Andon P Blazeski Letes Book MKD Pearls
Andon P Blazeski Letes Book MKD Pearls
Andon P Blazeski Letes Book MKD Pearls
Andon P. Blazeski
Skopje, 2015
Andon P. Blazeski
Andon P. Blazeski
PETER A. Blazeski
DONKA Blazeska
Jakov A. Blazeski
Andon P. Blazeski
PETER A. Blazeski
Computer processing
PETER A. Blazeski
CIP - Cataloging in Publication
National and University Library "Sv. Kliment Ohridski", Skopje
908 (497 781)
930.85 (497,781)
Blazeski, Andon, P
Macedonia pearls. Boot / Andon Blazeski. - Skopje: A. P.
Theory, understanding, knowledge and thinking on the creation
MACEDONIA IN Shoe quaternary
PERIO. ,,.....................................28
Western Macedonia especially morphological
Mineral resources in Macedonia, Shoe
Mining in Macedonia over the millennia since
Review of energy minerals and raw materials
metals in
Oil and natural gas
Nuclear materials
.................................................. ........................................ ...........
Thermal waters and vapors
.................................................. ....................................................
Iron ores
........................................................................................... 44
Macedonian pearl boots
The area Kopacka, Kicevska
.................................................. ........................................ 48
Relief in
Kopacka.............................................................................. 52
Climate and hydrography in Kopacka
................................... . 54
Soil types in Ko... 58
Village Judah
Shoe, Kicevo
............................................................................................... 147
Gradiste (village Podvis)
............................................................................................... 147
Village (village Dobrenoec
) ............................................................................................. 148
Flagoec (village Jaorec)
.................................................. .........................................149
Scour (village Lavchani)
.................................................. .....................................150
Lapusnik (villages)
.................................................. ............................................ 150
Flat (village Ivanchishte)
.................................................. ............................................ 153
Monastery (village Klenoec) . 162
City (village Judah)
Scabies (village Svinjishta)
.................................................. ..............................................164
Village (village Brzhdani)
.................................................. .............................................. 165
Solunshtica (village Otters)
.................................................. .............................................. 166
Seles (village goat)
.................................................. .............................................. 168
Chuchkoec (village Belica
) .................................................
................................................................................................... 169
Obezishta (village Pappagiannis)...171
Kosrid (village Dushugubica).................................................... 172
RECENT FINDINGS places villages fortresses THAT
FOREVER were destroyed in boots173
Village Scabies
.................................................. ..188
Beliefs, customs, religious and pagan celebrations of
Katsura, Brsjaci IN Boot
............... ..194
Entrust the Ancestors ...
................................................................................................. 197
In the beginning will note that this is a wonderful
whole area of priceless Kichevijata called Kopacka. Of
these spaces play and dance Kopacka, as in
other parts of Macedonia. This area is a separate entity with
more high mountains that have been patron of the Macedonian
people in the past. The villages are located mostly on the terraces
Sea of nekokogashnoto later Kicevo lake. Gorges
starting from the sources of Ivanechka river Ehloechka River and
Pit river to the village Source. Here merge with larger
leads to the source of the River Fever, creating the famous
past Great (Great) River, River Fever today. In
her long time River Fever collect all rivers that
plum tree in it. The character of the space is created Kopacka
after the big regression (withdrawal of water) in the Jurassic
period. From the high mountains, peaks, which are accumulated in
withdrawal of the lake created fertile ground. For
humus country contributed old oak and beech trees.
It today do, only we do not see, and receive
a blessing of nature. One is the glory Kopacka and such will
stay. There Macedonian spirit and patriotism floats and today
the whole area. Each leaf of the tree, every flower, every grass
and each stone is imbued with the Macedonian spirit. That spirit
if you want your root you be healthy and alive always.
In my early childhood I was preoccupied with many things
I wanted to know and to explain. In the first school
days in my head spinning countless questions unanswered.
Whenever I return home is something we asked.
