District Technology Training Plan

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District Technology Training Plan

By Lilit Bayburtian
EDTC 640

District Technology Training Plan

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

About the District

With more than 151,354 students Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS)
district is the largest school district in Maryland and the 17th largest school
system in United States. MCPS has 202 schools of which 35 are recognized
as National Blue Ribbon schools. There are 132 elementary schools, 38
middle schools, 25 high schools, 5 special schools, 1 charter school, and 1
career and technology center in MCPS school district. Of 11,836 teachers
employed by MCPS 84.7% have a masters degree or equivalent to masters.
Moreover, 96.7% of core academic subjects are taught by highly qualified
teachers. With 1651 average combined SAT score for the class of 2012;
MCPS has a 90% graduation rate.
The district has a $2.23 billion operating budget, with the majority of that
budget (81%) allocated to instruction.
The MCPS technology is a Microsoft Windows centric system; the desktops
and laptops are Microsoft Windows-based Dell and Lenovo PCs. The districts
office software is Microsoft Office and e-mail service is controlled by Microsoft
Exchange as well. In addition, each school is equipped with hardware and
software to directly support MCPS curriculum and promote 21 century

The Problem
Based on a current data from MCPS the district has the following hardware
and software to support leaning: Promethean Board and ActivInspire (an
interactive whiteboard program), mCLASS Reading 3D (a reading assessment
tool for K-2 students that measures reading comprehension skills),
Achievement Series (a Scantron-based scoring and reporting system), Elmo
projectors, mobile laptop carts, multifunction printers, free and commercial

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

software for instructional use: Microsoft Office 2010, Audacity, Pixie, and
Kidspiration 3. The MCPS employs 13 instructional technology specialists who
provide technology training, plan and deliver model technology lessons, and
work with School Improvement Teams to enhance learning with technology
(Montgomery County Public Schools, 2013). These 13 staff members work
out of a central location and each one of them assists a cluster of schools;
however, there is not enough manpower to effusively support 11, 836
teachers and other educators who need adequate training and/or help in a
given field. MCPS strives to provide its schools with current technology to
fully support and enhance the leaning but it fails to provide proper training to
support the new technology. Some educators are quick to learn and adapt
technology by spending their own time and money, but some are reluctant to
do it thus, they do not integrate technology into essential curriculum. For
example, when Promethean Boards were introduced to the county basic
training on ActivStudio was provided (but not enforced). A year later, MCPS
purchased ActivInspire program which in some ways was similar to
ActivStudio, but different enough to cause frustration amongst educators
who were just getting used to new technology. There were no trainings
offered to help ease educators into the new program. Some went ahead and
by using pocking and probing method enhanced their skills, others went
back to using overhead projectors with transparences and poster paper.
Thus, the great intentions and new technology became stagnant in the
hands of untrained educators. Many educators have heard great things about
Google docs and its easy accessibility; however, they have had no training
provided by MCPS to help them use it in their classrooms. . Google Docs is an
Internet-based technology that helps students collaborate in real time. The
photos and videos students find on the Internet can instantly be embedded
into a collaborative document where groups of students share and discourse
their discoveries/conclusions. After reviewing the results of the survey
provided to a group of MCPS teachers, it was obvious that most of them

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

would love to learn about Google Docs and extensive array of possibilities
that it can offer.
The Needs
Despite the availability of Internet-based technology and the necessity for
educators to incorporate technology into the classroom in support of student
learning, many teachers are not effectively using technology as a teaching
and learning device. In order for the MCPS district to address teachers needs
accordingly, a survey was created and sent to educators.
Survey link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/X5X6HT3

