Key Assessment Part 1: Identification of Learning Problem General Audience
Key Assessment Part 1: Identification of Learning Problem General Audience
Key Assessment Part 1: Identification of Learning Problem General Audience
General Audience:
The intended audience is comprised of certified teachers of all ages and experience levels that
teach Language Arts within Grovetown Middle School. The intended audience provides direct
educational instruction to grades 6-8. The student age range varies from 10-16 years old.
Currently, there are 9 Language Arts teachers out of 48 certified teachers. They will be the first to
receive training. Other teachers certified in Special Education that may also be involved in the
Language Arts classroom will be trained in subsequent sessions.
Problem Identification:
Columbia County Schools have adopted the policy of BYOT or Bring Your Own Technology.
This program was initiated in the 2012-2013 school year. Additional technology was not
provided by the county with the implementation of this program. Teachers are expected to use
existing desktop computers, iPad carts, and student provided technology to promote the use of
technology within the classroom. However, Wi-Fi was only provided to area high schools.
Middle and elementary schools are in the process of raising money to provide Wi-Fi for students
for educational purposes. Students bringing technology for use within the classroom must use
personal data plans.
Currently, technology materials are scarce due to lack of funds from a county perspective as well
as families of all students. Grovetown Middles Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is working
to raise funds to provide wireless access school-wide. In the past two years, Grovetown Middle
has also added to the iPads that are available for teacher check out. Two years ago, teachers only
had access to one cart containing 22 iPads. At the conclusion of the 2013-2014 school year,
teachers had access to three carts; each containing 22 iPads apiece. It is the intent of the
technology department at Grovetown Middle to continue to increase the number of devices
available for teacher check-out.
Training of specific ways to use technology within the classroom has been done. However,
many teachers did not find the training relevant at the time due to lack of resources in the
classroom. Teachers are currently evaluated using TKES or Teacher Keys Effectiveness System.
Through this measurement, teachers are evaluated on the effective use of appropriate
instructional technology to enhance student learning. As BYOT moves out of its infancy stage,
retraining of technology uses in the Language Arts classroom must be done in order to prepare
teachers to meet the TKES requirements. Training must focus on specific ways technology can
be used to improve writing and increase literacy in a literary and informational setting. Special
attention needs to be paid to ways teachers can use technology in a classroom where all students
do not have access to a device and where Wi-Fi may not be available. Direct instruction must be
provided using specific sample technology scenarios that apply to Language Arts teacher
teaching grades 6-8.
Instructional Goals:
Users will be able to identify how blogs can be integrated into the school setting in order
to increase literary and informational literacy and overall quality of writing addressed
with their current Common Core Standards and grade level units.
Users will practice modifying personal scenarios for instances when all students might
The targeted group of learners are 6-8th grade language arts teachers at Grovetown Middle
School in Grovetown, Georgia. This group of 9 teachers ranges in ages from 28-62. The most
common age is mid-30s. There are 7 women and 2 men. All teachers in the targeted group are
Caucasian. 7 of the teachers have taught at Grovetown Middle School for 5 years or more. 2 of
the teachers have taught at Grovetown Middle for 3 or less years. All of the teachers have taught
language arts for 4 or more years in a row. Teacher interviews were conducted to determine
years of experience and level of education. Although the countys policy of Bring Your Own
Technology has been in effect for one year, few of the teachers utilize personal devices of
students or the iPad cart within the classroom. Many teachers feel comfortable using the
classroom technology for instructional purposes such as watching videos streamed through the
projector, using the Smartboard for daily warm-ups, or accessing links via the internet.
However, many of the teachers feel confused on how to incorporate student technology into their
language arts lessons.
Entry characteristics
Prerequisite skills and Prior Knowledge
Must have existing Live Binder account for Grade/Content (Only 1 account needed)
Not using student technology because all students do not have their own device
Consider teacher-led technology use more beneficial than student-led use
Allowing students to use technology, but not monitoring work being done
Not set up classroom expectations for technology use
Not relay to parents the importance of using technology within the classroom
Potential Misconceptions:
The majority of targeted teachers understand the importance of utilizing technology within the
classroom; however they do not understand how to do so. With the push of Bring Your Own
Technology and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) in the county, the teachers
are motivated to learn methods within the language arts setting, such as blogs. Teachers are
knowledgeable in their computer skills but lack knowledge of the types of resources available to
them. Information was gathered through teacher surveys and interviews.
