Strategic Direction 1

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Strategic Direction 1: Student Learning




Products and Practices

To nurture engaged, life-long learners

whose abilities, passions, wellbeing and
results are optimized by professional
teaching practices and individualised
learning opportunities.

Students: Increased student

engagement and learning through
developing relationships with mentors.

Students develop ownership and

responsibility of their coursework and

Students are given the resources and

opportunity to develop a yearly planner
incorporating school activities and


Engage learners in all KLAs resulting in

increased positive results across whole
school including indigenous and support

Staff: Developing modern, professional

teaching practices and creating and
maintaining positive relationships with
students during their senior schooling.

Amendments are made to the HSC

Exam policy stating that all students
are to remain for the entire HSC exam.

All staff collaborates to finalise

assessment planner for clear
communication across the school.

Teachers are given the opportunity to

Team Teach within and across KLAs.

Larger focus on Chifley Day, teacher v

student activities, leadership camp and
other external activities.

Faculties establish relationships with

post school organisations that are
relevant to their KLAs.

Improvement Measures

Significant increase in engagement

and positive results across the entire
Improve relationships between
students, teachers and the

Parents/Carers: Engagement and

participation of parents/carers in
students learning through positive
feedback from the school.
Community Partners: Establish and
maintain strong partnerships with post
school organisations and the local
Aboriginal community. These networks
are to help mentor students and help with
connectedness and engagement of all
students with the community.

A school wide assessment plan is


Improve practices relating to organisation

and quality of assessments and coursework
with both students and staff.

Increase the link between school and post

school opportunities to improve students
post school success.

Improve student teacher communication

by every student having a teacher mentor

Increase teacher student relationship

outside of the classroom-learning

Evaluation Plan
Internal: Twice a term reporting against
milestones by the Student Learning group;
feedback from project teams; focus group
sessions and a staff survey.
External Validation: Engage an academic
to review the effectiveness of

Developing a well established, clearly

communicated and accountable teacher
mentoring program.

Implementation of regular student - teacher

activities to develop positive student
teacher relationships

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