Town of Colonie Planning Unit
Prepared by:
Town of Colonie
Department of Public Works
Division of Environmental Services
1319 Loudon Road
Cohoes, New York 12047
December 20091.0
Appendix Deseription
a aueun
‘Table of the Amount of Wastes Accepted Within the Landfill from 1984-2008
by Month
Pie Charts of Percent Wastes Accepted in 2007 & 2008 by Commodity
2007 & 2008 Division High Priority Project List
2007 & 2008 Financial Assurance Report
2009 Division Staffing Chert
2009 Division High Priority Project List
Division Program Development Schedule 2005~ 2020
sy Dosen oe Wate Pn UpsesTOC 20 3 oe +2007-2008 SOLID WASTE PLAN UPDATE
Jn 2007 and 2008, the Town of Colonie Solid Waste Planning Unit was comprised of the
Town of Colonie, Village of Colonie, Village of Menands and effective in Mid-2009 the
City of Cohoes joined this Planning Unit. ‘The City of Cohoes has been a long time
contract customer of the Town of Colonie landfill and requested to join this Planning
Unit to continue this relationship. The City will continue to collect solid wastes through
the use of their Department of Public Works Crews and to use third party markets for the
‘management of the recyclable materials generated within the City and for management of
the yard wastes collected by the City Department of Public Works Crews,
‘The Town of Colonie, Department of Public Works, Division of Environmental
Services (Division) Staff and facilities managed the disposal, recycling or composting of
solid wastes generated from generally a four county area (Albany County, Saratoga
County, Schenectady County and Rensselaer County), Additional waste materials (solid
waste, industrial waste, petroleum containing soils) are also accepted at the Town of
Colonie Solid Waste Management Facility from outside of this region, ‘The following
table summarizes the waste tonnages received at the facility since 1996:
Year Tonnage
2008 ~ 173897 ‘eet
2007 139875
2006 168663,
2005 167774
2004 139,123
2003 160,850
2002 a aa 159,379
HEHE ODI 145,5102000 E zi “160,988
1999) 148,848
1998 148,466
1997 107,965
1996 150,880
The above tonnages represent the total quantity of solid wastes that were
presented for disposal through the Town’s solid waste management facilities. Since
2005-2006, some wastes ate “double counted” due to the permit required tracking of
wastes individually through the various solid waste operations (ie: wastes that go through
the waste transfer station are also counted a second time as going into the landfill),
A table of the amount of waste accepted in the landfill by month from 1984 to
2008 is contained in Appendix 1, Through 2007 and 2008 the value that the Town can
charge for waste disposal has been relatively stable but is limited as a result of the
concentration of the control of wastes by fewer parties, the increasing competition by
waste disposal facilities for waste and the excess disposal capacity within the capital
region, state and northeast,
Over the past two years, landfilling generally occurred in the Area 5, Phase I and
Phase II landfill cells and in Area 6, Phase I. Waste filling will continue in the Area 5,
Phase I and If landfills through 2009 as the waste is placed to fill the area to the proposed
closure grades and will be primarily in Area 6 Phase Tin 2010.
‘The materials comprising the waste stream disposed of in the landfill in 2007 and
2008 were municipal solid waste, comprising 68 and 59 percent of the waste stream;
demolition debris, comprising 8,7 and 9.3 percent of the waste stream; petroleum
containing soils, comprising 17 and 28 percent of the waste stream; sewage sludge,
comprising 5 and 3 percent of the waste stream; and industrial waste, comprising 1 and .7
percent of the waste stream cach year respectively, ‘The Town undertook a large
intermediate capping project within Landfill Area 5 in 2008 which is reflected in a
2significantly larger percentage of petroleum containing soils accepted and beneficially
‘used than in typical years, A chart of the percent of each specific type of waste accepted
in the landfill in 2007 and 2008 is presented in Appendix 2.
‘The local market has reached a point of restricting the competition between the
remaining number of waste companies and, thus, limiting the customer waste disposal
options, Due to the cost of entry into the waste hauling business, it is likely that
competition for customers who generate limited quantities of wastes will be significantly
reduced and itis likely that the competition for customers who generate large quantities
of wastes ot special wastes will be moderate which may cause a slight inerease in waste
disposal costs, During 2008 allegations that our largest landfill customer, County Waste
and Recycling Inc., may have underrepresented the tonnage of waste brought into the
‘Town landfill in past years surfaced and the New York State Attomey General began an
investigation. ‘These allegations have not been proven or substantiated at this time and
the investigation is still open,
‘Also in 2008, the Town engaged Clough Harbour and Associates to undertake an
audit of historic waste acceptance records, (2007-2005) and an appraisal of the field
operations within the Jandfill fo determine if the Town landfill operations were being
operated effectively and what the remaining or future landfill site life is for the Town
facility. ‘The Consultant's Final Report determined that the facility was operating in
general conformance with industry standards, made several recommendations for
improved site operations and estimated the facility life to be between 15-18 years,
Questions regarding the reason for a lower in-place density in 2007 were not definitively
The Town Solid Waste facility operated as a regional, merchant solid waste
management facility over the 2007 and 2008 period. We have also attempted to work
with other municipalities to develop mutually beneficial solid waste management
agreements to minimize the Town’s exposure (o the private sector profit taking motives.‘The major customers of the landfill are as follows:
Tonnage Per Year
2008 [2007 [2006 [2005 | 2004 2003 | 2002
County B3204 56255 | 77786 | 69530 [37021 | 67050 | 45332 |
Waste 15343 | 16268 [22003 [25751 | 22539 -| 17093 | 24881
City of Troy | 18479 | 20584 [20045 [19282 [19354 [21188 | 21769
Giy of [5807 [5696/5711 | 5656 | 6070
Allied 2726 (3040 «(2150 | 4921_—«(| 2187 | 10981 | 9780
Murphy's | 4410
Village of {1046 [1048 [1077 [1129 [1112 | 1089 | 1038
Village of [3202 [3437 (3492 [3311 [3206/3283 | 3401
Due to the construction project to demolish and replace the two existing weigh
scales, in 2007 the Town limited the amount of material being accepted for disposal.
‘The Division coordinated the management of 15,900,000 gallons of leachate in
2007 and 18,546,350 gallons of leachate in 2008. The Landfill currently is utilizing the
leachate pumping system to pump leachate to the Town of Colonie sanitary sewer
system, which in turn, flows to the Mohawk View Wastewater Treatment Plant for
treatment, The cost of leachate pumping and treatment to the City of Cohoes Sewer
System was approximately $130,500 in 2007 and the cost of leachate pumping and
treatment at the Pure Waters Sewer System was approximately $41,307 in 2008.‘The Division used 48,840 tons of soil for landfill roads and daily cover at a cost
of $219,292 in 2007 and 51,183 tons of soil for landfill roads and daily cover at a cost of
$229,810 in 2008. To minimize the consumption of airspace for daily cover, the Division
intends to continue to utilize alternate daily cover as the primary cover process, The trial
undertaken by the Town in 2004-2005 documented the benefits of using the Posi-Shell
daily and intermediate cover process here at the Town facility.
