CFRP Bridge Beams

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Concrete Beams

with CFRP
Investigating the shear performance of box beams strengthened
with carbon fiber-reinforced polymers


iber reinforced polymers (FRPs), particularly those

incorporating carbon fibers (CFRPs), can be highly
resistant to corrosion. Because they can also have
high strength and high stiffness-to-weight ratios,1 they
show potential for use as reinforcing elements in
concrete structures. FRP elements loaded in tension,
however, tend to be linearly elastic up to fracture, and
FRP elements loaded in shear can have low stiffness
and strength. Concrete beams reinforced with FRP
elements can therefore display brittle failure modes
when the FRP elements are subjected to tension2 or to
dowel action.3 The goal of the present investigation is
to examine the shear responses of box beams with
CFRP reinforcing. The shear cracking load and ultimate
load-carrying capacity of the tested box beams are
presented herein.


Yonekura, Tazawa, and Nakayama4 determined that

increasing the prestressing force is an effective way to
increase the shear strength of FRP reinforced beams.
Regarding prestressing tendons, Tottori and Wakui5
concluded that the tendon type does not affect the shear
capacity of beams. Fam et al.6 observed that concrete
beams with CFRP prestressing bars and stirrups failed in
shear due to spalling of concrete cover at the bends in
the stirrups. Further, they deduced that the maximum
developed strength for a stirrup could be only 45% of its
uniaxial tensile strength.
Using data from Yonekura, Tazawa, and Nakayama,4

Dowden and Dolan7 reasoned that the ACI 3188 and

AASHTO9 code requirements are not conservative for
evaluation of shear capacities of beams incorporating
FRP tendons. Kato and Hyashida10 showed that beams
prestressed using bonded CFRP tendons failed in a brittle
mode, while beams prestressed with unbonded CFRP
tendons had roughly the same degree of ductility as
beams reinforced with steel strands.
Investigations have also been conducted to evaluate
the use of bonded and unbonded CFRP tendons in
prestressed concrete bridges. Researchers developed
and tested a system for multi-span concrete bridges
comprising bonded, prestressed CFRP tendons with
external, draped, and continuous post-tensioning tendons.11-13
Most recently, Grace and Singh14,15 have proposed an
approach for the flexural design of concrete bridge
girders with CFRP reinforcing comprising bonded
pretensioned tendons, unbonded post-tensioned tendons,
and bonded non-pretensioned rods arranged in multiple,
vertically distributed layers.
The design approach14 has been validated by comparing
the analytical and experimental results obtained for a
full-scale double-tee (DT) beam12 similar to those used in
the Bridge Street Bridge13 as well as for three box beams.16
While the DT beam failed by crushing of the concrete
followed by rupture of bonded prestressing tendons,12 all
box beams failed due to rupture of bonded pretensioning
tendons followed by crushing of the concrete.16 Energy
ratios17 for box beams with post-tensioned tendons were
found to be roughly 32%.
Concrete international



In this study, a total of six box beams were evaluated

for shear behavior. The construction details and testing
methods were similar to those used for beams evaluated
for flexural behavior.16 However, the number of nonprestressing rods located near the bottom (Fig. 1) of the
beams was increased from two to four to help eliminate
flexural failure modes, the arrangement and types of the
stirrups were varied as test parameters, and the loading
points were shifted to the third points in the span to
ensure shear failure of the beam.
Each box beam was 4.9 m (16 ft) long, 965 mm (38 in.)
wide, and 305 mm (12 in.) deep, and was reinforced with
pairs of steel stirrups at a uniform spacing of 75 mm
(3 in.) in one shear span and with single steel stirrups at a

uniform spacing of 230 mm (9 in.) through its midspan

(Fig. 2). The remaining shear span was the test zone. One
beam was a control beam, with no stirrups in the test
zone. Another beam was reinforced with 9.5 mm (0.37 in.)
diameter steel stirrups at a uniform spacing of 125 mm
(5 in.) in the test zone. Using uniform spacings of 75 or
125 mm (3 or 5 in.) in the test zone, two beams were
reinforced with 9.5-mm-diameter (0.37 in.) Type SA
stirrups, and two beams were reinforced with 10.5 mm
(0.4 in.) Type SB stirrups (Table 1 and 2).
All beams were reinforced longitudinally with a total
of eleven, 9.5-mm-diameter (0.37 in.) non-prestressing,
Type TA rods (Fig. 2). Four of these rods were located in
the bottom flange and seven were provided at the top
flange of the beam (Fig. 1). Seven bonded pretensioning

