How Teachers Gain Control of Classroom To Optimise Pupil's Learning

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Group 6

How teachers gain control

of classroom to optimise
pupils learning
Fara Syikien

How the teacher is able to
manage the classroom so
that the students are able to
learn effectively in the

Provide a safe and conducive

classroom environment
-Safety of students in the classroom is
-Creating a physical arrangement that
eases traffic flow and minimizes
distractions in the classroom

Instill self-discipline and prevent

disruptive behaviours
-Disruptive behaviours can keep away the
attention of the students from being
focusing to the lesson in the classroom
-Setting up rules can establish the
behavioural context of the classroom by
specifying what behaviours are expected
of students, what behaviours will be
reinforced and the consequences for
inappropriate behaviour

Implement instructions successfully

-selecting appropriate teaching
materials and devise suitable activities
pupil learning
-making effective use of classroom
management techniques to ensure a
conducive environment for learning
with minimal disruptive behaviours

Endeavour to discover and solve the

underlying personal problems of
-Personal problems such as lack of
awareness and home problems can be
solved by teacher by getting to know
them personally and conducting a
counseling session with them so that
the students are able to focus more on
their study and the lesson carried out
in the classroom

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