Ela 10f - Course Outline
Ela 10f - Course Outline
Ela 10f - Course Outline
Dan Forte
Welcome to the wonderful world of English Language Arts! This course focuses on the six
language arts: reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing. It is a
course about communication - a course about discovering, exploring, and expressing
your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Students will use and develop skills within the six
language arts to improve on many aspects of communication by responding to and
creating a variety of pragmatic and aesthetic texts.
One of the main purposes of this course is for students to enjoy the pleasures of
literature, inviting stories, films, and other texts to evoke your emotions, challenge your
thoughts, and inspire you to become a better human being. In this course I am hoping
you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and/or the world around you.
*These units are subject to changes throughout the semester
*Units not necessarily presented in this order
The Art of the Paragraph
This unit will focus on refining the most basic elements of written communication: sentence and paragraph
Students will read a novel and participate in quality group discussions. Themes relating to identity, fitting in, friendship,
and peer relations will all be major focuses.
We'll take a look at a play by William Shakespeare and study a couple of films. Students will learn about the elements
of stories (character, plot,
setting, climax, theme, symbolism, etc) through these mediums. Students will also begin to
learn how to analyze and interpret films and plays.
Here is a breakdown of the mark distribution for this course.
40% - Assignments
10% - Essay Assignment
20% - Tests/Quizzes
30% - Final Exam
40% - Assignments Category
Major Assignments/Projects:
Process Journal:
Minor Assignments:
Novel Tests:
Novel Study Quiz =
Novel Study Test =
You will write a final exam in the third week of June. It is worth 30% of your final mark. You will be adequately
prepared to write this exam since it is based on the skills you will be refining throughout the semester. And I
provide a sweet review.
Daily tasks the different stuff we do from day to day will be due either at the end of
class or at the end of the duration of whatever it is we are doing. Most of these tasks are
to be completed in your PROCESS JOURNAL.
-Any student who has ever had trouble passing any of my ELA courses either didn't hand
stuff in or did not hand assignments in on time. Complete the work, and do it on time!
CUT OFF dates (the last day assignments or anything else can be accepted for
March 13th, 2015
Assignments due on or before this date will not be accepted after this date has passed. Your assignment will
receive a permanent NHI
(not handed in), which is the equivalent of a "0."
Assignments due on or before this date will not be accepted after this date has passed. Your assignment will
receive a permanent NHI
(not handed in), which is the equivalent of a "0."
Assignments due on or before this date will not be accepted after this date has passed. Your assignment will
receive a permanent NHI
(not handed in), which is the equivalent of a "0."
Assignments due on or before this date will not be accepted after this date has passed. Your assignment will
receive a permanent NHI
(not handed in), which is the equivalent of a "0."
It is expected that all assignments will be completed and submitted on time. Under
exceptional circumstances, extensions will be given. Extensions will only be given if
you have spoken to Forte BEFORE the assignment due date.
**Marks for late assignments will be reduced to a maximum of 20% at a rate not
exceeding 2% per school
Classroom Expectations:
Students who are decent human beings know the expectations and follow them:
1. Respect for everybody, all the time. This includes respecting yourself!
**Cellphones and other handheld devices are not to be used in class. In
fact, I dont even want to see them. Leave your device in your pocket,
just like I do. Ignore it. Set it to silent and turn the vibration feature
2. Leave the negativity at home, or keep it to yourself!
You are responsible for learning material that you have missed, no matter the
If you need to speak with me about any concerns, or if you need extra help, I am here for
you. You can email me at any time, and you can speak with me whenever Im free. Here
is when I am available to respond to your emails and when I am available for extra help:
*The following 2 pages provide the guidelines for the Grade 9 English Program at GVC*
The following are guidelines for the Grade 9 English Language Arts Program (ELA10F)
Review and practice the following:
chronological order
cause and effect
comparison and contrast
conflict and characters
central idea
Writing Experiences
Students will be exposed to the following writing experiences:
five paragraph essay with a clearly defined introduction, thesis, main body, and a conclusion. Attention will be paid to
grammar, sentence structure, and proper punctuation.
creative writing (story, letter, poetry, film review, letter to the editor)
journal writing to emphasize a personal response to the reading.
Students will be taught to use the writing process and practice it in a variety of ways including:
free writing
Reading Experiences
Students will experience the following reading experiences:
a novel
Shakespearean drama
non-fiction materials such as news articles, letters to the editor
short stories a selection of short stories with an emphasis on content, theme, vocabulary, and enjoyment
visual media films, pictures, photos
Language Skills
Students will practice the following skills:
Review paragraph writing skills including:
topic sentences
developing sentences different ways
1. give an example
2. descriptive details
3. explanations
concluding sentences
sentence combining with paragraph
how to quote from a piece of writing
how to indicate titles
capitalization and punctuation
comma faults
complete sentences
parts of speech nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs
Research Skills
Grade 9 students will access a variety of resource materials to produce a piece of writing (essay) that correctly uses different
Oral Skills
Students will participate in a presentation for an authentic audience.