Fig. 1: Typical section through box beams evaluated for shear capacity. Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm

Fig. 2: Reinforcement details of box beam M2 with Type SA shear stirrups. Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm


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tendons were installed in the bottom flange and six

unbonded post-tensioning tendons were installed in the
hollow portions of the box beam (Fig. 1 and 2). All
prestressing rods were 9.5-mm-diameter (0.37 in.) Type TA
tendons (Table 1) tensioned to a force of 92.6 kN (20.8
kip). Load cells at the dead end of the beams monitored
the forces in the prestressing tendons. Concrete with
specified 28-day compressive strength of 50 MPa (7 ksi)
was placed immediately after tensioning of the prestressing tendons. Seven days after the concrete placement, the
bonded tendons were released (by cutting with a saw)
and the post-tensioning tendons were stressed.

gauges on the top surface and five gauges on each side surface)
were installed on the midspan concrete surface to monitor
the concrete strain distribution. Demountable mechanical
strain gauge (DEMEC) point rosettes were located on each
side of the test beam in the shear critical zones. They were
used to monitor the propagation of shear cracks by measuring
horizontal, diagonal, and vertical strains at each station.
Beam deflection was measured using string pots
attached at midspan and at the quarterspan points.
Sensors were connected to a data acquisition system to
monitor the readings throughout the tests.


All beams were simply supported with a roller at one

end and a hinged support at the other end of their 4.6 m
(15 ft) span. An 890 kN (200 kip) jack and a hydraulic

Strain gauges were installed on the stirrups before the

placement of concrete. In addition, 15 strain gauges (five









Nominal diameter d, mm (in.)

9.5 (0.37)

9.5 (0.37)

10.5 (0.4)


Cross sectional area, mm2 (in.2)

71 (0.11)

71 (0.11)

55.7* (0.09)

9.5 (0.37)

Guaranteed strength, MPa (ksi)

1524 (220)

1580 (230)

1867 (270)

414 (60)

Ultimate tensile strength, MPa (ksi)

1930 (280)

1896 (275)

2103 (305)

414 (60)

Elastic modulus,GPa (ksi)

131 (19,000)

110 (16,000)

137 (19,900)

200 (29,000)

Maximum elongation, %





Note: *Effective cross-sectional area, Yield strength; Yield strain.




mm (in.)

kN (kip)

Angle of

kN (kip)

strain at
failure, %

ratio, %

125 (5)

111 (25)


257 (58)



75 (3)

156 (35)


267 (60)



125 (5)

111 (25)


226 (51)



75 (3)

156 (35)


291 (66)





125 (5)

133 (30)


223 (50)




80 (20)


177 (40)


*Stirrup spacing corresponds to d/2 or d/3, where d is the distance from the extreme compression fiber to the centroid of the bonded
prestressing rods.
Concrete international


pump were used to apply load through a four-point

loading system. The longitudinal distance between the
two pairs of loading points was 1400 mm (56 in.). The
beams were first loaded to a load slightly less than the
cracking load, and then unloaded. Five more loading and
unloading cycles were applied to the beams before they
were loaded to failure. DEMEC rosette readings were taken
at 90 kN (20 kip) increments and the measured gauge data
were later used to compute the shear crack width.


