sx9 Manual
sx9 Manual
sx9 Manual
The band change switch should be tuned to the band desired. Then with the band spread condenser set
to 200, move the main tuning control, which is the dial on the left, to any frequency desired within this
band. The BFO switch can be either on or off. We recommend that it be on when attempting to locate
weak phone stations, and it MUST be on when listening to CW.
On the main tuning dial there is a vernier scale under the dial light. This scale enables the operator to
reset the main tuning dial accurately to within one-tenth of a division.
For most efficient operation on code, keep AVC switch to off and audio gain set to 30% to 50%.
Sensitivity and volume should be controlled by the R.F. Gain control. When AVC is set to off, the
receiver may overload on a strong signal. Reduce R.F. gain to avoid overload.
When receiving controlled carrier modulation phone, the AVC should be switched off. It is
advantageous to leave the AVC off when using the BFO.
The AVC should be on when receiving phone or short wave broadcasts, unless maximum sensitivity is
needed. Whenever AVC is on, the R.F. Gain should be turned to full clockwise and volume of the radio
should be controlled by audio gain. The R.F. Gain is used to control the sensitivity of the radio.
The BFO is very convenient in location distant or weak stations. Turn on your BFO and then turn your
tuning dial to the approximate frequency of the station you are looking for. When the station is
properly tuned in, the BFO will produce a whistling or rushing noise. You may now turn off the BFO
to hear the station audio. For CW signals, leave the BFO on.
Even without the crystal, the crystal phasing condenser will give some control over the selectivity of
the radio. By setting this phasing control to the position of maximum background noise, this will give
greater selectivity and sensitivity. This applies only when the crystal is not used. When the crystal is
being used, the position of maximum noise becomes the position of minimum selectivity.
Contrary to usual belief, the crystal circuit in the 1936 Super SKYRIDER does not help materially in
AM phone reception. Of course it is thoroughly known the crystal increases selectivity for CW
reception. In receiving AM phone signals while using the crystal filter, it is recommended that the
previously described position of maximum noise (minimum selectivity) be used first, then rotate the
phasing knob toward minimum noise (maximum selectivity). Vary this adjustment until good quality
voice is achieved.
For CW reception, it is recommended the crystal switch be in and the phasing knob set to minimum
noise (maximum selectivity).
This switch breaks the high voltage B supply, so the tube will not be paralyzed by a local transmitter.
RF Amplifier - Preselector
1st Detector - Mixer
Signal Frequency Local Oscillator
Intermediate Frequency Amplifier
2nd Detector - AVC
1st Audio Amplifier
2nd Audio Power Amplifier (3.5 watts audio output)
Electron Coupled Beat Frequency Oscillator
The Antenna Circuit is connected to the secondary of the R.F. coil by method of inductive and
capacitive coupling. The inductive coupling acts at the high frequency ends of the bands for maximum
transfer of the signal. The capacitive coupling (C8) does the major portion of the signal transfer at the
low frequency ends of the bands. As seen in the circuit diagram, the unused coils on the secondary are
shorted out.
The 6K7 R.F. amplifier has a high inductance plate load which gives maximum transfer by use of
capacity coupling at low frequency end of the bands. By use of coupling in C16 this is further
increased. The normal characteristics of a coil and condenser are such that the gain varies about 3 to 1
from one end to the other, being maximum at high frequency end. The capacity coupling combines
with this to level out the gain in this circuit to get uniformity throughout.
The 6L7 used here as a detector-mixer has no parallel in glass tubes. The modulation from the
oscillator circuit is supplied to this tube by use of an extra grid. Thanks no not having oscillator plate
current flowing in the first detector, the ratio of translation to noise is considerably better than in
composite tubes or in circuits where the cathodes of 2 tubes are connected together.
