Stellaluna 1

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Teacher Candidate: Taylor M. Seiders

Date: 2/18/2015

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Erin Weaver

Coop. Initials

Group Size: Whole Class Allotted Time 45 Minutes Grade Level 1st Grade
Subject or Topic: Stellaluna Unit: Day 1- Phonological Awareness/ Phonics
Section 390-045
1.1. C: pronounce and blend individual phonemes into one-syllable and two-syllable
words (e.g. rabbit, taken).
1.1. D: decode:
One and two-syllable words.
Words with common ou and ow endings.
Words with common vowel patterns ey, ay, and igh.
Words with inflectional endings- ing, es, ed.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
A. First grade students will be able identify and blend parts of one-syllable and
two-syllable words.
B. Students will be able to read and decode words with different beginnings,
middles, and endings.
II. Instructional Materials
A. Stellaluna by: Janell Cannon
B. Word cards (showing words that need to be decoded).
C. White boards
D. Markers
E. Flash card words with different inflective ending words.
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)
A. Prerequisite skills:
Able to listen and comprehend a story
Fine motor- white boards.

B. Key Vocabulary:
Sultry- very hot and humid
Crooned- said
Clutches- grabbed
Chirped- sound of birds
Gripping- holding
Obey- follow rules
NOT Gracefully- in a clumsy manner
Swooped- flew down quickly
C. Big Idea:
The book Stellaluna contains big words that we can read and decode.
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
Class, today I will be reading you a new book. We will be looking
back at this book many times this week as I will teach you new
information about mammals and different types of books.
The book that I will be reading you today is called Stellaluna. The
book is written and also illustrated by Janell Cannon.
To start today, I am going to swipe through the book and allow you
to see some of the pictures of our main character. Hopefully during
our picture walk, you can see some things that are going to happen
during our story.
B. Development
After the picture walk, the teacher will read the book to the students.
The teacher will stop at the post-it notes in the book and will make a
comment or ask a question that correlates with the list written below.
1. What do you think is going to happen to mother bat? Where do
you think Stellaluna may end up?
2. What do you think will happen after Stellaluna eats the bug?
3. Are bats supposed to sleep at night? What are some things that
bats do that you think Stellaluna will do in this story?
4. Does anybody know what Stellaluna uses to be able to fly in
the dark?
5. What is the moral at the end of our story (Even if we are
different from others, we can still be friends).
After reading the story, asking questions, and completing multiple
word work activities, I will finish the lesson by asking questions
about what the students learned from the story and lesson.
1. What happened to Stellaluna at the beginning of the story?
2. What did she do during the middle of the story to survive?
3. What happens to the birds at the end of the story?

4. Who does Stellaluna end up with at the end of the story?

After the dry read, the teacher will go back through the story and
point out some words that have different vowel patterns.
1. Ou and ow endings
a. Stellaluna examples
i. out- page 1
ii. owl- page 2
b. List other words
i. Cow
ii. Loud
1. Point out that the ow sound usually
comes at the end of a word. While the ou
sound comes in the middle of a word.
2. ey, ay
a. Book words
i. away- page 5
b. list words
i. obey- Stellaluna had to obey Mother Birds
ii. Prey- the owl in the book was chasing his prey,
Mama Bat.
3. ing, ed, es
a. Book examples
i. embarrassing- page 9
ii. gasped- page 12
iii. clutches- page 1
b. Do flash card activity while adding inflective endings.
i. Put up words into the blue pocket wall.
1. Put up the first word and have the
students read the word.
a. Wish.
2. Put one different ending behind it and
have students say the new word.
a. Wish- ing.
3. Repeat procedure with words that have
different inflective endings.
a. Wish-ed
b. Wish-es
4. Complete the above steps with the rest
of the words.

C. Closure
Ask students to get out their white boards. Have the students write
words that have the different word patterns that were just taught.
1. Have each student write their own word that have the following
vowel types:
a. Ou/ ow
i. Cow, out, loud, etc.
b. Ey/ ay/ igh
i. Away, neigh, eye, etc.
c. Ing/ed/es
i. Singing, laughed, watches, etc.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
Allow students to move seat during the story if they cannot see or
hear the read aloud.
Allow students to work with a partner if they need further assistance.
If students cant see the words in the book, have a printed word list
or a flashcard system in place.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative- teacher will be checking students' answers on their white boards
for correct answers. The teacher will work with students during center time if
needed to understand concept.
2. Summative- no summative exam for this lesson.
V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection
How well was the story received? Will the students like repeatedly
going back to this book during the week after this first dry reading?

Could I have done a better activity to show the different types of

words? Should I send students back to their seats and use the
document camera in the future?

If you would repeat this lesson in the future what would you change
and what would you keep the same?

VI. Resources
Cannon, J. (1993). Stellaluna. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

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