The Division’s Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) ceased accepting and
processing of recyclable materials in 2005 ‘The Town’s recyclable materials wore
collected at the Town facility and bulk shipped to County Waste and Recycling Inc.
recycling facilities during 2007 and 2008, ‘The Town implemented a dual stream
residential recyclable materials collection program allowing the Town Resident's more
convenience and ease of managing their residential recyclable materials. In 2007 the
‘Town undertook the complete reconstruction of the Residential Reeycling Drop Off
Station to improve the traffic flow, safety and convenience of our customers using the
Town recycling services. A majority of the materials managed through the Town's
reeyeling system were from the Village of Colonie, Village of Menands, and the Town
Residential Refuse and Reeyeling Drop-off Stations.
‘The Village of Menands and the Village of Colonie collect refuse, recyclable
materials and yard wastes from residents within their municipal borders and historically
have transported these materials into the Town Solid Waste Management Facilities. The
Village of Menands and Village of Colonie continue to collest source separated
residential recyclable materials during 2007 and 2008 and will continue this practice in
2009. The Village of Colonie is currently transporting their residentially collected
recyclable materials to Metro RecyclingThe following table presents a listing of the quantity of recyclables marketed and
managed through the Town's Recycling/Reuse Program:
Material | 2008 [2007 [2006 [2005 [2004 [2003 [2002 | 2001
‘Commingled [ 886.59 | 1165 | 1160
Commingled [303.56 [269 | 215
Newspapers aos [901 [818 [909 | 964
[Bulk Metals [424.77 | 534 [609 [708 [948 [1008 jai | 954
Freon Bulk CAbea | 771 ea
Tin Cans Inc. in| ist [89 [116 [141 [92
Glass Mixed waa fin [228 tor [94 7
Corrugated Tne in[ 433 | 705 | 589 saree
Cardboard junk
Household : 0 36.«(36 «(43
| Automotive [374 [375 | 671 341 [602ac [7.3 [7.7 i
| Plastics Yne. in| Ine in| 111 136 113 120 |
Comm | tin
Contain | cans
Hardeovered Fane 916 5.6
Junk Mail | $20. (172 [151 | 198 | 236Magazines
Tires 4643 [49 [459 [6984 [63 [60 | 358Bea | 4390ea
Used Oil 4400g |2735e | 5535
Propane | 229 [237 [395 [287 [800 [932 [856 | 784
Tanks (ea)
Computers [794 |689 [626 |o74 [542 [462 | 4i7 [264
Televisions }iti3 | 1157 1070 [i2i4 [1172 [1426 | 1329 [851
753ea [74 | 648ca | 89.2
ReftiyAC |578 | 611
[ Latex Paint 770 | 1705 | 1645
Gell Phones [524 | 368 as [ilo [tio 257
Bye Glasses | 197 0 150 | 150 | 240
Note: Propane Tanks, Computers, Televisions, Refrig JAC Units, Latex Paint, Cell Phones and ye Glasses
not added to routine recycling efforts prior to 2001
In 2006-2007 the Town went to duals stream commingled recycling and
combined the Newspapers, comugated cardboard, junk mail, magazines into commingled
fibers and tin cans, glass mixed and plastics into commingled containers. Box board was
also added to the commingled fibers in 2007.
‘The Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) is currently operating as the recyclables
storage and dock shipping facility for televisions, computers and bulk cardboard and
newspaper siorage prior to shipment to the outside recycling markets.Yard Waste Composting Facility
‘The Division Yard Waste Composting Facility is estimated to have accepted
approximately 34,000 to 36,000 cubic yards of yard wastes in each year of 2007 and
2008. ‘The majority of these materials were accepted in September, October and
November, The Division distributed the yard waste compost to the general public, to the
‘Town Highway Department, Pure Waters Department, and the Latham Water Department
as a topsoil substitute/amendment for their construction projects.
‘The Town has generated excess compost over the past 3 years of operations
which has been sold by bid. In 2007 the excess compost was sold to Upstate
Landscaping and in 2009 the excess compost was sold to Constantine Construction and
Farm, The Town has requested and was granted approval to undertake a trial aerated
static pile composting project to determine if this system will improve the efficiency of
composting the large quantity of yard wastes that are currently being generated within the
‘The Division received a renewal of the permit for the Area 5 and Area 6 landfill
expansion and operations in early 2008. This will provide a lateral expansion of the
Tandfill to the south of the Area 5 and Phase I of Area 6 facility, The new 10.5 acre Area
6 Phase I Jateral landfill is currently in operation and the proposed 12 acre Area 6 Phase
TI lateral landfill is under construction, Construction of the Area 6, Phase I lateral
expansion started in 2002 aind construction was completed in 2004, Construction of the
Area 6, Phase I lateral expansion began in 2007 with the excavation of excess and
unsuitable soils and rock.
‘The Division technical staffing, training, environmental compliance, and
‘monitoring for the entire solid waste operations have been constrained in 2007 and 2008
due to a staff reduction, The Town has undertaken to contract with Private Consultants to
undertake several of the tasks that the Technical Staff previously completed. The
+following briefly describes the environmental compliance and monitoring program
activities undertaken,
‘The Technical Staff reviewed and evaluated the daily leachate and leak detection
monitoring for the leachate lagoons and Phase | and Phase If of landfill Area 5 to monitor
the quantity of leakage/liquid generated and to ensure the proper operation of the leachate
collection and leak detection systems.
‘The Town is responsibility for the operation of the active landfill gas collection
system that provides landfill gas as a fuel to the Innovative Energy Systems (IIS) landfill
gas to electricity facility. The IES landfill gas to electricity plant has been in operation
since March 2006, Division has continued a program to monitor the effectiveness of
the facility odor control systems from the facilities other possible odor sources and to
implement improvements for minimizing or controlling the emission of malodors where
determined feasible.
The Technical Staff continued evaluation of the groundwater monitoring
program for the old closed site and new landfill with the assistance of the Engineering
Consultant, Malcolm Pirie, Ine, (Malcolm Pimie), who prepared the hydrogeologic
compliance report. An updated environmental monitoring plan has also been developed
for the Area 5 and 6 lateral landfill expansions and was implemented in the spring of
2005. A second update of the environmental monitoring plan was prepared and approved
to address the pre-construction and post-construction groundwater monitoring required
for Area 6 Phase Il, The next update of the environmental monitoring plan is being
prepared by representatives of our Town Environmental Monitoring Consultant, Malcolm
Pimnie, Ine. to address the long term groundwater and surface water monitoring for the
solid waste management facility for the next three to four year term.‘The Division Technical Staff prepared the annual Yard Waste Composting
Report, Title V Annual Air Emissions Report, Annual Recyclable Materials Report,
Annual Waste Tire Management Report and Quarterly and Annual Landfill Operation
Reports. The collection and generation of data to document facility compliance and the
preparation of compliance reports takes a substantive amount of the reduced Technical
Staff's time annually.
