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Andon P Blazeski Letes Book MKD Pearls

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Andon P.


Andon P. Blazeski
Skopje, 2015

Andon P. Blazeski
Andon P. Blazeski
PETER A. Blazeski
DONKA Blazeska
Jakov A. Blazeski
Andon P. Blazeski
PETER A. Blazeski
Computer processing
PETER A. Blazeski
CIP - Cataloging in Publication
National and University Library "Sv. Kliment Ohridski", Skopje
908 (497 781)
930.85 (497,781)
Blazeski, Andon, P
Macedonia pearls. Boot / Andon Blazeski. - Skopje: A. P.

Blazeski, 2014. - 200 p. : Ilustr. ; 21 cm

Picture and a note about the author: p. 200 - Bibliography: p. 199
ISBN 978-608-65019-2-1
a) Kopacka - Kicevo b) its region - Cultural History
COBISS.MK-ID 97667338
All rights reserved. For using this book as a whole
or parts of it in the press and media is required
permission of the author.

All was hot lines to my native

Macedonian language, spoke and used before Grandparents, in
past ancestors.
grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters of the Macedonian
gender and other people WITH SPECIAL devote all generations
Macedonians and other peoples who lived on this land of Macedonia.
SPECIAL Sanctify KACURI-BRSJACI strain, the strain M
beautiful scenery of boots, Kicevo. There was Macedonia, and there Kop
Throughout the past and wept together celebrated
Witnesses: Lord and hunched mountains. over the centuries.
Andon Petre Blazeski


Theory, understanding, knowledge and thinking on the creation
MACEDONIA IN Shoe quaternary
PERIO. ,,.....................................28
Western Macedonia especially morphological
Mineral resources in Macedonia, Shoe
Mining in Macedonia over the millennia since
Review of energy minerals and raw materials
metals in
Oil and natural gas
Nuclear materials
.................................................. ........................................ ...........
Thermal waters and vapors
.................................................. ....................................................
Iron ores


........................................................................................... 44
Macedonian pearl boots
The area Kopacka, Kicevska
.................................................. ........................................ 48
Relief in
Kopacka.............................................................................. 52
Climate and hydrography in Kopacka
................................... . 54
Soil types in Ko... 58

Flora and fauna

Agriculture in Kopack..... ... 65
Ranching, cattle, goat and another in
Kopacka... 69
Viewing villages Kopacka.......... 73
Village Podvis..............................................80
Village Dobrenoec
Village Jaorec......85
Village Lavchani
Village Dushugubica
Village Ehloec
Village Ivanchishte
Village Popoec
Village Malkoec
Village Source
Village Belica
Village goat
Village Svinjishta
Village Brzhdani

Village Judah
Shoe, Kicevo
............................................................................................... 147
Gradiste (village Podvis)
............................................................................................... 147
Village (village Dobrenoec
) ............................................................................................. 148
Flagoec (village Jaorec)
.................................................. .........................................149
Scour (village Lavchani)
.................................................. .....................................150
Lapusnik (villages)
.................................................. ............................................ 150
Flat (village Ivanchishte)
.................................................. ............................................ 153
Monastery (village Klenoec) . 162
City (village Judah)
Scabies (village Svinjishta)
.................................................. ..............................................164
Village (village Brzhdani)
.................................................. .............................................. 165
Solunshtica (village Otters)
.................................................. .............................................. 166
Seles (village goat)
.................................................. .............................................. 168
Chuchkoec (village Belica
) .................................................
................................................................................................... 169
Obezishta (village Pappagiannis)...171
Kosrid (village Dushugubica).................................................... 172
RECENT FINDINGS places villages fortresses THAT
FOREVER were destroyed in boots173

Village Ivanchishte-old destroyed settlements177

Old village scour
Old village Flagoec
The village Drenovo
The village hamlet
City or Gradiste
Village Kosrid
Village Monastery
Village Obezishte
Village Chuchkoec
Village Zvecani
Village Seles
Village Solunshtica
Village hamlet

Village Scabies
.................................................. ..188
Beliefs, customs, religious and pagan celebrations of
Katsura, Brsjaci IN Boot
............... ..194
Entrust the Ancestors ...
................................................................................................. 197

In the beginning will note that this is a wonderful
whole area of priceless Kichevijata called Kopacka. Of
these spaces play and dance Kopacka, as in
other parts of Macedonia. This area is a separate entity with
more high mountains that have been patron of the Macedonian
people in the past. The villages are located mostly on the terraces
Sea of nekokogashnoto later Kicevo lake. Gorges
starting from the sources of Ivanechka river Ehloechka River and
Pit river to the village Source. Here merge with larger
leads to the source of the River Fever, creating the famous
past Great (Great) River, River Fever today. In
her long time River Fever collect all rivers that
plum tree in it. The character of the space is created Kopacka
after the big regression (withdrawal of water) in the Jurassic
period. From the high mountains, peaks, which are accumulated in
withdrawal of the lake created fertile ground. For
humus country contributed old oak and beech trees.
It today do, only we do not see, and receive
a blessing of nature. One is the glory Kopacka and such will
stay. There Macedonian spirit and patriotism floats and today
the whole area. Each leaf of the tree, every flower, every grass
and each stone is imbued with the Macedonian spirit. That spirit
if you want your root you be healthy and alive always.
In my early childhood I was preoccupied with many things
I wanted to know and to explain. In the first school
days in my head spinning countless questions unanswered.
Whenever I return home is something we asked.
The answer I got from my grandfather: Sooner you for such things
time will increase. In the seventies of the twentieth century with I
notebook in hand, I went for the old grandparents who had
over eighty years of age, inquiring for many
works. In those years are interested in nature, especially me
interested in the creation of ravines, mountains, just

said geological processes. In addition most of all me

attracted knowledge for themselves and for my country
I wanted to know everything about my suffering Macedonian
people. Necessarily
was the question posed in the moments when I went
through the space of the old village Ivanchishte. I see the sky
blue, endlessly, like watching the sea and the horizon only
escapes. I think anywhere no beginning or end. In those
times people were not as alienated as now. I attended the
celebrating holidays. Companionship was a cure for severe village
or urban working days. I was then friendship
sincere and true. In the villages of Kopacka, Kicevska celebrate
more religious celebrated. The most exciting was always and still
Twelfth glory. For this religious glory in to the Kichevijata
to. The glory days of old grandparents were thirsty to
talking about the past. All spoke of the great king
Alexander of Macedonia, Tsar Samuel and others. For Saints
said: "Riste ours was very clever, love and peace to reign
slogan odbirajkji best. " They believed in their God Riste
and its Ristosova faith, Orthodox. When we talked about
past, then their face immediately changed. Plate
their old and isshareni people as a map of
suffering in the past was getting dark. I lost joy in
moments as discussed especially king Aleksandar
Macedonia or Volkasin Emperor and King Mark, they are
brighten their storytelling no end
Anyone older
man had something to say about the villages and whole Kopacka
Kichevija. All boast grandparents and sister of King
Marko. It was called Kita which built the fortress in Kicevo.
Proudly spoke of King Alexander of Macedonia Speaking
that Macedonian mother should give birth to another like him. Me
Speaking to read George Pulevski of Galichnik King

Alexander and gave my old pesnarici to read. "Now

we have freedom in partisan time we fought, lives
Delay many young fighters in this country, that's View
Monuments. We regret for the dead brothers in foreign armies, but
again our Macedonia us parted. Siblings can
to see because they are Macedonians, "spoke grandfathers. So
I collect the data for the villages that exist or are
disappeared forever. Well after years cheterieset grouped
material that had to select. When we are writing about
assistance of all people in Kopacka, I publicly zablaGodard and assistance was received from famous Katsura-Brsjak,
Sweating at the village Ivanchishte. Mark Katsura Jr. succeeded
preserve most notes, manuscripts of his ancestors
all managed to fit in a collection that ended in 1935
year. In his writings they have accurate and reliable
data Ivanchishte village to strain Katsura-Brsjaci after birth
Macedonians. In these manuscripts were covered villages in Golo
Brdo, Gora Debarca Ohrid and normal whole Kichevija.
Described were all villages in the Mavrovo region, Mijachijata,
Prespa and elsewhere. In my soul reigned great excitement
When I read those too old manuscripts. The feeling can not be
describe only experience. So I decided to write this
book was written long, completed today in 2014.
Macedonians strain Katsura centuries until today managed
to continue their family tree leaving through the past
centuries written manuscripts. They were real keepers
Macedonian kind and Macedonia. Despite the difficult period
Macedonia fell under Roman administration, Macedonian
families, which is made up the core of the monarchy, were priMoran temporarily leave their country who could and who
remained unable to fight in the area of large
Macedonian kingdom. Many prominent people of that time headed
to areas of ethnic Macedonia. With these large
displacement starting to continue new family trees.
Katsura-Brsjacite heading in multiple directions, leaving

written by someone about their ancestors. They continue to

branch, fruit worldwide, proudly stating
his Macedonian identity and strain. Our grandfathers were
forced, surname signifier of strain-Katzer Brsjak to
be replaced by Greek, Bulgarian and Serbian
okupatori.Okupatorite implemented unprecedented terror and
the Macedonians hoping will quickly assimilate. For
their Unfortunately, they are wrong. We are here in Macedonia as
donci and will remain forever Macedonians. From the papers I had
opportunity to learn about that strain Katsura-Brsjaci was greatly
the Ottomans who took over this region. In osmanliskite notepads of XIV-XVI centuries more places
mention strain Katsura-Brsjaci as kind of familiar, brave
fighters and cunning dervendzhii.
The space or area Kopacka always throughout history,
through millennia been as space had to pass.
Any army that went east-west, north-south and vice versa,
had to pass through these areas. Shoe was inhabited
long ago, before the Paleolithic. No one knows when. Yet this
space is not enough unless some trials examined in flat
Gumno (flat plain of Karaorman has traces of Neolithic) and
early twentieth century examinations taken in the old village
Ivanchishte. I hope with the help of the authorities in Macedonia
will be many secrets to light. Any kopnuvanje country
archaeologist means "shock" with certain people in the country
neighborhood. Does anyone still think that we are children, or
Why be afraid if there Republic of Macedonia as
keep away rise in human rights. Unfortunately
only Macedonians in the neighborhood such freedoms and rights
no. Then the Balkans or the old Macedonian name
Peninsula would be a haven for all. The interests of certain

Macedonians and allow other nations to build

Peaceful their old nests, homes where they live. That
there anywhere in the world. If there was no wheat kakolj then
barns will prepolnuvale grain. Interestingly psycho
logijata man anyway. In tough times
villagers regardless of what village or town were forced to
fleeing and collected together, helping without objection. Of
shared every bite just to survive. The day I waited for a new
hope. In those times not stopped weddings and raduvanjata,
By playing dance Kopacka, Heavy, but delighted with every
infant. It is in these difficult times many people died,
died after them wept. Life just flows. So it was
so will stay up indefinitely. Here's a comparison as an example
Earth or the formation of the universe passed through many
phases. Example: Earth by scientific theories if they
believe, led millions of years "struggle" with steam. Of
Earth was hot, and she gradually cooled. Water in the form of
Steam billowed high and once again are izladela was returning
in the form of water falling on the ground again. This fight lasted
until completely cooled and the formation of the earth's crust. And
man thinks he is omnipotent. I do not think so. There are millions
and millions of things that have not been tested and scientifically
proven. That's why I want to leave a miniature cube
In a country where I was born. Here are born and our
grandparents, died here in this country Macedonia, the largest
empire in the ancient world. This book be small
reminder to younger generations who grow or they will be
Roda. Nest old native not allow anyone to
destroy or else to take. The house where never smokes,
it will fall very quickly. So do not forget your old
house chimney is made to smokes. It does not matter what day it
you need to open those locks old homes and not only
in Kopacka, Kichevijata but everywhere in villages
Macedonia. They are an invaluable asset, health and life
if you spend a day there on vacation in any year

time. Boot eagerly awaiting their children with open arms.

Any walking in that space the Lord will bless and honor
their walks through beautiful landscapes untouched clean
rarely present on Earth has Kopacka will live forever.

Macedonian territory
Theory, understanding, knowledge and thinking for

The communications section will begin my easily understandable

language, it came to the knowledge of the people who are forever
Kopacka asking for the creation of caves, ravines,
high scabs ..
Macedonian sojevi settled on just a piece called
Macedonia can not be recognized as unique, let
do you turn on the territory of Kopacka, Kicevska. This space
past and present lived Macedonians strain Katsura
Brsjaci part of strain Mijaks, Macedonians. Before you go
in the territory of Kopacka as a whole and Macedonia
as a blend with the natural mother of a piece surrounded by prinative range, must go back into the past.
Endless Universe
Earth as a phenomenon causing the man, his, her,
little file intelligence from millions of years ago to ask: How
it has become? Is normal as being najsovrshrno
Earth is about wanting him to examine and comprehend. The

it suits his hard or easy you will ever any evidence

written in the past but only prerequisites. Planetary
History of the Earth is considered old over 5 billion
godini.Ovoj fact I still take it with caution. Astrology
science dealing with the study of the origin, meetplatoon, all natural laws of movement and ties,
relations of celestial bodies. Older people sedumdesettiti condunes of the twentieth century, and were over eighty years of age
I told them that they rehearsed for existence
the Prasonce. They have been compared as ancestors, and today
sun grandson. In school we izuchuvavame
theory of the origin of the Earth and Planets. Genesis of
All planets have been taught by the great nebula in
unexplained large size. From Prasonceto distinguished himself
our solar system, and the current Sun constitute as
central body of the solar system and is much larger than all
planets. The set position mean that this part of
planets separated away from Prasonceto start living
own independent life. This would do a little comparison
Sun and Earth. Solar has a capacity of around one million and
three hundred thousand times zapremninata Earth.
Due to the low density of the mass of the sun is about 332 000
thousand times the mass of earth, which is 1.4.
Gustinatana country is 5.5. Besides this density
Sun is huge, considering that the total mass of
all planets together is only 576 th of the mass of
Sun. According to today's knowledge when I compared them
or reviewed the Sun and its planets called
Solar system will see that they are small drops of matter
scattered in the vast cosmic space. People before and
and now say the star collapses, dies just like humans. In
Macedonian old pesnarici especially King
Moon is opeana As sister to Earth. In all
Macedonia old folk songs as "Hey sis
Moon now ogreesh ... "

Milky Way
Many millennia people thought otherwise, and
perhaps also assumed as we today. Then
on earth thought and studied what would happen
the nature around them. So interpretations all events
nature, whether on earth or in heaven. Sometimes it happened
major natural disasters such as droughts, earthquakes, floods,
snow drifts, fires and other natural changes. Here you will
include the good years with large yields of grain and other
fruits needed for man to survive. Such natural
changes, people were not able to explain
or interpreted. So now in their conscience-head
provejuvale think the question is bad and good
gods. They began to offer to various victims, not thinking that
from someone creeping benefit. Certain people, shrewder January
put the head specially recorded hat with horns or
other marks and waited only orphaned victims prestavuvakji them
as gods. Faith in God and life for all people is the same
just has a different name and customs that kept them alive.
Without faith in ourselves or our future today can not survive
in the twenty-first, let alone then ever hard times.
The advantage was that they at that time people were not large
selfish as we are today. Sometimes, and if they
be threatened or clan personal integrity. Today someone
says or writes that before the millennia people were ignorant.
It is not true, because they had their high intelligence.
Examples are that they knew all
areas in life. We now wonder many things
left and found the old civilizations. From drugs by
put them in the group uneducated, and they are wondering today
their buildings which with today's cutting edge technology would
could build let alone survive for millennia. In
Today humanity is the highest stage of development
but still some old buildings are a mystery to him. Us
Macedonians in Macedonia dofrlaat us always

leave the past if you want to join a club. As

can grow timber without root? - Not so, will dry and with it
we. I'm a big supporter of integration in those big
common clubs or countries but not at any price. I believe
that the price will be a loss of identity and obezlikeeping the people who lived here for millennia, and it
now called Macedonian people. The clearing and
solving the Macedonian question and I have nothing to
resolves Macedonia and Macedonians was left as
heirs of their country.
My goal is to cover periods in ancient times and
creation of certain changes that have taken place on
space Macedonia
especially in
Kopacka area which is another great micro drop
world. Every person on Earth, especially those who were more
advanced believed and were convinced that the earth is a big plate
surrounded by water that constitute the center of the universe.
Others people, people thought that the earth rests on three
huge whales which swim in the endless ocean. For Hindus
still thought that the earth rests on three elephant stood on
large turtle. The ancient Egyptians had an opinion and
interpretation of the origin of the country and the world. They are
what is
country associated with the god of air Shu, the son of God
Sun Amon-Ra. These nations it prestavile a drawing
as divides his sister Nut (sky) and brother Keban
(Country). Besides these there are other considerations, such as
some people thought that the gods created the mountains
hold the sky did not fall. Aristotle in the IV century BC
Age noticed that the Earth has ball-shaped, and the Erastoton
performed the first determinations of its size. These
thoughts or interpretations advanced people the abuse

buvale to secure a better position in the divisions of

the then society. Ptolemy in the II century AD it
put his geocentric system in which Sun Mesechinaso all the planets revolve around the stationary Earth. Of
Hekateevata world map drawn in the V century BC,
borders the Mediterranean Sea were just painted, Europe
Asia and Africa are shown as a giant slabs surrounded
water. All the previous assumptions and interpretations are
vaat the XVI century. Appears Copernicus coming up
revolutionary idea that the Earth revolves around their axis and
while circles the sun. The same make of
Similarly other planets for their intended paths.
Copernican idea is known as the heliocentric system, sosema opposite of Ptolomeoviot geocentric system. Unfortunately
Copernican doctrines are anathematized by Christian religious
it, but after his death this learning continued Giordano Bruno
Galileo and many others at the cost of his life. The philosopher
Bruno is anathematized by then church dignitaries
for their learning burned at the stake. In those days the church
was great and finally vlianije anything very difficult to
working on a theory of the origin of the Earth. Besides all
However difficulties with the development of scientific thought
and various
findings have come to the right position and essential
features on Earth as celestial body. Copernican idea
was outstanding contribution to his illustrious successors of
which served as a basis for further discoveries and
clarification of some issues on the creation of the Earth.
Among the first scientists was Frenchman Bifon that left 44
volumes great work, The History of Nature. He describes
creating a planetary system as a result of
sudruvanjeto Sun with another celestial body, it narekuvakji
"Comet". For today and the theory of clash of the Sun
the comet is impossible to complete because the overall
mass of a comet is more hundred thousand times smaller than

the mass of the earth. Bifon made and drawings, and therefore it
can conclude that he thought the collision with a Sun
another star similar in size. German philosopher
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) has a reasonable hypothesis as
published in 1755. Under it he considered
matter, evenly distributed in prostorod which is
housed today's solar system, under the influence of attractive
forces and form a circular motion Sun, later all
Solar system. Then philosophers interspecially not be tolerated, much as a critic of
Bifonovata hypothesis, the famous French
Laplast (1749-1827) eight years after the death of Bifon, in 1796
he published his book "Presentation-discovery
system for the world. " He unaware of the hypothesis of Kant, 41
year it creates a new, modern hypothesis similar to
Kant. Russian astronomers and M.Nabakov B.VoroncovVeljaminov, Laplace hypothesis show the next
way: Laplace assumed that the solar system became
the huge rotating nebula composed of incandescent gas.
Nebula had ball shape due nijzinoto turning
centifugalnata force caused splesnuvanje and alongside
it continuously separating the parts of the nebula in ramniof the Equator. Simultaneously occurred decay-sharing
Gaza string koncetrichni ring continued to
revolve around zgusnatata table in the center. Speed vrtenjeit has increased since the middle part of the nebula is
zgusnuval the sun revolved faster than the separate rings.
Laplace opinion was that it could not be, material
clusters gradually accumulated and accumulated as a stronger
thickening. From these piling have become planets. In employees
tea with Saturn is preserved-a ring around it.
The planets in our solar system
Bifonovata hypothesis collision of two parents and two stars

HT and Laplast respectively without knowing one another

hypothesis that the Sun just created its system. The
hypothesis united in Kant - Laplace long termination
tence great scientific achievement. However occur and other
vrni scientists who persistently argued that this hypothesis has
gaps and should be abandoned because it is mathematically
supported. At that time he knew that he was one of Laplast
greatest mathematicians before. First Calculus
and total critique of Kant-Laplace hypothesis gave James Maksvel in a paper published in 1859. Later writing
Jack and developed new theories that endures today. I personally
I think it will last forever. The country is one of the smaller planets
in the solar system, which dovetail into the universal laws,
history. Would add that our grandfathers that recall
said that there Prasonce so was born the Sun had
law, the separation of the sun that has its own
development and still today hanging issue full truth
the creation of the solar system and the Earth and everything
it. A lot of money and every day work is spent on
it is better to spend in order to safeguard
Earth, its not as good nadomeslivi, someone
grant resources for the future. I am under a
my belief that one day if you find that God particle
then the whole country will run out and will be the end of the world.
The secret is not a secret if known and others. Someone once said that
write nonsense, but it is top-secret will be the end. From
written theories we know that the Earth is separated from
original nebula (Prasonce) composed of incandescent gas.
This period is the gas-phase and hot. After separation
have a capacity far greater under the influence of rotational
movement at that time lasted 4 to 5 hours a day and 24 hours
radiation of heat in space and starts to
cold. Starts phase kondezacija certain gases. In
a long period of Earth enters and hot-liquid phase
very long cooling began to form from ognoliquid mass to consolidating surface and forms a thin solid
crust. Later in the formation of the first solid crust begins
banded layers of the Earth's mass. Around the country
formed dark thick layer of gases and fine ocvrsnati zrncadust with water vapor. Later it was formed
atmosphere, water and aqueous shroud. All s processes

certainly lasted millions of years. Gas and steam fought

because it was hot down evaporation and suit up again
returning breaking down the thin crust of the earth. Time as
passed so Earth's crust cooled but fragile
places came out hot table again returned it
under cooling. All these theories is not my purpose to
evaluated. My goal is to get to the big time
land masses which had already been pending at ognotechniot internal unpaved
like ice blocks that swim along the northern seas.
In continuation of the process of cooling the bark built
the compounds mainly of light elements such as oxygen,
aluminum, silicon and other elements easily isplovuvale
surface. By increasing the thickness of the rind
Earth formed stratification table. Today and forever continuation
First separation takes place at the expiration of the magma
in volcanic areas of the interior of the Earth as
appear on the surface of volcanic lava. We should
mention something about the assumptions or theories Nurse
Moon and its occurrence. In the final part of
planetary history, after the first
strong yet thin crust begins to stand out giant
ognotechna table which form the Moon. Interest in
phase formation of the planets in the solar system, from
inexplicably Sun how to Play with prirodnithese laws and all other planets, let them have
at least one satellite and some more. Earth Alone
to move in space without its own companion. Comnceto, writing that he saw that
the earth will be removed fromand it created conditions for the birth of the
moon. The sun
razbranuvalo thin and soft earth crust. The ekvatorijalnit
part of the country an immense tidal wave. Gradually
it becomes unstable and a time apart from Earth
minutes ognotechna in the form of a table. Thus is born the moon. Earth
no longer has its own companion, nicer, more than others
planet Earth received companion left with a large bruise and
deep scar. Later this hole is used to
formed the Pacific Ocean. With the completion of banded
construction of the birth of the Earth and Moon creating
solid Earth's crust ends planetary history,
starts and geological history that lasts today and runs
forever. The cooling of the surface areas of the country zapo-

chnuva uneven and prolonged struggle between water and fire.

The theory is that the early atmosphere is formed around
Earth was thick and dark neprozirno. High temperatures
All wet amount in the atmosphere or in the form of
superheated steam. By lowering the temperature began to
condenses into water and falls to earth still hot

surface. Immediately afterwards, in the form of steam again

atmosphere. It was a great fight between water and hot
Earth's surface that lasted until the cooling that was
very long, won the water. So appear first run
tables of the soil surface. Gradually fill the concave
parts that form the Pacific Ocean. Over time all
rapid evaporation wearing dirty particles are lost and
reduced. After the process is created clean and bright atmosphere.
Thus, after a long period has already started and is formed in relief
Earth. These changes are not only important for significant relief
for evolution-development of the organic world. First appeared
organisms and organic world had to be adjusted
dependent upon changes pochnuvakji of najprimitivniPage 28

MACEDONIAN pearls - Shoe

Andoni P. Blazeska
these representatives through to more modern forms a perfect
creature that is man on Earth.
This period was divided into two separate parts: Older
is lednichkata age and younger
or advanced age that lasts today. In early
Quarterly period much of Europe and America
covered by thick glacial cover. He icy roof Nebi
only the northern parts of Europe and America but covered them
and our high mountains as Shar Planina, Pelister Kozuv

and others. At that time Europe was more because of

today Aegean Sea was placed Egeida mainland, and
places on the island of Corsica, Sardinia and Elba was Tirenskothen land on melting ice cover and Egeida
Tyrrhenian land covered with water, form deneshnit
overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Ice Age has a large and
positive benefits Earth creation and development of
flora and fauna. The most important thing for us is certainly
Quarterly period appearance of man. Interestingly
mentioning that in 1974 in the mountains of Macedonia
Stogovo Upper Kopacka found first Cambric
tvorevini. However it is considered that the most part of the
peninsula that 150 years crossed the Balkan
Peninsula was ground at the time. In Kambriskiot period
the process of cracking and breaking of old
Rhodope table. As a result, in the central part of
in our country has formed a large tectonic trench in which they
down parts of the Rhodope table. This tectonic ditch
called Vardar Zone, starting from Thessaloniki, Macedonia,
Kosovo and Serbia reached Belgrade. It definitely
separates Pelagonian of Serbo-Macedonian and Rhodope
Page 29

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Andoni P. Blazeska
table. In early Caledonian orogen stage to allow
entered the sea in those parts of the Balkan Peninsula and
meet water down all parts of the mainland. Remains
of these periods were found Shar Mountain and Western
Macedonia, in the form of fossil extinct corals. In
devonskiot period were much better conditions for development.
Devonian shale hloridski mostly in Western Macedonians
nia which the greatest iron ore deposits. such
has in Tajmiste, its region, Demir Hisar and others. In addition

iron ore in the upper parts of this series, are known

manganskite ores Stogovo and many other phenomena of
manganese ore in Western Macedonia. During Mezozojskaso age is the process and the presence of large volcanic
activity. At the time of trijaskiot period Pelagonia
array and eastern Macedonia mainly constitute land.
Conversely a greater proportion of the Vardar Zone and West
Macedonia were covered with water. In Western Macedonia it
allow to create Sediment walls. In trijanskiot
period in Macedonia ruled tropical climate. At the end of
trijanskiot period occurs period of elevation of the land and
withdrawal of the sea from most of the territory of
Macedonia. Underwater remain only small parts of
Vardar zone. The rise of the land affected by the
first phase of Alpiskata orogen phase was followed by
bringing huge masses of magma. In the Jurassic period
most of Macedonia any land. In the next period
called kredniot period in Macedonia Mainland prevails.
But in the Upper Cretaceous period occurs great transtresiJA-emergence of the sea, especially in the Vardar zone and a
parts of western Macedonia. Other parts of Macedonia
ponatanu and remain elevated land.
All these movements started in the Mesozoic era
representing the initial movements of the big Alpine orogen
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phase, which reaches its peak in the next kenozojska
era as a result of movements in Epirogenite Upper Cretaceous
kenozojskata early age, in the first half of
Tertiary-Paleogene period, the water has spread only
minimized parts of the mainland. Marine areas appear
in the form of tight areas surrounded by high mountain ridges.
Vardar zone was the largest body of water at that time

me. The water entered from the south through Thessaloniki,

Ovce Pole, Skopje and Kumanovo field arrived north to
Period under the sea in Macedonia
Vranje. In the area of Delchev and Kriva Palanka seawater
penetrated the territory of today's Bulgaria using
Sunda trench Kraishtidi - Struma Valley today. In
area of Struga and Ohrid water penetrated from today
Albania. The second part of terciarniot-Neogene period,
Paleogene sea withdraws from the territory of Macedonia.
In that period produced many depressions, valleys, works
vertical descents-sinking. For large withdrawal
Water the Paleogene Sea some of these depressions
retains water as a result of generated then
lakes. In the Vardar zone at that time created lakes:
Skopje, Pole, Kumanovo, Veles and Tikvesh
Gevgelija. These lakes were connected some earlier
period. Offline
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Vardar zone is formed in these lakes depresiivalleys: Malesheska, nest, Ohrid-Struga, Kicevo,
Mariovo Pelagonia Prespa, Dorjanskata, Orthodox and
other. Thus it can be concluded that more than 15
million years ago and to a million years territory
Macedonia was our land of lakes surrounded by high
beautiful mountain scenery. Terciarniot period and the beginning
kvartaniod ends lake stage in the territory of
Macedonia. In these times most lakes leaked through
newly river valleys, leaving behind only today
lakes Ohrid, Prespa and Lake Dorjanskoto. Thus
longer periods of empty lakes form

today's rich and fertile valleys that race and today

and we inhabit. In all lakes since been settled
various major layers, layers of which now draw ore
treasures. From the former lake in its region Kicevo basin
found deposits of coal. And other basins are
rich in various minerals, etc. as a result of
former lakes in Macedonia. At the time the upper
Neogene Tertiary in age, the territory of Macedonia
created several active volcanic areas. They are not
created at the same time, some were previously active and others
in the later period. As the largest volcanic eruptions
think they are going on Kozuv. There occurred
real strong volcanic bombs. From the ejected volcanic
material created layers with thickness up to 600 meters.
It was a huge force of the volcanic eruption
surface dumped large amounts of lava that could
Balkan order to cover with a layer of more than 4 meters thick,
Macedonian territory even more than 40 meters thick. Volcanic
nskata activity was bustling throughout the territory of the
Macedonia, as created in the arrays. In late Paleogene and
early Neogene created are high venereal mountains.
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Volcanic activity and creating arrays venereal
Western Macedonia especially morphological ZONE
Western Macedonia has a predominantly mountainous reljev,
Kichevijata Kopacka ie that is the subject of this book.
Mountain ranges rise through 2500 meters above sea
height. Characterized by very steep and difficult port
PNI slopes. River valleys are deeply etched in the form of

Gorges. River Valley Radhika is the best example of this.

