French 2 Syllabus 2014-2015

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Bienvenue a la Classe de Franais II !

Madame Hodges, Professeur

Room 147
Office Hours : 7 :30-8 :15 am ;
3:15-3:45 pm or by Appointment
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 751-3520

La Classe du Monde !

Course Description: : French II will enhance the basic language skills that students learned throughout
the previous year. Students will participate in oral activities as well as written activities as they build onto
the language skills they acquired in Franais I. We will be adding a great deal more vocabulary, grammar
and verb work. We will also incorporate readings & written responses, music, poetry, and culture in our
Learning Objectives:
The ability to understand & communicate in French using speaking, writing, listening & reading
skills based on information presented in class
The ability to make informed statements & comparisons about cultural aspects of French-speaking
The ability to write in an organized, concise manner in French
Teacher Responsibilities: I am excited to have you in class. I have a great love for the French language
and the culture. I will do my best to pass both on to you as the year progresses. I believe you are going to
be successful in my class and I will do all I can to help that happen. I will provide a variety of learning
experiences each day that help students acquire communication skills. I will provide assessments on
which students can show what they know. I will also do my best to keep parents informed concerning
grades and behavior. I will be available to help you outside of class as necessary. I will answer your
questions and help you through the learning process as best I can. It does require effort on both our parts
to see that happen. Together we will rise to the occasion!
Student Responsibilities:

1. Be polite & respectful. It can be difficult enough for a student to speak up in class, let alone in a
foreign language. We must all be respectful of that and polite enough to let each student tryas
that is expected. You must be willing to speak and participate in class activities in order to succeed
in class. Be respectful of the classroom and materials provided for your learning experience.
2. Practice, practice, practice. It is the key to learning French. Speak French in French class. Practice
through class activities and in homework completed outside of class. As each assignment leads to
the next, it is essential to complete them as assigned.
3. Ask for help. If you do not ask questions, I have no way of knowing how I can help you succeed in
4. Do the work. You must practice writing and reading and speaking in French in order to understand
it and be able to communicate in it. The more effort you put into the work assigned, both in class
AND at home, the more successful you will be.
5. Participate. In order to learn a new language, you must be willing to participate in all class
activities. They are designed to help you learn and remember the nuances of the French language.
6. Be patient. It may not come to you right away, but keep trying and be patient and your efforts will
pay off.
While in French class, the following expectations apply to all students:
(Please write what each of these mean in your own words)
Be Prompt:
Be Prepared:
Be Willing to Participate:
Be Positive
Be Productive:
Speak French as often as possible:

Materials Needed


1 large plastic cover three subject spiral notebook dedicated only to French or a 1- 1 inch
binder (none larger please) with loose leaf paper
1 package 3x5 index cards
1 dry erase marker
Box of Kleenex or wipes (EC)
scissors glue or tape
Small dual language dictionary


*I will provide creative materials for our notebooks ONLY if they are not
abused. If misuse becomes an issue, you will need to provide your own tape or
glue, markers and scissors.
Classroom Policies & Procedures

Class Time: I will begin and end class with a salutation. At the beginning of class, I expect a response. I
will say, Bonjour, Classe, and I expect you to respond with Bonjour, Madame. This lets me know you
are here, paying attention and ready for class. At the end of class, you are to stay seated at your table
until I give the salutation (it may be Au revoir or A demain or something like that). At that point, you
are free to collect your belongings and leave your seat/the classroom. The BELL does NOT dismiss you; I
Attendance: Aside from the school Perfect Attendance drawing, in my class, if you have perfect
attendance, you are eligible to drop your lowest quiz AND lowest assignment. If you have only 1 or 2
excused absences, you will be eligible to drop your lowest quiz. (It cannot be a Make-up Quiz.)

Requests: If you have paper work you need me to fill out, or if you have questions about an assignment
or a grade, please ask me before or after class. Once the bell rings, that is our class time as a whole.
From time to time, we will have time in class, but do not count on that. Please take care of all other
business before or after class. This also includes sharpening your pencil, or getting other materials ready
for class.

Late Work: If an assignment is turned in later than the due date, and the tardiness is NOT the result of
an absence, the highest possible score would be 80%. However, if the assignment is submitted more than
two weeks later than the evaluations are posted online, then 50% credit will be given. All late work MUST
be turned in TWO WEEKS prior to the end of a quarter or semester to receive any type of credit. You have
2 weeks to complete and turn in any make-up work due to an excused absence or school sponsored
absence. Remember, though, that the sooner you get the work done, the more it will help you with
upcoming lessons in class. Quizzes and tests must be done before or after school as pre-arranged with me.
All Late and Make-up Work must be labeled as such and turned in to the box with all other assignments.
See attendance policy in the student handbook for late work credit if you are in the yellow or red zone.