‘The Division continued fo contract for the annual aerial topographic survey with
MAPS Inc. of the facility capacity evaluation, The results of the annual cerial
topographic survey are used to determine the rate of consumption of landfill capacity, the
remaining landfill airspace and to verify the annual waste density and compaction. The
actial survey was completed in December 2007 and December 2008, This years survey is
used to compare to the past year’s topographic surveys to determine the annual rate of
consumption of the landfill capacity.
‘The Division received 61 and 39 Odor Complaint Reports in 2008 and 2007
respectively (Compared to 38, 53, 24, 27, 24, 4, 23, 31, 57, 54 and 48 Odor Complaint
Reports received in 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997 and
1996, respectively). Odors continued to be an issue of concern to the Division and our
neighbors well into 2009.
‘The apparent cause of a majority of the odor complaint reports were from landfill
gas and the turning of piles in the yard waste composting facility. In 2002, the Town
moved the compost facility to the north area of the property. ‘The method of composting
hhas remained unchanged and the odor masking system was in operation during the non-
freezing time of the year throughout 2007 and 2008. The Division purchased a portable
powder odor control system that is able to be used at the various facility malodor sources
and during freezing conditions to treat spot sources of mal-odor in 2008,‘The Town is investigating changing over of the yard waste composting method to
an aerated static pile system (o improve our capability to maintain aerobic conditions
through out the composting process. A trial program has been approved by the NYSDEC
for and will be implemented in late 2009,
‘The Division Staff undertook the following projects and programs in 2007 and
# A cellular telephone collection program to collect old cellular telephones
continued. The telephones are collected and shipped to a recycling operation
in Massachusetts which helped to fund a “Cell Phone for Soldiers program,
This program gets paid for the recycling value of the cell phone and then
purchases calling cards that are shipped to soldiers overseas to be able to call
home without incurring excessive phone expenses,
# A waste sereening and inspection program continued to be an area of
continuing effort. ‘This effort ensures that the wastes being accepted in the
landfill is acceptable, All of the equipment operators and laborers have been
‘tained to monitor the wastes looking for indications of unacceptable materials
and then responding (removing the item, calling for technical assistance,
controlling the landfill customers and/or exiting the area) based upon their
observations. This program was successful in differing a significant quantity
of unacceptable (bulk metals, tires, pipes) and potentially hazardous materials,
(gas tanks, muriatic acid, batteries, medical wastes) from the landfill facility.
# In 2006 County Waste and Recycling Inc. undertook a bulk metals collection
progtam within the Town. This project was very well received and utilized by
the Town Residents. One week in each neighborhood, residents could put out
their bulk metals at the curb and County Waste and Recycling Inc, would
collect the materials and screen and recycle these materials, There was no
charge for this service. ‘The New York State Labor Department subsequently
issued an opinion that this program was not a recycling collection program but
a solid waste collection program and was therefore subject to the NYS
Prevailing Wage requirements, The bulk motals collection program was
discontinued due to the excessive labor expenses for the County Waste
Reeyeling crews utilized in this program,
# The Division contimed the use of alternative cover materials for landfill daily
and/or intermediate cover in 2007 and 2008. The Division used the following
three cover systems in 2007 and 2008:The primary daily and intermediate cover system was the Posi-Shell System
which uses cement kiln dust, cellulose fiber, water, color agent, and latex
paint (intermediate cover) to produce a sprayed on 3/8-inch thick shell which
hardens and effectively contains the wastes, minimizes the odor potential of
the wastes, minimizes infiltration of precipitation, minimizes wind blown soil
erosion, and reduces the attractiveness of the wastes to rodents and birds. The
Division expended $102,000 for Posi-Shell Supplies in 2007 and $101,091 in
‘Ash from the incineration of wastewater sewage sludge was used on a limited
basis as a daily and an intermediate cover material in 2007 and 2008.
“Approximately 4122.56 tons in 2007 and 3104.85 tons in 2008 of this material
‘were used in the production of topsoil mixed with our yard waste compost or
for intermediate cover in the landfill, As this material is generated over a very
short window of time, itis used as it is received or itis stored for future use
when space is available for storage.
The last method is the traditional use of minimally contaminated soil
materials for daily or intermediate cover. This method is equally effective in
managing the wastes but does present potential adverse environmental
impacts from wind blown soil erosion and the use of a significant amount of
landfill airspace,
‘The Division assisted in the coordination of the ‘Town’s 13" and 14% year of
Houschold Hazardous Waste Collection Days that were held on five dates at
the Waste ‘Transfer Station facility, ‘The program was a joint effort between
the Conservation Advisory Council and the Fire Prevention and Investigation
Department. ‘The program was successful in collecting and transporting for
ultimate disposal off-site the residential Hazardous Waste Materials from
approximately 500-600 residents annually. The project was completed at a
cost of approximately $120,000 annually and receives a 50% reimbursement
grant from the NYSDEC.
‘The Division completed construction of the upgraded Residential Recycling
Station and conversion over to the Dual Stream Recycling System in 2007.
‘The Division implemented a landfill seep correction project to address several
leachate seeps from the closed portions of the Old Landfill Areas. ‘This
project included the excavation, piping and installation of several pumps and
sumps (0 collect leachate and direct it into the landfill leachate lagoons.
The Division Technical Staff oversaw the purchase and installation of a
Bioxide treatment system for the treating of landfill leachate at the leachate
holding lagoons and the treating of the wastewater wet well at the Fonda Road
Pump Station to control the potential odors from the acceptance of landfill
leachate into the Town’s Pure Waters Collection System.
124 The Division Technical Staff oversaw in 2007 and 2008 the cleaning and
televising of landfill leachate lines and the force main cleaning of the
discharge piping conveyance system that discharges into the City of Cohoes
‘and the Town Pure Waters sewer collection systems. At the end of 2007, the
‘Town ceased the regular discharge of landfill leachate into the City of Cohoes
wastewater collection system and initiated the regular discharge of landfill
Jeachate into the Town’s wastewater collection system for 2008.
# Due to a reduction in the staffing of the Division’s Technical Section, the
Division has undertaken to contract out the services for the Routine
Stormwater Inspections and Monitoring, using the Division’s Stormwater
Consultant, Maleolm Pirie; the development of a confined space listing and
mapping have been contracted out, using the Division’s Facility Consultant, J
Kenneth Fraser and Assoc. and the preparation of bid documents for the
purchase of vehicle washing equipment to Malcolm Pim, Ine,
# The Division assisted the Town Highway Department in the December 2008
Storm Debris clean up and processed a large quantity of wood wastes from the
northern portion of the Town through our Horizontal Grinder. The Highway
Department also utilized the Division Tub Grinder to process a large quantity
of wood wastes from the West, East and South portions of the Town. ‘The
excess wood chips were sold.
