Trinidad Geology and Geophysics

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The Petroleum Geology and

Prospects of Trinidad and Tobago

by Krishna M. Persad PhD, President, Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago

his presentation has been made available for publication

in this book marking the 100th anniversary of commercial
oil production in Trinidad and Tobago, by the kind
courtesy of the Southern Energy Research Centre which retains
the intellectual property rights.

This presentation is a summary of the results of extensive work by
the author and colleagues on many aspects of T&Ts petroleum
geology; this work has been extensively documented, mainly in a
series of multi-client reports.
For the benefit of those readers who are not petroleum
geoscientists we have given a brief introduction to the art of oil
finding so that these readers can get an idea of the main section
that follows.
The technology section itself is divided into four main
sections, the geologic history, geological elements, petroleum
geochemistry and the known petroleum provinces. While
future petroleum prospects do not form part of this paper, we
will mention them briefly. Those versed in the geosciences may
proceed directly to the technology section.

Introduction to Petroleum Exploration

In order to find oil it is necessary to understand just a few basic
things as follows:
Plate Tectonic History
The earths crust floats around on the partly molten upper
mantle in a series of blocks commonly known as plates.
The interaction of these plates create uplifted areas (for example
mountains) and depressions, often under the sea beds, which are
later filled with sediments eroded from the uplifted areas. These
are called geologic basins.
These geologic basins may themselves be later uplifted and
perhaps compressed and folded.

Figure 2

Figure 1


It is this interaction of the plates which causes the prerequisites

for hydrocarbon accumulation to exist, namely the confluence
of reservoirs, source rocks and a way of getting the oil (and
gas) generated from these source rocks into the reservoirs and
keeping them there (in other words trapping them).
Hydrocarbon Reservoir
Those sediments which are coarse and porous, in which
hydrocarbons can be stored (for example sandstone).
Hydrocarbon Source
Fine grained sediments such as shale often contain organic
material which, in the correct conditions, will be converted into
hydrocarbons. The organic material is called kerogen and when
heated to the correct temperatures, generally by deep burial, is
converted into oil and gas. If the organic material is from trees
and shrubs it generally yields gas. If the material is from marine
plants like algae the product is most likely to be oil.
Hydrocarbon Trap
Oil and gas are less dense than water and when expelled from
the source rock they will migrate upwards or laterally until they
can enter a porous rock. If this rock is folded into an anticline (or an
underground hill) the hydrocarbons will remain trapped forming
an oil or gas field. The folding is formed by tectonic activity which
is caused by the plate motions referred to earlier. There are other
types of traps than anticlines but the effect is the sameoil and gas
fields underground.
If the maturation of the source rock takes place before the
formation of the trap, the oil and gas often goes all the way
to the surface and may form a giant tar mat or pitch lake. The
Orinoco Tar Belt of Venezuela and the Athabasca Tar sands
of Alberta, Canada are the two largest such deposits in the
world. Interestingly the tar nearer the surface partly prevents
the degradation of the deeper oil and these deposits can be
mined and upgraded by fractionation into more usable lighter
hydrocarbons. As you may know, both these areas have huge
projects of this type ongoing.
Hopefully, this brief introduction will simplify the section that
follows to the non-geologist. If not you can always buy your
geological friend a beer or three and ask for elucidation.

