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Muscle Review Questions Use your class notes to complete the questions below. Drawings or diagrams are helpful to include. 1. Describe the composition and organization of muscle tissue. muse Cell > Praste Rlotr - ovpniad vo badly & re \ shale myhiont —Crttradile prj LoL ‘2. Whats the function of muscles? Movement of boda, vsing, musee, tnd s + lgemmust, & = Gridatts bloot San boy. oe, probit or bones, 3. Complete the table below. breaths Noluntey tvptanta vet aaa Feature Skeletal Smooth Cardiac Appearance Vary use Conce , W 2 Gpinlior, AwizatecL bagel 1 pom yee rAnHring # Nuclei? Hany \ Te Slut Wining Witten d— Location in Atmdhett. ovgans~ vier, body | Prasidin a Dladaer, Semed 5 te bones tes Seca | tafe Ce c a ok. BS A B a Key Aen lawn, C= Sovcolunnra 4, List the steps of muscle ain Snfuaing netvous system control of this process. P Shriakions L. Byin signals Slelere® muscle +o Contrack by gundin . bo on | GKOYY Feemina®, redtas’ Nowvretmangnitie exyned ee (s Megane aap pate en OA MUsile ett), ZT. Glide Kan Lon Sattoplasmic Perales MO musue wu, Vwds *® HOPONIN, mod trepemyssin “rope Protein off bindin, Gis OO AUN Foe myosin. B. ARNT myosin Slide 5 5. Whatis the sliding filament model? Explain which two proteins are involved. Ove" ore , another — ROB & Myosin — Intevac 40 allow Wendy bridget Muse +> conta — psn /prll 7 sMuscte ells — fertique = (ean, Calin 101. Channels | 6. List all ¢ ions involved in muscle contraction. Which ion starts the contraction Cale Calin Hows in —binds 4 aka axory Pe Fee Wee feamind \ [ potaseiun eeity musde Lt. ey — (oem ou ecoty) fae or Seen Cheline, 7. If someone has a mutation in the muscle cell receptor for acetyf@foline, how will muscle contraction be affected? Muse wt rrumbyane ( Sacolunne, Connok —receine = xe Unoline Y- a ys od Mute coog molectay Signe te ARE Conn ton au bay ND Syste Se ye cet wows not Correa cte 8. Define antagonistic muscle action and give an example using 2 specific muscles. 2 mus i Me diction — Bi weetgabnaaa Rees ee ALPS y = Wace “- TWh? ARR k bhuss 9. List 5 factors that may affect muscle contraction: * Dey dvection 7 Musue = rage may Slow lenhackors | : Wee Leticise, en duane, PUdia;, wam " © Availabe ATP > feed \ ON OR AEN: Bed o¢ tle Con ww Vn hy ae ee Covkeo lasts)

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