The 6C5 OSCILLATOR covers only four bands. The harmonic of number 4 band is used to supply
the oscillator voltage for conversion of signals to I.F. frequency, when using band 5. The oscillator
circuit is a combination of the Hartley and the Colpitts, having the inherent features of both the
Hartley with the good oscillation at the high frequency ends of the bands and the Colpitts where
oscillation is better at the low frequency ends of bands.
By this method, the oscillator generates a fairly constant voltage for impression on grid 3 of 6L7 over
the full tuning range of the radio.
The 1st I.F. TRANSFORMER is made up of 3 coils phased in such a relation that maximum signal is
impressed upon the low inductance primary of 2nd I.F. transformer. The crystal and crystal phasing
circuit is is inserted between these transformers in such a manner that when the crystal switch is at in
position, the crystal and crystal phasing condenser cause single signal action to take place this action
varies by the setting of crystal condenser when switch is at out position the signal is impressed
directly on the second transformer.
The 2nd I.F. TRANSFORMER has a step up ratio so the the voltage impressed on grid of 6K7, I.F.
amplifier is increased over the normal I.F. transformer connections. By the use of a transformer the
grid circuit of this tube is tuned to the I.F. frequency, so that greater selectivity is achieved, than if a
choke coil were used to supply this tube.
Transformers used at intermediate frequencies are of iron core construction greater selectivity and
gain, due to better Q of the coils is achievable than by the use of air core coils.
The signal to noise ratio if iron core coils, due to better Q, shows a marked improvement over other
types of transformers.
The 6K7 I.F. AMPLIFIER is coupled through an iron core transformer to single diode plate of the
6F6. The single plate being used in order to lessen the load on the secondary of this transformer,
making for greater selectivity in this circuit.
The ratios of AC & DC diode load are proportionate so that 100% modulation can be handled without
As will be noted from the circuit diagram (Fig. 2), the AVC voltage and the audio voltage are taken off
slightly below the maximum point. This was done to reduce stray R.F. in the circuit and to give better
AVC action on the R.F. 1st detector and I.F. stages.
6K7 BEAT FREQUENCY OSCILLATOR this is an electron coupled oscillator coupled to 6H6
diode plate by two turns of wire. Changes in line voltage and in tubes will not affect the frequency of
beat oscillator. The frequency can be controlled by use of the pitch control in order that a receiving
operator can beat on either side of signal getting further selectivity on code reception by choice of
audio frequencies.
AUDIO FIRST STAGE AUDIO 6F5 - is a high MU triode. It is coupled to the diode circuit
through its volume control (R20) and condenser (C25). As will be noted from the circuit no DC flows
through this control, making for quiet operation.
TONE CONTROL it will be noted that tone control (R22) is on plate of 6F5 and also on its grid
circuit, when the control is full counter clockwise (treble position). The tone is normal. As the control
is moved to the right up to one-half rotation the bass response is increased without cutting of high
notes. Moved through the other half of the rotation the high notes are removed by use of condenser
(C27) without further increasing the low note response.
In order to avoid frequency discrimination found in cathode resistor condenser bias circuits, the
Mallory bias cell is used on the grid of 6F5. This proves a boon for phone operators in that it insures
greater intelligibility in all voice, short wave broadcasts, etc.
OUTPUT STAGE a 6F6 pentode, giving 3.5 watts output is connected to the speaker and headphone
jack. This jack is arranged in circuit is such a way that when phones are inserted the voice coil of
speaker is opened. A separate magnetic or permanent magnetic dynamic speaker can be plugged into
the phone jack if external speaker is desired. Where an electrodynamic speaker has its own field
supply, this too may be plugged in. Speaker impedance in these cases should be 7000 ohms, although
other types can be used at a sacrifice in tone quality. No DC current flows though headphone circuit.
Now adjust the five trimmers on top of the I.F. cans until maximum output as indicated by the output
meter. The adjustment screws are located in the top of the I.F. transformer cans, and may be reached
from the top of the chassis.
Now adjust the trimmer on the top of BFO can for zero-beat.