Sub: - Prayer For Education Loan
Sub: - Prayer For Education Loan
Sub: - Prayer For Education Loan
Dated : 09.06.2014
The Manager
Assam Gramin Vikash Bank, Premtola, Silchar
Sub : - Prayer for education loan
Respected Sir,
With due respect I have the honour to inform you that my daughter Smt.
Taposhri Sen have got seat in B Tech course at KIIT, Bhubaneshwar. Now I
want an education loan from your bank to meet the expense of her study.
As per their fee certificate the total eight semesters fee structure will be
Rs. 10,83,500.00 only. Out of that amount I want only Rs. 4,00,000.00 as
education loan.
From that amount Rs. 1,10,000.00 ( Fees per semester )
17,500.00 ( Hostel fees per semester )
7,500.00 ( Hostels one time fee )
Total Rs. 1,35,000.00
is required at the time of admission i.e. within 17th June, 2014. The
balance Rs. 2,65,000.00 may be given by seven instalments each of Rs.
37,857.14 at the time of payment of remaining seven semester fees.
Further I also inform you that one time institutional fees of Rs. 56,000.00
was already paid by me, the cash receipt of which is enclosed herewith.
So, I request you to sanction the education loan for my daughter so that
she can continue her higher studies.
Thanking you
( Sujit
Kumar Sen)
Sujit Kumar Sen
C/O Sukhomoy Niwas
House No. 2
Subhasnagar, Silchar -788004
District - Cachar