with particular verbs, or which verbs and
nouns are used together. There are many kinds of collocations, such as those of verb and noun
(attach importance to, bid farewell to, catch sight of, do sb a favour, give rise to, make haste,
make use of, play a role in, pay attention to, take care of, take place, take the place of, etc.),
verb and prepositions (look at, look after, look for, take after, take in, take on, etc.) and adverbs (look up, look down, look forward to, go ahead, go astern, etc), adjectives and prepositions (kind to, strict with, hard on, fond of, popular with, good at, grateful for, etc.), nouns and
prepositions (interest in, involvement in, insight into, comment on, disappointment with, advantage over, etc), adverb and prepositions (instead of, ahead of, regardless of, irrespective of,
up to, apart from, away from, together with, along with, etc.), prepositions and nouns (in advance, in part, in order, in position, in place, etc). Collocations play an important role in the
effective expressions of English writing. As most of the collocations are arbitrary and fixed,
good care and pains should be taken to take note of the new collocations while reading or listening to develop writing ability. This is a lifelong process. Take some examples of collocations from ME, we have stand by, weigh anchor, make fast, cast off, let go, first officer, chief
engineer, mates receipt, sea protest, note of sea protest, as well as some orders such as finished with engine, finished with wheel, hard-a-port, hard-a-starboard, port five, ease to five,
full ahead, full astern, dead slow ahead and the like. All these collocations are fixed and allow no change. All in all, correct use of collocations can serve as a yardstick of the quality of
English writing especially for non-native English speakers.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

1.4.6 Chinglish
By Chinglish is meant bad English spoken or written by the Chinese according to the Chinese grammar rules instead of the English grammar which is, in most cases, unintelligible to
those who do not understand Chinese and sometimes even difficult for the ordinary Chinese
unless shown the original Chinese version. Lets look at the following short paragraph taken
from one submitted paper.
(3) The effect of port
Chinas key factors driving port requirements for the domestic demand and the European
countries import and export trade growth. Export-oriented economic growth mode impact.
Due to the economy needs a period of recovery. 2009. port industry growth slowed inevitable.
The financial crisis of the entity economy continues to worsen. and caused serious influence.
the total social demand and shipping goods will continue to reduce quantity of port. shipping.
ship quantity of railway number.
Its Chinese version is as follows.


Honestly, even for me it is Greek, not English. Chinese cannot help me to understand at all.
Obviously, not a single sentence is correct. With the help of its original Chinese (its Chinese
version is good and intelligible, but not exactly means what its English version intends to express after it is decoded), I have got some head and tail of what it is about. The first sentence
is interpreted as follows: The pivotal driving force for the demands of Chinas ports hinges on
the needs of the Europe and the United States as well as the increase of the domestic imports
and exports. Now lets get down to the root cause of Chinglish. As Chinese and English belong to different families of the language, each has its own peculiar ways to form phrases and
sentences, expressing idiomatically, effectively, figuratively, abstractly and concretely. Put in
a nutshell, Chinese is an uninflected language, using fewer particles, such as prepositions,
conjunctions, pronouns and there is no such a term as articles, the formation of a sentence depending more on semantics than grammatical relationships, while English is an inflected language, seemingly more relying on the complicated intriguing interrelationship determined by
the rules of grammar. It is interesting to note one cannot build a sentence without learning
English grammar while in China even high school students have not much knowledge of what
subjects and predicates are about, but their lack of grammatical terminologies and rules does
not affect their learning of their mother tongue. One more point: in Chinese, an adjective can
be used as a predicate, while in English there should be a linking verb combined with an adjective to form a predicate. It can be safely concluded that the differences between Chinese
and English are poles apart. So it naturally follows that a Chinese, if not immersed in seas of
English before starting to write his paper in English, may commit grammatical errors of this
or that kind.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

2. A comparative study of IMEC papers and 40 papers

It is unfair to put the following two abstracts of the contributors for comparison, as they
are not on the same equal footing. The paper entitled A study of normalization of MSA
tackling typhoon disaster is written by a deputy vessel management director, who graduated
in 1996 as a navigation major from Dalian Maritime University. He is professionally
competent, motivated and dedicated. I have judged his three papers written in English. Here is
one abstract of his paper. There are a lot of problems with his abstract, now lets examine it.
Abstract 1
Being differ from other natural disaster, Typhoon disaster would yearly happen and impact
south-east part of China and tackling typhoon disaster becomes a routine work of China
MSA. Normalization of this work has objective necessity. This essay describes the meanings
and analyses the objective necessity of normalization of MSA tackling typhoon disaster, and
discusses the basic content of it which consists of both daily precaution normalization and
emergency management normalization.
Comments: First the title does not make good sense, normalization is ambiguous, tackling
is not as good as fighting or combating, disaster shall be corrected into disasters. I try boldly
to reentitle it this way: A study of routinely combating typhoon disasters by PRC, MSA. Also,
there are many other errors in this abstract as short as 70 words in length, such as, differ to
different; disaster to disasters; Typhoon to typhoon; disaster to disasters; yearly to annually,
would shall be omitted; work to job; has to is; an shall be added before objective; disaster to
disasters (third time); comma shall be left out; the basic content of it to its basic content.
The corrected abstract runs as follows:
Being different from other natural disasters, typhoon disasters happen annually and
affect southeastern part of China and combating typhoon disasters becomes a routine job of
PRC, MSA. Normalization of this work is an objective necessity. This essay describes the
meanings and analyses the objective necessity of normalization of MSA fighting typhoon
disasters and discusses its basic content which consists of both daily precaution
normalization and emergency management normalization.
From the above comments I have made it can be seen that both the title and the abstract
fail to meet the basic criterion that is grammatically sound and makes good sense. The author
should have been a bit more cautious with his English writing, to say the least. Many careless
errors could have been avoided if he had consulted more dictionaries and invited more help
from his colleagues and even his former English teacher(s). I talked it over face to face with
him about the problems in his papers. He just shrugged his shoulders as a sign of shame for
his carelessness. However, I should point out that attitudes always count in writing. Dictionaries should always be handy while writing. Do not rely too much on translation software and
online help and the like.
Next comes an abstract that can serve as a model abstract, by Professor Boris Pritchard,
also participant of this 21st IMEC. He shows us how to write a title and an abstract in perfect
English. The title is: Creating minimum Maritime English vocabulary a practical exercise
and the abstract is:
The workshop is a continuation of the paper on a similar subject presented at IMEC 19.
Workshop objective: To involve the Maritime English teacher in the process of creating the
technical vocabulary within the syllabus and to engage subject teachers in determining the
minimum vocabulary needed for the requirements of the IMO STCW 95 for separate levels.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Comments: This sample abstract can serve as a model for us to understand what good writing is and how to write a perfect title and an abstract. Something indispensable is needed to be
a model essay when it is flawless, effective and exquisite. Professor Boris is very accurate in
diction and grammar. Just look at the use of articles before the word vocabulary. Vocabulary is
grammatically different from the word in that the former can only be used as an uncountable
noun, while the latter can be used both as a countable noun and an uncountable one. As I have
mentioned in the preceding sections that a countable noun appears in the sentence in one of the
five forms, that is, a word, the word, words, the words or preceded by a determiner such as
another word, this word, some word, etc. The article is not used before vocabulary in the title
because vocabulary is uncountable; but there is the before the second vocabulary in the
abstract, because it is restricted or modified by something following it. Lets focus on another
detail, i.e. the use of countable nouns. Take the word teacher as an example, the Maritime
English teacher and subject teachers in the abstract, if we leave out the article the before Maritime English teacher and the plural form s, that is wrong English. There are many other points
in the abstract worthy of our study.

3. Countermeasures
3.1. IMOs Mission
It is a fact that English has been recognized as the only acceptable international language
for the international crew working on the open seas around the world. It is true that an oceangoing vessel comprises a multilingual crew speaking English with different accents, sometimes, without a single native English speaking seaman. This fact has more often than not
been hammered into our mind that the majority of sea perils have been caused by human factors which are always attributed to poor English proficiency, namely, the low communicative
competence of the universal language. Thats why STCW has put the communicative ability
of the four English skills in the paramount position and the IMO SMCP has been developed
to change the situation. However, it seems that it works to some extent but it is not a cure-all.
From the linguistic perspective, listening and reading fall into the category of reception; while
speaking and writing that of production. As it is known, a man is born with the ability to listen and speak (he/she cries when coming into this world); no baby will lose this ability unless
born deaf or dumb. Of course, that happens in his or her mother tongue. Admittedly, when it
comes to foreign language acquisition, things will be a bit different, but not different at all.
Speaking is the easiest one of the language skills, foreign languages not excluded. A person
who can communicate orally is not necessarily an educated person; an illiterate grandma can
do so. But she can not read or write unless taught. In other words, listening and speaking are
innate, intuitional, being thus the easy side of language, while reading and writing are acquired, taught, and are thus the more difficult parts of language. Now lets come to the point:
why the seamen cannot communicate adequately. The answer is that we fail to have a good
understanding of the IMO SMCP, because we interpret communication only one-sidedly.
Communications can be conducted not only with ears (listening) and mouth (speaking) but
also with eyes (reading) and hands (writing). Secondly, native language acquisition and foreign language learning are of different processes. In learning a foreign language, what lacks is
input, language input, while native language acquisition is immersed into input. As mentioned
before, speaking and writing belong to output process. No input, no output. Less input, less
output. As communicative competence (here it refers to listening and speaking only) is unprecedentedly focused on in Maritime English study, which seems to throw writing skills into
oblivion, now only IMO can turn the wheel, that is IMOs mission:

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Recommend setting a universally standardized ME test, compulsorily putting writing skills into it accounting for a certain proportion of the test.
3.2. Governments Mission
Almost all governments have attached vital importance to the improvement of English
skills. Many countries have their respective own systems to assess and test whats called
communicative ability of their seamen. In China, every navigation student must pass National
Maritime English listening and speaking assessment online and written examinations in order to
graduate to work on board. On-service professional seamen are also required to take the same
kind of Maritime English assessments and tests if they want to get promoted to higher ranks. But
this testing system has a self-evident defect, i.e. no writing ability test is included. The national
testing organization has cancelled the writing section (before 2007, there is a translation section
Chinese into English taking up 20%) and gets ready to conduct tests all online merely out of
consideration of their own convenience and saving time. This will, I believe, have a destructive
impact on the Chinese seamens whole English ability. My reasons for the downslide of
Maritime English proficiency for lack of testing writing are as follows. No. 1. Writing is the
most difficult part of the four language skills. If the most difficult part is not tested, examinees
may not take the test too seriously, or do not have to spend enough time on it. No. 2. Writing is
the integral part of IELTS, TOIEC and new TOFEL, to name just a few. Why writing included?
Because it is not enough to measure a candidates English ability without testing his writing
ability, I suppose. This may be deduced from the fact that old TOFEL did not test writing skills,
only testing reading and listening skills in the form of multiple choices. But from 2004, the ETS
of the United States developed and included writing skills as well as speaking skills in the new
TOFEL on the grounds listening and reading are not enough or reliable to assess the whole
English ability of a candidate. No. 3. Writing as a means of production will promote the
accuracy of language, just as Bacon once remarked that writing maketh an exact man. When
analyzing the inadequate communicative competence leading to marine perils, do we have
second thoughts that insufficient language skill may be improved if writing ability gains some
importance in testing and assessment?
In Japan, in order to properly assess each learners competence in Maritime English as required by the STCW95, Professor Takeshi NAKAZAWA from the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT) and the California Maritime Academy, a California
State University (CMA) developed a test of Maritime English competence known as TOMEC
that consists of five parts characterized by multiple choices, testing only listening and reading
ability. It is quite a shame that TOMEC does not test writing skills as it is done in the Testing
Center of PRC MSA. It is highly recommended governments from different countries or
even different continents join forces to develop new TOMEC that incorporates writing
skills into it. That is the mission of Governments.
3.3. Teachers Mission
According to IAMU Research Project Teams THE PROFESSIONAL PROFILE OF
A MARITIME ENGLISH INSTRUCTOR (PROFS) there are four categories of ME teachers,
a) Career specialists (career Maritime English language teachers).
b) English language and literature graduates.
c) Former seafarers.
d) English speaking nomads.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

I fall under b) English language and literature graduates. In China, ME is taught mainly by
graduates of navigation or engineering specialty who are a bit confident of their English. But
as they are not trained as English majors, they are not so sensitive to the nuances of English.
It will be a bit difficult for them to teach ME writing, because they have not been proficiently
trained for that purpose. But when it comes to specialized knowledge related to navigation,
engineering and the like, the language teacher will be at a disadvantage, in a dilemma and at
a loss. The twinning (i.e. cooperation between Maritime English teachers and maritimetechnical subject teachers for conducting various activities in learning and teaching Maritime
English) suggested by Peter Trenkner and Boris Pritchard at The METTS Seminar, 2008
IMEC may prove constructive, but the best way is to train the trainer (preferably the language
teacher) regularly, to marinate the language teacher, to pave the way for them to experience
sea life, but the true fact is that a language teacher cannot go aboard easily, as they cannot
undertake seamens jobs, and, whats more, no company will run the risk to sponsor their
undertaking something related to ME aboard. It is known that many certificates and
formalities are needed to work on board an oceangoing vessel. So the ME teachers mission is
to get trained to train others. It is proposed that the IMEC do some substantial work to
help the uncertificated language teacher to experience sea life, simply put, they should
be immune to any checks when working on board overseas.

4. Conclusion
This paper is not intended to underestimate the importance of the communicative
competence; on the contrary, it is meant to upgrade the understanding of the extent to which
writing contributes to the improvement of the other language skills such as speaking and
listening. In the foreword of the IMO SMCP is stated: As navigational and safety
communications from ship to shore and vice versa, ship to ship, and on board ships must be
precise, simple and unambiguous, so as to avoid confusion and error, there is a need to
standardize the language used. How can being precise and unambiguous be ensured? It is
easy to compile and standardize a set of phrases like the IMO SMCP. If phrases and
communications can be standardized, then a question may arise that a machine like computer
or robot can stand in its place so as to avoid human factors. Perhaps it may be argued that
seamen are of diverse educational backgrounds and speak with distinctive accents, if
communications are not fixed and standardized, then more confusion may occur and accidents
will probably ensue. All these points sound sensible, but the IMO SMCP is not a panacea.
Great research and teaching efforts must be made to improve whole English ability. Writing
as a means of language production should be emphasized. In Chinese there is an old saying,
, literally translated into English, good memory cannot match an old
pencil. That proves another point that writing promotes memory. In Maritime English, there
are many orders such as wheel orders, engine orders, anchoring orders, berthing orders, etc.
All these orders shall be given spontaneously and intuitionally. How to memorize all these
orders? Do we just teach the trainees to speak, speak, and speak until these orders are ready at
the tip of their tongues? I have never done so, I require my students to write them all on the
paper, making sure they can reproduce all these orders in writing. If something can be spelled
out correctly, then it will be as easy to speak out orally as turning the palms.
In 2000 WOME 2 A, I submitted a paper entitled Problems with Chinas Maritime English Teaching and its strategies, I suggested that all ME students in China should undertake
the study of ME the moment they enter the universities. As most of them have already been

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

learning English for at least 9 years, their word power reaching about 3000 words or above,
unlike students of other specialties, they are not required to learn College English, just ME.
Thus, all the four language skills will be sufficiently trained, writing will be taught in the sixth
term. I made a close study of the Syllabus which tells us that of the 11 sub-items of English
skills required of the third or second mate at least six items concern translation or writing ability, which should not be left untouched on.
Looking back on the errors or defects of the papers I corrected and how much error
tolerance it should be given, my answer to it is that no basic grammatical mistakes are to be
tolerated. For the purpose of avoiding making basic grammatical mistakes, I offer the
following recommendations or advice for the trainees.
Advice One
One cannot be too careful with your English writing as it is scholastic and for international
Advice Two
Better not write the paper first in your native language and then put it into English, as this
may make your writing appear not so idiomatic and a bit of lingo and sentences structure too
Advice Three
Immerse yourself into the sea of related materials written by native language speakers whose
points may contribute to your views and meanwhile refresh your English thinking as your
writing shall be in English.
Advice Four
The best reader of your paper should be the native language speaker if you can find one. But
the final judge is you.
Advice Five
Make full use of the Internet but do not cross the demarcation line of plagiarism.

1. Essays by Francis Bacon, Foreign Language and Research Press, Beijing.
INSTRUCTOR (PROFS). IAMU Research Project Team.
3. IMO (2002). Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP). London: IMO.
4. Nakazawa, Takeshi et al. (2004). Developing the TOMEC Test of Maritime English
Competence toward Global Standardization of Maritime English Assessment. 4th IAMU
General Assembly.
5. Pritchard, Boris. Creating Minimum Maritime English vocabulary a practical exercise.
20th Proceedings of IMEC, Shanghai.
6. Trenkner, Peter and Boris Pritchard. A Great Twinning Experience, The METTS Seminar.
Tokyo, 2008.
7. Zhenyan, Chen. Problems with Chinas Maritime English Teaching and its strategies.
WOME2 Dalian.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Chen Zhenyan

associate professor,
currently serves as an ME teacher in the Navigation Institute of Jimei University,
graduated from East China Normal University as an English postgraduate,
from 1984 to the present has been the English(GP/SP/ME) teacher of students of different grades
and ages.

