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Vierna "Vivi": STR: 8 - 1 Dex: 26 +8 Con: 14 +2 Int: 23 +6 2/2/1/1/1/1 Wis: 16 +3 Cha: 23 +6 2/2/1/1/1/1

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Age: How rude........

Eyes: Black
Race: Pixie
Hair: Dark Brown w/ Black streaks
Class: Sorcerer 5 /Blue Mage 1
Height: 2ft, 4 inches
Level: 6, ECL +4
Weight: 22lbs
Movement: 20, Fly 65ft (Good)
Prestige Class
Languages Spoken: Common Sylvan, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Orc, Gnoll, Ogre, Japanese
Alignment: Chaotic Good
+6 2/2/1/1/1/1
+6 2/2/1/1/1/1
Hit Points

Saving Throws

+12= +1 Natural,
+8 Dex, +2
Tumble, +1 Size
+8 Dex,




10/cold iron



Knowledge(Beast Lore)




(Climb, Jump Ride, Listen +2 , Swim, Spot +2 ) at Level + 3
Move Silently
Profession: Cook
Knowledge (Insects)
Sense Motive


Special Abilities
Pixie Abilities,
Water Affinity- +2 to DCs and Damage for Ice, Water and Acid spells
4 Str +8 Dex +6 Int +4 Wis +6 Cha
Favored Class Sorcerer
Small Size- +1 AC, +1 to hit, +4 to hide, -4 to grapple and 3/4 carrying capacity of a Medium
20 Movement, Fly 60 (good)
Low-light Vision
Gains Feat: Dodge.
+1 Natural Armor bonus to AC
+2 Racial bonus on Listen, Search, & Spot checks
Special Quality Damage Reduction 10/cold iron,
Greater Invisibility (3x day, 1min/level is invisible even to darkvision)
Spell Resistance of 15 + Class level-.

Spell like Abilities- 1/day as if an 8th level caster DC 16 + spell level

lesser confusion, dancing lights, detect (chaos, law, evil, good), detect thoughts, dispel magic,
entangle, permanent image (visual/audio only), polymorph
(self only)Ottos Irresistible Dance
Dragonfly Familiar Skeet
movement: 2, Fly 80ft (good)
Grants: 360 vision (cannot be flanked)
Init: +2
movement: 2, Fly 80ft (good)
HP: 5HD (14 hp) AC: +10 (+2 Dex, +2 Size, +3 natural, +3 Ring)
Attack: +2 Melee (1d2-1 Bite)
SQ: Darkvision, Vermin traits
Saves: +2/+3/+4
Spot +3, Survival +1
Int 9
Familiar Abilities
Alertness- grants the Alertness feat as long as it is in arms reach.
Improved Evasion- half damage on a successful reflex save
Share Spells- Any spells (but not spell like abilities) and those with you as the target may be shared if the familiar stays within 5 ft
Empathic Link- I mile , can detect the familiars emotional state and communicate general emotional states. Also, if the familiar has seen an item
or place, the sorcerer could teleport there.
Deliver Touch Spells- Requires the familiar to be in contact with the sorcerer, the familiar can deliver it. Should another spell be cast before
delivery, the spell is lost
Speak with Master- The sorcerer and familiar can speak verbally as if sharing a common language. Others cannot understand this without
magical aid or DMs discretion