Electronic Devices: No electronic devices are allowed in class. This includes cell phones,
ipods, etc. They are more often a distraction and a nuisance instead of a help. If I see it once, you are
warned. Second time, you get it taken away and returned after class. Third time, it is taken and turned in
to the office where a parent must come to pick it up.

Food & Drink in Class: Drinks in enclosed containers are allowed in class. A snack during class is also
tolerated as long as it does NOT become a distraction for you or those around you. However, I will not give
passes for the vending machines, or to get food from your locker or the cafeteria. Full meals are to be
eaten during lunch and NOT during class time. Any violations and you will lose this privilege for yourself
and the entire class. This is your classroom as well as mine and I expect you to help me keep it clean.

Participation Points: You will be awarded points for doing certain types of activities in class. These
include conversation, cooperative learning (participating and paying attention) and listening, singing,
acting out scenes in French, etc. If you do not participate, you will not receive these points. The
opportunity exists to earn extra points in your tirelire (piggybank) as I notice exceptional behavior and
participation in class activities. As we are learning a language, there will be lots of talking (IN FRENCH, of
course) in class. However, when you hear me call you back to Votre Attention! you are to stop
what you are doing and pay attention for further instructions.
Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior


I will first give you a warning with the understanding that the inappropriate behavior will not happen again. I
expect that it will not happen again.
If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it. You may be asked to step outside the classroom to regroup or
discuss the consequence with me if it is too disruptive to discuss the issue in class.
If the unacceptable behavior continues, I may contact your parents and issue a lunch detention.
If things still do not clear up, or if the offense is severely disrespectful or disruptive, I may issue a discipline
referral to the office as well as request a parent conference. What I do will depend on the person and the
situation. If you feel something is unfair, I will be happy to discuss it with you privately.

POWER SCHOOLStudents & parents will be able to keep track of grades at
Assignments will include & be weighted as follows:
Examens (histoires, examens, projects) 40%
Interros (Quizzes)

Test Scores will be divided into TWO sections:

Holistic : scaled 0-6 (see rubric in cahier)
Homework/Assignments in the Cahier:
Formative : scaled 0-6 (see rubric in cahier)

90-99% =
80-89% =
70-79% =
60-69% =
59% & BELOW


Total Points, graded on accuracy

Summative: Total Points, graded on accuracy

Guide DEtude:
Reflexive verbs
Near Future/ Future
Interrogative pronouns;
Si clauses;
relative pronouns;
demonstrative pronouns ;
Indirect/Direct objects: y, en
Double object pronouns ;
Many Irregular verbs; conjugations;
Conditional; subjunctive

Vocabulary & Thematic topics

Review of French 1 vocabulary units;
food: shopping, needs, desires;
at the table, meals;
ordering food;
routine and body parts;
health-physical and mental-sicknesses, etc;
communication and electronics;
cars and traffic, etc.;
business transactions;
directions in a town;
telephone conversations;
discuss your job and what you would/would not do;
nature and environment
Academic Vocabulary:
Pillar verbs

Regular verbs

False Cognates
Accent Mark
Word Order
Parts of Speech
Irregular verbs


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 751-3520 or at

[email protected]
I have read this syllabus and I understand the rules and procedures for French class. I will follow
them to the best of my abilities.
Je mappelle _______________________________ et je mappelle _________________________ en franais.
Signe: __________________________________________ la date: _______________
Once you have reviewed the syllabus, please fill out the bottom of this form and send this page
back to school with your child. The rest of the syllabus is to be kept in his/her notebook
throughout the remainder of the course. This sheet is due by Monday, September 8th
My son/daughter/_______________________ has reviewed and explained this French I syllabus to me
and I understand the rules and requirements for my child during his/her attendance in this class.

Signed: ___________________________________________________________ date: _________________

Home/cell phone number(s): __________________________________________________________________
Work phone number(s): _____________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Student E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________________
Parent E-mail: _____________________________________________________________________________
Request a Parent/Teacher Conference? _________________________________________________________
Any other information of which I should be aware:

Please tear off and keep this portion

POWER SCHOOL Grades can be obtained at
Contact Info:

Madame Patty Hodges

Room 147
[email protected]


Password: ___________________________________________

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