The answer I got from my grandfather: Sooner you for such things
time will increase. In the seventies of the twentieth century with I
notebook in hand, I went for the old grandparents who had
over eighty years of age, inquiring for many
works. In those years are interested in nature, especially me
interested in the creation of ravines, mountains, just
Macedonian territory
Theory, understanding, knowledge and thinking for
Milky Way
Many millennia people thought otherwise, and
perhaps also assumed as we today. Then
on earth thought and studied what would happen
the nature around them. So interpretations all events
nature, whether on earth or in heaven. Sometimes it happened
major natural disasters such as droughts, earthquakes, floods,
snow drifts, fires and other natural changes. Here you will
include the good years with large yields of grain and other
fruits needed for man to survive. Such natural
changes, people were not able to explain
or interpreted. So now in their conscience-head
provejuvale think the question is bad and good
gods. They began to offer to various victims, not thinking that
from someone creeping benefit. Certain people, shrewder January
put the head specially recorded hat with horns or
other marks and waited only orphaned victims prestavuvakji them
as gods. Faith in God and life for all people is the same
just has a different name and customs that kept them alive.
Without faith in ourselves or our future today can not survive
in the twenty-first, let alone then ever hard times.
The advantage was that they at that time people were not large
selfish as we are today. Sometimes, and if they
be threatened or clan personal integrity. Today someone
says or writes that before the millennia people were ignorant.
It is not true, because they had their high intelligence.
Examples are that they knew all
areas in life. We now wonder many things
left and found the old civilizations. From drugs by
put them in the group uneducated, and they are wondering today
their buildings which with today's cutting edge technology would
could build let alone survive for millennia. In
Today humanity is the highest stage of development
but still some old buildings are a mystery to him. Us
Macedonians in Macedonia dofrlaat us always
the mass of the earth. Bifon made and drawings, and therefore it
can conclude that he thought the collision with a Sun
another star similar in size. German philosopher
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) has a reasonable hypothesis as
published in 1755. Under it he considered
matter, evenly distributed in prostorod which is
housed today's solar system, under the influence of attractive
forces and form a circular motion Sun, later all
Solar system. Then philosophers interspecially not be tolerated, much as a critic of
Bifonovata hypothesis, the famous French
Laplast (1749-1827) eight years after the death of Bifon, in 1796
he published his book "Presentation-discovery
system for the world. " He unaware of the hypothesis of Kant, 41
year it creates a new, modern hypothesis similar to
Kant. Russian astronomers and M.Nabakov B.VoroncovVeljaminov, Laplace hypothesis show the next
way: Laplace assumed that the solar system became
the huge rotating nebula composed of incandescent gas.
Nebula had ball shape due nijzinoto turning
centifugalnata force caused splesnuvanje and alongside
it continuously separating the parts of the nebula in ramniof the Equator. Simultaneously occurred decay-sharing
Gaza string koncetrichni ring continued to
revolve around zgusnatata table in the center. Speed vrtenjeit has increased since the middle part of the nebula is
zgusnuval the sun revolved faster than the separate rings.
Laplace opinion was that it could not be, material
clusters gradually accumulated and accumulated as a stronger
thickening. From these piling have become planets. In employees
tea with Saturn is preserved-a ring around it.
The planets in our solar system
Bifonovata hypothesis collision of two parents and two stars
are extracted from the ground somewhere and more than 5 feet
are built with beautiful white marble and various other types
decorative stone from Macedonia. After the collapse of the
Macedonianthen the kingdom of the territory come Romans. During uselementary rule mining has received greater exploitation proshiruvakji them already open pits of Macedonian kings.
A nice example is the valley of horses River, where continle to ispiraaat gold. Today, residents of this section without
know the truth of the past a section called Sendorato
(Send-sand, plow-gold) plated sand, and that name is
Enter and topographic maps. Romans
amazed by the legacy and prekrsniot marble was
used for construction of many cities, statues, carved pillars
and more. Stobi was built in the vicinity of the village
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springs, etc.