No lag our Ivanechka river Ehlovechka River and River mine
which merge into one and go through the gorge to the source
Fever. In Western Macedonia known mountains on
beauty as Shar Planina Ship Galichica Bistra
Stogovo Karaorman, Selecka Mountain Jakupica other.
Valleys that are separate nest Kicevo, Debar,
Ohrid and Struga, Prespa and Pelagonia. All these
valleys are created as a result of the lowering of blokoviteradial movements and has long been filled with water,
preached deep lakes. Because they are today extremely
fruit and pretty villages. Unfortunately I already have cities
occupied the fertile land and build buildings for living and
roads. Gradually fertile land turns into buildings
stone and concrete will ever mean starving population.
It is interesting to mention the famous pikermiska fauna. In
Macedonia remains of Hobab fauna are found in many places.
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It is actually the remains of animals today to meet in exisPikermijska fauna
Plates regions of Africa as giraffes, rhinos, elephants,
lions, hyenas and other animals. Remains of these animals
first found in Prevalec, Veles, then in the locality
Kalminca in Kavadarci. It shows that during the
Neogen, a period when there was still lake phase
territory of Macedonia climate was very hot.
Assumptions have more about the extinction of these animals.
According to some, is that this space was occupied by a large fire
caused by thunderstorms. Animals mass fleeing
entering the lake and izdavile. This facts say
These two sites are approximately 60 km away, and
interesting new site that was found in Thessaloniki

questioned this theory. Following is another affordable

theory associated with the great volcanic eruption of
Mount Kozuv that scare the animals. The
If the assumption is true with research and
studies can be said Kozhuvskiot volcanism
had to be far greater than that assumed for
its size. Therefore means that the hot gases and
volcanic materials from the volcano spread to a diameter
200 km from Thessaloniki south to Velez, north and
Kajmakcalan west almost to Dojran east. Finding
these animals in group-mass graves gives clear
them that something big miracle or change a scare
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place, also found their skeletons.
Mineral resources in Macedonia, Shoe
Mining in Macedonia over the millennia to date
Geological-tectonic evolution permitted and allowed
our territory Macedonia to create very many
occurrences of minerals. Since BC this territory
attracted the attention of research and tech-here are occasional
exploitation of interesting materials. Remains of old
mining can be found everywhere in Macedonia. Mostly
old mining shafts, pits, slag-old remains of topilnis, various tools, instruments and devices that are used in this
time. On top of the then mining found forged
coins with the image of King Philip of Macedonia and other kings
time the Macedonian kingdom millennium BC In addition
gold great interest existed and decorative stone. Many
numerous monuments and buildings in contemporary cities, which

are extracted from the ground somewhere and more than 5 feet
are built with beautiful white marble and various other types
decorative stone from Macedonia. After the collapse of the
Macedonianthen the kingdom of the territory come Romans. During uselementary rule mining has received greater exploitation proshiruvakji them already open pits of Macedonian kings.
A nice example is the valley of horses River, where continle to ispiraaat gold. Today, residents of this section without
know the truth of the past a section called Sendorato
(Send-sand, plow-gold) plated sand, and that name is
Enter and topographic maps. Romans
amazed by the legacy and prekrsniot marble was
used for construction of many cities, statues, carved pillars
and more. Stobi was built in the vicinity of the village
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Mrzen-Kavadarci in the locality Markov Stick today can
see more marble pillars of the time. Here you can
saw even the whole technology and method of preparation
marble pillars. The biggest rudarsi works have been performed
in the area of mine Sletovo. Relocation of peoples
Macedonian today called Balkan Peninsula and long
annual wars how to prigushile Roman mining in
our parts. So for a long time
mining fading. Going through the names of some places and
villages can be concluded that the ancient Slavs (as caressing
Historians call them) I would say that the ancient Macedonians
again return to their inherited Macedonia and knew
many of lead, probably used. Around nowshniot mine "Sasa", a tributary of the river is called the Pig
river. In Western Macedonia, the village has Kichevijata as

called Svinjishta presumably ovije names after

looks come from the old Slavic (Old Macedonian)
name of the lead-svinec.
The mining activity popodolg period zamrenost now
again renewed in the Middle Ages. Flourishing reaches
dogjanjeto with the SASI the Macedonian peninsula of the XIII
Then we made extensive mining activities especially in regions
day of Kratovo and Osogoskite mountains. Witnesses of the time
today preserved sites and names like: Shlegovo,
Stalkovica and others around the fold and Sasa. Else
Saskia river Delchev, Smrdeshtica village Ivanchishte, Kicevo
Upper Kopacka. From this place Smrdeshtica in 1924
some people came to the village prestavuvakji as MPs
Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the villagers were ordered to
taken to Smrdeshtica the mine from Roman times.
villagers them willy-nilly brought them there. After a few days
bull traction were taken all the tools, primitive
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smelting iron ore. After some time in the village came
Gendarmerie, gathering villagers and explained that they
not ordered it but have taken some people from Italy. This
place today called Smrdeshtica a spring flowing from
hill run rusted ore of iron ore. Later sometime after
70s of the twentieth century there were discovered large quantities
of manganese ore. Would add that in the manuscripts
Mark Katsura mentioned tsarist Macedonia BC
when the throne was Philip II of Macedonia in this environment
attempts were made to extract the ore still III BC
With the conquest of Macedonia by the Ottoman
Empire, the Macedonian Peninsula began to be interesting
and revives the mining activity throughout the territory of

Macedonia. At that time it Kratovo significant mining and

mall. IN SOFIA-Zletovska area began to
produced lead, copper, silver, gold. Proizvotstvo are
occurred continuously until the XIX century. There are old found
minted coins of gold and silver emblem of Kratovo.
He started mine Damian, Radovisko, especially
mine Samokov, Brodsky where extracted iron ore. There are
assumptions that this village and got its name. In Samokov
found the remains of an old smelter and mint
iron. In Bitola is produced saltpeter. This would
mentioned the fact to work in the mine Majdan
Kavadarcian (the name comes from the Turkish word Madonnamine) rich
with arsensko-antimonska ore. The mine is now known
Alshar name nowadays is one of the few mines
world rich Lorndite. At the end of the nineteenth century is open
mine the ore hromitska Radusha. It is believed that they were
known sites from the hromitski ore mine Rabroin Valandovo and Kozjachki stone Arnichko-Kavadarci.
Geopolitical groupings early naprvata decade
the twentieth century Macedonian mining brings a halt. For
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During the Balkan Wars and the First World War in Macedonia
mining fading. Wars geologists rashtrkale through
Macedonian territory and many trials to come
great knowledge of the existence of newly discovered bearings
minerals. It was noted in their
records of the geological map of Macedonia. After the
war issued mining concessions to individuals and companies.
Opened and a new mines. In Kichevijata starts
Oak mine works with manganese ore. In Kumanovo are
open mines and Lojane Nikushtak mine magnesite

Pchinja. Again over Macedonia have covered black clouds

that black period of humanity involving the whole of Europe and
the world.
Starts Second World War. This hitherto greatest war
in past centuries would take millions of lives and material
damages that have not been saved. Nature gave you a candle
should the man and he ravenous selfish with honorable exceptions
destroys all good. It meant a halt and some Mestre
progress depended on the location of the territory. In
the Second World War in mining
has seen a rise. As a basic and major
dvigator of it all is the establishment of the State Geological
curves, where form their own professional staff. In relatively
short period achieved outstanding results which are not for
understatement considering the long centuries of slavery.
Here I must say that unfortunately this institution today
there. In this post-war period have been discovered many new
of minerals. All these discoveries contributed to
in a short period of time to build large industrial
facilities which will use its own raw material base. In
Skopje build steel factory "Skopje" cement
"Usie" and staklarnicata. In Tetovo build electrons
talurshkiot Plant "Jugohrom" factory "Silica" in
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Gostivar, Debar gipsarata, lead smelter and zinc
Velez and others. In this period, provided raw materials for
construction of new facilities as mine and smelter
nickel "Feni" - Kavadarci mine Buchin - Radovisko.
Rapidly create opportunities for the use of construction and

decorative stone, the famous marble. All these efforts are an

a new era of changing the structure and opening perspective
the rapid development of the Macedonian economy. It happens
new point where the structure of the proizvotstvo
predominantly agrarian manufacturing short period industrial
manufacturing has taken a leading role in the economy in
RM. That means processing of mineral products
the final product means industrialization of the country.
At the same time our geologists continue research
everywhere in Macedonia later will bring great
results. Discover new hitherto unmarked bearings
minerals. That means their exploitation and construction
new mines and mills and also greater manufacturing.
Review of energy minerals and raw materials
metals in Macedonia
Republic of Macedonia as a piece of land on the planet
equally dependent and all countries in the world from their own
energy minerals and raw metal. Each
country in the world today can shape its economic development
Only on the basis of their energy resources. In the past
that prehistoric man depended and knew only
agriculture, hunting and pripitomuvanjeto animal. I
I think those people then knew and worked various activities.
As the centuries passed human mind progressed facilitating
his life. I think the man then reached
high level of civilization that had destroyed with his error
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or asking too much and starts from scratch. Today
time can not imagine life without electricity
gas, coal, nuclear raw water. That energy
minerals. Raw materials of metals are also of crucial

importance for every country in the world. R. Macedonia has a

development in the industry especially in the field of black and
ferrous metallurgy. Just remember that until
WWII R. Macedonia had only two
hydro Matka Skopje and small plant in Pena
Tetovo. At that time there were several small power stations in
Veles, Bitola, Kicevo and some other places. After slavery in
freedom, R. Macedonia started from nothing, deprecated
economy now forming its capacity quickly moved
forward. R. Macedonia in their country and over it owns
large reserves of energy minerals. It is
mentioning that there are excellent conditions for manufacturing
renewable energy, especially when we know that we have almost
two hundred sunny days a year. There are conditions
production of energy from wind power, we hope to have
clean environment in the future. R. Macedonia today has large
Reserve Mining, her country is rich with all the types
ore even rare mineral Lorndite mine Majdan or
Alshar today. Each state is strong that owns its own resources.
Energy minerals Macedonia possesses enough.
Jaglenot belongs to the oldest sources of energy, despite waterso, the tree, which has used the man. It is said that
Seaman Marco Polo from Korcula was the first to
coal brought from China to Europe. He has to tell the
assumed that in China, people dig stone forests and
used for heating, but no one believed him. Had it
talk about the geological evolution of the land of our Republic
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Macedonia and the period surveyed bearings coal.
Large deposits are found in Kicevo basin Tikveshki-

enabled, Pelagonia pool. In both basins work

thermal power plants and power supply Macedonia
energy. Coal has in Piskupstina in Struga, Skopje
Pool in Katlanovo, Bulacani and Laskarci. There are also
sites in Mariovo, Pehcevski Gevgelija and other
areas. In Kicevo basin near the village Oslomej determined
the largest quantities of coal. In Peripheral parts of the basin,
the villages and Popovjani Strogomishta utvdeni smaller
quantities of coal. Expected reserves of hundreds
million tons of coal. Pelagonia basin most famous
sites from the Suvi Dol and ship-Gneotino. Not far from
Zivojno village in Bac and Germijan resulted in two layers of
coal with higher quality. Pelagonia pool with additional
research will be able to specify more than one backup
billion tons of coal. The more, the conditions for
creation of coal were the same, ie coal created
with Neogene sediments in the former Lake Pelagonisko
which belonged to parts which are now in Greece. On the other
Bassett has deposits of coal high, best quality as
as Piskupstina, Struga. From Skopje pool highest
quality coal from Boars most caloric value.
In Tikvesh coal basin contains 30% ash. The other
places coal and clay associated hardly be separated.
Oil and natural gas
Oil has been known since the time of ancient Fenech
and Egyptians. Had received from the places where they came out
alone on
surface. January Kristel lighting and healing wounds. Old
Egyptians turn with asphalt receive oil and balsumirale
mummies. Phoenicians with asphalt machkale the bottom of the
boat and
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lies about not leaking. This would just mention that

supporters of the theory of inorganic origin consider
impossible to produce large quantities of oil, only
the remains of extinct zhiivotni and herbs. They believe that
oil is created by carbon, mainly composed
the atmosphere at the time of the creation of the Earth's crust, as
today coming from inside the country with
volcanic lava. Oil today prestavuava immensely
treasure. It's hard to count all products
receive oil and its deribati are countless. Of
make various fuels, kerosene lighting, for the treatment of sheep
diseases of the legs. It is used for making dyes proivoI tested the candies and other products with the taste of strawberry,
apricot and
other fruits. If talk about the Macedonians which is produced from
oil will need thousands of pages. In R. Macedonia lot
people wonder and tested where there is oil and natural gas.
The answer is in the past decades have been made in ipituvanja
Vardar zone starting from Skopje, Kumanovo Basin
Ovce Pole and Tikvesh pool. Geological mapping,
Sediment with further examination suggests
that in these basins existed for creating so
called stem walls walls which together creates oil.
It has been proven to be created walls that could be
collectors. For this purpose pierced the deepest hole in the
Tikvesh basin between the village of Sopot and Kurti depth
of 2703 meters. In Ovchepole pool drilled three
deep holes from 1023 to 1910 meters thus confirming that
this pool is far deeper than poplitok Tikvesh pool.
When drilling the hole OP-1, which was close to the village
Erdzhelija a depth of 470 meters there was an eruption of gas
was immediately normalized and brought under control.
With ipituvanjeto during this eruption proved that the composition
gas was 70% nitrogen and 30% methane. The presence of methane

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show that it is a gas that has oil origin.
Not far from St. Nikola was pierced hole CH-1 to
depth of 1290 meters. It is determined infiltration of salt
water, which according to chemical analysis contains
approximately 20 g of
sodium chloride per liter. Because salt water is constant
companion of oil bearings and this data shows that
this basin had favorable conditions for the creation of oil. In
recent years talk about oil in the border wire
belt of Struga region. Here I gave an opinion and
opinion of many people who are competent in this area that
netreba we are preoccupied with oil and its
exploitation. I think R. Macedonia is a country of sun, with
natural beauty and should not pollute. Long
speaking country would be smart to use memory
production of food. Earth weather cycles
will make many changes, less food will have to be
most expensive and somewhat more expensive than oil. Therefore
R. Macedonia
has splendid scenery for manufacturing food and should not be
pollute, to preserve fertile fields, pastures and forests.
Nuclear materials
The development is a key for every country and it is always
associated with
energy use. The man so poalchen
pobrazo decrease classic energy resources.
Man is forced to look for new sources such as nuclear
raw-uranium ores. Our Republic Macedonia geological
composition and structural framework created conditions for the
formation of
nuclear materials especially uranium ore. Register

more occurrences of uranium ores. Major events and bearings

uranium ores are observed in many places. From the very
examined sites R. Macedonia has important bearings
reserves of uranium ores.
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Thermal waters and vapors
You never have to wonder what geologists-minerolozi water
is considered mineral resource. After its existence and way
the appearance it has all the properties of minerals.
Since its existence man water is used in various purposes,
starting from its biological maintenance, irrigation, to
energy feedstock. The thermal and mineral waters
man were known long ago. The beneficial impact
Water kiristele humans to treat various diseases and
wounds. Everywhere where bubbling to the surface thermal
Leads are built settlements, spas and stunning palaces as evidence
material innovations in Macedonian Archaeology. Sources
Heat can specify various processes which are taking shape
in the Earth's crust, various geochemical processes and
others. However
a single source can provide the necessary heat
creating geothermal bearings. Heat sources can
only be geological processes related to the movement of
magma from within the country. Interestingly, when
drilling geothermal bearings temperatures ranging from 200
up to 400 degrees Celsius. In R. Macedonia there are large
potential opportunities for the existence of geothermal resources
energy. Here there are spa resorts such as
Debar bathroom Kosovrasti, spa, Katlanovo, and Negorci
other. Our biggest mines still working in mineral
raw metals ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy

reached great progress.

Iron ores
Long ago, more than five thousand years man first
discovered iron and today made a great revolution
in facilitating the life of man. Today city oblakoDerry, once humanity and pin was complacent.
Iron in nature is rarely found in pure
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elemental form. The composition of the various minerals found in
quantities. Rudy who are important to iron: limonite,
Hematite, magnetite and the like. In ancient times the iron
Fusion mined in small clay, using the lower
part of the furnace coal as fuel to the seventeenth century, the coal
replaced with coke. Today is the most economical fuel use. For
Steel making was added nickel, chromium alloying to obtain
many improved features of these steels which are dignified. That
helps the steel to increase toughness, decreases
rasteganjeto. In R. Makedoniaja were very favorable geoloshko-structural conditions for the creation of large bearings
iron ore. Each country has its own
materials do not depend on others, and Macedonia has these
conditions, I
Hardware has in Skopje. R. Macedonia has a large bearing
of iron ore. In Western Macedonia has bearings
sideritsko-shamozhickata iron ore. Most mine
is certainly a modern mine Tajmiste its region. The
mine an area with more than 16 km space. There are
meet izdanoci of ore at an altitude of more than
1600 meters, and deep drilling has discovered ore
an altitude of 1050 meters. It is interesting that in

drilling depth in certain places is determined thickness

100 meters of mineral layer. Rudic is connected to the rail
line. Mine Demir Hisar is located between the villages and
Slepce. Also in this mine ore is similar to mine
Tajmiste. Is created by the deposition time
devonskiot period. Also this is a modern mine. In
Western Macedonia despite these mines are very familiar
bearings in Kopachaka, Kicevska village Judah village Malkoec,
Ivanchishte village, village fire Koaik and many others.
Mine Damian-Radovisko was eksplatiran before middle
century. Bukovic-bearing Pehcevski beside the village with
tests are laid down significant amounts limunitska
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iron ore. We will point out the time of the Jurassic and
dolgokredniot period in the western parts of the Vardar Zone
existed for creating lateritski layers. With
pretalozhuvanje created many important bearings
niklonosni iron ore. The biggest bearing is Rzhanovo.
Besides this deposit of iron ore has niklonosna and lezhishtata wedges Bojanchishte, Dradnja-Kavadarci bearings
in Prilep, Veles and others. Macedonian country is rich
foot of manganese ores. These bearings are in three separate
regions: Western Makedoniija, Vardar zone and KratovskoZletovska volcanic area. Manganese ore in Western
Macedonia created by deposition of a series of
Devonian rocks. Significant bearings on the mountain Stogovo
in the region of Upper Kopacka, its region, village Kuratica
Judah, village Ivanchishte here since the Roman period
smelting iron ore, Oak Village, village Gari village and Galinik

many other bearings. Of all the bearings is best examined

Stogovo mine are laid large reserves of ore, with
able to build a processing capacity. West
Macedonia is rich with manganese ore. In the Vardar Zone
known bearings Sirkovo, Skachinci and then the man and a
elsewhere. These bearings have the poor
manganese ores. Reserves are abundant in this area but
insufficiently investigated. Kratovo-Zletovska area ore is
tied to olive-zinc ores. Unlike other metals
chrome has long been known in humans, discovered 200
years, and applied to 100. R. Despite Macedonia
iron ore-rich ores of lead and zinc, copper together
it gold and silver. Notice appear tungsten
ore-Shelley appeared molybdenum in its region and still shooters
many other mineral occurrences. It has to be mentioned ores
antimony, meet arsenskata antimonski and minerals, calibration
minds minerals Lorndite, vrbait and ragenit. These minerals are
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rarity, because bearing Alshar is known worldwide. Raw materials
non-metals in Macedonia have a significant role in
economy will mention only someone like asbestos, gypsum and
anhydride, dist. diatomejska country feldspati, clays, quartz and
quartz sand, perlite, pumice and the like. R. Macedonia has
with significant raw potential for development of industry
decorative stone and marble. Major sites have in
Prilep region Kicevo region, Gostivar
and Tikves region. Deposits of quality marble has
countless other locations. Onyx has around
Tetovo. There are still many Deposits.
MINE Tajmiste

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Blast Boot, Kicevo
The communications section would Starter: where to go, where to
walk back again
in his hometown. In me is great excitement because
I know a lot about this area and decided on a new challenge.
Why? - I'll ask someone. - Yes, it is, this region or area
I can not say he was long known in the country as a brandMacedonia, Kopacka - Gossip and neighborhood area
Debarca Gossip is something special, something opislivo. They
to seupotrebat two words Beautiful beauty. Where to walk
listen buchenje water song of birds and the shumenje
leaves. I would add a word Green Kopacka. To
preserve this piece of modern beauty should go back
million years in the past occurred when large
geploshko-tectonic events. So today we have
name issue since late went back to the
protect our old roots, and without them life would be
former, late. Once we prihranime roots will be it
we were now the century. Therefore I can not describe
-brief period of the past. All we ask as
occurred in the world, we're talking about the area Kopacka,
Kicevska, sharp high peaks, mountains, rivers, valleys low,
Gorges and others. However, the great minds who wrote
prove themselves and their selfish theory left for
future generations is dousovrshat. Everyone looked again root

Earth, normal and their homeland. Among them there were

many differences, gradually came to a near true
root and achieved common compromise in the interest of
all countries. They made no difference whether it is China or
Europe was important to move forward. I'm writing because
our name or someone Macedonia Macedonian identity,
their stubbornness required to renamed or deleted the map
the country. It is impossible example geolochko-tectonic
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developments in the country, for me is a natural process in all
world will continue and there is no turning back. The faster it
decided it was better for the whole of Europe and the world
Macedonia and the Macedonians were part of all processes
past and will remain so for ever. I can imagine
was a million years ago in Kopacka, ruled Water
surface of the sea and the lake later. The terraces today
has reached the level where traces of water. High raw
mountains were like a dark green whales that
built water does not go in Ohrid part. The intersection is the
highlight or
one section to mix water. At the time of the quaternary
time streaming over dilivium-Ice Age, Europe was
very similar only with more land. In place of the present
Aegean Sea was Egeida mainland, while the islands today
Sardinia, Corsica and Elba was Tyrrhenian land. With
melting ice thick roof Egeida and Tyrrhenian land
covered with water so formed Mediterranean. Horse
end of diluvijum glaciers completely withdrawn, and
climate change and remains similar to today's. The most

Quarterly of the period is the appearance of man. He certainly

was the monkey, because today there are monkeys and
transformed into people. This write up stress
because it can not write to a small territory as R.
Macedonia or Kopacka area. It represents only a small part
large areas of Europe, where they switched DC
Miscellaneous Geological - tectonic events. At the time of paleozojskata era all Macedonian Peninsula late
kambriskiot period mainland rises. In Macedonia, 1974
the only mountain Stogovo found first
kambrijski tvorevini that are very rare, has the Bosphorus.
At that time the peninsula was land. Rodovskata table and shoot
apart which meant starting the Caledonian orogen phase
it helped to enter the sea in these parts. Residues
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sediment rocks found in Western Macedonia,
fossils of extinct corals. In trijaskiot period rises
mainland and occurs withdrawal of water from Macedonia. In
during the Upper Cretaceous period of great tactics
transgression. In trijanskiot period and the first period of jurski
the Mesozoic era is considered as a period of rest on the ground.
During this period several times and enters the sea again pulls the
Macedonian territory. In the Jurassic period begins
action of magnatizmot, pokrevajkji are huge masses of magma and
forming large arrays of the diabase melafiri. Somewhere back
form granite massifs of our territory. In
kenozojskata era reached its peak of the great Alpine
orogen phase. The consequence of these movements of the upper
kenozojskata early age in the first half of
Tertiary Period
seawater again covers

minimized parts of the Macedonian land. During this period the

today made quite trials of sedimentary rocks of
palegoenoto sea. In the latter part of the period tercialniot
palegoenoto sea retreats from Macedonia, and as a result
from creating many depression-valleys. In some
depressions retain water as a result create
then lakes. In that period the Vardar Zone remained
more lakes. These lakes were interconnected. Offline
Vardar zone formed Polog, Ohrid
Lake, Dorjanskoto and other lakes. In the period before
fifteen million years to less than one million
years, Macedonia was a land of many lakes surrounded by
high mountains. At the end of the period tercialniot lednichkoAlluvial age ends lake stage in the territory of
Macedonia. In that period expired by more lakes
newly river valleys, which were only lakes and
Today there: Ohrid, Prespa and Lake Dorjanskoto.
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The locations were once fertile lakes have
fields in our country. The terraces are witness what happened in
past. During the upper Tertiary age of the Neogene
our territory created several active volcano
areas. Thanks to these actions today have many
ore for exploitation. Late Paleogene and early Neogene
created are high mountains venereal mutually
connected. From this period in our country are found in more
sites for the evolution of the organic world. For all previously
written in the shortest terms in R. Macedonia podolk

period were performed research and collected facts

past. The goal is to know the truth, and the periods of
past that is important for our future. Here I would mention
that according to the terraces other millions of years ago is
separate part and can be called Upper and Lower. Upper Boot is
whole villages of survivors: Podviss Dobrenoec, Jaorec,
Lavchani, Dushugubica, Source, Klenoec, Ivanchishte, and Ehloec
Malkoec. Lower Kopacka is all villages survived:
Belica, goat, Svinjishta, Judah, otters, and Pappagiannis
Brzhdani. Upper and Lower Kopacka mainly make and glory
past. The population was to survive without the need to buy
anything-sustainability with many residents. Shoe was
always glorious, proud looking for their own rights. In the past
Despite these villages were still Kopacka forty villages
were destroyed after the ninth century. Some neighborhoods in
the Romans with the collapse of the millennium Macedonian
Empire much terror and survived from the criminal groups. Toga
of the villages have been destroyed, and at the time of the Ottoman
rule many of the old neighborhoods to the ground destroyed today
no longer exist. In Upper and Lower Kopacka population was
Macedonian fully with Christian religion. They made
is keep the faith and language regardless of lot
vekovnioto slavery. The population of the first part in all
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periods of revolutionary struggle in the Ilinden Uprising
and other major wars that followed then to liberation
scoring in 1945 of the last century, along with a whole
Kichevija. Suffice it to mention Duke Jordan peppers
Luke Guerov, Polezhinovski Mirko Milevsky and many others.
Today silent witnesses are monuments that have each step

which are written many names. These heroes have not

his life passed before the altar of lives
Macedonia unfortunately never felt the sweetness and size
the independence of their Macedonia.
Relief in Kopacka
No split of Kichevijata is wonderful area
Shoe. This area has an extremely mountainous relief. There
everywhere is surrounded by lofty mountains called the low
altitude of 500-100 meters, medium mountains
altitude of 1000-2000 meters high mountains
an altitude of 2000 meters to 2500 meters and higher.
Mountain Stogovo
In height and mountain relief will start with Mount
Stogovo with Babin ridge located Upper Kopacka height
of 2241 meter above the sea. From this ridge of Stogovo, Babin
steeply down to the overpass JAMA height 1507 meters above
sea which clung to Bistra. On the other
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hand mountain Stogovo down sideways over the top
Miroslajca height 1459 meters above sea level and descend
terrace as blending with the overpass intersection with a height of
1082 meters above the sea. Fold intersection with snaps
Goljak mountain top with Veli peak with a height of 1535 meters
above the sea. On the other side engages in top Vrshec
near the village Jaorec height of 1319 meters above the sea.
Considering the relief of Kopacka, man will remain breathless
the beauty and wonder of the sight of the heights. Lower
peaks are characterized by their occasional mild line
down, and some places too much hair and elongated.
From the high peaks and lower that descend to low

root of time, where the valleys created as a result of

radial motion-lowering blocks which have long
were filled with water and preached lakes. So today
very fertile and populated. The existence of the seas and lakes
in the distant past and today has a lot of debris on the
valleys and terraces above the valleys. Of interest is that any
Kopacka village has almost his mountain or peak that was
used by the population. There did dairies and pens for
storage of goods in the summer period or napasuvale
and it was summer vacation pets. When
I speak of relief as the author of this book, I can
say that the mountain Stogovo, foot I have spent all
roads, paths, places and villages throughout Kopacka. It got
done several times in the period 1974-1978 year. Him
I know every inch of the beautiful Kopacka and personally
recommend hunters and climbers is well known
mountain without a man is known to depart. More
centennial beech and oak forest covers the mountain
peaks which obliquely, somewhere slightly down to the foot. Man
we do not know now overgrown paths could be
can only happen to be wandering through the endless
forest. Special needs
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keep an eye on the vertical cave-not marked on top
Hole is very dangerous and unprotected. There are other steep
parts scabs that in tens of meters deep and which have
be taken. Relief in Kopacka is wild but beautiful landscape.
Climate and hydrography in Kopacka
Macedonia basically a moderate continental
climate. Shoe falls in part is almost the same climate
except in winter. Average temperature in Upper
Shoe is as temperature and other regions

in the country. Lower Kopacka low valleys and to have milder

climate. In Upper Kopacka summers are mostly warm and
temperature reaches 35 C, and in the
night down to bearable 18 C, it is
periods when there are long hot summers. In recent years
the XXI century feel in this region climate change.
There are times when the summers are not as hot, the nights are
However near the Mediterranean and Lake Ohrid here
change makes very good health and can be said
that is Mediterranean. Only in certain years or
cycles, winter is quite variable. In some years
In this section raining much snow as high as 2 meters. It is
happens every few years, and night temperatures are
down to -24 Celsius. It can be compared with crude
-estren mountain climate is not the same every year. There are
periods when snow rarely stays throughout the winter. Climate
changes in the world is gradually but surely feel in
Shoe. When we talk about the harsh mountain climate would
apart villages Ivanchishte and Ehloec. In the lower school
the climate is milder no major snow and higher temperatures
than in the mountain villages. The climate in the mountain villages
be often harsh and crude, with covenants villages without
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be accessed there. Woe to those people out there without
electricity, doctor
store and clean way. The village Popoec, Malkoec,
Dushugubica in better conditions as to time. Climate
village Podvis is milder, but there are times in the winter when
you know

and there to surprise with very low temperatures. The same

applies to villages Dobrenoec, Jaorec and Lavchani. Can
write that climate Kopacka reflects all year
times know when spring, summer, autumn and winter. In the
Ivanchishte typical in spring to late March
April to blow strong winds that they know to do and damages.
Pejsash of Kopacka - village Ivanchishte
40 years ago the climate in this region was very different
than now. The mountain snow remained from Stogovo
one winter to another winter. In recent years he has been a rarity
to such things happen and nothing can be predicted. In
January month last few years that snow falls
retains little longer. In Lower Kopacka include villages
Belica, goat, Svinjishta, Pappagiannis and Brzhdani. In these
school climate is not much of a different climate in Upper
Shoe. In some villages are less altitude
milder climate is basically continental. River
fever has affected certain regions and villages at
near its bed. In winter snow there in these
villages inevitably it in smaller quantities. Summers are hot and
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very crisp nights
and pleasant. Big difference for
citizens will decide at least ten days in some of the
villages of Kopacka. There will sleep well you forget
short hot aslfalt will rectify blood counts and
strengthen its orgamizam. So it is in winter, fresh air
The source of the River Fever
drunk and beautiful beautiful landscapes. Hydrography in
as a whole is very rich in rivers smaller rivers, streams,

springs, etc.
basins. The mountain has Stogovo
Other another glacial lake whose depth summer
time is up to one meter. This pond is a wonderful sight
where the sun's rays refract in color from zelenkastata
water pond. Beauty and magic of Upper Kopacka
Fever River rises in the past called the great river, the
springs from the village Source. Mountain reljev of Kopacka gives
opportunity to be rich waters. Ivanechka River replenish sources
from RAKIDA, Lekomlache and the other side of Miroslajca,
Smrdeshechki dollars and other surrounding hills. Ehloechka Reka
filled springs that originate from Bachilishte, Uzhinica,
Bozhinaraven other. These two rivers merge into one
Prosishte place. The one kilometer and Ehloechkata
Ivanechkata River joins in a certain period of
year and pit river. These three rivers help along the way
smaller and larger sources. The village Source these rivers
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merge with River Fever. The village Dobrenoec river rises
Studencica which has a great yield and has the fastest time,
soon joins the River Fever. River Fever continues
further with her attendants, casually collect
larger and smaller rivers. Today River Fever filling
Kozjak artificial lake which is one of the largest of such
lakes in the region and possibly in Europe. There must be agreeThe artificial lake Kozjak
mnemo Belichka clear and clean river. It is worth mentioning
that Upper and Lower Kopacka have large reserves
drinking, clean drinking water. This divine liquid means
life should be carefully preserved, nurtured and unpolluted.
I have a recommendation to forest farms lead
greater care in exploitation of forests, leaving

more ageless trees beech and oak in particular in the regions of

Cold water and Miroslajca. They are located in the Cadastral
Borough Ivanchishte village because there are large
quantities of drinking water. He bared space if you can
avoid endangering sources Cold water in a pinch
to jeopardize the source of the River Fever. Relief and
composition of the land in these regions is very erosive and would
lost large amounts of water for future generations.
Animal and plant life would be changed and destroyed.
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Great damage was done when more years
wildly irresponsible diggers sand bed of crushed
Ivanechka, Ehloechka and pit river has consequences to
denes.Ovie rivers were full of fish indigenous trout, catfish and
other species mrestea in the upper reaches of the river Ivanechka.
It is a great loss to these places as ample and clear
clean water one can drink freely from the river. These
Rivers know sometimes especially in the spring months make
bringing great damage with him on bed. All villages
Upper and Lower Kopacka boast many rural
fountains. The water fountains are they written a hundred years
as easy, healthy drinking water was a rarity.
A fountain in the village Ivanchishte
In Kopacka and is a source of so-called acidic water
actually they are mineral waters. People use them for various
especially kidney diseases. Here should be mentioned for
former little pond on the site which Smrdeshtica
according to the records of the philosopher Maximilian Katsura in
period XIV-XV century peasants was excavated channel and
discharged water to capture the Ivanechka River.