Educational Ability Levels
The teacher experience range is 4 years to 29 years. The average number of years of teaching
experience amongst the 9 teachers is 10 years. 2 teachers have Bachelors, 2 have a Masters, 2
have a Specialist, and 1 has a Doctorate in Education. All have received training on school
webpage navigation and feel comfortable with general application of technology within the
classroom. Information was gathered through teacher surveys and interviews.
General Learning Preferences
The targeted group of teachers expressed interest in learning uses for technology within the
language arts classroom through hands-on applications. They would like to receive training that
involves trying resources after the instructor has modeled it. They would also like to receive or
develop working lesson plans for the classroom. They would like to collaborate with other
language arts teachers within their grade level to develop unique lesson plans that incorporate
technology after they have previewed samples. Information was gathered through teacher
surveys and interviews.
Attitude Towards Content and Academic Motivation:
The majority of the targeted teachers understand the need and importance for implementing
technology within the classroom. While they are enthusiastic about learning new technology
resources, they are apprehensive about the implementation. They have doubts that the types of
technology being implemented will deliver the same academic content as traditional methods of
delivery within the language arts classroom. Information was gathered through teacher surveys
and interviews.
3. Is blogging safe?
3.1 Parents sign network release form at beginning of year
3.2 Personal student information is not used to establish blog
3.2.1 Teachers assign a username and password
3.3 Teachers turn off the password function, making it impossible for students to change
3.5 Teacher password required to post
3.5 Teachers are able to delete inappropriate posts
4. Set up a blog account on Class Chatter
4.1 Using Google Chrome, go to
4.2 Click sign up from the menu at the top of the screen
4.2.1 Proceed to click on Sign Up Now button on lower right side of screen
4.2.2 Click I Agree To The Above Terms underneath Terms of Agreement
4.2.3 Fill out name and zip code (zip code is the school zip) and click Next Step
4.2.4 Fill out Teacher Email, Teacher Name, Username, Password and click Next Step
4.2.5 Fill in information for first class only - Login, Title, and password, click Finish
Registration This page will be for teacher and student use choose appropriate logins and
5. Setting Up Other Classes
5.1 Sign in using your new username and password by clicking on Teacher Log-In on left
navigation menu
5.2 Click Create New Class on left navigation menu
5.2.1 Add information for second class, click submit
5.2.2 Add information for third class, click submit
5.2.3 Add information for fourth class, click submit Add additional classes if needed
5.3 To add students, click Choose a Class from drop down menu on left of screen and click
5.4 Click Students on left navigation menu
5.4.1 Add students one at a time
6. Adding entries to class blog
6.1 After choosing specific class, choose Assignment Blogs on left navigation menu
6.1.1 Fill out assignment title and body and click Create Assignment
6.2 To write a teacher blog post, click Teachers Blog on left men
6.2.1 Click Add Post at top of screen
6.2.2 Fill out title and body and click Add Post
7. Assignment Blog vs. Topic Blog
7.1 Assignment blogs are used for the issuing of an assignment
7.1.1 Student are not required to post anything on the blog, but rather turn in something to
7.2 Topic Blogs are used for the issuing of a topic that requires a student response
7.2.1 Students are only able to post a response within their own class
7.2.2 Students are not able to write their own blog unless determined by the teacher
7.2.3 Teachers may delete any post that is deemed inappropriate
8. Other Benefits of Class Chatter
8.1 Email
8.1.1 Teachers and students have ability to send emails through Class Chatter
8.2 Unique Setting Options
8.2.1 Teachers can lock passwords so that they may not be changed by students
8.2.2 Email and personal blogging may be turned off
8.2.3 Class password may be made visible to all students (not individual passwords)
8.2.4 Co-Users may be added to allow other teachers and their classes to use site
9. Sample Blog Lessons
9.1 Using instructor generated list of existing teacher blogs and instructor created evaluation
form, learner will evaluate blogs for use within personal classroom.
