To Be Completed by All Probationary Teachers May Be Used by Tenured Teachers On A Voluntary Basis.

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(To be completed by all probationary teachers; may be used by tenured teachers on a voluntary basis.)
NAME Christine Greiner
SCHOOL Washington Irving

ASSIGNMENT 5th Grade Classroom Teacher

DATE January 13, 2013
Reading: 7th Period

List and describe the goals and instructional objectives for this lesson.
- Students will explain the main idea of a documentary video on researching in the

II. To which New York State and/or national standard is this lesson aligned?
- Summarize information that is presented in a video. (SL.5.2)
- Determine the main idea of an informational text based on key details. (RI.5.2)
III. Please outline this lesson:
- Smartboard
- ELA journal
- Documentary: Great Bear Rainforest Remote Camera Project
Technology Integration:
- The Smartboard will be used to display certain parts of the lesson. A documentary titled
Great Bear Rainforest Remote Camera Project will be viewed at the following website:
- Explain to the students they will be learning about a new rainforest located in British
Columbia, Canada
- Display map and discuss location.
- Explain to students the focus of this unit is to learn about the ways scientists
communicate their research through a variety of informational texts.
- Display informational text chart and discuss.
- Tell students they will be viewing a new piece called a documentary.
- Discuss the second learning target for the day.
- The first time they watch the video, they will focus on gist.

For this first view, they will watch six shorter segments or chunks (they have also
done this as readers). After each chunk, they will think, talk, and write, recording a gist
statement about what they heard and saw.
At each pause point, give students a moment to think, briefly discuss in triads what the
gist of the video segment was and then record individual gist statements in their

- Ask triads to discuss the following questions:
o What type(s) of technology did they use to track wildlife?
o What types of wildlife were they tracking?
o What were they able to learn about the wildlife, using this technology?
- Ask each triad to share out one or two ideas they want to add about what they have
learned about rainforests from their discussions to the L column of the anchor chart.
- Distribute Homework: Using the transcript as a guide answer the text dependent
- Anchor charts (class discussions) posted around the room assist all students in
- Increased interaction with vocabulary in context increases the rate of vocabulary
- Triad interactions allow students to learn from each other.
Extension Activities:
- View the documentary a second time and define vocabulary in context. Students can
add these terms to their academic/scientific glossaries.
IV. How will student learning be assessed throughout the lesson?
- Students are assessed on their triad discussion
- Students are assessed on their gist statements.
- Students are assessed on their homework assignment.
V. Where does this lesson fit in relation to the unit of study?
This is the seventh lesson of a 10-lesson unit. Previously, the students have built their background
knowledge of the geographical locations of various rainforests and have been exposed to
informational texts (an interview and an article). The students are learning how to find the gist of a
text as well as define vocabulary using context. After this lesson, students will compare and
contrast the features of informational texts (interview/article/documentary).
VI. Describe the students in this class and explain how you are differentiating the
instruction to meet their needs.
There are 15 students in this class. There is one student with an IEP plan (difficulty with
information retention and attention). Their Fountas and Pinnell reading levels range from R-Z.
They are grouped heterogeneously to allow all students to hear the verbalization of the unit
vocabulary on a regular basis. Many of the lessons overlap from one day to another, which enables

the re-teaching of important concepts from prior days and build toward skill mastery. They also
work in small groups with Ms. Brauer (TA) or myself on a daily basis. Differentiation takes place
on various levels. Sometimes, I will use mixed-ability groups, allowing students to learn from one
another. Since there are many learning styles in my classroom, visual learners benefit from the
presentation at the board and writing down into their notebooks, auditory learners benefit from
group work, by listening and discussing solutions and the kinesthetic learners enjoy modeling their
work on the SmartBoard.
VII. Are there any specific things you would like to be considered or observed?
The triad discussion among the students
- The students ability to make connections to previous informational texts which were
used prior to this lesson.

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