Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
and comfortable. I feel as though these two features of a classroom will improve
ones ability to learn. With that being said, my classroom will have a designated
area where the students will be able to read. The area will include comfortable
chairs to offer a relaxed atmosphere. I will have the students desks in groups of
four or five with all of the required materials. The grouping of desks allows the
students to be able to collaborate with each other. This set up allows students to
move around the classroom and students may begin to seek help from their peers
more naturally. Another important feature that should be incorporated into the
classroom is how the classroom environment is decorated. My ideal classroom
would be bright and colorful creating a positive atmosphere for the students. The
purpose of this would be to stimulate learning among the students. As a teacher, I
would create bulletin board displays of the students art work, positive quotes, and
keeping the students up-to-date regarding topics and school events. My goal is to
create a community based learning environment for my students.
Rules & Routines
In my classroom, I feel as though setting rules and routines is one hundred percent
necessary to have a smooth running environment in the classroom. It is important
that the students are actively involved in establishing the rules. This will make the
students more likely to follow the rules that were created together as a team.
Creating the rules together will produce the expectation that they are to take
ownership for the rules. As a teacher, one important aspect of the classroom that
must be developed for one another is respect. I want the rules to be on display
visually for the students. The rules will be short, concise, and to the point. It is
important that they are framed positively rather than being negative.
Routines are another important aspect of classroom management that needs to be
incorporated into the classroom. The routines create a sense of stability and
comfort the students. The established routines also allow the students to develop a
sense of independence. Routines allow the children to know what is going on and
what they are supposed to be doing at all times during the day. When an effective
routine is established in the classroom, the teacher can focus their time and energy
on teaching. It is important to keep in mind that routines need to be flexible for
both, the students and the teacher.
I feel that the morning routine is the most important routine to be established.
Every morning, I intend to greet my students at the door. Greeting my students, by
name, at the door will establish a personal relationship with each student. As a
teacher, it is important to know and to realize that each student is unique. It is
important to establish routines at the beginning of the school year since it will set
the tone of the classroom for the remainder of the year.
As a teacher, it is important to set positive expectations for your students. Setting
positive expectations for students creates the belief that those you teach will result
in success. It is important to believe in your students, to make them feel valued
and important. I want to make the students feel equal so it is important to make
sure that all my expectations are consistent. As a teacher, I would directly state
what my expectations are in the classroom. These expectations will not only be
related to ones academic abilities but also their behaviour in the classroom. I will
indicate what my expectations are by saying I expect. Not only will I express my
expectations verbally but they will also be displayed on a classroom bulletin board
to remind the students what is expected of them. I will model to the students what I
expect by role playing. Role playing will demonstrate to the students what is
acceptable and unacceptable and reinforce expectations.
Communication is key for a successful teacher. It is important to communicate
effectively with the students, parents, and colleagues regularly. Communicating
effectively with the students parents will reduce the chances of dealing with
misunderstandings and possible confrontations. As a teacher, I plan to have an
open door policy for the students parents. It is important to have a positive
connection with each parent since they impact the life of your student significantly.
I plan to contact each parent and communicate through email, student agenda,
monthly newsletter and/or by telephone. As a teacher, I would prefer to meet with
the parents face-to-face to make it more personal. It is important to remain in
contact with the parents on a regular basis. Doing so will allow me to discuss the
students progress and any challenges that they may be experiencing in the
classroom. I will ensure that the conversations held with parents are not based on
the strengths and challenges their child may have. I will let the parent(s) know that
the goal of educating their child is to provide them with a positive learning
environment. This fosters the ability to provide their students with the best
education possible.
The Inclusive Classroom
One of my goals as a teacher is to create a welcoming environment that accepts
those students for who they are. It is important that my students know that
everyone is diverse and that we all exhibit similarities. At the end of the day, it is
important to know that despite the differences and similarities among each other.
We must appreciate and respect ourselves and others. I want the students to learn
to be respectful and empathetic towards others. By making the classroom inclusive,
the classroom community will establish a positive experience for all students. As a
teacher, I will provide the students the opportunity to have choice. Creating choice
for the students will allow me to make sure that all students can excel to the best of
their abilities to become lifelong learners.
In conclusion, I feel that a classroom management plan is an important element to
being an effective teacher. Not only does it allow teachers to be more effective but
it allows students to learn more in a safe and structured environment where they
know and are able to follow the expectations. As a teacher, I plan to establish a
positive working and learning environment for myself and the students.