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January 2010

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January 2010

Newsletter #4

Flip side of the coin

by Eugene van Deventer
Only Human
...not angels nor animals

There’s this one chapter were created to be. ther did. Ivan struggles
ager’s perceptions on
in Rob Bell’s book, SEX Now you might be to kick his smoking living as angels or ani-
GOD, where the au- wondering, “Okay, habit. Thabo, at the age
mals. These are chal-
thor leads the reader what’s your point?” of nineteen, often longs
lenges about identity,
into a controversial Well, it is this: for his toddler son.about who they were
thought process remi- It’s been a month since All these students at- created to be.
niscent to “Christian” I have started working Where do they find the
culture. The institution at 13thFLOOR and I answers to their ques-
of the church often have come to realize tions? From their great
pressures its congrega- that the youth in South Designer, Jesus Christ
tions into living like Africa are more similar of course. Through
angels. The flipside of than different. They are Him all things came
this angelic doctrine is all human. into existence.
people ignoring Jesus’ Break-dance rehearsals at
Pulane was in an aver- 13thFLOOR. Because of the change
example and living like
age family, growing up in these young people’s
animals. Both these tend 13thFLOOR and lives, I love working for
in love. Richard was the
‘lifestyles’ are equally all of them have been,
peacemaker, protecting 13thFLOOR. I know
dangerous. The main up to now, affected by
his mother from his that the Lord uses this
reason for that is: life in either an angelic
abusive father. Pieter ministry to change lives
The creator made worries about his or animal way. They
globally...cliché, I
us...wait for mother’ depression, are all human.
it...HUMAN. Both fearing that she would During these few short
flesh and spirit. That is ...but it’s the truth.
end her own life just weeks, 13thFLOOR has
our design. What we like his pastor grandfa- challenged these teen-

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