9.1.2 Learner will evaluate blogs for ease of use, audience, appearance, and resources
and tools available.
9.2 Learner will create a reference list of blogs to be used for consultation throughout the
course of the year.
10. Collaboratively Creating Your Own Lessons
10.1 Learner will adapt current lesson for personal use to be shared with peers
10.1.1 Learner will use a checklist to ensure created lesson contains key components
10.2 Learner will share lesson using Live Binders.
10.2.1 Learners will complete a peer evaluation sheet on lessons provided through Live
Subject Matter Expert (SME)
I, Jennifer Barefoot will function as the SME for this instructional plan. I have a Bachelors
degree in Language Arts and Social Studies from Augusta State University. I also have a
Masters degree in Middle Grades Education. I received certification in Special Education as
well as my Gifted Endorsement. I am currently completing the add-on certification program for
School Library Media. My primary qualification to serve as SME is my position as Language
Arts teacher at my school. I have taught for 11 years, 8 of them being primarily Language Arts
instruction. I am familiar with previous and current standards being used in the Language Arts
classroom. I also understand the expectations of our county in the creation of lesson plans,
collaboration, and the integration of technology. I participated in the textbook adoption for the
county and am also aware of resources currently available for classroom use.
Choose a class, add students one at a time
Go to
Fill out user details in two screens and click Next Step both times
Log In
Enabling Objectives:
1a: To identify a blog as a web log
1b: To define a blog as a site that contains writings by teacher authors and allows for
student commentary
1c: To discuss advantages of open communication between teachers and students and students
and students that a blog provides using TodaysMeet
1d: To identify areas of strength that a blog provides: encourages writing and reading inside and
outside of the classroom, provides more opportunities for writing, and creates an authentic
experience for students
Terminal Objective 2: To identify safety features of blogging
Enabling Objectives:
2a: To discuss network release form required by school
2b: To discuss password features on Class Chatter
2c: To establish teacher control features such as the ability to delete inappropriate posts
Terminal Objective 3: To set up a blog account using Class Chatter
Enabling Objectives:
3a: To execute beginning operating procedures for establishing an account through
Class Chatter
3b: To establish first class in Class Chatter
3c: To add additional classes and students to classes
3d: To add a teacher assignment post and teacher blog post
3e: To create a blogging activity to be performed by teacher classmate
Terminal Objective 4: To evaluate existing teacher blogs and assess methods used on blogs for
effectiveness in integrating technology into the Language Arts classroom
Enabling Objectives:
4a. To seek out existing educator blogs directly linked to the Language Arts curricula that have
been previously or are currently used in an existing classroom(s) of other educator(s)
4b. To evaluate educator blogs for application within personal classroom
4c. To generate a reference list of model blogs to be used for consultation through the course of
the year
Terminal Objective 5: To produce interdisciplinary lessons that feature blogs and use available
technology within the Language Arts classroom.
Enabling Objectives:
5a. To become familiarized with standards of other content areas
5b. To view sample lesson ideas provided by instructor and determine practicality of lesson for
personal use
5c. To develop individual blog lessons to be shared with peers
Terminal Objective 6: To use online collaborative sharing sites such as Live Binders to
assemble lesson plans
Enabling Objectives:
6a. To add individual blog lessons to established grade level Live Binder account for the
purpose of viewing by colleagues
6b. To view colleagues lessons and review for personal use and for modifications
2, 2a, 2b, 2c
1, 1a, 1b
4b, 5b
3, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 4, 4a, 4c
5, 5a, 5c, 6a, 6b
2, 2a, 2b, 2c
AASL 3.4.2 Assess the quality and eectiveness of the
learning product.
AASL 2.1.6 Use the writing process, media and
visual literacy, and technology skills to create products
5a, 5c
6, 6a, 6b
AASL 2.1.5 Collaborate with others to exchange
ideas, develop new understandings, make decisions, and
solve problems.
