Unit Plan Lessons
Unit Plan Lessons
Unit Plan Lessons
HAS.APR.A.1: Understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the
integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition,
subtraction, and multiplication; add, subtract, and multiply polynomials.
Behavioral Objective:
The learners will be able to define various types of polynomials and
determine the degree of each polynomial. The learners will also be able to
add and subtract polynomials.
Anticipatory Set:
Add the following. Compare with your table partner.
x+ x =
2 x +3 x=
x 2+ x=
Today we will learn how to add and subtract polynomials. This is important
because we need to learn how to add and subtract polynomials in order to
multiply polynomials and factor polynomials later on in the chapter.
A. Task Analysis:
1. We first discuss the anticipatory set as a class and see what the
students got for answers.
2. We go over vocabulary words of monomial, degree of a monomial, and
degree of a monomial. We then do a few examples together and then
it is turned over to the students. The students are posed questions on
the board and they answer on their individual whiteboards. Teacher
goes around and checks to see how well students are doing, and tells
right or wrong and where they went wrong.
3. Once the teacher assesses how well students are doing and sees if
they are ready to move on. We go over what are polynomials, degree
of a polynomial, binomials, and trinomials. We do a couple examples
together and they are posed questions on the board again. The
students again answer questions on their whiteboards while the
teacher assesses how well the students grasp the concepts.
4. We then discuss adding and subtracting polynomials. The teacher asks
When can we add or subtract terms? We go over two formats of
adding and subtracting polynomials. The first is horizontal format
which is group by like terms. The second is vertical format which is
lining up by like terms. We decide which we they like better for the
following example. Students are encouraged to choose whatever
format they prefer.
5. Students respond to examples on their whiteboard of adding and
subtracting polynomials while teacher monitors and assesses how
students are doing. Another example is prepared in case they need
more time and any more misconceptions that need to be cleared up. If
students are doing well, we do not need to do the next example.
B. Thinking Levels:
1. Knowledge: What is
x+ x . Can we add
x +x .
( 2 x2 3 x +5 ) +(5 x7+3 x 2)
2. Teacher looks over the responses from students after class to decide if any
concepts need to be cleared up for the next day.
HAS.APR.A.1: Understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the
integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition,
subtraction, and multiplication; add, subtract, and multiply polynomials.
Behavioral Objective:
The learners will be able to multiply various types of polynomials using the
distributive property, the box method, and FOIL method.
Anticipatory Set:
1. What are monomials, binomials, and trinomials? Any conjectures of how
we can multiply these together?
2. What is the distributive property? Tell your table partner an example of
how to use the distributive property.
Yesterday we learned how to add and subtract polynomials. Today we will
now learn how to multiply polynomials. There are a few different ways we
can multiply polynomials. We will learn them today so when we factor later
on in the chapter, you can multiply these together by using one of the
methods to check your work.
E. Task Analysis:
1. Discuss students findings of the anticipatory set.
2. Discuss what students would do if they are given a monomial
multiplied by a binomial. What about a monomial times a trinomial?
We discuss that we should use the distributive property when a
monomial is multiplied by a polynomial.
3. Now we discuss what happens when we multiply a binomial times a
binomial. What about a binomial times a trinomial? The teacher leads
the students to the box method which looks like
( x+ 2)(x +7)
x 7
2 1
x 4
4. Examples are worked out using the box method on whiteboards.
5. Teacher says when we multiply a binomial by a binomial there is a
shortcut. Teacher asks when we multiply
x 2+7 x +2 x+14
( x+ 2 )( x +7 )
we get
can go from the two binomials to the next step without the box
method. Talk with your table mates. Teacher goes around and
observes discussions of what the students are thinking.
6. Come together and field different conjectures from the students. Use
their conjectures to come up with the FOIL method which stands for
First, Outside, Inside, and Last. Or we are distributing each of the
terms in the first parenthesis to the other terms in the last parenthesis.
Examples are worked out using this method. Students are encouraged
to use the method that makes since to them, but FOIL only works for a
binomial times a binomial.
F. Thinking Levels:
1. Knowledge: What is
x x ? What is
7x ?
a=5 and
x 3 and
x5 .
Today we will learn about solving polynomial equations in factored form. We
have covered polynomials in great detail so far, but this is the last step before
we learn about one of the most important topics of Algebra and that is
factoring polynomials.
A. Task Analysis:
1. Review Anticipatory set with students and discuss student
2. Steps to solving Polynomial equations in factored form.
a. Set expression equal to 0.
b. Take Greatest Common Monomial Factor out.
c. Solve for x setting each part of the expression equal to 0.
x 3x 5 .
solve this by reviewing the steps we went over at the start of class.
Listen for ideas and solve the problems. Give students an
opportunity to solve on whiteboards.
