Year 9 - Environmental Chemistry - Using Chemistry

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Medway LEA Advisory Service

Environmental chemistry/using chemistry

9G & 9H
25 min
27 marks
Q1-L4, Q2-L5, Q3-L6, Q4-L7, Q5-L7

These photographs show how the cliffs on the coastline by a church changed between
the years 1886 and 1919.

the church and

coastline in 1886

the church and

coastline in 1904

Medway LEA Advisory Service

the church and

coastline in 1912

the church and

coastline in 1919

photographs by kind permission of Dunwich museum



How can you tell from the photographs that the coastline has changed?
1 mark


What made the coastline change? Tick the correct box.

the rain

the sea

the Sun

the wind
1 mark


On the seashore, pebbles that are rough and uneven become smooth and
rounded. Explain how they become smooth and rounded.
1 mark

Medway LEA Advisory Service


The photograph below shows a carved limestone head. The surface of the
limestone has changed over many years.


Which process made the surface of the limestone change over many years?
Tick the correct box.




1 mark


Name a substance in the air which made the surface of the limestone
1 mark
Maximum 5 marks



George used the apparatus below to find out what substances are produced
when methanol burns.

As the methanol burned, two different gases were produced.

Medway LEA Advisory Service


One of these gases condensed in the U-tube to give a colourless liquid.

Give the name of this liquid.
1 mark


The other gas turned the lime water cloudy.

Give the name of this gas.
1 mark


Methanol is sometimes used in antifreeze. It can be added to water in car

windscreen wash-bottles to prevent the water from freezing in cold conditions.


The label on the bottle of antifreeze has two hazard warning symbols. What
two precautions would you need to take when using this antifreeze?
1. .........................................................................................................
2. .........................................................................................................
1 mark

Medway LEA Advisory Service


Water freezes at 0C. The label on the bottle shows how the freezing point
changes when different amounts of antifreeze are added to water.
Terry put a mixture containing 10% antifreeze into the wash-bottle of his car.
During the night the temperature dropped to 14C.
The wash-bottle burst.
Explain why the wash-bottle burst.
2 marks
Maximum 5 marks



The list below gives some processes which occur in the rock cycle.

Grains of sediment collect in layers on the sea bed.


Large crystals form as molten magma cools deep below the Earths surface.


A glassy rock forms as molten magma erupts into sea water.


Grains of sediment are cemented together as they are buried deep under
thick layers of other sediments.


New crystals form in layers as rocks are affected by high temperature and
increased pressure deep in the Earths crust.

New minerals form with flat crystals when layers of mudstone are squeezed.


Give the number of one metamorphic process.

1 mark


Give the number of one igneous process.

1 mark


Give the numbers of the two steps which could lead to the formation of
........................ and then ......................
2 marks

Medway LEA Advisory Service

Limestone and sandstone are two different rocks.


Limestone is mainly calcium carbonate. It reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to

produce bubbles of gas.
Complete the word equation for the reaction.

h y d r o c h lo r ic
a c id

c a lc iu m
c a rb o n a te

w a te r

2 marks


Sandstone is mainly silicon dioxide. Glass for test tubes is also made from
silicon dioxide.
Suggest what, if anything, will happen when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a
piece of sandstone.
1 mark
Maximum 7 marks


A headline from a newspaper is shown below.

B ritis h P o w e r
S ta tio n s c a u s e
A c id R a in in
S c a n d a n a v ia
Some countries claim that acid rain caused by power stations in Britain
damages their forests.
Others argue that coal-burning power stations produce cheap electricity and
that plants can stand some level of acid rain.
Imagine you are planning a laboratory investigation of the claim:
plants can stand some level of acid rain.
Assume you have access to whatever laboratory equipment you need, including:



seed trays


Plan a laboratory investigation to test the claim that plants can stand some
Medway LEA Advisory Service

level of acid rain.

(a) Name a factor you would need to vary in your investigation.
(This is the independent variable.)
1 mark



What factor would you examine to see the effect?

(This is the dependent variable.)
1 mark


How could you measure this dependent variable?

1 mark


Suggest one factor you would control to ensure that your investigation is fair.
1 mark
Maximum 4 marks



Complete the word equation below for the reaction between calcium carbonate
and hydrochloric acid.

.......... .................... .....

1 mark

Limestone is mainly calcium carbonate. It is weathered by acids in the air or in soil.


In June 1990, a Year 9 class planned a long-term investigation into the chemical
weathering of limestone by acids in soil.
They put limestone chippings of similar size in three nylon mesh bags.
They buried the bags outside in soils of different pH.

Medway LEA Advisory Service


Chemical weathering took place in sample A, and the mass of the sample
Give the reason for the decrease in mass. Use the word equation above to
help you.
1 mark


The pupils predicted that chemical weathering would not take place in
samples B and C.
Give the reason for their prediction.
1 mark


Some chemical weathering did take place in samples B and C.

What could have changed the conditions in these soils to cause weathering
to take place?
1 mark


The table shows how the mass of each sample changed between the years 1990
and 2000.
mass, in g

sample A, at
pH 5

sample B, at
pH 7

sample C, at
pH 8













In 2000, a year 9 class buried another identical 1000 g sample of limestone

chippings in soil of pH 6.

Use the results in the table to predict an approximate value for the mass of
this sample in 2010.
................. g
1 mark

Medway LEA Advisory Service


Why is it not possible to be certain what the mass of this sample will be in
1 mark
Maximum 6 marks

Medway LEA Advisory Service

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