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Soil types in Kopacka
Kicevo valley is rich alluvial soils, which are
caused by sediments from rivers and their deposition in
lowland areas. These soils are very rich and suitable for
Fruit. Deluvijalnite soils are created when erosion
the hills and valleys. These soils average
modest in humus, and are prevalent in Kopacka. Soils
from crvenicata not occupy a large space in the region and
meet-tech here in some rural areas that are very rare.
Crvenicata is low in humus, she is still considered
average fertile soil. Brown soils formed under
influence of oak and beech trees. Such soils have
mostly at altitudes above 400 meters. These soils are
represented in several places in Kopacka. Brown soils
suitable for sowing rye, planting potatoes, apples, pears,
plums, cherries and other fruits. R. Macedonia is characterized
the great treasure of flora and fauna. Important
factors that contribute to the large bio-geographical
diversity specific geographical position, its
connection with the southern and northern influences. In Kopacka
impact and various relief and geological composition. Here you
conclude why accommodate deployment of flora and
fauna precisely in these areas which are separated by large
distances, but differ greatly.
Flora and fauna Kopacka
Boot is a special area when it comes to animal and
plants. Plant life starts from the valleys
to villages that are placed on their terraces. Besides rivers
has mostly fir trees, and as we go so is

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more frequent oak. There are several types of oak trees
Depending on the height and place position. This tree is first
Classes and grow up to a height of over 1,000 meters above the
Immediately after the oak continues premium noise that
grow up to 1700 meters above the sea. On this
sea level rise and well managed and iglorisnoto pine tree.
Besides it manages black and white pine, spruce stands and more.
Shoe is rich in fir, hornbeam, birch, aspen and other
deciduous trees. In certain regions of Kopacka has huge
more centennial trees grow and every aspect of them is
breathtaking. These forests have mostly Ivanchishte and
surrounding mountain peaks. Iglorisnite trees are represented in
this region and are well advanced and in all parts of
Shoe. Forests are the lungs of each country and is also
zazhtita axis and erosion. The flora is
very rich and diverse, depending on climate, water and
the composition of the soil. As forests are most common in
mountainous areas Kopacka and the level of R.
Macedonia occupy over 30%. Since forests are the most prevalent
deciduous and mixed forests and forest iglorisnite. Here you
mentioning that in many parts of Kopacka is represented
maple, ash and juniper that well managed. Shoe is rich
and grassland vegetation educate meadows and pastures.
Meadows has everywhere, especially in the vicinity of the sources,
ponds and the rivers they are overgrown meadow with indigenous
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grass, yellow and red clover and many other grasses
indigenous to this area Kopacka. Pastures are quite
prevalent and can be divided into flat and high
mountain. Lowland meadows are less than high
mountain, because nizinskata soil used for many
plantations and other needs of the population. High mountain
pastures are rich with lush grass and very beneficial herbs. In
higher mountain pastures is represented borovnicata,
Mali Kapil various teas and many other fruits. In
lowland pastures are represented all previously listed
fruits and supplement would add rod, hawthorn
trninkite, wild strawberry and many other Plodine.
The smell of wild indigenous Ljubicice-violets spring
When the flowers with her distinctive and pleasant smell it
attracts the attention of every good traveler. Here you can
mentioning yellowness spring of kaklikata-primrose, petoprsot
growing on the higher parts of the pastures, mountain flowers,
beautiful iris which is most common on the ridge and Jama
mountain green tea. In Kopacka there's no number herbs
flowers and trees and botanists who need to study.
The population needs to preserve this treasure that is
inherit the next generation. Cultural plants can
be grown anywhere in villages Kopacka. Industriskithese plants, vegetables and fruits come in all varieties. Not
We must not forget the fruits that nature gives us
such as fungi and mushrooms. The most common types are porcini
lisicharka and mushrooms. These forms should be well knowledge
vaat and are quite useful for food or to be odkupuvaat
improving and the family budget.
Fauna Kopacka is quite versatile, characteristic
istichen for certain who depend on natural conditions and
diversity of flora and fauna.

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Fungi - porcini mushrooms and lisicharka
Wild animals from the confines of Kopacka
Some species of wildlife living in the lower
parts, rivers, forests, kamenjarite, caves and other
places. Mediterranean fauna occupies the portion of Kopacka and
though average European fauna is most widespread in
mountainous areas in summer and in winter down
Low to villages. Here are the brown bear, mrsharkata,
wolf, wild boar, wild goat, deer, fox and
wild rabbit is already before the disappearance. Characteristic in a
Wild animals in the lower parts of Kopacka
following years of large population Cooney who
proliferated too even entering their homes. For
It is notable that the region still in the village IvanchishtaPage 63

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Cold water, gum breed wild cats that
rare, and there were a few couples rare lynx.
Ververichkata decorated decor of wood, and otters and Ferrets
encountered along rivers where multiply. In Kopacka
live many diverse species of birds, unfortunately some of them
they were very beautiful and characteristic disappeared. From
possible to list only as part eagle, hawk wild
Laying it is still struggling from opponents as
Rare pride of nature
as kuna and fox. Regular and permanent residents are birds
Partridge, Buffon, jackdaw, green, and crvenit

blue kukajdrvec, sojkata more types of crows, snegarec,

nightingale, tresopejka-Plowman, konoparec and many other types
the birds. Characteristic of all countries and that Macedonia
Wild birds Kopacka
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sparrow has in large groups and is the most bird for
all conditions. Here we will mention how special and konoparecot. He is very nice and the plug makes it houses.
From reptiles live various kinds of lizards, green and
kapitalec brown, wall lizard and kamenjarite more types
of vipers, some very rare, and fig kapitalec
other. Nesmeeme to forget our turtle that is very
especially beloved by children, unfortunately many of these
turtles go across the border from resellers. In the past
Ivanechka, Ehloechka, Belichka were very rich in trout
indigenous to this region. Through these rivers were other
typical river fish species and river shrimp. In
Shoe still has the mammalian type bats successfully
multiplies. Here we must mention that in this region
live more than five thousand spiders, grasshoppers, butterflies and
leptiri. frogs are inevitable and has more species
Kopacka area. Besides wild fauna are Kopacka
grown and farm animals. The first is of course
sheep, goat, horse, donkey, cattle, pigs and keeper
Pets in Kopacka
house and cattle dog, also milenichkata all domakjibers, the cat. Since birds are reared chicken, rooster,
less goose turkey, duck and the like. For hunters can
mentioning that Kopacka area is beautiful and richest wild
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pigs especially in Upper Kopacka. Terms of them surviving
vuvanje there is food in abundance have therefore recommended
hunt when there are major snowfall. Keep the plant and
fauna of balance in nature and also have
something to be proud of coming generations of Macedonia
future. Any not proportional doing damage to any part
or violate the right kind of natural equality of choveIvory and its surroundings.
Agriculture in Kopacka
In the past millennia of when man appeared
agriculture was part of it. The man from the very
beginning began to deal with agriculture, which gradually
unapreduval so de today when the highest branches. In
Shoe population is engaged in agriculture forever. To
1970 Kopacka in every village agriculture prestavuyour survival of the population. By then it was almost
each field with wheat, Contents, barley, corn and other crops.
The view of the field at that time was wonderful in summer, are
Talas wheat with its golden color. People living
mostly what you sow. They were the only income
someone might have for survival. Villages were
capable of survival and survival only. In this period
hardly a thought to leave the village. School
yards were full of students and villages with many residents.
Collected planted crops gave good fruit. Harvesting
was manually, performance or collection of grains was manually
hoist with the wind. Someone had machines where possible
gathered grain. Straw is used for food for cattle
The weeds of making mud spread-plastering of houses.
In this period Kopacka was a wonderful place to live.

People were staring at work in the fields and had been unaffected
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city, but vice versa. Rich villages-rich state. In the villages of
Shoe managed and industrial plants, gardening
plants, fruit and even vines were home for wine
brandy. Older people know which levels you born and what can
succeed. Certain places are sowed Ur, leshta, along rivers
grown hemp and opium poppy. Vegetables were
represented then and today planted the old seed varieties
the peppers patlizhani, leeks, kromit, cabbage, beets, cauliflower
many rstenija. These annual crops fail today
Potato from Kopacka
great. Not forgotten the taste of these products with pure
Organic manufacturing. Wheat was quite widespread,
especially in Lower Kopacka. Potatoes red, white was like
sugar. He now manages well in all the villages in this area.
Cereals in Kopacka
Potatoes are planted and over 1,500 meters above sea great
success. Pumpkin is a great success and is planted with
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corn and used as food. Old seed
material peppers had weathered the great yield. They
succeeded in extreme conditions. A part of the peppers are
Dried and ground pepper mills. Maize good
has progressed and it is ground corn flour. Urov
used for livestock, and some bake and then grind

I drank coffee that old people helping to regulate

blood pressure, get more energy for work.
Briefly stated everything is planted, it is managed as
worked had what it takes to japomine year to
new seidaba. Gardening at the time was the most widespread
together with cereals. Fruit production was high
level. In the past, to more fertile land trees
Fruit of Kopacka
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are planted on the edges or boundaries can be plow. In
this period orchards were accomplished all regulations. From
fruits most species had jonotanot, delishecot, blagachot,
Aydar, ajvankata, gjulabijata and other varieties of apples. Pears
managed and were annually Rodney especially many types of
wild pears. Planted and pears which progressed from nursery
great. indigenous varieties of pears and apples were too
Rodney, and are made brandy fed cattle
wildlife. Here it should be mentioned and many varieties of
wild apple-kiselachki that today gather them redeemed
the processing capacity of the industry. Wild
Apple is a great natural remedy for fat in the blood and
pressure. Wild pears are rich in vitamins
and minerals. The climatic conditions are suitable for the cherries.
Cherry bleak old indigenous variety that is used for
eating and making sweet. Black cherries and wild cherries
who fail to height over 1,000 meters above sea useful
Summer fruits. If you were not good then the bear would not
bother to climb trees of cherries and pears, wild
apples enjoying the fruits. These fruits are plentiful food
and the birds that washed seeds and rich in humus
themselves popping stvarajkji new stems of trees. Nature
gave the man and he is always insatiable. Walnut is quite

for entry into Upper Kopacka where great manages a good race.
Of all the fruits najotporen spring frosts is jonotoNott and most gentle walnut. We must not forget the plum
which in these regions is progressing well and has great con-.
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shuvachka. The big plum-old variety is delicious premnugu
and dark fruit is beneficial for the human body.
Dzhagalkata, modrachkite and many other species are collected
for manufacturing of brandy. Today not just gardens, but plums
there is always a person who collects. Old stills still smoking
and the smell of brandy. Rarely if ever will kind of plums
because docnezhen spring ice collected old wild trnoplums, wild pears or apples and makes chimney podocana
it boil brandy. At some time in the villages of Kopacka are
sowed and tobacco. The low price and great effort this
Industrial culture after three or four years are not planted.
When writing about agriculture must be noted that
processed with plow-plow with oxen or horse traction. Of
remember when Orava fields in the old village of certain
places are met broken ceramic tiles from old times.
This could write endlessly on another occasion.
Ranching, cattle, goat and another in
Farming is an inseparable part of human life, which
Despite agriculture means survival and life. We know that
livestock and humans are unbreakable cord that attracted
from time immemorial. In Kopacka farming in the past been
the first step of the life of people. The mountain Stogovo
herding her more than 20,000 sheep from surrounding
villages. The sheep is very
noble pet the man gives milk
offspring and this requires large branch Lubos to preserve.

Old indigenous varieties of sheep were very resistant but gives

less milk, and it depended on food. Interesting were
flocks of sheep which had their own leaders-sheep, which were so
smart as the voice of the owner recognize and podolk
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period not to see. For my own sheep and horse
great intelligence something like shepherd dog. Villagers
Milk from March to June alone did in quality sheep
cheese and today can be found. In June month sheep
went to the mountains, and here in Stogovo. Mt.
Flock of sheep in the pasture Kopachaka
abounds with big juicy grass in pastures and abundant
water. In sheepfold Stogovo sheep spent their summer holidays
until September
because in those years often falling snow in October
ever before. Sheep cheese sold as halva and
demanded more edge. These times do not think it will come back
ever. Catastrophic laws FNRJ ostaviaja large
consequences for the Macedonian village. In winter the sheep are
in kjevarite-Curse of barns or lower part of the ground
houses were protected from the harsh winter. Many
heeded the food they were given mostly meadow
hay. In the time before the blankets and clothing for men
was made of wool. Besides farming especially in Upper
Shoe were many goats. Goats are also elegant home
animals which are more economical for growing sheep.
Goats collect only herbs that they dislike and
clean when they feed them. Each house has at least 100 goats,
households and 500 goats and more. People were satisfied

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milk and meat. Zamisletesi government then faderacija
brings terrible decision-death sentence for the goats, sad. With
law all goats are slaughtered under the supervision of the
authorities and the people
Plucking hair knowing that the day is near when no meat. Of
rebelled but many were imprisoned, beaten villagers empty
sheep from goats. The rationale was that goats are destroyed
forests and were harmful to nature. After some time
peasants and citizens, all were concerned, they discovered that our
Macedonian politicians at that time in the top of the republic
were central to the idea of destroying the goats. Later
revealed that the meat in advance any of Tito and companystate robber with Macedonian pilgrim also said all villagers.
Agreed was all meat to be sent to the USSR and
African countries, the Middle East. Big mistake, sin, unishtuvanje of his people and I do not know what to use for such
fraud. Thinking only of his chair and splendor and
destroy his people is a great crime and advanced smart
countries judge-imprisonment. Because nobody has even
mentioned as
usurped power with various political mestenki. Their
names are not mentioned and the graves do not know because
secretly buried and his people do not feel like your own. The same
case as Hitler secretly went to Argentina and there
lived until 13 February 1962 when he died. They are not
nothing different with respect to it. Since that law is afI and my grandparents who have lost goats remained empty.
Livestock in Kopacka has a large growth in the period
after the war. Then every house had at least one chivt oxen
and cows. Beef is also a noble animal. The man many
long ago it tamed and was awarded the milk, meat, leather

which meant life. Livestock require heavy investments and

more space, more food and other things. Villages in Kopacka
had its own indigenous breed of cows and cattle not
were very large but were imaginative and faster because they had
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great weight. Milk was first class only provides
less than shtalskite races imported today. On the other
were conducted on resistant diseases and fed and steep
pastures whether stonemasons or plains. In Lower
Shoe were more privileged villagers because despite
rivers in the plains had a breed of corn fields.
Upper Kopacka still had a number of sheep and goats.
Poultry was almost equally widespread in
Lower and Upper Kopacka. House without a hen and a rooster
was not
imagine the house without a host. The egg was more like water
Demand for fast food was a herdsman, goatherds or guest
Poultry - old varieties of Kopacka
The chicken was a clock in any house, without him was not
zamisliin as ornament and pride of each host as decided by
chicks that are performed to select leader bunishteto.
Poultry and passed periods and I recall with
finch disease and dying birds. Many chickens are
washed up in various places at least some to survive. You can
Coco imagine these birds were free from morning till night
Eating the houses and came to lay eggs again
went. At night, got dinner and go to bed early, in
dark were all lined up like an army. Eagles at the time and

hawks attacked a lot, but had for them and for hosts
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so both sides were satisfied.
Kopachka geography is composed of whole villages. Some
villages for centuries and centuries managed to survive under the
slavery of various
conquerors, oppressors, assimilatory and colonizers. Toga
passed through various turbulences, constantly having to flee
mountains to save her. That time which lasted for centuries
did not end. Another growing problem they preached the criminal
groups were potpotmognati of conquerors take them are
and ultimately burned their houses. Today it is difficult to
understand why younger generations need to respect
its species and also his home state of Macedonia.
The area Kopacka, Kicevska been inhabited since ancient times.
According to all available books written in the past there forever
lived peoples of Macedonian strains Macedonians. Claim
that were Paionians oldest and Brigitte who were part of
Macedonian tribes-people. This area many times
especially in the last years of the twentieth century was ravaged by
foundation. Stolen grain, livestock and children taken at the end
burned houses and old people who were in the villages were
tortured and killed. Unfortunately none of the major democratic
was interested in these events all the premolchuvale.
Upper Kopacka had at one time deal with Ottoman
Imperia a small convenience or vassal relations provided
to pay what was agreed in gold and if necessary
more than what was agreed. Always agreed not
complied. Aram ravaged by villages and whole Kopacka
Macedonia. The askerot it does not always have supported

because you could not pay him tribute. I have told

events, when robbers will ubiele any of askerot, then you
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nasamarele villagers. Army not believing in telling
Christians Macedonians took action, killing more villagers
villages and set them on fire. At that time existed and Kopacka
There were more than 35 villages. Some were large, some were
smaller and today there are only seven villages in Lower Kopacka
and eleven villages Upper Kopacka. According manuscripts
picked up in 1380 by Dmitry Katsura were 45 villages
rich in grain and livestock. It later philosopher
Maximilian Katsura, originated from the village where Ivanchishte
born, lived in several cities of ethnic Macedonia and
life ended in Ephesus. Maximilian Katsura-Brsjak are
educated in Rome. There ends medicine, his desire
was to study philosophy. His father Aris Katsura-Brsjak,
was a wealthy man, and lived in old Ivanchishte-flat. He
returned again his son Maximilian in Rome to
studied philosophy. Maximilian after works
some time in Rome and became one of najshkoluvanite
Macedonians in that period. After many years spent in Rome
Maximilian Katsura-Brsjak Rome moved to Ephesus.
It is worth mentioning that he wrote more than five languages.
In his soul still somewhat defeated him wanting to know and
Write for Macedonians and Macedonia. It described the villages of
Shoe especially village Ivanchishte, Kicheviejata, villages of
Debarca borough and Ohrid, Prespa borough to Korce
and Golo Brdo. She writes for many other villages and places an
Macedonia. Unfortunately only a small part of the manuscripts are
stored in

private collections. Other manuscripts are considered and taken

Athos storage because it is considered as its own. All
manuscripts of Macedonians Kacuri- Read Brsjaci, collected by
Heritage Marco Katsura Jr. who in 1935 the processors
head and preserved. After the release of R. Macedonia after
World War through intermediaries offered to the then
heads of R. Macedonia. And the leaders of communication
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stichkata party after the liberation considered foreign
dzhavjanin-capitalist, because he had a foreign passport and not
let them in Macedonia. All manuscripts today
scattered around the world in private collections. Descendants of
Katsura Jr. now has in Australia, USA, Canada, Argentiof Egypt and other countries. Mark Katsura Junior-Brsjakot died
in 1945 in Australia. His grandfather Mark Katsura
died in died again in Lebanon in 1811, was born in
Ivanchishte in 1730. At times they lived in Kopacka
and egzistirsle many settlements since the time of ancient
Macedonian Empire, the Roman times to the fifteenth
century. With
After the Ottoman conquest villages were systematically destroyed
today exist only in 18 villages Kopacka, Kicevska. It is
villages in Lower and Upper Kopacka Kopachaka. These villages
egzistidown and exist today. The area of the destroyed villages
were only walls or piles of stone. It villages
Lapusnik of JAMA, angrily near Orlov stumbling Ivanechka
territory, Flat, Flat, Canon, tombs, and (all of Ivanechka
territory), Monastery (Klenoec) Old village Popoechko, inn,
Smrdeshechki Dole, Bachilishte as the Ivanechka territory.

There are many other areas that now will not mention
which have existed since the time of the ancient Macedonian
because that part was as a critical point in the period from
Mount Korab, Stogovo there penetrated other
tribes peoples cries. Other destroyed neighborhoods, villages
Lukoec, Gradiste Malezica, these villages were destroyed by
After the Ottoman conquest, and were utvdeni such settlements
antiquity. All villages in Kopacka are built on the principle
tightly packed houses at gender and each gender separately. The
village Ivanchishte
is considered one of the oldest as it was last
protection zone in some ancient times. This village
experienced great displacement after the attack on the Ottomans
Katsura-Brsjacite, Macedonians from the old village Flat.
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Later today Ivanchishte shape, are preseluvakji
villagers from the river side to the other. It has
written in Turkish notepads else that remained
gender Katsura today Kacurovci and Janchevci race Macedonians.
In that period in 1620 was built the first house in
Today Ivanchishte of Isaac Katsura-Brsjakot. Later
Ottoman burned in 1771 and was re renewal
vein. In these villages today naseleie live somewhere more
less. The houses are popravaaat and build new lives Kopacka
and with a little help from the authorities is forgotten could
develop rural tourism. In the past and today Kopacka
mean disobedience, keeping their kind, custom, language, church
that characterized the Macedonians as a separate nation. In

every village you will find only the monuments which are listed
fallen heroes, fighters in wars of national Release
blowing and creating a state of Macedonia. We today
should be proud that in such times people are born with
great visions for the future of this country. I do not understand
another major democracies that govern the continent is
fear R. Macedonia. They should be proud of that one
people after so many centuries of slavery managed to create a
Voodredeni circles may be thought to have been born or will
new born Philip of Macedonia and Alexander of Macedonia and
lose power. If they nonexistent, imposed
problems created by Greece, and not only that, then opens
wide, clean, quiet room for cooperation of the fraternal peoples of
Greece and Macedonia. Greek and Macedonian people always
helped each other, and are now helping and working together, but
stubbornness and
politics are involved. In Macedonia, no no illusions
will update the old empire it as if you mean to
ride to Mars and Nazarenko. Too bad that the worm is great
few bites inside apple country, fed by foreign
interests. The friendship and assistance between nations is
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greatest treasure that Macedonia has with many countries and
nations. Shoe was always and still is, suitable for
rural tourism, other old houses and homes
interesting for the visitors. So I think this area needs to
Macedonia law to protect and to declare environmental
Kopacka clean zone. To prohibit any exploitation of

huge, thick forests more centennial oak and beech. They are
crucial for the existence of the springs of drinking water in the
region and perhaps beyond. According to a theory of people
you know this is the area claim that Mount Stogovo
environment with peaks descending toward Kopacka over large
Lakes-tanks of drinking water is gradually lost. Culprit
is certainly a man. At the end of this introduction will start
walk to existing and destroyed villages in Kopacka that
there remains a manuscript of the past. Shoe as
separate area possesses beautiful nature clean drinking water,
forests, herbs, gorges as a remnant of the former sea and
Lake later. Preserved old houses are used as
sometimes you just need to create conditions in kumunalnata
and roads. Boot has always been inhabited by strain KacuriBrsjaci and a small portion of all kinds Mijaks Macedonians. Now
live a new life in the Independent Republic of Macedonia.
Village Pappagiannis
Pappagiannis village located on the river side of the lev
Fever former Big River, when traveling from Kicevo to
Ohrid. The village is situated on Pappagiannis vosochina of 635
above the sea. Unlike mountain villages Kopacka village
can be said is lowland. The location of the village
friendly and close to the main road Kicevo-Ohrid. High
parts ogrdeni forest. Rural lands planted and
manage more crops that successfully advance.
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The coarse and fine cattle is represented as normal for all
villages. This village can be said to be slowly becoming suburban
settlement Kicevo. Village is a water supply, and

because people are close to the city can work there, and
after work to return to the village to work in the fields to
supplement the family budget. The village is represented
The alluvial soil types. The village had Pappagiannis and
other villages rich but difficult past. That space was
old settlement Obezishta. This settlement dated more
the period of the ancient Macedonian kingdom. During
the king Perdiccas III, Philip II of Macedonia and king
Alexander III of Macedonia, the settlement was good mestopolozhba found as a military base in winter.
Village Pappagiannis
The population at that time was the strain Katsura-Brsjaci, gender
Macedonians. As long as there was a great empire Macedonia
this settlement had great progress. With the collapse of
this kingdom of Macedonia, things have changed. After a
period this area speak the winners Romans. In
the time of the Roman Empire the population had duties to
state but no some tough times as is the case in
other villages. It means unprecedented village destroyed. Between
to V century BC village was found on the impact of various
Aramisko bands coming, looted and leave.
Roman army left this village because its obligations.
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In that period Obezishta village was burned and destroyed by
foundation of various Aramisko bands who came and went in
PLAN. Longer term prezhivianite residents
hiding in other villages and mountains. After that residents
turn back to their country and fireplace. Sprang another
neighborhood that is called monks. During the reign of
Byzantine Macedonia, especially Justinian, the village received
special status as well as the surrounding villages. Any protects
helps to cultivate land. Interestingly, and in

During the reign of the Macedonian dynasty headed by

Basil II there were no problems with the population. For
noted period under Emperor and Volkasin
his son, Emperor Marcus, this period can be compared as
calm as the period when there Macedonian Empire
BC After the death of King and Emperor Marcus Volkasin
Ottoman army with all heat hit in Macedonia and
and the village that had destroyed, wanting to prove that they are
rulers and no one else. Peaceful life it can also be
said was completed. This applies to all villages and Kichevijata
Macedonia. Villagers with Christian faith, Orthodox gender
Macedonia passed the hardest. Besides large pressures
threats to our people for the life not like to hand over to
handful pounds his faith. Managed to preserve traditions,
language and all its traditional rites for any celebration or
mourning. Ottoman armies destroy this again
Places where there was very long ago. Shoe, Kicevska
is still not explored area. In this area are many hidden
secrets since prehistory. It applies to all villages
existed and were later destroyed. In village after destruction
tactics longer dead time where there was no dog barked loudly.
The times were such that residents fear had nowhere to
return. With negotiations between Bey and prominent villagers
completed successfully, the villagers return and form
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Pappagiannis village today. In the past, residents and odreeni
occupiers looked after in Kopacka welfare treasure. In the village
Pappagiannis found old items, bronze coins
silver and gold. Found and old cemetery with plates.
Where the dead were found old items, bracelets,
Necklaces, ushnici another. These sissy occurred most

at the beginning of the XX century. Then daily skvernavele

old cemetery and disturbed the dead ancestors, and also
and our history, culture and identity. Found old
leaving things in neighboring countries who appropriated as
own. Unfortunately it is not their identity but it is
identity code and the Macedonians. It happens today in
XXI century the Macedonian people wonder when each
Macedonian know on whose land they made Those who negate
Macedonia has Kopacka as eco area but incomplete,
insufficient archaeological explored. Time slowly out of our
light many secrets from the past to the Macedonians. Macedonia
had past millennia and millennia and has a large bright
future. Too bad some moths must to know or do not want to
Swat, which meant, then the Macedonian civilization
antiquity to the present, for us and the world. The population in
the village
Pappagiannis always either strain Katsura-Brsjaci and gender
Macedonians. Religion of the population was always
Christian Orthodox it is today. From this village has quite
participants in all wars and especially during the Second World
Today the village Pappagiannis live with hope for a better
Independent Republic Macedonia
Village Podvis
Podvis village is interesting because these spaces are hidden
many secrets. Name it diobilo according to the amount of hillheights:
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it is
settled under heights-hill. Village
is situated in the valley of the river
Fever former major river.
The climate in winter is
quite sharp, but is smaller
snowfall. The village Podvis
lies nadmorka height of 650 meters to 668 meters. The
place position of the village is the accepted level as village
Pappagiannis. Old village on the hill was long ago utvdeno
since vrermeto Ancient royal Macedonia before BC
Later Roman varstvo used this space
certain military actions. According to the manuscripts of Mark
Junior collected in a collection, and dating from the period of 1380
year processed in 1935 the village was called city locations.
In a written name was used as a city. This old
village or town was inhabited by Macedonians strain KacuriBrsjaci who tsarist Macedonia moved to another
large group of site behind Stone and Golo Brdo. Gradually
this place Stanwell strategic point in tsarist
Macedonia, and later during the Roman Empire.
Macedonians-Katsura gradually descending and occupied the
this strategic location. In this area there were favorable
living conditions. At that time very quickly Gradiste
progressed and became a small town only sustainable. Valley
Big River was the place where everyone had to pass by
caravans which passed the other kingdoms. During
Macedonian king Mark and his father Volkasin Ottomans for

one day cries Gradiste later zapaluvaat and

destroyed to the ground. Macedonians from that village managed
escape and blend them into the surrounding villages and so
survived. This village was an important time for which there are
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things to explore and over time to
come to light. Survivors are residents of Gradiste
back to today's space Podvis village where build
their homes. Today Podvis village is located near
Treska passes road Kicevo-Ohrid. Of
right side of the hill from the road builds new modern
Highway Kicevo-Ohrid. Podvis village is quite convenient
Living close to the main road and Kicevo. The environment
is wound with low noise and parts farmland.
The land in the village is rich in alluvial soils that are
caused by deposition in the lowland parts of the rivers, there
other soils. The village Podvis manage all types of
crops and fruit varieties. Here it should be mentioned
that today the village has a lot of progress and beekeeping.
Podvis village around has rich flora and
Wildlife. The village is grown big and small
livestock, poultry. There are well advanced gardening
plants and fruit trees. The population believes that there is
Kuzman Kapidan born. The population is old Macedonian
Katsura-kind Brsjaci by birth have always been and
Macedonians. In
religion are Christians, and the Orthodox have always been
past. All residents are natives, tech-here someone has thus
Lenny. Podvis boasts with the old school where
held various meetings during the Second World