100 Years of Petroleum in Trinidad and Tobago

Tectonic Evolution of the Trinidad Area

Trinidad lies within the Serrania del Interior and
the Maturin sub-basin of the Eastern Venezuelan
Basin. Together they constitute one of the largest
oil provinces in the world. It is located in the
southeast corner of the Caribbean Plate. Recent
studies have resulted in a good understanding of
the tectonic elements of the Southeast Caribbean
in particular and the Caribbean in general, and a
better understanding of the plate tectonic history
of the Trinidad area, which is given next.
The regional and local data have been found to
be consistent with a five-stage evolutionary model
for the Trinidad area, consisting of:
1. Sea floor spreading (Mesozoic)
During the Mesozoic about 150-200 million years
ago (MA), North America started to pull away
from South America in a generally north-westerly
direction. In doing so these continents split up
into several smaller blocks with intervening and
restricted seaways in which were deposited rocks
such as evaporites, shales and conglomerates.
The sea floor spreading and associated
pull-apart caused crustal thinning known as
attenuation, that weakened and depressed the sea
floor. These depressions were eventually filled with
thick suites of clastic sediments, for example sands
and shales. (Figures 1, 2).
Mountain belts were eroded along passive
margins and with time, less and less sediments
were supplied to the sea floor via rivers. Marginal
seas became clear and this allowed reefs and
limestone banks to flourish in shallow water.
During periods of low sea level, most of the
river-borne sediment bypassed these shelves and
were deposited as fans in deep water. The lower
Cretaceous shales of the Cuche formation are oil
to gas prone source rocks. (Figure 3).
In Late Cretaceous times, oil prone (to mixed)
source rocks of the Naparima Hill and Gautier
formations were deposited during a period of
very high sea level. (Figures 4, 5).
2. North-south Compression (Upper Cretaceous/
Lower Tertiary)
The passive margin was interrupted in the uppermost
Cretaceous/lowermost Cenozoic (approximately
65 MA) by north-south compression, probably

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

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petroleum geology and prospects

petroleum geology and prospects

Brasso, Nariva, Retrench and Herrera fairways and other

younger reservoir trends to the south/southeast. These reservoir
fairways are still under-explored.
Younger thrust faults extend as far south as the southern part
of the Columbus Basin where they do not come to the surface
(blind thrusts) and appear to influence oil migration.
Towards the end of the Miocene, around 12 MA, the
Northern Range Terrane pushed against the proto-Caroni
Basin area and was uplifted via a reverse fault. This uplift
continued into the Pliocene epoch. (Figure 9).
Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 6

Figure 9

resulting from continuing active sea-floor spreading in the protoCaribbean, together with stalling of the movement of the Yucatan
Block away from northern South America. This resulted in uplift
and shoaling of the Central Range area, probably as a result of
incipient subduction of early-forming Caribbean crust below the
northern South American margin. (Figure 6).

Caribbean Plate moved east-southeast relative to the northern South

America Plate. This resulted in folding and thrusting of rocks with
accompanying basin uplift (foreland fold and thrust belts). Forward
of each uplift a deep basin developed (foredeep), caused by crustal
subsidence. This subsidence pushed the Upper Cretaceous source
rocks into a temperature favourable for generating oilsetting up
an elongated kitchen. Reservoirs were deposited in the foredeep
basins, with pene-contemporaneous limestones on the shelf edges.
These sediments were themselves uplifted and thrusted as the northnorthwest/south-southeast collision continued.
Today, a series of east-northeast/west-southwest foreland uplifts
and foredeep basins, formed from the Oligocene (approximately
40 MA) to the present day, are recognised as a series of submarine
fan fairways, which contain oil and gas fields. They include the
newly discovered Oligocene Naricual fairway, the Lower Miocene

3. Passive Margin (Eocene-Oliglocene)

The passive margin stage resumed around 58 MA during the Eocene
epoch, again resulting in sediments typical of that setting. During
periods of low sea level, submarine fans were deposited. Incised
valley fill deposits have also been recorded. (Figures 7, 8).
4. Sequential oblique collision (Oligocene-Present)
A sequential oblique collision resulted from transpression as the