My findings are valuable for teachers and other educators who pursue ways
to integrate web 2.0 technologies into classroom to build and support
learning. Digital technologies such as Google Docs are applicable to all
disciplines and the professional development can be easily adjusted to these
disciplines. Based on the survey, the following software and hardware
training needs have been identified, combined, and listed from the most
important and needed to the least important technology to be trained on.
1. Google Docs (80%)
2. Kurzweil reading/writing technology (73%)
3. Graphic Design programs (58%)
4. Animation presentation sites (goanimate.com, wideo, etc) (25%)
5. Promethean ActivInspire (25%)
6. Tablet Computers (25%)
7. MS office (16%)
8. ELMOs (16%)
9. Wikis (16%)

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian


Pixie (2%)


Kidspiration (2%)


Multilingual sites for ESOL students (1%)


Skype (0%)

The survey unmistakably reveals that the majority of educators stated a

greater need in training for Google Docs; however, currently the MCPS
district does not provide either online or on-site trainings on Google Docs.
Given that the majority of surveyed educators chose Google Docs as the
most needed technology to be trained in, their needs must be answered and
assisted. To increase the integration of technology into the essential
curriculum and professional needs of educators in the district, I will be
developing a District Technology Training Plan (DTTP) to address the Districts
teachers needs.

The Audience
Dear MCPS Board Members and Superintendent of Schools - Dr. Starr,
Despite the availability of Internet-based technology and the necessity for
educators to incorporate technology into the classroom in support of student
learning, many teachers are not effectively using technology as a teaching
and learning device. After thorough and meticulous analysis of teachers
needs, I have concluded that the teachers and staff predominantly chose to
be trained in Google Docs program. Google Docs is an easy-to-use online
word processor, spreadsheet and presentation editor that empowers
teachers to create, store and share instantly and securely, and collaborate
online in real time. Moreover, teachers will be able to assign their students
team projects that can be worked on simultaneously from different locations.

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

Educators can create new documents from scratch or upload existing

documents, spreadsheets and presentations. There's no software to
download. All the work is stored safely online and can be accessed from any
computer. Based on my findings, I would like to develop and carry out a
training plan to help educators build and/or increase their expertise in using
Google Docs programs. The training will be technology and concept focused.
The educators will both learn about the product and will create a skill to help
increase learner engagement, motivation, collaboration, and achievement
through the use of technology.

The Goals/Objectives
The objective of this training is bilateral; it is both technology and concept
focused. The educators will both learn about the products and will create a
The primary goals are for the teacher participants to:
1. Increase teacher familiarity with basic hardware/software, common
computer applications, and internet use.
2. Develop lessons utilizing basic hardware/software, common computer
applications, and internet use.
3. Use Promethean board and ActivInspire to create interactive lesson
and to address multiple learning styles
4. Increase students engagement, motivation, interest, and knowledge
retention across the curriculum by using multimedia hardware and

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

5. Develop lessons utilizing multimedia hardware and software to

increase students engagement, motivation, interest, and knowledge
retention across the curriculum.
6. Enlarge teachers' technology toolbox by using web-based software.
7. Develop lessons utilizing web-based software.
8. Develop new ways to promote school-home communication by
establishing two-way communication channels via the internet.
The following courses are offered for educators to build on their skills and
improve/increase technology use in their prospective classrooms.
Course Name

Microsoft Office

Course Description

This course is designed to teach

365 for Educators basic, intermediate, and advanced




skills of word processing with Word,


spreadsheet with Excel, and


Introduction to

presentations with PowerPoint

This course is designed to teach

All new


educators the basics of the hardware

staff and

Board and

and some easy but effective ways to

teachers to


use ActivInspire to add interactivity



to your lessons.
This course is designed to help


ActivInspire 365

educators create interactive lessons


by embedding multimedia into their




2, 3

2, 3

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

Interactive video

This course is designed to help

2, 4,


educators learn how to present


information through the use of short

animated videos and clips. Educators
will learn to make animated videos
with the help of GoAnimate.com and

Wideo.com programs
This course will introduce educators


1, 4,

presentations for

to web-based free alternatives to


5, 6

your classroom

PowerPoint. They will learn to use

Google Docs Presentation, Prezi, and

SlideRocket to present information in
Excel for

a new and creative way.

