November 2014
Important Information
1-877-TRICARE (1-877-874-2273)
1-877-988-WEST (1-877-988-9378)
TRICARE Meets the Minimum Essential Coverage Requirement Under the Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act, also known as the health care reform law, requires that individuals maintain health insurance or other
health coverage that meets the definition of minimum essential coverage. Please note that the TRICARE program is considered
minimum essential coverage. Most people who do not meet this provision of the law will be required to pay a fee for each month
they do not have adequate coverage. The fee will be collected each year with federal tax returns. Watch for future communications
from TRICARE or visit for more information about your minimum essential coverage requirement. You can
also find other health care coverage options at
Military & Veterans
1-877-988-WEST (1-877-988-9378)
1-866-363-2883 (TDD/TTY)
Defense Manpower Data Center Support Office
400 Gigling Road
Seaside, CA 93955-6771
1-877-540-6261 (TDD/TTY)
Other Resources
TRICARE is a registered trademark of the Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency. All rights reserved.
Visit the TRICARE Web site for more information on any of the topics
covered in this handbook.
The SMART Site is your best resource for TRICARE materials online.
View, print, or download TRICARE brochures, fact sheets, handbooks,
and other materials.
Table of Contents
1. Eligibility and Enrollment.........................................................................................5
TRICARE Prime......................................................................................................................................5
Enrolling in TRICARE Prime..................................................................................................................5
TRICARE Prime Remote and TRICARE Prime Remote
for Active Duty Family Members.............................................................................................................5
Support for Active Duty Service Members Enrolled in TRICARE Prime Remote.................................8
US Family Health Plan.............................................................................................................................8
Supplemental Health Care Program.........................................................................................................8
2. Getting Started..........................................................................................................9
Your Primary Care Manager....................................................................................................................9
Changing Your Primary Care Manager...................................................................................................9
TRICARE Provider Types......................................................................................................................10
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care Facilities.................................................................. 11
TRICARE Prime Annual Enrollment Fees............................................................................................ 11
Social Security Number Reduction........................................................................................................12
3. Getting Care.............................................................................................................13
Making an Appointment.........................................................................................................................13
Emergency Care.....................................................................................................................................13
Nonemergency Care for Active Duty Service Members........................................................................13
Avoid Using the Emergency Room for Nonemergency Conditions........................................................13
Services That Do Not Require Referrals................................................................................................13
Access Standards for Care...................................................................................................................... 14
Waiving Access Standards.....................................................................................................................15
Prior Authorization for Care...................................................................................................................15
Point-of-Service Option..........................................................................................................................15
4. Covered Services.....................................................................................................16
Mental Health Care Services.................................................................................................................. 16
TRICARE Tobacco-Cessation Program................................................................................................ 17
Clinical Preventive Services................................................................................................................... 18
Dental Options........................................................................................................................................22
Hospice Care..........................................................................................................................................23
Maternity Care.......................................................................................................................................23
TRICARE Extended Care Health Option..............................................................................................23
TRICARE Pharmacy Program...............................................................................................................23
5. Claims.......................................................................................................................25
Health Care Claims................................................................................................................................25
Pharmacy Claims...................................................................................................................................26
Proof-of-Payment Requirement Overseas..............................................................................................26
Coordinating Benefits with Other Health Insurance..............................................................................26
Appealing a Claim or Authorization Denial..........................................................................................26
6. Changes to Your TRICARE Coverage......................................................................27
Having a Baby or Adopting a Child.......................................................................................................28
TRICARE Young Adult.........................................................................................................................28
Moving and Transferring TRICARE Prime Enrollment........................................................................29
Separating from the Service...................................................................................................................30
Retiring from Active Duty...................................................................................................................... 31
Becoming Entitled to Medicare.............................................................................................................. 31
Survivor Coverage..................................................................................................................................32
Dependent Parent Coverage....................................................................................................................32
7. For Information and Assistance.............................................................................34
Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinators............................................................................34
Debt Collection Assistance Officers.......................................................................................................34
Appeals and Grievances.........................................................................................................................34
Reporting Suspected Fraud and Abuse...................................................................................................34
8. Index.........................................................................................................................35
Supplemental Health
Care Program
Support for Active Duty Service Members Enrolled in TRICARE Prime Remote
Service Branch
Contact Information
On-Call Providers
PCMs are required to provide services 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. To cover all hours, your PCM
may designate an on-call provider who will act on
his or her behalf to support your health care needs.