100 Years of Petroleum in Trinidad and Tobago

Gulf of Paria Pull-Apart Basin

Shortly after, at around 10 MA, the Gulf of Paria pull-apart
basin was formed by the transfer of fault displacement from
the east-west trending El Pilar Fault in Eastern Venezuela, to the
east-west trending Warm Springs fault in the Gulf of Paria and
then into the northeast/southwest trending Central Range Fault.
In the resulting pull-apart basin, sediments were shed off the
rising Northern Range. In addition, the encroaching Orinoco
Delta was a source for deltaic and associated sediments from
the west-southwest.
Along the Central Range Fault, oblique compressive tectonic
forces resulted in the uplift of the Central Range, forming first
a line of spectacular limestone reefs and banks known as the
Tamana formation. As uplift continued, active erosion shed
sediments to the north and south.
The rocks of the Tobago Terrane, which include the
metamorphosed rocks of Tobago and the unmetamorphosed
sands and shales of possibly Paleocene to Pliocene age were
transported eastward with the migrating Caribbean Plate. All
the Cenozoic sediments (65 MA and younger) were probably
derived from a northeast flowing tributary of the early-Orinoco
River, which was separated from the east-flowing tributary by the
early-Northern Range Terrane in the Trinidad area, and by other
similarly derived terranes in western Venezuela. (Figure 10).
5. Continental Embankment (late Miocene to Present)
With the eastward migration, the southeast corner of the Caribbean
Plate formed a triangular junction with the generally east-west
trending margin of northern South America. In the eastward facing
triangle was a small ocean basin termed by Dickenson (1976) a
remnant ocean basin. As the Caribbean plate migrated eastward
and neared the eastern margin of northern South America, the
remnant ocean basin gradually got smaller.
In addition, at the junction of the two plates, an eastward
flowing delta (the early-Orinoco) deposited deltaic and associated
sediments to the east and northeast. When the Caribbean Plate
reached the eastern end of northern South America, the remnant
ocean basin closed. This resulted in the subsequent building of

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

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a continental embankment as the very thick suites of deltaic and

associated sediments prograded over the continental shelf edge onto
oceanic crust. This resulted in a series of large growth faults off the
east coast of Trinidad and in the Plataforma Deltana area of eastern
Venezuela. The deltaic sediments also infilled the North Coast
Marine Area, and the Caroni and Southern Basins with sediments of
similar ages, but different deltaic lobes. (Figures 11, 12).

Tectonic Structure and Geologic Basins of the

Trinidad Area
Tectonic Elements
There are seven major tectonic elements, described briefly below:
1. The Tobago Terrane is sub-divisible into:
The Carupano Basin, which comprises the Caracolito and Paria
sub-basins, separated by the Patao High,
The Tobago Uplift and
The East Tobago Half Graben
The basins are filled with sediments of at least Eocene to
Pleistocene age (58-2 MA), and in the axes possibly as old as
Cretaceous. The Tobago Uplift comprises mainly meta-volcanics
and meta-sediments of Mid Cretaceous ages, the volcanics being
of an island arc affinity. The faults within the Tobago Terrane
comprise basement-related normal faults trending northeast to
southwest and younger east-west trending strike slip faults.
2. The Araya Northern Range Terrane comprises metamorphosed
shales, sandstones and limestones of Cretaceous age. This terrane
was emplaced and uplifted in the Lower Miocene at around 25
million (mn) years when the sequential oblique collision between
the Caribbean Plate and the northern margin of South America
first reached the Trinidad area. It is folded into a broad northverging anticlinorum.
3. The Gulf of Paria Pull-Apart Basin which formed in the Late
Miocene (12 MA), with the step-over of the El Pilar Fault to the
east-west trending Warm Springs Fault and the northeast trending
Central Range Fault Zone. The latter two faults form the southern
boundary of the basin as well as the present plate margin boundary
between the Caribbean and South American Plates.
The Miocene to Pleistocene age sediments were sourced
partly from the uplifted Northern Range to the north, the uplifted
Central Range to the southeast and a lobe of the Orinoco Delta
from the west and west-southwest.
4. The Fold-Thrust Belt comprises a series of foredeep basins
younging to the south/southeast, affected by a number of detached
overthrusts which range in age from Lower Miocene in the north/