*indicates bonus feat from class/other source
Healing Touch (Supernatural Feat)-The character can heal any living being touched. The maximum
number of hit points that are restored are equal to the character possessing this feat's Charisma Modifier
plus level. The character can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his or her Charisma
Ball of Ice (Supernatural Feat)-The character can throw small balls of Ice about five inches in size at
opponents. They are considered tiny simple ranged weapons. Their range is similar to that of thrown
daggers. Each ball of Ice does 1d4 points of damage plus Charisma Modifier when it hits its target.
This ability lasts for 1 round per character level and can be used a number of times per day equal to the
character's Charisma Modifier.
Flash Frost Spell-May only be applied to a [cold] spell. 1. +2 hp Cold damage per Spell level. 2. The areaof-effect is coated with frost for 1 round. Any creature moving through the area must make a Balance check
or fall Prone (DC 20 if Running or Charging, otherwise DC 10). This is a +1 spell level.
Energy Substitution-Choose one Energy Type when you take this feat [Cold] .You may change any spell
with a different Energy Type to this Energy Type. All other effects of the spell remain the same. You may
take this feat multiple times, each with a different Energy Type.
Energy Substitution-Choose one Energy Type when you take this feat [Acid] .You may change any spell
with a different Energy Type to this Energy Type. All other effects of the spell remain the same. You may
take this feat multiple times, each with a different Energy Type.

Small Darts
quiver of 10
Range 10ft inc
Small Dagger
1d3-1, 19-20, x2
Range 20ft inc
Bag of Num-nums for Skeet
Bag of marbles
Nice pretty dress and a few nice pretty kimonos

Any wealth is in small gems and bank notes (approx 2100gp)

Magical Stuff
Ring Of Protection +3
Healing potion

Spell like


Lesser Confusion

Lv 1 <Enchantment (comp)[mind], 1StdAct, Close-range, 1rnd, WillNeg, SR applies> One target in Close
range (25ft + 5/2 levels) is Confused.

Dancing Lights

Lv 0 <Evocation [light], 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1min> Up to 4 spheres in a 10 area that each give off 30
of light. They can move 100 per round.

Detect Alignment
Detect Thoughts

Lv 1<Div [mind] Std Act 60ft cone, emanation Concentration/ up to 10 minutes/level

Dispel Magic

Lv 3 <Abj, VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, no SR> Cancels magical spells and effects on a successful Dispel
Check (max +10). This
spell can be used in one of three ways: a) Counterspell Acts like a standard counterspell except it works
against any spell, but a Dispel Check must be made. b) Targeted Dispel Each ongoing spell effect on one
target gets a separate Dispel Check. If successful, the spell effect is ended (except for those caused by magic
items, which are only suppressed for 1d4 rounds). c) Area Dispel Each target in a 20 radius
Burst gets a Dispel Check against each spell in turn (highest caster level spell checked first) until one is
dispelled or all checks fail. Items are not effected. A caster does not need to make a Dispel Check to end a spell
he/she cast


Lv 1 <trans , 1 Std Act, Long Range 40ft radius spread, 1 min/level Ref partial/ No SR Creatures so
entangled make DC 20 Str or Escape Artist checks, only move at speed. Creatures passing Ref saves still
have halved speed. Each round all plants attempt to target non entangled targets.

Permanent Image
(audio/visual only)

Lv 5 < <Ill(figment), VSF(fleece, sand), 1StdAct, Long-range, 1min/lvl(D), Will Disbelief, no SR> Creates
an illusion that has visuals, sound, creatures, etc., as the caster visualizes them. The image can move within an
area of (4 + 1 per level) 10 cubes
that are contiguous. The illusion follows a script set up the caster

Polymorph (self)

Lv 4 < 1 Std act 1 min/level The touched willing subject is changed into a new form, which

can be one of the following creature types: Aberration, Animal, Dragon, Fey, Giant, Humanoid,
Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Plant, or Vermin;
b) cannot have more HD than either the caster or the target (max 15HD); c) can be as small as Fine-size;
and d) cannot be incorporeal or gaseous. Subject gets the following from the new form: a) Strength, Dexterity,
& Constitution; b) Extraordinary Special Attacks (such as Constrict, Improved Grab, & Poison); c) natural
movement, like swimming & flying; & d) gain its creature type.
The subject does not get the following from the new form:
a) Extraordinary Special Qualities (such as Blind-sight, Regeneration, or Scent); &
b) Supernatural or Spell-like Abilities. Subject keeps the following from its original form:
a) Intelligence, Wisdom, & Charisma;
b) hit points (ignore new Constitution score);
c) level, class, & alignment;
d) base attack bonus & base save bonuses (though these can be modified by the new forms Str, Dex,
& Con); and
e) extraordinary abilities, spells, & spell-like abilities (but not supernatural abilities).
In addition:

Lv 2 <Div[mind], 1StdAct, Concentration up to 1min/lvl, WillNeg, no SR>

The caster can thoughts from a conscious creature with an Intelligence of at least 1 in a 60 Cone-shaped
Emanation. The information gained increases each round: 1st round presence of thoughts. 2nd round
number of thinking minds & the Intelligence score of each one. If not in line-of-sight, the caster only knows
the direction. If any have an Intelligence of at least 26 (assuming it is at least 10 points higher than the
casters), the caster is Stunned for 1 round & the spell ends. 3rd round Surface thoughts of any mind in the
area (WillNeg). This spell is blocked by 3 of wood or dirt, 1 of stone, 1 of metal, & any amount of lead.

a) the new form can cast spells if it is physically capable (i.e., mouth for verbal components, hands for
somatic, etc.);
b) the subjects equipment is transformed into analogous equipment for the new form if humanoid
shaped, otherwise it is absorbed & inactive.
c) gain 1 days natural healing of hit-points only;
d) if slain, return to original form;
f) creatures with the Shapeshifter subtype can return to the original form as a Standard Action.
Vierna likes
Brown Bear Str 27 Claw +10 (1d8+8) or Bite +5 (2d6+4) AC: drops by 5
small birds of prey

Ottos Irresistible

Lv 8 <Ench (comp)[mind], V, 1StdAct, Touch, 1d4+1rnds, no save, SR applies> Touched target starts to
dance uncontrollably
& cannot take any actions, receives a 4 AC penalty, a 10 penalty to Reflex saves, & cannot effectively use a
shield. The target
provokes an attack of opportunity each round

Sorcerer Spell List

Known: 6/4/2 Per Day: 6/6/4 Bonus: -/2/2 DC 16/18 + Spell level
Cold, Water, or Acid spells are +2 to DC and Damage.
Spell Name
0 -Ray of Frost
<Evocation [cold][ray], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, no save, SR applies> Deals 1d3 Cold damage
0th -Chalkboard
<Illusion (figment), SM(piece of chalk), 1StdAct, Close range, Concentration + 1rnd/lvl, Will
Disbelief> Creates a vertical writing surface whose size is between 1 square to 10 square. The
caster can write on it with his/her finger and erase with the flat of his/her hand. The chalkboard is
arms length away when created, but may be moved anywhere within range as a Free Action.

0th -Message

<Transmutation [language], VSF(copper wire), 1StdAct, Medium-range, 10min/lvl, no SR> The

caster plus 1 creature per level can communicate within range by whispering as long as there is no
physical/magical barrier.

0th -Prestidigitation

<Universal, VS, 1StdAct, 10range, 1hour, no SR> Performs minor tasks, such as drying, cleaning, &
soaking objects.

0th -Horizikauls Cough

<Evocation [sonic], VS, 1StdAct, Close-Range> Target takes 1 point of Sonic damage (no save) & is
Deafened for 1 round (Will Neg).

0th -Mage Hand

<Transmutation , VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Concentration> A designated, unattended object that

weights no more than 5 lbs can be moved at up to 15 per Move Action.

1st - Grease

<Conjuration (creation), VSM (butter/pork rind), 1StdAct, Close range, 1rnd/ level(D), no SR> This
spell has several uses: a) Make one 10 square slippery. Going through the area requires a Reflex save
to avoid falling down. A creature can go through the area at movement by making a Balance check
vs. DC 10 (failure of this check by less than 5 allows a Reflex save to avoid falling, while failing by 5
or more guarantees a fall); b) Make one object slippery. If the object is held, the wielder gets a Reflex
save to avoid the effect entirely. If the save fails (or was not in anyones possession when the spell was
cast), the object becomes slippery for the duration & is immediately dropped. A Reflex save is then
required each round to hold the object. c) Make one person slippery. The subject gains a +10
Circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks & on Grapple checks made to resist or escape a grapple,
or escape a pin.