This Course is designed for



educators who need to acquire basic

with no

skills of making excel spreadsheets


and learn to add formulas to help

of Excel

with grade averaging in online

Kurzweil 3000 for

This course will introduce educators



to basic usage of Kurzweil 3000 and


ways to use it to support student


Blogs and Wikis

This course will introduce teachers to

Middle and

4, 5,


blogs and wikis. They will learn to

high school

6, 7

help students write online. Educators


will learn to direct their students


using post/response abilities of blogs


and larger collaboration abilities of

e computer

This course will help educators

First year

Technology and

1, 2

1, 2,

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

Classroom 101

integrate various basic technologies


into their lessons.


Technology and

This course will help educators


Classroom 102

integrate various multimedia


technologies into their lessons.

with basic

4, 5,
6, 7

Google Docs for

This course is designed to help


1, 4,


teachers use Google Docs


5, 6,


synchronously and asynchronously

to work together on creating

presentations, documents, forms,

and spreadsheets.
This course is designed to help


made easy

teachers discover new and more


1, 8

effective ways to communicate with

parents. Teachers will be introduced
to blogs and easy-to-make teacher
websites to enhance communication
between school and home.

Instructional Strategies
During the course of my teaching career, I had been to many different
trainings and workshops. I was always eager to learn something new,
something that will help me become a better teacher. However, thinking
back and trying to remember all those trainings, I noticed that the only once

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

that left a permanent mark in my learning are either the best ones or the
worst ones. Obviously, I remember the best ones because I am still using all
or some of the information learned in my everyday teaching. Needless to
say, the worst ones I remember nothing about, only that I wasted my time
and money and left with nothing. Todays educators encounter very many
challenges in being well-prepared to educate twentyfirst century students.
Not only must they have a solid knowledge of their content area in order to
teach for understanding, but they must also be able to provide this content
using technology in a way that will help develop understanding. To help
these educators achieve their goals, the school districts must provide them
with all possible solutions to attain that result. The better equipped and
prepared the districts teachers are, the higher student progress and
achievement will be; thus, it is in the MCPS districts best interest to create
needed trainings to indorse better results.
Based on my experience, my goal is to create a training program that will be
educational, interactive, hands on and productive. Throughout the training,
various media will be used to address different learning styles and to
accommodate educators with different levels of technology readiness. There
will be short videos to quickly introduce a topic, step-by-step tutorials, and
make it, take it lesson activities. Teachers will have an option of choosing
activities based on their readiness to move on. Moreover, they will use much
of their time in this training to create materials geared towards their subject
matter to jump start their advancement in the field of education. By the end
of the training, the trainees will feel sense of accomplishment and will be
able to transfer what they have learned into their individual classrooms.

Sample Five Day Workshop Outline


District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

The following workshop is developed to introduce educators to Google Docs

web-based word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation and enhance
teachers capabilities to teach using 21st century technology.
Day I: Introduction to Google Docs and documents
Day II: Introduction to Google Presentations
Day III: Introduction to Google Spreadsheets
Day IV: Introduction to Google Forms
Day V: How to Workshop: Sharing, Embedding, Publishing, and
Technology Workshop Lesson Plan Day 1
Introduction to Google Docs and Google Documents
Agenda for the day: (8:30a.m. 2:30p.m.)
1. Introduction to Google Docs (30 min.)
- Video Clip Google Docs in Education
- Video Clip Google Docs in Plain English
2. Setting up an account to access Google Docs (20 min)
- Username and Password
- Privacy settings
3. Accessing Google Documents (30 min)
- Accessing Google documents
- Understanding basic formatting
- understanding advanced formatting
4. Publishing to web (20 min)
5. Team/Partner work (50 min)
- Preparing a lesson (drawn from the curriculum) to be used in a
classroom via Google Documents
6. Lunch Break (11:00 12:00)
7. Using Google Drawings to draw and embed shapes into Google
documents (20min)
- Practicing the skill
8. Exercise (30min)
- Retrieving Lets Get Started document and collaborating online