100 Years of Petroleum in Trinidad and Tobago

petroleum geology and prospects

northwest to Lower Pliocene in south/southeast. Those thrusts

in the south/southeast are blind thrusts, underlying the thick
sediments of the Columbus Basin. Each thrust changes character
to the west and becomes an oblique strike slip fault. They are in
fact lateral ramps along which the shortening has taken place.
The piggy-back Southern Basin is filled with deltaic to fluvial
sediments of Upper Miocene to Pleistocene age, sourced from a
minor lobe of the Orinoco Delta. Along the basin margins, lines
of mud volcanoes are found. They coincide with the overthrusts
and are mobilised Miocene shales and newly generated methane
from Cretaceous source rocks.
The Central Range Fault Zone was reactivated in the Upper
Miocene as a series of transpressive faults, trending northeastsouthwest, which resulted in the renewed uplift of the core of the
Central Range.
In the eastern offshore a number of other asymmetric basins
trending northeast-southwest can be found, namely the Barbados
Basin, the Manzanilla Sub-basin and the Galeota Sub-basin. They
are all filled with mainly Miocene and younger sediments.
5. The Columbus Shelf and Columbus Basin together comprise
the major lobe of the modern Orinoco Delta and contain deltaic
and related marginal marine sediments ranging in age from Upper
Miocene in the west to Pleistocene in the east. The sedimentation
pattern was controlled by a series of large growth faults, the westernmost of which probably coincided with the eastern edge of the
South American Plate. A number of eastward younging depocentres
resulted in sediment thicknesses in excess of 30,000 feet.
6. The Barbados Accretionary Prism occupies the deep and ultra
deep water off the eastern offshore areas, as far east as the outer
deformation front. It includes a series of mini-basins in the central
area, where mud diapirism and mud volcanoes are frequent. Further
to the east, a series of toe thrusts can be found, together with a
number of piggy-back basins. To the south, the deformation front
changes from a north-south lineation to southwest-northest. Sediment
thickness in the area east of Trinidad can be as great as 20 km as a
result of terrigenous sediment input from mainly the Orinoco.

Persad et al, 1980

The Trinmar Study looked extensively at oils and source rocks. It
was the first identification of Cretaceous rocks as the source. It was
the first documentation of the gas-prone nature and immaturity of
most Tertiary source rocks samples from Southern Basin onshore
and offshore, Caroni Basin and Central Range. (Figure 13).
Rodrigues, 1988 Study Onshore Southern Basin
Similar conclusions were drawn by Rodrigues, as follows:
Naparima Hill organic rich oil-prone.
Gautier organic rich oil and gas-prone both immature and
Cuche over-mature and gas-prone.
Figure 13

Pull-apart Basin are probably underlain by attenuated South

American transitional to proto-Caribbean crust. The ANR Terrane
seemingly has been transported about 200kms from the west/
northwest and probably has undergone no significant rotation.
The eastern edge of the South American Plate is probably
the westernmost growth fault in the Columbus Basin, with the
remaining growth-faulted area to the east being underlain by
attenuated South American Crust. The areas further to the east are
underlain by Atlantic Crust.

The Petroleum Geochemistry of the Trinidad Area

An understanding of the geochemistry and petroleum systems is the
single most important key to successful exploration world-wide and
Trinidad and Tobago is no exception. The account of the geochemistry
which follows is based on extensive work carried out mainly by the
author and colleagues. It includes the analyses of numerous samples
of potential source rocks and oils and condensates from virtually
every field and discovery in the Trinidad area.
We first look at the source rock to oil correlations, then the
geochemistry of the oils and oil alteration processes. In the
section that follows we will look at the petroleum provinces and
petroleum systems present and future.

7. The Atlantic Abyssal Plain is located east and southeast of

the Barbados Accretionary Prism and in the southwestern area,
Orinoco deep sea fan sediments can be found.

Source Rocks

Crustal Types and Plate Tectonic Boundaries

The Tobago Terrane is underlain by (proto-Caribbean) island arc
type volcanics of mid-Cretaceous age, and the entire terrane has
been transported some 600 km from the west and rotated almost
90 degrees.
The Araya-Northern Range (ANR) Terrane and the Gulf of Paria

The main source rock has been found to be the Upper Cretaceous
Naparima Hill and Gautier formations. Several studies showed
them to be excellent quality oil-prone source rocks from deep
water marine shales or marine mixed with terrigenous material.
Most of these studies are summarised below:

Talukdar, Dow and Persad, 1989

This new study which included Central Range and Southern Basin
Cretaceous rocks confirmed all of the above findings except that
the Cuche was found to be more variable in organic richness. It
was found to be a mixed oil and gas source, and it was found to
be often over-mature.
Requejo et al, 1994
They made a detailed geochemical characterisation of the
Cretaceous Southern Basin shales. Their findings were:
Naparima Hill and Gautier are rich in type II (marine source).
The organic material was both immature to mature, with excellent
oil-generating potential and was best in clastic starved lithofacies.

