VHF - Slim Jim Antenna for 2 Meter Band
cre isa 2 meter (144-146 MIT) a
tena that is inexpensive and easy
build for amateur radio operators
‘compared to fhe types ike the ground plane
‘vertical tenn, Vag anima, etfs di the
frequency band alloted in VHP for amateur
ado opseation is FH- 145 Mulz:inthe US. is
4-18 Mie
Geers antennas works well ony whe
paged ove a good ground system, Th sucess
fr fale of an anennasysem een depends
‘on whelhroructithasagond RF ground: Poor
{rounds ease antennas To operate a ss than
best efiien. In act, is pessibe fo loco
tose 50 ad 0 percent of the RF power by
heating the space under the rion be
stead of ransmiting int the a
Thisisa vertically polarized ition
fice space atenna whi offets apposite
1.8 dl of gai, has radiation efieiency 30"
beter than a groundplane antenna dc fois
Tow radiation ale, tis unobtrusive, and sao
ground-plane radials thoretor low wind sis
Thisantemn isa back Pod folded vertical
Aipoleamama forthe 2 mbun. The nae Sin
Tin comes fom th sender conseton. The
‘Sin Jin vertical angle of ation i almost po
allel to urnd soins s whee i
is noossraeht out and ll round. Wi all
‘roan planes including those with radials an
entre wavelet ong, the vertical anal adi
tions titadupwardsatan angle of dgres ar
more: Thisgines tie Shim Jima gain over a3 8th
Wave of 6UB lien metsured parallel to dhe
The fee ison the hase, which eases no
problem wi the conuction between the fer
fad eaten, The Feeder impedance is 50
‘ohm Slim Jineanbs made of aluminum thing
‘withacante of Hinimse Pram, or a on
cable. The distaace hewsenthe Ovo pale
{ments snot iia and neither isthe eth i
itismade of Lm es
The isolation bereen the two divided
hes halvane and quarter wave), shou be
nade of perinas or teflon oa sini sltion
‘material wich fis between thet pars, The
tse of °F type matdhng stub (integrated
matching ~JIN facilitates ein the arteaa
tthe bose, ths overcoming prem filer
faction between feeder ad antenna. The feed
inypedance 300m,
Basialy, i an ended! fold dipole
By D. Prabokaran
potted vertically Themahine st provides
Tow ipesance ee pit (50 ns) atthe
bse and coupes wo the antenna section at hist
Impedance atone end 5 with all folded
pols, the currents in each Teg are in phase,
"whereas inthe mt xe inphase
opposition. so lite or ne radiation accuse
this Correll matched, the VSWR (Volt
Standing Wave Rao) willbe rah less tha
‘and rains 0 aro the tan
Aap sleeve made from copper ean be
added tothe element above the gap for ting
Purposes. although the average length of the
fapand spacing Peter the elements 3" at
MHz and 1? at 220 ME. No part of the
autem should be gronaded 10 Mh ter ot
mast, The recommended mount isthe use af
YC pipe andl PVC pipe T's" Make sine the
space between the tower or mast and the a
{enna sone “iesspace” 1 waveenath
‘Stand upright toma ming st, it clear of
metal water tak, dranpipes, ee) ad ithe
‘coaxial cable tothe antenna with some alligator
{hips llac about 2 inches up fram the ot
tov andl eeck the VSWR. Adjust the clips up
brdowu to ge the best mate (mine mage
1.21), mark thre they are ta go, remave the
clips. and elder the con diet. Use the cop
pet sleeve added, for any necessary tun
Food fino as cable consists of 0 eo
enki ies as shown inthe figure. Is
Porta co note tat eva cable s unbalanced
no curent flows en the euside shield ofthe
Cable, Alisays use gond quality Tow Toss type
‘anal cables to fod RF cheng tantra ft
tratsmitier, RST and RG-ILC Foam type
tables ate-good choices and
Bad connections eause
loss Ifyou are eoie to solder coy
Conneeiorsenthendsof jour
coat be ure todo ight, You
musta the right ool, Most
(Hers and amin operators
think they can solder connece
tors on 0 coax with thei 2
Wat pencil tip solacrng iron, You cant. You
should use ahigh vattage ion, preferably over
100 watts, Vou must hea the connector UP
quick, s0 you can’t damaze the eas and ca
fect, aa the way way Todo this swith 3
high wattage soldering ron,
For antennas mounts ouside, dnt for
get lighning-ndaced damage pectection. The
nium it never se thom in Wether ko
toprodie hing. dlsconnect al rom
them when they are not in use
Lecturer Mechanical Eng
NL PoytecnicColeee
Toomina, India
pbk con
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