7. Vertical Motion Model: Application of what we have done today.
a. Go over equation with class and receive guesses that the class
thinks each variable means.
b. Volunteer jumps for class and we estimate how fast they travelled.
c. Go through process of solving equation with students leading me on
what to do next.
B. Thinking Levels:
1. Knowledge: What is anything times 0?
2. Comprehension: Understand how to take the greatest common
monomial factor from examples like
x 3 and
x5 .
Section 4: Factor
x 2+ bx+ c
A.SSE.2 Use the structure of an expression to identify ways to rewrite it.
Behavioral Objective:
The students will be able to factor trinomials in the form
x 2+ bx+ c
into two
binomials then solve. The students will also be able to identify the Greatest
Common Monomial Factor of a trinomial, then factor and solve.
Anticipatory Set:
The end result is a trinomial, how would you go from this trinomial to what we
started with (two binomials)? Attempt to find a pattern with your tables.
We have learned how to multiply two binomials together to get a trinomial.
Now we will take a trinomial and factor it into two binomials (so going
backwards from what we have done previously) to find solutions like from
what we saw in 9.4.
A. Task Analysis:
1. Discuss the anticipatory set and see if students were able to find a
pattern to go from the trinomial to two binomials.
2. Tell students we are doing a puzzle. It is called the x method and
it looks like
x bx +c . We go over a couple
examples and discuss what we notice about the signs of our factors.
So what do we notice about the signs when c is positive? Why do
you suppose they are same signs? The next person at the table
teaches how to factor when the trinomial is in this form.
5. Next we go over in the form
x 2+ bxc
x 2bxc . What do
x + bx+ c
Section 5: Factor
a x + bx+ c
A.SSE.2 Use the structure of an expression to identify ways to rewrite it.
Behavioral Objective:
The students will be able to factor trinomials into two binomials. Students
will learn to factor when there is a coefficient in front of the
Anticipatory Set:
Answer the following question:
We have factored in the form
x 2 that is not
x2 ?
We have only learned how to factor when the trinomial is in the form
x 2+ bx+ c . Not every trinomial looks like this. We will learn how to factor
x 2+ bx+ c .
a x 2+ bx+ c .
2. Visual: The X method is a nice visual to show students how to
3. Interpersonal: Much collaboration with table partners.
4. Kinesthetic: Students move to teach their table partners the
D. Methods and Materials:
1. Lecture, discussion, demonstration.
3. Find factors of
4. Solve puzzle
A.SSE.2 Use the structure of an expression to identify ways to rewrite it.
Behavioral Objective:
The students will be able to factor polynomials completely by first taking out
a Greatest Common Monomial Factor out, then factor. The students will also
be able to factor by grouping with four terms.
Anticipatory Set:
What is the greatest common monomial factor of
x 2+3 x
4 x 3 +8 x 2
2 x +8
5 x ( x+ 2 )7( x +2)
We have learned every type of factoring in this chapter with the exception of
one. We have not yet covered when we can factor when we have four terms.
That is what we are going to be doing today. Also, we will be taking
everything we have learned from the chapter, and applying it to today.
A. Task Analysis:
1. Discuss student responses from anticipatory set.
2. Provide the four steps to factoring polynomials completely evident in
the modeling section.
3. Discuss the conjectures by students from number four of anticipatory
set further. What did students get, and how did they get them? Lead
students toward
by grouping.
4. Do a few examples of factor by grouping. Then have students get a
mobile device out, if they do not have one, partner up with someone
who does.
5. Launch Kahoot on projector and have students respond to questions
posed to them on their mobile device. Assess how many students
answered each response and discuss each question. (Decide if any reteaching needs to be done?)
6. Go over example of taking out a GCMF, then factoring. (Students
should have already seen this example in previous lessons). Students
then respond on Kahoot to more examples. Teacher assesses results.
7. We do a real world application problem of finding volume of an object.
This problem will deal with factor by grouping.
B. Thinking Levels:
1. Knowledge: What is the GCMF of
2 x +8 ?
C. Learning Styles:
1. Kinesthetic: Students can move around the room while answering on
Kahoot. Especially since the text may be difficult to read from the back
of the room.
2. Visual: Students can use their electronic device to answer questions on
3. Intrapersonal: Students can work out problems on their own on Kahoot
if they have their own electronic device. They also complete the
homework on their own.
4. Interpersonal: students may have to work together on Kahoot if they
do not have an electronic device.
D. Methods and Materials:
1. Discussion, lecture, discovery, and technology.
2. Electronic devices, paper, pencil, calculator, computer, projector, and
ability to launch Kahoot.
1. Teacher leads most of the way in first examples. Students begin to lead in
the next examples and random questioning to how they answered a
question on Kahoot.
2. Procedure to factor polynomials completely
a. Factor out G.C.M.F.
b. Look to see if you have difference of two squares or perfect square
trinomial to easily factor.
c. Factor
a x 2+ bx+ c