Summary of Cretaceous Source Rocks

The Naparima Hill and Gautier are both excellent oil source
rocks. They vary from type II to type II/III. Both were deposited
in relatively deep water under anoxic conditions.
Their age equivalents are widely distributed across northern South
America where they are equally important oil-prone source rocks.

Tertiary Source Rocks

Several studies have documented the generally immature, gasprone nature of the Tertiary shales:
Persad et al, 1980
Rodriguez,1988 and 1998
Talukdar, Dow and Persad, 1989
The single exception is probably the Brasso shales of the Cipero
Formation, a mid-Tertiary terrigenous oil source rock which
provided the source for the light, very waxy Couva marine oil.
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petroleum geology and prospects

petroleum geology and prospects

decreasing depth and heavier and waxier with increasing depth.

1. Biodegradation
Widely recognised and long known. It results in:
Decrease in API Gravity, gas to oil ratio and light hydrocarbon
Increase in viscosity and sulphur content.
It is caused by oils coming into contact with meteoric water
carrying aerobic microbes. It is recognised by the character of
the HRGCs and from C7 analyses.

Figure 14

This was supported by the work of Tocco et al, 1994, who

looked at the Carapita shales in Eastern Venezuela. They are of
a similar age and are similar nature and source potential to the
Brasso according to Rodriguez, 1998.

Oil to Source Correlations

The conclusion is clear: Most oils are sourced from the largely
marine Upper Cretaceous source rocks. There is one unique
oil: the Couva Marine oil which has a mid-Tertiary terrigenous
source. (Figure 14).

Geochemistry of Oils and Condensates

Oil is found mostly in the Southern Basin and Columbus Basin
in reservoirs ranging from Miocene to Pleistocene. The oil is of
one genetic type (except Couva Marine). This was supported
by a series of earlier studies, most of which focused on the
source. There is considerable evidence to correlate oils with the
Naparima Hill and Gautier formations, as summarised above. In
addition, alteration processes have long been recognised:
1. Biodegradation, long known and widely recognised.
2. Evaporative fractionation recognised by Talukdar and Persad,
1989 and 1995. They also recognised that biodegradation,
evaporative fractionation and mixing of oil and gas condensates
have affected most Trinidad oils. Very few whole oils are known
(as in the Tabaquite field, for example).
3. Evaporative fractionation may have been caused by migration
of gas into previously reservoired oil and remigration of oil and
gas along vertical or near vertical faults.
4. These oils become progressively lighter and more aromatic with

100 Years of Petroleum in Trinidad and Tobago

2. Evaporative Fractionation
This process was defined by Thompson, 1987, and is less widely
recognised. It is caused by pressure loss or introduction of
migrating gas. It results in progressively lighter more aromatic
oils and condensates with decreasing depth, then gas with
condensate, then dry gas and in progressively heavier and waxier
oils with increasing depth.
It is recognised by abnormal HRGCs which show abnormally
increased light ends and little or no heavies and the fact that C7
analyses show normal expulsion temperature. It is also recognised
by an increase in the Toluene/n-Heptane versus n-Heptane/
Methylcyclohexane, as illustrated opposite. (Figure 15).