3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools
to organize and display knowledge and und
understanding in ways that others can view, use and
4.3.1 Participate in the social exchange of ideas,
both electronically and in person
Assessment: Using an evaluation form created by the instructor, Learners will evaluate existing
teacher blogs from a compiled list. Learners will also create a reference list of blogs that might
be useful at a later date.
UDL Principles: This assignment will be differentiated to provide multiple means of action and
expressions. Instructor will provide a blog that he/she has evaluated using the evaluation form
the learners are expected to use for other blogs. On suggested blog list, instructor will
summarize the features of the blogs to make narrowing down of desired blogs easier.
Lesson 3: Lets Get Ready toBLOG!
Objective 3: The student will set up a blog account using Class Chatter
Objective 3a: The student will begin operating procedures for establishing an
account through Class Chatter
Objective 3b: The student will establish first class in Class Chatter
Objective 3c: The student will add additional classes and students to classes
Objective 3d: The student will add a teacher assignment post and teacher blog
Objective 3e: The student will create a blogging activity to be performed by
teacher classmate
Assessment: Learners will add instructor into one of the classes created. Instructor will respond
to blog topic and learner will be expected to respond to blog post by instructor.
UDL Principles: Instructor will provide screen shots of requested actions to aid in the ease of
establishing a blog account to address multiple means of action and expression.
Objective 2c: Student will establish teacher control features such as the ability
to delete inappropriate posts
Assessment: Learners will take a quiz over the safety features available on Class Chatter using
UDL Principles: The quiz will be differentiated to provide multiple means of expression. Two
types of quizzes will be given. One quiz will consist of short answer questions, while the other
will be multiple-choice.
Lesson 5: Lets Get to Work!
Objective 5: Student will produce interdisciplinary lessons that feature blogs and use available
technology within the Language Arts classroom.
Objective 5a: Student will become familiarized with standards of other content
Objective 5b: Student will view sample lesson ideas provided by instructor and
determine practicality of lesson for personal use.
Objective 5c: Student will adapt a current lesson for personal use to be shared
with peers.
Assessment: Learner will create lessons and will be assessed through the use of a rubric.
UDL Principles: This assignment will be differentiated to provide multiple means of action and
expression. Learners will have access to a checklist ensure all needed materials have been
included. Lesson plan templates will be available for those learners that are unfamiliar or unsure
of how to complete lesson plans.
Define a blog.
A weblog created by one individual but contributed to by many
2. How is a blog different from a wiki?
A blog is usually published by one individual although others may contribute to posts
being made. A wiki is collaboratively made or maintained by several individuals.
3. How does using a blog in the classroom positively impact teacher-student
Blogs provide a safe environment for students to share ideas and collaborate with
Blogs allow student access to teacher material while at home.
Blogs help build trust between the student and teacher allowing the student to
of the classroom.
Blogs provides the opportunity for teachers to give immediate feedback to student
Blogs allow the teacher to use 21st century tools to enhance reading and writing,
Differentiated Quiz 2
Please circle the answer(s) that best answers the question.
1. What is a blog?
A. A collection of articles
B. A weblog created by one individual but contributed to by many
C. A helpful app used for educational purposes
D. An internet site accessible and modifiable by many people
C. Blogs help build trust between the student and teacher allowing the student to seek
help when needed.
D. Blogs eliminate the paperwork aspect of teaching, thus allowing the teacher the
ability to assign more class work/homework.
4. How can the use of blogs positively impact instruction?
A. Blogs create a sense of excitement through the use of technology both in and out of
the classroom.
B. Blogs provides the opportunity for teachers to give immediate feedback to student
C. The use of blogs satisfies the technology component of the TKES evaluation system.
D. Blogs allow the teacher to use 21st century tools to enhance reading and writing,
providing an authentic experience for the students.
Objective 2 Assessment:
Evaluating a Blog
As you explore the blogs of educators, complete the evaluation form to determine how functional
the blog is and to determine the use of some of its features for your own class blog.