Navigation Institute of Jimei University, Fujian

Flat 2004, 283 Binlang Xili, Simin District, Xiamen, Fujian
Phone: + 86 592 618 1767
Fax +86 592 6181415
[email protected], [email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Paula Manolache
Romanian Maritime Training Centre
Constana, Romania

Recent years have witnessed an increased emphasis on complex and technologically advanced
ships and on a global maritime workforce composed of many different nationalities and cultures. Both
characteristics represent substantial challenges for the seafarers, especially in terms of recruitment
and career development.
We do agree that, during these financially difficult years, the training of the sea staff should be of
top priority since any decline in standards conducts to the increase in casualties.
The present paper illustrates some maritime English training events focused on exploring the
ships multicultural environment.
One of the recent sessions entitled Life on board the mixed-crewed vessels, good or bad? established meaningful contexts based on real cases relevant to seafarers life and working environment.
Together, trainees and lecturers have identified the background of the multinational, -cultural and
-linguistic crews where sometimes problems and even conflicts appear.
The session framework proposed that the officers develop and present:
1. appreciation of the interrelatedness of technical and human systems,
2. considerations on multiculturalism and particularities of this phenomenon on board vessels,
3. case studies envisaging problems and conflicts specific to the multinational crews and their
Conclusions: The multicultural ship environment was depicted as realistically as possible. Creation
and maintenance of good morale, teamwork and rapports are essential for the overall functionality,
particularly in situations of crisis. The crews, either national or international have to create a culture in which effective communication and professionalism will become part of the daily round.
Keywords and phrases: training event; exploration; multicultural background; real-life; opportunity;




Course: Maritime English



Participants: 16 engineer officers
Level of English:
English: 30 % intermediate,
70 % upper intermediate

Duration : 2 + 3 hours (two days)


Session description.

I. Characteristics:
- studentstudent-centered method: students
learning facilitated by the trainer

social interaction: group work, pair

independent work: new information
is tried out for presentations

II. Trainer
Trainers Motivation:
1. tailoring actively the learning to the
seafarers aims and objectives

- experiential style: personal stories;

learning through case studies of good

2. encouraging communication
through attractive topics
3. sharing knowledge and experience


raising awareness of cultural



finding out more about multicultumulticulturalism and globalization and thus

facing the labor market demands


III. Strategies. Hints.

- Lesson is sequenced:

trying issues for creating an

optimum working place and finding
work more meaningful

discussions, debates
Groups are organized
Tasks are assigned
Procedures are summarized
Resources are recommended
Facilitation and monitoring

Team 2 choices:

IV. Trainees suggest and select




Team 1 choices:












Group work

V. Through logos and

banners, the trainer added

new themes:

Pair work


Work patterns

Strengthening the European

Union as an area of freedom,
security and justice


Key messages:
Under the slogan Imagine. Create.
Innovate, the Year 2009 aims to
promote creative and innovative
approaches in different sectors of

1/ 2009: Year of creativity and

2/ 2010: Year of the Seafarer
3/ Seafarers Bill of rights


While promoting the wellwell-being of

all individuals in society, the
purpose of the Year is to contribute
to better equipping the European
Union for the challenges ahead in a
globalised world.


"Seafarers' Bill of Rights",

Rights", a major
step towards decent work
on the seas :

Imagine a new world !

Imagination is more important than
knowledge. For knowledge is limited
to all we now know and understand,
while imagination embraces the
entire world."

Title 1: Minimum requirements for

seafarers to work on a ship
Title 2: Conditions of employment
Title 3: Accommodation, recreational
facilities, food and catering

Albert Einstein

Title 4: Health protection, medical

care, welfare and social security

Title 5:
5: Compliance and enforcement:
on board complaint procedures


The International Convention for

the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as
amended (SOLAS),
The International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification
and Watch Keeping, 1978 as
amended (STCW),
(STCW), and
The International Convention for
the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships, 73/78 (MARPOL).

The Convention will become the

"fourth pillar" of the international
regulatory regime for quality
shipping, complementing the key
conventions of the International
Maritime Organization :


In case of conflicts between our

values and the work place realities:
Give the best effort for own
satisfaction and the good of the


Learn new skills and

stay upup-toto-date on
Be dependable and
trustworthy: use the
time well and follow
the commitments.

Lets have a cooperative
attitude: don
dont act begrudging
or resentful.

Take a creative

Lets be fair, honest and
realistic in our dealings with





EverEver-changing maritime conditions e.g.

Behaving as we would like others to;

Multilingual and multicultural crews

Decreased manning
Minimum requisite qualifications
Changes in technologies

Working as we would like others to;

Learning to create and maintain a
positive atmosphere;

conduct to team formation difficulties

and performance problems.

Communicating effectively within the

multi national and multi ethnic


s my
Ion :: That
my crew
crew !!


Chat: Muslim engineer vs.

Christian electrician:

Birthday party
party on
on board.
Chat: Religion,
Religion, aa matter
of argument


A Romanian colleague: Who

can tell why the devil is black
for white people and white for
black people ?

Which one is the real God, mine

or yours
yours ?
Chinese A/B:
Both religions are the same. Each
of us prays his Allah, God or
Buddha for something, no matter
how we call Him, it
its the same

A Philippino colleague: Then,

what colour is my God
supposed to be ?



Romanians speak about

their fruitful experience on board:

I helped ratings to
make communication progress.
I made effort to change mood of
some people driven in despair.
I was happy to share opinions
about life and cultures

MARIUS: I was lucky to work in
such an environment. I think we
get used to differences and thus,
work and life together will be
easier than expected;
embrace the others
others culture and
customs and you
youll be rewarded.


AUREL: Advantages: enrich

culturally and enjoy sharing
traditions. Disadvantages: without
English, no relationships, just
work and work
LAURENTIU: Either easier or
harder, life on board means
compliance with rules, respectful
attitudes, high degree



-29 people, 12 nationalities, 10

-85 % - poor English;
-some Asians paid
paid for a longer
contract (3 years) which seemed
an infinity
infinity for them;
-every 4 hours rest for Allah prayers;
-quite all complained about work.



CRISTIAN reports what Samir (a

Turkish mate) used to say:

CRISTIAN reports what Petko (a

Bulgarian) used to say:

English was difficult for me, but

without it I used to be blind,
deaf and dumb.
A day of mine looked like this:
Hard work
very many cigarettes.
Now I discuss, tell jokes or
listen to sea stories.

Crewing agencies to show more

professionalism when recruiting.
Criteria: vocational and language
Before signing in, we have to know
what nationalities we join and how
to better cooperate.



is a

Its high time to wake up
up, DAN
Lack of education conducts to
serious crises: stress accumulates
or unpredictable behaviour is
What to do ? Give up bad habits.
Leave your cabins and socialize.
Develop leisure and chat. Be a

They are
socializers !


breakdown enables
emotional problems
and other bad




Since this subject deserves

particular attention, the
trainees will be able from now
on to stand their grounds more

Through case studies and debates

we identified problems and
analyzed causes.
Trainees were reflective and
critically evaluative throughout the
Analysis does not mean solution
finding, playing the analyst
analyst role,
we did not identify with the
problem solvers







All seamen, regardless of their

nationality and the flag of the ship
they work on, have to enjoy
decent working and living
From shipowners and operating
companies they expect issues
associated with :
fatigue / occupational accidents /
recruitment / employment opportunities

and not at all

(Some) Shipping companies policy

regarding human resources
generates inconveniences to
seamens everyday life (fatigue,
stress, discomfort, wages shortage
Inadequate basic education and
training are among the main conflict
causes on board, if any



or religions
This diversity is a precious asset
a binding power
power for a safe,
decent, and pleasant life on board.



Senior lecturer at the Maritime Training Centre

CERONAV Constantza, serving at the same
time as expert adviser for the projects in the
maritime training field.
Subject specializations: general and maritime
English; maritime safety and security.
She is the author of numerous student and
teacher coursebooks.
Special interests: multimedia language
learning environment; globalization and
employability in the maritime industry;
electronic resources and copyright.
Future projects: shortshort-term courses
construction; experimenting online selfself-study.


II. Web pages and sites:

I. Periodicals:

Safety of Sea, 20082008-2009

Seaways, 20072007-2009
IMO News: 2009
The International Maritime Human
Element Bulletin Alert! , 20072007-2009
English Teaching Professional ,2008
Modern English Teacher, 2009
Lloyds Ship Manager, 2009


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Paula Manolache, MSc

Senior lecturer at the Maritime Training Centre CERONAV Constana, serving at the same time
as expert adviser for the projects in the maritime training field.
Subject specializations: general and maritime English: maritime safety and security.
She is the author of numerous student and teacher coursebooks.
Special interests: multimedia language learning environment; globalization and employability in
the maritime industry; electronic resources and copyright.
Future projects: short-term courses construction; experimenting online self-study for graduates.
Lecturer, English Language Department
Romanian Maritime Training Centre
Pescarilor St. 69A, 900581 Constana
Phones: + 40 241 639 595
Fax: + 40 241 631 415
[email protected], [email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Sandra Tominac
Boris Pritchard
University of Rijeka
Rijeka, Croatia


The Bologna process places special requirements on MET institutions and on teaching Maritime
English. The advantages and disadvantages of the Bologna Process are a matter of deep disputes
among teachers and educational authorities. These are reflected especially in the learning outcome,
which may sometimes be in conflict with STCW requirements.
In the first part of the workshop, via specially designed questionnaires, the participants will be
involved in discussing the issues of course design with particular reference to assessment of
knowledge and skills as per STCW and CEF in order to help overcome the drawbacks of the Bologna
The only way of overcoming the disadvantages is the automation of a part of student assessment in
the form of specially designed computer programmes for testing. The second part serves to engage
participants in designing and discussing pros and cons of electronically-based assessment, with
particular reference to maritime VHF communications and application of SMCP. For this purpose, the
Moodle e-learning application will be used.
Keywords: CBT, assessment, Maritime English, testing

1. Introduction
The paper providing background will be presented before the workshop: Boris Pritchard &
Sandra Tominac: Learning outcomes, workload and systems of credits for Maritime
English courses some aspects of the Bologna Process
2. Course of studies curriculum, Maritime English: course description, syllabus (ECTS),
STCW contents in ME classes
Questionnaire 1
Task 1: (7)
Fill out the questionnaire below giving details of the Maritime English course(s) held at
your Maritime Education and Training (MET) Institution.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

General information
Name of
of studies:

Nautical Science
Marine Engineering
Logistics & Management of (Mar) Transport

Years of

Year I.
Year II.
Year III.

Course held in term: (tick off)


Basic: (tick off)


Optional: (tick off)


Status of

BSc /Ass.


% of

Task 2: (10)
Discuss the results of the Task 1 in your group and report on some common features and
differences held in your countries and MET institutions.
General information
Name of
of studies:

Nautical Science
Marine Engineering
Logistics & Management of (Mar) Transport

Years of

Year I.
Year II.
Year III.

Course held in term: (tick off)


Basic: (tick off)


Optional: (tick off)


Status of

BSc /Ass.


% of STCW

Task 2: (10)
Discuss the results of the Task 1 in your group and report on some common features
and differences held in your countries and MET institutions.
Questionnaire 2
Task 3 (10)
Fill out the table below writing down the learning outcomes for the selected course(s) of
Maritime English held at your Maritime Education and Training (MET) Institution


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Learning outcomes (sample: Year II, Term ___)

By completion of the course the student is expected to:

Course description contents

topics (content-based learning):

Task 4 (7)
Discuss the results of the Task 3 in your group and report on some common features and
differences holding in your countries and MET institutions.
How are these related to STCW requirements?
Questionnaire 3
Task 5 (5)
Fill out the table below by considering the extent of focus you place in your training on
the various language systems. Please express the focus in percentage of the time and/or
rate of importance you assign to a particular language system, with reference to the
language systems as a whole.
Focus of the language systems:
1. Pronunciation and prosodic elements:
_____ (%)
2. Grammar (syntax, morphology):
_____ (%)
3. Vocabulary :
_____ (%);
a. maritime terminology:
______ (% in the total vocabulary)
4. Discourse/Text:
______ (%)
5. Pragmatics (formal-informal language use, etc.): _____ (%)

Task 6 (7)
Fill out the table below by considering the extent of focus you place in your training to
the four language skills. Please express the focus in the percentage of the time and/or
rate of importance you assign to a particular skill throughout the course as a whole.
How do you combine the skills?

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Focus on the language skills:

1. Reading
2. Listening _____
3. Speaking _____
4. Writing


Questionnaire 4
Task 7 (15)
Fill out the questionnaire below by showing ECTS credits assigned to the various
activities and learning outcomes in your Maritime English course. Describe the
methods of assessment and percentage points assigned to assessment and discuss them
in your group.

ECTS Learnin
Attendance 0,2
the classess





Final exam


Specific student activity

Methods of assessment

listening to,
transmitting VHF
role-play (VHF
exchanges using SMCP)

two CBT tests:
language systems
(reading & listening)


in (%)

students' assessment
(e.g. evaluating
compliance with
SMCP and RR)
Teacher's assessment
(language systems and
skills; learner's
fill in
complete the
alternative answer
short answers
jumbled sentences /




oral exam &/or



100 %

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

3. Assessment, evaluation, testing

Questionnaire 5
3.1. Role of testing within assessment
Task 8 (3)
Discuss in your group the role of testing in the overall assessment process in ME
courses you teach. What are your experiences? What percentage of the assessment do
you asign to periodic tests?
Questionnaire 6
3.2. Types of testing (when): continuous vs final, medium: written vs spoken, modes of
testing: conventional testing vs CBT
Task 9 (10')
Fill out the table below regarding the type, medium and mode of testing you apply in
your class. Discuss the results of the task 10 in your group
Types of tests
Continuous vs Final

Written vs Spoken

Modes of testing
Conventional vs CBT
Conventional testing















Task 10 (5)
Discuss the following questions in your group: How often do you apply continuous
testing in a semester/year? What type of medium do you use for the continuous tests and
what type of medium/method do you use for the final test?
Continuous testing

Final test



What medium/method?

What medium/method?


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Questionnaire 7
Task 11 (10)
3.3. CBT
Fill out the table below and discuss the results of the task in your group
How often do you use CBT?
What computer pragramme do you use?
Tick the methods you use the most within the CBT

fill in
complete the sentence
alternative answer
short answers
jumbled sentences / texts
any other

Pre-course requirements
Requirements for entering the course Maritime English course 1&2
Tests, attendance, classroom activities, home assignments,
Requirements for final exam
report (paper)


Curriculum Vitae

Sandra Tominac & Boris Pritchard see page no. 72.



International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Serhan Sernkl
Aydin ihmantepe
TUDEV Institute of Maritime Studies, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey


MarTEL (Maritime Test of English Language) is an ongoing European Leonardo Da Vinci project,
which intends to establish European standards for Maritime English. Since the commencement of the
project in November 2007, it has evolved into a multi-layered structure with a thorough approach to
achieve the project objectives. As the project is in the final stage of its development, it is supported not
only by its original founding partners, but also by several new maritime institutions, some of which are
in EU and some outside of it.
Starting point of MarTEL was to create standards in testing Maritime English (MarE) of three
groups of seafarers, namely the would-be cadets of maritime academies (Phase 1), graduates of these
academies and the officers of junior rank (Phase 2) and the seafarers of senior level who are captains,
chief engineers, pilots and other high level port authority personnel (Phase 3). Today, the project also
aims to create some sort of standardization for teaching of MarE by way of designing study guidelines and study units for each of its phases.
The workshop intends to focus on the second phase of MarTEL, which is regarded as the core of the
project. In this phase, MarTEL brings a new approach to the testing of MarE as it upholds the language
element above the maritime knowledge and distinguishes the language skill levels of deck and engineering officers. Therefore it is designed as a skill based test, which assesses the English proficiency
of the test taker in maritime context and based on criterion referencing. When it comes to the studying
or preparing for the test, MarE is expected to be taught through a content of maritime knowledge.
In this workshop, answers to the following questions are discussed:
1. Do content-based study and skill-based testing contradict each other or are they complementary
for Maritime English competency?
2. What can be the optimum skill and content allocation in MarE for deck and engineering officers?
3. Can the study guidelines for the MarTEL tests be used as the guidelines for trainers training
in the future?
4. How could MarTEL standards at this level/phase be improved?

The workshop intends to focus on the second phase of MarTEL which is regarded as the core
of the project. In this phase, MarTEL brings a new approach to the testing of MarE as it upholds
the language element above the maritime knowledge and distinguishes the language skill levels
of deck and engineering officers. Therefore it is designed as a skill based test, which assesses
the English proficiency of the test taker in maritime context and based on criterion referencing.
When it comes to studying or preparing for the test, MarE is expected to be taught through
a content of maritime knowledge. The aim is to design a certain type of teaching material,
which will successfully combine the language skills with the aspects of Maritime Competency. Therefore an allocation of language skills to the selected topics of maritime knowledge
is needed. The workshop intends to ponder this allocation and its pros and cons.
Program (Running Time: 1 hour)
00:00 00:10 minutes: Introduction; explanation of the aims and stages of the workshop,
a general and brief survey of MarTEL Project works and phases
through a power point presentation.
00:10 00:15 minutes: Remarks; inviting the participants to give their remarks on the general aspects of the MarTEL Maritime English Standards.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

00:15 00:20 minutes: Preliminary Study; explanation of the MarTEL Study Guidelines
for Phase 2 Deck and Engineering Officers to the participants
through a power point presentation.
00:20 -00 40 minutes: Group Study; formation of two groups from the participants and
declaration of the topic questions:
a) Do content-based study and skill-based testing contradict each
other or are they (or could they be made) complementary for
Maritime English competency?
b) What can be the optimum skill and content allocation in MarE for
deck and engineering officers?
Study and discussion of the answers by the group members. The authors will join the groups to support the discussions.
00:40 00:50 minutes: Conclusions; the speakers of the groups will present their conclusions to the participants and answer possible questions.
00:50 00:60 minutes: Open discussion and general remarks; the participants will be invited to give their views on the two remaining questions, which are:
a) Can the study guidelines for the MarTEL tests be used as the
guidelines for trainers training in the future?
b) How MarTEL standards at this level/phase could be improved?
00:60 + few minutes:
Final statement; authors closing statement briefly summarizing the
workshop conclusions and thanking the participants for their involvement.