Petroleum Provinces and Petroleum Systems

Currently Known
Trinidad and Tobago has long been a hydrocarbon province. In
fact, 2008 saw the marking of the 100th anniversary of commercial
oil production, although exploration started earlier.
Geographic Provinces
To date we have produced almost 4 billion barrels (bn bbl) of oil
from three geographic provinces and almost 10 trillion cubic feet
(tcf) of gas. The three geographic provinces in order of the oldest
to the newest are the land province, the Gulf of Paria and the East
Coast Area. Most of the gas has come from the Columbus Basin
off the east coast and more recently from the North Coast Marine
Area. The geographic provinces bear no direct relationship,
however, to the petroleum systems from which the hydrocarbons
are produced. We will discuss briefly below the known petroleum
systems and their relationship to oil and gas produced to date.
Petroleum Systems
It is our opinion that the best way to understand the distribution of
petroleum accumulations is to use the petroleum systems approach.

The author has in the past described up to ten petroleum systems.

But they perhaps can be grouped, for ease of understanding, into
three main groupingsmega-systems so to speak, as follows:

The Oligo-Miocene Mega System

This mega system, like most of the known systems in Trinidad,
has the Naparima Hill/Gautier as the source rock. The reservoir
rocks are the Oligocene and Lower-Middle Miocene rocks which
all lie within the fold and thrust belt. They were all charged with
hydrocarbons during a first phase of maturation, migration and
entrapment during various pulses of tectonic activity in the
sequential oblique collision of the Caribbean Plate with the
northern margin of South America.
The major fields discovered to date have the four Lower Miocene
members of the Cipero Formation as reservoirs, namely Nariva,
Retrench, Herrera and Karamat-Herrera. More recently the
Angostura field complex was discovered offshore eastern Toco area
and it has the Lower Oligocene Angostura sands as its reservoir.
The two systems recognised by the author are:
The Gautier/Naparima Hill-Cipero System
The Gautier/Naparima Hill-Angostura System
The former has produced over 200 mn bbl of oil to date and the
latter around 40 mn. Recently a gas discovery has been made
onshore in the Herrera sands, with probable gas reserves of
around 500 billion cubic feet (bcf). The Angostura discovery is in
fact mainly gas. To the present (January 2009) all the gas has been
re-injected but that should change shortly with the depletion of
the oil. It is estimated that there are about 1.5-2 tcf of gas reserves
in the complex.

The Western Pliocene Mega System

This mega-system contains all the fields within the Southern Basin
which have the Morne LEnfer, Forest and Cruse formations as
their reservoirs and which lie in the western onshore Trinidad
and in the southern Gulf of Paria. In addition, it encompasses
the fields within the other small piggy-back basins onshore south
Trinidad, comprising shallow Barrackpore, Catshill, Inniss-Trinity
and Goudron.
All are characterised by the fact that the oils are re-migrated
from deeper reservoired oils and many are bio-degraded. The
major petroleum system recognised by the author is the Gautier/
Naparima Hill-Cruse/Forest/M LEnfer System. This mega system,
like most of the known systems in T&T, has the Naparima Hill/
Gautier as the source rock.
The principal reservoir rocks in this system are the Cruse,

Figure 15

Forest and Morne LEnfer marginal marine sands of Pliocene age.

This petroleum system is to date the largest known contributor
to oil production in the country having produced an estimated
2 mn bbl of oil to date.

The Columbus Basin Mega System

This mega system encompasses all the oil and gas fields within
the eastern offshore of Trinidad, except the recent Angostura and
other discoveries which lie to the north. Like most of the known
systems in T&T, it has the Naparima Hill/Gautier as the source
rock for the oil and condensate. Approximately 40-50 per cent
of the gas is thermogenic, with the remainder being biogenic.
The Gautier/Naparima Hill-Gros Morne System is the principal
system recognised and contains virtually all of the hydrocarbons
produced to date. This mega system, like most of the known
systems in T&T, has the Naparima Hill/Gautier as the source rock.
The principal reservoir rocks are of Pliocene and Pleistocene age
and belong to the Gros Morne Group.The major oilfields known to
date are Teak, Poui, Samaan, Galeota and Ibis, which together have
produced over a bn bbl of oil. In addition there are at least ten large
gasfields discovered to date. Currently production of gas from this
area is about 3.5 bcf/day and cumulative is about 10 tcf.