1st Burning Hands

<Evocation [fire], VS, 1StdAct, Ref, SR applies> Creates a 15 Cone-shaped Burst that does 1d4
Fire damage per level (max 5d4). This can set flammable materials on fire, which requires a FullRound Action to put out.

1st Ray of Enfeeblement

<Necromancy [ray], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, 1min/level, no save, SR applies> Target takes a
penalty to Strength of 1d6 + 1 per 2 levels (max 1d6+5) (min 1 Strength).

1st Summon Monster 1

<Conjuration (sum)[variable alignment/element], VSF(bag, candle)/DF, 1Round, Close-range,

1rnd/lvl(D)> Summons one creature from the Summon Monster I Table to fight the casters enemy.
The creature can attack on the casters initiative starting its first round.

2nd Summon Monster II

<Conjuration (summoning)[variable alignment/element], VSF(bag, candle)/DF, 1Round, Close-range,

1rnd/lvl(D)> Summons one or more creatures to fight the casters enemies. The creatures can attack
on the casters initiative starting their first round. Table # Summon Monster II 1 Summon Monster I

2nd Snillocs snowball


<Evocation [cold], VSM(ice/white rock chip), 1StdAct, Medium-range, Ref> Deals 1d6 Cold
damage per 2 levels (max 5d6) in a 10 radius Burst

Summoning Table
Celestial Badger [good]
Celestial Dog [good]
Celestial Giant Fire Beetle [good]
Celestial Monkey [good]
Celestial Owl [good]
Celestial Porpoise [good]

Celestial Giant Bee [good]
Celestial Giant Bombardier Beetle
Celestial Riding Dog [good]
(MM p272)
Celestial Eagle [good]

The Party
Heie (Landis)
Kiske (Tim)
Dom (Guido)
Kou (Clifford)

Blue Mage abilities Spell DC= 17 + spell level Blue Mage MP: 4 Spell Level: 1
Blue Mages are proficient with all simple weapons including long-swords and scimitars. Blue Mages are proficient
with light armor and small shields.
Creature Magic (Ex): A blue mage has the power to gain new spells from creatures that have spell-like and
supernatural abilities by learning from them. The blue mage must witness the creature use its abilities for the blue
mage to learn by making a Knowledge (Beast Lore) skill check. The initial skill check is DC 15 + 2 per spell level
of the ability.
Once learned, the ability becomes a spell in the blue mages known spells list. See the monsters description to
find out the spell level of a creatures spell-like and supernatural abilities. The blue mage can learn spells above her
spell level, but cannot cast those spells until she has attain the level to be able to cast them. The only limitation to
this is the blue mage cannot learn Limit Breaks through the use of this ability. Any supernatural abilities learned
through this ability that doesnt have a listed duration will have a duration of 1 round per Blue Mage class level.
To learn or cast a spell, the blue mage must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level (Int 11
for 1st-level spells, Int 12 for 2nd-level spells, and so forth). The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a blue
mages spell is 10 + the spell level + the blue mages Intelligence modifier. In addition, a blue mage gains additional
MP for having a high attribute (Intelligence).
Limit Break (Su): At 1st level, the blue mage receives the Limit Breaks (Creature Summons and Dual Azure
Creature Summons (Su): This Limit Break allows the blue mage to summon creatures briefly. For the next 5 rounds,
any creature magic spells the blue mage casts; she summons a creature from where she learned the spell from. The
creature magic spell must be from actual monster, and not from a humanoid for this Limit Break to summon. The
creature summoned stays for only 1 round, appearing anywhere within 30 feet of the blue mage, obeying the wishes
of the blue mage and then disappears.
Dual Azure Mastery (Su): This Limit Break allows the blue mage for up to 5 rounds to cast two creature magic
spells a round. MP must be paid for both spells.
Blue Magery: At 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level, a blue mage increases her power with her spells. At each such
opportunity, she can choose from the list of the following (with a limit of 2 per):
Spell Mastery: This increases the DC for all of the blue mages spells by 1.
Lightning Bolt (level in 1d6) ranged touch attack