Table 2 presents shear strengths, average stirrup

strains, shear cracking loads, and energy ratios for the
beams. The energy ratios represent the ratio of the
total inelastic energy absorbed in the box beam to the
total energy (elastic energy plus inelastic energy) and
are determined from the load-deflection curves using
loading and unloading cycles.17 Although the control
beam (N0 with no shear stirrups) had the lowest ratio
compared with the beams evaluated for flexural
failure,16 all shear-critical beams had low energy ratios,
including Beam S2 (with steel stirrups). It is also noted
that the energy ratio was apparently not affected by
the stirrup spacing.
Stirrups with greater center-to-center spacing
experienced higher strains at beam failure. The maximum
strains developed in the CFRP stirrups of Beams M2, M3,
T2, and T3 are 0.004, 0.003, 0.0038, and 0.0025 (23.5%,
17.6%, 25%, and 16.7% of the corresponding specified
ultimate strain of the stirrups), respectively, whereas
steel stirrups of Beam S2 experienced strain of 0.0019
(95% of the yield strain). These strains are lower than
strains reported by Fam et al.6 and confirm that the
strength of CFRP stirrups must be evaluated using
realistic tests.
Shear cracks were inclined at 45 to 47 degrees relative
to the longitudinal axis of the beams, and each beam
failed in shear in the designated test zone. It is interesting
to note that the shear cracking force for the beam with
steel stirrups was significantly higher than the cracking
forces for beams with CFRP stirrups at the same spacing.
The shear failure of each box beam was accompanied
by widening of the shear cracks, followed by rupture of
the pretensioning tendons due to the dowel action. The
ultimate loads measured for Beams M2, M3, T2, T3, S2,
and N0 were 257, 267, 226, 291, 223, and 177 kN (57.8,
60.0, 50.9, 65.5, 50.1, and 40 kip), respectively.
The research team observed that the unbonded posttensioning tendons of the box beams remained intact
even after beam failure. It should be noted, however, that
the tendons were free to move within the beam core.
Therefore, it is unlikely that the tendons strains increased
significantly during beam loading. Figure 3 shows the
shear failure of Beam M2 with Type SA stirrups.


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Fig. 3: Shear failure of box beam M2 with SA stirrups


All box beams tested for shear failed due to widening

of shear cracks followed by the rupture of pretensioning
tendons due to the dowel action and rupture of CFRP
stirrups. The unbonded post-tensioning tendons, however
did not rupture even after the failure of box beams. The
shear strength of box beams reinforced with CFRP
stirrups was slightly higher than that reinforced with
steel stirrups due to higher values of induced effective
stresses in the CFRP stirrups. It is important to note,
however, that shear cracking occurred at higher loads
with the steel stirrups.

This research was funded by a consortium made of the Ohio
Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) under contract No. 14718, the National
Science Foundation, Civil and Mechanical System Division (Grant
No. CMS 9900809). The authors would like to thank the following
ODOT personnel for their help and suggestions: Tim Keller, Monique
Evans, Brad Fagrel, Vikram Dalal, Valerie Frank, and Karen Panell of
the Office of Research and Development and the Office of Structural
Engineering. The support and technical comments provided by
Mr. Enomoto of Tokyo Rope Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan,
Mr. Yagi of Mitsubishi Chemical Functional Products, Inc., Tokyo,
and Sean Raymond of Diversified Composites, Inc., Erlanger, KY, are
greatly appreciated. The views and conclusions presented in this
article represent those of the authors and not that of ODOT or FHWA.

1. ACI Committee 440, State-of-the-Art Report on Fiber Reinforced
Plastic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (ACI 440R-96),
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 1996, 65 pp.
2. Naaman, A. E., and Jeong, S. M., Structural Ductility of
Concrete Beams Prestressed with FRP Tendons, Non-Metallic (FRP)
Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Proceedings of the Second
International RILEM Symposium (FRPRCS), Ghent, Belgium,
Aug. 23-25, 1995, pp. 379-386.

