Big Ideas: Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Name Subject Grade Level Date/Duration
Big Ideas: Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Name Subject Grade Level Date/Duration
Big Ideas: Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Name Subject Grade Level Date/Duration
Essential Questions
Bloom's Taxonomy
Webb's Depth of
Knowledge (DOK)
Formative &
Assessment Evidence
Maranda Paola
English Language Arts
2nd grade
Date: 2/22/15
Duration: 2 class periods 40 min each
How do strategic readers comprehend meaning from a text
Effective readers use appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Rules of grammar and convention of language support clarity of
communications between writers/speakers, and readers/listeners.
What steps can good readers take in order to be able to understand a
CC.1.2.2.G: Explain how graphic representations contribute to and
clarify a text.
CC.1.5.2.D: Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate
facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent
While reading the story The Mitten the Students will be able to
comprehend the stories vocabulary 90% of the time.
After reading the story The Mitten the students will be able to recall
and retell the story with 80% accuracy.
After reading the story The Mitten the students will write and
perform a group play using correction pronunciation 90% of the time.
Formal Evaluation
Have the students preform the play in front of the class
Informal Evaluation
Have the students complete the sequence of events for the story to
check their comprehension of what was read.
For ELLs
Reading- The students will use the Choral reading strategy in order to
help aid the students comprehension of The Mitten.
Writing- The students write and spell words as best as the can, but can
use their peers and teacher for help if needed. For example, the
students will write and spell words in their native language and then
they will speak the terms in English. The students will also be
sentence frames to follow the sequence of events in the story
Speaking- The students will have a clear idea what is going to be
expected of them because the targets will be listed on the board, and
the students will be prompted to answer open-ended questions
Listening- the students will break larger tasks in smaller much more
manageable parts, and then the students will listen to each other as
they collaborate in a group
Family- The students will be asked to discuss the story The Mitten
with their family
Culture- the students are asked to think about ten things they might
find in a mitten if it was lost in the place they grew up. The students
can also bring in a picture from their hometown of a place they would
The students will use iPads to help them search words they may not
understand yet
For ELLs
Reading- The students will use the Choral reading strategy in order to
help aid the students comprehension of The Mitten.
Writing- The students write and spell words as best as the can, but can
use their peers and teacher for help if needed. For example, the
students will write and spell words in their native language and then
they will speak the terms in English. The students will also be
sentence frames to follow the sequence of events in the story
Speaking- The students will have a clear idea what is going to be
expected of them because the targets will be listed on the board, and
the students will be prompted to answer open-ended questions
Listening- the students will break larger tasks in smaller much more
manageable parts, and then the students will listen to each other as
they collaborate in a group
Family- The students will be asked to discuss the story The Mitten
with their family
Culture- the students are asked to think about ten things they might
find in a mitten if it was lost in the place they grew up. The students
can also bring in a picture from their hometown of a place they would
have lost their mitten.
Explicit Instructions
Lesson Procedure
Must include
adaptations &
accommodations for
students with special
Show the students a mitten and ask them how many things they think
they could fit inside this one little mitten
Big Idea Statement
How do strategic readers comprehend meaning from a text, and use
appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Essential Questions Statement
What steps can good readers take in order to be able to understand a
Objective Statement
Students will identify all of the animals in the story The Mitten and
then retell the story using pictures. After that, the students will
demonstrate comprehension of the story "The Mitten" by performing a
group play.
Key Vocabulary
Snowshoe Rabbit
PreAssessment of Students
Teach and discuss with the students about each of the vocabulary
Talk to the students about what a mitten is and if they have ever seen or
worn one before
Lesson Plan Procedure
For ELLs: The students will first review the objectives that were
placed on the board in advance so students know what the lesson is
going to involve
The students will also receive a written list of directions that they can
see and read for themselves
Read The Mitten to the class, and the students will have to predict
what will happen next by using the keyholes on each page.
For ELLs: The students will use choral reading strategy with the class.
Then as a class the students will re read the story The Mitten.
Next students will review the vocabulary in the context of the story and
they will practice the vocabulary in Think-Pair Share squares. ThinkPair Share Squares will help the students work productively with a
larger more diverse group. The students will use different gestures to
help them better understand the vocabulary words
The students will color and cut out the animals from the story to put
into their own mittens for a fun way to practice the vocabulary.
For ELLs: The students will then imagine that they lost a mitten back
in their native country. They will then draw ten things that they think
would climb inside their mittens if they had lost them back home. They
will also bring in a picture or draw a picture of a place back home
where they would have lost it.
For ELLs: They will then write the name of each item beside each
picture. ELLs can write the word in their native language and translate
it to English.
The students will then use Think-Pair-Share in order to collaborate
with their classmates about what animals they picked
After that as a class, the students will discuss the ten things they chose
to add to their mittens by placing all of the pictures inside a large
mitten on the front board.
For ELLs: Next, Think-Pair Share groups, the students will sequence
the story of events using sentence frames that were provided to them.
Then, the students will pick an animal name out of a hat and be placed
into groups of 10.
The students will each be a different character from Jan Brett's book
The students will cut out the masks and tape a cardboard stick to the
back of them so that they could easily hold the masks.
The students will then get in their groups of ten to read and practice
their play with their group
For ELLs: Then I will ask the students to take their copy of the play
home to practice their lines with their parents or guardians. They will
also be asked to discuss the book The Mittens with their parents in
their native language.
The next day, the students will be asked to perform the play in front of
the class. Using their scripts and their masks.
At the end of the lesson the students will discuss as a class whether or
not they reached the objectives on the board
Adaptations/Accommodations for Students with Special Needs
Reading- The students will use the Choral reading strategy in order to
help aid the students comprehension of The Mitten.
Writing- The students write and spell words as best as the can, but can
use their peers and teacher for help if needed. For example, the
students will write and spell words in their native language and then
they will speak the terms in English. The students will also be sentence
frames to follow the sequence of events in the story
Speaking- The students will have a clear idea what is going to be
expected of them because the targets will be listed on the board, and
the students will be prompted to answer open-ended questions
Listening- the students will break larger tasks in smaller much more
manageable parts, and then the students will listen to each other as they
collaborate in a group
Family- The students will be asked to discuss the story The Mitten
with their family
Evaluation of the
Learning/Mastery of
the Concept
Reading Materials
Culture- the students are asked to think about ten things they might
find in a mitten if it was lost in the place they grew up. The students
can also bring in a picture from their hometown of a place they would
have lost their mitten.
The students can use iPads to look up words and definitions if they
need to
Formal Evaluation
For all students: Observe the childrens language use during their group
For ELLs: Observe what the student is struggling with regarding BICS
For all Students: Evaluate their language use and pronunciation during
their play performance
Informal Evaluation
For ELLs: Observe the students while they collaborate in their groups.
Observe, and determine their understanding of the text The Mitten.
For all students: Listen to how students speak and pronounce words
during their performance.
Summary & Review of the Learning
Go home and review the play with their parents or guardians. Discuss
with them in their native language what the book The Mittens is
Jan Brett's book, "The Mitten."
Copies of the animals to cut out
Plan paper
Story sequence sentence frame strips
Copies of the summarized group skit
Popsicle sticks