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Trigonometry Arihant

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TRIGONOMETRY 27 TRIGONOMETRICAL, RATIOS AND IDENTITIES $27.1. Some Important Results eos nx = ("sin me = Olin e 1 <1)", nis odd integer. (cos F = 0, sn K1Peos0.Hn ef Paine tine f ove i+ 9 denon 8) mene (+0) = C1)" ano. t nie onege ann [E+ 6)= CoP. naassaeper $5272, For any thee Angles, Bc ()8n(A+8+0) = sn Aces cos C + sn Be0s Geos A * sn coon Aces B + sin Asin Banc (o001A+ B40) = coe Accs Beas C- eis Asn Ban'c eo Bein Con A cos Can Asn 8 tan + nB + unc - wn AtanbionC Tiavatand tn Sian tan nA cot Acct Beat G — (cotA+ cot + cot Got AcotB + cot Beat C + cot Geol A ~ tan (A+ 8+ 0) (weotaseso - 427.2, Grestest and least value of @ cos 0+ B sin 0) ia, ~ NEFA < (aces + dsing) < Varo $274. Some Important Identities :W A+ B+ C = x, then (sin 2A + sin 2B sin2C = 4sin Asin Bsin C 606 2A + 05 2B + cos 20 = - 1-406 Acos Boos C (isin A +8n B+ sin C = 4.08 A/2c08 8/2 008 C72. (Wheat A+ c08 Bs cosC = 1s 4sinA/2sin B28 C2 (W)tan A+ tan B+ tan ¢ = tan Atan Btan C (i) cot Aeot B + cot Boot C + cot Ceot A ~ 1 (ol) tan A/2tan B/2 + tan B/2 tan C/2 + tan C/2tan A/2 (ip oot A/2 + cot B/2 + cot G/2 = cot A/2 cot B/2 cat C72. (B) sin 2mA+ sin 2mB+ sin 2mC = 1)"*" 4 sin mA sin mBsin mC. (ene mAvcea moc = 1 2 40h nS an 1 ‘according as mis of the form 4+ 1 or 4n+3 k bP ~ fe |e pp Ooe please - b fe er an Pelee ‘enone tors reer] |= wi wT RoR fe f@ [& a3 RR EE ee h Trigonometrical, Ratios and Identities ‘Two very useful identities (io avemiveonyromiasb+y = dom (S22 z cos (B52) oe (452) MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 Each question in tis part has four choices ou of which just one is correct. Indicate your choice of correct ‘answer foreach question by writing one ofthe letters a,b, ¢, d whichever i appropriate Lf =rsinOos6,y=rsinO sino and 2576080 then the vahe of 224)°+2 is apes! wee no One or ait oeoerat tee %o4¥a+%2: 2 (1+c0s@) then wesneaberlrr empl im by 2606/2 wizea($] — oaen(25) coaca( Er) Wsoct tien If tan @/2 and tan B/2 are the roots of the equation 8x? —26¢+ 150 then c08 (0+ B) ‘sequal to 3 oA 4. Maseca~ctana. and bsec a+ dtan o=c then Pad aed =b +e E rd Wab=cd 5. Letmbe an odd integer Ifsin n= $b, snl @ forall real Oe (2) b=, 0) b0=0,0)=0 (by (b=. 6 isaac nl and n=, en be wae wi 2 (ose 1 2 un7de 2 pRn 5, 14d et Oa oe OWT The masinum value of sincs +9/6) cos (e+ 2/6) in the ieral (0,322) isaltained a en wre ows @n2 9. The minimum value of the expresion sinar+ sin B+ sin, where 0,8, y are real ‘numbers satisfying a+ B+ (ove Ove (rer @3 10 Hsin ce=sin B and cos (a+B a+b). rsin( Poo areas SEP) <0 sin $5) -0 woo $5*) 0 BN a ot ™ Vb coe M (1 re0s5 (1 +008 (1408) tb con (1+eo linemitto oir (hy conn on 12. A+ C=Buthen tan Aton Ban Gayuind +1an B+1an C (b) ar A tan C= tan A 13 “4 1s, 6. ¥. 