3. Naaman, A. E., and Park, S. Y., Shear Behavior of Beams

Prestressed with CFRP Tendons: Preliminary Test Evaluations,
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Non-Metallic
(FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, V. 2, Sapporo, Japan,
Oct. 14-16, 1997, pp. 679-686.
4. Yonekura, A.; Tazawa, E.; and Nakayama, H., Flexural and
Shear Behavior of Prestressed Concrete Beams Using FRP Rods as
Prestressing Tendons, Fiber Reinforced Plastic Reinforcement for
Concrete Structures, SP-138, A. Nanni and C. W. Dolan, eds., American
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 1993, pp. 525-548.
5. Tottori, S., and Wakui, H., Shear Reinforcement of RC and
PC Beams Using FRP, Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic Reinforcement for
Concrete StructuresInternational Symposium, SP-138, A. Nanni and
C. W. Dolan, eds., American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI,
1993, pp. 615-631.
6. Fam, A. Z.; Abdelrahaman, A.; Rizkalla, S. H.; and Saltzberg, W.,
FRP Flexural and Shear Reinforcements for Highway Bridges in
Manitoba, Proceedings of the Second International RILEM Symposium
(FRPRCS-2), Ghent, Belgium, Aug. 23-25, 1995, pp. 395-402.
7. Dowden, D. M., and Dolan, C. W., Comparison of Experimental
Shear Data with Code Predictions for FRP Prestressed Beams,
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Non-Metallic
(FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, V. 2, Sapporo, Japan,
Oct. 14-16, 1997, pp. 687-694.
8. ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete (318-02) and Commentary (318R-02), American Concrete
Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2002, 443 pp.
9. LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, American Association of
State Highway and Bridge Officials (AASHTO), 1998.
10. Kato, T., and Hayashida, N., Flexural Characteristics of
Prestressed Concrete Beams with CFRP Tendons, Fiber Reinforced
Plastic Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, SP-138, A. Nanni and
C. W. Dolan, eds., American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI,
1993, pp. 419-440.
11. Grace, N. F.; Enomoto, T.; and Yagi, K., Behavior of CFCC
and CFRP LeadlineTM Prestressing Systems in Bridge Construction,
PCI Journal, V. 47, No. 3, May-June 2002, pp. 90-103.
12. Grace, N. F.; Enomoto, T.; Abdel-Sayed, G.; Yagi, K.; and
Collavino, L., Full-Scale Evaluation of CFRP/CFCC Prestressed
DT-Beam: Experimental Study and Analysis, PCI Journal, V. 48,
No. 4, Jul.-Aug. 2003, pp. 120-139.
13. Grace, N. F.; Navarre, F.; Nacey, R. B.; Bonus, W.; and Collavino, L.,
Design-Construction of Bridge Street BridgeFirst CFRP Bridge in
the United States, PCI Journal, V. 47, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 2002, pp. 20-35.
14. Grace, N. F., and Singh, S. B., Design Approach for CFRP
Prestressed Concrete Bridge Beams, ACI Structural Journal, V. 100,
No. 3, May-June 2003, pp. 365-376.
15. Grace, N. F., and Singh, S. B., Unified Analysis and Design
Approach for CFRP Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders, Proceedings
of the 10th U.S.-Japan Conference on Composite Materials, Stanford, CA,
Sept. 16-18, 2002, pp. 328-335.
16. Grace, N. F.; Singh, S. B.; Shinouda, M. M.; and Mathew, S. S.,
Flexural Response of CFRP Prestressed Concrete Box Beams for
Highway Bridges, PCI Journal, V. 49, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 2004, pp. 92-103.

17. Grace, N. F., Response of Continuous CFRP Prestressed

Concrete Bridges under Static and Repeated Loadings, PCI Journal,
V. 45, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2000, pp. 84-102.
18. Diversified Composites, Inc., Product Manual of Diversified
Composites, Inc., 2002.
19. Mitsubishi Chemical Corp., LeadlineTM Fiber Tendons/Bars,
Product Manual, Tokyo, Japan, 1994, 14 pp.
20. Marshall Industries Composites, Inc., Product Manual of
Marshall Industries Composites, Inc., 2002.
21. Tokyo Rope Mfg. Co., Ltd., Technical Data on CFCC Strands,
Product Manual, Tokyo, Japan, 1993, 100 pp.
Received and reviewed under Institute publication policies.

ACI member Nabil F. Grace is a professor

and Chair of the Department of Civil
Engineering, Lawrence Technological
University, Southfield, MI. He is a
member of ACI Committee 440, Fiber
Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement, and
Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 343, Concrete
Bridge Design.
S. B. Singh is Research Engineer, Civil
Engineering Department, Lawrence
Technological University, Southfield, MI.

Mina M. Shinouda is a graduate assistant,

Civil Engineering Department, Lawrence
Technological University, Southfield, MI.

Sunup S. Mathew is a graduate assistant,

Civil Engineering Department, Lawrence
Technological University, Southfield, MI.

Concrete international


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