1979 49th NCAA Wrestling Tournament 3/8/1979 To 3/10/1979 at Iowa State
1979 49th NCAA Wrestling Tournament 3/8/1979 To 3/10/1979 at Iowa State
1979 49th NCAA Wrestling Tournament 3/8/1979 To 3/10/1979 at Iowa State
1 Iowa
2 Iowa State
3 Lehigh
6 Oklahoma State
7 Minnesota
8 Arizona State
4 Oregon State
9 Oklahoma
5 Wisconsin
10 Michigan
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Hoffman 4-3
Husted, Wisconsin
Finnegan 10-3
DePaoli 9-7
Bohay, UCLA
DePaoli, California PA
Finnegan 11-2
Finnegan Med FFT
Cuestas, Oregon
Bastianelli, Lehigh
Zenz 7-4
Glenn Fall 3:48
Cotti, California-Berkeley
Glenn, Iowa
Wentz 6-3
Wentz, Louisiana State
Wentz 12-3
Suarez, Nevada-Las Vegas
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Liles 10-7
Gilpin 11-6
Hartupee 11-3
Bailey 8-3
Marino 14-11
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Vance 11-2
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Billig, Wilkes
Whelan 17-7
Whelan, Missouri
Whelan 7-0
Mock 9-9, 3-0
Herriman, Augustana SD
Evans, Oklahoma
Puebla, Illinois
Dellagatta Fall 1:27
Dellagatta, Kentucky
Dellagatta 6-4
Hanson, Wisconsin
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Riggs 7-1
Katz 4-3
Baza 12-10
Bauer 9-5
Azevedo 16-6
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Simpson 11-3
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Ed Maisey 8-0
Ed Maisey 8-5
Bob McGuinn 9-4
Jim Martinez 10-10, 3-1
Jim Martinez Fall 7:40
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Causey, Illinois
Martinez 10-5
Martinez, Minnesota
Martinez Fall 3:35
Martinez 5-3
DeAngelis, Oklahoma
Downey, Auburn
Miller, Clarion
Romero 8-6
Sondgeroth, Colorado
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Nugent 18-4
Burley 25-7
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DiSabato 7-1
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Kaufman, Minnesota
Smith 9-1
Smith, Oklahoma State
Smith 4-0
Smith 5-1
Boos, Luther
Traylor, Yale
Parise, Temple
Waller, Tennessee-Chattanooga
Mathies, Portland State
Elliott 12-2
Elliott, Cal State-Fullerton
Rein 14-6
Rein, Wisconsin
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Tortella 15-7
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Coffing, Arizona
Coffing 10-8
Bliss, Oregon
Coffing 8-6
Coffing 5-5, 4-2
Napier, SIU-Edwardsville
Kihlstadius, Navy
Stallings 9-6
Biggert 7-5
Stallings, Auburn
Biggert, Toledo
Suder, Wyoming
Peck, Nebraska
Shelton, Oklahoma State
Drenik 10-3
Drenik, Cleveland State
Terry 16-6
Terry, Wisconsin
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Schandle 7-4
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Oliver 5-4
Boss, Central Michigan
Evans 5-4
Evans 7-0
Keck, Hofstra
Evenhus, Oregon State
Evans 10-1
Evans 6-3
Evans, Wisconsin
Brown, Iowa
Ordonez, Drake
Freedman, Ashland
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Pheanis 14-8
Keck 5-3
Zilverberg 15-4
Boss 10-3
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Ordonez 7-5
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Landis, Georgia
Pickering 11-7
Parker, Louisiana State
DiGioacchino 21-7
Hansen 10-5
DiGioacchino, Bloomsburg
Celli, Shippensburg
Beyer, Minnesota-Morris
Powell, Iowa State
Miller 15-6
Miller, Missouri
Miller 15-4
Vargo, East Stroudsburg
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Hattendorf, SIU-Edwardsville
Kleinhans, Wisconsin
Greenley, Bucknell
Parlet, Augustana SD
Gormally 2-2, 5-3
Gormally 3-3, 1-0
Gormally 5-4
Gormally, Northern Iowa
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Stroup 4-3
Moll 12-2
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Myers 10-3
Myers, Northern Iowa
Myers 9-4
Myers 10-8
Bowman, Minnesota
Hockenbroch, Clarion
Thomas 3-2
Fraser, Michigan
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Savegnago 14-5
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Whitcomb 10-2
Whitcomb, Michigan State
Blatnick 7-1
Blatnick Fall 3:35
House, Wilkes
McGaver, Marquette
Grier 11-1
Blatnick 9-3
Grier, Augustana SD
Blatnick, Springfield
Campbell, Clarion
Passerotti, Bucknell
Williams, Oklahoma
Waldon 8-5
Waldon, Iowa State
Waldon 4-2
Becker, Minnesota
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Schoene 10-3
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