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Nikki Marcel

Life Cycle of a Butterfly


Learner Interaction

Audio / Narration


"This is a short video instruction

and activity about the life cycle
of a butterfly."

timed to automatically
move to next slide (1.2) at
end of narration

"Choose instruction to begin, or

if you already know the life cycle
of a butterfly, choose activity to
test your knowledge."

Instruction button branches

to slide 2.1

"We see butterflies from time to

time when we're outside. But
have you ever seen a baby

timed to automatically
move to next slide (2.2) at
end of narration

Slide 1.1: Title Screen

On screen text: The Life Cycle
of a Butterfly
Slide 1.2: Main Menu
On screen: two small icons of
butterflies (used for buttons)
labeled "instruction" and

Buttons: Learner clicks

buttons to move to instruction
or activity scenes.
Hover narration:
Instruction button: "instruction"
Activity button: "activity"

Activity button branches to

slide 3.1

Slide 2.1: Introduction

On screen: Pictures of
butterflies (one after the other
like a slide show)
**Cartoon style agent (instructor)
seen in the bottom, left corner,
on top of slide show pictures
and in all instructional slides.

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(slight pause to allow learner to

think about the question)
"You're right, you don't see baby
butterflies because there are no
baby butterflies. Today, we will
be learning about something
called the life cycle to see where
butterflies come from."


Nikki Marcel

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Slide 2.2: Objectives

Animation: Objectives transition
onto screen, one at a time with
- express that a cycle is a circle,
- identify an example of a life
cycle vs. a non-example,
- identify the stages of the life
cycle of a butterfly,
- match each stage of the life
cycle of the butterfly to the
corresponding image, and
- arrange given images of each
stage of the butterfly life cycle in
the correct order.

"By the end of this lesson, you

will be able to:
- express that a cycle is a circle,
- identify an example of a life
cycle vs. a non-example,
- identify the stages of the life
cycle of a butterfly,
- match each stage of the life
cycle of the butterfly to the
corresponding image, and
- arrange given images of each
stage of the butterfly life cycle in
the correct order.

timed to automatically
move to next slide (2.3) at
end of narration

Let's get started!"

Slide 2.3: What is a cycle?

On screen text (title): What is a
On screen image (right side):
arrows representing a cycle with
no other images.
Animation text coming onscreen
from the side (timed with
"never ending"

"Before we can understand a life

cycle, we need to know what a
cycle is."

timed to automatically
move to next slide (2.4) at
end of narration
"A cycle is never ending."
"It's in the shape of a circle, with
no beginning and no end."

On screen images show up

(timed with the narration):
- bike tire
- steering wheel

"Think about your bike tires or

the steering wheel in your car."

Final eLearning Project


Nikki Marcel

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Slide 2.4: Quiz 1

(multiple choice or hotspot
assessment slide)
On screen text: "Which shape
represents a cycle?"

Learner clicks the correct

image to submit answer

Images (answer choices): circle,

square, triangle, star
*Show image of agent with facial
expressions appropriate to
feedback in feedback slides (i.e.:
happy for correct, worried for
incorrect, thinking for try again)

Correct answer: circle

Slide 2.5: Examples / Nonexamples

"Which shape represents a

cycle? Click the correct picture."
Feedback Narration:
correct: " That's correct! Great
try again: "Oops, something's
not right. Try again."
Incorrect: "Oops, that's not
right. But don't worry, you'll have
a chance to review the
instruction when you've finished
the activity."

After continue button is

clicked in feedback popup, moves to next slide

"Every living thing has a life


Images: Life cycle examples

come on screen in each
quadrant as they are said in
- chicken
- alligator
- dog
Layer: Non-examples shown
together, one in each quadrant:
- chicken
- dog

Final eLearning Project

"For example, this is the life

cycle of a frog, (pause)
a chicken, (pause)
an alligator, (pause)
and a dog."

timed to show new layer of

Non-examples 2-3
seconds after example
narration ends

"These are NOT examples of life

cycles because they only show
one stage. Remember, a life
cycle shows all of the stages
and goes in a circle."

timed to automatically
move to next slide (2.6) at
end of narration


Nikki Marcel

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Slide 2.6: Quiz 2

(multiple choice or hotspot
assessment slide)

"Which of these is NOT an

example of a life cycle? Click
the correct picture."