‘The Di
during 2007 and 2008:
# The Weigh scales were replaced in 2007.
jion undertook the following construction projects and improvements
# The Residential Recycling Station was completely overhauled and
reconstructed to improve the traffic flow and convenience of use of our
customers, New recycling roll off containers and covers to protect the
recyclable materials from environmental contamination and blowing were
purchased also,
4 The Division began construction of the Area 6, Phase II lateral landfill area.
Malcolm Pimie completed the design and the project was bid and awarded to
Rifenburg Construction (General Contractor). Due to poor execution of the
construction contract the General Construction Contract was closed out and a
new bid was issued to finish the site preparation work, ‘The new site
preparation contract was awarded to Maloy Construction and the work wascompleted in 2008, Malcolm Pimie was retained to provide Construction
‘Administration/Resident Engineering (CA/RE) services for the project. The
design and bidding of the liner installation project was undertaken in the later
part of 2008 and construction scheduled to begin in early 2009.
Appendix 3 contains a listing of the 2007 and 2008 Division High Priority
Project List.
‘The Town of Colonie Solid Waste Program is operated as a Division within the
Department of Public Works. The Division
‘The Town’s Solid Waste Management Facility generates approximately $9.0 million in
s a separate enterprise fund within the Town.
revenue with an annual operating budget of approximately $4.5 million. The Town also
received approximately $1.0 million in revenue from the sale of landfill gas to the
Innovative Energy Systems landfill gas to electricity project. ‘These revenues are based
upon a 50% sharing of the revenue from the sale of electricity, sale of Renewable Energy
Credits (RECS), sale of Carbon Credits, value of Federal Tax Credits for production of
renewable energy. In addition, capital expenditures (landfill expansion, landfill closure,
high value equipment) are funded through Town Wide Capital Projects Bonding or the
Division of Environmental Services Capital Reserve Fund. The Town has established
several solid waste disposal agreements with public and private customers to stabilize the
amount of wastes for disposal and, therefore, stabilize the resulting revenues. A copy of
the Facility Financial Assurance Report for 2007 and 2008 is presented in Appendix 4,
‘The Town, City and Villages individually fund their solid waste management
responsibilities. The tipping fees from users of these facilities have historically been
sufficient to fiand the annual operating expenses and the capital expenses of the Division.
In addition, the Town General Fund has historically received $2-3 Million in funding
from the Division Solid Waste Operations. Currently the Town has established a Town
Landfill Closure Reserve and has deposited approximately $240,000 in the Reserve in
2009. ‘The Town in response to the 2006 New York State Comptroller’s Audit and
Moodies reviews has committed to reducing the Division annual fund transfers to the
ae‘Town General Fund and redirecting these funds to the Facilities Future Capital
Project/Expense Reserve.
‘The Division currently utilizes approximately 60 pieces of equipment with a value
of approximately $5.6 million dollars. The harsh environment in which the equipment
operates, and the need to keep several key track vehicles beyond their effective
serviceable period, has caused a higher than normal level of repairs and maintenance and
reduced their availability for use due to the down time required for these large cost
repairs. To compensate for this shortcoming, the Division is required to provide a depth
of back up equipment for all of the critical areas of the operations (for example two
andfill. scales, three track loaders) and has required vendors to supply the large
equipment with extended-term maintenance and repair warrantees, A key component for
cfficient facilities operations is a comprehensive mechanical preventative maintenance
and repair program, ‘The Division’s cost of maintenance has been significantly reduced
due to the efforts of the heavy equipment mechanic that is assigned to the Division from
‘our Town Fleet Maintenanee Group.
The following table summarizes the total cost for heavy equipment repair for
2007 and 2008, as well as past years:
Year Total Cost
2008 $237,589.36
2007 : $307,000 rounded
2006 $289,000 rounded
2005 $306,000 rounded
r 2004 $348,250.00
2003 $289,268.00
2002 $281,100.00
2001 ~~ $292,406.00
2000 $297,158.00
15:1999) $261,990.32
1998 | $235,113.50
1997 $210,185.89
‘The Division's horizontal grinder is able to effectively manage the yard waste,
wood waste, and the Division’s Tub Grinder is able to manage the Christmas Tree
Grinding operations in 2007 and 2008. ‘The newer horizontal unit was used to grind the
bulk of the incoming residential yard wastes to begin the composting process and the old
tub grinder unit was used as a backup to the horizontal grinder and to grind wood waste.
The Division continued sharing the trommel sereen with the Highway Department to
undertake the periodic compost screening operations, which further improves the quality
of the finished compost by removing oversized materials and contaminates from the
compost for residential use, The compost program has grown over the past several years
and is rapidly exceeding the ability of the system to effectively compost all of the yard
‘wastes being received from the Town Residents. ‘The Division is actively investigating
the modification of the operation of the composting facility from a windrow pile facility
to an aerated static pile facility. ‘The Division was granted approval by the DEC to
undertake @ small trial aerated static pile operation to determine the feasibility and benefit
of the change in the compost management system..The Division utilizes the screening
plant for the production of topsoil material manufactured from screened compost material
and sand. This material is utilized by the Division for on-site projects, as well as by the
‘Town Highway Department for repairs within the Town.
Over the past several years, the Division has been evaluating the required staffing
levels for the various solid waste operations within the Division.
A total of 38 persons worked in various capacities throughout the Division in
2007 and a total of 41 persons worked in various capaci
2008 (in comparison to 36 in 2004, 28 in 2003, 30 in 2002, 32 in 2001, 31 in 2000, 32 in1999, 35 in 1998, to 41 in 1997 and 51 in 1996). ‘This was a higher number this year than
normal due to the retirement, promotion or transfer of several staff during the year.
A listing of the number of cach staff title is presented in Appendix 5.
‘The Division has transitioned to digital operations on the Town Wide Radio
System, Conversion to the Town Wide Radio System has shown to be highly beneficial
from an operational and safety perspective. ‘The ability to communicate with others
within the Division and the other Department of Public Works Divisions is beneficial in
aiding the cooperation within Divisions and avoiding unsafe work situations. ‘This was
especially important with the Division again undertaking the winter snow plowing and
sanding operations for the northem portion of the Town. The Division also utilizes Nextel
two-way telephones that are very efficient in allowing the other Town Supervisors who
are on the Nextel phone system to communicate without needing to use the Town Wide
Radio System, as well as contacting Town contractors/vendors.
The Division had 53 incidents in 2007 and 56 incidents in 2008 in comparison to
45, 30, 60, 51, 41, 52, 49, 61, 76 and 65 incidents in 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, in
1998, in 1997, in 1996 and in 1995, respectively.
