Heat Transfer HW1
Heat Transfer HW1
Heat Transfer HW1
k = bT
where b = 1 W/m2-K2 and T is the temperature in K.
k = bT
Figure P1.2-21: Plane wall with temperature-dependent conductivity.
The thickness of the wall is L = 1 m. The left side of the wall (at x= 0) is maintained at TH = 500
K and the right side (at x= L) is kept at TC = 50 K. The problem is steady-state and 1-D.
a.) Sketch the temperature distribution in the wall (i.e., sketch T as a function of x). Make sure
that you get the qualitative features of your sketch right.
b.) Derive the ordinary differential equation that governs this problem.
c.) What are the boundary conditions for this problem?
d.) Solve the governing differential equation from (b) - you should end up with a solution that
involves two unknown constants of integration.
e.) Use the boundary conditions from (c) with the solution from (d) in order to obtain two
equations in the two unknown constants.
f.) Type the inputs for the problem and the equations from (e) into EES in order to evaluate the
undetermined constants.
g.) Prepare a plot of the temperature as a function of position in the wall using EES.