November SIC Minutes

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November 5, 2014 SIC Minutes

The Lake Murray Elementary School Improvement Council met on November 5, 2014.
President Robby Aull brought the meeting to order. The October Minutes were approved. Carmen
Plemmons and Lynn McFarland attended the SIC training seminars and gave a brief report. A brief
report was also given on the Parent's Cabinet. Dr. Stephen Hefner, superintendent of
Richland/Lexington School District Five, was introduced.
Dr. Hefner spoke about the growing attendance area around Lake Murray Elementary. He
stated the district as a whole had a 189 growth in numbers with the largest increase in Kindergarten and
3rd grade. He stated LMES was the ground zero of growth. There has been a surge of growth in the
last two years. He stated the short term solution involves the addition of the new middle school that
will incorporate 5th and 6th grade.
Dr. Hefner stated there are three potential ideas to deal with growth at Lake Murray Elementary.
The first is funds to build a new wing to the school, the second would be to add another elementary
school, and the third would be to have an lower and upper elementary school. No specific plans are in
place at this time. He stated that each idea would come with its own challenges. He stated the school
budget has been affected by federal estate funding being that the focus of funds in general is shifting to
high poverty areas. He stated they are spending 10% less on education than they did in 2008. Dr.
Hefner stated he was looking into all these issues for the future. Dr. Hefner addressed other issues
concerning buses, new principals for the two Chapin middle schools, pay schedules, and utility costs.
It was suggested that the SIC invite Representative Nathan Ballentine to the next meeting. The
next meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 3rd at 7am.

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