‘The Division undertakes an annual review of incidents t
fentify areas that we
will need to look at to improve our safety program and, hopefully, reduce our preventable
The general program goals for 2009 will be the continued improvement of our
operations, expanding our staff safety program, expanding our staff training and
expertise, and providing cost efficient solid waste services for our customers.Specific goals to allow us to achieve our general goals are:
# To complete construction of the Arca 6, Phase TI lateral landfill expansion.
# To continue expansion of the landfill gas collection system into Phase I of
tandfill Area 6 and to incorporate additional landfill gas collection and capture
facilities into the Closure project being designed for Arca 5. To improve the
management of the existing landfill gas collection system, and to expand the
Jandfill gas collection and header system to maximize the collection and
proper management of the landfill gases and minimizing landfill gas odors.
# To undertake the landfill closure cover improvements for the closed
Jandfill areas.
‘The Division proposes to select individual staff to undertake specialized technical
training in 2009, ‘This training is being proposed to provide the Division with special
skills needed within operations and to provide advanced Site Supervisor/Operator
# Division Year 2009 High Priority Project List - see Appendix 6.
# Division Program Development Schedule 2005-2019 ~ sce Appendix 7.
To address the improvement in complex problems such as solid waste
management planning requires the commitment of all impacted parties to reach a
consensus as to what needs fo be accomplished and then to agree to implement the
required actions and to dedicate the necessary resources to accomplish the changes
needed to address the problem. Currently in the area of local solid waste management
and planning , there is not a consensus as to what needs to be accomplished and those
who are attempting to progress improvements to their system are hampered by Jack of
support and lack of resources. Couple this with the economic conditions that exist within
New York State at this time and that within New York State the expansion of waste
reduction, recycling and reuse programs are currently at a higher cost of operation thanthe current, more convenient disposal operations, it is difficult to forecast that major
‘changes in the near term future will differ greatly from the current practices.
It is time to return to the basies of waste management and to set an expectation of
behavior that is both reasonable and enforceable.
It is critical to the shift from a waste disposal paradigm to the planning for the
reduction in the production of wastes or the reduction in the complexity or toxicity of
‘wastes prior to the production of the products and not wait to figure out how to handle the
disposal of the product after production. ‘The State or Federal Government will need to
take a leadership role in setting not only the program goals but also by taking a leadership
role in dealing with the primary parties responsible for the development of products and
packaging to assure that during the planning for products that consideration for what the
products are made of and how the products or packaging can be made more easily
recycled, reused and/or are made from less toxic raw materials is undertaken early in the
process, New York State must also embrace the responsibility for enforcing the rationing
‘of waste disposal capacity or minimizing the wasting of waste disposal capacity to extend
the available life of the existing solid waste management facilities and not allow a “fill it
fast and close it soon” philosophy to reap the immediate revenues and prematurely
exhaust the solid waste management capacity. Also, the State must make it a priority to
promote @ local self sufficient waste management system and to facilitate or mandate
development of local facilitics where necessary to address local solid waste management
needs. If the disposal of wastes in a landfill is the lowest current option in the solid waste
hierarchy then the State should amend the hierarchy and place exporting of wastes below
The New York State Association for Solid Waste Management has established
and provided initial funding for the formation of a New York State Product Stewardship
Council. The Goal of the NYSPSC is to develop practical alternatives for product
manufacture, produet packaging and product ultimate disposal within New York State to
facilitate the shift from the current solid waste management and disposal practices to
a9systems that reduce the wasting of our natural resources and cause excessive
consumption of waste disposal capacity.
The New York State Product Stewardship Council was formed in 2009 to
promote the reduction in the generation of waste materials, to promote the shifting of the
responsibility for ultimate management of products at the end of their useful life from the
local disposal systems to the product manufacturer and to promote the evaluation of the
materials used in the production of products sold within New York State to minimize the
use of difficult to manage or environmentally sensitive materials. The Extended
Producer Responsibility (EPR) initiative is an extension of the prior steps undertaken
within New York State such as the “NYS Bottle Bilt”, “Automotive Battery Disposal
Ban” and “Waste Tire Recycling Act” where the State acted to change the premise upon
how waste materials were managed and shift the responsibility to the
‘manufacturer/distributor for setting up systems fo manage these materials at the end of
their useful life. As the NYSPSC goes forward, the Town of Colonie Planning Unit will
assess the product stewardship proposals developed by the New York State and the
NYSPSC and incorporate the concepts of product producer responsibility into the future
solid waste management plan updates.
Some industries have embraced this concept and have independently developed or
‘are in the process of developing manufacturer sponsored take back programs. For
example, Dell and Apple computers, Owens Coming Shingles, Xerox Copiers,
Rechargable Battery Companies, Fluorescent Light Bulbs at Home Depot, Coke have ot
are developing programs in advance of legislative mandates,
‘The primary constraint on progressing or expanding the waste reduction and
‘waste recycling aspects of the Town Solid Waste Management Plan is the lack of stable,
cost competitive markets for management of recyclable materials in comparison to the
excess quantity of low cost waste disposal capacity within the State and Easter United
States, For reeyeling and waste reduction to be viable, there has to be a controlling force
applied to the system to make the party responsible for waste management to decide that
20these options are their preferred options. In the current system, the economies control the
outcome, Also, given the current volatility in the recycling and reuse markets, the state
should mandate and fund that each solid waste facility or planning unit employ a fall time
recycling/waste feduction coordinator. The position of Recycling Coordinator should be
focused exclusively on waste reduction, waste recycling, education and enforcement of
the program requirement and must also be independent of all waste facility operational
The State is currently developing a New York State Solid Waste Management
Plan that is promoting the elimination of the generation of wastes as the preferred option.
‘This shi in focus from waste/recyclables materials management will be beneficial to
most solid waste management systems if New York State takes the responsibility to
address the implementation of this effort on a consistent, state wide or multi-state wide
basis. If the new State Plan relies upon mandating these changes for the local planning
units without supporting the effort with State resources to implement, fund and enforce
these changes, this effort will not be suecessful, ‘The Town Planning Unit is monitoring
the progress of the New York State Solid Waste Management Plan and will address
additional requirements ot modification of the existing Planning Unit Programs upon
finalization and adoption of the New York State Solid Waste Management Plan.
