Robin Hood Evaluation

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Intern Observation Checklist

Date: 10-2-14 Subject: Lang Arts Activity:

5th grade classroom

Intern: Julia

# of Students: 28

Ruggirello MT: Barb Davis

Field Instructor:

Writing logical arguments

Paula Pritchard

E/Exceeds Expectation

N/Needs Strengthening

NA/ Not applicable

*Please indicate which letter corresponds correctly to each statement below

Lesson Planning:

Lesson plan completed and reviewed prior to instruction


You sent me your lesson plan ahead of time to look over and offer feedback, Julia are there common core
standards for SS? Please include in your next lesson. Also, I forgot to mention in your objective include how
many details you want them to write (like 4-6) which becomes measurable. :)

Evidence of advance preparation and lesson organized

(materials ready)

It was evident that you worked hard to organize this lesson

Lesson appropriate for age, grade, ability


Lesson Opening:

Signals and gains attention of students


Great transition to the lesson


You stated what they would be doing

States goals, sets purpose


Activates background knowledge (personal connection to student)

Students were excited about Robin Hood

Reviews and makes connections to prior learning


Ask them how would learning to debate with evidence help them or have them think

Lesson Components: Presentation/Guided Practice/Individual Practice/Closing:

Gives clear directions and explanations


Your directions are clear and specific

You are energetic and compassionate, you have a warm connection with your students


When modeling you used "think aloud"

You modeled a topic they could relate to, nice to use student input


Through class discussion were able to see what they were understanding and walking around the room


Good pace, you included a variety of activities, think about during ind work when you know it will be long
how to interject a short activity to keep them focused. Great idea to have them turn and talk before they
write :) There is a visual timer on the Smart Board which might help with pacing


using a personal topic connects to their life(packed lunch vs hot lunch) When planning your lesson think
about how the objective might be important to them...when would they use it

Sets warm and positive tone

Uses think aloud to make visible language, practices, processes

Models learning strategies

Checks for understanding

Uses appropriate pacing and flow for less

Connects concepts and ideas

Provides variety of student learning structure:


Introduced topic, showed video, modeled, read article and students identified fact or fiction, brainbreak,
students read their own article, turn and talk, students started to write points of their argument,

Provides opportunity for transfer of control/apprenticeship/ active

sdasdsastudent involvement

Students were engaged in discussion, excited to learn more about Robin Hood, your modeling and guided
practice gave them a good foundation, thumbs up if you have evidence

Uses appropriate audio, visual, technology equipment


Smart Board, video, use of sound system, you provided a writing a template...great you gave them 2

You read the article and had students share their thoughts in selecting fact or fiction, students were


Students worked on reading an article and highlighting facts and fictional information, students worked hard
during ind practice.

You did a nice job of scanning the room and cuing them when needed, you noticed they were getting
restless and encouraged them to focus and get it done. You are good on your feet...needed a bathroom

Uses guided practice to actively monitor student understanding of lesson

Uses independent practice to monitor student understanding of lesson

Uses assessment to monitor and adjust lesson

Provides adequate time for closing:

student closure teacher summarization connect lesson to future
erweeelearning assessment

You had students place writing folders away, get out planners,

Creating and Managing Classroom Learning Community:

Maintains classroom routine (e.g. greets students, attendance, seating

sdsdsdchart, daily reports)

Uses firm, confident voice and posture


You are rocking the teacher voice,

Uses specific praise appropriately to motivate and provide feedback


You are up beat and positive, very good connection, your enthusiasm is contagious, you're compassion comes through in
your delivery and connection with your students, good question, I am glad you asked that,

Love your zig zag skirt ;)

Professional appearance

Uses preventive measures/controls

Nonverbal signals/cues
Teacher look/hand signals/proximity/mobility/visibility
Verbal cues/signals
Specific praise statements/ broken record/restatement of rules
Using whole body movement to signal class attention, you noticed students who were following directions,
marker dilemma-what would you do different, you reminded them of voice level before working
independently, your enthusiastic delivery makes students want to listen, clapping it...great
transition into writing, thumbs up, bathroom break, movement,

Moves and positions self to effectively support lesson/activity

You moved around the room assisting students when working independently


Implements appropriate & effective consequences/rewards

Encouraged positive behavior and gave reminders

Amazing lesson, Julia! You split the apple right down the middle! Oh that's William Tell. It is evident that you
worked hard to organize your lesson and create meaningful activities to support the objective. Students were
engaged and motivated to look for information. They were working hard during independent work and they were
involved in thoughtful discussion which you lead. You will have to let me know their findings. Is he real or not?
Personally, I want him to be real. You and your students did a remarkable job!

Paula Pritchard

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