On screen text: "Which is NOT

an example of a life cycle?"
On screen images (as answer
3 images from life cycles (slide
1 image from non-examples
(slide 2.5 layer)

Learner clicks the correct

image to submit answer

Correct answer: nonexample

Feedback Narration:
correct: " That's correct! Great
try again: "Oops, something's
not right. Try again."
Incorrect: "Oops, that's not
right. But don't worry, you'll have
a chance to review the
instruction when you've finished
the activity."

After continue button is

clicked in feedback popup, moves to next slide

Slide 2.7
On screen text (large and
centered in fun but readable
font): "The Life Cycle of a

"So, now that we know that a

cycle goes in a circle, and we've
seen a few examples of other
life cycles, let's learn about the
life cycle of a butterfly."

Slide 2.8: Butterfly Life Cycle

On screen image: Diagram of
butterfly life cycle, includes: egg,
caterpillar (larva), chrysalis
(pupa), butterfly (adult).
On screen text: name of each
stage with arrow pointing-becomes visible when said in
- egg

Final eLearning Project

"The butterfly life cycle has four

the egg,


timed to automatically
move to next slide (2.8) at
end of narration

Nikki Marcel

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

-caterpillar (larva)
-chrysalis (pupa)
-butterfly (adult)

the caterpillar, or the larva,

the chrysalis, or the pupa, and
the butterfly, or the adult."

Each stage is clickable (hotspot)

to specific zoomed in image
(separate lightbox slide -branching detailed at right)

Learners can click each of the

stages to go to separate
lightbox slides.

Learners can click "Main

Menu" button when finished to
go back to slide 1.2

Button: text "Main Menu"

(at bottom of screen)
Slide 2.9: Egg
(lightbox slide from 2.8)

"Click the picture of each stage

to learn more."
"When you are finished, click the
(color) button to go back to the
main menu."

Image to Lightbox Slide

Egg ---> 2.9
Caterpillar ---> 2.10
Chrysalis ---> 2.11
Butterfly ---> 2.12
Main Menu Button:
triggered to go back to
slide 1.2

"The butterfly life cycle begins

as an egg on a leaf."

On screen image: zoomed in

view of egg stage from slide 2.8.

Learner clicks red "x" at top

right corner to close lightbox
slide and go back to slide 2.8

Clicking red "x" at top right

corner closes lightbox slide
and brings learner back to
slide 2.8

On-screen text: "Egg" (with

arrow pointing from text to
Slide 2.10: Caterpillar
(lightbox slide from 2.8)
On screen image: zoomed in
view of caterpillar stage from
slide 2.8.

Learner clicks red "x" at top

right corner to close lightbox
slide and go back to slide 2.8

"When the egg hatches, out

comes a caterpillar. This stage
of the life cycle is called the

On-screen text: "Caterpillar

(larva)" (with arrow pointing from
text to image)

Final eLearning Project


Clicking red "x" at top right

corner closes lightbox slide
and brings learner back to
slide 2.8

Nikki Marcel

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Slide 2.11: Chrysalis

(lightbox slide from 2.8)
On screen image: zoomed in
view of chrysalis stage from
slide 2.8.

Learner clicks red "x" at top

right corner to close lightbox
slide and go back to slide 2.8

"Once the caterpillar gets bigger,

it makes a strong case around it,
called a chrysalis. This stage of
the life cycle is called the pupa."

Clicking red "x" at top right

corner closes lightbox slide
and brings learner back to
slide 2.8

On-screen text: "Chrysalis

(pupa)" (with arrow pointing from
text to image)
Slide 2.12: Butterfly
(lightbox slide from 2.8)
On screen image: zoomed in
view of butterfly stage from slide

Learner clicks red "x" at top

right corner to close lightbox
slide and go back to slide 2.8

"After many days of growing, the

adult emerges from the
chrysalis. It's a beautiful
butterfly! The cycle begins
again when the adult butterfly
lays more eggs."