Therefore, the information, instructions, care, or
care coordination you receive from the on-call
provider should be treated as if it were coming
from your PCM.
Getting Started
Non-Network Providers
Participating providers:
May choose to participate on a
claim-by-claim basis
Have agreed to accept payment
directly from TRICARE and
accept the TRICARE-allowable
charge (less any applicable
patient costs paid by you) as
payment in full for their services
If you visit a nonparticipating
provider, you may have to pay
the provider first and later file
a claim with TRICARE for
Nonparticipating providers:
Have not agreed to accept the
TRICARE-allowable charge or
file your claims
Have the legal right to charge
you up to 15 percent above the
TRICARE-allowable charge for
services (You are responsible for
paying this amount in addition
to any applicable patient costs.)1
1. Overseas, there may be no limit to the amount that nonparticipating non-network providers may bill, and you may be
responsible for paying any amount that exceeds the TRICARE-allowable charge. Visit for
more information.
Payment Instructions
Automated Deduction
from Retirement Pay
Electronic Funds
Transfer (EFT)
To allow time for the EFT to be established, provide your correct banking
information to your regional contractor. Once authorized, your TRICARE Prime
enrollment fee is deducted automatically from your bank account on a monthly
basis. An initial three-month payment is required to allow time for the EFT to
be established.
Visa, MasterCard,
or Discover
(where available)2
Your initial and recurring monthly payment will be charged to your credit/debit card.
Initial payments can be made through TRICAREs Beneficiary Web Enrollment
Web site at
1. TRICARE has a limited refund policy. In most cases, TRICARE Prime enrollment fees will not be refunded. If you are close
to age 65 and nearing eligibility for TRICARE For Life, you should not choose the annual payment option.
2. Debit/credit card on file must be active (not expired) for payment to process successfully.
Getting Care
Making an Appointment
Emergency Care
TRICARE defines an emergency as a serious
medical condition that the average person would
consider to be a threat to life, limb, sight, or safety.
If you have an emergency, call 911 or go to the
nearest emergency room. You do not need to call
your PCM or regional contractor before receiving
emergency medical care (including overseas
care). However, in all emergencies, your PCM
must be notified within 24 hours or on the next
business day following admission to coordinate
ongoing care and to ensure you receive proper
authorization. Additionally, active duty service
Primary Care
Manager Role
Treatment of symptoms,
chronic or acute illnesses and
diseases, follow-up care for an
ongoing medical condition
Cardiology, dermatology,
gastroenterology, obstetrics
Point-of-Service Option
The TRICARE point-of-service (POS) option
gives you the freedom, at an additional cost, to
receive nonemergency health care services from
any TRICARE-authorized provider without
requesting a referral from your PCM. For cost
details, visit
Newborns or newly adopted children in the
first 60 days after birth or adoption
Emergency care
Clinical preventive care received from a
network provider
Covered Services
TRICARE covers most care that is medically
necessary and considered proven. Some types of
care are not covered at all, and there are special
rules and limits for certain types of care. TRICARE
policies are very specific about which services are
covered and which are not. It is in your best interest
to take an active role in verifying coverage.
Suicide Prevention
If you or a loved one has suicidal thoughts,
call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at
1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) and select
option 1. Visit for
additional resources and information.
TRICARE Tobacco-Cessation
TRICARE is dedicated to helping ADSMs,
veterans, retirees, and their families succeed in
the attempt to quit tobacco. Below are several
ways to help you get the necessary assistance to
break the cycle:
TRICARE-covered tobacco-cessation products
Tobacco-cessation counseling services
Tobacco-Cessation Products
TRICARE covers prescription and over-thecounter products to help you quit. Covered
tobacco-cessation products are available at
no cost through TRICARE Pharmacy Home
Delivery and at military pharmacies. Tobaccocessation products are not covered when
purchased at retail pharmacies.
North Region
South Region
West Region
Military & Veterans
Health Promotion
and Disease
Average risk: Individuals at average risk for colon cancer are covered once every
10 years beginning at age 50.
