100 To 1000 Hives
100 To 1000 Hives
100 To 1000 Hives
Hossein Yeganehrad
Caspian Apiaries
P.O. Box 16058 617, New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada, V3M 6W6
[email protected]
Paper 137, Oral Presentation
XXXVIIIth Apimondia
International Apicultural Congress
Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 24-29, 2003
On the June 3rd 2002 100 hives with an average of 20 frames population were selected
with the objective of creating a 1,000 hive apiary. First, the queenless colonies were fed
12 liters of supplement that was a mixture of Caspian Solution (royal jelly / pheromone),
pollen, honey, sugar, water, and other natural ingredients. The objective of the feeding
was to stimulate the bees hypopharyngeal glands to produce enough royal jelly for queen
cells. Second, the population was divided and one queen was placed with three frames
with no brood (only comb). Third, the queenless frames, an average of 17 from each
mother colony, were divided to create a total of 1,000 colonies where each colony
contained at least 2 frames. After five days each of these hives had an average of five
large, healthy queen cells. After seven days the eggs and larvae from the 100 mother
hives were moved to the queenless hives, this step prepared the colonies for a balanced
condition of field and nurse bees when the new queens started to lay eggs. 900 queens
were created and only 7 of the queens were lost, the 7 lost queens were replaced from the
mother hives. By July 1st the new queens had started laying eggs and there was an
average of 5 frames of population and 2 frames of brood, which originated in the mother
colonies, in each of the new hives.
Every beekeeper should have a methodology for increasing the population of their apiary.
The technique described in this paper is simple, cost effective and matches the success
achieved by beekeepers that use grafting systems. This technique has been used by the
author in Iran and Canada, and the methodology offers added value in Canada and other
cold climate countries for the following reasons:
1. the loss of bees in the winter can be quite high,
2. there is a limited supply of packaged bees from a small number of countries,
3. air freight companies restrict the number of loads of bees that can be shipped into the
4. there is a small number of queen breeders in the country, and
5. most breeders cannot provide queens early in the season.
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Each operator must assess the relative merits of this methodology and grafting
techniques. This paper does not provide a labour and material comparison, but it is clear
that the method described below is more labour intensive than grafting.
100 Original Hives Each Containing 20 Frames of Population
900 New Hive Boxes
9,000 Empty Frames With Comb (New or Used)
Caspian Solution (a stimulative supplement containing royal jelly, pheromones and other
natural ingredients)
Pollen, sugar, honey and water
Figure One The Hive Increase Program illustrates the physical movement of frames,
queens, population and brood. The step-by-step process is described below beginning
with 100 hives with an average of 20 frames of population and 100 frames of purchased
brood and population.
1. The mother hives were fed one week before the first steps in the population increase
program. At the beginning of the week each colony received 6 liters of Caspian
Solution mixed with pollen, honey, sugar and water. In the middle of the first week
each colony received six more liters of the liquid supplement. The supplement
provided a large quantity of protein that was easily consumed by the bees, as it is in
liquid form, and contains a strong royal jelly and pheromone stimulus.
2. At the end of week one the population was divided and each of the 100 queens were
placed with three frames of population in a new colony. One frame of population was
with brood. These hives became the brood makers for the new apiary. These hives
were fed Caspian Solution mixed with pollen, honey, sugar and water.
3. Three new frames of comb were placed in each of the 100 original hives and the
emergence of bees quickly returned each hive to 20 frames of population.
4. Within three days of the first removal of population and brood the 100 queenless
hives were divided to create 900 new colonies each with two frames of population,
but no queen. These queen makers were able to establish five large healthy queen
cells after five days.
5. After seven days the mother hives or brood makers from step 2 were able to produce
an average of two frames of eggs that were moved from those hives to the queenless
colonies. This movement of brood was done to balance the population of field and
nurse bees when the new queens started to lay eggs.
6. The warm July weather combined with the stimulative effect of the Caspian Solution
to create 893 mated queens between 18 and 25 days after the hives had selected the
larvae for queen raising. The 7 queens that were lost were replaced from the mother
hives. When the new queens began to lay eggs each of the colonies contained five
frames of population and two frames of brood. As mentioned above, this quick start
was due to the movement of brood from the mother hives.
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Working with basic equipment and a sufficient number of workers to set up and move the
required number of hives and frames our team was able to increase the size of the apiary
tenfold. The production of 900 queens simply required the careful combination of
protein potential and stimuli from pheromones, larvae and the queenless condition. The
nutritional aspect of this exercise must not be overlooked as the area in which this
activity was carried out provided no pollen and only a small amount of nectar. Our
apiary team used an equalizing technique to deal with the inevitable drifting in the new
apiary as bees were moving to colonies that had more eggs and larvae. It is not the
purpose of this paper to discuss our equalizing practices, as any of the various techniques
would work well. Pollen supply was critical to the outcome of this exercise as the young
queens were compelled to lay large quantities of eggs; therefore, they needed large
quantities of jelly.
Explaining this rapid population increase program has offered another opportunity to
explain the vital role of nutrition in bee biology and beekeeping. The Caspian Solution
supplement mix provided large amounts of pollen and a significant stimulus that caused
the bees to eat the pollen. Once the nutritional needs of the bees was met the increase
simply required the provision of the right equipment at the right time. The time and
labour required to divide the hives, move frames of eggs from the brood maker hives to
the queen maker colonies and equalize the population is significant, but manageable.
Ultimately the physical management of the expansion simply requires careful observation
and quick response to egg laying and the maturation of the queens. For many beekeepers
the opportunity to expand their operation without using grafting techniques is quite
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Figure One - The Hive Increase Program
Population Only
Population Only
Population Only
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