Clicking red "x" at top right

corner closes lightbox slide
and brings learner back to
slide 2.8

On-screen text: "butterfly

(adult)" (with arrow pointing from
text to image)

Slide 3.1: Activity Intro

"Next you will be completing
three activities to see how much
you've learned about the life
cycle of a butterfly. Take your
time and do your best!"

On screen text: Activity

(large, centered, same font as
slide 2.7)

Final eLearning Project


timed to automatically
move to next slide (3.2) at
end of narration

Nikki Marcel

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Slide 3.2: Quiz 3

(hotspot assessment slide)
"Which picture shows a stage in
the life cycle of a butterfly?"

On screen text: "Which picture

shows a stage in the life cycle of
a butterfly?"
On screen images: various
images (up to 5) of different
stages from the other life cycles
presented on slide 2.5 (i.e.
chicken egg, adult dog, etc.).
Include only one image of a
stage from the butterfly life cycle
presented on slide 2.8 as correct

Learner clicks the correct

image to submit answer

Slide 3.3: Quiz 4

(drag and drop assessment
On screen image: Butterfly life
cycle diagram (same as in
lesson slide 2.8) without words.
Arrows pointing to each stage
with drop box at the end of each
On-screen text: (across the
bottom of the slide) egg,
caterpillar (larva), chrysalis
(pupa), butterfly (adult).
Feedback: correct, try again
(two chances total), incorrect.

Set up as drag and drop

assessment. User drags word
and drops it onto the
corresponding drop box.
When all have been
completed, user clicks submit
to see pop up feedback.

Hover narration: when

learner hovers over text
answer choices, answer is
read to them as audio (hover
audio trigger)

Final eLearning Project

Feedback Narration:
correct: " That's correct! Great
try again: "Oops, something's
not right. Try again."
Incorrect: "Oops, that's not right.
But don't worry, you'll have a
chance to review the instruction
when you've finished the

After continue button is

clicked in feedback popup, moves to next slide

"Drag the name of each stage of

the butterfly life cycle to the
arrow pointing to the correct

Feedback Narration:
correct: " That's correct! Great
try again: "Oops, something's
not right. Try again."
Incorrect: "Oops, that's not
right. But don't worry, you'll have
a chance to review the
instruction when you've finished
the activity."


After continue button is

clicked in feedback popup, moves to next slide

Nikki Marcel

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Slide 3.4: Quiz 5

(drag and drop assessment
Set up as drag and drop
On screen: Butterfly life cycle
assessment. User drags
diagram (same as in lesson slide image and drops it onto the
2.8) egg image is in place but
corresponding drop box.
instead of other images, ovals
When all have been
for drops.
completed, user clicks submit
to see pop up feedback.
On-screen images: (at the
bottom of slide) separate images
of the other three stages
(caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly)
of the life cycle.

"Drag each picture to the correct

place in the butterfly life cycle.
The first one has been done for
After continue button is
clicked in feedback popup, moves to next slide

Feedback: correct, try again

(two chances total), incorrect.
Slide 3.5: Results
Assessment results slide (should Learner views results then
include results from all 5 quiz
clicks "finish" button to move
slides: 2.4, 2.6, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
80% = passing score

"You've finished the activity!

Check your results to see how
you did. When you're done,
click the (color) button that says

"Finish" button links to next

slide (3.6)

Add a button with text "Finish" at

the bottom
Slide 3.6: Complete!
On screen text: Lesson

Learner clicks "Main Menu"

button to go back to main

Button: text "Main Menu"

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"You've completed the lesson! If

you had trouble with any of the
activities, feel free to go back to
the main menu to watch those
parts of the instruction again.
Great job!"


"Main Menu" button links

back to slide 1.2

Nikki Marcel

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Saved images and a list of additional resources will be shared via a shared folder in Google Drive. However, links to where some
images and helpful video resources can be found are below:

Short videos with info:

Nelli & Ned
This has some really cool footage:
Butterfly Life Cycle Song (fun!!)

Butterfly life cycle
Butterfly life cycle 2
Butterfly life cycle 3
frog life cycle
frog life cycle 2
chicken life cycle
alligator life cycle
dog life cycle
bike tire
steering wheel
Butterfly images

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