Increased risk: Once every five years for individuals with a first-degree relative diagnosed
with colorectal cancer or an adenomatous polyp before age 60, or in two or more
first-degree relatives at any age. Optical colonoscopy should be performed beginning
at age 40 or 10 years younger than the earliest affected relative, whichever is earlier.
Once every 10 years, beginning at age 40, for individuals with a first-degree relative
diagnosed with colorectal cancer or an adenomatous polyp at age 60 or older, or
colorectal cancer diagnosed in two second-degree relatives.
High risk: Once every one to two years for individuals with a genetic or clinical diagnosis
of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) or individuals at increased risk
for HNPCC. Optical colonoscopy should be performed beginning at age 2025 or 10 years
younger than the earliest age of diagnosis, whichever is earlier. For individuals diagnosed
with inflammatory bowel disease, chronic ulcerative colitis, or Crohns disease, cancer
risk begins to be significant eight years after the onset of pancolitis or 1012 years after
the onset of left-sided colitis. For individuals meeting these risk parameters, optical
colonoscopy should be performed every one to two years with biopsies for dysplasia.
Fecal occult blood testing: Testing is covered annually starting at age 50.
Breast cancer:
Clinical breast examination: For women until reaching age 40, a clinical breast
examination may be performed during a preventive health visit. For women age 40
and older, a clinical breast examination should be performed annually.
Mammograms: Covered annually for all women beginning at age 40. Covered annually
beginning at age 30 for women who have a 15 percent or greater lifetime risk of breast
cancer (according to risk assessment tools based on family history such as the Gail,
Claus, and Tyrer-Cuzick models), or who have any of the following risk factors:
History of breast cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ, lobular carcinoma in situ,
atypical ductal hyperplasia, or atypical lobular hyperplasia
Extremely dense breasts when viewed by mammogram
Known BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation
First-degree relative (parent, child, sibling) with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene
mutation, and have not had genetic testing themselves
Radiation therapy to the chest between ages 10 and 30
History of Li-Fraumeni, Cowden, or hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome,
or a first-degree relative with a history of one of these syndromes
Breast screening magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Covered annually, in addition
to the annual screening mammogram, beginning at age 30 for women who have a
20 percent or greater lifetime risk of breast cancer (according to risk assessment tools
based on family history such as the Gail, Claus, and Tyrer-Cuzick models), or who
have any of the following risk factors:
Known BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation
First-degree relative (parent, child, sibling) with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene
mutation, and have not had genetic testing themselves
Radiation to the chest between ages 10 and 30
History of Li-Fraumeni, Cowden, or hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome,
or a first-degree relative with a history of one of these syndromes
Cancer Screenings
Proctosigmoidoscopy or sigmoidoscopy:
Average risk: Individuals at average risk for colon cancer are covered once every
three to five years beginning at age 50.
Increased risk: Once every five years, beginning at age 40, for individuals with a
first-degree relative diagnosed with a colorectal cancer or an adenomatous polyp at
age 60 or older, or two second-degree relatives diagnosed with colorectal cancer.
High risk: Annual flexible sigmoidoscopy, beginning at age 1012, for individuals
with known or suspected familial adenomatous polyposis.
Prostate cancer: A digital rectal examination and prostate-specific antigen screening
is covered annually for certain high-risk men ages 4049 and all men over age 50.
Routine Pap tests: Covered annually for women starting at age 18 (younger if sexually
active) or less often at patient and provider discretion (though not less than every three
years). Human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing is covered as a cervical cancer
screening only when performed in conjunction with a Pap test, and only for women
age 30 and older.
Skin cancer: Examinations are covered at any age for individuals at high risk due to
family history or increased sun exposure.
Cholesterol test (non-fasting): Testing is covered for a lipid panel at least once every
five years beginning at age 18.
Blood pressure screening: Screening is covered annually for children ages 36 and a
minimum of every two years after reaching age 6 (children and adults).
Eye Examinations
Well-child care coverage (infants and children until reaching age 6):
Infants (until reaching age 3): One eye exam and vision screening is covered at birth
and at 6 months.
Children (age 3 until reaching age 6): One routine eye examination is covered every
two years. Active duty family member (ADFM) children are covered for one routine
eye examination annually.