‘The current municipal recycling programs are restricted to profitable materials
and do not recycle the low value materials to the maximum extent. This low value,
combined with the historic unstable recycling market conditions in 2007-2008 has
resulted in local planning units having Jimited resources to improve or expand their
systems. Ultimately this leaves the recyclable material generators with limited options for
the beneficial recycling of some materials, It would appear that if recycling of these
materials is to be successfully and fully implemented, it may require subsidized recycling
‘programs or extended producer responsibility to ensure these materials are utilized to the
highest or best use,‘The Town currently legislates the mandatory recycling of the following materials
within the Town of Colonie Solid Waste Planning Unit:
Old Newspaper
Old Corrugated Cardboard
Metal Cans
Glass Bottles
Plastic Bottles
Automotive Batteries
Waste Oil
Scrap/Bulk Metals — w and wo Freon
‘The Town periodically (typically every three years) bids the sale of the recyclable
materials managed through the Town’s recycling program. New Bid Proposals for 2010
are currently under review.
The Division utllizes the New York State Empire Development Recyclable
Materials Market Database to determine what evolving markets arc available for the
various recyclable materials not currently managed in the Town Planning Unit. The
‘Yown Planning Unit’s current recyclable materials are marketed every one to three years
by issuance of Town competitive bid requests to purchase the Town's recyclable
materials, ‘The Town of Colonie Environmental Services Division Staff are active
participant members of the New York State Association for Solid Waste Management
allowing us to network with the managers of the other progressive Solid Waste
Management programs within New York Siale and staff attend various training
opportunities provided by the NYSASWM and New York State Solid Waste Association
of North America (SWANA) to improve the Town's solid waste management programs
and facilities,
an‘Typical products/items that are considered for EPR action are:
Produet Packaging,
Electronic Products
Household Hazardous Wastes
Mercury Containing Products
‘Telephone Books
Fluorescent Light Bulbs
‘Household Batteries
Plastic Bags
Asphalt Shingles
Mattress DeManufacturing
‘The Town of Colonie Solid Waste Planning Unit consists of the Town of Colonie,
Village of Colonie, and Village of Menands. In 2009, the City of Cohoes joined the
‘Town Planning Unit.
‘The Town provides the following services to businesses and residents within the
Planning Unit
# Disposal of rmunicipal solid waste within the active landfill area,
# Disposal of Construction and Demolition (C&D) debris within the active
landfill area.
# Disposal of Town Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and Wastewater Treatment
Plant (WWTP) solids.
# A transfer station for the export of waste in the event of landfill closure or
‘other reasons that would prohibit disposal in the Town active landfill cell,
Be4 A Material Recycling System that collects and exports for processing of
newspaper, cardboard, metal cans, glass, and plastics.
4 A Residential Convenience Center that allows for the disposal of household
refuse at the landfill facility.
#- A Residential recycling area that accepts waste oil, waste automotive tires,
white goods, Freon containing bulk metal appliances, bulk metal appliances,
computers, televisions, automotive batteries, propane tanks.
# A Compost Facility that accepts grass, leaf and brash waste, and processes
these materials into compost that is made available for residential use and
‘Town use. Yard waste is collected from residences within the Planning Unit,
# Acellular telephone recycling program.
# Anold eyeglass reuse/recyeling program.
H Salvation Army Clothing Drop Off at Residential Recyeling Drop Off Station.
# A Medical Waste Facility that provides collection of medical waste for
“Town use (Emergency Medical Services) and Town residents. Commercial
establishments contract with private medical waste disposal services.
# Household Hazardous Waste Days (5) for the collection and disposal of
residential hazardous waste.
4 Habitat for Humanities ReSiore in Albany and Schenectady for reuse of
building materials.
‘The following is a listing of the currently NYS permitted and/or registered Solid
‘Waste Management Facilities located in the Planning Unit:
BEI Transfer Facility for regulated medical waste.
4 Bonded Conerete for construction and demolition (C&D) processing.
# King Road Materials for C&D processing,
Empite Isotopes Nuclear Pharmacy for regulated medical waste,
# Metro Recycling Inc. ~ Commingled Recycling Processing
# CRM -— Automotive Tire Processing and Recycling# Innovative Energy Systems Landfill Gas to Electricity Facility
‘The facilities supplement the services currently provided by the Town. The
combination of these facilities with the Town Solid Waste Management Facility allows
for the proper management of all solid waste in the Planning Unit. Expansion of these
facilities or development of new facilities shall not occur unless a benefit to the Planning
Unit can be demonstrated, A Town Local Law regarding the locating of solid waste
management facilities within the Town specifies that any facility must establish a benefit
to the management of solid waste within the local planning unit to be permitted within
the Town, For example, a benefit to the Planning Unit could be providing a new service
to manage a waste stream that is not already managed in the Planning Unit or improving
services to the Solid Waste Planning Unit.
‘Typical services that could provide a benefit, which are not currently provided by
the Planning Unit include:
# Asbestos disposal.
Automotive reclamation.
Construction and Demolition Debris Processing Recycling System
Organics Composting Facility
Alternative Solid Waste Treatment System/Resource Recovery Facility
Reuse Materials Exchange
Medical Waste Acceptance/Treatment Facility
Waste Pharmacedical Management Facility
Styrofoam Rigid and Peanuts
soe oe RR eR
Manicipal/Institutional/Consumer Green Purchasing Policy
‘The implementation of several solid waste management system options may
require the Town direct solid wastes to specific facilities which will require a change
erafrom the current open market “merchant” method of operation to one of the following
Legislative Flow Control
Solid Waste Contracts
Municipal Solid Waste Collection
“Pay as you throw”
Extended Producer Responsibility Ordinance
‘The evaluation of the legal feasibility or steps required for the Town to implement the
above changes have not been completed at this time,
‘The Town Planning Unit in the future will consider the addition of outside parties
who request to join the Town Planning Unit with the concurrence of the current members
of the Planning Unit. Generally, the addition of new Planning Unit Members will be
considered based upon the benefits to the existing members of the addition of the outside
party and the ability to responsibly manage the solid wastes in the solid waste
‘management system(s) implemented through the Town Planning Unit Solid Waste
Management Plan.
‘The Town, on behalf of the Planning Unit, has undertaken the development of this
Updated Solid Waste Management Plan for the term 2007-2008. The next update of this
Solid Waste Management Plan for the term 2009-2010 will be completed by March 2011
‘Asa part of the current update, an updated planning schedule has been developed
and is presented in Appendix #7.
6In 2008, the Town, on behalf of the Planning Unit, has undertaken the solicitation
of proposals for Alternative Solid Waste’ Trentment Systems. This Request for Proposals
(RFP) is boing progressed at this time to determine if there are solid waste management
systems that can be implemented in the near term (3-5 years) that can reduce the quantity
of wastes being disposed of within the Town Landfill or outside waste disposal facilities
and thereby extend the life of the Town Landfill and to enable the Town Solid Waste
Management Facility to continue to manage the solid wastes generated within the
Planning Unit beyond the projected life of the existing Town Landfill. Also it is a goal of
the RFP that through the implementation of an Alternative Solid Waste Treatment
System the Town Planning Unit can effect the manufacture of products to minimize the
consumption or use of our natural resources that otherwise ultimately end up as solid
wastes, Responses to the RFP have been received and are currently under review.