1. What is the url of blog?
2. What is the intended purpose of
A place for teacher and students to
respond to writing prompts and
share ideas
Circle all that apply
Parents and Students
an eye-catching design?
10. Is it evident that both students and
Leave Out
Example Evaluation:
1. What is the url of blog?
2. What is the intended purpose of
Circle all that apply.
A means of communication
A place for teacher and students to
respond to writing prompts and
share ideas
To share ideas with other
Circle all that apply
Parents and Students
Intended for use by teachers to gain ideas on
educational practices
Does contain a navigation bar for posts organized
by month, but does not include any categories
that can be selected
Search option
Organization of blog postings by month
Catered to teachers
easily discernible?
10. Is it evident that both students
Catered to teachers
Search option
incorporate on your own class
Arrangement of blog post
blog and what items could you do
Email of updated blog post
Leave Out
This site is not helpful for blogs setup
within the classroom, but has many
teacher ideas
I will refer to this site for teacher resources
Objective 3 Assessment:
Follow directions and examples given here: Using Class Chatter
Objective 4 Assessment:
After viewing the Class Chatter tutorial at Class Chatter Tutorial, complete the following quiz:
Differentiated Assessment 1
1. What is Identity Masking?
Protecting student identities by not showing their names
2. What are three security features you can enable through the teacher settings?
Lock student passwords so that they may not be changed
Turn off personal blogging so students cannot create blog posts of their own, only
respond to school blog posts.
Turn class mail off or on
Make password for class visible
List 2 Weaknesses:
Lesson 1: The
student will define
a blog and identify
purposes of using a
blog in a language
arts classroom
To understand the
concept of a blog and
the advantages that
using a blog can have
for the classroom.
UDL: Various
modes of
representation Learners are
watching a video
and reading
articles on same
topic (Principle 1)
Learners will take an online
quiz about the function of
blogs using Edmodo.
UDL Principles:
The quiz will be
differentiated to provide
multiple means of
expression. Two types of
quizzes will be given. One
quiz will consist of short
answer questions, while the
other will be multiplechoice.
Lesson 2:
The student will
evaluate existing
teacher blogs and
assess methods
used on blogs for
effectiveness in
technology into the
Language Arts
To analyze existing
blogs and gauge
Lesson 3:
The student will set
up a blog account
using Class Chatter
To set up a blog
account for classroom
use, manage settings,
and begin first blog.
To generate a reference
lists of blogs for future
UDL: Provide
multiple means of
Learner will be
engaged with the
use of a 21st
century tool
(blogs) that is
socially relevant.
Providing many
samplings of
existing blogs
allows for use by
all ability levels
and does not
against racial,
cultural, ethnic or
gender groups.
(Principle 3)
UDL: Provide
multiple means of
action and
Learner will use
multiple media
Lesson 4:
Student will
identify safety
features of blogging
To become familiar
with safety features
available for
moderators of blog
The design of
individual blogs
allows learner to
create a unique
environment with
the option to add
video, pictures,
graphics, or
simply their own
choice of font.
(Principle II)
UDL: Learners
provide multiple
means of action
and expression
Through the use
of Class Chatter,
learner will be
able to identify
the safety features
by reading
provided on
website or by
videos also found
on website.
(Principle II)
Lesson 5:
Student will
lessons that feature
blogs and use
technology within
the Language Arts
To produce lessons
involving blogs that
will be collaboratively
shared and to plan for
integration of those
lessons throughout the
school year
Lesson 6:
Student will use
UDL: Learners
provide multiple
means of action
and expression
Learner will be
able to express
without fear of
grammatical or
spelling mistakes
due to the
informal setting.
Learner will also
be able to choose
the method in
which to compose
lessons, making
decisions based
on their needs.