Creature Learned From


*Considered honored guests by the Japanese village of Fuutu


Smallest area of affect is 10 square feet. Can be manifested for (Con Mod) in rounds. Shiva inflicts 8d6 Ice in a
single attack. Sustained attack is 6d6 per round. If you fail the first save, you failed the second automatically. If you
made the first save, you must save again the following round. Her secondary Ice Shard attack does 2d6. She is
summoned as a free action and attacks on My turn.
Im too cool to let that happenroll again.

*Grants +1 die to cold based spell use

Darkvision 60 ft.

Elemental traits. Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits or flanking.
Feats - Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor*, Weapon Focus (primary weapon)
As aeons manifest in the form of their master's will, they are immune to mind-affecting (charm) abilities

Large Elemental (Ice, Extraplanar) Hit Dice: 10d8+30 (80 hp) Initiative: +9 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Armor Class: 18 (-1 Size, +5 Dex, +4
natural), touch 14, flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+13 Attack: Slam +13 melee (1d4+2) or Kick +13 melee (1d6+1) Full Attack: 2
Slams +13 melee (1d4+2), 1 Kick +13 melee (1d6+1) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: See below Special Qualities: Darkvision 60
ft., elemental traits, immunity to ice Saves: Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +7 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 21, Con 17, Int 15, Wis 18, Cha 20 Skills: Spot +17,
Listen +17, Intimidate +18, Diplomacy +18, Knowledge (royalty and nobility) +15 Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Weapon
Focus (Slam), Weapon Finesse Environment: Elemental Plane Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 5 Advancement: Level
Strong Against: Wind Weak Against: Fire MP Cost to Summon: 10 +2 Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma every 3 HD after the 9th. +1
Strength, Constitution, and Intelligence every 2 HD after the 10th. Gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor every 3 HD beyond the 9th.
Feats: 12th HD: Weapon Focus (kick), 15th HD: Improved Natural Attack (slam), 18th HD: Dodge Special Abilities (as it gains Hit Dice)
Limit Break (Su): At 10th HD, Shiva receives the Limit Break (Diamond Dust). Diamond Dust (Su): Shiva conjures a massive blizzard, freezing
nearby foes. Creatures within 60 ft. of the aeon take 1d8 points of ice damage per hit dice, with a Reflex save for half damage. The save DC is
Axe Kick (Ex): Also at 10th HD, Shiva scissors-kicks the enemy as a full attack action. It attacks twice with its kick.
Blizzard II (Sp): At 12th HD, Shiva is able to use Blizzard II like the spell. This is a spell-like ability and consumes 2 MP from the summoner.
Frost Armor (Sp): At 14th HD, Shiva grants allies an icy barrier. All allies gain the effect of Ice Spikes, as the black magic spell. The allies must
be within 30 ft. of Shiva when it uses this ability to receive these bonuses. This is a spell-like ability and consumes 4 MP from the summoner.
Rush (Ex): At 16th HD, Shiva attacks five times with its slam attack with a -10 penalty as a standard action.
Blizzaga (Sp): At 18th HD, Shiva is able to use Blizzaga like the spell. This is a spell-like ability and consumes 5 MP from the summoner
Heavenly Strike (Su): At 20th HD, Shiva attempts a ranged touch attack roll against the target. If the attack is successful, the target takes 1d6
points of ice damage per two summoner class levels

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