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Q.1 Do you invest in stock market?
(A) yes

(B) No

Q.2 If you want to invest or if you invest then In which of the following do you
invest?(Tick more than one if applicable)
(A) Equity

(B) Derivatives

(C) Mutual funds

(D) Others

Q.3 Which sector you prefer for investment in stock market?

(A) Government

(B) Non Government

(C) Semi Government

Q. 4 How many shares do you have?
(A) 1-10

(B) 10-50

(C) 50-100

(D) More than 100

Q.5 Your returns are mostly in

(A) Profit

(B) Loss

Q. 6 Who suggest you to invest in stock market?

(A) Family member

(B) Relatives

(C) By own

(D) Brokers

Q.7 What Percentage amount of your income do you invest in Stock market

(A) 10-20%

(B) 20-30%

(C) 30-40%

(D) Above 40%

Q.8 What do you consider the most important while investing in stock market?
(A) Profit

(B) Capital appriciation

(c) Tax benefit

(D) Other ( specify)

Q.9 For whom you did invest in stock market?

(A) Self

(B) Child

(C) Wife

(D) Other (please specify)

Q. 10 According to you what is the better form to keep the security?

(A) Physical form

(B) Demat form

Q. 11 Are you satisfied with your investment?

(A) yes

(B) No

Q.12 Do you think investment in stock market is more risky than others?
(A) Yes

(B) No

Q.13 Do you go through all the details before making a final choice?
(A) yes

(B) No

Q. 14 If you did not invest in stock market then what will be the other option?
(A) Insurance

(B) Saving

(C) Property

(D) Others

Q.15 Do you want any improvement in the policies of stock market, Please give

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