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

9. Manage documents with multiple editors (20min)

- Practicing the skill
Manage revision history (20min)
- Practicing the skill
Inserting and replying to comments (40min)
Going Green Animation paperless classroom (10 min)
Suggestion Box (10 min)
By the end of the day, the trainees will:

Set up an account to access Google Docs

Define the significance of Google Docs in a classroom
Identify the key components of Google Docs
Develop basic skills in navigating Google Docs
Use Google Documents to create/save a document
Create a curriculum based lesson via Google Documents
Restructure previously prepared lessons into web-based lessons via
Google Docs

Materials Needed:

Promethean Board with ActivInspire

Desktops/laptops (1 per educator)

The day will begin with introduction to Google docs and overview of Google
Docs and in educational setting. Two short videos will be presented to
trainees to illustrate what Google Docs is and how it is perceived by
educators who already use it in their classrooms. The trainees will then be
prompted to set up an account with Google Docs by creating a log in and a
password. At this time privacy settings will be identified and explained.
Through demonstration on Promethean Board the trainees will be prompted
to access Google Documents and given time to type up a paragraph (any
topic will do); using this paragraph, basic formatting techniques will be
presented and time given for the trainees to practice. After mastering basic

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

formatting techniques, the trainees will be presented with more advances

formatting techniques; and again time will be provided for the trainees to
practice and familiarized themselves with those. Through step-by-step
directions, the trainees will learn to publish documents to the web.
After covering the basics, the trainees will be given time to work with a
partner or small group to develop a lesson (or use previously made lessons
and adapt them for Google Docs use). The trainees will be asked to use
grade level/content curriculum to create a lesson and to publish it to the web
ready to be presented to their students.
After the break, the trainees will be given step-by-step direction on how to
use Google Drawings to create shapes/objects and embed those into Google
Documents. Practice time will be provided for the trainees to edit their lesson
by adding graphics into it. Once edited, the lesson can be published to the
Cooperation exercise is provided for the trainees to practice collaborating
online using the same document. They will be asked to retrieve Lets get
Started document and work on it by editing/collaborating. Using the same
document, the trainees will be trained on managing documents with multiple
editors, managing revision history, and replying to comments. After
presenting each skill, the trainees will be given time to practice the skill.
At the end of the day, the participants will watch a short animation on how to
create a paperless classroom and advantages of doing so. Here is the link to
the animation video: http://goanimate.com/videos/0PPvBQWKn1PI?
utm_source=linkshare. The last ten minutes of the day will be allotted for
questions and answers and any suggestions for the following days training.

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan Day 2


District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

Introduction to Google Presentations

Agenda for the day: (8:30a.m. 2:30p.m.)
1. Reviewing questions from previous day (10 min)
2. Introduction to Google Presentations (20 min)
- Animation Video
- Demo of a presentation
3. Overview of Google Presentations and their significance in the
classroom (10 min)
- Animation Video
4. Creating a sample presentation using a template/without a template
(60 min)
- Getting started (ways to access Google Presentations)
- Starting with the first slide
- Adding and deleting slides
- Time to explore and create
5. Uploading presentation to Google Presentations (40 min)
- Demo on how to upload PPt to Google Presentations
- Time to explore and practice
- Using old PPt and transferring them to Google Presentations
6. Lunch Break (11:00 12:00)
7. Customizing presentations (backgrounds, transitions, animations) (40
- Time to explore and practice with customization
8. Adding images, videos, clipart, and tables to presentations (60 min)
- Time to explore and practice
9. Saving and publishing to the web (20 min)
Writing Comments to Presentations (20 min)
Suggestion Box (10 min)
By the end of the day, the trainees will:

Locate and access Google Docs and Google Presentations

Define the significance of Google Presentations in a classroom
Develop basic skills in navigating Google Presentations
Use Google Presentations to create/save a presentation
Create a curriculum based lesson via Google Presentations
Restructure previously prepared PowerPoint Presentations into webbased lessons via Google Presentations

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

Demonstrate knowledge of inserting pictures, videos, tables, and

clipart into Google Presentations

Demonstrate knowledge of customizing slides by changing
backgrounds, adding animations and transitions to slides

Materials Needed:

Promethean Board with ActivInspire

Desktops/laptops (1 per educator)

The second day will begin with answering questions from previous day and
helping clear misunderstandings. Then, the trainees will be presented with
a short animation video about Google Presentations and what it does. Here is
the link to the animation video: http://goanimate.com/videos/0PtFLyqoSQnA?
utm_source=linkshare. The video will be followed by demonstration of a
ready-made presentation on promethean board to help trainees see what
final product looks like. A quick overview of the Google Presentations and
their significance in a classroom will follow; which will be enhanced with an
animation video: http://goanimate.com/videos/0U6z0f3SIaQo?
The educators will be prompted to log on to their Google accounts and go to
Google Presentations. A demonstration of how to begin making slides in
Google Presentations will be presented. The educators will learn how to start
presentations by using already-made templates, by uploading PowerPoint
presentations and saving them in Google Presentations, and by starting a
new presentation from the scratch. The teachers will be given plenty of time
to explore newly acquired skills and create appropriate presentations for
their audience.
After the lunch break, a demonstration of how to customize the presentation
by adding/changing backgrounds, adding animations and transferring slides
will be resented. Followed by time to explore the newly acquired skill and
applying that skill to Google Presentation lessons. Then, another

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

demonstration will follow where the trainees will learn to insert clipart,
pictures, videos, and animations into their presentations. The trainees will be
given time to explore and practice embedding clipart, videos, pictures, and
tables into their presentations.
When presentations/lessons are ready, we will go through the process of
saving, publishing to the web, and sharing the Google Presentations. Then,
the trainees will see a demonstration of how to write comments and edit
presentations online. The last ten minutes of the day will be allotted for
questions and answers and any suggestions for the following days training.

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan Day 3

Introduction to Google Spreadsheets
Agenda for the day: (8:30a.m. 2:30p.m.)
1. Reviewing questions from previous 2 days (10 min)
2. Introduction to Google Spreadsheets (10 min)
3. Spreadsheet in the classroom (10 min)
- Animation Video
4. Locating Google Spreadsheet and entering data (30 min)
- Entering data
- Editing cells
- Changing cell data type
5. Creating a page for a class gradebook (30 min)
- Relevant to a subject/grade you teach
6. Adding links to a spreadsheet (30 min)
- making reference columns to store data
- exploring and practicing the skill
7. Inserting images in a spreadsheet (30 min)
- Modifying images by using formulas
- exploring and practicing the skill
8. Lunch Break (11:00 12:00)
9. Understanding and using formulas (60 min)
- Creating formulas
- Shortcuts to formulas
Sharing and collaborating spreadsheets (60 min)
- View and edit spreadsheets

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian


Prevent others from editing same cells/or certain spreadsheets

Exploring and practicing the skill
Creating and publishing charts (20 min)
Suggestion Box (10 min)

By the end of the day, the trainees will:

Locate and access Google Docs and Google Spreadsheets

Define the significance of Google Spreadsheets for educators
Develop basic skills in navigating Google Spreadsheets
Use Google Spreadsheets to create/save a spreadsheet
Create spreadsheet for electronic gradebook
Restructure previously prepared excel sheets into web-based

spreadsheets via Google Spreadsheets

Apply formulas to average grades

Materials Needed:

Promethean Board with ActivInspire

Desktops/laptops (1 per educator)