War and was learning the Macedonian language. Villagers war

accepted since the beginning of the many witness
fighters and killed in the war in Macedonia.
Village Dobreonec
Dobroenoc village next to the river and can Studencica
are said to belong to the lower villages, but the mountain
climate. Dobrenoec village is divided into two parts Upper
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is located at an altitude of 752 meters and lower
Dobreonec is located at an altitude of 700 meters.
The village is like other villages with beautiful scenery,
forest and valley section has fields for processing more
crops, especially corn. The village Dobrenoec not new settlement
because there is an old village which was since the ancient times.
Conquerors and robbers laid waste the old village to the ground,
similar to other places in Macedonia. Back in time
Ancient royal Macedonia, these villages were full of life.
In this village is developed agriculture and animal husbandry as
characteristic of a bygone era. The village is Dobreonec
composed of native that during devastation through
past centuries raseluvale, migrated and then returned to
their country. Here lived Macedonians strain Katsura-Brsjaci
always. Their religion was now a Christian,
Orthodox religion. It is interesting to note that according to
manuscripts village after the ravages of old village 16 years
was frozen. The water was very important for the Romans, but
never able to agree with the villagers. During
rule of the Ottoman Empire old village was completely
destroyed, and residents hid in the villages of Kopacka. I agreeVillage Dobrenoec

mnuva that a well created today's village and after

received any name. I of my manuscripts were available for
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Kichevijata, especially Kopacka otherwise stated. Dobrenoec it
named after the welfare of the water at the time of
rule of plague and other diseases in the Middle Ages. Water is
well-being of many species in the field. Other various
narratives were transmitted from generation to generation. The
village is
represented alluvial soil, which allows to
grown vegetables, corn and fruit.
This village has today and economic progress. A few
decades without the approval of the river villages
Studencica was taken with water in Prilep, and the village and
Kicevo today remain without water. This will judge
future generations if any fair or not. I am not against
that everyone in this country should have basic living conditions,
that was attached or Kicevo. However zhitelitdze of this village
today resent the taking of water, so when they said
visited and talked with them. The village is surrounded by
beautiful forests
and hills, moderate climate of the villages in the mountainous
region. All
Villagers are Macedonians, natives, but there were occasional as
moved here. The villages Kopacka, vest can write
much of the past amenities you need to come
generations to keep. Today the village is still working
fields and in summer come and young people to help in any way
past and always will be. Conditions to live in
Village Dobrenoec there. Close to highway KicevoOhrid from the right, and Kicevo is close to be able to
work there and live in the village. This would be achieved

additional income for the family budget. Households

chuvaaat live there for some sheep, karate, goat and normachno
poultry without which can not survive in the village. Also this
village emptied poor agrarian policy Release
supply, when many families migrate to the city. In
WWII villagers Dobrenoec takes his
participation someone die, not missing the chance to own
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state of Macedonia today is finally Independent
Republic Macedonians
Macedonia. The village has great opportunities for rural tourism
the future is in front of him.
Village Jaorec
Jaorec village falls in mountain villages climate is also
mountain and sometimes quite steep and mountainous. Located on
an altitude of 990 meters. The old village was called
Flagoec. Near the village there and other things
Drenovo village, later Peter village. They were old and villages
later destroyed by the invaders with the help of the criminal
gangs. The old village has Flagoec distant past. Like
other villages and Jaorec is established settlement very long ago.
Old people spoke of Latins were here raskazhuvaata were transmitted from generation to generation. During
Ottoman village was subjected to many
rob and burnings. Villagers had to move out and fleeing after
Selishte mountain and hidden natural shelters. In
winter smoke from the fires will do so quickly and were
odkrivani and again attacked, and killed Crying Game. In one
period of the XIX century in the village and conquer the
plague. One villager
Village Jaorec

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that was profit from knowing that he is sick he returned to
village where many people got sick and died. After zaginuvanjeto Volkasin the Emperor and King Marko village Drenovo
Peter village were destroyed forever. Inhabitants
survivors of these villages after decades of time returned to
place today and formed, as determined Jaorec village.
The name is not known exactly how obtained, presumably when
villagers moved from village Drenovo are resting beside
a large, old tree Jaorovo and so named Jaorec. Of
assumes that the village was named after Flagoec word
Flag because in that village were hiding quite guerrillas who
protected villages and Kopacka Kichevijata. Flag-flag
done in that village, and we were waving ajducite wherever
helped. Survivors villagers when they returned today
established village were very poor and could be more
feed provided with clothing and ajducite had to leave
in other caches. The village is surrounded by forest and quite
beautiful scenery. In this village there were moved
families from Prilep area, fleeing from the conquerors.
The population in the village are engaged in livestock,
goat, cattle and other storage. Fields gave birth so
how to survive and the soil is low in humus. In this
village fail horticultural crops and fruit.
Migration, rural-urban and village it hurt, especially with
law to destroy the goat industry. The population was older
sedelci collected from three different families and villages. Came
Katsura-Brsjaci strain of the genus Macedonians Christian
religion, Orthodox that today there are any left. Osmanliite other asimilatori failed to assimilate us
the cost of life. When walking in the village and talk with

older people will say that faith and name no one has given a
and we do not give even die all. Macedonia
not even born when the first sun shine, we are Macedonians
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and this is Macedonia. All villagers-citizens and the city or
outside their country again back in his home
rodniod end or end of their grandparents. Jaorec wait
their well-meaning visitors and other villages. These
beauty, clean air, mountain rarely found in the world.
Oxygen will restore brain cells and Zamora
Balanced Health. Residents of this village have been participating
in all
wars that took place in the twentieth century. In the Second World
actively participate all residents and a passed life
on independence at the altar of Macedonia. Older
generations are proud to finally hosts Independent
Republic Macedonians
Village Lavchani
Lavchani The village is located on the terrace of the former sea
Lake later, and today the Great River Valley or fever.
The village is close to the valley at an altitude of 965
meters. In this village there is telling that there were too
Barking dogs and some others villagers say they were
other unknown animals, so it was called Lavchani. Vistiing is quite another. Near this village as Jovcevska claims for
nabluduvanje any old village that existed in ancient
Imperial Macedonia BC As turret over the gorge and shout
Scour. Macedonian army during the reign of Philip II
Macedonia had great respect for these military utvdeni

settlements, which is known in the history of Katsura-Brsjacite,

donci (during the reign of the Roman Ruler Adrian
Hucuri were called) were dervendzhii and great warriors.
Ever crave when royal Macedonian army
passed through this region Kopacka pursuing them intruders
far beyond the mountains. The military regularly resting in this
utvdeno place and wore themselves and lions. These events are
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occurred BC transferred from generation to generation so in
Middle Ages someone you Moses heard it from his grandfather
and later rehearsed their fellow villagers when he conVillage Lavchani
vorile rebuilt village to call him by Lions-Lavchani
or IM. These records are in the collection of Mark Katsura
Junior, villages Kichevijata, Kopacka and Debarca. Village
Lavchani belongs to the type of planinki villages and is
surrounded by
dense forest. Population used as pasture
has long been engaged in farming. Agriculture is
inevitable branch and in every village and in this village it
was the basic activity and it lived. In early
XX century when Macedonia bleeding from various wars
developed in its territory, villagers started zanimuvaat
profit. Many of the villagers fled to Serbia in
Belgrade, Zrenjanin, Sombor and Apatin. There someone forzvrshuvale and her life constantly day and night
ovens for bread. Some villagers fled and later profit and
again and the other villages worked in the oven for bread.
Today there are more families that are not returned for a visit, and
their children remained there for ever to live. This was not
only case of neighbor village Lavchani, but the whole West

Macedonia. Migrant workers who are not returned in new

residential areas created normal living conditions in many
work and effort normally and with a little luck to match
cards for success. Unfortunately many of these migrant workers
that Togashi
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upeale not leaving again to see their homeland.
They left the bones of profit dropping his
last breath thought to their loved ones in the village
Lavchani. Rural-urban migration aided faster
and discharge of this village. Today the village Lavchani exists,
waiting for its inhabitants. We hope that this village will
experience new renewal and new life. This village is located on
the right
side of the road Kicevo-Ohrid River fever
the moment of writing this book nearby forge
modern highway Kicevo-Ohrid. The population of the village
Lavchani originate from the old kind Katsura-Brsjaci by birth
Macedonians. In faith Christians, Orthodox and whenever
were in the past and today. When I visited this village peasants
said, and Latin and in Turkey we have been Orthodox
Macedonians and always will be. There is much to be
write like this and for other villages Kopacka, it will
leave for some other time. Time brings out good
policies and reforms are expected villages one day again
shine with his Siam. The development of rural tourism
rural tourism is now to take off around the world starts with
us. Great Western democracies want to see how
lived in the past of their ancestors.
Village Dushugubica

The village is located under Dushugubica Bistra across

By continuing Lopunik mountain. The village is situated on
former sea, lake and is located at an altitude of
1100 meters-Upper Dushugubica and 960 meters
Lower Dushugubica.Seloto belongs to type mountain villages.
Winter snow falls in the village but not dwelled much
Although the temperatures tend to drop very low. Proximity to
road Kicevo-Ohrid village makes it
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pristupachno. Today nearby build highway
Kicevo-Ohrid passing the village. In the past the village
Dushugubica dealt with livestock, agriculture,
goat and other branches that were suitable for the steep
field. Villagers population comes from Straw village Kosrid
Village Dushugubica
and later moved to the village of Lapusnik. During osmanliskoto rule this village was destroyed. The village has
natives and migrants Macedonians strain Katsura-Brsjaci
the old village Lavchani bat and villages which sought
shelter and protection. Villagers origin strain KacuriBrsjaci Macedonian by birth with Christian, Orthodox
religion. The whole village has its roots from
Ancient Macedonian roots BC and all villages in Kopachka. The village has Dushugubica lower and upper small village
and is
divided in gender. The population passed through many
turbulences in the past. Tough life lived in these villages
the Upper Kopacka which in the past were isolated from the
world. From
Dushugubica village after the war many villagers moved in
more cities and abroad. Young leave
Village after the seventies of the last century,

remain only old people. Today is back and young

repairing the houses and build a new one. The village received
which meant a return of many people at least in the summer. In
past pretty villages of village Ivanchishte wives of
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Dushugubica village, comes from it and my grandmother Menka.
There recover brides in reverse but rarely. When
talk about the past it is appropriate to mention that the village
Dushugubica old village which is assumed to be in
nearby utvdeno as a way station for the rest of
armies in ancient times before BC In the period when the
section zavladeele Romans some time all villages
Boot cut off from the military. The villagers had to flee and
Romans destroyed this small village-like outpost
to the ground. Later houses were built in the village Lapusnik
where Dushugubchani lived more than a century. According to
manuscripts of Mark Katsura Jr. village Lapusnik
lived together many people from many villages. Refugees
Prilep, Bitola and around Debar region. There were
housed refugees from strain Mijaks Macedonians who were priMoran at some time to flee before the desolation that
Ottomans did. Especially when Ajradin ravaged by Pasha
all casino at the time. It happened to the moment when
Gurchin Mijaks Miak end of Nikola Katsura Brsjakot of
Ivanchita village went with the Wali. In Bitola they received
Document-ferman edited vazalskiot relationship
Kopachijata Mijachijata and return should be paid
greater amount of gold annually. After this agreement villagers
many villages and the village Dushugubica returned to
places where they lived ahead. Residents from today
Dushugubica village returned to the lower part where today

located only thing lower village. It began with the construction of

several houses and cottages. Villagers natives of Dushugubica
gradually returned to building houses. I village Lapusnik
I've visited a few times and I'm walking down the same path of
Dushugubica village to village Lapusnik. Other information
Dushugubica village will be because many young village. Any
built in the later period of the XIX century. The old village
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Kosrid any old utvdena settlement of military character.
The village Dushugubica lives today and will continue to live
Well-intentioned people waiting to visit and feel the smell of
nature, and to collect on a bunch mountain tea.
Village Ehloec
Ehloec village is located east of the mountain under Stogovo
the top Lucena. The village is located at an altitude of
1045 mettri. The climate in the village Ehloec especially in winter
mountainous and very sharp. In summer is moderate
Mediterranean with warm, sometimes hot summers and cool
great for man to rest and enough sleep. This village was
located in the old village of the oldest Prisoj time KicevoVillage Ehloec
Debar near the top Lucena. In this historical time
the criminal groups that came through the ravaged mountain
daily village. Villagers found the edge of the cliff and
had to move to the village Lapusnik. Interest is in
village were placed too many refugees from villages and hard
survived. In 1740 the Ottomans decided to destroy
old village Ivanchishte revenge for slain policemen - so
They were told the leaders of the criminal groups. The village

was contracted by Ottoman vassal relationship. In 1745

new bag not admitted anything was written Fermi
by paying a tax. Ottoman army lights
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Ivanchishte village and this was very important to all the villagers
refugees in the village of Lapusnik because Ivanchishte received
food. Clever ruse Katsura-Brsjakot of Ivanchishte manages
their old priateli bribery of the Ottoman authorities to
renew the contract to end of arson and murder.
In Bitola gave written document to take the Bey and his
expressed great regret for what happened. This
explain to clarify how people came from the Ehloec
today Ivanechka territory. In the Ottoman period
authorities exercised unprecedented terror in all villages and
Slav end to access information where hide
Gjaurite. The village Ivanchishte -deneshno had one man
shout-Mijalje Bagpiper. He was prone to big plays
pipe and work was not good. Katsura-Brsjacite village
Ivanchishte not marry the girl stand and made his house
entrance to the village today Ehloec to a source later
fountain. This place and then called Ehlovec or Kajefline.
Residents of the village Ivanchishte have cultivated these fields
mostly planted komopir and'rzh. This territory was
owned by residents of the village and regularly Ivanchishte
cultivated. The Mijal gave few fields to be able to
processed and live. His duty was to keep
crops in the region. The land ownership have
old property documents we Kacurovskoto retail. In
period from 1750 to 1760 the Ottomans managed to

Discover the village Lapusnik by some migrants contracting

ushnici. In the manuscripts of Mark Katsura Jr. marked and
names who surrendered villagers. Ottoman army perfalls Lapusnik village where many fighters die KacuriBrsjaci defending the village, and the villagers were warned and
time escaped in Suvi Dol Ivanechka the territory. Ruse
Katsura-Brsjak and members of all fraternities rushed right
where the tower was located Bey askerot. I arrived there
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only luck saved them to be killed because Bey and slept
askerot not allowed meeting with him. Gold has always been
most powerful weapon and then Ruse Katsura-Brsjak bribing
authorities who have allowed to meet with Bey. This event is
occurring after the ravages of the village Lapusnik. Bey when
read the order issued by the Ottoman authorities and signing by
Shana Sultan immediately nakostreshil but quickly Soze and their
Katsura offered to sit down. Vrenmeto been a loss,
passing day and Bey Ruse Katsura-Brsjak started immediately
arrange all the details of the firman. Ruse of Katsura-Brsjak
Ivanchishte village was educated man spoke many languages
and Turkish language which caused eyebrows and Bey
his close associates. They plotted to villages
remain at peace and the villagers to come back. "They are not of
the villages
yesterday there are thousands of flies "Rouse finished with
conversation. He agreed with Bey peasants of the old village
Prisoj near Jama road to take in the territory of
Ivanchishte village. Other villagers to report to and be
return to villages where they fled. Immigrant families still
themselves still deciding where to live. For this contract Baran
great reward, and Ruse Katsura-Brsjak gave a scarf full

pounds with the Bey with both hands accepted. Then were
sent people to report to all the villagers to avoid
return to their seats. Residents of the old village Prisoj strain
Mijaks several families of strain Katsura-Brsjaci to go
with it. Bey and Ruse Katsura-Brsjak are welcome and pregrnale and gave his oath that it will not happen again. Part of
askerot remained as guardians of the villages on the orders of
Ram fighting in exchange for villagers. Residents of
old village Prisoj were taken to space today
Ehloec village. There already lived Mijlje and stand village
Ivanchishte. In the coming years the villagers gradually built
first huts and pot converted into houses. Residents of the village
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Ivanchishte especially landowners agreed
a rally in the village church to them gave that land to
residents of strain Mijaks gender Macedonia. The name of the
was already known because callers Ehloec that today it
name remained. The population of the village is predominantly
strain Mijaks Macedonian by birth, but has a section that remained
villagers strain Katsura-Brsjaci who today have descendants.
Mijajle and stand were no longer alone now had neighbors.
The division of the land is made Ruse Katsura-Brsjak village
Ivanchishte because almost all was his. Division is made
according to family members. This today know villagers
village Ehloec and will not be forgotten solidarity and assistance
they received. Then get in and part of the mountain Stogovo
because this mountain the deed was fully owned, and one
small part of the village Vrbjani Debarca. The village is situated

the terrace of the former sea, lake. Arable

land used for sowing of various crops,
fail and orchards. Rimmed with thick beech and
oak forest and grows well and Hazel. Enough of peasants
Village Ehloec moving to different regions and a
went through the ocean states. Earlier when
break up old village Prisoj many villagers moved in
Veles, Kroushevo, especially in the countryside Smilevo and
The village Papradishte Veles formed refugees strain
Mijaks and strain Katsura-Brsjaci who permanently settled to
live there. Ehlovec village has good conditions for livestock and
goat, which in the past was the basic activity of the village.
Hunting was an integral part of the lives of these mountain
game there too and also crossed the winter. At the time
After the liberation and the creation of the federation this village
rural-urban migration began to empty. Fortunately today
revving up again at least in summer repair
old houses and build new ones. It is good that young people
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back to the village to visit old homes. The village
leads asphalted road that has great meaning for people.
The population was of strain Mijaks, gender Macedonians kind
KacuriBrsjaci gender Macedonians their roots in ancient royal
Macedonia BC. Christian religion,
Orthodox has always remained. The village is most Ehloec
final mountain village Kopacka, Kicevska. From the past
remained a tradition is transmitted and celebrated the TanasovdenSummer rural village in glory Ivanchishte then villagers
Ivanchishte village of St. Nicolas carry baptized in

old church in the old village and the Ivanchishte Atanasie

here are referred to the place called baptized. There gather
the tomb where he was buried the great warrior Krustyo KacurBrsjak and come here and peasants from the village where Ehloec
participate toast for prosperity and good health and then
back together in the village Ivanchishte. This custom takes
Village Ivanchishte
Ivanchishte village, my native soil, lit from Lord's
sun, wear your heart and forever will carry this world
and the other world. I like the author of this book I have here
first saw the light of god that is life.
More than 40 years exploring this town and area.
I came to a lot of data, anyone ever did not want to receive and
of negligence were neglected. Collect data and
other villages Kopacka, Kichevijata many other areas
Macedonia. I hope all works will gradually see
the light of day. Throughout millennia this territory
Ivanchishte village was filled with many twists and
ordeals. Smiling faces, sometimes crying, happy children
ever cries odzvonuval through the woods as today and forever
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will thundered forest or mountain Stogovo especially
winter. Here are trained Guillem of VION
phalanx of King Philip II of Macedonia and Tsar Alexander III
Macedonia. Unfortunately few of the soldiers managed to return
Back in the village. Ivanchishte village located east of planning
ing Stogovo only Ivanechka River separates the new village, as
nature to want to separate the old from the new. Village
Ivanchishte has a typical mountainous climate in winter. In
summer climate is Mediterranean with very hot days nights
pleasant and you can enough sleep. The new village is Ivanchishte

located at an altitude of 1046 meters at one end and

Panorama Village Ivanchishte
the other end of the top 1018 m. The old village whose Flat
altitude is 980 meters. The village which was called
Angrily anything originally built in antiquity is the
altitude of 1060 meters. The village Ivanchishte-Flat in
past to the establishment of the kingdom SHS owned
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vast territory that was seized by the conquerors.
Others again into the 1947-54 year is new FNRJ
doodzemeno more land especially residents of Kacurovci.
Ivanchishte village had its limits since the old village
Flat which borders flat Gumno mountain Karaorman.
Stogovo Mountain, top Lucena, JAMA, Lapusnik, mountain
Clear, contrary to the other side of the headland Vrbjanski
border is top Miroslajca Mount Goljak near
ture of the village until the village and further Podvis ended
after Vrben and Mavrovo part. These mezhnici land
whose owners were residents of a small and Kacurovci
were part of Kcurite-Brsjacite of Jancheskoto retail. Before
establishment of royal Yugoslavia began to land
consuming and later fully doodzemeno in royal Yugoslavia
the last time a lot of the land it owned
owned by the act to revoke the 1947-1954 year law
SFRY. Edenstven owner of all land in
past Nicolas Katsura was inherited from his ancestors.
Born in 1808 in the village Ivanchishte, died in 1887 in
Ivanchishte village in Kacurovsko small, kind Katsura-Brsjak race
Macedonia. Our great-great grandfather country inherited from
his ancestors potvdena later with Turkish deed. As
mentioned his possession was mountain Stogovo, regional
ones from Ehloec to Goljak, Malkoec, Klenoec village Source is

vakavski of land Nicolas Katsura-Brsjakot donated the

church. Nicolas Katsura-Brsjakot was buried in the old village
before church. Athanasius. His brother Kostadin KacurBrsjak left in Bitola, then migrated to Water and Stahl
again settled in Thessaloniki. Graduated Philosophy, and
studied several languages. According to the papers he wrote
spoke more than 8 languages including Arabic and
letter. His improvement was solely to learn all
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languages spoken and well advanced in life.
His legacy of the property, the land has left the
Overlooking the village Ivanchishte
his brother Nicholas. Ivanchishte village has a long history of
past that no one in the last century has not rebuilt because
certain real reasons. The village Ivanchishte think of
old is one of the oldest settlements in utvdeni region
since before 1300-1200 BC Population
always either strain Katsura-Brsjaci the genus Macedonians. From
this village in the old days were rare families that inforBarn except when they went to education mostly in today
Italy. Property-country inherited from generation to generation of
his son and daughter, and today it takes. East of
Mount Stogovo zadskrieno from JAMA and Bistra mountain on
old time Bokov strategic bridge to Debar, several
miles from the intersection Prosishte returned on lev side of
old village road Raven later Selishte. According to
which were available to me I left Dmitry Katsura-Brsjakot and
from his father in 1380, later collected in a collection
the youngest is preserved, chronicler of Macedonia Marco
Katsura Jr. to 1935, originating from the old village Ivanchi-

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tant. According to these manuscripts somewhere you III century
BC, this settlement
place was named Flat (iron). The settlement existed from
before the VIII century BC built near the ruined settlement
St. Athanasia, XII century
Prayer, Old Village
since 1300-1200 BC For having archaeological
site. According to the papers in 1500 AD
this settlement Flat gets new name najzasluzhniot, honorable, wise warrior and teacher negotiator Ivan KacurBrsjak. He was born in 1422 and died in 1509 in
Flat-old village Ivanchishte. Ivan Katsura-Brsjak was the son of
great warrior Macedonian Timon Katsura-Brsjak that fought
with his army on the side of George Kastrioti, and personal debts
years and knew he was Duke of confidence. Kastriot it
calls Timon Katsura-Brsjak be to him in those difficult
moments of the uprising. Unfortunately Kastriot dying corpse in
year. Death affects negoovite faithful friends and
Warriors brothers Timon and Alfreas Katsura-Brsjak. In their
regularly include a huge number of fighters to Macedonians
fight against the Ottoman army. Ottomans and issue a call
Prize Timon Katsura who will capture or bring his
head will be rewarded with gold. In a collision with Ottomans
after the death of Kastriot, Timon-Katzer Brsjak was badly
Macedonians were able to save and after a short treatment at St.
Salvation through mountain Stogovo brought him home in the
village of Flat
Ivanchishte old along with his brother Alfreas. Unfortunately other
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their brothers Teodoro and summer Katsura-Brsjak were the
leaders of the unit and
commanded a mixed army of Macedonians
other nations, and in a difficult battle in tvdinata in Kruja in
defense under siege from many iljaden Ottoman
army and both died on the same day were all pogrbani
honors near Kruja in 1462. From top
Write can see how there is a change of name
Flat. Ivan Katsura son of Timon Katsura possessed
Grumpy and his high intelligence so since
young man was sent to more schools in several Roman
cities to be educated there acquired the title of Justice. In
completing his superiors not to cast
returned to Macedonia. That left many years in Rome
worked with young students. After several years of work Ivan
Rashi to return again in the village of Flat-old Ivanchishte
which immediately went on to work. His aim was to
enlighten all Macedonians strain Katsura and to light
path to the future that is how to do there. For him,
his nephew philosopher Maximilian Katsura-Brsjak scrap
Ivanchishte wrote in his writings: "My grandfather was
choek high gods thought. Clever and cunning as his father. " Ivan
Katsura-Brsjak every day of their young Macedonians held
teaching in the village quickly opismenuvanje.Vo winter
young and older Macedonians had more time for more
time and learning a trade. He taught and threads
philosophy of history and more. Always talk and
carrying the opinion of Rome that the Romans appreciate high
Macedonians fate like the Roman Empire to win
more millennium kingdom of Macedonia. Tsarev Philip II
Macedonia and Alexander III of Macedonia conquered it and
united old world nobody nowadays that is not

success. The oppressed peoples and nations have been given all
the rights and
customs and responsible places set their people. Ivan
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saying I want all Macedonians book to sing and ESAP know
so that everything will defend. Ivanovata wisdom and tips
became known in Mijachijata, Ohrid, Bitola, and the invitation
Salonika and Constantinople. There was called in for the hard
reshliYour questions for many people enslaved Macedonia
mean. Ivan Katsura-Brsjak was initiated to build
new neighborhood-village should sprout versus old.
He calculated that there are more sunny days, the sun longer
radiation is not sokrivalo like Straw village behind a hill
fields will be breed. In 1500 AD the day
Tanasovden summer-St. Athanasia. The population of this day
fame as a village and still celebrated in the village. In this
year organized a church council of Glavatori together
with their families. The celebration was held in the courtyard
St. Athanasia in the old village, which was built to
end of the XII century and was under the protection of Kuchevica,
Katsura, Macedonians, 1912
Diocese. The purpose of this gathering was to honor
Ivan Katsura for everything done for Macedonians. The Council
prisustuvale guests from surrounding areas, from Mijachieto,
Debarca Ohrid, Bitola and other places in Macedonia. Council
opened oldest resident 97 years Timon Katsura-Brsjak
and addressing: "Brothers and sisters Macedonians

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Macedonian deneka this Assembly of God Christ gifts on
Tanasovden to get used to, I want to point out that nesmeeme
forget our Flat from now will we named
Ivanchishte for our eternal our Learning and Skills mine and yours
son Ivan Katsura-Brsjak if izim give me ... "speech
wrote his nephew philosopher Maximilian Katsura-Brsjak.
Population with great joy that I accepted this proposal and Flat
was renamed Ivanchishte. From the old village Ivanchishte
in the new village Ivanchishte name is only inherited the following
periods. Also in Turkish notebooks in the first census in
The seizure of Macedonia whose registered name Katsura
occupation was dervendzhii and hunters talents warfare.
Name Ivanchishte is discussed in greater detail in the manuscript
of Timon
Katsura-Brsjak who explains that the name Ivan is added
chishta as mark of purity of it before the people and God
Christ. According to the manuscripts of Maximilian Katsura. This
Places any major strategic center for royal
Macedonia and served as a bulwark of the second line of defense
state of Macedonia. According to these records Paionians and
were predominantly oldest, same gender as Katsura.
Katsura is by birth from the house of Katsura brother Karan who
longest period ruled the empire and led a
origin of Agreadite. Therefore the next generations of Katsura
were responsible for the training and equipping of the warriors
Imperial Macedonia BC Katsura had a big role in it
and later time of the Roman Empire. From Katsura
Berzin were called later in the VI century called Brsja-s
because they do not like to call Brsjaci left to the
wear old name Katsura, Macedonian by birth. Katsura was

signifier of the strain from which the roots pulled from the past up
today. Macedonians and Macedonian remain forever. For
Village Ivanchishte have collected stories and too rakoPisey that some of them published in the previous book
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Ivanchishte. Strain Katsura lived throughout the territory
ethnic Macedonia, Egypt, Turkey part in Iran, Iraq and other
countries. The village Ivanchishte previously there were other
names or
utvdeni places like Selishte, Raven and others. Seleshkoto
I tested was the largest and consisted of 150 soldiers, well trained
defense and attack. In old-flat Ivanchishte were concession
porated more small craft workshops as blacksmiths,
Samardzija, opinchari, kazandzhii and other craftsmen. For then
Terms BC village Flat functioned as a small
city. It happened at certain times the salt is removed from
place Solishta it today so called. Here we will mention
that our mother tongue is not 1945 or 1991 he
spoken thousands of years with some changes that appeared after
naturally. This settlement was often attacked by
tribes-people to come to the cries and walked away through
mountains if survived. With the advent to power
Macedonian throne, King Philip II of Macedonia and his
zacvrsuvanje the Macedonian kingdom obtaining this settlement
Daily scene from the past
Valo more help. In return Katsura-Brsjacite sent
more soldiers in the ranks of the Macedonian phalanx anything
great honor. Many of these soldiers had previous experience with
war fighting various plachkashki groups
came from behind the mountains. Besides Seleshkoto brotherhood

many other fraternities in the old village Ivanchishte: Brastvo

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RAKIDA, any output and input port where it had to be
pass road led here from Lihnidos. At the other end of the
Lenovo place Flat-Old Ivanchishte was located dolnataoutput port of the place and Mrshejca Eagle Stone. From here
road still continued to Mijachijata further. The
section kept Katsura-thumping Brsjaci fighters Mrshechkoto
brotherhood. The name itself means carcass for anyone like force
pass completed as corpse-be dead. From major
Studs are mentioned: Brotherhood Raven Ehla, Zetojca,
Pechkoec, Kanoec, mild, Grashtica, Bachilishte many
other fraternities that existed BC and continued in the new era
until the XVIII century AD. Then formed or
began to form large nations of Democrats. These
fraternities operate in another form-tribal. In one
manuscript he left Dmitry Katsura-Brsjak found several
interesting sentences vlianijeto chiefs of the region
and beyond. They were formed in that form 600 -th
year of the new era. Interestingly for someone for me is not that
this region were exclusively Christian population of
Katsura-strain Brsjaci yield Macedonians. The surname or seed
so then Welle unchanged from the house after the Katsura kind in
Latin manuscripts are seen Hucuri Macedonians. He
identification code remains today and forever left
and in the small village Ivanchishte which today is called
Kacurovci and
residents Katsura Macedonians. In life I've had a lot
meetings with older grandparents who come from Western
Macedonia after they dialect odkrivaat I'm originally from
those areas. There was a case when an old man in Skopje me

telling the Katsura. They were true patriots Katsura

I saved my life in 1932. I was sick, and my
There is nothing to help me. An evening spent with horse
down the road in the village there Ivanchishte not dark. I was
I wore leather treatment in Ohrid, sleeping in your
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house. I recall pradedoti was tall big white mustache
and thick black hair. He said I have ground and light, the boy will
Die Ohrid ilachi have we. Tonight will rumpled and
His pominit. The night we stayed here gave me a spoon
a bitter and black color fluid is examined and after me izmachkaa
body. Took a bite, I could not eat. I fell asleep and did not know
when I woke up. I see that day's time for lunch. I gave
ilach again and I was better. My father wanted to go to
Ohrid, but pradedoti Jacob me played here would be if
need two weeks the boy should be as can be said to
my father, grandfather telling Stojmir Skopje. After the fifth
day I was good, and gave us ilach balm, we filled
bags of bread and cheese, milk and sent to go and here
Today I am alive and well. I was a worker in Belgrade and back
home to Macedonia after the war was in Kacurovci
Ivanchishte to fetch gifts but unfortunately great-grandfather
he died in 1940. Grandfather was alive and it went
ezgias endlessly ... This was just one of the many narratives
Who can know do Kacurovci-Brsjaci.
According to the papers of Isaac Katsura, born in 1608 in the old
Ivanchishte and died in 1660 in Thessaloniki. Isaac Katsura-Brsjak
was one of najbogatiti people at that time in this area. He
had his own workshop, factory that worked very
people and formed smaller fraternities-cells where with his money
opremuvale are freedom fighters. His route was Thessaloniki