Adults and children (age 6 and older): One routine eye examination every two years.
Active duty service members (ADSMs) and ADFMs receive one eye examination
each year.
Diabetic patients (any age): Eye examinations are not limited. One eye examination
per year is recommended.
Note: ADSMs enrolled in TRICARE Prime must receive all vision care at military hospitals
or clinics unless specifically referred by their primary care managers to civilian network
providers, or to non-network providers if a network provider is not available. ADSMs
enrolled in TRICARE Prime Remote may obtain periodic eye examinations from network
providers without authorizations as needed to maintain fitness-for-duty status.
Preventive hearing examinations are only covered under the well-child care benefit (birth
until reaching age 6). A newborn audiology screening should be performed on newborns
before hospital discharge or within the first month after birth. Evaluative hearing tests
may be performed at other ages during routine exams.
Infectious Disease
TRICARE covers screening for the following infectious diseases: hepatitis B, rubella
antibodies, and HIV, and screening and/or prophylaxis for tetanus, rabies, hepatitis A
and B, meningococcal meningitis, and tuberculosis.
Patient and
Parent Education
Counseling services expected of good clinical practice that are included with the
appropriate office visit are covered at no additional charge for dietary assessment and
nutrition; physical activity and exercise; cancer surveillance; safe sexual practices;
tobacco, alcohol, and substance abuse; dental health promotion; accident and injury
prevention; stress; bereavement; and suicide risk assessment.
School Physicals
Covered for children ages 511 if required in connection with school enrollment.
Note: Annual sports physicals are not covered.
Well-Child Care
(birth until
reaching age 6)
Covers routine newborn care; comprehensive health promotion and disease prevention exams;
vision and hearing screenings; height, weight, and head circumference measurement;
routine immunizations; and developmental and behavioral appraisal. TRICARE covers
well-child care in accordance with American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and CDC
guidelines. Your child can receive preventive care well-child visits as frequently as the
AAP recommends, but no more than nine visits in two years. Visits for diagnosis or
treatment of an illness or injury are covered separately under outpatient care.
Dental Options
This section highlights your dental program options and costs when using the TRICARE Active Duty
Dental Program, the TRICARE Dental Program, or the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program. These dental
options are separate from TRICARE health care options. Your out-of-pocket expenses for any of the costs
listed in this section are not applied to the TRICARE catastrophic cap.
TRICARE Dental Program Options
Dental Program
Beneficiary Types
Duty Dental
Program (ADDP)
Program (TDP)1
Individual Ready
Reserve members and
their family members
Dental Program
1. The TDP is divided into two geographical service areas: stateside (or CONUS) and overseas (or OCONUS). The TDP stateside
service area includes the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The TDP
overseas service area includes areas not in the stateside service area and covered services provided aboard a ship or vessel
outside the territorial waters of the stateside service area, regardless of the dentists office address.
Maternity Care
Prenatal care is important, and TRICARE strongly
recommends that those who are pregnant or who
anticipate becoming pregnant seek appropriate
medical care. TRICARE Prime, TPR, and
TPRADFM cover all necessary maternity care,
from your first obstetric visit through six weeks
after your child is born. TRICARE does not cover
routine ultrasound screening. Only medically
necessary maternity ultrasounds are covered by
TRICARE. For detailed coverage information,
Hospice Care
If you or another TRICARE-eligible family
member is faced with a terminal illness, hospice
care is available from TRICARE. Hospice care
emphasizes supportive services, rather than
cure-oriented treatment, for patients with a life
expectancy of six months or less. The benefit
allows for personal care and home health aide
services, which are otherwise limited under
the TRICARE Basic Program.
Military Pharmacies
Non-Network Pharmacies
At non-network pharmacies, you will pay the
full price for your medication and file a claim
for reimbursement. Reimbursements are subject
to deductibles, out-of-network cost-shares, and
TRICARE-required copayments. All deductibles
must be met before any reimbursement can
be made.
1-877-540-6261 (TDD/TTY)
service or the date of inpatient discharge. Overseas,
claims must be filed within three years of either the
date of service or the date of inpatient discharge. You
must submit proof of payment with overseas claims.