Curriculum Vitae


Serhan Sernkl
started his maritime career by entering Naval High School, Istanbul in 1978;
after graduating from Naval Academy in 1986, he served in the Turkish Navy for 20 years;
retiring in 2006, he started to teach Maritime English in TUDEV and is a member of the MarTEL
Task Force based at TUDEV;
Senior Maritime English Lecturer, TUDEV, Turkey;
Member of MarTEL Project Task Force, Turkey.
Aydin ihmantepe
Maritime English Lecturer;
started his maritime career by entering Naval High School/Istanbul in 1978;
after graduating from Naval Academy in 1986, he served in the Turkish Navy for 22 years, retiring
in 2008;
holds a masters degree in International Relations he lectures on Maritime English in TUDEV.
TUDEV Institute of Maritime Studies, Turkey
Istasyon Mah., Hacolu Sok. No. 3, Tuzla
Istanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90 216 581 00 41
Fax: +90 216 446 70 05
[email protected]
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Olesya Lutsenko
Hannie Stok-Knol
Dep. Maritime Institute de Ruyter
Vlissingen, The Netherlands


Nowadays, shipping industry not only depends on seafarers who know how to operate and navigate a ship, it also needs a seafarer who can interact effectively with multicultural crews, who knows
how to adapt and adjust in any new multicultural environment and also to be an assertive manager and
motivator on board. Thus, assertiveness is the crucial skill on board reducing depression, isolation, fatigue, prejudice, stress and misunderstandings. An assertive seafarer knows how to speak up in a diplomatic way, how to question a senior officer in an appropriate way, and how to defend rights in a respectful positive way, acknowledging needs of others.
We cannot directly observe and measure culture. Therefore, we cannot easily change culture. But
we can change some particularities influencing safety on board by teaching assertiveness techniques at
maritime institutes worldwide.
Some cultural patterns value accord and harmony (passive communication), while others are more
masculine (aggressive communication). Assertive communication (equal, open, honest, winwin)
can strengthen intercultural relationships on board; thereby improving human factor issues and safety.
Keywords: cultural awareness, assertiveness on board, shifting cultural patterns, education
An understanding of different cultures may well be our own most important asset in meeting the challenges
of our times, both abroad and at home
Mildred Reed Hall

1. Introduction
Effective communication skills, as well as understanding and motivating different cultures
and intercultural management skills are necessary competences for seafarers operating in an intercultural environment. In the time of globalization, economical crisis and cuts in crewing
levels, seafarers are confronted with increasing pressures such as fatigue, stress, workload,
more paper work and tight sailing schedules which seriously impact on safety, health and
communications problems.
A large part of the human element in accidents is non assertive communication, attitude
and behaviour. Fatalistic acceptance of risk; non assertive adoption of unsafe procedures because
others do it this way; poor communications resulting from high power distance (master knows
the best); quest/submissive mentality if seafarers sail under flags of other countries, therefore,
they are being expected simply to follow orders and instructions; value of non-confrontational
style and harmony, what contributes to confusions, poor team work, miscommunication, delay
in dealing with problems. These are the issues of not assertive communication.
Modern seafarers need to have the ability to be assertive with their crew members and
outside agencies in order to express themselves clearly, stop their job if it is unsafe or involves unaddressed hazards, interfere in risk-taking actions of other crew members if it can
lead to accidents or incidents.
There is a need for the seafarers to have a higher level of assertiveness with a high level of
respect and cultural sensitivity and it flows up-and-down the hierarchy chain.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

2. Assertiveness and cultural patterns

Due to different historical backgrounds, economics, ideology, politics, culture, lifestyle
and social customs seafarers communications patterns tend to be different, especially those
from the East and those from the West. Communication problems can arise when masculine
cultures, defined by domination, competitiveness, ambition, come in contact with feminine
cultures that value accord and harmony.



Fig. 1. The scale of Geert Hofstede. Telling an opinion

Handling problems

Fig. 2. Cultural Differences East vs. West. Yang Liu

It is obvious that masculine cultures are more likely to use aggressive/more direct styles of
communication (start sentences with You; use tactics such as loud talking, bullying, forcefulness to get their way; stand up for themselves, even at the expense of others) and that feminine cultures tend to use passive styles of communication (indirect; falling back easily to
avoid conflict; uncomfortable in expressing themselves).
Whether seafarers tend to be indirect, direct, aggressive or passive, their relationships on
board are not satisfying and issues are not resolved. Differences in communication styles
might cause breakdowns, conflicts, misunderstandings, accepting risk-involved jobs.
Raising of voice when giving orders is perceived by the eastern seafarers to be caused by
a superiority complex. When shouted at, Filipino or Chinese crew members suffer a loss of

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

face, especially when it is done in the presence of other people. This leads to a disturbance of
the interpersonal relationship. As a consequence, interpersonal relationship of the crew as
well as efficiency in accomplishing the work is affected and dangerous situations may occur.

3. Assertiveness is a crucial skill on board

Assertiveness could be seen as the balance between passive and aggressive communications. Passive behaviour of seafarers can lead to feeling hurt, upset, and angry, isolation and
alienation, being fatigued or stressed. When seafarers act aggressively they can hurt people,
put others down, use sarcasm, generalization, personalization, prejudice and do not respect the
rights of others.

Fig. 3. Source unknown

Advantages of assertive communication on board:

strengthens relationships;
enhances safety;
leads to the development of mutual respect;
enhances active listening;
reduces negative emotions, fears, depression, stress, fatigue;
minimizes hurting and alienating other people;
protects us from being taken advantage of by others;
teaches to express disagreements in diplomatic way;
manages conflicts, misunderstandings more effectively.
Seafarers enhance relationships as they approach other crew members and initiate conversation. It gives them the ability to express both positive and negative feelings. Truly assertive
seafarers consider themselves as equal partners in relationships. Assertiveness is a crucial
skill in developing intercultural competence on board. The key issue is developing respect for
you, respect toward others, respect for cultural differences, understanding, appreciation and
developing win-win dialogues.
many a friendship is lost for lack of speaking


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

4. Changing cultural particularities influencing safety

The biggest room in the World is the room for improvement. This is a Japanese proverb, and is as true today as when it was first written. We need an ability to accept change, not
just saying it was always this way.
What are the reasons not to give cultural and/or assertiveness training to seafarers?

Fig. 4.

Seafarers assertiveness training can improve cross-cultural management skills and teach
them how to handle problems, conflicts, criticism, and misbehaviour, aggressive or passive
communication in an assertive way, considering diversities; develop leadership creativity to
suit an increasingly multinational and multicultural environment.
While assertiveness training is not new to the business world, the novelty in the maritime
approach lays its focus on culture and cross-cultural management skills in order to improve
intercultural communication competence.

5. Techniques for effective assertive communication

Use I Messages
If you start with I, the focus is more on how you are feeling and how you are affected by
their behaviour. It shows more ownership of your reactions, and less blame.
You Message: You need to stop that!
I Message: Id like it if youd stop that.
When you [their behaviour], I feel [your feelings].
When... I hear a voice raised at me I feel... humiliated.
And what Id like is that I... can debate an issue with you without ending up feeling hurt.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Factual statements, rather than judgments or labels

Describing the effects of their behaviour, do not get personal. This formula provides a direct,
non-attacking, more responsible way of letting people know how their behaviour affects you.
Confrontation must always be constructive.
When you yell, I feel attacked.
Assertive body language
Make sure your body reflects confidence: stand up straight, look people in the eye, and relax.
Use a firm, but pleasant, tone.
Paraphrasing is the key to make assertiveness work.
"In other words . . .
"Let me get this straight . . .
"So you felt that . . .
"What I hear you saying is . . .
"If I understand you correctly . . .
"Would you say that . . . ?"
Broken Record Technique
1. Stick to one point and don't get side-tracked.
2. Repeat the goal statement with minor modifications.
3. Avoid explanations for your chosen statement. This is not necessary. Explanations will introduce negotiation and that again leads to compromises. When this happens you are sure to
lose track of your goal.

6. Conclusions
Assertiveness is one of the essential skills for seafarers in the modern shipping/maritime
intercultural environment. There is a task ahead for governments, shipping companies and
Maritime Institutes to make a start and educate seafarers worldwide in Cultural Awareness
and Intercultural Competence On Board in order to get the right results. In fact, we should be
more assertive in this so that we can achieve a better way of communicating, getting responsible team players who will provide feedback, dealing with problems and dangerous situations
and improving the well-being of seafarers who know how to set clear boundaries around work
demands and pressures on board ships.
Assertiveness training for seafarers helps to appropriately delegate workload, time pressure and people pressure. Seafarers, who mastered the skill of assertiveness and got training
on intercultural management and intercultural communication, are able to reduce the level of
interpersonal conflicts or misunderstandings with great assertiveness and great respect towards other cultures, thereby reducing a major source of stress.
It is necessary to make changes in educational programme for seafarers and include the
Intercultural Competence on Board as a mandatory course worldwide. It will lead to well organized and good working multinational crews, which will make life at sea safe and maybe
even easier for many seafarers.
The survival of mankind will depend to a large extend on the ability of people who think differently to act together
Geert Hofstede

1. Edward, T. and Mildred Reed Hall (1990). Social Science. Understanding Cultural Differences: Germans, French and Americans. Intercultural Press.
2. Hofstede, G.H. Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions. <>


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

3. Horck, J. (2007) Cultural Diversity in Shipping.

5. Liu, Y. (2007). East versus West.
6. Liu, Q. Understanding Different Cultural Patterns or Orientations Between East and West. quinqxue inve9.pdf.
7. STC-Group (2005) Cultural Awareness on board: Instruction Course manual.
8. STCW (loose leaf edition).
9. STCW 39/12, 28 March 2008. IMO, Sub-Committee on Standards of Training and
Watchkeeping, 39th session, Agenda item 12.


Curriculum Vitae


Hannie Stok-Knol was born in the Netherlands in 1951. She had formal training in both librarianship
(Amsterdam) and in the English language (Middelburg) in the Netherlands. Working in London, UK
and in the Netherlands, teaching general English at the HZ as well as maritime English at the MIR.
She taught specialised courses for local and regional organisations, e.g. PSD (ferry service
Provence Zeeland), Euroship Cobelfret (Dutch for Russian captains), HZ civil engineering (technical English) and has been coaching students of the International Business and Management Studies
in their student companies. Other interests are related to maritime subjects (Stichting Behoud
Hoogaars, for the preservation of local wooden types of ships), or to housing (former committee
member of the Women Advisory Committee (WAC/VAC) for housing in Vlissingen and VAC Zeeland and tutor/trainer for WAC Gowan Mbeki, South Africa (twin-city project Vlissingen-Gowan
Professional Core (Dept. English) / B-MO
Hogeschool Zeeland, A125,
tel. 0118 489353 - Edisonweg 4, 4382 NW Vlissingen
+ MIR - H108, tel. 0118 489 427, Boulevard Bankert 156, 4382 AC Vlissingen
The Netherlands
[email protected]
Lutsenko Olesya was born in 1975 in Russia. She earned a Bachelor's degree in English and Russian
language at the Ukrainian State Teacher's Training University and was teaching Maritime English at
the Ukrainian State Maritime Technical University in Nikolaev from 2000 to2003. She has been teaching Maritime English and Cultural Awareness on board at the Maritime Institute de Ruyter, ROC Zeeland, Vlissingen, the Netherlands since 2006. Her primary current interests lay in developing methods
for improving assertiveness on board and teaching materials on maritime intercultural competence at
management level.
ROC Zeeland, Dep. Maritime
Institute de Ruyter
Boulevard Bankert 130, 4382 AC Vlissingen
The Netherlands
Phone: 0031 118 558 700
Fax:0031 118 474 828
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International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Inger Battista
World Maritime University
Malmo, Sweden


Since ships are manned with multicultural crews, there is a need to make all the players in the maritime field aware of cultural differences to avoid miscommunication and misunderstandings. The purpose of this workshop is to give the participants examples of how to create teaching materials on cultural topics covering the four skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening). In this example of
a thematic integrated skills unit, the students will learn about culture at the same time as they will be
developing and practicing the following study skills and strategies:
writing an effective introduction,
writing definitions,
taking notes while listening,
taking notes from a text,
presenting information to a group,
synthesizing information,
improving language awareness.

Since arriving here and meeting colleagues from various countries around the world, you
have probably become aware of various cultural differences among you. You may even feel
that you are experiencing culture shock. Culture influences every aspect of our lives including
what we eat, how we dress, how we feel about personal space and even how we think. In this
unit you will learn about various aspects of culture, cultural differences and culture shock.
While you are learning about culture you will also be developing and practicing the following
study skills and strategies:
writing an effective introduction,
writing definitions,
taking notes from a text,
taking notes while listening,

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

presenting information to a group,

synthesizing information,
thinking critically,
improving your language awareness.

Culture Unit: Thinking about the topic

1. Activating Personal Knowledge
As international students, you have undoubtedly experienced some cultural differences that
have lead to misunderstandings or confusion. Freewrite for about 10 minutes, in the space below, to describe one such experience.
Now, read out and/or explain what you have written in a small group of three or four colleagues. As a group, make a list of the general kinds of cultural differences.
Vocabulary Assessment
Use the vocabulary development scale to rate the words below.

can explain use in various contexts

use to a limited extent in speaking/writing
understand the gist of it
recognize but do not understand
unknown to me

in tandem
to relate

high context culture
low context culture

faux pas

3 Write a definition or give a synonymous word for the ones you have rated 5.
4 Make a word web for as many words as you like.
Definitions of Culture
1. Working in a small group, create your own definition for culture.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

2. Read the article on the definitions of culture and fill in the following table.


Source: Samovar, L.A. & porter, R.E. (1991). Communication between cultures. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Inc.

3. Which definition from the reading most closely matches your own?

4. Now that you have read seven definitions, rewrite or make changes to your own.
Final Definition of Culture

Source: Samovar, L.A. & porter, R.E. (1991). Communication between cultures.Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Inc.

Culture: Our Invisible Teacher

An Example of an Introduction
Read the opening paragraphs to Culture: Our Invisible Teacher and answer the following
questions with a colleague or a small group.
1. What kind of information does each paragraph provide?
Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

2. Identify the purpose of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

3. For each paragraph, is there a sentence that outlines the purpose of the paragraph? If so,
underline it.

4. Do you think this is an example of an effective introduction? Discuss why or why not.

Source: Samovar, L.A. & porter, R.E. (1991). Communication between cultures.Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Inc.

Stages of Culture Shock: Predicting Content


Read the introduction to the article and the titles given to the 4 stages of culture shock. Use
this information to predict what types of symptoms or behaviours characterize three of the
stages. Make notes in the spaces below. Then compare your answers with your colleagues.
The Four Stages of Culture Shock
By Mary Anne Santoro Bellini, PhD
When a student or other individual relocates to a foreign country, he or she inevitably faces a host
of emotions and reactions ranging from awe to rejection, isolation to assimilation. These emotions compromise the four stages of culture shock.
Honeymoon Period
While preparing to relocate and during the first days or weeks in the new country, a person
will experience a Honeymoon Period during which he or she will feel extreme joy and enthusiasm. Responding to the new environment with fascination, an individual will enjoy the differences in fashion, food, social customs, etc. This period is exhilarating, full of observation
and discoveries, lasting a few days to a few weeks. Like most honeymoons, however, this
stage eventually ends.

Regression and isolation

Adjustment and Adaption

Stages of Culture Shock: Predicting Content



International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Read the introduction to the article and the titles given to the 4 stages of culture shock. Use
this information to predict what types of symptoms or behaviours characterize three of the
stages. Make notes in the spaces below. Then compare your answers with your colleagues.
The Four Stages of Culture Shock
By Mary Anne Santoro Bellini, PhD
When a student or other individual relocates to a foreign country, he or she inevitably faces
a host of emotions and reactions ranging from awe to rejection, isolation to assimilation.
These emotions compromise the four stages of culture shock.

Honeymoon Period

The next phase of Culture Shock Syndrome is referred to as the period of Rejection. This
stage is marked by criticism, resentment and anger. When an individual sets out to study, live
or work in a new country, he/she will invariably experience difficulties with language, housing, friends, schoolwork and understanding idiosyncrasies of the local culture, often resulting
in frustration. The Rejection period can be triggered by the realization that, as an outsider in
a new culture, language or misunderstandings of cultural cues can often make the simplest
task seem like a daunting challenge. Furthermore, because the high expectations set during
the Honeymoon Period appear much farther out the reach, the individual can feel disillusioned.
Regression and isolation

Adjustment and Adaption

Stages of Culture Shock: Predicting Content


Read the introduction to the article and the titles given to the 4 stages of culture shock. Use
this information to predict what types of symptoms or behaviours characterize three of the
stages. Make notes in the spaces below. Then compare your answers with your colleagues.
The Four Stages of Culture Shock
By Mary Anne Santoro Bellini, PhD
When a student or other individual relocates to a foreign country, he or she inevitably faces
a host of emotions and reactions ranging from awe to rejection, isolation to assimilation.
These emotions compromise the four stages of culture shock.
Honeymoon Period


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Regression and isolation

The extreme letdown experienced during the Rejection period prompts the individual to become critical of his/her new environment of the people, their culture and of all the perceived
differences with the culture at home. This letdown often propels an individual into the stage
of Regression and Isolation. In this stage, the culture from which the individual has come is
idealized. For example, an Italian student studying in the US for a semester may indiscriminately view his Italian university, past experiences or friendships as superior, regardless of
any problems inherent to those relationships. The student risks further isolation from the new
environment. Symptoms exhibited during this period include anxiety, sadness, homesickness
and anger. These feelings manifest themselves in changes in behaviour: inappropriate anger
over slight delays and minor frustrations, changes in sleeping patterns, compulsive eating
and/or drinking, irritability, poor concentration and unexplainable crying. The stage of Regression and Isolation is variable in length but can last up to 6-8 weeks.
Adjustment and Adaption

Stages of Culture Shock: Predicting Content

Read the introduction to the article and the titles given to the 4 stages of culture shock. Use
this information to predict what types of symptoms or behaviours characterize three of the
stages. Make notes in the spaces below. Then compare your answers with your colleagues.
The Four Stages of Culture Shock
By Mary Anne Santoro Bellini, PhD
When a student or other individual relocates to a foreign country, he or she inevitably faces
a host of emotions and reactions ranging from awe to rejection, isolation to assimilation.
These emotions compromise the four stages of culture shock.
Honeymoon Period


Regression and isolation

Adjustment and Adaption

Gradually the crisis of regression and isolation is resolved allowing the individual to begin recovery in the Adjustment and Adaption stages. In these stages, the individual establishes

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

a routine and becomes more comfortable with the language and the customs of the new country. He/she may still have problems with some of the social cues and may still not understand
everything people say. However, adjustment to the new culture is almost 90% and the realization sets in that no country is really superior to another it is just a matter of different lifestyles. With this complete adjustment, the individual accepts the food, drinks, habits and customs of the new country and may even find him or herself preferring some things in the host
country to things at home.
Halls Classification of Cultures: Listening and Notetaking
Use the following chart to take notes as you listen to the lecture.