Korca, Spas and sometimes suits through Ohrid. Isaac

Katsura in manuscripts left and a map of the old village
Ivanchishte signed with "redo of Isaac Katsura-Makkedah in
1651-summer Ristosovo Thessaloniki ". This map shows all
hedges and borders between Katsura village Ivanchishte. Bile
marked inns for prenochishta church and fountain.
He was very wise and learned man for running a business.
Manufacture of military clothing and many other French armies.
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Envy zemeshala hands on the death of Isaac Katsura who was
poisoned by the manuscripts of his son Abraham was born Katsura
1631 Village Ivanchishte. He further explained that
that time was a big struggle for large order of French
War clothing are numbered in the tens of thousands. His
Isaac friends who helped open shnajdernici
then to recombine depriving him zhivottot to
him into the factory and order. And so it happened, his
son Abraham was held hostage for a week until given
signature. Then he released and he returned to New
Ivanchishte where he died in 1691. He was the only
surviving son of Isaac Katsura-Brsajak and others killed in
Defense Ivanchishte village. The population in the settlement
Flat Ivanchishte old place as his primary occupation was
agriculture, animal husbandry, hunting, lived less
necessary craft shops. At that time the population of
their holidays organized competition in standard
Games: throwing a stone in a distant, shooting arrow
jumping in the distance, walking with bags and were interesting
horse racing. Characteristic of Katsura and that we
younger generations we have always felt and harmony
trust between the genders. The old village Ivanchishte-Flat

there were very close ties and tribal, marrying and marrying
villages flat Gumno the region of Mount Karaorman,
Here were the boundaries between villages. From that village Flatold
Ivanchishte have much to write about but I will mention
foundry in place cool hole where Leslie and governWelle in special clay pots quality swords, knives
similar. Later this place was taken and that some Romans
time worked here. At the time of the ancient collapsed
Macedonian Empire region had greater problems
various tribes which came from behind the mountains, and
returning back again. Somewhere in the IV century BC,
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began crossing the Katsura-Brsjacite in all regions.
Certain "historians" mercenaries certain causes write
that moved tribes Berzin not like before
Katsura. Later Berzin call Slavs not
Macedonians. It is true funny. Later, it is Katsura
call infidels or Brsjaci. As Katsura-Brsjaci
remains that term to be used today as the only correct
Brsjaci unnecessary remark. Word had maybe but not in
that period and such a number. Only in Ivanchishte preserved
old name, breed in small Katsura Kacurovci gender Macedonians.
From the old village Ivanchishte were quite advanced people
educated in Rome and other cities, some had their own factories
producing versatile goods mostly Thessaloniki group found
ntinopol and other cities in Macedonia. Their progress
significant and helpful for their families and villagers in
Ivanchishte village and the survival of the species in

this region. Wealthier peasants who assessed the children have

talent to be educated and sent to other cities. In
later period when the centuries wore more difficult life
slavery neighbor village Ivanchishte managed to agree
the Ottoman authorities oddreden kind of vassal relationship with
large tax payable. Occasionally changed oddredeni
Tchaoush in Ottoman rule, then came to clashes and casualties
ended with the burning of the village. Again back to sit on
negotiations and it lasted until each new change in the Ottoman
power. In manuscripts has written an event that occurred
between 1750 and 1753 when a freeze
a group of peasants from the village who wore Ivanchishte wine
St. Athanasia winter. Then any great winter with a snow over
two meters tall and strong wind. Villagers killed in
place called Bigrishta. Today the village has Ivanchishte
custom glory St. Atanasiaja winter to go before church
as named in the old village and drink wine for health as
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gives the church. Summer Tanasovden celebrated as summer glory
Village Ivanchishte to ten years the village was full
with guests from all surrounding towns. In the past odzvonuvanjeto drums and ringing of pishtenjeto Majovci was
sign that the village is famed. In new Ivanchishte was prodolzhena tradition Worship old Ivanchishte. Throughout
Shoe all house or village celebrates transferred from generation
Wheel whether village razed or burned.
Same celebrates transmitted from generation to generation for
centuries without
matter where they lived. Faith was spiritual food for survival
yield. Time passed, the ages are arranged, and their villages
went for his work no matter what you bring a new morning.

Ivan Katsura front

Memorial of the same image 1916
We will point out in this section and will return time after
sacking of former Ivanchishte and move to new
Ivanchishte that village is located at the opposite side with
100 houses. In recent years repairing old houses and
build new ones. I must go back to the old village
Ivanchishte past. Sons of Alexendra and Pella Katsura,
brother of Ruse and Borjanka Katsura had his ideas about life.
Evdokia Katsura village Ivanchishte was somewhere Pop 1720
year established the old and later new village Popoec.
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This village exists today. Another son of the Blessed Katsura from
Ivanchishte who called Abraham Katsura-small, this nickname it
received since he was very small in stature and livestock alone
to be independent. Since his father was allowed to
moved to the opposite side of his cousin priest
Evdokia Katsura. Katsura-Brsjacite of Ivanchishte, Macedonians
Ivanchishte from there made his house and helped to
settle down. He slapped the foundations of the new village
Malkoec. Also
Village Ehloec form strain Katsura, gender Macedonians
making his house with his wife Bagpiper Mijalje Stojna
Katsura from Ivanchishte. Let there be no confusion in the reader
mentioning that strain Katsura, gender Macedonian village
Ivanchitant were owners of all land starting from
border Debarca to Stogovo, JAMA, Lapusnik to Vrben to

Mavrovo. The other side of the mountain Goljak Bukovic.

The old people of the village said Ivanchishte surrounding villages
our root. Today the village is located Ivanchishte the lev
by the strategic road Kicevo-Debar. The old village Ivanov
nchishta and new divides Ivanechka river in the past
shout Rakidka. Over Suvi Dol of Lapusnik stands proud
MONUMENT as eternal as man we sent letters and gold
lyrics, unique and unrepeatable Costa salt crabs.
His work I would according to Hesiod. He unclear
circumstances it loses its life in the eternal
defiance of the people of Kopacka. In his head before the
His murder has odzvonuvala each letter of the Macedonian
alphabet as pripremal and independent Macedonia. Fighters
Ivanchishte village who participated in the war testified, but
Unfortunately the late telling truths that Koco Racin was killed
just does not appear right Macedonian alphabet and unlawful
dependent on Macedonia. In village after Ivanchishte Ivanechka
Vodenicharski spinning heavy stones mills to
feed the suffering people of Macedonia. Hospitality of
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villagers Ivanchishte is far known. From old
Ivanchishte Kacuroskoto small village, Katsura eternal guardians
its kind of Macedonia and its country of Macedonia. From old
Ivanchishte village residents who remained and survived are
moved to the new village Ivanchishte in 1620. The new
village differed only in neighborhoods, and Kacurovsko Jancevska
small, kind Katsura-Brsjaci, gender Macedonians. Today in the
There are small today following: Kacurovsko, Zhvankovsko,

Dzhonesko, Gajtanovsko Jancevska nutshell, this is the largest

village on
Houses updated
the number of houses. The houses in the village are Ivanchishte
grupisani more
generic. So celebrate Epiphany and religious glory. Cross the
waterss oldest and go rodbinska about every year it changes, and
more than seven crosses. Stam houses waiting for someone your
open heavy doors. The fifty meters from
Kacurovskoto retailer is famous fountain Pabarkoec. The village has more fountains with soft bread
clean water. In Ivanchishte had three school buildings. In
buzz past the children wore joy for all residents
village. The school operated until sometime in 1975 from last
century. In the period from 1859 to 1860 the village was visited
famous teacher Macedonian Jordan KonstantinovGiant and collected all the villagers with their children, explaining
you have to learn only the Macedonian language. He
remained in the village two days. By that time the fields in the
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Ivanchishte and collected all the villagers with their children,
explaining that you need to learn only Macedonian
language. He remained in the village two days. In that period the
village Ivanchishte are Talas gold color of wheat.
Agriculture was the basic and eternal occupation of the
inhabitants. Of
dealt with farming, goat, cattle, zhivi-

has grown. beekeeping and more. With the destruction of goats

perOld school - Ivanchishte
New school - Ivanchishte
done a lot of damage on the lives of people who had
had abundant milk and meat. Goat is considered
najskromna and valuable breeding. After the destruction
the goats and the law on cooperatives many families are moving
village for the cities and other countries. Earth
certain parts is very rich in humus, but mostly
prevailing alluvial soils. The higher places
end up steep hills and everywhere Diluvial
soils. The village has Ivanchishte and brown soils that are
formed and dominated by the oak and beech
noise, especially in the high areas over 800 meters above sea
height. The village Ivanchishte better manage and fruit
plantations. This would regard jonotonot, Aydar, ajvankata,
delishest, pear and cherry. Blend well fail and give
gender in larger quantities. From crops fail
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almost all cultures especially gardening, whose peppers
patlizhani of old seed is unforgettable, and delicious
quality. In the village fail and walnut seedlings that
mostly alone popping captain the birds
Chipmunks. Wild hazel filled each year with family.
Besides beech and oak in the village manages lime, Gaber, chub,
fir, aspen and pine trees all kinds. Animal
world is rich. In large beech forests in the region of Cold
water slopes and Miroslajca to RAKIDA can meet frequently
and lynx and wild cat rare in Macedonia. In
nearby regions along the river and on its live otter

marten, fox is everywhere, and rarely rabbit. Black mole

now so propagated and blind Laura already up houses
arrived. Bear lives in close proximity of houses and
freely roam around. Wolf is quite populated in
the last ten years and is a major pest killing
besopomoshnite deer. Deer and deer are everywhere in
Village Ivanchishte even through the village. Wild boar is very razmnozhena we found near the house looking for food
go whole herds of larger groups with their offspring. Today
should peasants plowing their fields, doing wild
pigs seeking roots. From birds there are a pair of black
Eagles, they are great and not attack on chickens. The Eagle
a hen and a hawk, owl-kapitalec, bats have in
greater numbers. Smaller birds including wild
chicken, quail, sojkata, snegarec, pigeon, blackbird, nightingale,
konoparecot, tresopajkata and many other birds which are rare in
elsewhere. From reptiles village Ivanchishte everywhere
has yellow snake-kapitalec has more species of snakes between
that poisonous podskokot, pattern, black rocky,
king, the mountain which is quite dangerous, has black
up to 0.70 cm and the end of the queue has skrlushki
zvecharkata like. This snake if approached or
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accidentally ran it starts rattles its tail, giving
you know to remove yourself from time. There are other types of
as water, and the lizards and the lizards najza-melt is
Lizard rocks, green and brown big lizard and other
different types depends on the place of Nagano. Recently
During turtle and hedgehog decrease. Yezhov often found
dead in the fields, the cause is unknown. After that huge pastures

Wild animals
Mite dense beech and oak forests grow various types of gabipecherki of which are mostly vrganot and lisicharkata. They are
Unsafe use human food, if well
know, you can pour some of the toxins that are similar to them.
Here caller not eat fungi if not master rapoznavanje.
In pastures and fields grow raspberries, pepper, wild pits
goda, and higher represented blueberries.
From wild fruits well fail Blazic, trninkata, smreKlink and fkusnite fruits of wild cherry, wild apple,
wild pear and many others. Here I would mention again
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tame and wild hawthorn hawthorn big difference in taste and
fruit. These plants are useful for reinforcement of immunity
with rod which is the richest in vitamin C, may well
Wild Birds
is to spend the winter. In the fields and grass meets more
types of locusts as green, brown and others. In
color has countless species of butterflies, and the largest and
Queen's most beautiful butterflies. The colors of the many
Butterflies are beautiful and rest the eyes. There are several types
Spiders, marsh frogs, toads living exclusively under dry
major walls. The population in the village always Ivanchishte
any natives since ancient times by the Macedonian old breed
Katsura-Brsjaci Macedonian by birth. In religion always
Christians, Orthodox, and today it remained. Interestingly
when talking about this region Kopacka, Kicevska never
other people lived before antiquity to the present day, except strain

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Katsura and strain of the genus Mijaks
Macedonians. Unfortunately oddredeni
countries which are declared major Democrats, never
The beauty of nature
were still reluctant or think that we will move towards
India wondered just who she is and obstacle planned
in dark spaces Macedonians. We will not force crossed
or space ships will take us to Mars. No, while
There is a Macedonian, this country will move forward with other
people who live here. Time will give judgment
in the future, not just late. This was just a short
walk through time and space, in this village which
dating from BC with the name Flat Village today
Ivanchishte. According to all manuscripts preserved that I could
review this village survived three major displacement and
Returns and again renewed as utvdena settlement. Macedonians
donecot was always proud and brave surviving all heavy
moments and continued looking forward to the future. In
Ilinden Uprising in the village participated Ivanchishte one
Company and later the village was burned. During the Balkan
wars forced many Macedonian sons were collected
fighting for foreign interests hoping for freedom. Brother with
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brother watched from a ditch for different armies by gunpoint and
shkrapalecot is knowing who killed whom-kills. They were
dozens of thousands of Macedonians in the forefront and the

During the Balkan and the First World War. All actions
During the war going on in Macedonia
especially the great Macedonian front. After the parchenjeto
Macedonia Bucharest Treaty many Macedonians
went to work in neighboring countries. In World
War were all aware and took the gun in his hands, starting in
struggle for freedom for their country Macedonia, the country
of ancestors. Freedom or Death, Now or Never Macedonia
must be released only on us Macedonians from
various mitadzhii. In 1945, World War II
ends, the surviving fighters return to their inherited
country Macedonia. The dead soldiers testify monuments
placed in every village and place on the territory of Kopacka and
Macedonia. Fought as partisans in itself
country felt the greatest kings of ancient Macedonia
today. R. Macedonia today fight for their rights,
understandings and equality of civilizations and religions. Man is
man everywhere on the planet. Lord God, it is all free
matter what it's called, and the sun shines the whole country
which is where he lives or what it's called. Let's keep the
dedovinata not only for us but for future generations to Be
Nature careful not to fall ill and sun. The
walk through the centuries the village was briefly Ivanchishte
described, and is quite long. More if you want to know can
find in my book: "Ivanchishte Tracing my
Macedonian roots, "published in May 2009 in Skopje.
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Village Popoec
Popoec The village is located on the right side of the road

Kicevo-Ohrid, the village belongs to the type of hilly villages

lowland climate. Located at an altitude of 795 meters
little lower to 874 meters above retail. The village is divided into
more small town on the generic kind of scattered. Village
Popoec has old village where previously housed priest
Village Popoec
Evdokia Katsura-Brsjak, son of Alexander and Katsura of Pella
Ivanchishte village. After the destruction of the old village
Ivanchitant population was scattered everywhere. The priest Evdokia
Katsura, asked his father to let him give ground to
can build a church and to continue God's prayers.
His father gave the fields at the site today called Old
Church priest here Evdokia Katsura temporarily using
his family built a small church and huts
staying longer period. When things are posmirile and
agreed vassal relationship of the inhabitants of the Ivanchishte
Ottomans, the priest Evdokia Katsura, residents of the village
Ivanchishte helped build a church on the site where
Today's church in the village Popoec. In its vicinity was
built house. Here he lived until his death, and
family continued after his lineage. For clarity
village where the Popoec possessed by Katsura
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Ivanchishte village, in present Kacurovsko small inherited from
ancestors. The formation of village Popoec mentioned 1720
year. Settled several families from the village Ivanchishte,
refugees from the village of old plum village ture all of strain
Katsura-Brsjaci, the genus Macedonians. This has written
the pop Evdokia Katsura village Ivanchishte in manuscripts
I collected Marco Katsura Jr. village Ivanchishte and
lived and died in Australia. At that time there were quite

displaced Macedonians in many countries, and the village is quite

moved Macedonians strain Katsura-Brsjaci they had to
fleeing from various avenge the Ottoman rule. At that time
Settling four refugee families from the village Lavchani.
The village Popoec already got his character of settlement.
Ivancha nunkovci are residents of the village Popoec which
traditionally left since the establishment of the village.
Residents of the village Popoec dealing mostly with the green
mjodelstvo farming, goat, cattle and others.
The alluvial soils dominate the land in this village.
The gardens were made mostly near the village or
yards of garden plants. Problem for the village was
always water, there were two fountains poor intake
water. In summer the water is reduced, and later
Nabil used water pumps. Passing through the village and
old dirt road Kicevo-Ohrid and track small kolosekSmall-Chiro. He spoke train somewhere around 1967, and
village is life. The village primary school worked
until about 1970, when the child died voices. Bad
policies for agriculture SFRY and the village had a major
scars that are seen today. Then inflicted great damage on
villages irreversible. Great rural-urban migration has
empty village Popoec. Whole families are leaving the ticket
one direction-city. Too bad, ever been able to just
maintenance, to live a good life now become lutajkji in
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unknown. Also from this village there went out of their
country overseas and Europe. The reason was
only a better life for his family. Two participants,
fighters in the war who survived were disappointed
saying: What have fought for freedom and a better life for

Independent State of Macedonia, but not prelazhija. Village

Popoec has survived major fires and colleges of
by Bali during the Second World War. In
Popoec village was born and national hero Mirko Milevsky, who
is one of the most visionary of independent Macedonia.
This hero is related by blood to the author. After the first liberation
scoring of Kicevo commander Mirko Milevsky small
oddred mountain Bukovic went to defend is liberated
territory. He was placed in the station Bukovic.
Gostivar approached a small group of Germans with many
numerous bales more than 3000 thousand. They swept in
Macedonian villages. Small partiznski detachment resist
as you can, but in the end when all the dead guerrillas
Commander Mirko Milevsky bomb placed under his body
and died heroically, nasakajkji fall alive into the dirty hands
Bali who failed to comply with any law of war. The 1
October 1943 fell all for freedom of Macedonia.
It killed my uncle, my mother's brother Petrakjija
Stefanovski. After the death of the famous commander Mirko
Milevsky all residents of Kopacka zovrela their blood and
set out in partisan oddredi. Partisans fight
final liberation from the occupiers, not waiting for anyone's
assistance as ever. The war was the only option in this
time consciousness and worked many young lives are made in
foundations of this country Macedonia. Monuments as
set in the countryside and village Popoec are reminders of the past
The village Popoec almost all families involved in
Partisan detachments to the final release of R.
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Macedonia. Today the village is built modern Popoec
Highway Kicevo-Ohrid. The climate in the village Popoec is
milder and

the village is close to the main road Kicevo-Ohrid, which

creates better conditions and hopeful for the future of this
village. In
village houses are repaired, a new building and not to
future generations forget their roots. Just like in
other villages young people have already left the village seeking
better life. Time brings maybe one day I will
charged with village residents. The population of the village is
the strain-Brsjaci Katsura, the genus Macedonians. In religion
All residents have always been Christians, Orthodox, and it
today and forever. The surroundings of the village is completely
surrounded by
green forest mostly oak and pine as the villagers and
Guests gives greater spiritual peace.
Village Malkoec
Malkoec village to the left of the road, Kicevo-Ohrid, under
bosom of Gonjak Mountain, Upper Kopachaka. The village
belongs to
type of mountain villages with an altitude of 1074 meters.
Winter sometimes in this village can be very sharp with
much snow. Letniod period is wonderful with warm days and
crisp nights. The village Malkoec just like Popoec is on
land of the village Ivanchishte. The first foundation puts
Avram Katsura-Brsjak son of Blessed and Efrosina Katsura from
Ivanchishte village somewhere in the 1740-45 year. His parents
village Ivanchishte again returned to Russia, and their
Katsura son Abraham stayed in the village Ivanchishte. He was
clever, cunning and prone to big game hunting. Be friends
since many young children with his priest bratuchet Evdokia
Katsura grown up in the village Ivanchishte. Attention has
attracted because he was very low growth, as stated in
manuscripts Alexander Katsura peasant Ivanchishte Three Paddy
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high three feet of wide, he wrote. Therefore all called
small. Avram Katsura was valuable, not afraid of anything and
knew a few days and nights hunting wild birds. Abraham
Katsura was a man without fear, also spoke in Kacurovci village
Ivanchishte. From his family requested permission to him
give it a place in the spring to make a hut and there
lives. Be proud to be close to his cousin priest
Evdokia Katsura who founded the village Popoec. His grandfather
Village Malkoec
gladly gave his father's part, land and goods. Then he
helped make the first hut, and then home. Years
passed Abraham Katsura-small flock has increased and opened
new fields of steep pastures. After a few years once
was only able to maintain his close relatives
Village Ivanchishte allowed to marry. That was then
custom. Kacurovchani village Ivanchishte where is
Abraham made house Katsura-low was named Malkoec. So
today called this village. In time of Ivanchishte in that
part moved two families, later with the permission of Kacurovci
4 families moved from the old plum, several village
Mramoretz two families ture and 6 families from Prilep and
Mariovo. All families moved seeking relief from various
revenge and a better life. It forms a new village
Malkoec with thirty houses. As rodbinska connection with
Village Ivanchishte today residents of this village inherited
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Numkovskoto-godfather of the villagers Malkoec. For
celebrating religious, priest Evdokia Katsura now served in
Malkoec village beside a large oak. In village Ivanchishte

was still the old priest who along with his nephew Evdokia
occasionally did worship in the village Ehloec, Klenoec.
Residents of Malkoec in the past and later dealt
mostly farmers, goat, cattle. Agriculture
was also present, and there prevail alluvial
soils with less humus. The few fertile fields were well
processed and gave birth. The village holds good for pasture
goods. Unfortunately, this village was not spared from attacks and
plachkanjata Aramisko the various bands. Ottoman rule did not
done so much damage, as did Bali
in the Second World War. They attacked the village suddenly,
simultaneously with the village Popoec. Several people were
killed and
tortured, others managed to escape. In these filthy and
uncivilized izhivuvanja burned village Malkoec. In
the war ended, the new federation, and it and R.
Macedonia nebile so interested in their villages and
progress. It was not until some time ago. Populations,
light leaves, family by family, village and went to
cities and other countries. The worst hit villages are
given by law to destroy goats and forced
formation of cooperatives. Since it is only later ofajdile
oddreden number of inhabitants of the villages, who were
informants and servants
the government. I brought it up because all the villages
especially from Kopacka and Debarca were badly damaged and in
Bitola region. Goats have already been, there was no meat and
which meant life. The village Malkoec today waiting attendance
tors and joy repair old houses, and sprouted and
a new house. Young people should not forget their
and paternal grandfathers chimney, he should forever smokes it
means to
lives. The population of the village is Malkoec strain old Kacuri-

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Brsjaci kind of Macedonians. Religion was always
Christian, Orthodox, and so was to remain so forever.
Rural house and celebrate celebrate, life goes on.
The surrounding area boasts with its green clothes, because the
village is
surrounded by many oak forest and a pine. Great place
charging oxygen in the lungs and recovery
brain cells. Never forget your hot though
old nest. With these words I finished a short description
village Malkoec living today and will live forever.
Village Klenoec
Klenoec village is located right of way magistraliot KicevoOhrid, and left the road Source Boskov Bridge. The village is
located on
an altitude of 860 meters, bottom to top 880
part of the village. Klenoec village is located higher than the theraSatan was once a sea, lake. In one village migrates
family of the old village of Ivanchishte Selechkoto Brotherhood of
Katsura strain in the early medieval period. From
manuscripts was available that read in church
today, there was a small church and a few houses it.
Later in the period 1015-20, the priest Evdokia KacurBrsjak been in this space after the destruction of the old village
Ivanchishte he was hidden in a large maple, a period
served as a temple of God in prayer. The priest Evdokia Katsura
spent several years here. Kacurovchani village Ivanov
nchishta ownership of this land was decided here
build a church. The land in that part originally gave the
church to survive. The name comes only after maple-Klenoec.
Katsura-Brsjacite say: The priest is safe. Later priest
Evdokia Katsura, hidden in a place called Old Church, and
later formed Popoec. In the village there Klenoec

utvdeni buildings inhabited residents of the old village

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Ivanchishte from Seleshkoto brotherhood since ancient
Macedonia. those residents were Macedonians strain KatsuraBrsjaci,
were known at the time of Ottoman rule as
dervendzhii and warriors. Katsura from the old village
were great warriors and top specialists for protecting various
crossing ravines and bridges. In tsarist Macedonia
BC when the reigning king Perdiccas particular time of
throne Philip II Makedonski, and later the great
conqueror, creator of the great Macedonian Empire, Emperor
Alexander III of Macedonia, in this section were placed elite
Village Klenoec
fighters to protect the mountains, and the space called as port
III of the order. The first row was Egjupski cemetery in the old
Ivanchishte-flat second row was the place called RAKIDA
to the same old Mrshejca Ivanchishte. The security can be
potvdi that the terrace of the former sea-lake today
Klenoec existed ancient Macedonian Defining which
wrote the famous Philosopher Maximilian Katsura for village
Ivanchishte old-flat. He spent more life in Rome
and Ephesus than Ivanchishte village. He was one of najshkoLUVAL people in the west, as wealthy man traveled the
Tracing its roots and Macedonia in their manuscripts
Jovcevska claims that "strain-Katsura Brsjaci our Lord Christ znait
Greeks, Nit skladini Cao Shaw lafat will happen with some of us
are at Ephesus NIT

other tuzhdzhi, chishti kind Macedon washing dedushki and

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from pre Cara Cara Velikoga Philip and Alexander of all white
our world. " He further describes the place utvduvanjeto
where now the place Klenoec. The old village Ivanchishte
known as flat as a settlement since utvdena
Neolithic and greater progress achieved in the Iron Age.
Unfortunately, many of these manuscripts completed
St. Montenegro, place
Macedonians considered and its safe for valuables.
Some of the manuscripts are in private collections around the
which are separated by the division of gender. The village in
World War II played a major role as protector
participating in all activities. Occasionally there were hidden
certain Macedonian fighter guerrillas who fought for
finally liberation of Macedonia. It was all a dream
generations in the past, finally we await that moment,
creation of an independent Republic Macedonia. Here I must
mention the
regret that a small section of Macedonians in Macedonia and small
of other people again want to Macedonia's rush
in hardship. Foreign moth very long ago it
biting our canvas, gradually loses power before advanced
now aware Macedonians, Albanians and other nations in
Macedonia. The village Klenoec were fought heavy fighting
World War II the Germans and other occupiers.
There were large fires made from Bali at the end
the war. The village has Klenoec mentioning another
prominently, Manastirec. It was located near

church in the direction of the village Popoec. At this point in a

period was made smaller monastery church which served
protection in some difficult moments for Macedonians.
Writing that Klenoec was baptized by the name Klenje Drimkol,
or that Serbs moved from that village only conquering
Articles and not accurate. "The facts and the gods are silent" True
potvdeno in manuscripts of Mark Katsura Jr. writes that
this land was the village Kacurovci Flat today Ivanchishte
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which also claimed the Ottoman vassal relationship, regulated by
Sultan, a village of Katsura Ivanchishte paid great
tax. Confirmation of old manuscripts and this day of
Kacurovskoto retail Katsura in new Ivanchishte that
possess a large area of land and forests. Times
brought along something new. So the facts slowly emerge
area as they appear and old buildings and
artifacts that are of great historical significance for us
Macedonians and other nations. Here there was life before
many millennia. Residents in Klenoec oddamnina be an interpreter
mavale farmers, goat, cattle and agriculture. For
Unfortunately, this village suffers from poor reforms and laws
release and formation SFRY. Agriculture was
a major source of food. The village Klenoec prevail
alluvial soil, but somewhere there red. However yield
was sufficient to pass the winter. Rural-urban migration has
covers this village though has a good location, close to a
main road Kicevo-Ohrid. Today the village is built under
modern highway Kicevo-Ohrid. In the winter period
recent years remains long snow unlike
last century. Farming also has dobrobid population,
as cattle and goat breeding. This makes the past

good income for all households. Today was another time.

Tugging are bleenjata of lambs and calves of rikanjeto.
Hope remains for village Klenoec old houses
repair and sprouted on a new one. Young generations have
consider that such a natural and pure beauty rarely
located. Never leave the nest Dedovsk tooth
time need to visit. The population in the village
Klenoec, was always strain Katsura-Brsjaci after birth
Macedonians. Religion always been Christian,
Orthodox Christ of God. And today they are celebrating religious
celebrating, some in the village other cities. Traditionally the
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Kichevijata, borage and in Klenoec celebrated glory Epiphany
with all the traditional features.
Village Source
Source village is a settlement which today is built. This
Land was donated by Kacurovci village of Ivanchishte
church. Source village is located at an altitude of 750
meters. From the heart of the village Source surges clear River
The place was called the springs and sources mers name comes
Source which today also called. The village is located at the
where roads pass: Kicevo-Ohrid, Kicevo-Bokov
Most. Now here is built and modern highway Kicevo-Ohrid.
In the past, until about 1967, there was a crossroads for
passenger and freight trains with a small track. Population
by region and Kichevijata Debarca stopping Mali Kira
history mean like someone has cut their hands.
The population was so dependent on this train for years and
older mourn today. After leaving the set off small in mina.