basins. The mountain has Stogovo
Other another glacial lake whose depth summer
time is up to one meter. This pond is a wonderful sight
where the sun's rays refract in color from zelenkastata
water pond. Beauty and magic of Upper Kopacka
Fever River rises in the past called the great river, the
springs from the village Source. Mountain reljev of Kopacka gives
opportunity to be rich waters. Ivanechka River replenish sources
from RAKIDA, Lekomlache and the other side of Miroslajca,
Smrdeshechki dollars and other surrounding hills. Ehloechka Reka
filled springs that originate from Bachilishte, Uzhinica,
Bozhinaraven other. These two rivers merge into one
Prosishte place. The one kilometer and Ehloechkata
Ivanechkata River joins in a certain period of
year and pit river. These three rivers help along the way
smaller and larger sources. The village Source these rivers
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People were staring at work in the fields and had been unaffected
Page 66
for entry into Upper Kopacka where great manages a good race.
Of all the fruits najotporen spring frosts is jonotoNott and most gentle walnut. We must not forget the plum
which in these regions is progressing well and has great con-.
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hawks attacked a lot, but had for them and for hosts
Page 73
There are many other areas that now will not mention
which have existed since the time of the ancient Macedonian
because that part was as a critical point in the period from
Mount Korab, Stogovo there penetrated other
tribes peoples cries. Other destroyed neighborhoods, villages
Lukoec, Gradiste Malezica, these villages were destroyed by
After the Ottoman conquest, and were utvdeni such settlements
antiquity. All villages in Kopacka are built on the principle
tightly packed houses at gender and each gender separately. The
village Ivanchishte
is considered one of the oldest as it was last
protection zone in some ancient times. This village
experienced great displacement after the attack on the Ottomans
Katsura-Brsjacite, Macedonians from the old village Flat.
Page 76
every village you will find only the monuments which are listed
fallen heroes, fighters in wars of national Release
blowing and creating a state of Macedonia. We today
should be proud that in such times people are born with
great visions for the future of this country. I do not understand
another major democracies that govern the continent is
fear R. Macedonia. They should be proud of that one
people after so many centuries of slavery managed to create a
Voodredeni circles may be thought to have been born or will
new born Philip of Macedonia and Alexander of Macedonia and
lose power. If they nonexistent, imposed
problems created by Greece, and not only that, then opens
wide, clean, quiet room for cooperation of the fraternal peoples of
Greece and Macedonia. Greek and Macedonian people always
helped each other, and are now helping and working together, but
stubbornness and
politics are involved. In Macedonia, no no illusions
will update the old empire it as if you mean to
ride to Mars and Nazarenko. Too bad that the worm is great
few bites inside apple country, fed by foreign
interests. The friendship and assistance between nations is
Page 77
huge, thick forests more centennial oak and beech. They are
crucial for the existence of the springs of drinking water in the
region and perhaps beyond. According to a theory of people
you know this is the area claim that Mount Stogovo
environment with peaks descending toward Kopacka over large
Lakes-tanks of drinking water is gradually lost. Culprit
is certainly a man. At the end of this introduction will start
walk to existing and destroyed villages in Kopacka that
there remains a manuscript of the past. Shoe as
separate area possesses beautiful nature clean drinking water,
forests, herbs, gorges as a remnant of the former sea and
Lake later. Preserved old houses are used as
sometimes you just need to create conditions in kumunalnata
and roads. Boot has always been inhabited by strain KacuriBrsjaci and a small portion of all kinds Mijaks Macedonians. Now
live a new life in the Independent Republic of Macedonia.
Village Pappagiannis
Pappagiannis village located on the river side of the lev
Fever former Big River, when traveling from Kicevo to
Ohrid. The village is situated on Pappagiannis vosochina of 635
above the sea. Unlike mountain villages Kopacka village
can be said is lowland. The location of the village
friendly and close to the main road Kicevo-Ohrid. High
parts ogrdeni forest. Rural lands planted and
manage more crops that successfully advance.
Page 78
because people are close to the city can work there, and
after work to return to the village to work in the fields to
supplement the family budget. The village is represented
The alluvial soil types. The village had Pappagiannis and
other villages rich but difficult past. That space was
old settlement Obezishta. This settlement dated more
the period of the ancient Macedonian kingdom. During
the king Perdiccas III, Philip II of Macedonia and king
Alexander III of Macedonia, the settlement was good mestopolozhba found as a military base in winter.