Todays training will focus on creating, editing, and publishing spreadsheets

by using Google Spreadsheets. The training will start by addressing
questions and suggestions from the previous two days. The trainees will be
introduced to Google Spreadsheets and their importance in todays
classroom. An animated video will help the educators understand how
spreadsheets can be used by teachers and students to enhance learning.
Here is the link to the video: http://goanimate.com/videos/0qaZyQirDmbA?
A demonstration will be provided for the trainees to access Google
Spreadsheets. Simple data will be entered to start working on a program.
Step-by-step directions will be provided for the trainees to get acquainted
with editing cells and changing cell data type. The trainees will be given time
to explore and practice learned skill. The trainees will be asked to create a

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

simple class roaster/spreadsheet to later add into a gradebook. The

spreadsheet should contain actual students and a subject/concept would be
Then, there will be a demonstration on how to add links to a spreadsheet and
its need. The trainees will understand that links can be useful for directly
referring to the source data. Again the trainees will be given sufficient time
to explore and practice the newly learned skill. A presented will proceed to
demonstrate how to insert images to a spreadsheet and how to modify their
size by using specific formulas. Yet again, the trainees will be given time to
explore and practice skill.
After the lunch break, a demonstration on how to use simple formulas will be
presented. The trainees will use the class roaster/spreadsheet to practice
adding formulas that make sense to their need. THE trainees will be given
time to make more needed gradebook spreadsheets and enter formulas to
set them up.
The trainees will be prompted to share their worksheets and have a
partner(s) to collaborate on that. A quick presentation on how to prevent
others from editing the cells you dont want to edit will follow; with time to
secure ready-made documents and get them ready for class use. The last ten
minutes of the day will be allotted for questions and answers and any
suggestions for the following days training.

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan Day 4

Introduction to Google Forms
Agenda for the day: (8:30a.m. 2:30p.m.)
1. Reviewing questions from previous 3 days (10 min)
2. Introduction to Google Forms (10 min)
3. Forms in the classroom (10 min)

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

- Animation Video
4. Creating and customizing forms (60 min)
- Create a new form
- Choosing question types
- Adding and editing questions
5. Design and deliver quizzes and tests (60 min)
- Online forms
- Create and use quiz templates
- Tips for automatically grading quizzes and tests
6. Lunch Break (11:00 12:00)
7. Structure peer reviews and feedback (60 min)
8. Check and submit assignments (40 min)
9. Publish to the web (20 min)
Use Google Drawings with Documents, Spreadsheets, and Forms
(20 min)
- Time to explore this feature and add drawings to already made

documents, spreadsheets, and forms

Suggestion Box (10 min)

By the end of the day, the trainees will:

Locate and access Google Docs and Google Forms

Define the significance of Google Forms for educators
Develop basic skills in navigating Google Forms
Use Google Forms to create/save quizzes and tests
Create forms that will be graded automatically
Apply Google Drawings to documents, spreadsheets, and forms

Materials Needed:

Promethean Board with ActivInspire

Desktops/laptops (1 per educator)

Todays training will focus on creating, editing, and publishing forms by using
Google Forms. The training will start by addressing questions and
suggestions from the previous three days. The trainees will be introduced to
Google Forms and their importance in todays classroom. An animated video

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

will help the educators understand how forms can be used by teachers to
enhance learning. Here is the link to the video:
A presentation with step-by-step instructions will be provided to guide the
trainees to create a form using Google Forms. The trainees can create a form
from new or existing spreadsheets or they can use templates to help them
get started. When creating a form, they will automatically be provided two
questions. The trainees will learn to edit those questions and/or add
additional ones. The trainees will be provided with additional time to explore
and practice with these skills.
A short presentation will be provided for the trainees to learn how to create a
quiz and/or a test with various types of questions. The trainees will design
quizzes/tests adhering to their curricular needs. They will also be trained in
finding pre-existing forms in the Google Doc template gallery. The forms can
be adapted to their own needs. The trainees will be provided with additional
time to explore and practice designing quizzes/tests.
After the lunch, another presentation will be made to review Google
Drawings from day 1 and to guide the trainees to use Drawings with
documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Additional time will be
provided for the trainees to practice using Google Drawings to help enhance
their lessons made with Google Documents, Google Presentations, and
Google Spreadsheets. The last ten minutes of the day will be allotted for
questions and answers and any suggestions for the following days training.

