The Professors Diary Sample

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Ba oY Iroughowt the course of history the world has seen the fall of naany) great civilisations, each unique with their | “bloodline who define and exhibit a purpose to each key sta __ the history) of naan. _ Lama Professor Gogglesten’ I. do not claina Wloodline but T do intend to make great changesdtant future times and times already pastlll ce fin now T live in 20th century England, Ce EGetrophusiciet with A wmiscion... a naission to én J __ the evdtion of mankind. WA alk coon de Chennatet Forect Blea tin snatching me, Lean flee M =: atleast T thinks T can St a Wiaybe Dina going senile. — Bey Oe ike WA nek gone __think his name is, T met hin last week when Tw The 9yy ic... a bit of an odd ball, but Rudus appa __ last week's visit, I never feed Rufus 3 to faeces lunch & dinner, Pad leaing mo stranded, with the none version T make hopefully T can remedy that han. restarch: ihe. TOE A 2002, UO, HHZ2, IE . te Tue Transporter jumped throug the / _in the blink of an eye, now just (ke a Piper m 1B2HE = Words cannot ot describe the feeling of going | back it _ takes your breath away especially that moment 0 reality junnps and bites you. Sherwood is beautiful, overgroum being an __. __wnderstatement but above all alse its quiet a randuil. T didn’t want to spoil the moment eo T took aa alk, in the vigads, breathtaking possibly one of the: a experiences Thwve had to this point sepa just se beatiful silence. T was pretty, Briicent that no. Tone Could find or vnove the transporter (Géing thé size that it lis) everything was okay for now... at least that's what Thad hoped. Puen walking for 20 minutes I had a strong feeling that Twas being watched, trees kept rustling nearly and I could hear Sniggers. There was no way to pin point the location |e everything was moving. itis offi a ur net L Hpk 2 fare cle © tree hich nearly put my back out; Tina just: fale nowadays. L tried returning to the transporter lout Ti walking in circles, atleast TI think T. am, a lot of this stuf familiar. Finally T bumped into cone people during nal) ta they were quite plucky) with strong Britisn ACCeAtS. "What can we do tor you sir? Are you lost z T gave thera a devised story from. the top of nay “ = Wy horse ran antay and T- don't know the way Ob That's when T found out their true intention: the, am drew thew swords and asked for ray Gold. a roland we?” tL asked. raised pay) hands as they took, everything including nay uid , DA They reached for my pocket watch and my defences Kicked ¢ mn. Biba as! T ana. en more lost, aie 6 pst pocket watch Emi gave me how dare they take tl appears to have slowed significantly L think the angen nas _ clouding my judgement. Tf this keeps up Tll never wnaker Of this overgroum dump. After some more torrential ta another passerby; a yound buck who Couldnt have been vauch older than 20 years oF ape. © eee _ Lust need direction’ 1 acted. The yours buck, grinned and tA me 10 remove mi) trousers. ure robbing me? L adked, not quite > Galieving it was happening again. _ pe he calyaly replied ee ge Hons much better, now TL looked completely — no trousers, just socks, snoes & wy once best, rt Tf tt waen't the rai season 1 wouldnit have 3 ig Water, I was starving, that hadn't changed here. T had no idea how much tinae Thad left to” I stumbled into a small tent and found mugelt i __ made camp site packed with overgrovn Beret FS eee 1s hoe. ah me elke Twas age rein Le oti en peopke iwalkedl over Llooked wp. Aawsiliar faeric wmagped around one of TE Aart take (ond for nae to work, out that this community a Contain the bandits that took nay) possessions. “Friday - contirved T want twa things. Firstly, my trousers and personal (tems VEtuneA . _ tio surprise, they laughed at me, I probally would too tf the * tables were wb... Second, T need to go to the far end oF the forest to return home... I need a Gude. The band of thieves \aughed once again before stating the obvious... Saturday Thay allowed me to spend the night here while they discussed my offer, they were planning some attack on a castle, T could tall that much from the floor & tree diagrams, crudely drawn but very accurate. A man walked over and introduced himself. Hello, Lina Robin of Sherwood. This is where a pare of me wanted to run pros and cons, needless to Sau} nad) answer v — He aid tat Flo eae out ob hee ane Se awe ter offer was iene a br Se _ some reason I aoyeed. _Dhay, Dh come dong on B oer my heed tm here Les iz noudy nde in ce, te ines 3 the neeloiave for any) fishing . Sage __ something clicked inmy mind, ” Hie king Johns Caste? aie nicut beater ey train of oF havoc dorupty maha “buck, who stole my) trousers earlier, he knocked wad and proceeded to drag me from the away) from the : Eeloiy a Barage of Laughter The eal Estervbed, unleashed . arrow 0 from-tig bout 3 hours deep ered thew naost te acwally Bree, the shioves lead me to the ourckirts

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