Village Pappagiannis
The population at that time was the strain Katsura-Brsjaci, gender
Macedonians. As long as there was a great empire Macedonia
this settlement had great progress. With the collapse of
this kingdom of Macedonia, things have changed. After a
period this area speak the winners Romans. In
the time of the Roman Empire the population had duties to
state but no some tough times as is the case in
other villages. It means unprecedented village destroyed. Between
to V century BC village was found on the impact of various
Aramisko bands coming, looted and leave.
Roman army left this village because its obligations.
Page 79
it is
settled under heights-hill. Village
is situated in the valley of the river
Fever former major river.
The climate in winter is
quite sharp, but is smaller
snowfall. The village Podvis
lies nadmorka height of 650 meters to 668 meters. The
place position of the village is the accepted level as village
Pappagiannis. Old village on the hill was long ago utvdeno
since vrermeto Ancient royal Macedonia before BC
Later Roman varstvo used this space
certain military actions. According to the manuscripts of Mark
Junior collected in a collection, and dating from the period of 1380
year processed in 1935 the village was called city locations.
In a written name was used as a city. This old
village or town was inhabited by Macedonians strain KacuriBrsjaci who tsarist Macedonia moved to another
large group of site behind Stone and Golo Brdo. Gradually
this place Stanwell strategic point in tsarist
Macedonia, and later during the Roman Empire.
Macedonians-Katsura gradually descending and occupied the
this strategic location. In this area there were favorable
living conditions. At that time very quickly Gradiste
progressed and became a small town only sustainable. Valley
Big River was the place where everyone had to pass by
caravans which passed the other kingdoms. During
Macedonian king Mark and his father Volkasin Ottomans for
Page 86
older people will say that faith and name no one has given a
and we do not give even die all. Macedonia
not even born when the first sun shine, we are Macedonians
Page 87
pounds with the Bey with both hands accepted. Then were
sent people to report to all the villagers to avoid
return to their seats. Residents of the old village Prisoj strain
Mijaks several families of strain Katsura-Brsjaci to go
with it. Bey and Ruse Katsura-Brsjak are welcome and pregrnale and gave his oath that it will not happen again. Part of
askerot remained as guardians of the villages on the orders of
Ram fighting in exchange for villagers. Residents of
old village Prisoj were taken to space today
Ehloec village. There already lived Mijlje and stand village
Ivanchishte. In the coming years the villagers gradually built
first huts and pot converted into houses. Residents of the village
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success. The oppressed peoples and nations have been given all
the rights and
customs and responsible places set their people. Ivan
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signifier of the strain from which the roots pulled from the past up
today. Macedonians and Macedonian remain forever. For
Village Ivanchishte have collected stories and too rakoPisey that some of them published in the previous book
Page 104
there were very close ties and tribal, marrying and marrying
villages flat Gumno the region of Mount Karaorman,
Here were the boundaries between villages. From that village Flatold
Ivanchishte have much to write about but I will mention
foundry in place cool hole where Leslie and governWelle in special clay pots quality swords, knives
similar. Later this place was taken and that some Romans
time worked here. At the time of the ancient collapsed
Macedonian Empire region had greater problems
various tribes which came from behind the mountains, and
returning back again. Somewhere in the IV century BC,
Page 108
Wild animals
Mite dense beech and oak forests grow various types of gabipecherki of which are mostly vrganot and lisicharkata. They are
Unsafe use human food, if well
know, you can pour some of the toxins that are similar to them.
Here caller not eat fungi if not master rapoznavanje.
In pastures and fields grow raspberries, pepper, wild pits
goda, and higher represented blueberries.