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan Day 5

Review of Google Docs: Documents, Presentations Spreadsheets,
and Forms


District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

How to Workshop: Sharing, Embedding, Publishing, and Storing

Agenda for the day: (8:30a.m. 2:30p.m.)

1. Reviewing questions from previous 4 days (20 min)
2. Review of Google Docs: Documents, Presentations Spreadsheets, and


Forms (60 min)

- Editing and polishing materials made during the previous day
- Individual needs/questions answered by professionals
- Advances skills/questions answered by professionals
Storage space on Google Drive (20 min)
- Information on how to obtain more storage space
Introduction to Mobile Docs (20 min)
- Accessing and creating Google Docs on a mobile device
- Mobile Docs in the classroom (Animation Video)
Sharing, Embedding, Publishing, and Storing (30 min)
- Advanced sharing permissions
- Embed Docs into a blog or site
Lunch Break (11:00 12:00)
Open format - two hour session
- The attendees will work on their individual documents,
presentations, forms, and spreadsheets with an opportunity to ask

By the end of the day, the trainees will:

Locate and access Google Docs: Google Documents, Google

Presentation, Google Forms, Google Drawings

Define the significance of Google Docs for educators

Materials Needed:

Promethean Board with ActivInspire

Desktops/laptops (1 per educator)

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

During the last day, the training will focus on reviewing learned material and
helping edit/polish lessons that have been created throughout the whole
week. The trainees will be encourages to ask questions to help them
integrate Google Docs into their everyday curriculum. The participants will
learn about mobile devices and Google Docs apps for those. A short
animation will demonstrate possible ways mobile devices can be used in a
classroom. Here is the link to the animation video:
http://goanimate.com/videos/0KORn0vhkRX0?utm_source=linkshare. The
trainees will be presented with an optional two hour window at the end of the
training to help them iron out then ends.

Day 1:
Google Docs in education: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Google Docs in Plain English: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Animation Video: http://goanimate.com/videos/0PPvBQWKn1PI?
Day 2:
Animation Video: http://goanimate.com/videos/0PtFLyqoSQnA?
Animation video: http://goanimate.com/videos/0U6z0f3SIaQo?


District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

Day 3:
Animation Video: http://goanimate.com/videos/0qaZyQirDmbA?
Day 4:
Animation Video: http://goanimate.com/videos/0-HrrjfxRdBA?
Day 5:
Animation Video: http://goanimate.com/videos/0KORn0vhkRX0?

Field Test
The goal of this training is to provide educators with the most accurate and
adequate training and in order to assure that result I would love to field test
my workshop before submitting it to the county.
University of Maryland has excellent programs developed at its own College
of Education, where future teachers are prepared and certified. I would like to
collaborate with the dean of the College of Education and provide a five day
free workshop on Google Docs for their students in the last year of teacherpreparation program. These students are the best candidates to field test
this workshop for the following reason: they are currently enrolled in the
College of Education, they went through extensive three year teacher
preparation program, they have some teaching (student teachers)
experience, and they are eager to start their own classrooms. Hence, this
makes them the best candidates to test drive the program. Moreover, they