(Principle II)
UDL: Learners
provide multiple
online collaborative
sharing sites such
as Live Binders to
assemble lesson
means of action
and expression
Learner will
develop lessons
with the ability of
spellchecker and
the use of peer
(Principle II)
Define a blog and identify
purposes of using a blog in a
language arts classroom
Evaluate existing blogs and
assess effectiveness for
personal use
Set up a blog account using
Class Chatter and design a
blogging activity for teacherclass members using new
Identify safety issues for
middle school students and
safety features of Class
View sample lessons of
blogging activities provided
by instructor, provide
feedback, and create lessons
scenarios to be used within
personal classroom
Add created lessons to grade
level Live Binders and view
lessons created by peers for
collaborative use
A concept-related sequencing has been used for this mode of instruction. The learner will
proceed through the sequence in a logical learning manner. The learners are introduced to a new
concept and are asked to reflect on its uses. Next, they are exposed to existing real-life examples
and instructor provided examples. Using these examples, they then create their own material.
Learners will participate in active searches and analysis and are then asked to conduct group
discussions and create resources for further use. Questions may be created by learner as each
part of the sequence is introduced. Answers should be found within the next few steps of
Objective 2c: Student will establish teacher control features such as the ability
to delete inappropriate posts
Initial Presentation: Learners will access Parent Resources Regarding Web Use.
Generative Strategy: Learner will return to Class Chatter website, log in, and review safety
features. Learner will change settings to accommodate county policies of web use. Muncy
advocates the use of blogs despite safety concerns by stating (2014) A final advantage of online
blogging is the set of instructor tools that often come in the classroom management system
UDL for Lesson 4: Learners provide multiple means of action and expression Through the use
of Class Chatter, learner will be able to identify the safety features by reading instructions
provided on website or by viewing instructional videos also found on website. (Principle II)
Lesson 5: Lets Get to Work!
Objective 5: Student will produce interdisciplinary lessons that feature blogs and use available
technology within the Language Arts classroom.
Objective 5a: Student will become familiarized with standards of other content
Objective 5b: Student will view sample lesson ideas provided by instructor and
determine practicality of lesson for personal use.
Objective 5c: Student will develop individual blog lessons to be shared with
Initial Presentation: Learner will visit Georgia Standards and skim standards applicable to the
Language Arts classroom. Learner will also visit instructors blog to access an instructor created
list of sample lessons utilizing blogs in the Language Arts classroom. Lessons provided will
spotlight the use of blogs when students do not have access to technology at home, the use of
blogs when technology is limited in the classroom, incorporating other contents into blog
assignments, and using blogs when time is limited.
Generative Strategy: Learner will once again visit TodaysMeet to make commentary on
instructor lessons. Learner will then create 3 lessons that utilize blogs. Lesson plan format will
be given on instructors blog. Learner will include standards addressed in lesson and a brief
scenario of lesson plan concept. Lesson does not have to be fully developed in typical lesson
plan fashion. Peer review sessions can generate a wide range of activities from editing and
critiquing, to evaluating the quality of writing (Shih-Hsien, 2013, p.233).
UDL for Lesson 5: Learners provide multiple means of action and expression Learner will be
able to express themselves through TodaysMeet without fear of making grammatical or spelling
mistakes due to the informal setting. Learner will also be able to choose the method in which to
compose lessons, making individual decisions based on their needs. (Principle II)
Lesson 6: Dont Hate, Collaborate
Objective 6: Student will use online collaborative sharing sites such as Live Binders to
assemble lesson plans.
Objectives 6a: Student will add individual blog lessons to established grade level
Live Binders account for the purpose of viewing by colleagues
Objective 6b: Student will view colleagues lessons and review for personal use
and for modifications.
Initial Presentation: Learner will access LiveBinders.
Generative Strategy: Learner will add created lessons to binder for grade and content level.
After adding personal lessons, learner will access lessons added by peer. Learner will make
comments on lessons added by peer, making suggestions for improvement or suggestions for
change. Gradel (2011) states that the use of collaborative workspaces can result in a workable
result-oriented product, which can then be used for: (a) further action in the training; (b) as a
vehicle for participants use in their own practice outside of the training; and (c) since the
product will ostensibly be the result of collective knowledge and input, there is likely to be
significant buy-in to its content (p.120).
UDL for Lesson 6: Learners provide multiple means of action and expression Learner will
develop lessons with the ability of using spellchecker and the use of peer reviews. (Principle II)
Reference List
Alexander, J., & Bach, D. (2013). Creating Classroom Community with Reflective Blogs.