From wild fruits well fail Blazic, trninkata, smreKlink and fkusnite fruits of wild cherry, wild apple,
wild pear and many others. Here I would mention again
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During the Balkan and the First World War. All actions
During the war going on in Macedonia
especially the great Macedonian front. After the parchenjeto
Macedonia Bucharest Treaty many Macedonians
went to work in neighboring countries. In World
War were all aware and took the gun in his hands, starting in
struggle for freedom for their country Macedonia, the country
of ancestors. Freedom or Death, Now or Never Macedonia
must be released only on us Macedonians from
various mitadzhii. In 1945, World War II
ends, the surviving fighters return to their inherited
country Macedonia. The dead soldiers testify monuments
placed in every village and place on the territory of Kopacka and
Macedonia. Fought as partisans in itself
country felt the greatest kings of ancient Macedonia
today. R. Macedonia today fight for their rights,
understandings and equality of civilizations and religions. Man is
man everywhere on the planet. Lord God, it is all free
matter what it's called, and the sun shines the whole country
which is where he lives or what it's called. Let's keep the
dedovinata not only for us but for future generations to Be
Nature careful not to fall ill and sun. The
walk through the centuries the village was briefly Ivanchishte
described, and is quite long. More if you want to know can
find in my book: "Ivanchishte Tracing my
Macedonian roots, "published in May 2009 in Skopje.
Page 118
was still the old priest who along with his nephew Evdokia
occasionally did worship in the village Ehloec, Klenoec.
Residents of Malkoec in the past and later dealt
mostly farmers, goat, cattle. Agriculture
was also present, and there prevail alluvial
soils with less humus. The few fertile fields were well
processed and gave birth. The village holds good for pasture
goods. Unfortunately, this village was not spared from attacks and
plachkanjata Aramisko the various bands. Ottoman rule did not
done so much damage, as did Bali
in the Second World War. They attacked the village suddenly,
simultaneously with the village Popoec. Several people were
killed and
tortured, others managed to escape. In these filthy and
uncivilized izhivuvanja burned village Malkoec. In
the war ended, the new federation, and it and R.
Macedonia nebile so interested in their villages and
progress. It was not until some time ago. Populations,
light leaves, family by family, village and went to
cities and other countries. The worst hit villages are
given by law to destroy goats and forced
formation of cooperatives. Since it is only later ofajdile
oddreden number of inhabitants of the villages, who were
informants and servants
the government. I brought it up because all the villages
especially from Kopacka and Debarca were badly damaged and in
Bitola region. Goats have already been, there was no meat and
which meant life. The village Malkoec today waiting attendance
tors and joy repair old houses, and sprouted and
a new house. Young people should not forget their
and paternal grandfathers chimney, he should forever smokes it
means to
lives. The population of the village is Malkoec strain old Kacuri-
Page 124
for this village. From the river Treska, which through age
brings warm greetings through villages and towns in Macedonia
to Thessaloniki. By sea greetings resounded everywhere
around the world and on all continents. The village springs
families migrated from the village Malkoec, Klenoec, Ivanchishte,
Dushugubica and elsewhere. During the Second World War
here are held various meetings of the committee. In the village
Source, Klenoec went heavy fighting with the enemy. The 6
in October 1943, near the train station
Klenoec, died brave commander Yossi JosifoskiPage 130
Page 139
nation for the visitors. The population has always been the strain
KacuriBrsjaci Macedonian by birth. Religion was even hristijanska Orthodox. Older Judovchani hope
will one day return to life in the village. Hopefully it
will remain empty words, younger generations will
fix lost from the ravages of time.
Village Otters
Otter village is located on the right side of the main
time Kicevo Bitola. Despite this village monastery St.
Virgin, Pure Kicevo. The village is located at an
a height of 833 meters. Surrounded by forests of Goljak-ornska mountain make wonderful place. In the past through
Page 144
strength, residual sludge from the former sea lake later. With
arrival to the throne of King Philip II of Macedonia, The
space was interesting for Macedonia. There getting ready
Warriors, technical and physical training is performed. After
training were again tested and put into fighting
through the mountains. After fighting they returned back to the
Flat-old Ivanchishte were resting for some time and again
sent to Macedonian phalanx which was a third phase
Training, Education and lowland warfare high
temperatures. Such training was held in the capital of
Macedonian kingdom. In this period the site experiences
greatest growth and progress. Before each departure
warriors remained nights to celebrate because they were
proud to defend their homeland Macedonia if
need to give their lives. Besides Selechkoto brotherhood
there are other fraternities in the village. The settlement was a
numbered over five hundred houses and cottages. Each fraternity
headed by Chieftain. All the chiefs participated in the Council
the duke. So this was a very proper hierarhiaja
inserted without any flaws in the part and orginazacijata
rule. (The village Ivanchishte if need to find out more
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Andoni P. Blazeska
Seles (village goat)
In this place in the past there utvdena old settlement Named
Qena Seles. Residents were from strain Katsura-Brsjaci by birth
Macedonians. The settlement was located that had an important
place in
that period. Together all the chiefs of the old villages held
connections for better security, since they were unable to
cope with large Aramisko groups came from further afield.