Train with a small track

th population today said that he would train turical attraction for the surrounding villages. Source village receives
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The first inhabitants of the surrounding villages especially
railways in the beginning of the last century. The village belongs
lowland villages where no major snow as the mountain
villages. Residents in the village are mostly dealt with agricultural
fied kravarstvo another. Prevailing alluvial TI
wrapped soil. The village gradually becoming larger settlement,
more houses and residents. At some time in the village and there
boarding school, health clinic that served all
surrounding villages worked until recently. The village had a local
office home office, mail, today has police
station, which serves the surrounding villages. That was the case
elementary school. The village was the central celebration
whole district on July 4 every year ceremonies were held and
organized various competitions especially in football. In this
this time was a big fair where they sold everything. Of
this day music and folk dances no end. Many young people fall in
later ended in most marriages. Older generations
on this day were met with peers from other villages, According
changing them from past events of his youth.
Time brings time Clear for us this time left
still in memory. Today the village Source has built new
houses, and near the city, favorable climate, the village makes
attractive. The future, I hope will bring better days

for this village. From the river Treska, which through age
brings warm greetings through villages and towns in Macedonia
to Thessaloniki. By sea greetings resounded everywhere
around the world and on all continents. The village springs
families migrated from the village Malkoec, Klenoec, Ivanchishte,
Dushugubica and elsewhere. During the Second World War
here are held various meetings of the committee. In the village
Source, Klenoec went heavy fighting with the enemy. The 6
in October 1943, near the train station
Klenoec, died brave commander Yossi JosifoskiPage 130

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Svestarot. The population of the village is a source of strain
KacuriBrsjaci, Macedonian by birth. Their religion is hristijanska, Orthodox, such and such would have been left to age.
Village Belica
Belica village is located in the area or in Kopacka
Lower Kopacka. The village is situated beside Belichka River,
mean life for each settlement. This river is a tributary of
Fever. Belica village is located at an altitude of 750
meters. This village belongs to the lower villages and is near
road Kicevo Bitola. Ilinska mountain as to
zgrbavila plight of the nearby villages, protecting the
past. This village has old utvdeni settlements since
View Belica
the ancient royal Macedonia would be invited Chuchkoec BC,
later settlement Zvecani formed during Romans.
Nature like is placed and to Belichka mountain
be climate poddredeni. The village had Belica
utvdeni more settlements. All were connected to each other and

utvdeni at different times. How come one destroyed

Other built their settlement. For them the third
destroyed and formed their own neighborhood. According to the
manuscripts and
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recounted the villagers transferred from generation to
knee in the place called Popov Dol, there utvdena more
settlement. There existed an old church house to Popov. Here are
found and old cemeteries, dating very long ago. As
evidence of these people are told that they found old
coins, especially from Roman times. Belica any tribal village
populated exclusively by strain-Katsura Brsjaci. There immigrant
several families in the past of the old villages of Lavchani,
Prilep, Zhvania and other places. Other residents are old
sedelci the three villages. In a longer period village Belica
was devastated. Residents were once out and placed in Belichka Mountains and surrounding areas. That period lasted more
than 16
years. Things posredile Ottoman Empire, and
residents returned to their fields. It was about time
1800-1820 year. In the village of Belica prevailing aluvijalnite soils are somewhat richer in humus. Villagers
dealt exclusively with agriculture, livestock, goat and
kravarstvo. In this region there are good pastures and fields for
Fruit. Succeeded and other horticultural crops and
today planted. In this village, rural-urban migration was not
the current, later than other villages occasionally leave
families in cities and other countries. For this migration
guilty laws that were bad for the village after liberation
scoring. Residents of the village of Belica actively participated in
fight for free Macedonia. Life currents villagers
slowly left the village seeking a better life, but again

returned to its end. This village has favorable conditions for

living. Here the snow in winter remains pokrtok period, and
past and here there were big winters. Young people come in
as guests. The flora and fauna in this village
almost the same as in other villages. In Kopacka all villages
bound as blood vessels and also operated in the past.
Vehicle was horse or donkey for every need.
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The past was filled with different, difficult and painful trials
turbulences of Macedonians strain Katsura-Brsjaci. Name
Belica are multiple narratives. In each village there
three people was created by three quarters. According to others,
ing too stayed in the mountains and sheep were white
as snow. Therefore village named Belica. A third variant that
tells that after grazing on sloping terrain were quite
white stone, stone, which at night world. According to me
closest second true name, so standing in rakoPlaice. Today the village is very active and residents through
winter. Summer guests come from cities, filling them
lungs with fresh air, Correcting blood counts.
Belichka river runs today through Rush travels to Vardar
Aegean Sea. The population of the village was the natives
Katsura-strain Brsjaci, Macedonian by birth. Religion
always been a Christian, Orthodox. Managed to preserve
faith, Macedonian race, customs as anywhere in MaceMacedonia. The pressures of the various conquerors were unable
to force
nothing to do but to inflict harm on villagers. As
people said: Tooth for tooth or head to head. So it was
else, just not the time when every family counted over

20 members. In the past, every inch of land was important,

mezhnicite were limits. Visit the village Belica Kicevska
to see what is paradise and beauty. Continue the legacy of
old grandparents, where to go or live again return to
an end to at least see it.
Village goat
Goat village is located on the right side of the road
Kicevo Bitola. Surrounded on all sides by forest how to
hide the past. This means that oxygen, clean air
it is here. The village is located at an altitude of 723 meters.
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It belongs to the lower villages, the climate is milder warm
especially in
summer. The village has a source of mineral water with small
flow, but still useful. The village is located goat today
where once there utvdenata settlement Seles.
This settlement was old and was destroyed by various vojskiconquest after the first destruction updated again
neighborhood just a few families that were once out in
Ilinska mountain. Others fled to villages ture, Mramoretz,
Lavchani, and many left the Bitola region. After a
period when things are posmirile families again
back to the village. Build new houses and cottages. Then was
built a monastery of St.. Nicholas. This settlement then
Village goat
Scream Selishte. Survived as long settlement period.
Ottomans from Bitola region attack all Christians
especially Macedonians, destroying villages and burning
killing older people, who were unable to escape
Mount. Then was destroyed, burning the village and monastery
St. Nicholas. According to hearsay not potvdeni, the village name
gets by a goatherd, who lived a long time alone.

The village unable to tolerate these injustices decided to

self-organized. The village goat was born bravest,
najlutiot as pepper, one with a specific purpose, the hero
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over the heroes in Kicevo end. It works for Duke Jordan
Peppers. He was born in the village goat in 1870. Jordan
Fruits still as young was imbued with great anger and
hatred, more than hot pepper, got nadimokot
Peppers. Unable to endure the great injustices form
more damage, and all fighters loyal and brave. He
fought to protect the disadvantaged people of Macedonia,
blowing in many battles. His company suddenly attacked on
osmaliskiot army and exactly utvdeni planned places.
Jordan is one of the peppers poopejanite dukes in Macedonia
Macedonia. He was the strain Katsura Macedonian by birth.
His life lasted only a short 33 years. On August 10,
1903 in the village of Oak, Kicevo life surrendered to God
Christ, in the hope that one day Macedonia will be free and
independent state. After his death, most fighters who
continued his work like to reach his
glory. Macedonian people lost another irreversible clever
and brave leader, laying life before the olatarot
Macedonia. Along male children were born listened
recounted for Duke Jordan peppers. Residents of
Belica village, as in other ends collected in the army
many occupiers forced to fight against the Macedonians
Macedonians. They died on the front, knowing that the fight
foreign interests. Were relegated all Bulgarians, Serbs
or Greeks. With the start of the Second World War is calculating
raat first oddredi the NSA to finally release
Macedonian people and other peoples living in

Macedonia. In goat village residents took part in

war with hope and a strong belief that Macedonia will be freedom
DNA and independent state. The village goat primary occupation
residents was agriculture, are represented alluvial
types of soils with humus of the forest. Besides agriculture they
practiced farming, goat and more. These occupations
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were the only source of income. After the war in FNRJ as
and all the villages and village with poor agrarian policy was
affected the entire population. Residents gradually leaving in
one direction, city or another country there was no return. Today
younger generations back and fix old
grandfathers' houses, and some new cities. I think it is far
day when the city will be soaked immigrant populations,
because they see that long already returning to their
villages, building small-farms mini-companies. Organic food as
time goes by you will be more demands. So far it looks like
dream, but it is achievable, eg: Beekeeping provides additional
Revenue. The slow recovery of the villages already unmistakable.
Rural tourism and organic Production is proven
success. The population in the village goat has always been the
Katsura-Brsjaci Macedonian by birth. Religion was
always Christian, Orthodox and so remain. The promise
for lump native should continue genus or
fruit old Macedonia continue forever.
Village Svinjishta
Svinjishta village is located right by the highway KicevoBitola. The village is in the forest, which seems to want to
blowing filling with oxygen and fresh air. The village Svinjishta

is located at an altitude of 689 meters. As self

it name says Svinjishta under delegated narratives of
generation to the present village rebuilt brother goatherd
the village goat. The man returned to the village any
wasted a few pigs and longer period lived alone through
the ruins of the old village Svinjishte guard pigs. Peasants
ing that period are hidden by mountains fleeing
askerot. The old village was utvdeno since ancient times,
and Roman rule and other occupiers had been the site
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called St. Mary. The name of the village was scabies. There a
standing ruins of houses. In the writings of the philosopher
milijan Katsura-Brsjak states that this village in the middle ages
first attacked the Byzantine army that was the conciliament. Yet, many of the residents were able to save and
people thought that Mother Mary saved them from
destruction. Times have changed come homegrown
occupiers and village Svinjishta struggled with life. More
time in that period passed fleeing into the woods than
in the village. With the arrival of the Turks in Macedonia village
was looted and villagers winter passed without reserves
Village Svinjishta
food was the most difficult period for the village Svinjishte. Part
Residents were accommodated in nearby villages or temporary
cottages. It lasted a long time. Of children born in winter streda
and ice, not semeele to return to the village. Here minutes and
oldest dirt road Kicevo-Ohrid. After that terrible and dark
period, the security situation has improved since osmanliite realized that Zelaya is better to work in the fields.

Ottomans are reconciled, and appeared the criminal groups

ravaged the countryside attacking from ambush. Took the goods,
and other groceries. What you have not witnessed and survived the
Macedonian suffering people, only silence knows it.
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Residents of the village and other villages Svinjishta with any law
were not protected. Bitterness in the soul suffocated more
the division of Macedonia and giving their children to die
for various foreign armies, who then ruled. Finally, the Second
World War II was the moment to achieve long dream
Macedonian state. They participated in the active population
military actions with conviction that will unleash a whole
ethnic Macedonia. Freedom is not allocated in aid
anyone from the outside and the Macedonian people and Sami
Macedonia is liberated. Postwar period was quite difficult,
but freedom was the most important thing and the creation of the
Macedonia. First declare people as Macedonians
other nations that are. Another joy is not diminished already
FNRJ adopted katastrtofalniot Agrarian Law
destruction of goats. For Svinjishta this law mean big
Svinjishta village, despite goat breeding deal with goods
charstvo. Agriculture was the basic activity without which no
could survive. Villagers were able to survive and
to samoodrzhuvaat. There have been periods of drought, fires then
some families were left without grain, yet kept stocks
hidden by wooden barns. The meat was just celebrate
because goats ate them in other countries. In effect justice
no, it is the same today, egoism reigns everywhere.

The difficult living conditions in this village are forced

families to go to gain or moving to the city.
Rural-urban migration someone bring joy to someone sorrow and
is anyone tried to return to the village. Stone once
again roll its bearing no longer stand.
Today the village Svinjishte live young are particularly back
in summer. The fast life crises, and selfishness
closing in itself being destroyed famous Macedonian
socializing. Rural tourism and manufacturing are organic
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future of these beautiful villages untouched nature.
Population by religion with Christianity, Orthodox
faith. I come from the old kind Katsura-Brsjaci after birth
Macedonians who never surrendered their religion, language
remained of their inherited land of Macedonia.
Village Brzhdani
The village is located to Brzhdani Brzhdanska River. The village
right side of the road Kicevo Bitola. In
past the mountains on one side protected the village from
Aram and occupiers, there are monasteries and water.
At that place there was an old monastery. He was oplachkan keen
and destroyed. The old village in the past was located in the place
Village. There are remains of buildings, and these old
buildings it potvduvaat existence of the old neighborhood. In this
place very long ago there was life. Found old
coins from the Roman and Byzantine periods. Characteristic
Village Brzhdani
is part of the villages with steep mountains and most villages
Shoe. The old village site hamlet in the past was

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inhabited by strain-Katsura Brsjaci, gender Macedonians. So it is
in the new village. Villagers changed through very difficult times,
through the village spent many roads. Aram, after occupation
Tories were the meanest. The village was a hamlet of scattered
divided by gender. Duke wore all decisions be
issue. In tough times brought oddluki sharing
food. Weather conditions known to be very pro
interchangeable, especially in harsh winter. The hot and dry in
In the writings of the philosopher-Maximilian Katsura Brsjak of
Village Ivanchishte writes that the destruction of this village
going on in the Middle Ages. Then conquer a disease
was incurable. People died for a short period. Residents
thought that God is angry at the villagers. Believe in many
faith. Many survivors were in the woods searching
lifeline. Later someone he dreamed to return to villages and
Wash the monastery source. Survivors returned
the source and there prayed to the Lord. Each day, brush and
drank from that source. Amazingly all survived and decided
again to return to the present place now where
village. Temporary shacks built that later
turned into houses for a living. Gradually stabilized
life in the new village Brzhdani. The village in a manuscript
Katsura from the village Ivanchishte writes that the village
mean fast days because villagers died too quickly
passing their days this name remains today. In the village
started absorbing the strain Katsura-Brsjaci from
Prilep Mariovo region ture several families

Zhvania and Demir called Hisarskite Visochini villages. The

present village is Brzhdani
located at an altitude of 883 meters. In the village
prevailing types of alluvial soils. Population
past and now are engaged exclusively in agriculture,
farming, goat and kravarstvo. From crops
manage almost all adjustable to the location. Sometimes
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there was a good race, sometimes less, nature gives and takes. For
fruit has good conditions. Farming was mainly
occupation and goat breeding. Since it is lived, dressed, are
made carpets, blankets and dairy products. People were
forced to protect against large groups Aramisko
came from the village and was able to just maintenance. In
Recently occupation authorities collected sons of village
who died as Bulgarian and Serbian troops. They were heavy
especially during periods of 1908-1938 year.
National samoosvestuvanje barely waited World
War begins. Then he joined the partisan
determine NOV Macedonia for the Macedonians was a sign that
Macedonia will be an independent state. After liberation
population gordodst joy and participated in the construction of
state. Unfortunately Macedonia was not completely relieved only
one of which had merged with the FNRJ and other parts remain
enslaved. The new government after the war people disenchanted
poor agrarian law, for the destruction of goats. Even before
during the partition of Macedonia in the early twentieth century
many families were migrant workers. The village in the 70s of XX
century was very alive. The village was closer to the city, and
stay in villages hoping that they will stay here until the end of

life. Later winds blowing everywhere

emptied and this village with rural-urban migration. At that time
young people are socializing, exercising and working. As time
passed as population goes in search of
better life. Today it does not forget his village and
frequent guests. Repair houses, and in summer listening
children's voices. The air and the beautiful nature calls
all, that money can not buy. The promise should continue
young people were more likely to return to their old nest. Woe
something created, crumble easily. Today life has quickly
pace, but time to visit her at least a few Brzhdani
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times a year. The population of the village was always Brzhdani
Katsura-Brsjaci Makedononci by birth. Religion was
Christian Orthodox always been and will remain forever.
Village Judah
Judah village is located on the right side of the road
Kicevo Bitola. Hidden by large forest areas of Goljak
mountain. Judah village is at an altitude of 867 meters.
The proximity of the village to village ture's border area
Debarca. The area Kopacka and Debarca were pearls, no
Village Judah
price and a symbol of the triumph of the Macedonian nation under
slavery. The village has an old Judah utvdena naselaba since
ancient period. From the old village Livadishte left traces
as cemeteries and some walls. Before this there was another
village or small town in the same place. Here there are many nonclarified and nepotvdeni events of the past. The village was called
City and later Gradiste. His Defining can
According to village Flat-Old Ivanchishte. Their existence

in the past. the settlements pretty utvdenite matches. According to

manuscripts of Mark Katsura. The village Judah was incidental
Nice passengers from Ohrid-Debarca-KopachakaKicevo. Through
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ture village are direct to Judah and spent a night there, the
resting and livestock. The village Judah mean neverstvopredastvo. These attacks occurred Caravan and plachkanje
by robbers. As Judas who betrayed Riste, so someone
taught caravan wrote Mark Katsura-Junior
originating from the village Ivanchishte. The old village
Livadishte disappeared
quickly. Another older name is mentioned in the last 300
years. Poupatenite in this area know that in the locality
rapping City, many people came to find gold that
a robber to death hid there. This tells
as a story. After every attack and loot collected in Aram
There were struggles. Superabundance in the sokrivale
oddredeni trees, stones, cemetery, later to take. For
Old City neighborhood known to date from the time of BC
Imperial Macedonia. In the village of Judah always lived
donci and throughout Kopacka. This space occurred
many events that led to the destruction of the settlement City.
The population that survived was hiding in the woods
Goljak mountain. When conditions allow people began to
return and begin construction of houses and cottages near
destroyed settlement. The village in the past engaged exception
tainable livestock, orchards and zemjodelije. Also this village
be capable of self-preservation and survival of their
products are grown. It is worth mentioning as

reminder to young generations that villagers from a village

always helped with other villages. There were examples of
certain village warriors stop them sent to the other village
protect. In all the villages and in this the villagers were sly
concealing the grain, cattle, secret locations in the mountains
only to fall into foreign hands. The village of Judah after their
place of
position and age of postonje is similar to the village Flat-Old
Ivanchishte flat Gumno mountain Karaorman. These
points-populated places in the ancient royal vrremeto
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Macedonia, later Roman Empire and the so-called
Byzantine period until the Ottoman period. Centuries
passed, generations changed. The village Judah spent
all periods of the past. More recently, the beginning of the
century, the population is becoming more aware of their
position. Any
family counted from 15-40 people to have a man be so said
old. In World War II the population takes great
participation in the war. After liberation joy had finally after
sun comes rain. Bad laws agradni SFRY this village
left without goats which meant no meat and milk during
year. The population was disappointed by the new laws,
but pressure from the services forced villagers
be peaceful. Then begins and rural-urban migration. , A marking
lbarstvoto was started long ago and still lasted. Survival
the family was on the edge of viability. The village is Judah
discharged and all villages. Untouched nature, pure inzduh today stand there, but the air is not living. Residents
nowadays navrajkjaat correcting homes to
Hopefully one day this village will be tourist destinations

nation for the visitors. The population has always been the strain
KacuriBrsjaci Macedonian by birth. Religion was even hristijanska Orthodox. Older Judovchani hope
will one day return to life in the village. Hopefully it
will remain empty words, younger generations will
fix lost from the ravages of time.
Village Otters
Otter village is located on the right side of the main
time Kicevo Bitola. Despite this village monastery St.
Virgin, Pure Kicevo. The village is located at an
a height of 833 meters. Surrounded by forests of Goljak-ornska mountain make wonderful place. In the past through
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village minutes old road Kicevo-Ohrid and the village was
excellent location. Each village through which passes time there
their perspective. So this village and is now a great place of
position, close to the main road Kicevo Bitola. Old
Solunshtica village existed in the past. Since the existence of two
settlements that existed in the past housed in place
Two Churches. There is not a village in Macedonia, especially in
Kopacka area glorious and illustrious Debarca, no old and
utvdeni settlements. It proves that these areas were populated
Lenny, lived in prehistoric science will potvdi it.
Otter village had the same fate as other villages. Everyone
Village Otters
conquerors-coming wore bad things. Villagers white
Galle in the arms of the mountain Goljak, seeking
salvation. Goods
were found in the mountains. The houses were left at the mercy
disfavor unwanted guests that ravaged the village and
Finally burned. The population again renewed homes

oddreden in time when the condition will become stable. Others

armies spent several years and leave. After death
carod of Mark and his father Volkasin this village fell under
Ottoman rule.
There have been periods population to not even a grain of wheat to
somet flour for bread. At times they fed on forest
fruit. The diseases were one of the reasons for the destruction of
one of the oldest villages survived only when the shepherds
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Mount. In the village died out even the little river otters.
The name itself comes from the many-otter otters. While the
there were no people on the rivers are too razmnozhile otters
because nobody harassed. Survivors of old
village after a long period of time-displaced returned to the place
of what is now the village. They were amazed at the endless
Games of the river otters and so gladly village zavikale
Otters. This is the first version of the name otters, which I
that is true. Second verziaja tells another. It is
says Byzantine army passing through the village and were
stunned when they saw that half of the residents were
stabbed by a group of robbers cut and so they say: See-RaniOtters. Also this version is probably close to the truth, and
because you alone decide who will accept. The re
recovery of the village now otter life to normal.
At certain times and Ottoman policemen came to the village and
protected the people from the criminal groups. Ottomans and had
benefit, protecting his village has protected and yield of
harvest and livestock that took tax. Time brings,
time heals everything. The population goes through hard and
period under slavery. In the early twentieth century to survive

all changes. Then begins the period of emigration.

Part of the population especially in the poorest parts
They direct profit. Many of them never returned
Back, left bones abroad. Several young sons
Macedonia, served as soldiers in the Bulgarian and Serbian
army on the front were killed. In World War II,
population takes mass participation. After the war came
freedom is realized dream, incomplete. The dream of uniting
and liberation of Macedonia is only partially realized
this territory. The new authorities in their laws in their war
inflict great damage to all villages in Macedonia and the
Otter village. Law for the destruction of goats was
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executed for the population. The population in the village are
engaged exclusively in agriculture, livestock and more. From
crops in the village managed wheat, corn,
barley and other crops. Farming was the most represented and
it is lived. In the past, people exchanged goods between
themselves and plachanjata money were very rare. The village
was ready and capable of survival only. Villagers
charge their wooden barns with grain and other foods. They
were placed out of sight of the robbers. There were periods
when the yield was poor, and the villagers then borrowed from
neighboring villages. Ever Zeman from the sidelines in the barns.
Summer was difficult, it was from morning till night, with
fear from the criminal groups. Forest fruit that gave
nature were safe diet in many periods. In
region of this village, and across Kopacka was, and still is,
rich in fruits like wild cherry, wild pear,
kiselachki, as assembled, is sechkale in small pieces and

dried in the winter period. In the winter of these fruits are

drum-dried fruit compote very tasty and mild pleasant. From
ity has gathered delicious and useful mountain and green tea.
The period of migration from villages to cities has not ceased our
Many families are headed in one direction-city. Times
the past is not returning. Young generations, today or tomorrow
should be returned in their old nest constructed from their
ancestors. Here to spend free days in the summer,
repairing the damaged building new houses. The village Otters
a good place position from which residents should draw
some benefit. Otter village has always been inhabited by strain
Katsura-Brsjaci, Macedonian by birth. Religion always
was Christian Orthodox faith. To learn about nature
days beauties need to visit their village that awaits
Stam, offering you its natural beauty and clean
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REVIEW OF OLD SET settlement
Past Shoe - Kicevo
The destruction of the old towns and villages in the last period
was a daily occurrence. After unishtovanjeto in all settlements
places remaining remnants of buildings as heaps stones and
somewhere, and it has not. Ordering Now they will walk
settlements, villages which have modest data. Shoe was growkrsnica road that ran north-south and east-west.
Kara breaker passed by BC and
new era. Came to major attacks and devastation. Special
This happened after the death of Emperor Volkasin and Emperor
Therefore we will start after a sequence which has a weight

Places in a given period. Here we will mention only

places that have potvdeni data about their existence and
Defining the old finish.
Gradiste (village Podvis)
The first buildings on the hill village of today Podvis dated
very long ago. It is assumed that there is still time
antiquity, during the royal Macedonian this place was
important point. It was originally built some utvdeno
residence and place kontoliranje gorge Great RekaFever. As a strategic place, Macedonians strain KacuriBrsjaci were famous warriors and dervendzhii. They were too
capable of monitoring and governance space. With zajaknuvanjeto the royal Macedonia in the period BC also is built
and this premise, as the Gradiste. After the dissolution of
millennium kingdom of Macedonia BC country was raintegral. Roman Empire took power, subjecting January
latest and greatest country, civilization you then
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shniot world. Roman army that crossed in this region
occupied this interesting space in Gradiste. Here it
rearranged and space allotted for their own needs some
period. After a stay of ten years decided to uniDefining this shtat before departure not to use another.
Laid waste the whole Defining and city and rushed to
Ohrid to Rome. During the Byzantine Macedonia this space
was re-populated, built by the Macedonians, strain KacuriBrsjaci survivors in the mountains and returned to his
place. Unfortunately with the Ottoman conquest, this place was
flattened to the ground. So it ends up describing the
Gradiste in manuscripts Mark Katsura Junior. Gradiste longer
there, Macedonians are returning from hiding places
descend below the heights and form today Podvis village.

Old village, hamlet (village Dobrenoec)

Old utvdena ancient settlement in this area was still
in tsarist Macedonia, BC, which was the site of
Upper Dobrenoec. The population was of strain Katsura-Brsjaci,
gender Macedonians. This settlement lasted until the arrival of
Romans. At that time the Roman army was on the way to Ohrid.
The village buildings were of a military character of the tsarist
Macedonia, annihilate and was completely destroyed. Residents
were once out in the woods and hills viewed the mornidence sight. The criminal groups joined the Roman
soldiers small prize. I agreed to take Roman
troops Macedonian villages all the way to LihnidostOhrid. In my manuscripts were available mentions that
residents again rebuilt in comparison with the Romans. For
Unfortunately it was short-lived, misunderstandings appeared
stenjeto water sources of Studencica and powergender lowlands. After several years of slave life
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fled back into the woods because they took the Roman army is
you proizvedele people had food. Then the Romans
this place sramnuvaat soil around the II century AD and their
leave. Macedonians long time never appeared in the village.
With the appearance of a slightly quieter time residents return
the present site of the village Dobrenoec.
Flagoec (village Jaorec)
Village or neighborhood has Flagoec old mine. It is believed
that even in ancient times BC live here any place. For
tsarist Macedonia, BC this place had great
important for warriors Macedonians. Flagoec according
I had meant for this region or take a flag bearer.

The name originated from the time of the great empire

Royal ancient Macedonia, BC The dismantling of Macedonians
Macedonia business after the collapse of the ancient Macedonian
Empire, BC settlement somewhere in the first centuries of
BC was destroyed. Residents were from strain KacuriBrsjaci gender Macedonians. Near the village was Flagoec
Drenovo village, and many later Petreva village. All these
villages were destroyed and robbed. Residents-Macedonians
saved the forest where they were fleeing. From conversations I
had in
last century with older people found that when the Romans
were in the village of Macedonians ordered to build new
Wars facilities. With the help of the criminal groups the military
returned to force men and heard in the village. Later
Byzantine Macedonia, especially during the reign of
Volkasin King and Emperor Marcus villagers returned to the
village and
build their houses creating today Jaorec village. For
During the Ottoman rule and this village is on after
spoliation fortunately it exists today and forever with fast
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help young generations who need to update such
apple of the eye.
Scour (Lavchani)
The village scour old neighborhood. This settlement is mentioned
as having Defining, where control of the valley
Great River fever. Utvdeno This place is about as old as
previous utvdeni settlements. Life existed in
Antiquity. Before this place utvdeno scour existed
another settlement of the Macedonian empire they were very
benefit, BC serving to prepare the march through
mountains to the territory of present-day Montenegro.

Macedonians natives lived in this area since ancient times.