The Gulf of Paria Mega System

This mega system contains the large oilfields in the southwestern
part of the Gulf of Paria Pull-apart Basin as well as several smaller
oil and gas fields which lie further to the north. There are two
known petroleum systems as follows:
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The Gautier Naparima Hill-Manzanilla/Springvale System

This petroleum system is found in the southern flank of the
Caroni Basin onshore and offshore in the Gulf of Paria. It also
extends into the eastern offshore, for example, throughout the
southern flank of the pull-apart basin.
This system shares the Naparima Hill with the Southern Basin
and the Columbus Basin as the principal source, with the Gautier
as a secondary source. The principal reservoir rocks are the
Manzanilla and Springvale Formations of the Mio-Pliocene age.
This system has so far yielded commercial production from the
North Soldado oilfield which has produced over 200 mn bbl of
oil to date. There are several other smaller fields, most of which
contain heavy oil and are undeveloped or under-developed.
The Cipero-Brasso/Manzanilla Petroleum System
This system is present in the Caroni Basin where the very waxy
light oil produced from the very small Couva Marine Field is
now known to be different in source from the Naparima Hill/
Gautier. The source is the Tertiary Cipero shales which in the
Caroni basin may have been deposited in a more restricted
environment than that further south.
Couva Marine Field produces from Manzanilla Sands and this
is expected to form one of the main reservoirs for this petroleum
system. A second potentially more important reservoir is the
Brasso sand member of the Cipero shale which is expected to be
present in the Gulf and western onshore portions of the Caroni
Pull-apart Basin.

The North Coast Marine Area

This has now become an important gas producing area which
currently produces about 500 mcf/day of gas, which is virtually
pure methane and only 20 bbls/day of liquids. All of this gas has
been interpreted as biogenic gas. The major fields and discoveries
lie along the crest of a basement related uplift which trends east/
northeast-west/southwest and is known as the Patao High. It

Figure 16


100 Years of Petroleum in Trinidad and Tobago

separates the Caracolito Sub-basin in the north/northwest from

the Paria Sub-Basin to the south. The gas is produced from midPliocene reservoirs. There is no known liquid petroleum system
in this area, although the author has speculated on the possible
presence of an active system within the Caracolito Sub-basin,
whose source would be Cretaceous in age.

Future Petroleum Provinces

There are several other hypothetical and speculative petroleum
systems that have been postulated by the author, which will not
be discussed here except to say that they are expected to occur
within two main geographic areas.
Caracolito sub-basin
The first is within the Caracolito sub-basin, to the extreme northwest of the territory of T&T, where liquid hydocarbons, most
likely condensate with gas are expected to occur. The source is
postulated to be upper to middle Cretaceous. (Figure 16).
Ultra Deep Water Atlantic Margin
The second geographic area is much larger and comprises the
extreme eastern portion of T&Ts territory. It lies with the ultra deep
eastern offshore area. Geologically the area comprises the toethrust portion of the Barbados Accretionary prism. Reservoirs are
expected to be younger deep water sandstones of Plio-Pleistocene
age originating from the Orinoco Delta. Source of the oils are also
expected to be upper to middle Cretaceous rocks.

Our belief is that there are significant resources of oil and gas
remaining to be found in the various geologic basins of Trinidad
and Tobago. The estimate by various industry professionals as
well as that given in the Rider Scott report of around 60 tcf of gas
remaining is to our mind good and if anything is on the low side.
This includes the 30 tcf or so of proven, probable and possible gas
already identified.
There is probably another 2-3 bn bbl of oil yet to be found, over
and above which is about 1 bn which consists of already identified
proven, probable and possible. In addition there are perhaps a
further 3 bn bbl which is potentially recoverable using enhanced
recovery methods like carbon dioxide. CO2 is in fact a resource
we have in abundance as a by-product of petro-manufacture of
products like ammonia at Point Lisas. In other words we have
another 100 years of hydrocarbon production remaining at rates
more or less similar to current rates of production which are 4.5
bcf/day of gas and 120,000 bbl/day of oil.

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