This judgment does not avoid this settlement Seles. Romans
were the first passengers passed through these parts after
defeat the Royal BC Macedonia They passed through Seles
and collecting goods and grain for the Roman army. They are not
kept long, unless there was some weather.
Romans realized that people are still working and not their
made major problems as was the case in other
old neighborhoods. Remained for several months and rarely by
then set off and not returned back. Residents constantly
had problems with the criminal groups. Attacked were mostly
in autumn when the harvest was collected. In late spring again
came plachkajkji the merchandise. In the later period
Byzantine army passes through this neighborhood. Here are
remembers that time that some old soldiers remained
live here, people look out for them. Unfortunately, in the
period there was a collision of two wings of the Byzantine
army. The population fled to surrounding areas to survive.
The conflict, mutual Byzantine troops occurred in
Seles. The consequence of all these misunderstandings Seles was
destroyed. After clearing these clashes families
returning to the destroyed village, restoring houses. They began to
cultivate the land and the goods were hidden in the mountains.
The population that survived village Seles has rename the
Selishte because constantly moved around Tampa. Then was built
in the village to build huts and houses with their help. Now
settlement was named monks with twenty people.
The population again began to cultivate land and
recovering. In that period the village and live there good fruit
the fields. This period lasted until the region was under
reign of Justinian. Also at the time of Samuel
kingdom Macedonians in this village received assistance and
With the dissolution of the kingdom through this region passes
power at the head of the Macedonian dynasty was that Basil
visited these villages passing. During the reign of
Page 172
lives and will live. In the village lived from strain KacuriBrsjaci by birth Macedonians who survived are.
Kosrid (village Dushugubica)
Near the village today Dushugubica in the past
found its small Defining Kosrid. The place had an old
utvdena military settlement at the time of ancient royal
Macedonia, BC Here minutes shortcut from Debar
Bitola and Kicevo. The population was of strain Katsura-Brsjaci
gender Macedonians. They were mostly families of the soldiers
controlled that area, with the collapse of the Macedonian
Empire this naselaba continued to live and was under
control of the Roman army, and later into the possession of
Justinian. For this utvdena settlement no later Kosrid
written documents. A prerequisite is that Kosrid was attacked
Aramisko large groups and tribes at the time
Ottomans conquered Kopacka. These assumptions are not mine
Page 173
village, because such was the order to make the control and
had to meet with the girl's father. It was written
man took me with them to the house, I wanted to see was only
it and nothing else. In the evening we sat down to dinner all
here was Stojanka, wrapped with dark scarf and long
braided hair. Her face shone like the moon in the dark room
which is lit with an earthen pot filled with oil. Themselves
I told tonight to grab and go with her to Italy. Bea
dangerous times, for two days I took my friends and I left
in the band. The Macedonians have no conflicts even
would meet or warn firing in the air against each
other. In a squad called me "Enchanted." I waited just end
War and grabbed Stojanka was not fate after a
Sunday we left the place and track mountain. There
spent two weeks then go back to our unit
the gorge. The first day when I was day one of the band
I headed to the village. At the entrance of the village we saw
several houses were burned surprised, I knew that our
(Italians) had action in the village. I found out that they were
killed several elderly and young children. Something in the head
how to hit me, my feet are cut. We went right in
house of her father. I found the veiled in black, not
We wanted to look at me. I told him that I was sorry for houses
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Andoni P. Blazeska
known three Macedonians as commanders of strain Katsura,
Ptolemy who died there and were buried there. In
beginning of the XIX and XX century this place was the target of
attacks and mutual destruction of various tracers of wealth.