The population was of strain Katsura-Brsjaci that attracted roots
of the Royal House of Karate and Katsura BC Macedonian by
birth. For
Unfortunately, this village was destroyed and looted by
Roman armies after the collapse of the kingdom of Macedonia. In
time when the Roman armies left residents returned
Back in the village and in the nearby village built
Lavchani. According to the papers and transferred narratives of
generation to the Macedonian army during each trip
carried more lions, because the village was called and IM
later this settlement 200 years ago was named the
the letter "B" Lavchani that exists today and forever.
Lapusnik (set of villages)
Lapusnik village was located in the heart of mountain Lopushnik hidden from evil eyes even robbers. This village streaming
the remains of the walls of houses and old cemeteries are dumb
witnesses of the past. I have visited with a group of students
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several times during the year 1970-71, and later with a
teachers. Sad sight, scouts of old objects
Gold even graves had raskopuvano, skvernaveno as
necivilizaciski act. This village existed very long ago
the period of its existence has not been archaeological
potvden. All we know is the worst ever for the villages and towns
Macedonia this place was a gathering of refugees
everywhere. Macedonians strain Katsura-Brsjaci living from
this village has received all refugees. Once logged in that village
without permission could not get out, not to be revealed
Ottoman army. By taking punitive measures against
Christians, Macedonians and other people did not want to
Pokorny, began ashes and plachkanjeto villages. Villagers in

denesshnoto village Dushugubica, Kosrid village Lavchani village

prisojchani-old village Ehloec village Gari village Lazaropole other
villages mijachijata here found a home and refuge.
Previously, the same rule to practice
Roman and Byzantine army. Villagers had to live in
this village complicated even Prilep brought several
families, four families of Stene, Prespa, Bitola region
and Mariovo. In this period suffered village old Ivanchitant-flat which was flattened and was burned grand
Church St. Athanasia in 1625 by the Ottomans. In
Lapusnik village lived and residents of strain and strain Mijaks
Katsura-Brsjaci several Vlach families, all by birth
Macedonians. when the sky cleared over the village Ivanchishte,
horsemen them obavestile the military leave. For
safety for residents, refugees, there remaining sixteen
years living in the village of Lapusnik. After this first period are
residents returned from Mijaks strain, gender and several
families from Prilep and Prespa kind of Katsura-Brsjaci
they settled in villages Lazaropole, Gary Jance, and Toros
other villages. After some time they returned and other residents
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mijachijata. Here I would mention that the inhabitants of the
Lazaropole were over 80% of the settlers village Lapusnik
strain of Katsura-Brsjaci small part of Mijaks strain at the time.
Other villages in Mijachijata have many immigrant families
strain of Katsura-Brsjaci, gender Macedonians at the time. Others
residents remained still live in the village of Lapusnik, and
Meanwhile new refugees arrived. Even after thirty
years around 1680 of the population are

down along the slopes of Lapusnik as no longer

food for all. Residents of the village Dushugubica somewhere
around 1700
year Back to the present village of Gorno Malo
and begin construction of huts and houses. The village Lapusnik
lived by the end of the XIX century, when the last residents
left, and the frail and elderly were killed. As sad
monument of the past and today stand healing walls of
former houses full of life. Sometimes great joy and
dream for the future ends sadly. When writing about the village
Lapusnik valuable and with all due respect, it should be
remembered for all
many years in this village lived Macedonians and three
families Kodzadzik strictly preserving the secret of this village
looks like a refugee camp for the Macedonians. It should be
mentioning that in this village Lapusnik had permission to enter
Only residents of the village and some old Ivanchishte mijak
villages who were trusted and helped the villagers. For
During his stay in the village Lapusnik indigenous and
refugees, the strain Mijaks or Katsura-Brsjaci, all by birth
Macedonians were no predastva. Therefore, the village
long existed. Today the village awaits a visitor to
visits and cleared of large grasses and shrubs. Young
generations should be aware of and learn Macedonian
truth floating through a very difficult period, it delayed us
Maat, on the countries of the Democrats. To remember, and
generations before them passed through hell, survived
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Lapusnik village, and today kept secrets of the past
only faith to survive and yield strain of Macedonia. Because not
need to believe much of Ottoman notebooks and records

because they wrote down large settlements that

filled frame. Here are the thoughts of lowland settlements
they cultivated large fields in ethnic Macedonia.
The accuracy of inventories is very small because a logical high
village or household-40 members enrolled in it and that it
Village live 7 or 15 Christians. So do not there will be higher
publication of the Turkish notepads, but to call the
Latin sources and old Macedonian manuscripts knew
the true state of the villages and lived with them.
Flat (village Ivanchishte)
This neighborhood, village utvdeno Neolithic is one of the oldest
Kopacka in the region and with the threshing floor Flat Mount
Karaorman. In this environment of the village were Ivanchishte
several other neighborhoods, some more some less, and some so
served as hideouts. We will point out the neighborhood
Grave that he was transporting dead in Macedonian
tsarist Macedonia BC in a fight with the intruders.
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This neighborhood is located in the region of Smrdeshtica lived
always Macedonians. Here we will mention the place with arheThree oloshka value Groboi Egjupski. In a campaign of
Macedonian army during the reign of Philip II of Macedonia to
place were killed three premised Commander
wars units in combat with the tribes that came from
the area of today's Montenegro. This settlements named
later because it existed as a settlement very utvdena
long before the new era. I used the word Egjupski Groboi,
thought leaders killed in battle during the campaign
Macedonians, and they were three Macedonians strain KacuriBrsjaci, who called him and Ptolemy ruled Egypt.
Why not make confusion word egjupski-Egyptian by birth

Macedonians Ptolemaic that ruled Egypt were

called their troops to join the invasion
Philip II to stop the Adriatic Sea to the River Danube. This
place has not yet been explored. Places Flat-old
Ivanchishte was a very strategic way, short leg via
Ignatius. Villages or settlements of this place were destroyed
more times. Name changed, Raven, Selishte, flat
Ivanchishte. From the XV century village named Ivanchishte-old
later Ivanchishte-new, today's village is across
the old village. To this end, I explore more than 40
years, and today am still looking to highlight some
events of the past. To preserve the stem and the fruit should
be healthy root, otherwise it will not MISC neither root nor
fruit. East of Mount Stogovo, hides from JAMA and
Bistra mountain, a few kilometers from the old strategic
Source-time Bokov Bridge, was located the old neighborhood
Raven and
Selishte later. Somewhere in the III century AD the name of this
Places appear as flat-iron. The settlement
originated before the VIII century BC. This name Graph
fied by 1500. AD being named
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Ivanchishte older. The devastation of the last settlement and
population of strain Katsura-Brsjaci move east of
old settlement, retaining the name Ivanchishte. Valley
gorge Ivanechka and Ehloechka River, downstream pit
River, these names are derived much later were strategic
places that controlled the Macedonians in the period
Ancient Royal Makedonoija. According to records of the
milijan Katsura-Brsjak, this settlement was inhabited before
VIII century BC The settlement was utvdena as strategic place

Imperial Macedonia from ancient times and had a great knowledge

tance at that time and later. This populated area served
as a defensive bulwark second line royal Macedonia BC
Wild fruit trees
This has nactrano, crossed card from an old card, drawing on
special leather in 1651, and the old card originated
somewhere the III century. The population at the time, BC
any native oldest were Paionians and Brigitte and
Macedonians were related tribes, peoples, and later
identified gender as Macedonians. According to the respondents
a notification and information collected this ancient population
always strain Katsura today Brsjaci and ruled with great
territory. Kingdom Macedonia BC was always present
in this strategic area and tendered oddredena help. In
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Latin sources were standing Hucurite prihraneti of King
Philip II of Macedonia to protect and defend the away section
mountains. They were his blood by birth and not forgotten
his son Alexander III of Macedonia. The village is named
Flat continuing the old settlement was divided into
more fraternities. The central area was Selechkoto brotherhood
composed of 150 soldiers. There were more concentrated and
etchiski workshop. There were blacksmiths, Samardzija,
kazandzhii, tailors and others. In contemporary terms village
the chance to play as a small town. Able was for survival, even
and if the salt is gone there where to find the place called
Solishta. There are certain parts have special solenkasta

strength, residual sludge from the former sea lake later. With
arrival to the throne of King Philip II of Macedonia, The
space was interesting for Macedonia. There getting ready
Warriors, technical and physical training is performed. After
training were again tested and put into fighting
through the mountains. After fighting they returned back to the
Flat-old Ivanchishte were resting for some time and again
sent to Macedonian phalanx which was a third phase
Training, Education and lowland warfare high
temperatures. Such training was held in the capital of
Macedonian kingdom. In this period the site experiences
greatest growth and progress. Before each departure
warriors remained nights to celebrate because they were
proud to defend their homeland Macedonia if
need to give their lives. Besides Selechkoto brotherhood
there are other fraternities in the village. The settlement was a
numbered over five hundred houses and cottages. Each fraternity
headed by Chieftain. All the chiefs participated in the Council
the duke. So this was a very proper hierarhiaja
inserted without any flaws in the part and orginazacijata
rule. (The village Ivanchishte if need to find out more
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Read the special book: "Ivanchishte-Tracing my
Macedonian roots "issued in May 2009, Skopje).
The decision of the Council of glavatori was unanimous and final
without appeal. In the manuscripts of the Katsura-Brsjacite
Flat-Ivanchishte described many events that have taken place
periods in the past. In these manuscripts have a map
it began to draw in the period 1380 and was

hidden in another family, completed in 1651, all

mezhnici and land, forest and territory that was ruled
Flat-owned Ivanchishte. In the beginning of the first
millennium AD started to happen different
displacement and return back to his place and
that time and later historians who wrote of interest
King who will pay more will write as they wish. Strain
Katsura cross myself in a tribe Berzin, as
migrated to this region, and much later somewhere in the IX
begins to use another name folded Brsjaci
left today. I only Kacurovci village
Ivanchishte today has retained the name of its kind KacuriKacurosvsko retail. This little so callers will always remain
forever. In the period from Katsura were prekrstuvani
certain expansionist and thieves of another history, especially
neighbors will mention that the Roman ruler or Adrian
Hadrian wrote in a report that the Macedonians of strain
Hucuri-Katsura did not tame. It should be agreeMNE that at the time ruled by Emperor Samuel kingdom
participated soldiers and old Ivanchishte. On the other hand
Macedonian dynasty headed by Basil II also had military
the strain Katsura Macedonians. This conflict between the king
and Samuel
Basil was unnecessary, served only to itself indexzhuvanje and mastery over the same territory. Today history has
accurate data potvduvaat the army of the King Samuel
by birth Macedonians as military and Basil were
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Macedonians. Unfortunately it is happening today in the hope that
finally stop at the right time. In that period remained
only two large fraternities, and today a small, small and Jancevska

Kacurovsko retail. Other fraternities were smaller. According to

manuscripts Dmitry Katsura. Strain Katsura played an important
in the time of their ancestors Agreadite, where poteknuva and Karan, Macedonian king and his brother who Katsura
dealt exclusively with discovering talents warriors and their
training. The most prominent member of the strain was Katsura
King Philip II of Macedonia later Aleksndar III Macedonians
Donskoy. He was called Soter Katsura, the great general of the
Alexander of Macedonia, under whose leadership and command
Egypt and other African business. Name Flat continues
use and further where they worked brotherhood. From
manuscripts do I know that the last largest group
Warriors of flat-Ivanchishte were sent during the campaign
Macedonia to Persia. Unfortunately, according to the papers no
returned back. It happened BC More recently, attendance
Observatory, during the rule of the Romans, the Macedonians
from strain
Katsura were transported as slaves to work in Rome, and strengths
warriors to fight in battles. Village Flat-Ivanchishte there
long quiet period during the reign of Emperor
Volkasin and Emperor Marcus. After their death, things have
Emperor Marcus on May 17, 1395 in Rovigo in the news
Macedonia especially Kopacka Christians by faith Macedonia
nci by birth received with great sadness. They began to prepare for
difficult time coming. Ottomans soon has won Macedonians
Macedonia, and village Flat-Ivanchishte. Dukes had delayed
Mano Fermi agreement with the Ottomans for loosely vassal and
contract year Taxes paid big-tax. For a long time he
agreement is respected, but in 1625 the village from all sides
Ivanchishte been attacked and destroyed quite dead warriors.

Another population fled. Then in that sad sight

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Ottomans burned Atanasie church, which was
restored the foundations of the old church from the XII
century. This church
was under the protection of St. And St. Clement. Naum under field
registered Kuchevica, Torrent naija. Today this place stands
again restored chapel St. Athanasia. This church is
reminder of a past no one can forget or
denied, our kind-Katsura Brsjaci Macedonian by birth. Many
our forefathers left bones at that time fighting
for their home country. In the following centuries times wear
difficult life. Conquerors came, killed and their plachkale
leave. Remained mourning and poverty. It's funny when
still teach lessons for the arrival of the Slavs
tubes or cane through the Danube to settle Macedonians
Macedonia. The professors, teachers say that it will
logic, but will wait a little while to work and sozrejat
the truth to come out. While we were Slavs or
any. Today all records are available, but logic says:
Migrated Macedonians and after a period when
placated things are returning back. Where? - In your country
Macedonia. So the myth of speech is created in order to
Delete Macedonian people proclaiming him missing,
as now-deceased former. Unfortunately it was short-lived and
disappear forever. Macedonians existed and will exist in
their land, inherited, not stolen land, culture, rubbed my,
as did our neighbors. Unfortunately, we can not here them
forget those tubes of speech, if you were having
to merge into the Macedonians. Too bad you're not alone
iastorija their culture, customs always differed

from other nations, acting unanimously that we

Macedonians this is Macedonia. Roots are vlechime ago
VIII century BC and will drag on forever. The village Ivanchishtaold was born and one of the most learned philosophers in medium
Ages Maximilian Katsura-Makkedah son Aris Katsura.
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He was educated in Rome. He returned to the village and
poizvesen time again returned to Rome to continue
education and the study of philosophy. In Rome worked
ten years, wrote and taught the young generations.
He left Rome migrates to the hilt. There requested their
Macedonian roots especially grave of his grandfather Dmitry
Katsura born in 1380, a great philosopher and thinker,
died in Ephesus in 1476 at 96 years of age. His
Tomb was saved by the Ottomans. His grandson
Maximilian Katsura-Macedon continues Nagov work.
Many of his writings are important for Macedonia, were
kept in Sveti.Gora. In recent years, and
now advanced countries and democracies want to know whose
identity have and where they are and who they are for
large research funds. So a famous historian
Balkans wrote: "What we are and who we are, whose roots crawl
but it seems we are closest to the Macedonians ".At right is he
it asks, it says that, and we already have a long and old
root, but somehow it stramezhlivo express. Alexander
Katsura Ivanchishte born back in 1772 in
his papers and wrote the following: "The hairs of the beard
I would like kravaet lafef with arapishchana that are blowing us
Makidoncite wanted friendship to us. Zattoni honor honor to
Makidonec of quince Makidonska. ". This says it all, I here

I have no comment. These meetings were held with the Arabs in

at that time. In the manuscripts of Mark Katsura-Makkedah which
Born in the village Ivanchishte in 1730 and died in 1811
in Lebanon. He writes: "reigned Aleksndre Makidonski
in Dois to the heavens to the outrages our selves twisted from you
headbanging wait and they Lafite day and night. We will zhizan
have only passion and SERM ... "Therefore I repeat that
Ottoman notebooks are not even 10% reliable, especially when
work for smaller or mountainous areas, where they
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A 5-year department has a lot to investigate our
history which today is located in various manuscripts written by
Macedonians, guarded by private collectors and newer
Kingdoms. Flat-Ivanchishte village stands opposite, west of
new Ivanchishte keeping secrets just buried himself in
many cemeteries that remain today, and forever. Church
Atanasie illuminates the quiet, mysterious and wonderful
area whether it is day or night. He is the saint that many
generations admired and believed in him and faith
Ristosova. Ivanechka River separates these two spaces of
old and new-ancient-medieval period. Every time you
had their good and bad moments. The silence in the village an
Ivanchishte violate the beautiful songs of birds and
I listen to a roar of a deer seeking his
lubovnica in this peaceful and beautiful beauty. At
During wind shakes drvajata whose leaves do
wonderful noise, seemed whispering residents of the old village
Flat-Ivanchishte fearing everyday mischief.
Flowers by wind in spring begin their

Tango spring, summer pride showing its color and

beauty. In the fall play last Autumn Waltz ago
first snow fall. Winter with its whiteness and thickness
Snow rejects sunlight, illuminating the dark
period that passed through and survived my suffering
Donskoy people. By far heard the roar of the river,
disturbing the peace in the winter is doing great mranzuli
captivating as the stories, and she rushes to the goal bringing
Vodicharskite holy waters to the sea and oceans. Beautiful
a sight rarely twice can see. Epiphany is celebrated on
everywhere. In Kichevijata and Kopacka celebrated especially in
three days, with all orthodox traditions of the past. Celebrating and
St. Athanasia-winter and summer, and here called
Tanasovden. Christmas Eve,
Christmas Vassilitsa was once welcomed as New
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Year old calendar. Trees are gifts from each
house. In the past Macedonians celebrated although weather
filled with difficult moments for the population. However in such
difficult conditions did weddings and children born sometime after
somewhere 8. Children are the greatest treasure of family.
Wealthier residents sent their children to school
in other countries. The man knows what the morning would
bring. Came
end and this settlement earlier Flat-Ivanchishte. To our
Fortunately most people survived, someone moved in
new village, someone moved in various cities and countries. Time
is adopted, and the same time concerns are.
Monastery (village Klenoec)

This old utvdeno place near the village Klenoec

there are coming to the Ottoman army in these parts
after the death of Emperor Marcus 1395. At this point were
placed dervendzhiite village Flat-Ivanchishte from strain
Katsura, gender Macedonians. In this room there was a small
Jovcevska claims to control both directions of gorges-tolines of today's village Popoec villages and Ivanchishte
Ehloec. Also be supervised for Kicevo-Debar. In
this settlement were populated exclusively warriors who
controlled that part. Because she had a great importance he
space was abandoned, and the warriors moved in JAMA
Judah village today. Other data for this area no.
City (village Judah)
In space, the place where the present village of Judah,
there was an older neighborhood and Defining. This settlement
was called
City or Gradiste. According to the stories and traditions of
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generations are considered utvdenata settlement was utvdena
even in ancient times. Ohrid region Kichevskiot, Porechijeto continues to Skopje, driven separately by
this shortcut. This old settlement can be compared with
Flat-Ivanchishte flat Gumno- Karaorman because before
BC during the royal Macedonia had Defining the
warriors. It was active at the time of the Macedonian king
Perdiccas III, Philip II and Alexander III of Macedonia
Macedonia. The warriors were well educated, came from
same local town and surrounding villages especially of flat-Ivanov
nlishta. Training all warriors was occupying the space Selishte
and Raven. For hundreds of years these places gathered youths
trained for warfare. According manuscripts left
Mark Katsura, the village Gradiste-Judah wrote that the road

Lihnidost (Ohrid), with Kara and direct to Kichevijata

further. Aram came in groups of village ture and were
well organized, attacking oddredeni places. The site
before the entrance of the settlement City most of robbers were
fakjani or killed by Macedonian guards. After defeat
Macedonian army of Pydna and division of Imperial Macedonians
Macedonia BC through this area and crossed the Roman army.
This army is kept short period in this Defining and
left. Residents of strain Katsura-Brsjaci in no
now thought to leave this place. So it was
during Byzantine rule in the region. With
After the Ottoman conquest of the city or neighborhood Gradiste
lick end. Since the first attack Ottomans immediately
this took place. Warriors fought along with other old
soldiers who remained to live here as rulers.
Always the criminal groups and then joined the attackers.
The Ottomans quickly found a common language for the division
prey. With victory Ottoman armies are not satisfied and the
Finally the city was destroyed to the ground. There were many
casualties, only
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runaway escaped, and there were quite casualties among the
After some time the residents of the City or Gradiste mentioned
in some manuscripts, again returned to their fields. Instantly
rename the place by the name of Judas who betrayed
Christ and they were betrayed by some one, and it comes
the name Judah. This recovers the new settlement in the area
the old settlement City. Residents have not forgotten and
Settlements Livadishte. In this place and were
old cemetery. Is retold here in graves

Population sokrivalo valuable items. So we can

conclude that this old town district, remained
past. Katsura-Macedonians, and again prebrodile
this premrezhje and heavy stone heart continued
further. The village of Judah and now lives with Macedonians
Katsura, preserving the past, awaiting the beautiful future.
Scabies (village Svinjishta)
Near the village there was a settlement Svinjishta Scabies.
The population was Macedonians strain Katsura-Brsjaci. In this
village had other foundations, the existence of potvduvaat
old settlement period of BC This village was established
and existed since ancient royal Macedonia. With doagjaing Roman village was neglected. This settlement
old place I found a lot of data or records. It tells
Scabies in that place was built in the Middle Ages
beautiful church dedicated to Our Lady, St. Mary. Unfortunately
today remained just heaping stones and its foundations
waiting for someone to re-sanctified and renewed. Ottomans
arrived in this village Scabies-Svinjishte laid waste
and eventually burned along with the church. The village is
was placed on the old dirt road Kicevo-Ohrid. The time was
challenge for all occupiers and Aramisko groups arriving
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the population. Human life at the time, so telling
an old villager Svinjishta and every summer to go to the
his birthplace. I think many secrets hiding under it
brown soil. I hope that future generations will
more interested in the old Macedonian villages. I more
decades investigated villages in Macedonia and
processed sequentially, especially Kopacka, Debarca and Mija-

whose. Time will discard evidence to light.

Village (village Brzhdani)
As part of today's village Brzhdani, in the past there
Places villages. There are monasteries and water.
The existence of the settlement potvduvaat other stone
buildings that villagers used for construction of the present village
Brzhdani. The population was of strain Katsura and yield
donci. This village was a busy time, tying it
Northeast. So often been the target of attacks and
plunder. Villagers skrivale through the mountains to prelive. After every attack and peaceful period, and returning
Back in the village. Here there are still many things to be
the past. Secrets still stand in the foundation of rubble.
With the collapse of imperial Macedonia BC Romans
held this region, but had major problems. Then
the departure of the Roman army people had a problem with
the criminal groups. Survived with ruses and gifts,
because they could not resist the force. For to visa
ntiskoto rule still had problems, but still lived
Judas. After the Ottoman conquest began and torment, a
from askerot brought incurable disease first began
Ottomans to die, and later the villagers. The disease spread
very quickly, those who escaped were saved. The Ottoman army
burned down the whole village thinking it would save from the
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The village hamlet had strategic position and the Ottomans
and the fact that many of the surrounding departments askerot
forests to return to the village. Villagers had to return to

village, now the slope where the village is located today

Brzhdani. It is interesting that the Ottomans gave them food and
help to build huts and houses. In a manuscript written:
"So it named as the days passed quickly and their young
died. " Established this sentence says it all the time when ruled
plague, so I terminal on time. The village Brzhdani
live today.
Solunshtica (village Otters)
The old village in the area of the village was called Otter
Solunshtica. This village existed before the Middle Ages. Of
told that there were two villages, and in fact it was a
divided into two parts. In the village lived Macedonians strain
Katsura-Brsjaci. The old village was located in Solunshtica
place two Churches. Also this village was established in the
where they had to go travelers, soldiers and anyone.
This place utvdeno potvduva once again that the region of
Western Macedonia and all over Macedonia especially
higher mountain villages and Kopacka Debarca were population
Lenny from prehistory. These settlements existed in
different periods. WARRIOR expulsions villagers
forests and surrounding settlements. The traces of the old
Solunshtica prove that it is an older Defining.
There were even older settlements. Residents of the village of
past pronaogjale old items specifically some old
coins from different time periods. The place Two Churches
existed in the Middle Ages two smaller churches. During the
grand royal Macedonia through this settlement passed
Warriors-Macedonians in campaigns in western Macedonia. For
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During the reign of King Philip II of Macedonia later

his son, Tsar Alexander III of Macedonia. King Philip
Macedonia, and before him and showed great king Perdiccas
interest for the western part of Macedonia before BC In
destruction and separation of royal Macedonia, these
areas held by people. It slavery Macedonians gravely
survived. Frequent guests and major problems of peasants
did the criminal groups came and ravaged by all
villages. The village Solunshtica during Byzantine
Macedonia managed a peaceful period. After the collapse of
Macedonian kingdom that Samuel because so
Cry for other reasons, in the same battle with Macedonian
Empire, led by Basil II, he received the title
Macedonian King and unreasonable these two fighting against one
other. Macedonians against Macedonians unprecedented rarity in
past. The winner Basil II passes through the city KichavasKicevo and all settlements in Kopacka and Debarca. In the old
Solunshtica village were accustomed to such rapid changes
power. For that period has records when the Byzantine army
passing through the village seen many dead bodies and stabbed.
The dead lay everywhere on dusty road and Lady. That
made the criminal groups that came through the mountains and
disappeared. The village Solunshtica already been deleted from
map. With the advent of the Byzantine army nothing
changed. Residents still lived on the mountain and
surrounding villages. After some time the Ottomans expressed
interest for their own benefit, invited residents and their
helped to come back and to cultivate the fields. With
return of villagers formed a new village which otters and
today there. The population today is strain-Katsura Brsjaci
gender Macedonians. Solunshtica left in the past as a root
I podhranuva today heirs with his rebellious
Macedonian spirit.
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Seles (village goat)
In this place in the past there utvdena old settlement Named
Qena Seles. Residents were from strain Katsura-Brsjaci by birth
Macedonians. The settlement was located that had an important
place in
that period. Together all the chiefs of the old villages held
connections for better security, since they were unable to
cope with large Aramisko groups came from further afield.
This judgment does not avoid this settlement Seles. Romans
were the first passengers passed through these parts after
defeat the Royal BC Macedonia They passed through Seles
and collecting goods and grain for the Roman army. They are not
kept long, unless there was some weather.
Romans realized that people are still working and not their
made major problems as was the case in other
old neighborhoods. Remained for several months and rarely by
then set off and not returned back. Residents constantly
had problems with the criminal groups. Attacked were mostly
in autumn when the harvest was collected. In late spring again
came plachkajkji the merchandise. In the later period
Byzantine army passes through this neighborhood. Here are
remembers that time that some old soldiers remained
live here, people look out for them. Unfortunately, in the
period there was a collision of two wings of the Byzantine
army. The population fled to surrounding areas to survive.
The conflict, mutual Byzantine troops occurred in
Seles. The consequence of all these misunderstandings Seles was
destroyed. After clearing these clashes families
returning to the destroyed village, restoring houses. They began to
cultivate the land and the goods were hidden in the mountains.
The population that survived village Seles has rename the
Selishte because constantly moved around Tampa. Then was built

Monastery St. Nicholas. Live well and peacefully while

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voice did not come to the criminal groups. Villagers were already
organized with the help of other places jointly fought
Ottoman army had already conquered Macedonia. Leader
Aramiska a group headed in Bitola in reion
osmanliiite, slandering all Christians. Ottoman
army attacked the village, it split the spoils with robbers.
This inhabited settlement ends a pile of ashes with many
dead. After this period, the village was abandoned long period
to create conditions for the return of residents of strain
Katsura, gender Macedonians. Gradually the population returns to
village and build houses and cottages on the site of today's
the village goat. It forms a new village that exists
Chuchkoec (village Belica)
In space, the area of the village Belica an old neighborhood
what was called Chuchkoec. Precise data on the formation of
this neighborhood is gone, but there was very long ago BC
the ancient royal Macedonia. Macedonian warriors in that
period were frequent guests at these places, helping them
in difficult times. Warriors stayed in this place
mostly in the winter when the campaigns pripremale
through the mountains. The settlement had a great location,
country gave a good race, and the goods were nice juicy
pasture and water. After the defeat of the Macedonian army and
dissolution of the royal Macedonian village retreat and
smaller detachments Macedonia to the south. In that period the
tribes came and swept at every opportunity. In this

Chuchkoec period settlement was destroyed. The population

survived hiding in the mountains. Romans after that
come and find out what happened to the population. With
their help was renovated again settlement is now
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called Zvecani. Roman army of the return of the population
benefited greatly because guarding food.
The criminal groups come again, but now struggle with
Roman soldiers, most were killed and one captured.
Several members of the thieves managed to izbegaaat already
longer period is not returned. Romans had to leave
village to go to another task. Villagers learning from
past hid outside the village near the forest
because each security. The switch-reign of Justinian
Village living longer and built a church in Popov Dol. With
Samuil military defeat and the rule of Emperor Basil
not changing the nothing. Time passed, and things
too quickly changed. During the reign of Emperor
Volkasin and Emperor Marcus, things went better.
The criminal groups and tribes were now greeted by roads
ravines and mountain ranges, where they were attacked,
remitted back. After the death of King Volkasin and Emperor
Macedonia was conquered by the Ottoman Empire. In
arrival of the Ottoman army in Kicevo end
began to attack villages, then attacked and Zvecani
on. Survivors who escaped to the mountains
not returned back. Ottomans realized that there is nowhere to
take the tax called the villagers to return and processed
country. Villagers wanted or did not want having to return and
build homes and village zavikale Belica. In the village

found many old items, decorations, coins, especially from

Roman period. In Popov Dol found many graves
were unearthed and pljachkani past. Population
past and today is the strain-Katsura Brsjaci yield and
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Obezishta (village Pappagiannis)
Obezishta was located near the present village
Pappagiannis. This old village had very turbulent and difficult
This contributed the favorable location of the settlement.
This settlement dating from the period, BC from the ancient
Donskoy kingdom. All settlements are Kopachaka and Kichevijata
updated near the old settlements that existed many
long ago BC. Obezishta and villages were
pursued, attacked by all occupiers after the collapse of
Macedonian Empire BC This settlement was as
meta position not permitted as higher
mountain villages. The population at the time and their
today is the strain-Katsura Brsjaci by birth Macedonians. During
Roman power Obezishta oddredeni duties, larger than
other villages. After the departure of the Roman army village not
was destroyed. This means that later came the criminal
groups and tribes looted, and in a period before
coming to power of Justinian, was burned and Obezishta
destroyed. Byzantine soldiers spending in this area is
saw this sad sight. Residents were avoid
mountains and villages without food for themselves and
goods. Byzantine
army found hiding where residents have collected and returned

in the village to build huts and houses with their help. Now
settlement was named monks with twenty people.
The population again began to cultivate land and
recovering. In that period the village and live there good fruit
the fields. This period lasted until the region was under
reign of Justinian. Also at the time of Samuel
kingdom Macedonians in this village received assistance and
With the dissolution of the kingdom through this region passes
power at the head of the Macedonian dynasty was that Basil
visited these villages passing. During the reign of
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Volkasin and Emperor Marcus population was peaceful. The
groups were killed in an ambush. So that part was under the
administration of
sister of Emperor Marcus, China which was very brave and wise.
Therefore this period for all settlements in this part of
Western Macedonia was safer. With the death of King VolkaShin and Emperor Marcus Ottoman army with all heat beats
the village monks and sramnuva the country. These settlements as
and many others in Kopacka not recovered as such never.
After a period osmanliiite invited them to residents
and return to process fields, each made of a house
received one pound as a reward. The conditions were
agreed in Bitola where the authorities themselves have wondered
come to such devastation. Villagers accompanied by guards
in the village, then near the old village begins to
build houses and cottages under a new name Pappagiannis this
village today

lives and will live. In the village lived from strain KacuriBrsjaci by birth Macedonians who survived are.
Kosrid (village Dushugubica)
Near the village today Dushugubica in the past
found its small Defining Kosrid. The place had an old
utvdena military settlement at the time of ancient royal
Macedonia, BC Here minutes shortcut from Debar
Bitola and Kicevo. The population was of strain Katsura-Brsjaci
gender Macedonians. They were mostly families of the soldiers
controlled that area, with the collapse of the Macedonian
Empire this naselaba continued to live and was under
control of the Roman army, and later into the possession of
Justinian. For this utvdena settlement no later Kosrid
written documents. A prerequisite is that Kosrid was attacked
Aramisko large groups and tribes at the time
Ottomans conquered Kopacka. These assumptions are not mine
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found no evidence or manuscripts. I mentioned the place
Monastery which has transferred more narrated. When
I collected data Kichevijata old people told me that
works for a monastery and they do not know where it is. After unishtuvanjeto the settlement Kosrid residents rushed
the mountain Lapusnik, residents go back to the village
Lapusnik Pushnik old place. Lived there for some the seed
jstva even to the middle of the XIX century. In this century things
posmirile and villagers gradually returned to their villages. In
near the old village formed village Dushugubica. Name
got anecdotal anyone who died, after he
short time lost life-soul. The population was located in
houses. Dushugubica village had around fifteen houses.

RECENT FINDINGS places villages

Centuries, centuries-heavy chains and heavy periods in darkness
and light Macedonians strain Katsura-Brsjaci never
taught, but only built. We now requires these
Millennium Villages cities. Constantly searching probe,
continuing his Macedonian roots. We know that he is
alive and progressing faster and better. As time goes by
also appear new archaeological discoveries and other
knowledge. So thank our many friends
left a mark on the past. Thanks to our
deceased ancestors in hard times survived
and our buildings remain today we explore. Favorable
darity and all Macedonians left manuscripts for any
place or village of the past. In research writing
always has good and bad sides. It's nice to meet with
a former professor, archaeologist turned 80
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years of age. It is a great pride and pleasure is greater
when he was allowed an archaeologist same things to note as
Macedonia. I had such an opportunity to meet in Rome and
Professor was overjoyed that I was a Macedonian from
Macedonia. It is nice when you are happy he presents
it knows and has data. Through intermediaries, Italians
who took me to a house, and the host, archaeologist me
permits smiling people to get inside and see someone
manuscripts which I have agreed in advance. It professor
Now retired helped me more than it should. There
cases when the reward it just to read the manuscript
oddreden period and nothing more. It happened at meetings
predominantly younger successors collections inherited from

grandparents do not know how, just such interest income.

When we meet again you get more than what you paid.
In my life I had a case where Italy meets a
retired gentleman who opened the door with a very disgusting
character, but when we met and started talking, man
change its character. I told him that I am a Macedonian from
Macedonia watching him in the eyes, felt some heat
positive energy that was telling me to stay and talk
with it. Gentleman was so happy that his
narratives no end even offered me prenokjam him.
But this research carries its hazards, do not know
with whom you work, agree on money and the like. He
gentleman told me that he was a soldier, collected in the second
World War at the end of 1944. First was sent to
Service Kicevo region. The man who spoke so
You can not send. Told that the Macedonians
had no problem and eventually I decided to find a
secret, he said was carrying seventy years inside.
While he was a soldier in 1944 had 19 years of working peasants
building bunkers in a village saw a girl with her
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Dad returned home immediately fell in love with her, and she
Stojanka. Wars laws would not allow such a thing. Before
departure from the village wanted to give something eternal, to tell
after that war will come back, but the conditions do not allow it.
In his soul appeared faith and then realized how much damage
human life. When resting always wondered why
that war? Then decided to raise more weapons against it
peaceful Macedonian people. From that point has always been to
DEPRESSION food intendanskata read. "I managed to odglumam
disease and the time was cold autumn weather, I was taken to

village, because such was the order to make the control and
had to meet with the girl's father. It was written
man took me with them to the house, I wanted to see was only
it and nothing else. In the evening we sat down to dinner all
here was Stojanka, wrapped with dark scarf and long
braided hair. Her face shone like the moon in the dark room
which is lit with an earthen pot filled with oil. Themselves
I told tonight to grab and go with her to Italy. Bea
dangerous times, for two days I took my friends and I left
in the band. The Macedonians have no conflicts even
would meet or warn firing in the air against each
other. In a squad called me "Enchanted." I waited just end
War and grabbed Stojanka was not fate after a
Sunday we left the place and track mountain. There
spent two weeks then go back to our unit
the gorge. The first day when I was day one of the band
I headed to the village. At the entrance of the village we saw
several houses were burned surprised, I knew that our
(Italians) had action in the village. I found out that they were
killed several elderly and young children. Something in the head
how to hit me, my feet are cut. We went right in
house of her father. I found the veiled in black, not
We wanted to look at me. I told him that I was sorry for houses
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that burned. He said: "Stojanka" certainly killed. January
I knew little of Macedonia while we were there understood
nothing and asked again his neighbor, and he hand me
explained that he shot at her when returning from the goods.
Then I asked him to take me to the cemetery. There I cried
and pcuel and telling myself that he is a murderer will judge with
their own hands.