International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, & Society, 9(2), 17-29.
Beach, R. (2012). Constructing Digital Learning Commons in the Literacy Classroom. Journal
of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(5), 448-451.
Gradel, K.J. (2011). Integrating Cloud-Based Strategies and Tools in Face-to-Face Training
Sessions to Increase the Impact of Professional Development. Journal of Educational
Technology, Systems, 40(2), 113-130.
Munch, J.A. (2014). Blogging for Reflection: The Use of Online Journals to Engage Students in
Reflective Learning. Marketing Education Review, 24(2), 101. Doi:10.2753/MER1052800824020.
Novakovich, J., & Cramer Long, E. (2013). Digital Performance Learning: Utilizing a Course
Weblog for Mediating Communication. Journal of Educational Technology & Society,
16(4), 231-241.
Shih-Hsien, Y. (2009). Using Blogs to Enhance Critical Reflection and Community of Practice.
Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 12(2), 11-21.
Lesson 2:
The student will
To understand the
concept of a blog and
the advantages that
using a blog can have
for the classroom.
To analyze existing
blogs and gauge
UDL: Various
modes of
representation Learners are
watching a video
and reading
articles on same
topic (Principle 1)
UDL: Provide
multiple means of
UDL Principles:
The quiz will be
differentiated to provide
multiple means of
expression. Two types of
quizzes will be given. One
quiz will consist of short
answer questions, while the
other will be multiplechoice.
evaluate existing
teacher blogs and
assess methods
used on blogs for
effectiveness in
technology into the
Language Arts
Lesson 3:
The student will set
up a blog account
using Class Chatter
To set up a blog
account for classroom
use, manage settings,
and begin first blog.
To generate a reference
lists of blogs for future
Learner will be
engaged with the
use of a 21st
century tool
(blogs) that is
socially relevant.
Providing many
samplings of
existing blogs
allows for use by
all ability levels
and does not
against racial,
cultural, ethnic or
gender groups.
(Principle 3)
UDL: Provide
multiple means of
action and
Learner will use
multiple media
The design of
students to classes
Objective 3d: The student
will add a teacher assignment
post and teacher blog post
Objective 3e: The student
will create a blogging activity
to be performed by teacher
Lesson 4:
Student will
identify safety
features of blogging
To become familiar
with safety features
available for
moderators of blog
individual blogs
allows learner to
create a unique
environment with
the option to add
video, pictures,
graphics, or
simply their own
choice of font.
(Principle II)
UDL: Learners
provide multiple
means of action
and expression
Through the use
of Class Chatter,
learner will be
able to identify
the safety features
by reading
provided on
website or by
videos also found
on website.
(Principle II)
Lesson 5:
Student will
lessons that feature
blogs and use
technology within
the Language Arts
To produce lessons
involving blogs that
will be collaboratively
shared and to plan for
integration of those
lessons throughout the
school year
Lesson 6:
Student will use
online collaborative
sharing sites such
UDL: Learners
provide multiple
means of action
and expression
Learner will be
able to express
without fear of
grammatical or
spelling mistakes
due to the
informal setting.
Learner will also
be able to choose
the method in
which to compose
lessons, making
decisions based
on their needs.
(Principle II)
UDL: Learners
provide multiple
means of action
and expression
as Live Binders to
assemble lesson
purpose of viewing by
Objective 6b: Student will
view colleagues lessons and
review for personal use and
for modifications.
Learner will
develop lessons
with the ability of
spellchecker and
the use of peer
(Principle II)
Learner evaluations will be collected through the use of Survey Monkey. The survey
will be conducted and the results analyzed to determine areas needing improvement. I
will use a teacher from another grade level that teaches the same subject to act as my
SME. This person will be chosen based on their experience with teaching Language Arts
and their familiarity of the standards being taught.
3. After surveys have been completed, answers will be evaluated. Answers will be
compared to target objectives of class. If objectives have not been met or receive low
scores, the instructional design of course will be adjusted.
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