The settlement now called Christmas Raven was owned
Kacurovsko retail. After the start Defining settlement or are
was placed in RAKIDA and Bachilishte. This already has records
Maximilian Katsura-Makkedah that describes people as
Katsura-Brsjaci kind of yield Makkedah. Provides a description of
the settlement
Egipski graves and Tvdinata. Another old settlement mentioned
Raven later Selishte, and the whole was inhabited teritoriaja
Flat. Across the canyon to the area where the road led
Debar to the Flat is located Ljutovo settlement near
Ljutoechki Stone. this village existed intermittently to VII century
new era. These neighborhoods are not updated, but were used
later than the population as shelters. In the region
Nowadays village Ivanchishte existed ten other towns
settlements. One of the older graves were in place. The settlement
was the site of visochinaka Smrdeshtica where in
dlabnatinka there live natural lake to XVIII century. Toga
peasants Ivanchishte decided to dig in intersection
Iron ivorche because many sheep are davele. Lakes
rceto after discharge water drained and today stands as
Prostorod scrap Ivanchishte
Page 179
Macedonia. The existence of the village of antiquity, Roman
period, the period of Byzantine Macedonia, the rule of
Ottomans. This neighborhood lived active and long to XIX
century. The worst period was slavery and the Macedonians
Macedonia under Ottoman rule. Special aftermath
Death of King Mark when Ottomans ravaged
Mijachijata and Kopachijata. All refugees were rescue, hiding
in the village of Lapusnik. Here are placed and the residents of the
Prisojnica-Jeloec. This village does not exist today. From the
Lavchani, Dobrenoec, Dushugubica and many other regions
smestuvale in this village. That period was very difficult because
there was not enough food and people has increased, and bore
barely survived. Residents walked day and night hunting
wild goats and wild pigs to survive. Villagers in
nearby villages occasionally succeeded at night to go to their
villages and if there is something else to take. In periods when
Farm-signed agreements with the Ottomans, began to
returning to their villages. At that time the village is Lapusnik
emptied of refugees, indigenous people remained. But at the same
time again come refugees from other places especially from
through St. Spas, Golo Brdo, Gora and remote
areas. Unfortunately
period 1750-1760 year, the Ottoman army with the help of
an informant for a handful of pounds handed over this village. At
that time
Early morning, the Ottoman army approached the village.
Keepers of the village of strain Katsura gender Macedonians
how could, and in that time, another population fled to
dense forest. In his writings Mark Katsura wrote:
"It was the army, are either black green you can not see
even the sun was bloody everywhere are crying through odzeval
peaceful beech forest. " The attacks on the village Lapusnik not
cease and lasted several days. Villagers were previously
stop protection. Were dug deep holes around the
village and covered with branches and grass. Many Ottoman
Page 181
us one pound will not surrender, this is ilachot for you ", this
the manuscripts of Mark Katsura Junior. For this event narrator
zhuval Ruse Katsura-Brsjak village Ivanchishte who signed
screed, and the murder of the traitor that he knew any
as evidence that the agreement will be respected.
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Andoni P. Blazeska
unishtovanjeto the fact that this village has happened with the
the Ottoman army, which has brought the disease probably plague.
In the nearby village is izgadeno Brzhdani.
Village Scabies
This village was located in the vicinity of the village
Svinjishta. Village
Scabies is built BC and changed kingdoms and atteria as the winning. It potvduva that Ottoman army
destroy this village and church. Mary. In this proStore mention the existence of a small settlement of the antique,
Kamen. Settlement disappeared at the time ruled
Justinian. Residents left the village long period and
back again, forming the present village Svinjishta.
The town or village City is located in the area of Judah.
This settlement is mentioned as Gradiste, according to the latest
IE findings were two different neighborhoods, small towns.
