Integer Unit Notes

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Integer Unit Notes

Table of Contents:
Operations on Integers-Addition
Operations on Integers-Multiplication
Operations on Integers-Division
Operations on Integers-Subtraction
Exponents with Integers
Order of Operations (BEDMAS) with


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Positive or negative whole numbers including zero.
Negative Integers:
-5, -4, -3, -2, -1
Positive Integers:
+1, +2, +3, +4, +5
Opposite Value:
Two numbers that add up to zero. The opposite of -5 is +5
because -5 +5 =0
The absolute value is how far a number is from 0 (zero) on
a number line, on either side of 0 (zero). The absolute
value of a number is always positive. The absolute value of
2 and of -2 are both 2 as they are both 2 units from 0
The symbol for absolute value is

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Operations on Integers:
Adding Integers:
Always try to make integer expressions into a little
story. For Example:

+3-6 could mean that you had $3 and then you spent
$6. Now you owe $3. (+3-6=-3)

+6+7 could mean that you had $6 and then you earned
$7 more. Now you have $13. (+6+7=+13)

-2+4 could mean that you owed $2 and then you earned
$4. You paid off your dept and now have $2 left.

-6-4 could mean that you borrowed $6 and then you

borrowed $4 more. You now owe $10. (-6-4=-10)

General Rules for Adding Integers:

If the signs are the Same:
Keep the sign and add the two numbers together.
-11-6 = -17
+12+7 = +19
If the signs are different:
Take the sign of the number with the largest absolute
value and then find the difference (subtract) the numbers.
-15+12 = -3
+12-9 = +3
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Visual Strategy for Adding Integers:

Question: (-8) + (+2)
Strategy #1: Tug of War
Visualize a tug of war between 2 sides. On the negative
side there are 8 and on the positive side there are 2. This
means that the negative side wins by 6 so the answer is -6.
Stategy #2: Numbers in Boxes
1) place the numbers each in a box with the sign above it.
2) Ask yourself 2 questions: which box is greater and by
how much.

The negative sign wins by 6 so -6 is the answer.

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Multiplying and Dividing Integers:

When Signs are different ( 1 positive, 1 negative),
the product or quotient (answer) always ends up
with a negative (-) sign.
Multiplying (X):
You borrow $6 from your mother on Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday. Now you owe her $18.
(-6) X (+3) = -18
Dividing ():
You need to borrow $6. You borrow even amounts
from 2 different friends. How much will you owe
each friend?
(-6) (+2) = -3
When signs are the same ( 2 positives or 2
negatives), the product or quotient (answer) always
ends up with a positive (+) sign.
(+6) X (+4) = +24

(-5) X (-6) = +30

(+10) (+2) = (+5)

(-12) (-3) = (+4)

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Visual Strategy for Determining the Sign when

Multiplying and Dividing Integers:
Question: (-6) x (+2)
Strategy #1: Triangle Signs
1) Draw the triangle as shown
2) Cross out the two signs given (- and +). The
remaining sign (-) is your answer.

and 6 x 2 = 12 so the answer is -12.

Subtraction of Integers:
There are two ways to subtract integers:
Method 1: Change the sign and the operation. In other
words: Add the opposite integer.
i.e. (-4) - (-4)
i.e. (-6) - (+7)
=(-4) + (+4)

=(-6) + (-7)
= -13

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i.e. (+5) - (-6)

i.e. (+5) - (+3)

=(+5) + (+6)
= +11

= (+5) + (-3)
= +2

Method 2: Use the integer rules for multiplication to

remove the brackets, then add the numbers.
i.e. (-4) - (-4)
= -4 + 4

i.e. (-6) - (+7)

= -6 - 7
= -13

Exponents with Integers

(-2)3= -2 x -2 x -2 = -8
(-2)4 = -2 x -2 x -2 x -2 = +16
*If the base is negative and in brackets, then the answer is
positive if the exponent is even and the answer is negative
if the exponent is odd.
-24= -16 * this answer is negative because it is negative 24 .
You record the negative after because it is not in brackets.

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Brackets are
to separate
signs only.

Order of Operations (BEDMAS)


(4-7)2 X (6-7)2
(-3)2 X (-1)2
+9 X +1

i.e. -12-(-5) X (-2)

M -12 -(+10)
S -12 -10
A -22

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