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Building A Pyramid PT

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Building a Pyramid


Grade level
Time duration

Kingdoms of the Nile


Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and

mathematical problems

Use mathematical models and analyze change in both

real and abstract contexts.

Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and

three- dimensional geometric objects

Use language of mathematics as a precise means of

mathematical expression

2 days
For thousands of years the pyramids of Ancient Egypt have
been a source of fascination for people of all ages.
Archaeologists have offered a variety of theories as to how the
Egyptians actually constructed these impressive structures at a
time when tools and technology were still quite primitive by
today's standards. One area of particular interest has been the
methods employed to place layers and layers of stone blocks,
weighing over two thousand pounds each, onto the pyramid
structure. In this lesson students explore one theory that some
archaeologists have offered, which involves the pulling of the
stone on a sled up a single ramp. Students construct a model
of a pyramid and use a variety of problem solving strategies to
determine the length of a ramp needed to complete the
building of a pyramid. Based on their mathematical
explorations, they will evaluate the theory that just one ramp

was built to move the blocks of stone.



Students have the opportunity to:

Construct a geometric model of a pyramid

Measure to the nearest inch

Use a protractor to measure the angle of a ramp

Use a variety of problem solving strategies, such as

making a model and looking for a pattern to solve a

Use a three dimensional model to estimate the length of a


"Black Kingdoms of the Nile" video

21 inch square of poster board or tagboard (per group of

four students)

Ruler, customary (per group of four students)


Protractor (per group of four students)

Tape (per group of four students)

Heavy cardboard, approximately 18" x 36" (per group of

four students)

Scissors (per group of four students)

Lesson 1 Student Activity Sheets: Constructing a Pyramid and

Building the Ramps

Activities and


1. View the "Black Kingdoms of the Nile" video. Take special

note of segments that refer to the construction of the
ancient pyramids, temples and monuments. Offer students
a purpose for viewing by encouraging them to look at the
size, shapes, and construction of the pyramids.
2. Initiate discussion about the constructions of the pyramids.
Questions to ask may include:

What building materials did the ancient Egyptians

use to build their pyramids, temples, and

What geometric shapes were used in the


What types of tools were available for construction

in that time period?

How were the Egyptians able to transport and lift

heavy stone blocks?

3. Divide students into groups of approximately 3-4 students.

4. Challenge students to make a model of a pyramid. You
may give each group a set of directions (refer to handout
1, "Constructing a pyramid") or list the steps on the
chalkboard or an overhead projector.
5. Supply students with background information concerning
the different theories of pyramid construction . Some
archaeologists believe that the Egyptians used a single
ramp made out of mud to help them move the heavy
blocks of stone onto the pyramid structure. As the layers
of stone were added, the ramp would have to be extended
to keep the angle small enough for people to pull the sled
carrying the stone. Other theories suggest that multiple
ramps were built from step to step and then later
removed. The use of levers to move the heavy stone has
also been explored. Inform students that they will be

involved in investigating the theory that one ramp was

built to help move the stone blocks into place.
6. Have students cut a ramp measuring 1 inches by 5
inches from a piece of heavy cardboard. On approximately
the middle of one side of the pyramid, tape the ramp one
inch up from the base of the pyramid. Using a protractor,
student should then measure an angle of the ramp. (You
may need to remind students the angle that they are
measuring is the angle formed where the ramp touches
the ground. They may need to slide their model to the
edge of a desk or table to make it easier to measure.)
Students should record the height and length of the ramp
and the measurement of the angle on handout 2, "Building
the Ramp."
7. Students should remove the first ramp from the structure.
Challenge students to make a second ramp, one layer
higher on the pyramid. (This ramp would measure two
inches from the base.) The ramp must equal the same
angle measurement as the first ramp. Students will need
to make the ramp longer to have an even gradient. Before
students begin the task, have them estimate the length of
the second ramp and record this on the worksheet.
(Explain to the students that a second ramp would not
actually be built, but rather would be built higher and
extended.) Have students continue to explore the length of
the ramps needed by making ramps one inch higher each
time. The same angle measurement should be used each
time. Encourage students to look for patterns and to
estimate how long the ramp on the top layer would be.
Depending on the amount of time available, the teacher
can determine how many ramps the students should
construct in order to make the estimation. Encourage
students to compare the length of the ramp with the actual
measurements of the pyramid (ratio).

8. Using their constructions and investigations, have students

evaluate the theory of using one ramp to move the stone.
Students should communicate their findings and theories
in both oral and written format. (Many archaeologists do
not believe that one ramp was used because the ramp
would have to be extremely long to keep the same
gradient. Also, they have not found physical evidence to
indicate that such a ramp was built.)


Students may be evaluated using the following assessment

Group and class participation.

Performance-based product: constructing pyramid and

ramps according to written directions.
Written and oral evaluation of investigation based on
mathematical findings

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