District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

have enough knowledge in the field of education to critique the areas that
need improvement.
The only requirement for the workshop would be filling up a mandatory
workshop evaluation survey. This field test will be beneficial for all parties:
future teachers will learn to use Google Docs for education and the workshop
will pass its first experimental trial.
Throughout the workshop suggestions will be collected and changes made
for the following days training. At the end of the five day workshop students
will be asked to complete an online survey to evaluate the effectiveness of
the workshop and to identify areas to be improved upon. After conducting a
survey completed by university students in their last year of studying, the
results will be carefully examined. All suggestions will be taken into
consideration and given a fair trial. Based on the survey results some
changes and alterations will be made to the workshop before presenting it to
in-field educators.
The best way to evaluate a success of a workshop is to ask the trainees for
their opinion. One of the best signs of a successful training is the trainees
leaving the workshop with a set of skills that they can readily apply in their
own classroom. Another sign of success is when the trainees feel comfortable
enough in training their colleagues and other stuff who did not have a
chance to participate in a workshop but would love to learn the basics of
Google Docs. Yet, the best sign is when the trainees incorporate the newly
learned skills into their curriculum and start using it right away. At the end of
the training, the trainees should feel sense of accomplishment and should be
able to transfer what they have learned into their individual


District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

classrooms. These are the signs I will be looking for once the workshop is
Summative Evaluation
Google Docs is a web-based technology tool that allows you to create
documents, spreadsheets, presentations forms, and drawings and store them
in Google Drive. Google Docs provides cohesive way for teachers and
students to work collaboratively on projects and more. The main advantages
of Google Docs are (1) easy access from any computer with Internet
connection, anywhere in the world, at any given time of day or night; (2)
collaboration easiness effortlessly sharing and accessing documents for
authorized users; and (3) autosave and revision history features that allow
users easily review their work.
Google Docs is essential in the classroom because it easily incorporates 21 st
century technology and makes learning real and accessible. Google Docs
provides teachers with opportunities to collaborate and share curriculum
plans with other educators, create simple webpages with Docs Publishing,
share and collect assignments without printing, and provide instant feedback
to students. Moreover, Google Docs provides students with opportunities to
improve their writing skills through online peer editing, accessing documents
when needed, no need to send documents as email attachments, and
working on projects and papers with peers in different parts of a city, state,
or country.
Hence, Google Docs is one of the indispensable 21st century technology
innovations that should be recognized by all the educators and used in
modern classrooms.
To accommodate a large number of teachers in the MCPS district and to
provide ample of opportunities for them to sign up for training, the county

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

will offer twelve five day workshops throughout the year. Each workshop
can accommodate 35- 40 educators at a time. The MCPS educators will be
able to sign up to the workshop through MCPS districts PDO (professional
development online) tool. For each workshop there will be two trainers
present. Each trainer will be paid a total of $1,000 dollars per 5day
workshop, making the grand total of $24,000 for instructor hours. Because
the educators will be taking time off of school for professional development,
their classes will be covered by substitute teachers and a pay will not be
deducted from their paystub. Hence, the county will be responsible to pay for
the instructors and substitute teachers who will be covering for educators
during this workshop. The workshops will be held in the MCPS Center for
Technology Innovation. CTI is a technology training facility located in
Rockville, Maryland.

Trainings/workshops are a great way to learn new information and acquire a
new set of skills. Most of the time instructors encourage the trainees to ask
questions during the trainings/workshops while help is available; however,
many questions arise once you fully emerge into newly learned skill later on.
What should educators who have unanswered questions do? To help solve
this problem, monthly emails checking for progress will be sent to all
workshop attendees. These emails will contain FAQ and area for educators to
post their questions. Moreover, the technology instructional specialist will
allot extra time for questions/problem during their monthly visits to your
schools. Hence, the MCPS district will help you continuously grow and
advance long after the workshop is over.


District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian


Google Docs for Educators (2013), Retrieved from


Montgomery County Public Schools (2012). Department of instructional

technology frequently asked questions. Retrieved from

District Technology Training Plan

Lilit Bayburtian

Montgomery County Public Schools (2013). Montgomery County Public
Schools at a glance. Retrieved from

Video Google Docs for Teachers. Retrieved from


Video Google Docs in Plain English. Retrieved from



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