Type 1
Type 2


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Halls Classification of Cultures : Using your notes

Use your notes to answer the following questions. Then compare your answers with a colleague.

How does Hall define the following terms?

a) high-context culture:
b) low-context culture:

2. True or False?
_____ a) Edward Hall believes that cultures are either high-context or low-context.
_____ b) Edward Hall believes that most people are aware of their cultures assumptions
about time, space and interpersonal relations.
_____ c) A culture in which who you know is more important than what you know would
be a low-context culture.
_____ d) Business negotiations took place and the participants simply shook hands to
finalize the deal. This would be reasonable in a low-context culture.
_____ e) Hall would predict that, generally, members of low-context cultures would not
break the law due to the fact that they would not want to bring disgrace to their
_____ f) A culture that values individuality would be a high-context culture.
_____ g) Hall would predict that people in low-context cultures would prefer that visitors
call before dropping by to visit.
3. What is the difference between a polychronic and a monochronic view of time?
Define each view and give one example of how this view could affect ones acts and
attitudes in everyday life.


view of time
view of time

4. According to Hall, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a high-contest culture and a low-context culture?


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

5. Give four examples of how Halls ideas could have relevance for international business
Rude Awakenings: Scanning for Details
Quickly scan the article, Rude Awakenings, to find answers to the following questions.
1. What cultural faux pas did the following people commit?
Bill Clinton:
George Bush:
2. What kind of company is Multilingual Communications Management? What services does
it provide?
3. What cultural rules should be observed when travelling in the following countries?
Saudi Arabia

Pre- Reading: PREDICTING

Predict from the title, subtitles and caption what this article is about. Make brief notes on the
right hand side, then share your predictions with your colleagues.
Cross-cultural communication essential for shipboard safety

Knowledge of culture differences is

of crucial importance. You cannot
run a ship safely without a leadership, which has a mature understanding
of these matters, says Bjarne S Eide,
Director of Marine Personnel at Singa Ship
Management in Oslo.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

He was one of the popular speakers

Invited to the annual conference of WISTA
(Womens International Shipping and
Trading Association) in Oslo in September.
The Lennart-syndrome
Working together
Womens status varies
Ask and smile
Cross-cultural Communication Essential for Shipboard Safety
Reading Challenge: In a limited time (15 minutes), scan the article to find answers to the following questions. Select the answer that is most accurate according to the information given
in the article.
1. According to Bjarne S. Eide, in order to run a ship safely you need:
a) good leadership,
b) knowledge of cultural differences,
c) expensive communication equipment,
d) people and goods.
2. The main topic of the WISTA annual conference was:
a) culture,
b) communication,
c) shipping as a high risk industry,
d) women seafarers.
3. The tragic event of the murder of two Swedish captains might have been avoided, if:
a) the Filipino crew-member spoke Swedish,
b) the Swedish captains had understood Filipino culture,
c) the Filipino crew-member had understood Swedish culture,
d) the captains and the crew members all spoke the same language.
4. The Lennart-syndrome is an example of:
a) an unusual cultural problem,
b) a common cultural problem,
c) a cultural problem with a common solution,
d) a cultural problem with an unusual solution.
5. The workers decided to use their helmets and safety gear because:
a) management threatened to send one worker home, if they didnt,
b) Lennart asked them to,
c) safety regulations require them to wear this equipment,
d) none of the above.
6. The CD ROM Working Together was produced:
a) by Wallenuis Lines and Brostrm,
b) for foreign seafarers,
c) by the Swedish Merchant Marine Officers Association,
d) b and c.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

7. Anette Paulsen Lovik gave up her dream of being a sea captain because of:
a) lack of respect onboard a ship with a Polish crew,
b) not being treated as an equal onboard a ship with a Norwegian-only crew,
c) negative experiences onboard both ships,
d) none of the above.
Source: Grenestedt, L. (2002, October 18). Cross-cultural communication essential for shipboard
safety. Scandinavian Shipping Gazette, pp. 24, 26.

8. According to Anette, women who want to sail would benefit from:

a) more women onboard,
b) better education,
c) an improved mentor-system,
d) all of the above.
9. Mette Karina Thorpe is an expert in:
a) Asian culture and business,
b) Asian business practices,
c) Asian people, culture and business,
d) Asian people and culture.
10. In order to avoid cultural misunderstandings, Mrs. Thorpe suggests you:
a) smile and ask when you are unsure of how to act,
b) avoid asking yes/no questions,
c) avoid asking about religion,
d) a and b.
Source: Grenestedt, L. (2002, October 18). Cross-cultural communication essential for shipboard safety. Scandinavian Shipping Gazette, pp. 24, 26.

Language Awareness


Fill in the missing prepositions using the ones given in the below.
for x3
with x 1

over x 1
for x 5
of x 10

into x 2
by x 4
in x 7

aboard x 2

between x 2
to x 7

about x 2

from x 3

While last weeks US government analysis _____ the Cosco Busan casualty was primarily
_____ pointing the finger ______ blame _____ the incident, the larger message concerned,
the improvements needed to prevent future calamities.
As always, the National Transportation Safety Boards report comes _____ two parts, assessing the accidents cause and making recommendations _____ the future.
NTSB members first assigned blame _____ the pilot, and many others, _____ the November
2007 incident _____ which the outbound container vessel sideswept a pier _____ the San
Francisco Bay Bridge, causing more than $70M _____ damage. They then said that the lack
_____ communication __________ the pilot and the ships captain, the masters inattentiveness and poor training contributed ______ the collision that spilled _____ 178 tonnes _____
bunker fuel _____ the bay.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

_____ all, 30 separate issues were isolated as causative and there was plenty _____ blame to
spread _____ the Coast Guard, ______ state pilot controllers, ____ the pilots doctor and others.
The report pointed _____cultural differences as one factor that prevented the Asian captain
______ intervening as the pilot steered the ship _____ the bridge support. It also noted that
poor communication ______ the captain and pilot should not be repeated.
_____ this case, there was no pre-departure conference and the pilot never shared, and wasnt
asked _____ his intended plan to exit the fog-shrouded bay.
Language was another issue, and the fact that few _____ the crew spoke fluent English was
isolated as a concern. Acknowledging a general ignorance _____ the crew _____ the vessels
Safety Management System documents, the panel is asking the Coast Guard to suggest that
the IMO mandate that safety manuals _________ ship should be _____ the crews native language.
While discussing the crew, the NTSB pointed _____ long days ______, occupied _____
watchkeeping and record-keeping duties _____ precious little time _____ rest and necessary
training. Board member Robert Sumwalt even wanted to affix major blame _____ the incident
_____ vessel manager Fleet Management because _____ the poorly trained captain and crew.
To prevent other drug-addicted pilots _____ taking ships helms, the NTSB asked the Coast
Guard to compel mariners to update their medical files whenever conditions or medications
changed not just annually as is the case now. The board also urged better supervision _____
pilots, who _____the US are overseen ______ state officials and not _____ the USCG.
Language Awareness

Sentence Combining

Combine the following sets of sentences (1 9, 10 12, 13 15, 16 18 and 19 21) into 5

The nobles of Sweden deposed of King Gustav IV.

This happened in 1809.
This happened in a peaceful revolution.
It was the last revolution in Swedish history.
The nobles of Sweden considered King Gustav IV incompetent.
They invited Jean Baptiste Bernadotte to become King of Sweden.
This was surprising.
He was a French general.
He had served under their enemy Napoleon.

10. Bernadotte accepted.

11. He became King Charles XIV.
12. His descendants occupy the Swedish throne to this day.
13. When the new King was installed, he addressed the parliament.
14. The parliament was Swedish.
15. He addressed them in their language.
16. His Swedish was broken.
17. This amused the Swedes.
18. They roared with laughter.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

19. A Frenchman had become King.

20. He was very upset.
21. He never tried to speak Swedish again
In a peaceful revolution the last revolution in Swedish history the nobles of Sweden in
1809 deposed of King Gustav IV, whom they considered incompetent, and surprisingly invited Jean Baptiste Bernadotte, a French general, who served under the enemy Napoleon, to
become King of Sweden. Bernadotte accepted it and he became King Charles XIV; his descendants occupy the Swedish throne to this day. When the new King was installed, he addressed the Swedish Parliament in their language. His broken Swedish amused the Swedes,
and they roared with laughter. The Frenchman who had become King was so upset that he
never tried to speak Swedish again.
Writing under time pressure
Take 20 minutes to read the writing prompt and plan your responses
Take 60 minutes to write your responses
Answer two questions; one from Part A and one from Part B
Part A:
1. Write a comparative analysis of your culture and Swedish culture based on halls classification system.
2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and studying in a multi-cultural environment.
Part B:
3. The growth in the multicultural manning of vessels during the last 20 years has been
a positive development for the shipping industry. Evaluate this statement, illustrating your
answer with examples.
4. Cultural influences from abroad have a negative impact on many countries and their inhabitants. Evaluate this statement, illustrating your answer with examples.
Good Luck!

Inger Battista
Some thirty years as teacher, lecturer, curriculum designer, and Maritime English for academic purposes materials developer. Employed at WMU since 1984 and Coordinator of the English and Study
Skills programmes since 2000.
Senior Lecturer at World Maritime University
Malmo, Sweden
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Elena Nikoulina
Odessa National Maritime Academy
Odessa, Ukraine

I am very happy to present my book English for scientific research, written last year and
addressed to the masters of maritime engineering. At the 6th year of studies at Odessa National
Maritime Academy the cadets have a special course of English designed to give them the
necessary skills to read, understand and summarize original English scientific and technical
texts while they are preparing their diploma thesis. The main idea of the book is to teach
reading comprehension on a high level of original English texts, which were taken from the
periodic publications such as MER, Lloyds Register, etc. magazines. The book actuates such
vital topics as marine pollution prevention, reducing NOx emission, buffer zones, Hi Tech,
monitoring methods, systematic overhaul, trouble spot in machinery space, digital electronics,
bunkering problems, safety, etc.
Altogether the book consists of 18 units, each of which is dedicated to a given topic
presented in the form of an original text, and in each unit 6 to 10 tasks are suggested, the idea
of which is to form and train reading comprehension and summarizing skills. The tasks are
diverse and include such training exercises as matching equivalents or definitions to the
English terminological word combinations, choosing the most suitable heading from the given
list to the texts paragraphs, multiple choice testing for checking the comprehension of the
text, writing a summary of the article, etc. Apart from a specific scientific topic discussed in
each unit, there are some grammar notes and exercises, which are essential to a maritime
scientific text: passive constructions, -ed and -ing forms of adjectives, contrasting, expressing
reason, result and purpose, conditionals, peculiarities of using articles in a technical text, etc.
The book is organized so that its textual difficulty changes gradually and the last units are
much more complicated than the first ones in the way of the texts presentation and the tasks
suggested. While dealing with professional maritime and scientific publications the readers
concentrate not only on the text messages but also on comprehending figures, diagrams and
graphs, and that is why a special section of the book is dedicated to this.
English for scientific research has been used at the department of English at Odessa
National Maritime Academy and has been approved of by the teachers and cadets.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Elena Nikoulina
Candidate of Science (PhD) in Romance-Germanic Philology, Odessa State University, Ukraine,
Master of Arts in the Teaching English as a foreign language, Philology, translation and
Interpreting, Odessa State university, Ukraine, 1978 (Diploma with Highest Honors).
Professional honours, awards, fellowships
research work and attending the course in ESP at St. Mark & John College, Plymouth, UK, 1995;
British council, Odessa branch, fellow member, 1995 present;
Oxford University Press English language Study Center, fellow member, senior teacher, Odessa,
Ukraine, 1996 present;
Fulbright Scholar at Department of English as an International language, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 1998.
Professional appointments and teaching experience
SENIOR Lecturer and ESP teacher, Odessa State Maritime Academy, Ukraine, 1981-1991;
Ystad of the English Department, Odessa National Maritime Academy 1991 present;
taught maritime business English, all levels, and maritime business communication for marine
engineers and electrical engineers;
developed teaching materials for the courses taught and syllabi and curricula for maritime business
does all kinds of administrative work;
English for Scientific Research. Manual for Masters, Odessa, 2007;
Marine Business English. Manual for Marine Electricians and Electrical Engineers, Odessa,
Latstar, 2000;
language skills; near native English, native Russian and Ukrainian;
computer skills.
Department of English
Odessa National Maritime Academy
8, Didrikhson Street, 65029, Odessa
[email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Uta Buttler
Wismar University, Department of Maritime Studies
Warnemnde, Germany


Making use of modern web-based resources may help teachers develop their own methods on the
basis of combining new technology with proven didactic approaches and standard teaching contents
like SMCP as well as using the students existing joy and knowledge of the internet environment.
Keywords: web 2.0 resources, podcasts, forums, joint writing, productive activities


Curriculum Vitae


Uta Buttler
I have been working as a teacher of Maritime, Technical and Logistics English at the Department
of Maritime Studies for 7 years now.
I graduated from Leipzig University in 1989 with a Diploma as an Adult Trainer of English for
Special Purposes. Since then I have worked in various special fields of English, including
shipbuilding, law and banking. I have been a member of GAME (Association of Maritime English)
since 2004, where I presented workshops on internet resources and tools for Maritime-Technical
English teaching in 2004 and on Maritime English project work in 2008.
Wismar University, Department of Maritime Studies
R.-Wagner-Str. 31, 18119 Warnemnde
Phone: +49 381 4985857
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Stephen Murrell
The Training Company
Genova, Italy
(sponsored by Cambridge University Press)


Rote memory is not a good way to get cadets to learn the huge vocabulary load required by the
SMCP. Peter and his team have developed a number of novel techniques to make the vocabulary interesting and real for students. One of the first steps is showing cadets, who may have never been to
sea, the importance of the SMCP. The lessons are life-like, fun and, best of all, effective.

This workshop will be dedicated to practical exercises to make learning the SMCP more
fun for students. Today we will concentrate on a few of the various games and exercises that
are listed below.
Teaching the SMCP is unique:
1. Teaching the SMCP is not like traditional language instruction. Normally, students are
learning items of language and grammar rules that they will use in order to generate an infinite number of new structures. A student learns to go from the coat is red to the coat is
blue, I am blue. Then they become multi-lingual salesmen, write Hamlet, etc. However,
most students studying the SMCP never use the SMCP vocabulary creatively (and
dont need to). The SMCP is not learnt the way language is usually learnt. A huge proportion of the material must be learnt by rote. None the less, the Maritime English (ME)
teacher needs to make this potentially tedious process interesting for his students.
2. We are teaching vocabulary the students know but they probably wont use. It would
be impossible to create an authentic leaning environment for most of the SMCP.
3. For example: I am under attack by pirates.
4. With luck our students will never use this or other utterances written for emergencies.
Naturally, many learners cant be bothered to learn a lot of the material they think is
unnecessary, so we have to add some interest to the lesson.
5. Students usually need self-access material. The vocabulary load of the SCMP is huge.
Few schools can realistically dedicate the time necessary to teach the SMCP. Bearing
in mind that learning the phrases is mandatory, that is a problem for ME teachers. The
ME teacher can open the door to understanding and remembering the SMCP in class
but we should also provide the student with the keys for self-study.
6. The following exercises are designed to create a relationship between the student and
the target words as painlessly as possible. That may sound difficult or pretentious but
these exercises can pump life into the SMCP and it does mean students learn the material. That is a good reason to experiment with these techniques.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


The SMCP are obligatory. All watch officers are obliged to learn the SCMP by IMO
regulation. In Italy, the IMO SCMP regulations are regarded as law. This has two effects on our teaching:
a. The students are motivated to learn because they are obliged to know the phrases
by IMO regulation.
b. Students of different levels need to learn the same material. Confitarma, the ship
owners association, members of IMO in Italy, shipping company lawyers often
make decision for buying SMCP courses because they are afraid that an insurance
company will refuse to pay in the event of an accident. Watch officers proficient
with English in other areas are studying the same material as beginners so lessons
should be aimed at different levels.

The following exercises can be applied to more than one part of the SMCP.

1. Spelling Warmers
1.1. Spelling
Most seamen know the IMO spelling but certain groups have problems with pronunciation.
The rule we use is to teach the spelling little and often. The students need to practise the alphabet during every lesson until they have learnt it (usually easy) and the pronunciation,
which can be very difficult for certain language groups. A minute or so, at the beginning or
the end of each lesson, for three or four meetings usually gets the information across.
The following are basically simple repetition exercises dressed up with some student participation.
SMCP Spelling 1(i): Marine Chants.
The students stand and repeat the letters after the teacher five at a time. The teacher tells
the students to repeat quietly, loudly, quickly, slowly. When the students are following the
teachers lead the teacher reads the alphabet as a marine drill sergeant chants to his men during drills.
SCMP Spelling 1(ii): Spell your favourite things.
Tell the students to spell their names, favourite football teams etc. using the alphabet.
SCMP Spelling 1(iii): Alphabet conversation.
Students have short conversations to familiarise them with the target structure (IMO spelling, Procedure etc.) in an entertaining way. Instead of words the students use the target language in everyday conversations (in this case, it is often easier to demonstrate the procedure
than to explain it). Students make everyday conversations substituting the usual vocabulary
with the SMCP spelling/digits/numbers. The teacher explains the game and gives conversation topics:
Say hello and how are you / argue / ask a girl to dance and she refuses / someone in love
at first sight.
1.2. Spelling of digits and numbers
2i: Sums with digits and numbers
Teach the students plus + and minus and ask them to set and answer problems using the
SMCP digits and numbers.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

2ii: Number conversation (as Alphabet conversation 2iii)

In Italy, where the students are crazy about football, I sometimes get them to say imaginary
football results using the SMCP selling and numbers.
E.g. Echo, November, Golf, Lima, Alpha, November, Delta Niner
India, Tango, Alpha, Lima, Yankee Zeero
(England 9 Italy 0)

2. Procedure
Procedure consists of only two phrases, and often the quickest way to teach them is to tell
the students to learn them and check they have.
(90% of the deck officers on the last ship I was on did not know Please use the Standard Marine Communication Phrases, I will use Standard Marine Phrases)
Teachers can dress them up with:
3i Love at first sight
The teacher chooses pairs of students to practice the Procedure phrases at a class level. The
teacher assigns the roles.
Say the sentences as angrily/happily/quickly/aggressively/sexily/ as possible. The students read the sentences in the new roles.
Imagine you are a DJ/the most important person in the school/in love at first
sight/the sexiest seaman in the world/ and read the procedure phrases. The students
read the sentences in the new roles.

