This document contains questions about various mechanical measurement and metrology devices and techniques. It asks the reader to write short notes on a stroboscope, Hall effect pulse tachometer, and Bridgman Gauge. It also asks the reader to explain how a dead weight piston pressure gauge, elastic pressure transducers, DC tachogenerator, ionization gauge, and Pirani thermal conductivity gauge work. Finally, it asks the reader to explain the process of vacuum measurement using a McLeod Gauge and to briefly explain how a Bourdon tube pressure gauge and diaphragm pressure gauge function.
This document contains questions about various mechanical measurement and metrology devices and techniques. It asks the reader to write short notes on a stroboscope, Hall effect pulse tachometer, and Bridgman Gauge. It also asks the reader to explain how a dead weight piston pressure gauge, elastic pressure transducers, DC tachogenerator, ionization gauge, and Pirani thermal conductivity gauge work. Finally, it asks the reader to explain the process of vacuum measurement using a McLeod Gauge and to briefly explain how a Bourdon tube pressure gauge and diaphragm pressure gauge function.
This document contains questions about various mechanical measurement and metrology devices and techniques. It asks the reader to write short notes on a stroboscope, Hall effect pulse tachometer, and Bridgman Gauge. It also asks the reader to explain how a dead weight piston pressure gauge, elastic pressure transducers, DC tachogenerator, ionization gauge, and Pirani thermal conductivity gauge work. Finally, it asks the reader to explain the process of vacuum measurement using a McLeod Gauge and to briefly explain how a Bourdon tube pressure gauge and diaphragm pressure gauge function.
This document contains questions about various mechanical measurement and metrology devices and techniques. It asks the reader to write short notes on a stroboscope, Hall effect pulse tachometer, and Bridgman Gauge. It also asks the reader to explain how a dead weight piston pressure gauge, elastic pressure transducers, DC tachogenerator, ionization gauge, and Pirani thermal conductivity gauge work. Finally, it asks the reader to explain the process of vacuum measurement using a McLeod Gauge and to briefly explain how a Bourdon tube pressure gauge and diaphragm pressure gauge function.
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Subject : Mechanical Measurement & Metrology.
Class: T.E.(Mech-B) Sem V
Module 3 Q 1 Write a short note on (a) Stroboscope (b) Hall effect pulse tachometer (c) Bridgman Gauge Q.2 Explain the following (a) Dead weight piston pressure gauge (b) Elastic pressure transducers (c) D C Tachogenerator (d) Ionisation gauge and Pirani thermal conductivity gauge. Q.3 Explain process of vacuum measurement using McLeod Gauge. Q.4 Explain briefly the following two gauges. Bourdon tube pressure gauge and diaphragm pressure gauge.
As Per I - Scheme Question Bank Government Polytechnic Nanded Science & Humanities Dept. Semester-I Multiple Choice Questions Program - Ce/If/Ee Course - Basic PHYSICS (22102) I