18 ws. (©)tan A+ an C= tan B (@)—(lan A tan B-+ tan C) WA es in te id quad Bia A= #20 then Said sind coe A= a wo 34 2 “ o% o® Hin 0, sins 23, shen con os Or 8 O= @> 2 or 0 Af sin. x + sin’ x then cos* x +2cos! x +c0s* x: ol oo or 2 Ieseycos 200 eng aye ee =! 0 cn 2 If asin’ x+0 cos’. sin? y + aces’ y=d and atanx= brany, then Sy $ isequalo BEND gy one lena io d) (db) Can eaey Gace qboad OG=o a=) N-oa=a _ OcOfor 1 sin’ cos a valid ? (ae On) ae On/2) ae (7. F] @None ofthese 34, Which of the following is corect G@)sin I" > sin (b)sin 1" < sin | sin 35. 1,7 donot iter by & mulple of x ie (a+0) _ eos B+0) ee sin (@)sin I = 55 sin = ee BAER) S204 _ «Then kequals sina py ~ * Then Kea @s2 waa @o ai 36.10 the expression ‘Acos(0+0) +B5i0 04D) urteene W sin (+0) + os (Oy ale forall then (Ada sn = RAB) (haweaw (RAM) sn (0B) 25 (©) Aa’ — BB (@) None ofthese (AB AR) sin(ee~B) 7 ICO 1-2 meet (hens > maximum value of ab sine cor +e (lal € 1, b > 0) respectively are (a) (b-c.b+e) (b) {b+c, b~c} ©) {e—b, b+) (d) None of these If ose = tiny, coy = tne and cos z = tan x then sin xequae @siny )sinz ©2sin18 sin +9 1. Te value ofthe expression Fg 2% cog OH _ gig cos F con 2 cos 198 — sn an se sin 3% sin Sig @o \ wt The value of $f cos*(6n" is, whore 2° 41 2 8 denotes the degrees @o 7 1m” ase If 4na = x thea the numerical value of tan eLtan 2aten 3c... tan Qn ~ 1) (1 0 1 a2 If tana is an integral solution of the equation 4x7 16x+15 < 0 and cosB is the slope of the bisector of the angle in the first quidrant between the x and yaxes then the value of sin cr B) : sin (x B) = @-1 (oo ol (2 236 44, 17205 0+5in0 = then 7.05 0+.6 sin O equals Ga) ord 2003 (©) 2ord (@20r6 45. The value of 2 ver sin A — vers (ayeot a () sina (©0524 sin 24 46. The ratio of the preaust value of 2-cés.x+sin' x10 its least value is ous won e134 (@)None ofthese 47, Meesrtsing sai-Bexe-% theneos2x = aa avtaa java ara 48, Expression 2°°742°" is minimum when and its minimum value is @Im+F neh * bout (6) 2s ™ ne 12 yee (umtn/anel (@) None ofthese fina tangle ABC, cs 34 +e08 38+ cos 3C = 1 then one angle must be exactly equal to oF 2 or wt $0. na angle ABC ange Aer han Ta nearercieged Coapeiny be Objective Mathematics 2 ax @ w® 51 unctnyea ond coy, thin ane anny aay etn 2 -W3 (1 -a) ata: WNTP--agxrav3=0 © AHF (1 +a)x-a NTP 4 +ax-aV5=0 sin’ 8—cos*@ cos 8 sinb eos sm A+e0t = 2tan @cot8=— 1, Be (0, 2) then (9) 9 0, n/2)~ {n/4) woe (Fr (3041 (06 / x33 ]- 1554) (8) (0,n)~ 19/4, 2/2} 236 : 5.1 sna 28 and 450 eae 0", ten sinov/is equal 0 1 ogy 4 3 © wi 54, WF sin(@+0)=aand sin (0+ B)=b, then 0s 2(0.-B)~ dab eos (a) is equal 0 1 oe @i-a-F (by 1-24? 267 wate BF 2-0-8 81h ipa afin 32-a)santarta|- 2fout'ea)esit sea) Jectio caution 3eins~ din tek = 0, O'< A < Hothen the meas oF angle Cis We ath = z wo ws art wt MULTIPLE CHOICE - ah ues in is prt ison ir than ome core eaves. For each esto. write eles 4b, ed corresponding othe correct ans 86. 110.

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