‘The Town Planning Unit will need to aggressively implement a public
information and education program to identify the benefits of the development of an
Alternative Solid Waste Treatment System and the need for changing the current solid
waste management system roles and responsibilities. ‘The Town has proposed to begin
this public outreach effort and has included funds within the Division of Environmental
Services Budget in 2010, This public information and education effort will be
implemented over next several years as the future solid waste management system is
being evaluated, planned and developed.
‘Table of the Amount of Wastes Accepted Within the Landfill
from 1984-2008 by Month,pebeg
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(wiol ssa] AON oO | gS | ony | an] Nor | AWW) wa] ww | aa |r
youn abeuuo! aisem,APPENDIX 2
Pie Charts of Percent Wastes Accepted in 2007 & 2008 by Commodity‘Say se pezmin stos SOd $1 SION
Pan maT Sane ET mare aT ows — aes WEE
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2007 & 2008 Division High Priority Project List‘
sNoT avanMOuEV ELEY Nee sr Ssapg MsdoIA jo woHenowen|
‘Stal AL wn 10} COPIA AUDA
ERGO Stal -GeH o SEB11 305 AAA
Ain ‘Avi wu SOUFT apeLoeST Pur VEIN O10 id
Tain Tens
SNOTSNO| Teys28ueo Tao SIGS SIN 10 SuOI DES OMG oDeIse) Pue SOLE
‘KON! idas| ‘ar "S06 TAIN 10) SIOPUES Pue SMOld GBI
NOG] way] BV ‘enw a vii TaUSDEEN A BAST MRRelL Y 6
Udy] ‘aad ar # Stal ‘SIEpaTTpUE MaINEY renuuy swesborg Neves] L
[sceccrees emo ae ‘AON wv ENTEESE! srausaijey WeioId Nees] _c
‘siroa09| Enofgy Facly -Ulizaion of Landiil Cas [ON GOING:
TRorlal Toponraphic Survey for Capacity Use (COMPLETED.
elabish Propeny Purchese Reson, (COMPLETED.
7007 —\Oes Butane Uoarads IcouPLET
Residential Reaycing Slafios Reconstciion {COMPLETE
| ——itea 6 Geotocinca/ Ste inorovenenis. [COMPLETION DELAYE!
[Wish Sesle Replacement (COMPLETE,
a ivnal Reoying Rouse of tara Nol Curent Reqyead [RESID
Tere ate Comonstng Syslem Improverents [ON HOLD
Expand Lendl Gas Colecton System [coMPLeTED.
[Prepare Quartery and Annual Reporis (COMPLETED.
ris Enonay Facily-Uillzlion of Lanai IFULL OPERATION S ENGINES
[utize Landi Gas Byproduct ES ON HOLD.
IWasie Stredeing, ISeLect WASTES:
as erenstve Fagin) Compliance and Mentoring Review [ON HOLD a
ral Toposrenhic Suivey for Capacly Use. (COMPLETED.
aoe Expand Landi Gas Colection System [SOMBLETED-
'Propare Quavtriy ané Annual Reports (COMPLETED.
Feet Energy Faslty-Ullizeion of Landfil IEXCESS GAS-S ENGINES AT MAK,
‘Utlze Langit Gas Byproducl IES ON HOLD
Waste Shrodsing MINIMAL.
Wiese Crave Fas Compliance and Montorna Review [ON HOLD.
Comer mat Sold Wasie Treatment /Dgeston Sisters [oN HOLD,
Stormer Uoaredes. DELAYED TO 2005,
iotrPraee I Geotechnical Ste mnprovemenis [DELAYED BUT COMPLETION IN2008=a 6 Phase liner Construction. [DELAYED 10 2008, “|
Taroa 5 Paral Closure Constuclin [DELAYED TO 2010-2011
stats and Adopt Soll Waste Management Plan [ON HOLD
= al Topogranhie Surv for Capacky Use [COMPLETED.
Fons [Expand Lanai Gas Calection Sysiom UATE BUT COMPLETED.
[Prepare Quarterly and Annual Reports (COMPLETED.
Hee nergy Facilly- Exoansion for Fourth Engine IAPPLICATION SUBMITTED.
Properly Purchase Evaluations. [ON HOLD.
‘ize Lanafl Gas Byproducl eS ON HOLD.
lwasle Shredding NONE.
res os ve Fadi Complanes end Monterna Review INOT FUNDED
Vallenatve Sold ¥ Ee eniDnesion Se ing Reve is uED 232008,
oe Phase Lnat/Geotechnical Constuclon [UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
con § Pete ena Racing / Rouse ol Maer Nol Cent Reade’ [UNDER EVALUATION - REBID.
C {Waste Haulers Part 956 Porml [COMPLETED
iEveluste Sold Wasle Flow Contal IREQUESTAT TOWN ATTORNEY.
Faluale Soid Waste Coleciion Franchaise REQUEST AT TOWN ATTORNEY.
[Evaluate Municipal Soid Waste Colecion. IREQUEST AT TOWN ATTORNEY
Regobaton of Aeratve Sold Wesle Sysiom Vendo IBEPENDS ON RESPONSE TO RFP
C ee Sob Wasi Manegoront P= itera
(Aorial Topoaranhic Survey for Capacty Use. (SCHEDULED
ota ope ary Covnty Sold Waste Regione] Evkuaion FAUTHORIZED AWAITING GRANT
C [Eetabish Closure Reserve Fund [COMPLETED
Festa Landil Cloaure Solat Panel Prolect [UNDERWAY
Zoid Expand Landi Gas Galeton System
[Brepare Guavtorly end Annual Reports
Prepate mele/e-gucatin Program on Sold Wasi Issues
Binning Unk Member Planning Meotinas
aj Waste Maniogement Plan Unde 2009 2010
eae Enoray Fads instal Fount Engine.
[Ufize Lancfl Gas Byproduct
Wen Shredding Area 6 Phaso i Sebel Wastes
Meee eras Facil Compfance end Monioina Review
ogin Arca 5 Parte Landfil Closure
[Aron 6 Phaso ll OnLine
{Wvaste Heulors Part 964 Permil Renowal
asi at jase Compal Operas a Aero Sie Fle
a ate Contractor Alernatve Sold Waste System
Evaluate Waste Exchanao Facil
rea Abani county Sold Waste Regional Evauen
Herat Topearephie Survey for Canacty Use
et te Demoltion DaConstucton Program.
Evaluate Leachate Reareulston
= Haste HaulorLiponse Procedure and Law.
[Review and Us
view an Sean Purchasing Progam ——_—
laeain Fauty GHG Generation Monona
Tesoviake Undale of Division Websll.