Pharmacy Claims
for more information on proof-of-payment
requirements overseas.
Appealing a Claim or
Authorization Denial
Requirement Overseas
Register new spouses in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) to
ensure they are eligible for TRICARE. Your new spouses TRICARE Prime or TRICARE
Prime Remote for Active Duty Family Members (TPRADFM) enrollment is effective based
on the 20th-of-the-month rule. Requests received by your regional contractor by the 20th of
the month become effective at the beginning of the following month (e.g., a request received
by December 20 becomes effective January 1). If the request is received after the 20th of
the month, coverage becomes effective on the first day of the month following the next
month (e.g., a request received on December 27 becomes effective February 1).
Sponsors must update DEERS when there is a divorce. The sponsor will need to provide a
copy of the divorce decree, dissolution, or annulment. Former spouses who are not eligible
for TRICARE may not continue seeking health care services under the TRICARE benefit.
Any child who retains eligibility under the sponsor remains TRICARE-eligible until reaching
age 21 (or age 23 if enrolled in a full-time course of study at an approved institution of
higher learning, and if the sponsor provides over 50 percent of the financial support), as
long as his or her DEERS information is current. Your dependent childs TRICARE Prime
or TPRADFM coverage ends if his or her DEERS record is not updated before age 21.
Dependent children who have aged out of TRICARE coverage, but have not yet reached
age 26, may be eligible to purchase TRICARE Young Adult. It is available for purchase by
unmarried adult children who do not have access to an employer-sponsored health plan.
Going to College
1. Children with disabilities may remain TRICARE-eligible beyond the normal age limits. Check with your sponsors service
for eligibility criteria.
Traveling Overseas
When traveling overseas, plan for possible health
care needs in advance of the trip. If you need
emergency care, go to the nearest emergency care
facility or call the TOP Medical Assistance number
for the overseas area where you are traveling. If you
are admitted, you must call your PCM and the
TOP Regional Call Center within 24 hours or the
next business day after admission, or at the very
latest, before leaving the facility. Call the TOP
Regional Call Center to coordinate authorization,
continued care, and payment, if applicable. Contact
your PCM and the TOP Regional Call Center for
urgent care.
Moving Overseas
If you are moving overseas, contact the appropriate
TOP Regional Call Center before you move to
determine TOP Prime eligibility requirements.
When calling, select option 4 for the Global
TRICARE Service Center, which provides
customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
TOP Regional Call Center phone numbers can be
found at ADFMs
must meet command sponsorship requirements
for TOP Prime or TOP Prime Remote coverage.
Retirees and their family members are not
eligible for TOP Prime options, but may be
eligible for TOP Standard. TRICARE Extra
is not available overseas.
Transitional Assistance
Management Program
TAMP provides up to 180 days of transitional
health care benefits to help certain members of the
uniformed services and their families transition
Retired Status
Retirees and their dependents who are entitled to
premium-free Medicare Part A must also have
Medicare Part B to remain TRICARE-eligible
regardless of their age or place of residence.
TRICARE For Life coverage automatically begins
the first month both Medicare Part A and Part B
are effective. TRICARE eligibility is terminated
for any period of time in which a retiree or retiree
family member is entitled to Medicare Part A and
does not have Medicare Part B. To avoid a break
in TRICARE coverage, ADSMs and ADFMs must
sign up for Medicare Part B before the sponsors
active duty status ends.
ADSMs and ADFMs who are entitled to premiumfree Medicare Part A regardless of the reason
remain eligible for TRICARE Prime and TRICARE
Standard and TRICARE Extra program options
without signing up for Medicare Part B. However,
when the sponsor retires, you must have Medicare
Part B to remain TRICARE-eligible. You may
sign up for Medicare Part B during the special
enrollment period, which is available anytime while
the sponsor is still active duty, or within the first
eight months following either (1) the month your
sponsors active duty status ends or (2) the month
TRICARE coverage ends, whichever comes first.
To avoid a break in TRICARE coverage, ADSMs
and ADFMs must sign up for Medicare Part B
before the sponsors active duty status ends. Sign up
for Medicare Part A and Part B when first eligible
to avoid the Medicare Part B premium surcharge
for late enrollment.
