5.34 Background Theory
5.34 Background Theory
5.34 Background Theory
Background theory
Evidence is the information that an auditor uses when
arriving at their opinion on the truth and fairness of the
clients financial report (ASA 500).
There are many types of evidence including :
1. External confirmation
2. Documentary evidence
3. Representation
4. Verbal evidence
5. Computational evidence
6. Physical evidence
7. Electronic evidence
Back ground theory
ASA 600 requires group engagement partner to consider
the work of component partner. A component partner is
an auditor who, at the request of the group engagement
partner, performs work on financial information related
to a component for the group audit (ASA 600 . Para 9b)
The component auditor must meet the same
independence requirement as the engagement partner
(ASA 600. Para A37).
According to ASA 610, external auditor can use the work
of internal auditor as long as it dose not compromise the
objectivity and competence of the internal audit function
and it must be applied in a systematic and discipline
approach (ASA 610. Para 15-16)
Background theory