3. Fillers
These exercises are fillers, one or two to be used for a couple of minutes in each lesson.
3.1. Pronunciation and listening
Pronunciation of SMCP terms in connected speech
Rationale One common complaint is that mariners dont understand the pronunciation of
individual SMCP vocabulary items (this leads to another deep ME teacher insecurity, teaching pronunciation). This lesson will help teach both.
Many students complain that they can understand SMCP vocabulary in the class but they
cant comprehend it at sea. I explain that many English words are pronounced in one way as
individual words and another in connected speech.
I mention the reason but dont go into detail unless the students are interested (i.e. English is
stress-timed, the length of a sentence depends on the number of stresses [accents] it contains, not
the number of syllables. To obey this rule, English mother tongue speakers change the pronunciation of words in connected speech). I find that students only want to know that many English
words are pronounced in two ways one individually and another in connected speech e.g.
The word Goodbye is usually taught as it is pronounced as an individual word Goodbye, but in connected speech it is pronounced Goobpye
(there is
no d). There are hundreds of examples. Do you becomes Dyou, and becomes n (Rock
n roll). I use the following exercise to help familiarise students with pronunciation of SMCP
terms in connected speech.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

I tell the students we are going to do a short dictation and dictate the following sounds:
1. Je
2. Ee
3. Er
4. E
5. rra
6. Jew
7. I
8. In


I write them on the board as I say the sounds one at a time (I dont use the IPA with students). I emphasise that we are listening to sounds and the student cannot make transcription
mistakes. I ask the students if they recognise any of the sounds, then I read the phrases below
and write them on the board so it looks as below. I point out that the word we learn as dangerous is not the word we hear on the SMCP. We hear something like dangrous etc.

A1/ What kind of assistance is required?


A1/3.2.1. I require boat for hospital transfer

A1/ Unchartered rock

A1/ Unchartered dangerous wreck


A1/2.1.2. What problems do you have?

A1/ What is visibility in your position?

In n


Ice situation is not expected to improve

This exercise has proved very popular with Italian and Chinese cadets. I often get a huge positive reaction from students, who have never been shown that English words can be pronounced differently in connected speech. NB I point out that this exercise is to help comprehension not pronunciation. Some students try to pronounce like a mother tongue
I always follow this up with a homework that involves listening to something like Safe Sailing CUP or even the IMO CD.
Pronunciation 2
In class, I follow up by getting the students to choose a vowel sound and present it to another student, e.g. the second i in visibility above. The student must say the i as it is pronounced in the word , not i as in the alphabet.
They pass this sound to another student who repeats the sound and then chooses another
vowel sound to repeat and pass to their partner.
Pronunciation 3
I put a group of phrases that I want to teach on the board. I read them or play the CD and
the students repeat without making any noise, i.e. they move their faces without speaking.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Rationale The students concentrate on the muscles they need for good pronunciation, and
learn new vocabulary safe in the knowledge no one will notice a mistake.
They can try verbalizing sounds with Pronunciation 4.
Pronunciation 4
The teacher chooses a series of utterances. For this exercise I have chosen:
A2/3 1.1. Propulsion System
A2/3 1.1.1. Is the engine a diesel or a turbine?
A2/3 1.1.2. Is the engine-room manned or is engine on bridge control?
A2/3 1.1.3. How long does it take to start engines from ahead to astern?
A2/3 1.1.5. Is extra power available in emergency?
A2/3 1.1.8. Do you have single propeller or twin propellers?
A2/3 1.1.11. What is the maximum power ahead?
A2/3 Do the twin propellers turn inward or outward when going ahead?
The teacher reads or plays the phrases, then selects a student to repeat the phrase after the
phrase is spoken so the whole class must listen (ideally recording the answer). If the student
indicates that they are satisfied with their pronunciation the teacher moves on to the next sentence. If the student indicates that they are not satisfied with their pronunciation the teacher
plays the phrase, or repeats the phrase, again. The student decides if their pronunciation is
good, not the teacher.
One sentence
The teacher divides the students into groups and distributes the target dialogue written as
one sentence. The students divide the dialogues into words/sentences put in the punctuation
and read the dialogue to the teacher who writes it on the board.
This can be used for speaking, listening and teaching all the vocabulary in the SMCP (this
dialogue is to teach call sign, destination, arrival and how to make interrogatives in English).
In large groups they cant all dictate to the teacher so I distribute two dialogues and students from group A dictate to group B, and vice versa.
For example: A1/61 Phrases for acquiring and providing data for a traffic image.
lastportofcallwasNapleswhatis yourETAinposition 4425N,857E
What is the name of your vessel and call sign?
The name of my vessel is M.V. Mesaba call sign MMU.
Spell the name of your vessel.
Mike, Echo, Foxtrot, Sierra, Alpha, Bravo, Alpha
What is your position?
My position is 45.44N 10.24W
What is your port of destination?
My port of destination is Genoa.
What was your last port of call?
My last port of call was Naples.
What is your ETA in position 44 25 N, 8 57 E


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Continuous Important Words and difficult words

Tell the students to choose five words they think are important to remember and five words
that are difficult to remember. They write these words on a sheet of paper with their names.
The teacher keeps the paper and returns it at the next lesson.
Rationale This exercise (which I learnt from Mario Rinvolucri at a British School seminar
in the British schools) is to encourage the students to enter into a relationship with the vocabulary. The student decides where the problems are, and it is a very effective teaching aid
which uses little time.
Message Markers
Instruction, advice, warning, information, question, answer, repeat, intention.
Alternative word list:
objective, enquiry, response, say it again, data, caution, order, recommendation.
Elicit the message markers and write them on the board. Then distribute the alternative word
list. Read the following passage and the students substitute the words from the alternative
word list with the message markers.
Data from the coastguard contains a caution that the sea is rising. The Captain gave an order
that speed must be reduced and a recommendation that passengers dont go on deck. One of
the tour guides made an enquiry to see if American passengers could be allowed ashore. The
Captains response was that the US passengers should go ashore and stay ashore. The guide
asked the Captain to say it again and the Captain said it was not his objective to talk to
guides when he should be sailing his ship!
NB This exercise can be used for any important groups of 10 to 50 vocabulary items and the
passage can be tailored to the required level. Of course, the passage can be used to pre-teach
or revise other items on the syllabus (we used a similar exercise to teach the vocabulary of
boilers). For students of a lower level the words can be written in the L1. It does require adding new non-SMCP vocabulary, but that can be useful if there is extra vocabulary the teachers
wishes to include.
Follow up lesson for message markers
Listen to the following Distress traffic communications and decide which of these IMO
SCMP message markers apply to the following phrases (instruction, advice, warning, information, question, answer, request, intention).
1. __________.What is the nature of the sea bottom?
2. __________.Stay in the area.
3. __________.MV Jolly Roger will follow you.
4. __________.Underwater obstruction position Latitude 44.5 Longitude 8.35
5. __________.I will stay in the area.
6. __________.How many persons will stay on board?
7. __________.No persons will stay on board.
8. __________.Stand bye on VHF.
9. __________.Your present air draught?
10. __________.I will increase my speed.
11. __________.I require a tug.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

NB This exercise is taken from the International Examination of Basic SMCP Proficiency and
is used with permission.
A1 External Communication Phrases
Rationale The external communication phrases are very similar and difficult to learn, beginners could make potentially fatal errors (I am on fire, I am flooding, I have collided, I have
dangerous list, I am aground, etc.). In addition, the signal must begin with the Bearings, making it difficult to remember and harder to differentiate between the phrases.
Divide the class into groups of three and write on the board:
Distress Communication, SAR Communications, Requesting Medical Assistance.
Ask the class to write some distress traffic phrases under the correct heading, and then distribute these phrases on strips of paper.
1. I am on fire after explosions.
2. I cannot control flooding.
3. I have collided.
4. MV Optimist aground.
5. I am sinking.
6. MV Pessimist not under command.
7. I am under attack by pirates.
8. MV Warlord has problems with engines.
9. The crew of MV Jolly Roger has to abandon vessels after explosion.
10. I have lost persons overboard in position XXXXX.
11. My EPIRB is transmitting by mistake.
12. I require boat for hospital transfer.
Tell the students to classify the phrases according to category, i.e. Distress Communication,
SAR Communications, Requesting medical assistance. For example:
Hot seat 1
One student sits facing the class with the board behind them, the teacher writes SMCP vocabulary on the board and the other students have to do all they can to make the person say
that phrase. They can do this by giving hints, e.g. a context when the word might be used,
a definition, another way of saying it etc.
This is adapted from a traditional English childrens game (full details on and is a good game for beginner to preintermediate students to practise letter and number codes. Students work in pairs. The teacher
distributes one grid to each student and students then secretly mark in their ships, in this case,
words from the SMCP. The idea of the game is to detect and destroy your opponents ships.
Students take turns in giving a coordinate, e.g. B4 (or Beta fower in order to practise letter
and number codes). If the coordinate is a hit, student says hit and says the letter, if it is a miss,
student says miss and takes their turn.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland



Sentence order 1
The teacher prepares some phrases which theyd like to revise. The students are put into
groups (one group per phrase) and each given a word from an SCMP. Students are then told
to construct their phrases by standing in the correct order to recreate the sentence as a group,
e.g. 4 people would do I cannot control flooding.
Sentence order 2
The teacher distributes parts of a dialogue to different members of the class. For large
groups large dialogues, for small groups smaller dialogues etc. Each student reads a word
and the teacher writes a word on the board. The idea is to guess the dialogue before all the
words are read.
The teacher marks the spaces for the words on the board.
______ ______
The above is for:
A1/3.3.10. Can you identify the polluter?
A1/ Yes, I can identify the polluter Polluter is MV Jolly Roger.
Traditional childrens game easily adapted for SMCP vocabulary. Remember to insist the
students use SMCP pronunciation for the spelling.
Find someone who ... (has the response to your SMCP).
The teacher makes pairs of cards which consist of two-line SMCP dialogues. The teacher
hands out one card to each person in the class (making sure that both cards in each pair have
been given to someone). The class mills about saying the SMCP on their card to each person
they meet until they find their partner (the person who has the response card).
E.g. Must I take tugs? No, you need not take tugs.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Stephen Murrell
he began his career in the film industry and then became a higher education teaching lecturing in
worked as an English teacher in Germany, Greece and Italy and opened his own school, the English
Conversation Club, in 1986 to apply his ideas about the importance of humanistic teaching. The
new methodology was very successful and it was applied to a variety of original courses that developed the idea that learning English was natural and pleasant;
wrote and administered the Italian state railways scheme to teach commuters English;
worked on board ships all over the Mediterranean and transatlantic ships for nine years;
introduced informative articles in English to three national publications and began edutainment
English courses for cruise ship passengers (Costa, and Festival);
still works with Touring Club Italia organizing and training teachers for entertainment courses. He
has been teaching maritime English since 1997;
founded the Training Company srl to apply the ideas developed for student participation in the language learning to occupational training. In addition to teaching languages, the TTC uses humanistic
methodology for other maritime training problems (engineers, stewards, deck officers, bridge team
management). The Training Company works or has worked with ACME Training Confitarma (the
Italian Ship-owners Association), Costa Cruises, Festival Cruises, GNV, K line Le Navi, Messina
Shipping, Princess Cruises, Premuda Shipping, the Italian Maritime Academy, Fratelli Cosulich, etc.;
prepared an interactive CD on Maritime English in the Engine room for Messina Lines and cowrote Safe Sailing CD-ROM: SMCP Training for Seafarers for Cambridge University Press;
is involved in trying to create an international recognised examination in the SMCP.
The Training Company
Via XX Settembre 26/09, 16121, Genova
Phone: +39 010 540964, +39 010 5533147
[email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Jolanta Kiebratowska
Gdynia Maritime University, Faculty of Navigation
Gdynia, Poland


Using authentic and up-to-date materials is of great importance for students acquisition of maritime vocabulary. Reading about a recent accident, that student has already heard about, makes learning
more motivating (he/she wants to know what actually happened) and more effective (it is easier to remember new words when they appear in a real language and in an interesting context).
The aim of the workshop is to demonstrate how to use the latest piece of news from a news site to
teach maritime vocabulary and grammar.
Keywords: questions, matching words to definitions, role-play, true or false statements, providing
definitions, Passive Voice

The workshop objective is to demonstrate how to use a real, authentic material, in this case
a BBC NEWS report taken from, to introduce a scope of words and
phrases related to the language concerning marine accidents with a stress on rescue operations, and to revise or improve the use of the Passive Voice.

1. Speaking and Reading

1.1. Speaking
Have you heard about any accidents at sea lately?
What happened to the ship and the crew?
Pre-reading task
Work in pairs. Look at the photos and answer the questions.
1. Where was the ship when the accident happened?
2. Why did the crew have to be rescued?
3. How was the crew rescued?
1.2. Reading
I. Scan reading
Read the text quickly to find the answers to the questions in the pre-reading task. Were your
guesses right?
II. Comprehension check
Read the article and answer the questions below.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

1. What kind of ship is the MSC Napoli?

2. Did any crew member suffer any major injuries?
3. How many helicopters airlifted the crew?
4. What was the weather like at the time of the rescue?
5. What kind of cargo is the Napoli carrying?
6. What damage did the ship suffer?
7. What nationalities are the crew members?
8. What is the current plan to salvage the vessel?
Crew rescued from stricken ship
A crew consisting of 26 people has been rescued from a damaged British container ship in
the English Channel 50 miles (80km) off the Lizard in Cornwall. The crew of the MSC Napoli abandoned ship after it got into difficulties. No one suffered any major injuries. The
62,000-tonne vessel took in water through a hole in its side as it made its way through the
Channel. Two helicopters from RNAS Culdrose airlifted all the crew in the French coordinated rescue.
Falmouth Coastguard received a distress call from the Napoli at about 1030 GMT after 1m
by 0.5m (3ft by 1ft 6in) hole in its starboard side started letting in water. The crew of the
275m-long ship (900ft), owned by Mediterranean Shipping Company, abandoned ship for
a lifeboat.
Despite storm force winds, the Royal Navy aircraft, from 771 Search and Rescue Squadron, were able to hover above the crews lifeboat and perform the rescue in what was described by the rescuers as pretty horrific conditions. Weather on scene was south-westerly
severe gale force nine (more than 50mph), with 8m to 9m (26ft to 30ft) swells. The first Culdrose helicopter took about 45 minutes to airlift 13 of the crew before heading back to Cornwall. The second aircraft brought back the remainder. One pilot, Capt. Damian May, said his
aircraft nearly had to surf the waves. He said: Once we come alongside the lifeboat, the
waves and the swell were up to 50ft, which effectively meant we were going up and down
50ft in the dips of the swell and the top of the waves while we were trying to maintain station
on the lifeboat.
'Dangerous' cargo
The mixed nationality crew includes two young British cadets, as well as crew members
from Bulgaria, Ukraine, Turkey, India and the Philippines. The Napoli is carrying about 2,400
containers, although its capacity is more than 4,400. The European Maritime and Safety Agency
said the vessel was listed as carrying dangerous cargo, but coastguards said a small proportion
of the containers was believed to contain insecticides and pesticides. The ship is now in a stable
position 45 miles (72km) south east off the Lizard and a salvage contract has been agreed.
Robin Middleton, leading the coastguard salvage response unit, said: The emergency towing vessel Anglian Princess and a French tug are on scene. A French salvage team is being
transferred onto the Napoli by helicopter and will assess the stability and integrity of the vessel to decide if the vessel can be towed. The current plan is to tow the vessel to a port and discharge the cargo ashore.
Although the ship was holed in its starboard side, it is listing to port. Falmouth coastguards
said that may mean she will not sink. Apart from the hole on the vessels side, the ship also
suffered a flooded engine. All vessels in the area are being warned that they should avoid her.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

The 16-year-old vessel was registered in London, and was last inspected by the Maritime
and Coastguard Agency in May 2005, when officials said it met safety standards.
Story from BBC NEWS

2. Vocabulary
Work in pairs. Match the words or phrases on the left to their definitions on the right.
1) to suffer major injuries

a) to make a judgement about the ship's

condition of being steady

2) to airlift

b) to unload

3) to abandon

c) to experience very large damage

4) a distress call

d) a contract to save a ship from being more damaged

5) severe gale force

e) to pull a ship along behind another ship using a rope

or a chain

6) a swell

f) to take people to an area by plane

7) a salvage contract

g) the way the sea moves up and down

8) to tow

h) a message sent from a ship asking for help

9) to assess the stability

i) to leave

10) to discharge

j) extreme power of a very strong wind

3. Grammar
3.1. Passive voice
I. Find examples of sentences in the text in which the Passive Voice is used. Example: A salvage contract has just been agreed.
Revise the rules concerning verb forms in the Passive Voice.
II. Work in pairs. Find five sentences in the article which can be transformed from the Active
into the Passive.
Example: the Active: Falmouth Coastguard received a distress call.
the Passive: A distress call was received by Falmouth Coastguard.
III. Put questions to five sentences in the text which are already in the Passive Voice.
3.2. Speaking
I. Role-play
Work in pairs, A and B.
A: You are a BBC reporter talking to Capt. Damian May. You want to know all the possible
details of the accident and the rescue operation.
B: You are Capt. Damian May, a pilot of one of the helicopters. Answer the reporters questions.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

II. True or false competition

Work in two groups. Each team has to prepare five statements based on the article. The
task of the other team is to say whether the statements are true or false. The team with higher
amount of right answers wins. Students can look into the article only when preparing the
III. Vocabulary revision
Work in pairs. Choose a word or a phrase you have just learned from the article and provide your own definition of it. Let the others guess, which word or phrase you have in mind.