Survivor Coverage
Voluntary Disenrollment
ADFMs who choose to change their enrollment
status (i.e., from enrolled to disenrolled or vice
versa) more than twice in an enrollment year
(October 1September 30) for any reason are
subject to a 12-month lockout,* during which they
will not be permitted to reenroll in TRICARE
Prime or TPRADFM. Retirees and their family
Debt Collection
Assistance Officers
Appeals-Filing Information
TRICARE North Region
Claims Appeals:
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
TRICARE Claim Appeals
P.O. Box 105266
Atlanta, GA 30348-5266
Claims Appeals:
TRICARE South Region Appeals
P.O. Box 202002
Florence, SC 29502-2002
Claims Appeals:
TRICARE West Region
Appeals Department
P.O. Box 105493
Atlanta, GA 30348-5493
Appeals Online:
Contingency operation, 6, 7, 30
Continued Health Care Benefit Program
(CHCBP), 30
Copayments, 24, 31
Cost-shares, 6, 22, 24, 31
Counseling, 2, 8, 1518, 21, 30, 34
Family counseling, 15
Family therapy/therapist, 16, 17
Fecal occult blood testing, 19
Fitness-for-duty, 15, 20
Former spouse, 5, 11, 12, 27, 29
Fraud and abuse, 34
Deactivation, 33
Debt Collection Assistance Officer (DCAO), 34
Deductible, 6, 22, 24
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
(DEERS), 58, 2733
Defense Health AgencyGreat Lakes (DHA-GL),
8, 13, 34
Delta Dental of California (Delta Dental), 22
Dental care, 10, 15, 28
Dental clinic, 22
Dental options, 15, 22, 31
Department of Defense Benefits Number (DBN), 12
Dependent child, 27
Dependent parent, 32
Detoxification, 17
Diabetes, 20
Dietary assessment, 21
Disability, 14, 23, 27, 32
Disenrollment, 5, 15, 28, 30, 32, 33
Divorce, 27, 32
Generic drug/medication, 24
Genetic testing, 19
Grievance, 34
Health care records, 12
Health Net Federal Services, LLC (Health Net),
18, 25, 34
Hearing aids, 31
Hepatitis, 21
HIV, 21
Home health care, 15
Hospice care, 15, 23
Hospital/Hospitalization, 2, 510, 13, 1517, 20,
24, 28, 32, 34
Human papillomavirus (HPV), 20, 21
Humana Military Healthcare Services, Inc.
(Humana Military), 18, 30, 34
Other health insurance (OHI), 15, 26, 29
Out-of-pocket costs, 10, 11, 22, 29, 30
Outpatient care, 1317, 21, 29
Radiology, 9, 10
Reconsideration, 34
Rehabilitation, 17
Retired, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 17, 22, 27, 2933
Retiring, 31
Routine care, 9, 1315, 21, 28
Rubella, 21
TRICARE Pacific, 25
TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery, 18, 24
TRICARE Pharmacy Program, 23, 32
TRICARE Regional Office, 2, 6, 7, 34
TRICARE retail network pharmacy, 18, 24
TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (TRDP), 22
TRICARE Standard, 2, 6, 28, 3033
TRICARE Young Adult, 27, 28
School physicals, 21
Sigmoidoscopy, 20
Skin cancer, 20
Social Security number (SSN), 12, 28
South Region, 18, 25, 34
Space-available care, 28, 32
Specialist, 14, 16
Specialty care, 811, 1315, 22, 27
Split enrollment, 27
Stem cell, 15
Stress, 21
Substance use disorders, 1517
Suicide prevention, 17, 21
Supplemental Health Care Program (SHCP), 8
Supplements, 26
Survivors, 5, 11, 22, 29, 32
Ultrasound, 23
Uniformed services identification (ID) card, 12, 23,
24, 28, 29, 31
United Concordia Companies, Inc.
(United Concordia), 22
UnitedHealthcare Military & Veterans, 18
Urgent care, 9, 13, 14, 2729
US Family Health Plan (USFHP), 5, 8, 9, 24, 28
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), 11
U.S. Public Health Service, 8
U.S. territories, 2225
Vaccines, 21
Veterans Affairs benefits, 11
Vision screening, 20
TRICARE is a registered trademark of the Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency. All rights reserved.