Existed in antiquity and survived all the turbulences
new era. After its destruction in this area is never
restored. Survivors residents returning to that area but
new location form the village Judah. It is interesting
that in all previously mentioned old neighborhoods in the past
sighted flashing various shapes such as bundles
told in village Ivanchishte. One such event will happen
Csilla in the space of the old village of Ivanchishte place
called Kanoec. This place is said to have old
Canonical importance. From there a strong flash of light
something is lowered down to the church Atanasie in mild, old
Ivanchishte village. The old people in the village told that
saw it and thought there had been a fire. This event is
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Slow solely by detecting and training for soldiers
needs of the Macedonian army. One of the most
Katsura strain was General Emperor Alexander, Soter Katsura
Katsura strain of the genus Macedonians (today we have Soter
name used). Katsura strain survived in all periods
through past BC He kind Katsura persists today in MaceMacedonia and other countries. This topic strain Katsura
Leaving aside the reasons for which no one knows. In
period of IV century on the orders of thieves and history
much money someone dosetnik guessed erase strain
Katsura as ancient Macedonians. He wrote that
Macedonia live Berzin and the VII century Katsura receive
another name Brsjaci and somewhere Brzjaci. Scientific world
especially in Europe, well aware that the Macedonians still
continuing their kind from antiquity to the present, and possess
very tangible evidence. Too easy and funny when
listen to someone named historian that Macedonians will die,
and we have added another former as printing. Others say the
name is
your third say the church is not yours. This is ridiculous and just
temporary unfortunate today in the XXI century of a nation, a
Biblically country can not use his or her back
name, identity church culture simply stated eternal source. In
past two millennia Macedonians were tortured
used in various wars to kill each other, unfortunately for
Fortunately Macedonian faith Ojai alive. I'm happy
today many politicians in Europe and the world want to
stand on the side of justice. The funniest thing is that some of the
past not existing states or nations, with the help of other
stronger you take your country, your property producing the
States of a foreign country, while stealing the name of the people,
culture, church traditions that had the Macedonian
too have their own customs that are reserved today. They
customs remain part before antiquity and others prodoPage 195
the young generations. Beliefs have for each area of zhiveeing people, storage of goods and agriculture. Religious
holiday traditions today. In the field of wedding actions
or in the days of mourning remained the same order. Each rite
you had accurately predicted the beginning and end. Population
Boot from ever remembers any religious educated. With their
Christian, faith is born and it died. In
difficult times when there were droughts gathered in churches of
which took baptized and went with them to the fields. They prayed
also requested the Lord to give rain to have a race to
can survive. Macedonians under slavery were very
centuries and only in the Lord saw salvation. So prayer and curse
for fidelity formed various Macedonian organizations
still managed to get to the fruit, free and independent
Republic of Macedonia.
Entrust the Ancestors
Macedonians always been proud, clever and knew to respect and
other. The whole population is Kopacka Katsura-Brsjaci small
of strain Mijaks always their older generations
people in the family legacy left for a particular job
they wanted to continue. The first thing that is demanded by
successors have been unity, peace and understanding in the seed
jstvoto. It means to have a love marriage to survive.
The second important thing was to know that they are
Macedonians and their
continue and yield fruit. Do not be carried away by money, they
wore evil. Never take anything from vakovsko place or
the church only if you buy. To fight in tough times
man and woman together and never surrender, otherwise
pain as you have mastered. Brother to brother or sister to
respect and not to inflict evil, hearing someone else who
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can be seen live complicated. Worked for surviving
sponsibility and to work with Esau measure. Never weighted
robes hoping today I, and tomorrow another will work.
It is enriched for a day or a year, but a whole life
works, then it continue heirs keeping the
seeding with what they have. The promise of Macedonia
children is difficult and large, have forever all generations to
to keep the country Macedonia and multiply as
Macedonians. Never to mischief country where
born because it is not for nothing curve, but should
move forward leaving new works. Will come a day when
Experience Macedonian civilization will soar high in
advanced countries and so these words willy be empty of
paper. Disobeyed Macedonians proved through past
milenimi and song in the most difficult moments walked forward
only forward. So it was, so it will be in the future forever.
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