4. Additional task
Students are given sentences to translate from their native language into English as their
homework. The sentences, which could be both in the Active and the Passive Voice, should
contain words and phrases from the article.


Curriculum Vitae


Jolanta Kiebratowska
1983 1988 University of Gdansk, Faculty of Languages;
1988 MA in English Philology;
1997 2000 Gdynia Maritime University, lecturer of English at Faculty of Marine Electrical Engineering;
2000 Gdynia Maritime University, lecturer of English at Faculty of Navigation.
Lecturer of English
Gdynia Maritime University, Faculty of Navigation
Al. Jana Pawa II 3, 81-345 Gdynia
Phone: +48 58 6901 159
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Ewa Rumistrzewicz
Oxford University Press


Whether you are a large institution wanting to test and group hundreds of students at the same time
or an individual student wanting to check your level of English, this new and robust testing and
learning management system can deal with all those demands and provide you with a time saving and
reliable device for online testing.


Curriculum Vitae


Ewa Rumistrzewicz
has been a teacher trainer for over 10 years;
she specializes in teaching practical phonetics and developing speaking skills in adult learners;
as a Teacher Training Manager at Oxford University Press, she is responsible for developing
teacher training programmes as well as preparing presentations for teachers;
her main professional interests are current trends in ELT.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Heba Saber El-Sayed

Ghada Hozayen
Arab Academy for Science and Technology & Maritime Transport
Alexandria, Egypt


In nowadays digital era, some Maritime English teachers may feel cast away by the idea that their
younger students are regular users of different technology tools that invade the market on daily basis,
whereas the teachers themselves are struggling to manage their way and keep up with this digital era.
However, the old saying express, do not impress! is no longer valid.
The aim of this workshop is to familiarize Maritime English teachers with some of the free-ofcharge on-line technological tools, which they can integrate in their classes not only to express, but
also to impress in order to build rapport with their students and to keep them engaged inside and outside of the classroom. These tools include Blogs, Podcasts, Web quests, instant messaging software,
e-mail, Twitter, different Tubes, Moodle, Sloodle and Second Life. The workshop will focus on
hands-on learner-centered activities on how effectively teachers can use one or two of these in class
as time permits.
Keywords: technology tools, mind mapping, blogs, instant messaging, podcasts, virtual tours, online
quizzes, learner-centered activities

Workshop Objectives
To familiarize Maritime English teachers with some of the free-of-charge online technological tools which they can integrate in their classes in order to build rapport with their students and to keep them engaged inside and outside of the classroom.
Workshop Content
The assignment for the participants is to develop and utilize Mind Maps, Online Quizzes,
Blogs, Podcasts, Virtual Tours, and instant messaging, in learner-centered activities in and out
of class as time permits.
Workshop Requirements
All participants should have their personal laptops (or PCs provided by IMEC) with high
speed Internet access and valid e-mail accounts for websites registration. The presenters need
a data show and high speed Internet access.
Workshop Links and websites
The following links will be used during this workshop:
Mind Maps (for offline)
On-line quizzes


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

On-line Reading and marking
Virtual Tours
Instant messaging
Yahoo messenger
Windows Live Messenger


Curriculum Vitae_______________________

Heba Saber El-Sayed, PhD

currently associate lecturer;
works at the Institute for Language Studies in the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Egypt;
she is the supervisor of the Maritime English Programme;
has taught different ESP courses for almost ten years;
holds a Masters Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) from the American
University in Cairo;
has an interest in material development, testing, teaching writing, and instructional technology.
Dean of the Institute for Language Studies
Arab Academy for Science and Technology & Maritime Transport
Gamal Abdel-Naser Avenue, Maimi, P.O. Box 1029,
Alexandria, Egypt
Phone: + 20 355 677 27
Mobile: + 20 105 650 025
[email protected]
Ghada Hozayen see page no. 149.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Ewa lufarska-Miczyska
Zbigniew Tamilin
Maritime University of Szczecin
Szczecin, Poland


The aim of the workshop is to demonstrate different ways of using authentic materials to be encountered in the work of a seafarer. The materials in question comprise marine accidents reports available online, VHF communications, sailing directions, legal documents used in shipping, safety and/or
security instructions. The authors present a wide range of language activities aiming at practising basic
language skills. The authors expect the participants to get involved in the activities suggested and,
hopefully, to provide some contributions on the basis of their previous language teaching experience.
Keywords: authentic materials, language activities, interaction

1. A Close Quarters Situation

A large passenger ship was transiting the south west lane of a Traffic Separation Scheme
(TSS), steaming at 21 knots at night in good visibility.
A cross-channel ferry was departing port to head for the continent. Once clear of the
breakwater, the ferrys master assessed the traffic in the TSS before deciding how to cross it.
He observed both visually and on radar the passenger ship on his port side at the range of
6 miles, almost on a steady bearing, which would result in the two vessels passing very close
to each other in 12 minutes.
The ferrys master decided to set his course and speed to make it clear that his was the standon vessel, and that the passenger ship was the give-way vessel. Once steady on course the master handed over to the OOW, remaining on the bridge to monitor the developing situation.
The passenger ships bridge team for the transit of the strait consisted of a senior OOW,
a junior OOW and a lookout. For the transit of the TSS, the team was supplemented by the
deputy master, who was observing and chatting to the senior OOW. The senior OOW noted
the ferrys departure from port, but he did not discuss this with the other bridge team members as he was engaged in conversation with the deputy master. The senior OOW, himself an
experienced ferry officer, expected the ferry to set a course to pass clear around the passenger
vessels stern, and his subsequent monitoring of the ARPA failed to identify that the ferrys
bearing was almost steady.
Acting in accordance with the COLREGS, the ferrys OOW maintained his course and
speed (18 knots) as he and the master monitored the actions of the passenger ship. Noting that
the passenger vessel was not giving way, they repeatedly signalled, using five or more short
flashes by Aldis Lamp to indicate they were unsure of her intentions. As the distance between
the two vessels closed to 2 miles, with the anticipated passing distance being 0.3 mile, the

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

ferrys master considered that the passenger ship was taking insufficient action to avoid
a collision, and instructed the OOW to reduce speed to around 12 knots.
As the passenger ship passed 0.6 mile ahead of the ferry, the ferrys master called the passenger ship by VHF radio to advise them of his actions and to give his opinion on the apparent
poor seamanship of the passenger vessels bridge team.
The Lessons
1. The passenger ships bridge team did not effectively assess the risk of collision with the
approaching ferry, so they/it took no action as the give-way vessel. Specifically: The senior
OOWs mistake in not identifying the risk of collision went unnoticed by the other bridge
team members as they were not communicating effectively. The ships deputy master was
not integrated into the team and his presence probably hindered, rather than helped, the
bridge team. Neither the junior OOW nor the lookout supported the team in alerting the
senior officers to the approaching danger. Effective bridge teams require more than additional personnel; successful communication can be achieved only when each team member
is fully aware of their role.
2. In choosing how to cross the TSS, the ferrys master had the option to avoid a close quarters situation developing. However, he chose to act as the stand-on vessel and so created
the risk of the two vessels colliding.
3. By the time it was apparent to the ferrys master that the passenger vessel was taking no
action to avoid a collision, the vessels were only 2 miles apart and closing at 25 knots. Had
the passenger ship altered course to starboard as the ferry slowed down, the situation
would have become confusing and the risk of collision significantly increased.
1.1. A Close Quarters Situation
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2009 CASE 3

Exercise 1. What do these abbreviations mean?

Exercise 2. Work in pairs and explain the following (you can make drawings to illustrate your
stand-on vessel
give-way vessel
crossing vessel
be on a steady bearing
a close quarters situation
traffic lane
Exercise 3. Work in pairs and answer the question: Is effective communication among bridge
team members important? Why/Why not?
Exercise 4. Read the narrative quickly and answer the questions:
a. What happened? ....
b. Why did the incident happen? ..

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Exercise 5. Read the narrative again. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F). Correct the
false ones.
a. The ferrys master assessed the traffic situation in the TSS when the ferry was still in
b. He used only the radar to locate the passenger ship.
c. The ferrys master realized that the outcome of the developing situation could be dangerous for both ships.
d. The ferry maintained her speed and course.
e. When the ferrys OOW took over the watch, the master left the bridge.
f. There were four people on the passenger ships bridge.
g. The senior OOW on the passenger ship communicated effectively with other members
of the bridge team.
h. The ferry violated the COLREGS.
i. The ferry knew exactly what the intentions of the passenger vessel were.
j. It was the ferrys master who took avoiding action.
Exercise 6. Work in pairs and answer the question: What could have been done to prevent the
incident? Then read The Lessons and compare your ideas.
Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the words/expressions given below. Mind the correct
verb forms.
to transit

to depart

to be clear

to remain

to assess

to steam

a. We were at 20 knots during the day in good visibility when suddenly we

heard a loud bump down in the engine room.
b. Is this the first time you have this canal?
c. Watchkeepers have to at stations until further orders are given.
d. All cruise ships arrive at the island at 0800 hrs and at 1900 hrs.
e. The pilot disembarked when the ship of the breakwater.
f. The OOW did not the risk of collision correctly, so he took no avoiding action.
to be supplemented

to head

to set

to consist

to be engaged

to alert

g. The ferry left the terminal at 2000 hrs and for Ystad.
h. On our vessel the deck crew of 10 people.
i. A seafarer has to remember that his theoretical knowledge should .. by practical
j. Coastal stations mariners to dangers.
k. When a fishing vessel in fishing, she exhibits special lights.
l. The tanker her course to give a wide berth to the derelict vessel.
Exercise 8. Read the last paragraph of the narrative again. Work in pairs. Write and then act
out the VHF conversation between the ferrys master and the master of the passenger ship.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

2. CASE 7 When One Hand for the Ship and One Hand for Yourself Wasnt
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2007 (the Narrative and the Lessons taken from:

A 16m, twin screw pilot launch was tasked to disembark a pilot from an 81m general cargo
ship. Both vessels were heading on an easterly course and the offshore, westerly, near gale
force winds were producing 1-1.5 metre seas from astern. It was winter and it was dark.
The pilot launch settled starboard side alongside the cargo vessels pilot ladder, which was
rigged on the ships port side just forward of the after accommodation. Because the pilot had
told the pilot launchs coxswain that he wished to disembark as quickly as possible, due to the
poor weather conditions, the deckhand went out on deck before the pilot was sighted. The
deckhand waited for the pilot at the forward part of the launch, with one arm wrapped around
the pulpit rail, while holding the pilot ladder with his other hand. The pilot ladder had been
rigged such (so) that it was nearly 2 metres too long. The deckhand had not secured his harness to the travelling rail and light spray was being shipped over the pilot launchs bows.
Without warning, the pilot launch bow dipped into the trough of a wave and a large
amount of water was shipped over forward. The coxswains immediate reaction was to reduce
the speed on both engines, but the water travelled up even further along the launch. The coxswain stopped both engines and the cargo vessel moved ahead. During these events, the pilot,
who was still on board the cargo vessel, and the coxswain, lost sight of the deckhand and realised that he had been washed overboard. The coxswain immediately made a man overboard
broadcast on VHF radio, which the VTS duty officer responded to by alerting the RNLI and
the local paramedics. The broadcast was also heard by a second pilot launch, which was close
astern of the first pilot launch.
The coxswain very quickly saw the casualty in the water by the reflective tape and light on
his lifejacket. He manoeuvred the launch as close as possible downwind of the casualty, but
because the coxswain was alone, rescuing him proved very difficult. The second pilot launch
arrived on scene, and a pilot and a deckhand were able to lasso the casualty, bring him alongside and lift him on board. The casualty had been in the water for about 6 minutes.
The casualty was landed ashore and taken to hospital. He was released later that day and
was able to return to work.
The Lessons
1. The casualty was very fortunate that he sustained no injuries after he was washed off the
deck, especially from the propellers. This illustrates the great value of the crews harness
being attached to the travel rail on board pilot launches while embarking or disembarking
pilots. The harness equipment is provided for the crews safety, and they should use it.
2. By applying knowledge gained from a sea survival course, the deckhand prolonged his
survival time and delayed the onset of hypothermia by keeping his limbs close to his body
and remaining still to conserve body heat.
3. Stern seas can help reduce excessive rolling when carrying out embarkation or disembarkation operations. However, there is always the possibility of the stern being picked up by
a wave, causing the bow to become submerged in a trough and endangering any deckhand
standing forward. Coxswains and pilots should always be aware of this danger.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

4. Ships officers are reminded that a pilot ladder should be rigged so that it is not too long
and so that the bottom meets the deck of the pilot launch. This will prevent damage to the
ladder and will avert a trip hazard to the pilot from the excess length lying on the deck.
Additionally, if a pilot ladder is rigged to the correct length, the deckhand will not be required to hold it. Instead, he will be able to concentrate on his prime role that of assisting
with the safe embarkation/disembarkation of the pilot.
2.1. When One Hand for the Ship and One Hand for Yourself Wasnt Enough
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2007 CASE 7

Exercise 1. Look at the title. What do you think one hand for the ship and one hand for yourself means?
Exercise 2. Work in pairs. Answer the following questions: How can a pilot embark a vessel?
What must be remembered when rigging a pilot ladder?
Exercise 3. Read the narrative quickly and answer the questions:
a. What happened? ....
b. Why did the accident happen? ..
Exercise 4. Read the narrative again. Put the statements below in the correct order to make
a summary of the events.
a. A man overboard broadcast was made on VHF.
b. On board the pilot launch the deckhand went out on deck before the pilot was sighted
and waited for him there. He had not secured his harness and the seas were high.
c. The pilot launchs coxswain reduced the speed.
d. The deckhand was rescued after about 6 minutes by another pilot launch, which had received the man overboard broadcast and proceeded for assistance.
e. A pilot wished to disembark a general cargo vessel as quickly as possible due to unfavourable weather conditions.
f. The coxswain spotted the deckhand in the water, but as he was alone, he couldnt recover
g. The pilot, who was still on board the cargo vessel, and the coxswain, lost sight of the deckhand.
h. The pilot launchs bow dipped into the trough of a wave and the water started to ship
over the launch.
i. The coxswain stopped the engines.
Exercise 5. Work in pairs and answer the question: What could have been done to prevent the
accident? Then read The Lessons and compare your ideas.
Exercise 6. Look at the Narrative and The Lessons again. Find synonyms (=) and antonyms
() of the words/expressions given below.
Antonyms () and synonyms (=) to be looked for in the Narrative:
a. to embark
b. onshore winds
c. the ridge of a wave
d. a helmsman =

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


to spot =
a pilot boat =
a response =
bands used to hold sb or stop them from falling =
to clasp ones arm around =
on land =

Antonyms () and synonyms (=) to be looked for in The Lessons:

k. hands and legs =
l. disembarkation
m. harm =
n. to suffer =
o. fastened, connected =
p. to obtain, to acquire =
q. to make longer, to extend =
r. to emerge
s. to prevent =
t. the beginning (of illness) =
Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the following verbs in their correct form:
to be tasked
to release

to ship water

to dip into

to be washed

to lose

to respond

to lasso

a. He the man in the water, brought him alongside and lifted him on board.
b. If you see someone overboard, maintain a visual contact with him/her. If you
sight of him/her, it will be difficult to locate them again.
c. We with repairing the bilge pump by tomorrow.
d. Youd better secure your harness if you do not want overboard.
e. The MRCC by sending a helicopter to the vessel in distress.
f. The vessel was holed below waterline and was quickly.
g. In order to let this line go you have to the brake.
h. A large wave surged up towards them and the bow of the yacht the sea.
Exercise 8. Match the words/expressions to their definitions.
boarding arrangements
boarding speed


accommodation ladder


.................................. the speed of a vessel adjusted to that of a pilot boat at which the
pilot can safely embark / disembark
................................. all equipment, such as pilot ladder, accommodation ladder, hoist,
etc., necessary for a safe transfer of the pilot
................................. ladder attached to platform at vessels side with flat steps and
handrails enabling persons to embark/disembark form water or shore
.................................. step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder form twisting
.................................. on or towards the sheltered side of a ship; opposite of windward
(All definitions taken from IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases, IMO London

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Exercise 9. On the basis of your knowledge and hands-on experience prepare a short description of boarding arrangements regarding the rigging of a pilot ladder and embarking/disembarking a pilot. Use some of the vocabulary and expressions suggested below:
(Always) Remember to
Do not
Make sure you
You must
must not be
The distance between and must be
It can be dangerous if
must comply with
(You have to/must) Stand by
Rig the pilot ladder (on port side/starboard side/alongside hoist)
At night put lights on
Have ready
Make a lee
heaving line; manropes; boarding speed; accommodation ladder; broken steps; loose
steps; broken spreaders; pilot ladder too long/short; SOLAS regulations; boarding arrangements

3. CASE 8 Dangerous Cargo it Did What it Said on the Tin

MAIB Safety Digest 1/2009 (the Narrative and the Lessons taken from:

A 20 foot container was stowed on top of a 30-tonne tank container. When the 20 foot container was lifted during discharge, the automatic midlocks securing the container to the tank
container did not immediately disengage as designed. Consequently, the tank container was
lifted between 30cm and 50cm before it dropped back to deck. The impact caused the tank
frame to buckle and resulted in the release of a small quantity of the tanks contents. The crew
immediately plugged the deck scuppers and spread sawdust over the deck to absorb the
spilled liquid. The chief officer quickly identified the contents of the tank as hydrogen peroxide, and consulted the appropriate substance information sheet on the ships dangerous cargo
database. The master informed the shore authorities of the spillage while the crews were mustered on the poop deck; the ships ventilation was also isolated. As no inert absorbent material
was carried on board, additional sawdust was spread around the container by the crew wearing positive pressure breathing apparatus, rubber gloves and boots. Approximately 15 minutes
after the spillage, the local emergency services arrived and established an exclusion zone
around the vessel. Several of the crew were medically examined by shore-based medical staff
and, although an AB was sent to hospital for tests, there were no injuries.
Following inspection, the tank was transferred ashore and, shortly afterwards, the sawdust
on the deck was swept up and put into open plastic containers. These were then placed with
the SOPEP equipment in the focsle store. Before leaving the vessel, the local emergency services advised the vessel that sawdust was not an appropriate absorbent material to deal with
IMO class 5.1 oxidising agents such as hydrogen peroxide due to the risk of self-ignition.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

About 1 hour after the sawdust had been cleared, smoke was seen coming from the focsle
store. The alarm was raised and the crews were again mustered on the poop deck. Two firefighting teams, wearing breathing apparatus and fire suits, fought the fire using water hoses,
and it was extinguished approximately 20 minutes after being discovered. The local emergency services cleared the compartment of smoke and inspected the damage.
The fire was started by the self-ignition of the hydrogen peroxide-impregnated sawdust,
which generated oxygen and heat as it decomposed. All of the contaminated sawdust which
had not been burned was taken ashore and disposed of as hazardous waste.
The Lessons
1. The inadvertent release of a harmful substance usually requires immediate action to be
taken. However, if such action is not in accordance with the guidance provided in the
IMDG Code Emergency Schedules (EmS), the possibility of injury to personnel, harm to
the environment, and damage to the vessel is increased considerably. In this case, the applicable schedule recommends that hydrogen peroxide be washed overboard using water
hoses, or absorbed with an inert material NOT sawdust. Had either of the recommended
measures been taken, the subsequent fire would have been prevented.
2. The spillage of a dangerous substance cannot be safely dealt with if the equipment recommended in the IMDG Code is not carried, or if insufficient quantities are held. Has your
company given any thought to what might be required to deal with the substances carried?
3. Materials impregnated with a harmful substance following a spillage are liable to be hazardous in a number of ways, and therefore must be treated with extreme caution. Disposal ashore
at the earliest opportunity is the easiest way of minimising the exposure to any risk.
3.1. Dangerous Cargo it Did What it Said on the Tin
MAIB Safety Digest 1/2009 CASE 8

Exercise 1. Read the quotation. Then complete the sentence.

