Department of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences Sport Pedagogy Lesson Plan Template (Elementary and Middle School)

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Tiger Pride Lesson Plan

Department of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences

Sport Pedagogy Lesson Plan Template (Elementary and Middle School)
Teacher: Casey Fleming

Background Information
Date: February 25, 2015

School: Cleveland Elementary

Grade Level: 4th grade

Lesson Focus: Focus of the lesson will be football


# of students: 20 students

Equipment and Facilities: For this lesson the teacher

will need access to a blacktop with painted lines, 12
poly spots, 4 footballs, and 2 scarfs per student (40).

Safety Considerations: Students will be advised to

keep their heads up and be aware of their
surroundings when in limited space. Students will be
told to watch out for other groups who may be
running in the same direction. The teacher will make
sure that there is adequate personal space for each
student during the activities.

Lesson Specifics
Behavioral Contingencies: Students will be expected Previously Learned Skills: Students have already a
to actively participate during the lesson. If students
unit on cooperative learning, and a football lesson
are misbehaving, a 2 strike rule will be implemented. on throwing and catching, punting, running routes,
The first strike being that the student will be pulled
handoffs, and place kicks.
to the side and verbally warned about the
misbehavior and sit out for that activity. The final
warning, students will be pulled from all activities
and write an essay on why they misbehaved, the cues
of the skill, and what they can do better which will be
due the next class meeting. When the teacher is
talking, the students will place all equipment on the
ground and their hands on their head. Students will
be removed from activity if the equipment is used
Teaching Strategy: For this lesson The teacher will
Academic Language: The primary academic
be in a feedback role allowing the students to alone
language being addressed will be the cues of the
be apart of the activity. Students will be paired up at skill. For the two defensive cots are: Eyes-keep your

Tiger Pride Lesson Plan

random allowing students to work with newer



eyes on the ball and on the player, Back peddle-take

a few steps back as they begin to run to prepare
which direction to run, and Pull-run and pull the flag

Psychomotor (P): Students will be able to run and correctly pull a flag from an offensive
player 7 out of 10 times.
Cognitive (C): Students will be able to say the cues of the skill for defense against a pass and
a run to a partner with 100% accuracy
Affective (A): Students will be able to provide positive feedback to fellow students in the form
of a high five or verbal feedback during activity.
H-R Fitness (H): Students will be engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least
50 percent of the time

Identify which standards are met (at least one State and one National).
I. Demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
II. Demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles and strategies that apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.
III. Assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
IV. Demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles and strategies to improve health and
V. Demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles and strategies that
apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.
1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of motor
skills and movement patterns.
2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
3. Demonstrates the knowledge skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and
4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression, and/or social interaction.
Describe the pre-class arrangement Students will line up at home base to start, the teacher will have pre set
up all equipment for the lesson
Teacher: Casey Fleming
Students: Tiger Pride-Cleveland Elementary

Tiger Pride Lesson Plan

Equipment: 12 Poly spots, 40 scarfs, 4 footballs

Diagram the pre-class arrangement


Content Development


Instant Activity: Sharks and Minos Tag

For our first activity, we will be playing
a modified version of sharks and
minnows. In this activity everyone will
have 2 scarfs tucked into the sides of
their pants. 2 sharks will try and run
around and steal your scarfs, when you
lose both your scarfs you now become a
shark. Does anyone have any questions?
Set Induction:
Hey everyone today we will be working
on defense in football. Today we will be
focusing on defending against a passing
play and defending against a running
play. The cues of the skill for both of
these are very similar.


This is important to learn the proper way
to defend a player because this can keep
your opponent from scoring point against
you in a game

Transition (if necessary): Students will

remain seated until they are given a
group and told to go to colored poly spot.

(Illustration of
Diagram Instant

Start/Stop Signals:
Students will be told
to begin when they
receive the ball, and
Freeze will be used
as a stop signal

a) Goal Orientation for each

This activity addresses
standards II and 2 due to the
fact that this activity allows the
students to demonstrate their
knowledge to movement and
their ability to perform
different movements when
fleeing and changing direction
In this introduction, the
students are learning about a
new type of defense and how
this strategy can be applied to
game play, which address the
standard II.

Grouping Strategies:
Students will be put
into groups of 3 or 4
at random to
provide diversity.



Tiger Pride Lesson Plan


Content Development

(Illustration of

a) Goal Orientation for each


When they get there they will line up on

the back poly spot and wait for further

0 min

Lesson Core Defense against a pass.:

In this activity, on student will be the
quarterback and will throw the ball to a
receiver. The receivers goal is to get
across the red cones marked in front of
them without getting their flag pulled.
There will be a defender in front of the
receiver who will try and pull the
offensive players flag before they reach
the end line

Diagram Task 1

This activity allows the student

to practice and demonstrate
their competency at performing
and applying this new
movement and concept to
activity which addresses
standards I, II, 1, and 2

Demonstration Plan:
I will perform a demonstration of the
cues of the skill, and then will perform a
demonstration in front of the class with
the students.

Teaching Cues for Task 1:

Eyes: Keep your eyes on the
ball and player
Back Peddle: take 2 steps
backwards (if a passing play
continue to back peddle, if they
hand the ball of run forward)
Pull: When the player gets the
ball run at them to pull the flag

Questions to Check Understanding

When do you want to run at the
opponent? As soon as they catch the
Who will be pulling the flag in this drill?
-The defensive player in front of the

Common Errors Task 1:

What errors should you be
watching for?
1. Starting far away from the
offensive player
2. Running to where they were
rather than where they will be.

Transition: N/A
Lesson Core Defending a run:
This activity will be rune exactly the
same but the student will do a handoff
rather than a pass. The defender will still
try and pull the flag of the students.

Diagram Task 2

Demonstration Plan:
Pin point and have a group demonstrate

This activity allows the student
to practice and demonstrate
their competency at performing
and applying this new
movement and concept to
activity which addresses
standards I, II, 1, and 2
Teaching Cues for Task 2:
Eyes: Keep your eyes on the

Tiger Pride Lesson Plan


Content Development

(Illustration of

Questions to Check Understanding

When do you want to run at the offense?
-as soon as they get the ball
Do you want to keep back peddling when
they run at you
-No, when you go to them they have less
room to run.

ball and player

Back Peddle: take 2 steps
backwards (if they hand the
ball of run forward)
Pull: When the player gets the
ball run at them to pull the flag
Common Errors Task 2:
What errors should you be
watching for?
1. Starting far away from the
offensive player
2. Running to where they were
rather than where they will be.

If a group is struggling have them walk
instead of run during activities, allowing
it to be easier on the defensive player. If
it is to easy a second defender can be


Transition: Students will be asked to pick

up all the equipment and bring it all back
to homebase.


Remember, when on defense you always
want to react to where the ball is and
then run to meet the offense to give them
less room. Can someone tell me the 3
cues of the skill (Eyes, Back peddle,
Pull)? Someone tell me the difference
between a run defense and pass defense?
The pass defender has to back peddle
more. Tomorrow Reggie has a game of
football planned for all of you so make
sure to be on your best behavior and
have fun.

a) Goal Orientation for each



Diagram The

References Used: N/A




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