Preamble Constitution Rubric
Preamble Constitution Rubric
Preamble Constitution Rubric
Student name:
Answered questions and actively
participated in Anticipatory Set discussion.
Wrote at least 2 ideas of what was in the
Special Box on Special Eyes paper.
Actively participated in class discussion
during the decoding of the Preamble, and
completed the packet. (Minimum of 2
points under each section)
Participated in classroom matching game.
Cooperatively worked well within group.
Shared beliefs of a group member in
relation to their own.
Contributed own ideas to the small group
creation of individual My Preamble.
(Completed My Preamble paper by filling
in all 5 of the beliefs.)
Shared one main idea from their Preamble
with the class.
Voted for the top ten rules for the
classroom constitution.