The carriage of dangerous goods and marine pollutants in sea-going ships is respectively
regulated in the I C for the S of the L at
S (SOLAS) and the I C for the P of
P from S (MARPOL).

Exercise 2. Read the quotation.

For all modes of transport (sea, air, rail, road and inland waterways) the classification
(grouping) of dangerous goods, by type of risk involved, has been drawn up by the UNITED
NATIONS Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (UN).

Can you match the names of dangerous goods to their classes and complete the table?
Class 3.
Class 4.1.
Class 4.2.
Class 4.3.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Class 5.1.
Class 5.2.
Class 6.1.
Class 6.2.
Class 7.
Class 8.
Class 9.

Flammable Solids or Substances;
Infectious Substances;
Oxidizing substances (agents) by yielding oxygen increase the risk and intensity of fire;
Toxic Substances;
Flammable Solids;
Radioactive Substances;
Miscellaneous Dangerous Substances and Articles;
Flammable Liquids;
Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases;
Organic peroxides-most will burn rapidly and are sensitive to impact or friction.

Exercise 3. Work in pairs and answer the questions:

What does IMDG Code stand for and what is its role?
What does SOPEP stand for and what is its role?
Exercise 4. Read the narrative quickly and answer the questions:
a. What happened? ....
b. Why did the incident happen? ..
Exercise 5. Read the narrative again. Work in pairs and answer the questions.
a. Where was the 30-tonne tank container stowed?
b. Why was the tank container lifted before it dropped back?
c. Why did the tanks contents leak?
d. How did the crew deal with the leakage?
e. What did the chief officer do?
f. What did the master do?
g. Did any of the crewmembers suffer?
h. Why was the sawdust not appropriate to deal with hydrogen peroxide?
i. Where did the fire break out?
j. How was the fire fought?
k. What was the fire caused by?
Exercise 6. Work in pairs and answer the question: What could have been done to prevent the
fire? Then read The Lessons and compare your ideas.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the following verbs in their correct forms:
to be stowed
to spread

to disengage
to drop
to buckle
to plug
to absorb
to establish
to sweep up
to be disposed

You have to the gears before you start the car.

All waste must be of in an environmentally friendly way.
Have all scuppers been yet?
sawdust to the spilled liquid.
Light cargo should on top of the heavy cargo.
A new buoyage system has been here recently.
I stumbled and my torch. It was so dark that I couldnt see anything.
What is the cadet doing? Hes the deck.
The railings under the impact of a falling box.

Exercise 8.Work in groups of three or four. Prepare a short briefing on the following subject:
What should be done in case of spillage or leakage of a dangerous substance on board?
Use the expressions given below:
consult the safety data sheet of a dangerous substance;
let the spillage evaporate;
scoop away the reminders;
rope off the area;
inform the pollution control/harbour authorities;
put on protective clothing and breathing apparatus;
stop the spillage;
remove the spillage with synthetic scoops;
use absorbents for the spillage;
do not touch the spillage;
separate contaminated goods from others;
cover contaminated goods with tarpaulins;
cool down the container with water;
ventilate the hold;
close the hatch-operate the fire-extinguishing system;
provide first aid to injured persons;
call the ambulance;
take off and dispose of contaminated clothing
remember to
do not
first , then .
you have to / must
you must not
in case of inhalation / ingestion / eye contact
remove the victim into fresh air
rinse the mouth / eyes

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

in case of inhalation, remove the victim to fresh air.

in case of ingestion immediately rinse the mouth with water, and drink plenty of water.
Do not induce vomiting.
in case of eye contact immediately rinse the eyes for at least 15 minutes keeping the eye
lids wide open.

Exercise 1. Work in pairs and match informal and formal expressions:
1. Im sorry to tell you
2. at 5 a.m.
3. to get into the port
4. to crash into
5. the left side
6. near
7. to make somebody guilty
8. which may come from it
9. to take part in
10. will take place

to attend
in way of
I regret to inform you
to enter the port
to hold somebody responsible
at 0500 hours
to collide with
the port side
which may arise therefrom
will be performed

Exercise 2. Work in pairs and replace informal expressions with formal ones:
Dear Sir,
Im sorry to tell you that today at 5 a.m. local time, while getting into the port, your vessel
crashed into my m.v. Arrow and caused some damage to her left side near hold no 2.
In this connection, I have to make you guilty for all the damage caused and for all the
consequences which may come from it.
I also invite you to take part in a survey which will take place on board my vessel today at 3 p. m.local time.
Yours faithfully,
Exercise 3. Work in pairs and explain the following expressions:
1. foreman
2. ex my vessel
3. discharging
4. on the copy enclosed
5. the receipt

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

6. in the presence of
7. liable
8. to acknowledge
9. inspected
10. the a/m damage
Exercise 4. Work in pairs and put in the expressions from Exercise 3:
Dear Sir,
I regret to inform you that today at 0700 hours local time, during . operations .., the hatch cover of my hold no. 3 was damaged by your crane operator.
.. was shown to your and inspected by him
of our chief mate.
In this connection, I have to hold you for the above mentioned damage
and for all the consequences which may arise therefrom.
Please .. of the letter
Yours faithfully,
Exercise 5. Work in pairs and write a claim using the data given below:
1. scene of accident the port of Szczecin
2. time of accident 1700 hours UTC
3. party to blame the m/v Discoverer
4. accident collision
5. accident details the stern of the m/v Discoverer struck against the starboard side of
your vessel
6. accident result damage to the plating
7. your intentions arranging a surveyors inspections
8. the other vessels obligation to attend the survey, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter

1. The Narrative and the Lessons taken from:


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Curriculum Vitae


Ewa lufarska-Miczyska
in 2000 graduated from University of Silesia, Poland, with a degree of MA in the English language
and started working at the Maritime University of Szczecin,
attended IMO Training Session for Maritime English Teachers in Szczecin in 2003,
promoted to position of a Maritime English lecturer in 2007,
co-author of a grammar handbook for students of navigation.
Zbigniew Tamilin
in 1972 graduated from University of Pozna, Poland, with a degree of MA in the English language,
in 1972 he started working at Maritime University of Szczecin,
completed MA studies at the University of Exeter in Applied Linguistics with a degree of MA in
holds position of a Senior Maritime English lecturer,
co-author of a grammar handbook for students of navigation.
Maritime University of Szczecin
Waly Chrobrego Sr. 1, 70-500 Szczecin
Mailing address: Mazurska St. 8a/8, 70-424 Szczecin
Phone: +4891 480 93 77
Fax: +4891 480 93 77
[email protected],
[email protected]


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Naoyuki Takagi
Yoko Uchida
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Tokyo, Japan


The Maritime English Vocabulary Development (MEV-DEV) Program, which the authors presented at IMEC 20, allows its users to learn Maritime English vocabulary while listening to words and
phrases as they appear in example sentences. The program uses JavaScript and runs on Internet Explorer, and one can easily add new vocabulary items and sound files using conventional text editors
and free audio editing software. Since ocean-going mariners encounter Maritime English with various
accents, it is essential that prospective seafarers familiarize themselves with such accents. In this
workshop, participants will learn how to use the MEV-DEV program and how to expand its vocabulary items, while at the same time making recordings of their own accents. The end product will be
made available through the IMLA-IMEC and TUMSAT sites, so that both Maritime English teachers
and students can benefit from the proposed workshop.


Curriculum Vitae


Naoyuki Takagi PhD, Professor

Yoko Uchida PhD, Associate Professor
The authors currently teach both Maritime and General English at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT). They have been actively involved in TUMSATs Maritime English
Initiative Project, and developed the Test of Maritime English Competence (TOMEC).
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Phone: 81-3-5463-0675
Fax: 81 03 5245 7449
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Heba Saber El-Sayed

Arab Academy for Science and Technology & Maritime Transport


The need for maritime students to master academic writing skills for their study is well recognized.
It is our responsibility as Maritime English teachers to ensure they do. In our quest to do so in
a process-oriented, multiple-draft writing class, we may fall in the trap of appropriating students writing. Do our expectations as Maritime English teachers and our students actual interpretation of our
written feedback match in terms of authority and attitude? More precisely, shall teachers abandon their
authoritative image and adopt a facilitating, consultative role or shall their knowledge and expertise
qualify them to implement their authority positively, empowering student revision?
Based on the results of my MA thesis, this workshop is intended to provide maritime English
teachers with practice on how to provide written feedback effectively using Microsoft Word while
considering both attitude and authority issues, drawing their attention to the different variables that
could affect student views of the written feedback and of the variables that would empower students to
become autonomous writers.
Keywords: written teacher feedback, Microsoft Word, authority, attitude, autonomy, perceptions

Workshop Objectives
To provide Maritime English teachers with practice on how to provide written feedback effectively, what aspects to consider in their feedback and how to use Microsoft Word to provide feedback.
Workshop Content
The assignments for the participants are (1) to provide feedback on the different aspects of
maritime student piece of writing: content (ideas), organization, grammar, vocabulary choice,
spelling, punctuation; (2) to consider attitude and authority issues; and (3) to use Microsoft
Word controls, i.e. word review comments, shapes (lines + callouts), colors (font color + highlight), footnotes, voice comments, superscript, and compare feature, in providing professional

_____________________Curriculum Vitae________________________

Heba Saber El-Sayed see page no. 282.


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Joseph Okon Joe

Maritime Academy of Nigeria
Oron, Nigeria


This paper strives to establish the fact that environment remains the vivid sharpener of behavioral
patterns amongst multi-lingual seafarers on board a ship. Linguistically, peoples cultural norms and
values are easily showcased in their language. Also, embedded in any natural language is the unique
cultural belief system of the particular speech community. Again, this unique cultural belief system
portrayed in the language is vividly reflected in the level of commitment (conscientious attachment) to
the speech they make. It is this uniqueness in the linguistic behavior of speakers of different
languages, depicting different cultural backgrounds across the world that poses to the Maritime
industry, a barrier that must be broken by the IMEC family through the propagation, and of course,
cross-pollination of the Maritime English. It is this cross-cultural communication barrier, sequel to the
use of multi-lingual crew on board, on one hand and some proffered useful ideas on how to propagate
and ensure a successful cross-pollination of the Maritime English that this conference paper seeks to
illuminate on the other hand. It is therefore envisaged, that this paper, in its own small measure, would
add up with other papers to help facilitate the desired situation of mutual intelligibility by our multilingual crew on board.
Keywords: Maritime English, multi-lingual crew, cross-pollination, cross-cultural communication.

1. Introduction
Telling the story of the Tower of Babel as scribbled in the Bible, a young preacher
narrated to church, how men desired to build a tower in order to enter into sky and perhaps
heaven, and see their creator. The preacher said they started building the tower without
relenting in any way. When they had built a sky-scrapper after several months, God became
angry over mans quest to see Him and discover how and where He lived and so, in His anger,
He took mutual intelligibility away from them, and rather than speak a common language as
before, each man was given a different language and no builder could understand the
language of the other. This, according to the preacher, was the introduction of many
languages and language clusters of the world. The building of the tower stopped because they
could not understand themselves and so, could not communicate effectively.
Whether this story is factual or fictitious is not subject to dispute, rather, the important thing
to note here is that all human beings from whatever race or tribe need communication in order
to relate with others, man needs a common language that he can share with people around him.
This paper highlights this human desire to communicate with other people effectively and
shows how seamen sailed out of their domain and met with people from other cultural
backgrounds other than theirs, which necessitated seafarers need for a common language
the Maritime English.
The paper illuminates the prevalent cross-cultural problem, which is still lingering on
board. The belief system of some people, which is different from those of other seafarers

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

around them, impedes communication and brings about disasters at sea. It also presents some
way of improvement on the communicative competence of multi-lingual crew on board. For
instance, the cross-pollination approach of improving communication on board is show cased.

2.0. Environmental determination of the lexicon of a peoples language

Sequel to mans need for mutual co-existence, man tried to communicate with other people,
through this trial several thousands of languages were developed from the creation of the
universe. In the primitive era, a tribe used to speak a unique language, in which the norms and
values of their community, their religious practices and belief system were conveniently
embedded in it and so, they had no communication problem, since every member of the speech
community could speak and understand their unique language. When people from other tribes
started meeting other people from places other than theirs, communication problems started.
Since culture consists of virtually everything about a peoples way of existence their
environment determined to a large extent the lexical items used in the formation of the language
they speak. The language made provision for the items or things found in the environment.
Anything that is not indigenous to the peoples environment could not have been given a name
in the language. But, everything that is found in the environment of the people would always
have an indigenous name in the language of the people. This is why no Nigerian can give
indigenous names to those things that were not naturally found in their environment from the
beginning of time. Thus, things like computer, compact disk, television, electricity, radio,
telephone, satellite dish, air plane etc can not be given any indigenous names in any of the 513
languages and language clusters in Nigeria because those things were not there in the Nigerian
environment when their forefathers were developing their indigenous languages.
Language therefore, is a component of the culture of a society. Cultural differences are to
be expected between two or more people from different nationalities or regions when sharing
any activity. If they speak different languages and do not have a good command of a certain
language, which enables them to interact, cultural differences might be difficult to overcome.
According to Cole (1999) in the not so distant past, and certainly for most of the last
century, it was common for ships to be financed, built, managed, commercially traded,
manned and registered by a single country. Communication between any parties in the
operations was not a problem, at least not beyond the pretence of dialectal misunderstandings.
Today, however, the shipping industry is truly global in nature and rarely does a ship have an
owner, officers and ratings from the same country with the same native language.
In almost all activities, but mainly on board vessels, these cultural differences may result
in isolation and depression on board.
2.1. The negative effect of multi-lingual crew on board
The negative effect of a multi-lingual crew on board is communication difficulty. Crew
members in ships are not always of the same nationality, due to crew cost or flag of
convenience, and this problem brings about accidents on board, which, history tells us have
been very disastrous. The total number of accidents on sea caused by the lack of a common
language is not known because some sea accidents are not recorded at all. According to
Clements (1996):
No precise statistics is available with regards to the number of situations or potential
accidents, which happened on board, that, may have had communication problems or

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

lack of a common language for a cause. However, there is the perception that the
situations affecting Maritime Safety, in which language problems are involved,
constitute a considerable number. The Scandinavian Star disaster has called the
attention of many sectors of the Maritime activity and many concerns have been
brought to the floor, language difficulty is one of these concerns.
The Ro-Ro passengers ship has shown difficulties in the use of a common language on
board. We have heard also of the Tuo Hai and Tenyo Maru confusion. Zhang (1995) reports
that sometimes in July 1991, the Tuo Hai a Chinese bulk carrier and the Tenyo Maru
a Japanese fishing vessel collided in the vicinity of Cape Flattery in the state of Washington,
USA. The transportation safety Board of Canada carried at an investigation, and the
conclusions were that the collision took place because neither of the ships was using the
appropriate procedure for a fog situation, and because of the inability of the seafarers of the
Chinese bulk carrier to understand communication in English. Zhang (1995).
The Sea Empress accident of 15th February, 1996 is also a case of communication
problem. The Sea Empress was managed by a British company, owned by a Norwegian
company under the Liberian flag. The crew and master were Russians; Reporters said there
was a serious communication problem on board between the British pilot and the crew
because they could not communicate effectively.
The accident of Federal St Clair was also reported in 1992 as striking the canal bank
when she approaching the port of Montreal, Canada due to poor command of English
language by the crew and master.
2.3. Why multi-lingual crew?
It has been argued those multi-lingual crews are not expected to leave the arena of
Maritime Industry in the foreseeable future. According to Clements (1996):
In the past, officers and crew were, in most cases, of the same nationality. Large
shipping companies used to employ their ratings themselves and among nationals on
a long contract basis. It was common practice that officers and seafarers used to work
for the same company and in many cases on board the same vessel. Moreover, after
serving on board, officers and experienced seafarers came ashore to work at the
company office. So seamen were used to having a sort of link for life with a shipping
company. Open registries and/or developing countries offering flags of convenience,
both making their appearance in the arena of the shipping activity, altogether with
a large number of officers and ratings from developing Maritime nations.
The strong competence of seamen from developing Maritime nations and their very low
salaries got ship managers interested in engaging them instead of paying large cost as salaries
to Americans, Western Europeans and Japanese seafarers.
2.4. Clash of culture and the need for a meltdown on board
Since a tribe is known by her culture, the meeting of different people resulted in the
meeting of different cultures. The term culture consists of ideas, customs and art-produced by
a particular society. Culture is particular for society or civilization. Testifying to the important
relationship between language and culture, Hoijer (1974) observes that:


International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Language plays a large and significant role in the totality of culture. Far from being
simply a technique of communication, it is itself a way of directing the perceptions of
its speakers and it provides for them habitual modes of analyzing experiences into
significant categories.
Hoijer does not deny that communication is a function of language, rather, he emphasizes
the other function: that of directing speakers perceptions. So, non-material culture relies
heavily on language in the projection of the peoples life style.
Language is a communal property much as culture is; both are people-oriented and reflect
the peoples worldview and civilization. It is therefore impossible to fully imbibe new ideas
or realize cross-cultural fertilization without language. This phenomenal posture of the human
communication system makes Stubs (1986) declare as follows:
For obvious reasons, languages have specialized vocabularies for local flora and
fauna, and the like. Again, for obvious reasons, when words are borrowed from one
language into another, it is often words that relate to new cultural artifacts,
traditional products, religious, cultural and artistic customs.
This vindicates the intertwining interplay between language and culture, since it is
obvious now that the culture of a people gives birth to the language they speak. Writing on the
importance of language to man and his society crystal (1997) as cited in Ukut et al (2001)
There is the importance we attach to language as a means of understanding ourselves
and our society, and of resolving some of the problems and tensions that arise from
human interactions. No sector of society is unaffected, and all can benefit from the
study of the linguistic factors that constitute a barrier as well as a means of
Culture has been found to be an all-embracing term, which refers to the life-style of
people. Nigerian culture has been identified as the life-style of Nigerians and American
culture, as the life-style of Americans. For instance, the Americans are known for creativity
and change. When an American makes a mistake in what other people would do correctly, the
mistake is viewed by the Americans not only as a deviation from the known pattern, but as
a new style in doing that same thing. That is the culture of encouragement even in the face of
failure. This is not true of the Nigerian culture. A slide mistake made by a Nigerian is viewed
by Nigerians as a sacrilege committed by a doomed and finished person. One still recalls
a particularly obnoxious situation in Nigeria. A Nigerian footballer made a mistake and
scored a suicidal goal which costs Nigeria an appearance in a World Cup in the eighties the
next morning that footballer was found dead, shot in the neck by Nigerians who forgot that
the players intention was to kick the ball out of the Nigerian goal area.
We have heard that for an American and may be, many others in the Western Hemisphere,
a pat on the head given to a child, a subordinate staff or even an elderly person means good
girl/boy, but for a Malaysian, as well as for some other Islamic countries, the head is something
sacred and the source of intellectual and spiritual power and should not be touched.
We have also heard that to invite for a drink after a days work, an Australian would fold
three fingers of the hand against the palm and keep the thumb and little finger in a straight up
position to suggest that it is time to drink. Clements (1996) claims that for a Chinese that sign
means six and for a Malaysian it means something related to the evil of occult masters.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

Clements has it that for Anglo-Saxons and some other Northern Europeans, a raised
finger or a tilt of the head to one side is a call on the waiter to provide drinks. He claims that
most Africans would knock on the table to call the waiter, while people from the Middle East
will simply clap their hands to call the waiter.
Again, most people move their head up and down to mean Yes, but the same gesture
means No in other countries especially Indonesia and Albania, Philipinos we hear, do not say
No with ease the way others do. Rather than say No, they will jerk their heads downwards
instead. Sometimes the downward jerk of the head is accompanied by the very word Yes.

3.0. The Nigerian communicative attitude

Sequel to their culture, some Nigerian tribes such as the Oron people in Akwa Ibom State,
the Yoruba States and the people of Edo and Delta States are found repeating their speeches
in their native languages. These repetitions of the syntactic structure of speech are sometimes
noticed in their spoken English. The purpose of this syntactic repetition in the native language
is for emphasis and enhancement of understanding. But having been transferred to the use of
English language it becomes an interference of the L1 on the L2 On board a ship, this speech
mannerism would enhance understanding but it would be viewed by people from other
cultures as being unacceptable method of communication. It is therefore not strange to hear
a Nigerian say: Remove that gum in your mouth and throw it away remove that gum in
your mouth and throw it away.
3.1. Combination of speech with body gesture
Most Nigerians would be seen combining speech especially the native languages with
body gesture for the simple purpose of emphasis. Whether they are using their native
languages or English language, it is a common thing to see a Nigerian speaking and
demonstrating with his body, especially the use of hands while communicating.
3.2. Code-mixing and code-switching
The Igbo people of the defunct Biafran states in Nigeria are noted for their extreme codeswitching and code-mixing speech mannerism. There is no tribe in Nigeria that is not
involved in code-switching and code-mixing, but the Igbos are by far, the best examples.
Code-switching occurs when two or more people belonging to the same speech
community interact. Here a speaker begins a sentence with one language and finds himself or
herself finishing the same sentence in yet another language. In code-mixing, the speaker starts
the sentence with - say English, then jumps to a native language say Igbo, and finds himself
finishing the sentence with the first language English. If two or three of them are members
of the crew on board a particular ship, other crew members from other cultural backgrounds
may not understand the Igbos when they are communicating on board.

4.0. Cross-cultural communication barrier on board

4.1. Pockets of republic on board
A situation where one culture is considered to be much more superior to all others on
board a ship could hamper the free flow of information. This cultural variance in attitude

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

promotes pseudo predisposition of superior inferior status of other ethnic groups in the
crew and officers on board. We tend to have pockets of republics on board a particular ship,
which act as stumbling blocks to the free flow of communication.
4.2. The negative effect of crew cost variation
It is worse when crew members of the inferior ethnic groups receive lower salaries while
other crew members from the so called superior cultures or ethnic groups receive four or five
times the amount paid to the inferior cultures or ethnic groups for doing the same jobs done
by the inferior groups. This situation brings about bad blood, depression, isolation and of
course, the unwillingness to communicate, especially with members of the superior ethnic
group. This is demoralizing and frustrating, capable of endangering life and property at sea.
According to Clements (1996):
In order to properly assess crew cost in the 1990s, let us glance at the international
shipping Federation (ISF) 1993 1994 report on crew costs with relation to nationalities.
A Japanese chief officer costs 149 units, an Indian chief officer costs 45 units, and a Chinese
chief officer costs 28 units. In the same report, an American seaman costs 186 units while
a Phillippino and a Bulgarian seamen cost 38 and 33 units respectively. (Port and Shipping,

5.0. The need for a cross-pollination of MARENG

The natural question one would ask here is what is cross-pollination and what has it got to
do with MARENG. The biological process of cross-pollination is of interest to us if
MARENG must be successful. We have heard of series of unimplemented regulations by
IMO. It is one thing is to enact a regulation but it is yet another to ensure the enforcement of
the regulation. For instance, the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) as
approved by the 68th session of the IMO Maritime Safety committee in May, 1997 and
disseminated in the IMO circular No. 794 of June 10, 1997 as required by the STCW 95 has
not been fully implemented in some Maritime institutions in the world. Trenkner (1999).
5.1. The cross pollination process
According to Nweze (2004):
Cross-pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anthers to the stigma of
another flower of another plant but of the same species. Pollination is made possible
through insects, birds, wind, water and animals including man.
For Ramalingam (1990):
Cross-pollination occurs when mature pollen grains of a flower are transferred to the
stigma of a flower of another plant of the same or closely related species Crosspollination brings the male gametes and egg cells of two different parent plants
together. Therefore, there is greater genetic variability among the offspring which tend
to be healthy and well adapted. They also produce more abundant and viable seeds.
Sequel to these definitions, we now have a vivid understanding of the term cross
pollination, as a transfer of pollen grains from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of
another flower in another plant but of the same species. Ramalingam goes ahead to tell us that

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

there is greater genetic variability among the offspring which tend to be healthy and well
adapted. He adds that cross-pollination also produce more abundant and viable seeds.
5.2. Adaptation of the cross pollination process into Maritime English Training
The problem of the IMEC family in ensuring mutual intelligibility among seafarers is not
entirely with the training of cadets and students of Maritime Training Institutions all over the
world, but with the group of seafarers who do not pass through formal training as cadets or
regular students. These seafarers are opportunists who learn their respective jobs or
schedule right there on board, not in a school. Possessing mandatory courses certificates or
whatever class of Certificate of Competency (COC) has very little or nothing to do with
competency in the use of Maritime English. A seafarer with all the certificates in the world, who
can not communicate with his fellow seafarers from other nationalities on board and at shores
situated outside his own state, is an isolated person who can endanger life and property.
IMEC should now begin to look outside the classrooms of Maritime institutions, in order
to reach out to those seafarers who can not speak English language at all. They are found in
and around the sea ports all over the world. These are, and should begin to be seen as our
second target, the cadets and regular students of course, being the first.
5.3. Formation of national MARENG associations for cross pollination training
We have heard before now of the activities of the German Association of Maritime English
(GAME) which motivated this writer to commence the process of establishing and registering
the Nigerian Association of Maritime English (NAME) in order to ensure a relationship
amongst the Maritime English Teachers in Nigeria and keep them informed of MARENG
activities at the international level, such as the IMEC.
Now, if every IMEC family member present in this conference can go home and start up
the formation of their respective national MARENG bodies, we can use these MARENG
Associations to reach out to those seafarers who din not have the opportunity to receive
formal training like cadets and regular students, but who by chance, entered a ship and learnt
their trade on the job and became regular seafarers. These people should now become our
second target in ensuring mutual intelligibility on board.
The national MARENG bodies aided by Government agencies and departments such as
the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) can organize some
conferences or national MARENG seminars at different sea ports, teaching and giving reading
materials to the seafarers available at the ports from time to time. It may sound funny, but
a trial would convince anyone who cares to try.
To ensure continuity, the National Maritime Authorities may empower the National
MARENG Associations to award certificates in Maritime English to participants after series
of seminars and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) should recognize these
certificates. IMEC therefore should inform IMO by officially writing to them in order to
provoke an IMO regulation to that effect.
If every seafarer should be compelled by IMO regulation to possess a certificate in
MARENG within a period of three years, IMEC would discover with delight that in less than
ten years, mutual intelligibility on board would be 80% to 100% in all ships.
Thus, following the proposition above, the cross pollination process would have been
complete: The Maritime institutions being the anther of a particular plant, the MARENG

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

lecturers being the birds or other agents of pollination, the Maritime English knowledge being
the pollen grain, the seafarers at the ports being the stigma of another plant while the ports
would be the other plant itself.

6. Conclusion
Maritime English now becomes the only solution to the communication problems on
board ship even though some seafarers are incapable of communicating in it, with time and
commitment, this obnoxious situation will be over. Sequel to their different cultural
backgrounds, officers and crew on board find it difficult to communicate with one another,
because they are so used to their L1, receiving L2 now becomes a problem. But since the
English language is now by far, the most widely spoken language in the world, all hands
should be on deck in ensuring wide range acceptability and conformity to the Maritime
English implementation regulation.
The cross cultural communication barrier which is impeding mutual intelligibility on board,
sequel to the nature of crews individual native language, can be broken if the cross-pollination
proposition is taken seriously by the IMEC family. This writer envisages a situation where
every seafarer can communicate basically with other seafarers using Maritime English, if
members of the IMEC family can go home and start their respective national MARENG
Associations with which to reach out to the ports and sensitize the seafarers accordingly in the
use of Maritime English. Aiding them with reading materials should be of paramount interest
during seminars at the ports.
If attention is paid only to the cadets and students in the Academies and Universities, how
do we account for those at the port? How do we ensure that they are part of the
communication development plan? The cross cultural communication problem would
continue to linger, until such a time that IMEC has decided to reach out to the seafarers at the
ports, who had no opportunity to be exposed properly to the Maritime English that is taught at
the Academies and Universities.






Clements M. E. (1996) On Board Communication Problems Due to the Lack of

A Common Language, A Masters Degree Thesis Presented to The World Maritime
University (WMU) Malmo, Sweden. Pp1-15.
Cole C. (1999) The Impact of Multicultural And Multilingual Crews on Maritime
Communication. A Paper Presented at the Maritime English Workshop (WOME 10)
Croatia pp. 3.
Henshaw E. U. (1986) Unity through Cultural Interaction In Unoh S. O. (ed) Cultural
Development and Nation Building. Ibadan: Spectrum Books pp. 79-88.
Hoifer H. (1974) The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis In Blount B. G. (ed) Language, Culture
and Society. A Book of Readings, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishers pp.
Nweze C. O. (2004) Comprehensive Biology for Senior Secondary Schools Lagos:
Johnson Publishers Ltd. pp 336.
Stubbs M. (1986) Educational Linguistics, Oxford: Basil Blackwell pp 105.

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


Trenkner P. (1999) The IMO Standard Communication Phrases State of Affairs and
Prospective Status in MET. A Paper Presented at Maritime English Workshop (WOME
10) Croatia pp 1.
8. Ramalingam S. T. (1990) Modern Biology for Senior Secondary Schools. Onitsha:
Africana First Publishers Ltd. pp. 467.
9. Udoka I. A. (ed) (2000) Nigerian Cultural Heritage, Uyo Charity Press Ltd. pp. 16-25.
10. Ukut S. O. (2000) The Grammar of Ibibio Proverbs. A Ph.D Linguistics Dissertation.
Calabar: University of Calabar pp. 46.
11. Zhang S. (1995) Maritime Casualties and the Human Factor. GMEP dissertation Malmo,
Sweden: The World Maritime University pp. 30-60.

Joseph Okon Joe
Maritime Academy of Nigeria
P.M.B. 1089, Oron, Akwa Ibom State
Phones: 08036735385, 08089564359
[email protected]

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland


1. Albayrak, Taner, [email protected], TURKEY
2. Anufriewa, Liudmila, [email protected], RUSSIA
3. Baazy, Sawomir, [email protected], POLAND
4. Battista, Inger, [email protected], SWEDEN
5. Belliure, Asuncion, [email protected], SPAIN
6. Buttler, Uta, [email protected], GERMANY
7. Chen, Zhenyan, [email protected], CHINA
8. Cole, Clive, [email protected], UNITED KINGDOM
9. Cori, Lina, [email protected], ITALY
10. Denc, Maciej, [email protected], POLAND
11. Drown, Denis, [email protected], CANADA
12. Dzeverdanovi, Milena, [email protected], MONTENEGRO
13. El-Sayed, Heba Saber, [email protected], EGYPT
14. Fory, Boena, [email protected], POLAND
15. Gajewska, Halina, [email protected], POLAND
16. Garcia de la Maza, Casilda, [email protected], SPAIN
17. Georgescu, Mircea, [email protected], ROMANIA
18. Grzesik-Grzenicka, Renata, [email protected], POLAND
19. Han, Houde, [email protected], CHINA
20. Hozayen, Ghada, [email protected], EGYPT
21. Joe Okon, Joseph, [email protected], NIGERIA
22. Katarzyska, Barbara, [email protected], POLAND
23. Khalil, Ibrahim, [email protected], SULTANATE of OMAN
24. Khoshsima, Hooshang, [email protected], IRAN
25. Kiebratowska, Jolanta, [email protected], POLAND
26. Kosiski, Janusz, [email protected], POLAND
27. Lorek, Wiesaw, [email protected], POLAND
28. Luo, Weihua, [email protected], CHINA
29. Lutsenko, Olesya, [email protected], NETHERLANDS
30. oziska, Maria, [email protected], POLAND
31. Malinowski, Andrzej, [email protected], POLAND
32. Manolache, Paula, [email protected], ROMANIA
33. Mastalerz, Krzysztof, [email protected], POLAND
34. Mishchenko, Dmitry, [email protected], RUSSIA
35. Murrell, Stephen, [email protected], ITALY
36. Nahajowska, Justyna, [email protected], POLAND
37. Nikoulina, Elena, [email protected], UKRAINE
38. Ossowska-Neumann, Magorzata, [email protected], POLAND
39. Pasikowski, Wojciech, [email protected], POLAND
40. Polskaya, Tatyana, [email protected], RUSSIAN
41. Pritchard, Boris, [email protected], CROATIA
42. Radwaska, Maria, [email protected], POLAND
43. Roenig, Jacek, [email protected], POLAND
44. Rolfs, Holger, [email protected], MYANMAR (d. Birma)
45. Rostami Abusaidi, Ali Asghar, [email protected], IRAN
46. Rumistrzewicz, Ewa, POLAND
47. Sampson, Helen, [email protected], UNITED KINGDOM
48. Schriever, Ulf, [email protected], AUSTRALIA
49. Sernikli, Serhan, [email protected], TURKEY

International Maritime English Conference IMEC 21 Szczecin, Poland

50. Sihmantepe, Aydin, [email protected], TURKEY

51. Slinning, Inger, [email protected], NORWAY
52. Sosna, Alicja, [email protected], POLAND
53. Stok-Knol, Hannie, [email protected], NETHERLANDS
54. lufarska-Miczyska, Ewa, [email protected], POLAND
55. Takagi, Naoyuki, [email protected], JAPAN
56. Tamilin, Zbigniew, [email protected], POLAND
57. Tetteh, Esta, [email protected], GHANA
58. Todenes, Anne Pernille, [email protected], NORWAY
59. Tominac, Sandra, [email protected], CROATIA
60. Trenkner, Peter, [email protected], GERMANY
61. Ungureanu, Carmen, [email protected], ROMANIA
62. Van Kluijven, Peter, [email protected], NETHERLANDS
63. Van Leunen, Wim, [email protected], NETHERLANDS
64. Visan, Ioana Raluca, [email protected], ROMANIA
65. Walden, Christiane, [email protected], GERMANY
66. Weng, Yuezong, [email protected], CHINA
67. Wilento, Grzegorz, [email protected], POLAND
68. Zand, Akram, [email protected], IRAN
69. Ziarati, Reza, [email protected], [email protected], TURKEY


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