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Banglapedia in Bangla
Agrometrology units of measurements and weights of agricultural commodities, and inputs in mass,
volume, land area, and number. It is interesting to note that BANGLADESH has its own metrologies from
time immemorial for local use by farmers and businessmen. Different districts have their own
agrometrology systems greatly varying in nomenclature and measuring units. However, the
Government of Bangladesh introduced the metric system of measures from 1982 through an
Table Traditional Measuring Units used in different areas of the country.
Local units
National and SI units
Length, distance Inch, Hand, Foot, Yards, Gira, Furlong,
Metre, Kilometre
Crosh, Mile
Decimal, Bigha, Til, Ganda, Khuchi,
Kuni, Kiar, Katha, Pakhi, Kani, Ara, Pura,
Butha, Acre
Katha, Pura, Pint, Gallon
Cubic Metre, Litre
Mass (weight) Tola, Kacha, Bhutha, Chatak, Poa, Seer, Kilogram, Gram
Mone, Dhara, Ari, Kati, Pairi
1 Katha = 10 decimal
1 Acre = 10 Katha
1 Ara = 16 Katha = 160 Decimal
1 Butha = 5 Katha = 50 Decimal
1 Kani = 33.5 Decimal
1 Pura = 16 Ara
1 Decimal = 0.1 Katha
1 Hectare = 24.7 Katha
1 Katha = 4 Kuchi
1 Bigha = 33 Decimal
= 5 Katha
1 Katha = 6.75 Decimal
1 Khuchi (Paddy) = 1.75 Seer
1 Pura = 33/30 Decimal
Feni/Lakshmipur Area
1 Korha = 1.5 Decimal
= 6 Nal 1 Nal (1 Nal =7
1 Ganda = 4 Korha
1 Pakhi = 35 Decimal
1 Seer (Milk) = 105 Tola
1 Maund (Fuel Wood) = 10 Pahar
1 Khara = 5 Seers
1 Hali (Banana) = 5 (numbers)
1 Khata (Rice) = 5 Seers
1 Bigha = 33 Decimals
20 Katha = 1 Bigha
1 Katha = 1 Decimal
40 Seer = 1 Maund
1 Dhari = 5 Kg
1 Poa (Betel Leaf) = 32 Bira
1 Bira = 64 (numbers) = 16 Ganda
20 Ganda (Mango) = 1 Pon
1 Pon = 80 (numbers)
1 Bigha/Pakhi = 30 Decimal
1 Khada = 16 Bigha
1 Korha = 4 Ganda
1 Dhara = 5 Seers
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1 Kani = 4 Ganda
1 Kani = 4 Kuni
1 Tirpi Kani = 20 Ganda
= 1.2 Acre
1 Dron = 16 Kani
1 Ari = 10 Seer/16 Seer
1 Pia = 14 Pura
1 Kuri (Banana) = 24 (numbers)
1 Bigha = 52 Decimal
1 Acre = 100 Decimal
1 Ghati = 1 Seer
1 Pon = 20 Hali
1 Hali = 4 (numbers)
1 Ganda = 4 Hali
1 Pakhi = 26 Decimal
1 Bigha = 3 Pakhi
1 Katha = 20 Pakhi
1 Bira (Betel Leaf) = 20 Ganda
= 80 (numbers)
1 Choli = 5 Ganda
= 20 (numbers)
1 Hundred (Mango) = 112
1 Bisha (Fish) = 32 (numbers)
1 Bigha = 20 Katha
= 33 Decimal
1 Kati (Rice) = 20 Seers
1 Dhara = 5 Seers
1 Kani = 1.80 Acre/30 Decimal
= 120 Decimal
1 Sai Kani = 20 Ganda
= 4 Kuni
1 Ganda = 9 Decimal
= 4 Korha
1 Kuni = 5 Ganda
1 Kuri (Fish) = 25 (numbers)
1 Kuri (Banana) = 25 (numbers)
1 Seer (Land) = 3 Decimal
1 Chatak (Land) = 1/640 Kani
1 Korha = 4 Ganda
1 Korha = 2 Decimal
1 Kati = 20 Decimal
1 Acre = 100 Decimal
1 Kura = 160 Decimal
1 Seer (Keroshine oil) = 60/100 Tola
1 Kuri (Betel Nut) = 22 (numbers)
1 Kathi = 22 Seers
1 Bigha = 33 Decimal
1 Acre = 100 Decimal
1 Par = 80 (numbers)
1 Pakhi = 60 Decimal
1 Dhari = 5 Seers
1 Dhari = 5 Seers
1 Bigha = 66 Decimal
1 Chunia = 15 Seers
1 Katha = 30 Seers
1 Bigha = 33 Decimal
1 Bigha = 20 Katha
1 Acre = 100 Katha
1 Bira (Betel Leaf) = 16 Ganda
1 Ganda = 4 (numbers)
40 Seers = 1 Maund
1 Gha (Betel Nut) = 10 (numbers)
1 Pakhi = 29 Kani = 27 Decimal
1 Bigha = 33 Decimal
1 Mone (Paddy) = 20 Katha
1 Dhara = 5 Seers
1 Kani = 160 Decimal/40 Decimal 1 Bigha = 2.5 Doan = 60 Decimal
1 Korha = 2 Decimal
1 Doan = 4 Poa
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Although there exists a great diversity of agrometrological units in different parts of the country, these
however bear some relationship with Standard International. [M Sadrul Amin]
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