I took a stone from the tomb of Stojanka, hear it today as

sacred thing. House told them that he was my rock life
future. Ten years ago I did not marry out of respect for Stojanka.
Later I got married at the same time studying and archeology. I
born two sons, one is with me in Rome and the other overseas.
The second son of my life continued with news that married
with Macedonian. I thought that was true. They came to rest in
Italy, old age I rejoiced as a child and now
Radu. I'm telling you, if you take Stojanka was happy
today. January
I want my Sicilijanka, but I left early in the sky. Now
I'm waiting to be born grandson son and a female I name
will give. Son and daughter in law are happy we went to
the rest, in Ohrid, Bitola, Kicevo, Skopje ...
Today you say it but he saw his son around
Overwhelmed by the behavior of people in Makedoniaja. Always
were smiling and gostoljubuvi. For my love is not realized, I
my sons told them after the death of my wife. January
I wanted it a lot, but a very short time, I already licks in
nineties and still fighting. Take my son what I have
survived from antiquity, take the picture, write my message and
Macedonians that love knows no boundaries. Macedonia
Macedonians will always be just her and we Italians
have little in common with you. " This was the confession of this
Mr. archaeologist life learned that love A smaller
ganjeto and respect always bringing success. This conversation
did in his home, gathering data for Macedonia
roots, old villages and towns. From him I learned a lot of data
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that I knew, and eventually we mention that in the old

times such events anywhere in the world there too. For
Unfortunately the old witnesses, one by one leave this world and
go to heaven. Many mysteries remain buried with
their bodies or departing soul. Great damage these
working on research abroad have not started from
generations fifty years. Then we would have a lot of
knowledge about many things, but now it's too late, the dark
cabinets out of old folders area. We are
dealing disclosure of certain events and periods
should enlighten the path of writing is worth.
Young generations are much more abundant than we
were we. Knowledge is the most powerful weapon on Earth.
The regression in the Jurassic period, withdrawal of water
Kichevijata Kopachaka especially after the creation of the valleys
came to settle on the terraces of the former water. Toga
conditions to thrive wildlife were created favorable
climate contributed in that part of Macedonia have life
oddamnina. In the later period created settlements or
colonies of people and good conditions for the development of
flora and
Village Ivanchishte - destroyed old settlements
Here we start with the order of the highest places in Kopacka
that formed utvdeni settlements and dwellings, originally
houses were beams knitted with hazel tree and crushed with
mud and straw. Covered with straw later build exclusively
stone, but some even had the roof of stone slabs.
The oldest Neolithic settlement, was located in the area
Egipski Cemetery or three Egjupski graves. Sometimes in this
settlement was located and great Macedonian army to
I century BC when it was abandoned. The neighborhood has been
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known three Macedonians as commanders of strain Katsura,
Ptolemy who died there and were buried there. In
beginning of the XIX and XX century this place was the target of
attacks and mutual destruction of various tracers of wealth.
The settlement now called Christmas Raven was owned
Kacurovsko retail. After the start Defining settlement or are
was placed in RAKIDA and Bachilishte. This already has records
Maximilian Katsura-Makkedah that describes people as
Katsura-Brsjaci kind of yield Makkedah. Provides a description of
the settlement
Egipski graves and Tvdinata. Another old settlement mentioned
Raven later Selishte, and the whole was inhabited teritoriaja
Flat. Across the canyon to the area where the road led
Debar to the Flat is located Ljutovo settlement near
Ljutoechki Stone. this village existed intermittently to VII century
new era. These neighborhoods are not updated, but were used
later than the population as shelters. In the region
Nowadays village Ivanchishte existed ten other towns
settlements. One of the older graves were in place. The settlement
was the site of visochinaka Smrdeshtica where in
dlabnatinka there live natural lake to XVIII century. Toga
peasants Ivanchishte decided to dig in intersection
Iron ivorche because many sheep are davele. Lakes
rceto after discharge water drained and today stands as
Prostorod scrap Ivanchishte
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groove which in the past served as a collection of obtaining
flow. The settlement was grave old ancient settlement here

lived exclusively miners and craftsmen who produced

weapons, swords, axes and other tools. After the collapse of
ancient Macedonian kingdom restored BC Romans are
retained longer period. In the space between VIII
century formed the settlement with temporary Darlowo Prisoj.
Here were gathered all refugees and lived until the period
the death of Emperor Marcus. After that they again
moved in flat-Ivanchishte were by birth Macedonians,
Katsura-Brsjaci strain. In this section Ivanchishte old
grandparents 40 years ago said it remembered battles when
there were too many military and bodies and heads rolled
Nobody asked, villagers were not allowed to come near there, and
many other cases. Today we ask: Why
Macedonia anyone thinks? Why fear Europe and the world
of independent Macedonia? Probably will not attack India
or Japan. We are in Europe and we will live here.
Friendships between people of the country are very good, you
leave alone to decide on such matters. "The world
understand how cultural field for competition between nations,
"this is
Think of the famous revolutionary and visionary Goce Delchev
recognizes that Macedonia and the Macedonians and other
people want peace and friendship dobrososetstvo. We like
Macedonians are rodbinski and connected with our neighbors.
Village Lapusnik existed in the period before the X century New
era, and was known by the name Pushnik which was used before
new era. It is located deep in the bowels of Lapusnik,
hidden by the thick oak and beech forest mostly. This village
served as a center for people from all sokrivale
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Macedonia. The existence of the village of antiquity, Roman
period, the period of Byzantine Macedonia, the rule of
Ottomans. This neighborhood lived active and long to XIX
century. The worst period was slavery and the Macedonians
Macedonia under Ottoman rule. Special aftermath
Death of King Mark when Ottomans ravaged
Mijachijata and Kopachijata. All refugees were rescue, hiding
in the village of Lapusnik. Here are placed and the residents of the
Prisojnica-Jeloec. This village does not exist today. From the
Lavchani, Dobrenoec, Dushugubica and many other regions
smestuvale in this village. That period was very difficult because
there was not enough food and people has increased, and bore
barely survived. Residents walked day and night hunting
wild goats and wild pigs to survive. Villagers in
nearby villages occasionally succeeded at night to go to their
villages and if there is something else to take. In periods when
Farm-signed agreements with the Ottomans, began to
returning to their villages. At that time the village is Lapusnik
emptied of refugees, indigenous people remained. But at the same
time again come refugees from other places especially from
through St. Spas, Golo Brdo, Gora and remote
areas. Unfortunately
period 1750-1760 year, the Ottoman army with the help of
an informant for a handful of pounds handed over this village. At
that time
Early morning, the Ottoman army approached the village.
Keepers of the village of strain Katsura gender Macedonians
how could, and in that time, another population fled to
dense forest. In his writings Mark Katsura wrote:
"It was the army, are either black green you can not see
even the sun was bloody everywhere are crying through odzeval

peaceful beech forest. " The attacks on the village Lapusnik not
cease and lasted several days. Villagers were previously
stop protection. Were dug deep holes around the
village and covered with branches and grass. Many Ottoman
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soldiers remained in the holes. In the coming days peasants
it took away the weapons of Ottomans captured and tied to let
Bey and grazing in the tower places wanting to negotiate.
It was not accepted. Then villagers began to flee
Lapusnik village. In 1760 the Ottoman army
decided to finally destroy this village. The village Lapusnik
enjoying a tragedy after centuries of existence. In
entering the Ottoman village was burned, and older
servicemen and women were raped and tied for long hair
pillars then doused with kerosene, burned them alive. For this
event took an interest and a French journalist describing
All events in the village and the village Ivanchishte Lapusnik. "It
is ill and out of each memory is happening and makes
the Macedonians and Macedonia "village Lapusnik later
lived restoring again another century, finally
disappears from the map. Today thick walls still stand,
skvernavenite graves overgrown by dense vegetation. This
village never been updated. Remains eternal
symbol of brotherhood, harmony and friendship they had
Katsura-strain and strain Brsjaci Mijaks by birth Macedonians,
several families themselves Ottoman soldiers were
odkrieni from that village. Macau see whether friends
real or not. Here the rule is proved correct.
Supervisor of the Ottoman Army informant that his
given money, then killed his Veleka "You hand over your and

us one pound will not surrender, this is ilachot for you ", this
the manuscripts of Mark Katsura Junior. For this event narrator
zhuval Ruse Katsura-Brsjak village Ivanchishte who signed
screed, and the murder of the traitor that he knew any
as evidence that the agreement will be respected.
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The name of the old village in which twenty families lived
Prisojnica the village residents of strain Mijaks today
populated village Ehloec. This village is located on the old
time Kicevo-Source-Bokov Bridge-Debar. It was reserved for the
because he was always the shortest time. The village itself was
the location and wanted someone to avoid, could not.
Moran through the village to pass because such a place of
position. After the destruction of the village the villagers moved in
Lapusnik village. After the break up of the village residents
moved to the village Smilevo Bitola region Veles region and
other regions. This village has never been rebuilt.
In this difficult pristupachen space called Suvi Dol permaRating village Dolon. The formation of this village has no data
but is assumed to be formed between IX-XII
century. A witness to a space called prayer-small
cave where still inside stand blackened rocks
smoke. This village has never been updated
This village was established as incidental and hidden
This district is formed by the villagers that the village Ivanchishte
lived there. It was temporarily housed the priest Evdokia

Katsura-Brsjak peasant Ivanchishte. This neighborhood spent

short. After the establishment of the village Popoec settlement
as a hideout for adverse conditions, this naselaba
never rebuilt.
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Old Village - Dredging
This village is near the village Lavchani and was old
utvdena settlement later destroyed. Never been restored.
Potvdeni Opinions that this settlement dates from BC in
period of royal Makedoniaja. It functioned as
Jovcevska claims for observation of the Macedonian army BC.
Old Village - Flagoec
This settlement was one of the older neighborhoods in the
region on the territory of today's village Jaorec. Flagoec
had great significance for all armies BC and
butThis era. It potvduvaat opinions that after the collapse of
Macedonian Empire BC Romjanite is occupied this
longer settlement period, and later during the reign of Justinian
was active. After her final destruction never
been restored, and today there exists, lives village Jaorec
Village Drenovo
This village was in the region of today's village and surrounding
villages. Drenovo village was one of the larger settlements
in that region. It was built on the foundations of an older
ancient Macedonian settlement. In this village residents were from
Katsura-Brsjaci Macedonian by birth and in all neighborhoods
Shoe. Existed at the time of the ancient royal Macedonia
Roman Empire, King Samuel. With the collapse of

Samuel Macedonian kingdom this village was completely

destroyed-on. Villagers were displaced.This in many villages but
most left the village Lapusnik, Ivanchishte, and Jaorec
Dobrenoec. So ends the life of the village Drenovo that
never been updated.
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Village hamlet
Having lived in the area of Upper Dobrenoec today. This
was very old since ancient times BC Residents
undergone heavy periods and the last devastation and
destruction could not bear and recuperation, and never
not obnovile.Prezhiveanite residents later form
Dobrenoec village.
City - Gradiste
This place is near the village Podvis. This place was
large settlement, perhaps the city covered in antique style
BC building in the manuscripts of Mark Katsura Jr. stands
Record: "I'm sorry that this place remained desolate. SPEND
Imperial Macedonia before God Christ, passed Roman
spent many kingdoms, and now finally the Ottomans failed
to preserve. Why the anger of the strain Risjanite KacuriMakidonci and Ottomans are called infidels or new
Brsjaci. the evil they have done so to do. " This naselono
place is never updated, residents form Podvis.
This settlement was located near the village Dushugubica.
The settlement had not been great military character. After her
destruction has never been restored. Much later somewhere
in XVIII century began to form the village of Dushugubica
surviving inhabitants.

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Village Monastery
This small settlement was located near the village
Klenoec. The settlement was strictly military character and
the chance to play and live need. After the break up of the
Warriors were transferred to scour the countryside and urbanLavchani
Judah this neighborhood has never again restored, and in
its living near the village Klenoec.
Village Obezishte
Located near the village and its existence Pappagiannis
dating very long ago. According to the papers in this
stood between the ancient royal Macedonia BC and all
periods that follow. Tangible evidence had quite
found in this neighborhood. This settlement after the destruction
was never rebuilt in its vicinity are located village
Pappagiannis which today is alive.
Village Chuchkoec
This was naselaba utvdena naselaba in the area of today's
Beliica village. Existed since the time of ancient royal
Macedonia BC Stayed here Macedonian soldiers
Royal Macedonia, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire and
all armies stayed here in winter. In
destruction of this village by the Roman army
nearby settlement was made Zvecani. This settlement
place was inhabited by Macedonians again that hid
in forests because Chuchkoec already before. Zvecani be corrected
Stella winter vacations of many armies. With its destruction
it ceased to exist as such and has not been renewed. In

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later period Deal residents return to the village,
but now in the nearby village of Belica form.
Village Seles
The village is near the goat. This settlement
ranks among the old settlements. It was particularly interesting for
conquerors who regarded the position as strategic
place. Also through this village passed all armies from svojataMacedonian royal army BC Romans and to the post
days Ottomans. After unishtovanjeto this village never
obnivilo. Residents fled into the surrounding landscape areas and
Poizvesen time residents are back in the destroyed
village under the name Selishte. With the advent of the Ottoman
Army this neighborhood and licks the end. These settlements
dating from BC. Deal residents living
in devastated neighborhoods, later forming the village goat.
Old Places Solunshtica is located in the area of
Otter village. According to the papers I had last
insights are potvduva that this place is not destroyed by any
armies, but by Aramisko groups and tribes came away
from the mountains. Its existence was BC, and
ended in the XIV century. Deal residents after a long period
back to the village and build a new village otters.
Village hamlet
This settlement is near the village Brzhdani dates
very long ago. Passed through the village all armies from all atries from BC until the arrival of the Ottoman army. It potvduva
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unishtovanjeto the fact that this village has happened with the
the Ottoman army, which has brought the disease probably plague.
In the nearby village is izgadeno Brzhdani.
Village Scabies
This village was located in the vicinity of the village
Svinjishta. Village
Scabies is built BC and changed kingdoms and atteria as the winning. It potvduva that Ottoman army
destroy this village and church. Mary. In this proStore mention the existence of a small settlement of the antique,
Kamen. Settlement disappeared at the time ruled
Justinian. Residents left the village long period and
back again, forming the present village Svinjishta.
The town or village City is located in the area of Judah.
This settlement is mentioned as Gradiste, according to the latest
IE findings were two different neighborhoods, small towns.
Existed in antiquity and survived all the turbulences
new era. After its destruction in this area is never
restored. Survivors residents returning to that area but
new location form the village Judah. It is interesting
that in all previously mentioned old neighborhoods in the past
sighted flashing various shapes such as bundles
told in village Ivanchishte. One such event will happen
Csilla in the space of the old village of Ivanchishte place
called Kanoec. This place is said to have old
Canonical importance. From there a strong flash of light
something is lowered down to the church Atanasie in mild, old
Ivanchishte village. The old people in the village told that
saw it and thought there had been a fire. This event is
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happen to Ivanden sun still was not zajdeno.
The light was so strong that the villagers thought they would
Burn neozhnejanite fields. In this region is mentioned more
many neighborhoods that once lived in the past. About
younger generations should continue to examine,
existence of old antique own kind Katsura-Brsjaci after
gender Macedonians and gradually all truths will be disclosed.
The existence of man on Earth, until now no
can not say exactly when he-man exists or
appeared. Write more books that appeared over
two million years. In my humble understanding, running over
All written encyclopedias, evidence from antiquity to the present,
I'm sure it existed much, much earlier. Even
I think there are many advanced civilizations that
many people write that story, but I think that
truths. Indeed it is a difficult task to solve this
moment. It taught that man became the Monkey, here today
has monkeys, but no one became man. This theory for me
many others is unacceptable. Also the theory of the sun.
Sun and its own history in or Prasonce. Smart
chapters written about prehistory. There should be no
grounded theory of the existence of man and subhuman, which I
that it is false. Thinking Earth by sending us your womb
many things today are still not clear about the man. Theories
which were written in the past about the man were unsustainable.
I am, and that they know and technologically advanced countries,
that we have constant visits from other planetary systems are
ask where? I think for a long time it will
a secret. In antiquity wrote that fly overhead
flashing diverting to explain what happened. They thought,

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gods angry. We will keep the time and
space is the theme of this book is wonderful area
Shoe-Kichevijata. In this space we can write that
was populated very long ago, why? Because when in Europe
Macedonia later ruled the seas and lakes, Kicevo
Lake was limited to the upper Kopacka with the overpass
That means section of Kicevo of Lake Ohrid, in which
period high mountain peaks were without water. Since that
time had to live there and fauna. It is inevitable and
human existence over which bends the passing space
from one area to another to afford food and other things.
Just like today writes that man first appeared in
kvartelniot period, so it is written in theory. Of
presumably in the Jurassic period with regression-povlekuvanje water lakes emptied. Such natural phenomena
occurred and is occurring. With the withdrawal of water from
Kicevo lake and all lakes in Macedonia, in the Jurassic
period remain today: Ohrid, Prespa and
Dorjanskoto lake. I am sure that this area was populated
Ohrid - sunset
much earlier than it is assumed, since the climate
was very favorable for the development of any kind wildlife. Of
the territory of the Republic Macedonia has materijalani evidence
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so-called period of prehistory. Man existed
these spaces and survived through the whole nature around

thereof. In Kopacka registered two points of the period of

Neolithic. I think that in this section and wherever any
land had to exist habitats of people. This would
made a comparison of a small lizard-called retarded
which is probably the first live reptiles that created the
planet. That lizard does not matter if you have a male
him but if the pair would have fertilized eggs, and lays
leaves in the sun. After a certain period of these eggs occurs
living being. Crocodiles are large and grdosii
multiply by eggs using solar heat. Why would
say that our Lord is above the sun. The sun is our
The population in the ancient period BC is ancient
Macedonians who occupied the area where they lived,
Macedonian Peninsula (from the other Balkan century).
Ancient Macedonian kingdom and make major reforms
reaches high cultural values, especially during
the reign of Philip II of Macedonia. In this period
Macedonian Empire BC has advanced and diverse
diplomatic progress, which means then laid the foundations of
diplomacy used today. At the time of
Philip son, Tsar Alexander III of Macedonia
dousovrshila diplomatic skill, especially strategy
warfare. The population of the appearance of the man in antiquity
today are engaged in agriculture, the domestication
animals and their exploitation.
When we are in a time of antichaka Macedonia
specifically mention the strain of the genus Katsura
Macedonians. Insects
Lenny who today live in the territory of Macedonia.
Katsura is originally from house Katsura brother Karan.
The roots are very long in this population. Katsura strain is
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Slow solely by detecting and training for soldiers
needs of the Macedonian army. One of the most
Katsura strain was General Emperor Alexander, Soter Katsura
Katsura strain of the genus Macedonians (today we have Soter
name used). Katsura strain survived in all periods
through past BC He kind Katsura persists today in MaceMacedonia and other countries. This topic strain Katsura
Leaving aside the reasons for which no one knows. In
period of IV century on the orders of thieves and history
much money someone dosetnik guessed erase strain
Katsura as ancient Macedonians. He wrote that
Macedonia live Berzin and the VII century Katsura receive
another name Brsjaci and somewhere Brzjaci. Scientific world
especially in Europe, well aware that the Macedonians still
continuing their kind from antiquity to the present, and possess
very tangible evidence. Too easy and funny when
listen to someone named historian that Macedonians will die,
and we have added another former as printing. Others say the
name is
your third say the church is not yours. This is ridiculous and just
temporary unfortunate today in the XXI century of a nation, a
Biblically country can not use his or her back
name, identity church culture simply stated eternal source. In
past two millennia Macedonians were tortured
used in various wars to kill each other, unfortunately for
Fortunately Macedonian faith Ojai alive. I'm happy
today many politicians in Europe and the world want to
stand on the side of justice. The funniest thing is that some of the
past not existing states or nations, with the help of other
stronger you take your country, your property producing the
States of a foreign country, while stealing the name of the people,
culture, church traditions that had the Macedonian

people. Someone is out of spite doing it for their own

interests. Therefore
My Macedonians, Katsura strain and other strains now know
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that you are dead, you are alive today and forever in this our
Independent Republic of Macedonia. Live Macedonians VA
around the world on all continents.
Basil was the protector of the unclean spirits
The village Ivanchishte in old-new village today there
retail strain Katsura-Kacurovci. There were always around
millennia and there, it is sad that in such seemingly
Children's games include domestic players, forgetting that
sell land Makedoniaja for comfortable living. In Kopacka
always through millennia until todays date and
hopefully happy future, living, living and live strain
Katsura-Berzin-Brsjaci. Here it should be mentioned that in the
Boot a part of the population of strain Mijaks by birth
Macedonians, and there are a lot of strain Katsura-Brsjaci living
in this village. In the past the territory of Kopachaka, Kicevska
Not living other people except the genus Macedonians.
Macedonians in this region Kopacka were at large
pressures, first by the Ottomans, Greeks from Bulgaria, Serbia
as a black stain left ballistic groups during
1944-1945 year. Pressure behaved to change
religion, nation and as a being has its own characteristic. Here
regrets will conclude that ballistic groups left
black spot on the friendship between Albanians and
Macedonians last bite shared in heavy
times. Same period in 2001 and that someone was
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interest, knowing the history of the relationship between
Macedonians and Albanians have such today but need to know
that families today Macedonian and Albanian families
respect and help they need. I remember in 1970
year in our house came in Albanian Zajas Twin and Dlapkindol. With my grandfather talked so friendly for nights
think like brothers. My grandfather helped a lot, not only
but he and all the villagers and village Ivanchishte Kopachijata in
hard times. I remember also the same people when in 1987
in the village came now with their sons looking for
houses Katsura-Brsjacite with name and surname, which he
left their fathers to visit and greet. Their
sons went to Switzerland and settled there with the help
Katsura kind of strain Macedonians. They brought gifts, but
grandfathers were dead, one Penco was alive and visited.
I talked to a couple of hours with them and told as a child that
to recall all events and they found out that their parents
are still alive but already outdated. This writing as yet
a fact that binds Macedonians and Albanians to fight
Macedonia and to preserve this beautiful country. Today
Macedonian population not to mention everyone is aware and
very smart, acting smart in certain important moments.
In each wheat must have kakolj and freaks
Macedonian time and strength composer of jingles
Earth and the waves and wind washed echo
everywhere. Here we must mention that in Kopacka
always lived only Macedonians strain Katsura-Brsjaci and
a smaller number of strain Mijaks, the genus Macedonians.
Always believe in the Lord Christ, Christians with
Orthodox faith, which is considered as Macedonian faith. Of
Macedonians born and died as such. Too many victims
in the past made the altar of Macedonia for this

today's independent Republic Macedonia. No one today would not

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that any change in the future only to continue
friendships between nations. You should keep this unique
surviving civilization has managed to preserve the name
Macedonia millennia and Macedonians living here on
their inherited anyway. Upper and Lower Kopachaka very well
know what it means war and destruction as has always been the
the road that led to the precipice. Today its future
population whether Macedonians and others, its
January forging future with the hope that it will one day be part of
large family called the European Union, I would say
United Europe. Will forever live in this area and only
bad things will be remembered, forever nations will pomaagaat
brothers, like not like we are all flesh and blood.
Beliefs, customs, religious and pagan
Celebration of Katsura, Brsjaci IN Boot
Our ancestors from ancient times had their own beliefs.
If man does not believe in anything and anyone in our dangle, then
would not exist. Believe in the morning what will be, and histemporarily pratele and sunset. They're just
assumed when it rains and what time to expect. Many
of beliefs reserved today. Since old times
BC pratele the stars and all the changes the country
and sky. Kopachijata Macedonians in Macedonia had
its distinctive beliefs that are transferred from generation to
today our parents advise what is good and what
bad. Here we will Write and recall only part of
beliefs, because if you write all we will need thousands
pages. Macedonians from Katsura-strain and strain Brsjaci Mijaks

too have their own customs that are reserved today. They
customs remain part before antiquity and others prodoPage 195

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lzheni religious basis. We will write the order they
We have learned from our grandparents.
Kokino Megalitska Observatory
Do not spruzhuvaat clothes at night to dry out or if
forget not to take home, because they believe in ghosts.
Do not throwing garbage at night at home because it was
that bees will shun baskets.
Do not cut nails on holiday. It was believed that
it pollutes Sofrata of deceased ancestors or close
Do not wet the water running or standing, tap, river
or lake. Believe that got a disease with mozulki.
Do not wet the spikes were fairies.
Do not wet despite holy water or Churches
Do not eat the morning of Souls, they dampen
lunch to be worn on the graves of the dead.
Children can not see dead when making a funeral.
The spring covered with potki pot of milk, and also
animals that give milk to twist thread horns.
Before the release of grazing cattle again with zapotnuva
hope that cows, sheep, goats have milk.
The letnik put Martinis children.
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The first release of pasture in spring wear round
bread collection of all kinds through the summer.

Do not watch the horse or donkey how great, but to

see teeth, how much you can eat and endure.
When raises dead from home, kojat nails on the floor
where was the bed before the funeral.
Do not shed tears over the dead man in mourning.
And if you take a cat must be kind, and not man.
By the seventh generation not to take young for marriage.
mandatory morning to wash your face and hands and
eat at least some bread if any.
In the spring always bruise morning bread crumbs, not you
break cuckoo, especially pupunecot that brings bad.
Have you met a bad person, and if they meet to
got home and not go to work.
The hunter can not be wished happiness.
The plowing or mowing someone passes should airlija said.
spikes trees not to touch were veternichavi.
Night wood under the eaves to take, will remain here.
From vakovsko place not to take anything.
dog if you fold the tail is about to attack you, if
begin to move gives a sign that your friend.
If the rooster zapejt the evening means coming storm.
If the goods are shaking or lick the fur will be winter.
The large, heavy days before Easter to mist
house. it was protection against all evil spirits. Do not spit
through the windows, especially at night.
The Epiphany at midnight looking at the sky in itself
imagines wishes to next year.
If an older man standing, give your chair to sit.
This is only a miniature of the beliefs of others
antiquity to today Macedonians strain Katsura-Brsjaci in
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Shoe and Macedonia. They transferred and transmitted

the young generations. Beliefs have for each area of zhiveeing people, storage of goods and agriculture. Religious
holiday traditions today. In the field of wedding actions
or in the days of mourning remained the same order. Each rite
you had accurately predicted the beginning and end. Population
Boot from ever remembers any religious educated. With their
Christian, faith is born and it died. In
difficult times when there were droughts gathered in churches of
which took baptized and went with them to the fields. They prayed
also requested the Lord to give rain to have a race to
can survive. Macedonians under slavery were very
centuries and only in the Lord saw salvation. So prayer and curse
for fidelity formed various Macedonian organizations
still managed to get to the fruit, free and independent
Republic of Macedonia.
Entrust the Ancestors
Macedonians always been proud, clever and knew to respect and
other. The whole population is Kopacka Katsura-Brsjaci small
of strain Mijaks always their older generations
people in the family legacy left for a particular job
they wanted to continue. The first thing that is demanded by
successors have been unity, peace and understanding in the seed
jstvoto. It means to have a love marriage to survive.
The second important thing was to know that they are
Macedonians and their
continue and yield fruit. Do not be carried away by money, they
wore evil. Never take anything from vakovsko place or
the church only if you buy. To fight in tough times
man and woman together and never surrender, otherwise
pain as you have mastered. Brother to brother or sister to
respect and not to inflict evil, hearing someone else who
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Andoni P. Blazeska

can be seen live complicated. Worked for surviving
sponsibility and to work with Esau measure. Never weighted
robes hoping today I, and tomorrow another will work.
It is enriched for a day or a year, but a whole life
works, then it continue heirs keeping the
seeding with what they have. The promise of Macedonia
children is difficult and large, have forever all generations to
to keep the country Macedonia and multiply as
Macedonians. Never to mischief country where
born because it is not for nothing curve, but should
move forward leaving new works. Will come a day when
Experience Macedonian civilization will soar high in
advanced countries and so these words willy be empty of
paper. Disobeyed Macedonians proved through past
milenimi and song in the most difficult moments walked forward
only forward. So it was, so it will be in the future forever.
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MACEDONIAN pearls - Shoe

Andoni P. Blazeska

B.Filipovski, Geological structure and mineral resources of SR

Makeonija, Skopje 1974.

World Eye us encyclopedia, 1968.

Manuscripts from 1380-1935 year left a legacy of Dmitrij

Katsura, Benjamin Katsura, Maximilian Katsura, Pimen Katsura

Katsura, Isaac Katsura, Anastasia Katsura husband Dietrich

Katsura, Marco and Marco Katsura Katsura Junior.

Personal fund records, manuscripts and photographs of the author

collected the last forty years.

Records of the stories from the old inhabitants of the Kopacka

period 1971 to 1975, written by the author.
Used maps of villages of google map
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MACEDONIAN pearls - Shoe

Andoni P. Blazeska
The author Ivan P. Blazeski is born
22.08.1956 in the village Ivanchishte, Kichevsko Macedonia. Education has zapochnuva the birthplace and later finishes
Skopje. After graduation
leaving Australia. There doobrazuva and truly
Macedonians feel profit and sorrow for their homeland
which had been the main themes for writing. It includes the
Don's community and pishuava for various newspapers and
Australia. Before the collapse of Yugoslavia returns to its
Macedonia, which for him means a new cycle research
writing for the old Macedonian periods until today.
By writing deals from back in 1972 when
first published poems for children. She writes fiction and poetry.
The interest in ancient civilizations, and especially for its
Macedonia and all periods until today his subject for educational
tion. Primarily concerned with exploring the old
Macedonian villages disappeared in the past, today's villages

who survived. For this topic in 2009 published the book

titled: "Ivanchishte Tracing my Macedonian
roots, "later published historical poem" Macedonia
Loom "Cultivating the kings Macedonia during
between BC and their ups and crashes. There are
written other articles and books abroad.
Is represented with his songs in the collection "horizons" released
Sydney, 1984. He has won many awards. Travel in
more countries and cities in order to perceive that more
past of their country of Macedonia and Macedonian people.
Today he lives in Skopje, Macedonia

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