Monroe Resume
Monroe Resume
Monroe Resume
Advanced North Carolina K-12 School Counseling Licensure
August 2015
The University of North Carolina: Chapel Hill
Masters of Education: School Counseling
August 2015
May 2004
Counselor Intern - Cedar Ridge High School Orange County Public Schools, NC
Developed and implemented classroom guidance lessons on mental health issues related to adolescents including
depression, and signs of suicide
Created Youth Engaged in Lifelong Learning (YELL) in partnership with UNC-Chapel Hill to promote academic
success and increase future educational aspirations of disadvantaged youth
Counseled 9-12th grade students using person-centered, solution focused, strengths based, cognitive behavioral,
and reality therapy techniques to address anxiety, self-esteem, academic achievement, and promotion
Developed and implemented small group curriculum to foster successful transition for students entering Cedar
Ridge High School
Co-developed and facilitated identity development group with 6th graders at a local middle school
Developed and implemented various small groups: study skills, self-esteem, college and career planning, and time
Participated in planning and implementation of grade specific Advisory lessons
Collaborated with teachers, administration, social worker, IEP coordinator, and student support services weekly to
develop systemic supports for students including academic, personal/social, and career
Conducted responsive services to ensure student safety and reduce stress and strain of personal/social concerns
interfering with academic performance
2008 2010
Created and implemented weekly programming for both small and large groups
Co-led domestic and international mission trips of 50-60 high school students
2007 2008
2012 2014
2010 2012
2004 2007