Pinhole Presentation

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Photography I

What is a pinhole camera?

Light tight container
Small hole in one end


as lens/aperture
for camera

Light sensitive paper is

placed opposite pinhole

passes through,
exposes paper

How does it work?

Abelardo Morell, Camera Obscura: Time Square in Hotel Room, 1997

Pinhole Photography

Steve Irvine, Vacuum Ether

Pinhole Photography

Steve Irvine, Parsnip

Pinhole Photography

Chris Keeney, Old Trucks & Young Boys, 2007

What do we need?
A box or container
Black paint
Black tape
Pin or nail (to make pin hole)
Black construction paper
Photo paper
Matte board for mounting

How do we build a pinhole camera?

Step 1: Paint the inside of your containers black using matte

black paint. Plastic containers and lids should be painted
and covered with black tape.
Step 2: Once the black paint has dried, check the inside for
any cracks or openings in the container, or any chipped or
peeled paint. Make any necessary touch-ups. (Remember,
you want these boxs light tight!)
Step 3: On one end of your container, using a pin or needle,
poke a small hole in the center.
Step 4: Use black construction paper and tape to make a
lens cover for the camera.
Step 5: You are ready to take pictures using your pinhole

How do we take pictures?

In the darkroom, place a

small piece of photo
paper into the container.

small piece of tape can

be used to hold it in place

Close box and make sure

that your lens cap is on
and covering your pinhole
Then we head outside.

During the shoot

Make a note of the

conditions outside.

Open the lens cap to

begin your exposure.
Experiment with
exposure times

Is it full sun? is it cloudy?

Keep track of exposure


Replace your lens cap

Bring camera back to
darkroom and begin the
developing process.

How am I being graded?

Photo I: Self Assessment
Project 1: Pinhole Cameras


Keep Working

Needs Improvement


Student attends every

class, arrives on time and
prepared. Student stays
after school to complete
assignments. Student maintains clean /orderly workspace and cleans up after
themselves and others.

Student arrives to class

on time and prepared.
Student maintains a neat
and orderly workspace
and cleans up at the end
of each class.

Student arrives to class on

time and prepared most
days. Student maintains a
neat and orderly workspace most of the time.
Student rarely is asked to
help clean up at the end
of class.

Student never arrives to

class on time. Student is
not prepared for class.
Student does not maintain a neat and orderly
workspace. Student never
helps to clean up at the
end of class.


Student goes above

and beyond to follow
all directions to create
pinhole cameras. Student
brings own container and
camera is painted neatly
and completely. Student is
able to get good images.

Student follows all directions to create pinhole

cameras. Student brings
own container and
camera is painted neatly
and completely. Student
can get images using their

Student follows most of

the directions to create
pinhole cameras. Student
does not bring own container. Camera is painted
neatly but there are some
thin areas of paint. Student gets some images.

Student does not follow directions to create pinhole

cameras. Student does
not bring own container.
Camera is not painted
neatly but there are lots
thin areas of paint. Student does not get images.

Print Quality

Student displays superior

knowledge of development procedures when
processing enlargements.
Students experiments with
filters and burning & dodging to create high quality

Student focuses images

and use correct development procedure when
processing enlargements.
Students use filters and
burning & dodging as

Student focuses images

and use correct development procedure most of
the time. Students rarely
use filters and burning and
dodging when creating
their prints.

Student does not focus

images and/or use correct
development procedure
when processing enlargements. Students never uses
filters and/or burning &


Student displays superior

knowledge of techniques.
Images have straight,
trimmed edges with no
tacking paper showing.
Proper measurement
techniques are used for
centered and strait work.

Proper measurement
techniques are used for
centered and strait work.
Images are trimmed with
no tacking paper showing
around the edges. Students sign and date work.

Proper measurement techniques are used sometimes

for image placement. Images are not trimmed and
tacking paper is showing
around the edges. Student does not sign/date
their work.

Students do not use measurement techniques images are not straight and
tacking paper is showing.
Student does not sign/
date work.







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