OTT [expand Lendl ax Collecion Systers
Poppare Quartey and Annual Repor's,
sot ot asia Manegement Pian Update 20082010
a ray Faciiy- Ful Operaton of Four Endioes
lize Landi Gas Byorodusl
[Complete Area 5 Paria Lendfil Closure
[Wasio Shressing
Hoan sei Pedify Comsiance and Montozna Revow
Property Purchaea Evalualion
ropes Foon Recying Reuse of seals Hol Covent sed
(asl Haulers Part 264 Perm.
er Constucion of Alemalve Sols Wesle Sis
a esigh of bast Siormyater System improvements
Heed Topoaraghle Survey for Capacity Useanning Unk Manbar Panning Westings
iatedaxe SEQR Review or Division Properties
Paden ese ily GHG Ganoration Montonng and Renata
ears Gan of Recjclable/Retumable Mateielsems
oid _| Expand Lanatit Gas Golson
Prepare Quertriy and Annual Reports
eres oid Waste Management pian Undele 2011 2012
Planning Unit Member Psnning Meetings.
[Gas lo Enoray Foci Onerations
Uilize Landil Gas 2yprodut
waste Shredding
a sanave Faciy Compliance snd Monvxing Review
Wisdals and Adopt Sold Waste Management Plan
a 6/6 Partial osu,
fas Havlars Pat 954 Part
‘Castel East Stormer Sylar inprovornants
ons Consiucbon of Aermativ Sold Waste Ssten
are anl Wasle Mangcement Conic to direcl wastes fo Tents poet |
tal Topographie Survey for Capacly Use
Aa anima ducation Progam on Sold Wiese ses
erate Faslly GHG Genorefon Montoina and Revortna
ona com Bulag Said Weete and Recyeing Programs
Poa [Expand andl Gas Collection System.
a ee
Pear oSold Wasle Managoment Plan Uodele 204% 2012
eon fc Envay Facil - Uilzaton of Lancl
Uilize Landill Gas Byproduck
lWasie Shredding
eae enaive Fadiiy Gomplance and Morera Review
[Property Purchase Evaluation
Proper Purses Fasoying [Roun ostaras Nol Gury Rested
|Wasle Haulers Part 364 Peril
[Aerial Toporephlc Survey for Canady Use
pet Goal Operations of Allaliro Sold Wasi Systm
Pianring Unit Member Pansing Mestings
Evaivale Old Lendl Recaimation
[evaiale Old Lenofil Redaimaton
eae Cecily GHG Cenoraton Monviafing ané Repost
cor ye Ba of Reojoable/Rotunsbs Materale/tans
[Undertake Update of Dwvsion Website
ena rato Landil Use ond Capac - Closure Schedule
gr [expan Landi Gas Calicton System
repave Quarlaiy and Annual Reports
Planning Unit Mombsr Planring Meetings
Pr ed Waste Management Plan Undais 2013 2016
ate Energy Feely UUlzation of Landi
Uisize Landfill Ges Byorodueh
[Waste Snredding
Te Sronalve Faciliy Compliance and Monona Review
IGedeie and Adopl Soid Wasle Management Pan
Waste Haulers Part 354 Pesnll
ar an of Uso of 4, (2 816 Arowhead Lana Proveries
Demolion of4&,12 Aroubead Lane Bul
(Complete Design of Lendill Area 7
rie Tapograahle Survey for Capacty Use
errata Domolbon DsCons\ructon Program
ea tol njomeliv Evan Progam on Said Waste estes
Evaluate Town Green Purchasing Proacam
a aie Pedy GHG Generalon Monioring ard Reportna
Eaniuate Town Greon Pucchasing Program
65 [Expand Landi Ges Colocion SystemFrepore Guarieny and Annual Reports
rena oes Waste Management Pian Update 2013 2014
Cano Energy Facity- Uliztion of Landi
“Tiles Lendfil Gas Byoroduet
IWasie Snredeing
aa oosle Feely Comliance and Monlodna Review
[Property Purchase Evalsalon
era renal Racing Reuse o Wales Nol Coren, Recided
[Waste Haulers Parl 364 Pest
Evaluate Fadity Pevatzaton
inflate Construction of Landini res 7
[Evaluate Waste Exchange Eactly
HPerening Unt Member Planning Mesias
ear Update Woste Vault Lcsnse Procadue anes
He ly GHG Generalon Montodng end Reporting
on pe Ba of Recjcabl/Retumable Malenalsems
Zi Area 6 Cosine Desian
oand Landit Gas Colelion Sys
[Brepare Quarterly and Annual Reports
rena ps Wasle Managemen! Plan Update 2015 2078
Pianrig Uni Membar Planning Mestings
rary Eneray Facilly- Utlzation of Landi
Uilize Landi Gas Byproduct
[Wasie shredding,
ras Haulers Part 264 Perl
\Gangisle Consinction of anil vee 7
ia Topoaraphic Survey for Capacly Use.
a poe on of forall cation Pore. 25 Slé Wasa issues.
Eva aaily GHG Genecalon Monftorng end Reportna
dviake Updato of Division Webslle
a7 Coarse Fay Compliance and Monon Reve
Compsehens et Rocjeln Reuss of secs Nol Cureny Soe Ta
vane Aine ev Sob Waste Manogorsent Pan Unde 2015 2080
[Wale Haulers Part 364 Peri.
‘eopand andi Gas Collection System
Waste Shredding
ery Operation of Landi Area 7 Seiad Waste
Expand Lanai Gas Collecion System
Fat Topagranhie Survey for Capacity Use
Penning Unt Member Planning Meetines.
Plane polly GHG Generation Montomng apd Reporind
ore re Dan of Rocyiabla/Returabe Matoralstions
Review Town eis Waste and Recicng POAT json
Ravi ers Lancf Uso and Capecty - Closure Schecule
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[Area 6 Close
ae ia Wel Managment an Updst 2007 2036
reaing Unk Member Pianning Meeting
Wasie Havlors Part 364 Peni
‘cand Landi Gas Collection System
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‘enand Landill Gas Coleaion Sysiem.
Farsi Topoaraphic Survey for Capac Use.
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\eosluats Town Greon Purchasing Progrem
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Hae eid Weslo Manegement Pin Update 2017 2018
Come civ Facily congliance and Montoing Review
sie Haulers Part 364 Pema
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IWaste Shredaing
[Expand Landil Gas Colecton System
OE Generation Montoring and Reporing
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Seaeeereassesereecee stare
Foal Opteron Candi Gas Collection System Oneratons,
Goto rd Wasis Nanegement Pian Undate 20/9 2020
Planting Unit Member Piantina Meetings
andfil Post-Closure Montoro
Toa 6 Phased Closure Compisied
(Wasie Stredling
Epand Lendl Gas Cotocton System
Evaluate Wasle Exchango Fac
Tisval Topographic Suvey for future proper Ss
pete We Haular conse Prooeduo and Last
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Sane giy Gu Generation Monona and Repos
Rantala Ney/ Land Gas Sale Agreement