Visual Latin Sample 1 and 2
Visual Latin Sample 1 and 2
Visual Latin Sample 1 and 2
The being verbs are the italicized verbs in these sentences.
I am in Germany.
I am a student.
You are a student in Germany.
We are students, but we are not in Germany.
She is happy.
She is not happy.
They are friends of mine.
We are friends.
He is a farmer.
Dad is a pilot.
Dan is a pilot and a farmer.
Dan is not a skate boarder.
Skate boarders are not farmers.
They are home now.
Mom is in the library.
My sister is in the library.
My mom and my sister are in the library.
My dad is not in the library.
Dad and his friends are at the school.
sum - I am
sumus - we are
es - you are
Look at these Latin sentences. Circle the being verbs. Use the chart above to
translate the sentences into English in the space provided beneath. (You can
guess at the country names.)
Sum in Germania.
Es in Germania.
Sumus in Germania.
Sum in Italia.
Es in Italia.
Sumus in Italia.
Est in Britannia.
Estis in America.
Sunt in Antarctica.
Estis in Australia.
Look closely at the example sentences. Then answer the questions in Latin.
Hilda est in America. Estne Hilda in America? Hilda est in America.
Mary est in Alaska. Estne Mary in Alaska? Mary est in Alaska.
Mary et Hilda sunt in America. Suntne Mary et Hilda in America? Mary et
Hilda sunt in America.
cantant - sing
amant - love
creat - creates
angelus - angel
Deus - God
angeli - angels
est - is
bellum - beautiful
estne - is?
bonus - good
sunt - are
in - in
Mom is my mom.
Latin is a language.
Tara is happy.
Latin is fun.
Dad is brave.
Britain is an island.
God is good.
God is a spirit.
malus, a, um - bad
bonus, a, um - good
longus, a, um - long
sunt. Mi c ha el et G a br i el e t Lu c ife r ma g n i a n g e li s u n t .
Be llu m e st in
Gabriel - Gabriel
amat - loves
iratus - angry
angeli - angels
laetus - happy
magni - great
Michael - Michael
non - not
pugnant - fight
sunt - are